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Saturday, April 06, 2024

Validating his fetish / Surgery Success / Who’s Afraid of Liv Hewson?

MTF: "You! Validate my fetish! I need to show your kid!"
Normal person: "No thank you! *disintegrates MTF with laser beam from eyes*

The above is a more realistic take on a pro-trans comic (which of course iFunny is okay with):

MTF: "I LOVE being trans"
Normal person: "You! Justify your happiness to me! Debate me no-"
MTF: "No thank you! *disintegrates normal person with laser beam from eyes and happily walks off*"

Why are MTFs always so violent?


Mia @_CryMiaRiver: "Who’s Afraid of Liv Hewson?

Me. I’m afraid. I’m afraid because I know that these glam shots glorifying her medically unnecessary bilateral mastectomy are going to trigger a wave of teenage girls and young women going down the same destructive path.

Just as Princess Diana’s bulimia triggered a wave of women binging and purging, Karen Carpenter’s anorexia triggered an epidemic of anorexia, and Jazz Jennings unleashed a flood of “trans kids,” this photoshoot is going to set off a cascade of young women seeking mastectomies as the remedy for their misery.

The role of the media is crucial in these contagions. This ghastly photoshoot will plant the dangerous idea in the minds of vulnerable teenage girls that if they hate their developing breasts, having them amputated is the perfectly natural and healthy solution.

In the 19th century, there was an epidemic of hysteria, and one remedy was the surgical removal of healthy ovaries. Women who had imbibed the cultural narrative of the age would fixate on their ovaries and plead with surgeons to perform the surgery.

Today, we find ourselves witnessing the same horror, with vulnerable women, swept up in the epidemic of our time, believing that the surgical removal of their healthy breasts, and sometimes the ovaries and uterus as well, is the miracle cure for their unhappiness.

Young people no more need trans role models than they do anorexic, bulimic, or hysteric role models, and every media outlet that glamorises the demolition of healthy bodies in this way sacrifices countless young people to this medical crime."

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