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Friday, April 05, 2024

Links - 5th April 2024 (3 - Women)

Attractive female students no longer earned higher grades when classes moved online during COVID-19 - "attractive students earn higher grades in school, but for female students, this beauty premium disappears when classes are taught remotely... One account suggests that the beauty advantage can be explained by discrimination. For example, employers may inherently favor attractive over unattractive workers. Another perspective suggests that beauty is a productivity-enhancing attribute. This view suggests that attractiveness lends itself to higher productivity, for example, through increased self-confidence... When analyzing the data, Mehic first found evidence of the beauty premium in traditional in-person instruction. For non-quantitative courses (e.g., business, economics) that were taught fully online, student attractiveness was positively correlated with student grades. However, this effect was not found for quantitative courses (e.g., math, physics). This was in line with the researcher’s expectations since non-quantitative classes tend to include assignments and presentations that encourage student-teacher interaction, while quantitative classes are often graded entirely through final exams.  The results next revealed that the switch to online instruction eliminated the beauty premium — but only for female students. For non-quantitative courses, attractive female students saw a decline in their grades with remote instruction, while attractive male students continued to enjoy a beauty advantage. According to the study author, these findings suggest that discrimination most likely explains the beauty premium for female students, who no longer had higher grades when classes turned remote. But for male students, who continued to see higher grades with attractiveness even when student-teacher interaction was low, beauty seems to be a productivity-enhancing attribute...   “I was surprised by the fact that male students continued to perform better when teaching was online,” Mehic said. In his study, he discussed several reasons why physical attractiveness might enhance productivity for male students.  For one, male students who are physically attractive tend to be more persistent and have a greater influence on their peers. Attractive people also tend to have more social skills, which has been linked to creativity. Since non-quantitative courses tend to involve creative assignments and group work, men who are more attractive — and thus, more socially skilled and creative — might be more likely to excel in this coursework."

Meme - "Norman, Oklahoma
Erica, 21
Exact match
This person meets all your preferences.
I'm currently pregnant with my first child and I'm looking for a serious relationship and I'd like to be able to move in with you right away
Looking for long-term relationship
Located in Gainesville, Texas
*Smokes* Occasionally
Has kids"

Meme - The A.V. Club: "The Argylle star thinks sex scenes are overused unless they're actually doing something for the plot"
"Henry Cavill doesn't understand the need for sex scenes."
Brent Black: "it gives actresses a big chance to say they are put upon by patriarchal norms. so don't try to take them away Henry. Or else you're a terrible person. (Having it both ways is a woman's prerogative, I am told.)"

Meme - "Time magazines definition of a perfect body in 1955
Nope. that's a pornstar, Aria Giovanni. Born in 1977.
REAL model from 1955"

Cop-gone-wild, 28, will get $500,000 PAYDAY after suing city claiming she was sexually groomed by her 'predator' superiors - after she was fired for sex romps with seven officers - "Tennessee cop-gone-wild Maegan Hall settled her lawsuit with the city of La Vergne for $500,000 after she was fired when an internal probe revealed her raunchy romps with six male officers that involved games of 'strip-Uno' and foot fetish photos.   The 28-year-old was fired in January 2023 after it was first discovered that she had sexual relationships with several cops in the suburban-Nashville department - some who have been terminated, others suspended.   The rookie cop hit back in a federal lawsuit, claiming she was groomed and abused by lecherous superiors, including Police Chief Burrel 'Chip' Davis and Sgt. Lewis Powell, a 15-year law enforcement veteran... Hall was having sex with multiple fellow officers - including officer Lewis Powell - and they had carried out sex acts while on duty.   When interviewed in the investigation, Hall said she had played games of 'strip Uno' exchanged foot fetish photos and played out wife swapping sessions with fellow officers.   During one interview about the affairs, Hall said: 'I got stupid, I got desperate, I guess, and guys are guys and they'll stick their d**k in anything.'   While discussing her affair with Powell, she said at one point they had carried out sex acts on police property, she said: 'I just gave him a blowjob in the substation.  'Me and my husband were kind of on the verge of a divorce and I just cracked and then it just kind of got out of hand.'... In the aftermath, Hall claimed that she had been 'sexually groomed' by her 'predator' superiors and had tried to 'kill herself.'... 'Throughout the year 2022, Officer Hall slept around with a number of other police officers,' the lawsuit reads.  The suit also claims that Hall then had a mental breakdown and La Vergne Mayor, Jason Cole, found out she had been sleeping with multiple officers and decided to 'get to the bottom of the situation and uncover every juicy detail.' Hall told officers she was in an open marriage and tried to recruit her husband Jedidiah for swinging sessions, but he was not on board"
Women have no agency

Meme - "Well my boyfriend said this, not the answer I wanted"
"If you could live inside of me what part of my body would you live in?"
"Your pussy why"
"Your not sweet at all that's the most basic not caring answer"
"Like what u wamt me say your heart i would die of hypothermia cuz it's so cold. I guess I can live in your head. I'd have a lot of room"

Meme - "Wife: "I'm Pissed"
Husband: Again or Still"

Meme - "My girlfriend: Ugh I've had such a stressful day
Me: I've got just the thing for that! *Ord from Dragon Tales and giant penis*"

Meme - "Rudy, 29
Looking for a girl to support me and my 3 kids because I don't have a job or car. I have 4 felony's and I'm on probation for 5 years. I drink everyday and smoke all the time so I need a girl who makes 6 figures. Don't waste my time I know my worth"

Anēsa♡ on X - "A virgin man and a virgin woman are NOT the same.   I’m a virgin by CHOICE.   A virgin man (if not for religious reasons) is a virgin simply because he CAN NOT attract ANY women.   Please stop trying to conflate the two."


Meme - Authoritarian Left: Kim Yo Jong
- Will show you her real Communism
- Will give you your own tank
- Will never let you get fat
Authoritarian Right: Abby Shapiro.
- Honest to goodness Trad-Wife.
- Will introduce you to her brother at Thanksgiving
- Will convert you into the Jew you've always secretly wished you could be.
Libertarian Left: This Guy (Jari Jones - Black trans woman in Calvin Klein ad)
- PoC
- Female* (As far as you care.)
- Body positive
Libertarian Right: Belle Delphine
- Is an extremely successful entrepreneur
- Probably doesn't pay taxes
- Acts like a 12 year old"

Meme - "Bro maybe I should try some dating sites
:The dating sites *fat woman* *white woman with black baby* *OnlyFans girl showing bikini* *MTF*"

Meme - "you can get real s*x with the money you wasted on onlyfans subscription"
Keywords: Real sex

Meme - "r/Weird
"Arthur (18) films his mother Andressa (36) in sex videos for OnlyFans: "I don't feel any lust for her"
"It's time to film me getting gangbanged"
"Yes Mom"
Weird-ModTeam: "Removed: not that weird. Only thing weird about this is that OP made a meme."

Meme - "Miss Germany *old, ugly darker skinned woman*
Miss Lebanon *young, pretty, fair woman*"

Meme - "Miss Germany 2024
Random cashier at Aldi"

Meme - Sad Asian Girl: "Remembering ill never be able to bust in someone cause ima girl"


Meme - Barbie with black baby: "Heyyy, Ken. I'm back from the real world and I'm ready to settle down now."
Ken: "It's too late for that Barbie, I've moved on."
Ken with Sydney Sweeney: "Hey honey, who's this?"

Two people are dating and the woman mentions that she is saving sex for her husband and the guy is cool with that and then he mentions that they should go always go Dutch for dates because he is saving money for his wife. The I woman points out that it's not cool that he not take her on dates just because she doesn't want to have sex. He mentions that's not the case at all but clarifies that just like sex, finances should be reserved for marriage. Is he wrong?"


Meme - "My vagina... my period... hahaha. Thank you for attending my comedy show"
"We thought this "comedy" show was about women not by women"
"Me too guys"

Meme - "I'm so sorry I cheated on you. I was ovulating. I'm just a female and it's in my biological nature to want to reproduce approx 10 days after my cycle. So pls don't be mad pookie. I'm just a silly emotional woman with no control over my estrogen :(
Idk what happened to me in that moment pookie"

Meme - "Cleavage. Something you can look down on and approve of at the same time"

Meme - "Girls keyboard when they are chatting with a guy they don't like
*only letters are o, h, k, m*"

The Myth of ‘Mom Hair’ - "why do long-haired women feel the need to chop their hair after having a baby in the first place? Part of it, I realize, is biology. The wild hormonal roller coaster that is pregnancy often includes the happy benefit of lustrous, shiny, thicker than normal hair while you’re expecting—and the not-so-nice reality that it can go away when your body begins to stabilize after delivery. The scientific term for this type of hair-shedding is postpartum telogen effluvium, and while it’s often erroneously pointed to as hair loss, it’s actually just a delay in losing the strands your scalp would naturally have cast off had you not been pregnant... The three-month milestone that docs point to as the start of hair shedding comes when you’re just starting to regain some grasp on reality. Prior to that marker, I probably could have gone completely bald and wouldn’t have cared. The first few weeks and months are about survival, tinged by terrifying sleep deprivation and a bone-deep exhaustion I’d never known before. Then, just as you’re getting the tiniest bit of your groove back, you’re hit with another physical injustice...  Along with hormonal changes, motherhood brings an aspect of casting about for a new identity or a physical way to claim yourself, similar to how we talk about breakup haircuts. The new mantle of mother and caregiver is a heavy one to bear; cutting inches off to try a new do—or get closer to the hair you knew prebaby—is a quick way to put a stake in the ground...  Pop culture went on to attach mom hair to the soccer mom persona. Urban Dictionary defines it as “short, easily managed, but completely unfeminine and unflattering haircut.” In 2007, TLC reality TV show Jon & Kate Plus 8 premiered, and Kate Gosselin’s spiked coif was relentlessly referenced in the zeitgeist. The irony is that Gosselin’s mom hair is a perfect example of a cropped look that is not “easily managed” and definitely harder to style than long hair, which can be swept up into a ponytail as needed...  There’s another undeniable part of mom hair. Time is at a premium; alone time is a treasured gift not to be squandered"

Mum-of-8 on benefits 'addicted to pregnancy and doesn't care people call her trashy' - "A mum-of-eight who lives off benefits says she's addicted to pregnancy and doesn't care people call her trashy or lazy.  Marie Buchan, who is known as "Octomum", says she doesn't care people think she's only having babies for money.  The single mum, from Birmingham, first hit headlines when she appeared on the Channel 4 show Only Human in 2016... the mum has come under fire for appearing to use her state handouts to fund a lavish lifestyle.  She sparked outrage when she appeared on This Morning saying life was better on benefits and she would spend her wages on a boob job.  Last year she saved up for a boob job through car boot sales and part-time work to cover the operation rather than dip into her benefits."
All her kids seem to be of the same colour...

Meme - "Is it gay to imagine my whore ex getting railed to lift harder at the gym?
Lately I’ve been using this strategy to optimize my testosterone when lifting. For example, I’ll be doing bench press and when I feel myself nearing muscle failure, I imagine my cheating slut ex girlfriend who broke my heart getting plowed in all of her holes.  I’ll feel myself running out of steam, and I vividly picture her sucking and fucking various men of all ages and races, usually many at a time (over 18, no Asians or Indians).  I was squatting 315 on the Planet Fitness smith machine, and felt my spine giving out around rep 37. Suddenly the image popped in my mind: her getting Eiffel Towered by my dad and best friend. I began screaming so loud the Lunk Alarm went on for a solid minute, but I was able to squeeze out that final 38th rep. I couldn’t walk for three days, but my glutes were so fucking pumped.  I am finding that my strength has gone through the roof, but am concerned this is making me gay. Sometimes when I picture that lying whore getting railed by huge veiny cocks, I feel myself getting hard. Should I stop and risk losing gains, or keep going and risk homosexuality?
4” long, 8” girth"

Meme - "Waiting for a pounding when you get home daddy"
"Seriously... again?!"
"Shit sorry Dad"

Jay on X - "If her titties big, it's bc they filled with lies"

Meme - "That doesn't sound very helpful"
"I'll stick it in your mouth and clit"
"You're going to stick your probe in my clit?"
"You can't stick anything in a clit, it's not a hole"
"It's not a hole"
"I'll make one"
"You're going to make a hole in my clit???"
"Do you know what a clit is"

Why Are So Many Mormons Getting Boob Jobs? - "Interstate 15, the highway that passes through the so-called "Mormon corridor" in Utah, named for its path through some of the most populated Mormon areas. Billboards advertising plastic surgery are "everywhere," according to residents.  "At least half of the billboards have to do with teeth whitening, Lasik surgery, cellulite reduction or any sort of plastic surgery," says one Utah resident. "It's pretty crazy. People comment on it all the time."  And it seems like billboard advertising is effective, at least in this case. According to a study released by RealSelf, residents of ultra-conservative, ultra-religious Utah definitely have plastic surgery on the brain -- and, well, the boobs. The state is responsible for the highest number of Web searches for breast augmentation procedures, beating out more obvious locations like California and Florida. Surprised by this statistic? It's not the first time Utah's plastic surgery prevalence has been documented. In 2007, the mostly Mormon state (over 60 percent of the overall population is Mormon, with over 80 percent documented in some counties) made headlines when Forbes named Salt Lake City America's Vainest City, because of the high number of plastic surgeons per capita...   "There are things about Utah that are unique, and I think those things happen when you get a large, homogenous group together, living together for a long time."  Nineteen-year-old Utah resident and ex-Mormon Elizabeth Folsom*, who left the church about two years ago, agrees, linking the high instance of plastic surgery among Utah residents to a culture that she says is driven by perfectionism.    "The Mormons in Utah are surrounded by other Mormons. They aren't automatically 'better' than their neighbors, because their neighbors are Latter Day Saints (LDS), too," says Folsom. Her stepfather, a bishopric (translation for non-Mormons: "head honcho") of his ward, bought her mother two breast augmentations over the course of their 13-year marriage. He also gifted his new wife, whom he married a few years after their divorce, with breast implants. She says that Mormons in Utah turn to external methods (e.g. plastic surgery) to feel that they are fulfilling their potential for perfection, a goal that de Azevedo Hanks says may be derived from scripture but is misconstrued socially.  "There are some Mormon doctrine issues that come into play that I think are misunderstood," says de Azevedo Hanks. She's referring to an oft-cited passage from the Bible's New Testament, Matthew 5:48, which reads, "Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."...   "There is this weird thing in Utah," says Smith, who lives in Utah but formerly resided in Los Angeles. "In Los Angeles, people accept you for who you are and being different is valued, but here it's very 'keeping up with the Joneses.' You have to try to be perfect, everyone is kind of cookie-cutter and everyone looks the same. I think that the [popularity of] plastic surgery has to do with the image of being perfect. That's very big in Mormon culture. If you're different, you're kind of ostracized."...   The statistics are especially puzzling because of the stance the Mormon church has taken on altering one's body. According to the official LDS website, Mormons are instructed, "You would not paint a temple with dark pictures or symbols or graffiti or even initials. Do not do so with your body." The church took an official stance against piercings and tattoos a few years ago.  Gretta Whalen -- an LDS member, former Utah resident and daughter to the director of the breast care center at Salt Lake Regional Medical Center -- says that the double standard was puzzling in her youth. "Growing up, I knew that there were women in my congregation who had their breasts done. But I also knew that if someone had a tattoo, a visible, obviously defiant behavior, that that was unacceptable. Yet plastic surgery was OK."...   With so many Mormons interested in breast augmentations, why is it that the general population associates them with door-to-door Bible pushing, shirts under sundresses and football-league-sized families rather than a people in pursuit of perky breasts?  Smith suggests it's because plastic surgery is very hush-hush in Utah. "[Plastic surgeries are] kept secret. People have this image of being perfect, and if you tell them you got boobs to make you perfect, that makes you less perfect. [Plastic surgery] happens, and everyone does it, but, no, we don't really talk about it."  Whalen says that those who get their breasts augmented don't volunteer the information, perhaps because of an unspoken pressure to look beautiful without really trying. "Mormon women hold themselves to a higher standard of natural beauty," she emphasizes. "If they do invest in their looks, they don't talk about it -- like if they get laser hair removal, or if they're not naturally blonde anymore. It kind of feels like the '50s sometimes."  In other words, Utah's Mormons are expected to be able to take a flawless #wokeuplikethis selfie at any given time... Mormons are encouraged to get married very young and have children almost immediately. Like Adam and Eve, church members are told to multiply and replenish the earth -- which leaves them with a brood of children and a body that, while still relatively young, is unrecognizable to them.  "These girls go from basically being teenagers to having three, four, five kids by the time they're 30," says Whalen. "Having children in a short amount of time really changes your body, and all they want is to have what they had before. It's a restorative process.""

Meme - ""They're the opposite of everything my ideology stands for but I still kinda want to smash" Starter Pack
Authoritarian Left: Ivanka Trump
Authoritarian Right: Kim Yo Jong
Libertarian Left: Abby Shapiro
Libertarian Right: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC)"

9 Things That Make a Man Seem Creepy - "Women regularly experience creepy behaviors. 82 percent of women reported experiencing creepy behavior "sometimes," "often," or "constantly."
Men avoid women out of fear of being creepy. 44 percent of men said the fear of being creepy “reduces their likelihood of interacting with women” generally, which jumps to 53 percent of men who reported that they are single.
There are 9 creepy behaviors men should avoid. Some are more obvious than others. The complete list is (1) staring, (2) unwanted contact on social media, (3) inappropriate comments, (4) controlling behaviors, (5) won’t accept "no," (6) unwanted physical contact, (7) pressure for sex, (8) clinginess, and (9) physical stalking...
For online dating specifically, here are three tips:
Get an outside opinion on your photos.
Be as specific as possible with your written bio and prompts.
Your profile’s performance will reflect the effort you put into it...
My number one tip for men, generally, is to depersonalize rejection. A woman’s interest in you can depend on hundreds of factors that aren’t only outside of your control, but also may be entirely unrelated to you. Accept that rejection is part of the process. It often has nothing to do with your approach, and even when it does, rejection doesn’t reflect a character flaw or personal shortcoming so much as an opportunity to improve yourself."

Meme - "When I manage to get him hard for a third round
The Witch: "I be the witch of the wood""

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