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Thursday, November 09, 2023

Links - 9th November 2023 (Women)

Meme - "Woman on Death Row"
"What do you want for your last meal?"
"I don't know. What do you want?"

Meme - "Addie 33
Love God
Virgin (willing to change for the right person ;))
Single momma!
Love to travel, go on hikes, work ou..."

Meme - Kay1 @YamssssDTX: "I miss when we was young fucking for tattoos this shit high as hell"
@SSZEXXYY: "i found my ppl !! thought it was just me giving it up for tats and weeds cause wtf i look like paying when i got a pussy"

Meme - "Why is this "mommy gf" shit so fucking popular with modern men? I have genuinely never seena a single zoomer say he wants to be a leader and wants a submissive gf. You know that old study how two men kissing gives straight people the same emotional response as maggots? Same here. Every time I see someone post "I want a tall, muscly tomboy gf carry me in her arms and rape me" it's like I am looking at a bowl of maggots. What went wrong with them?"
"you've got a whole generation of young men who were raised by single moms, taught by women, rejected by girls their age, basically every woman they've known has treated them like shit their entire lives. so their ultimate fantasy is to find a woman who nurtures and loves them unconditionally"

Why are women unhappier than men around the world? - "For years, researchers have puzzled over a phenomenon known as the “female happiness paradox.” A number of global surveys found that women experience higher levels of life satisfaction than men—but also higher levels of stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions. Meanwhile, a well-known 2009 study found that American women’s self-reported happiness had fallen in the decades since the 1970s, even as the gender equality movement made important strides.  So are women happy or not? A new working paper, from the National Bureau of Economic Research, claims to have solved the paradox. Labor economists David Blanchflower and Alex Bryson analyze global data and conclude that “women are always and everywhere more unhappy than men.”  The authors explain that the female happiness paradox emerged in part because of the types of questions researchers ask. If surveys ask men and women about how satisfied they are with their lives, trends may vary depending on where they live, the year, or even the season. Including controls for other factors besides gender (such as marital status) can also muddy the results; for example, it’s not necessarily clear whether marriage makes people happier, or if happier people are more likely to get married.  By contrast, “if you look at unhappiness metrics—sadness, anxiety, depression, loneliness—women are less happy than men,” says Bryson, a professor of quantitative social science at University College London. “It’s pretty much a constant, and it’s been that way for a long time.” The finding holds across countries and over different time periods."
Blaming sexism (the usual excuse) is silly because less sexism leads to a bigger unhappiness gap

Couple : «Femme qui rit est à moitié dans ton lit», la preuve scientifique ! - "C’est bien connu : un homme pas terrible physiquement peut très bien séduire une jeune femme s’il possède un humour ravageur. Quoi qu’elles en disent, les femmes adorent se faire taquiner, d’où l’adage « Femme qui rit est à moitié dans ton lit ». Une croyance populaire que les chercheurs ont voulu soumettre à l’épreuve de la science. Pour ce faire, des médecins de la Stanford School of Medicine ont réalisé une étude publiée dans Social Neuroscience... le cerveau émotionnel des fillettes (associé à la récompense, l’amygdale), répondait plus aux vidéos comiques. De leur côté, les garçons aimaient davantage les vidéos « positives ». « Nos données, pour la première fois, révèlent que les différences sexuelles dans l’appréciation de l’humour existent déjà chez les jeunes enfants »"

What America Lost as Women Entered the Workforce - The Atlantic - "As more women have joined the workforce and become leaders in traditionally male spheres, gender roles have shifted, and women have lost their exclusive hold over traditionally female spheres. One of these is the home, as Schlafly argued. But women’s dominion over another part of public life has also declined: civil society... ironically, in winning fuller equality with men, some women lost a share of the meaning and purpose that comes from life outside of productive labor. This is not a story about women’s failures, or a polemic against their advancement. It’s a cautionary tale for men and women alike. The corner office isn’t always the pinnacle of leadership. Often, the most important leadership happens in local communities... American society desperately needs volunteers in order to function. For many families, kids make this need most clear: As the scholars Heather E. Price and Patricia Herzog Snell, the authors of American Generosity, wrote in an email, “Schools, activity clubs, carpools, and parent organizations commonly rely on volunteers to do work that has no budget, but needs to be performed to provide the children with a quality education, sports training, club interactions, schedule coordinating, and parent leadership.” Overwhelmingly, said Price and Herzog Snell, the people who do this work are stay-at-home moms. As Anderson put it at Banneker, “What we want to do is fill those gaps that the administration is not providing.”... By far, the people who have lost the most from the decline of local associations are those who are least educated and wealthy...  low-income Americans are the least likely to volunteer their time, while middle-class Americans are the most likely... Although women’s workforce participation is one potential explanation for their lower levels of communal involvement, it’s not a complete one. Robert Putnam argued in his book Bowling Alone that these changes only account for part of the overall decline of American civil society. One of his key pieces of evidence is men: They, too, have largely quit their social clubs and civic groups. Women have arguably lost more from the change, though. For uneducated women in particular, lower levels of participation in civil society means they have fewer chances to build leadership skills... As Shames, the Rutgers professor, put it, “I sometimes think our own success in feminism … has done us in.”... while many of their educated, wealthier peers now have alternatives to the suffocating housewife’s life that so enraged Betty Friedan seven decades ago, some experience it as an opposite kind of suffocation: a never-ending, ladder-climbing work life, the height of which is making money for someone else rather than building a world in which they’re invested."

Meme - "Good morning to everyone with big titties."
"[Sniffling] what about the little titties?"
"Have a decent morning."

Women "Dive" Less Than Men While Playing Soccer - "women soccer players are less likely to fake an injury on the field than the guys."

Meme - Original Roland Rat @OGRolandRat: ""The average height for women is 5'4""
"Yeah but I'm 5'8" though!"
This is all arguments with women."
Katherine Collins @katiepcollins: "I'm a woman and I don't do this though"
Addendum: Ironically, a lot of people were mocking her. But he was making a universal statement, so her comment was valid.

Meme - yELL0 @Ellieebells: "I knew I was toxic when at 14 my dad got mugged by some guy after picking me up from gymnastics practice and I'd never been more scared or certain that I was supposed to give this man coochie"


Meme - "I'm Carmen, I gave myself that name because I like cars and men"
"Well, allow me to introduce myself. I'm B.J. Guitartits"

Meme - ms.fishscale @mosthatedhoe_: "It's unattractive to me when a man has never been to jail before. you not even a man yet."
Houdini @JoshlGuess5: "this why y'all be getting beat up"

Meme - "When your wife randomly gets the perfect license plate! NAG 365"

Jada Pinkett Smith says Tupac Shakur was her 'soulmate,' Will Smith hadn't called her 'wife' in years - "After revealing that she and husband Will Smith have been living “completely separate lives” since 2016, Pinkett Smith talked to RollingOut about her friendship with the late rapper Tupac Shakur.  Pinkett Smith was asked about Shakur, who died after being gunned down in 1996, being her “soulmate.” She agreed and discussed their strong connection... Pinkett Smith returns to the 2022 Oscars. She said she was surprised by her husband slapping and yelling at Chris Rock to “Keep my wife’s name out of your f***ing mouth!”  Rock had made a joke about Pinkett Smith, who suffers from alopecia hair loss.  “First of all, I’m really shocked, because mind you, I’m not there,” Pinkett Smith told Hoda Kotb during the special. “We haven’t called each other husband and wife in a long time.” "
CHVNEL on X - "Tupac really dodged a bullet…..I mean he didn’t but you know what I mean"

Meme - lee @__leebron: "My girlfriend told me she would suck John Mayer's dick in front of her own dad because she loves him so much. I said the girl on a netflix show we were watching was cute and she got mad and told me to watch it by myself."
"You should suck her dads dick in front of John Mayer just to flex on her."

Meme - "The look of disappointment on Belle's face when her 10ft tall pitbull turned into some guy"

Meme - "When he's showing every red flag possible but he's 6 ft *Kyle Richards with Michael Myers*"

Meme - "*made me gay....means you weren't born that way. Just saying.
Beta Aquarii @AntRoro: "The girl who made me gay doesn't even like girls anymore. She's married to an entire predator (man)"
Her Grace the Duchess: "Same as mine she has a baby and living with her man and stuff"
Beta Aquarii @Ant...: "They sold us to the devil to live their beautiful lives""

Miss President on X - "If size really matters, then why do girls moan when fingered ?"

S'pore woman, 49, married with 2 children, charms 3 younger men into giving her over S$300,000 - "A 49-year-old married woman with two children cheated 10 people out of S$880,448.40.  Among them were two younger men who fell in love with her.  Another lover cheated his family over S$150,000 to give it to her.  According to CNA, Today and The Straits Times, Joceyln Kwek Sok Koon pleaded guilty to multiple cheating charges on Oct. 12, 2023... Despite being married, Kwek began a romantic relationship with Lai.  Lai knew she was married and didn't tell his parents her real identity.  Kwek masqueraded as a 24-year-old National University of Singapore student called Rachel Lam Xin Yi.  She never met the parents but only spoke through phone calls.  To gain their trust, she sent them gifts...   Besides Lai, two more men also fell head over heels for Kwek, both without ever meeting her."

Meme - "I Love You
I Love you
You Are A Bitch
I Love you
I Love you
I Love you"
"Theory Confirmed
No Matter How Many Times You Say I Love You To Woman She Will Always See The Bad Things."

Meme - COOPER @Birdcoup: "I've only had one singular male friend that I ever believed wasn't interested in me sexually and he subscribed to my Onlyfans so yeah."
Jetto @AdettoJetto: "He supporting your business! That's what friends do"
COOPER @Birdcoup: "11 Supporting my business by crossing boundaries he knew I wasn't comfortable with. I might be a sw but that doesn't mean I don't have boundaries about it with my friends. Muting because a ton of men explain how they don't understand consent and boundaries is annoying Imao. Sex workers are people too"

Meme - "I (33f) helped my brother(31m) with dating apps. Now, I am depressed.
Throwaway account. I've too many friends on my original account.
I(33f) decided to help my brother(31m) with OLD apps. He has been struggling with dating and OLD apps for 3 years now and parents are concerned about his mental health. So I invited him to stay with me for a couple of weeks and told him that I would help him "fix" his dating app profiles as I was certain that he was doing something wrong. He halfheartedly agreed and brought a second phone that I could use. He is 6'0", 165 Ibs and has moderately good looks. He has a stable job which makes him good money. I set up his account on Tinder and Bumble, and completed his profile, description etc on his second phone. I also swiped and initially chatted with the women who matched with the profile. My aim was to show him how to talk to women to keep them interested in him because his main complaint was that they never respond. I thought of sending the first few messages and then letting him continue the conversation. It has been 2 weeks now, my experience has been utter garbage. Nobody wants to have a conversation. I don't quite understand why. Maybe I am doing something wrong?
I feel depressed, probably because all these years, I kept telling him that he was doing something wrong. I always thought that only rude, broke, obese, unhygienic and bad looking men sucked at dating apps and others had a fair chance. Well, I was in for a rude awakening. This is what I experienced.
1. Very few matches, when compared to what we women get. He got a few matches on the first couple of days. Post that, it's just a match or 2 a day. I used to get scores of "good" matches everyday when I used OLD for myself - and I was very picky.
2. Hardly any responses from his matches. Women just don't want to have anything to do with him. This was perhaps what affected me the most. I watched in despair as matches just kept expiring. Sometimes they would stop after a few messages and other times they wouldn't even send a message or a reply. I have used bumble and tinder myself. Men don't do this. 90 percent of men respond to the first message. This is worse than getting a dick pic (which has happened to me a few times). At least the person on the other side wants you - even if it is just for sex. Imagine being ignored like a piece of trash. That's what it felt like. 90 percent of the matches never initiated the conversation on responded to the first message. How is he supposed to get a date when there are no responses from the other side.
3. Very poor quality matches. Most women who matched with his profile were nowhere close to his educational qualifications or salary range. In fact, there wasn't even a single match who initiated a conversation that I would say matched his salary and education level. I never had this problem on OLD apps. There were loads of men who were either equal or better than me in salary and education. I met my current bf on bumble and he makes as much as I do.
I don't know why men even go through this. He seems to be okay with this experience and is holding his own - I don't understand how. I know we can't change the dating scene much. The least we can do is empathize with the person instead of telling them they are doing something wrong. Honestly, I don't even know if I am doing anything wrong myself. I am just doing what worked for me. I am going to ask him to stop using OLD and go out there. I am sure he will find it easier to find a good woman to date in real life."

Meme - "Girlfriend: What do you look at when we do it doggystyle?
Me: Your beautiful hair, of course!
Actually me: *Luke Skywalker and the Sarlacc Pit*"

Meme - "Do you notice that men are no longer persuasive? Once they ask you out on a date and you say No. That's it"
"if I wanna play games I got a PlayStation."
When a lady says no, she means...

Meme - Free Legal Advice:
Octavia Marie Jane: "My boyfriend wants me to move in with him. And I was looking for some type of contract for him to sign.... basically saying that I don't have to pay any rent, unless I want to and he can't kick me out anytime he wants . Any suggestions?"

Meme - "I 26F was manipulated into having an affair with my sisters (24F) bf. How much space should I give my sister ?
Four years ago my sister Lisa started didn't this guy we will call Rob. When I met Rob we both hit off immediately and became friends. About 9 months into their relationship we realized we had mutual feelings and Rob manipulated me into thinking we we were soulmates. I didn't want to hurt my sister but Rob said we would do this in a way that hurts my sister the least. We were going to have to tell her but be very delicate about the situation . Throughout the course of our relationship he made every excuse possible not to tell her. This goes by for the next 3 years and then I found out they plan on moving in together. At that point I realized he was a liar and manipulator. I broke things off with and I didn't want my sister to with someone like that and told her everything and texted her all the proof. I texted her everything that happened. She didn't reply and I was blocked on everything and she apparently broke up with Rob and blocked him on everything. I want my sister to understand we were both victims but not sure how much time to give her before I try reaching out again?"

Amouranth teams up with beer company to create flavor using her 'vaginal yeast' - "Kick and OnlyFans star Amouranth has revealed her new business venture.  After selling her farts in jars as well as her bath water, you'd think she had come up with all the ways to give her fans a piece of her.  However, a beer company is certainly upping the ante by creating a new flavor that uses the streamer's yeast.  And yes, it's yeast from her vagina.  Amouranth, whose real name is Kaitlyn Siragusa says The Order of Yoni approached her for the bizarre collaboration. The Polish company has a Woman's Essence range of beers that feature the lactobacillus of various people. "Imagine an extremely sensual image of femininity, which has often appeared in the wildest of fantasies," Order of Yoni says on its website.  It added: "Reach out for a bottle filled with a golden beverage replete with female essence, give yourself up to your instincts and enjoy the intimacy of an extraordinary model.  "The Order of Yoni is a sensual experience in the form of a beer enclosed in a bottle, obtaining its unusual flavour notes through the use of champagne yeast, wheat malts, and exclusive additives in the form of orange peel, coriander and aframomum.  "The composition is enhanced with the use of lactic acid from vaginal bacteria to bring pleasure to every sip.""

Why I Am Marrying A Vietnamese Bride After Giving Up On Finding Love In SG - "he ended up chancing across a newspaper article about a Singaporean who founded a Viet bride agency which emphasised proper screening and background checks on both sides of the arrangement.  Adam admitted that he had heard from friends and even briefly visited other agencies in Orchard which he felt “lacked sincerity”.  “They kept showing me photos of beautiful girls, and never asked me what kind of traits I’m looking for in a wife. No point lah – I don’t entirely go for looks,” he recalls.  The agency Adam chose in the end was B & G Vietnamese Bride Agency, where founder Eric Koh put his mind at ease by personally chatting with him, and went in-depth to get to know him as a person. Adam explained, “He asked me how much I earned, if I owned a house or car, my occupation, traits I’m looking out for and more – I felt he was sincere in trying to find me a suitable match.”  According to the agency, this background check is to weed out insincere or unsavoury clients. Once the client has passed the checks, he will be matched up with a suitable Vietnamese lady – after the boss has spoken to her to see if she was willing to be matched up with the guy in question. As for Adam, he was introduced to Lien*, a 27-year-old graduate of Ho Chi Minh university, who was gentle and thoughtful. “The first time I saw her was through video call, and then the agency gave me her contact later, so we could converse via Zalo (a popular messaging platform in Vietnam).”  “What did you guys speak about?” I ask. “Oh, just casual things,” Adam says, like what’s her job, how’s her day going and sending each other scenery photos. For her birthday, he even got her a Xiaomi watch.   “It feels like normal dating. The only thing is, you haven’t met this person physically, and you might be getting married in a matter of weeks or months,” he says.  Adam also explained that he was only introduced to Lien after the B & G’s character profiling. This is unlike some other agencies where a slew of girls are shown to the client to “choose from”... not everything was smooth sailing for Adam as he decided to take the plunge. He initially faced some resistance from his parents. “They find it a bit weird, lah, like usually the typical Singaporean style is to date a few years then get married. Now, it’s like in a few months you can get married.”  Even agency founder Eric told him that it was more of marriage first, then knowing the girl after. “It’s like the opposite. So definitely, there is a certain risk,” he says. But with persuasion, his parents accepted the fact after a while.   Another stumbling block to the fledgling relationship was the language barrier. Of Lien, Adam said, “She only knows a bit of English. So we had to use Google Translate to talk. What I appreciated was that she tries her best to reply in English, although sometimes the nuances are lost as the translation isn’t the most accurate,” he laughs.   To counter this, some of his friends’ wives attended English classes, to help them better assimilate into the culture here in Singapore...   His agency also holds rigorous checks for both men and women, like a minimum salary of $3,500 and parental approval for guys, ensuring that the marriage starts on the right foot with financial stability and the okay from future in-laws.   According to Eric, most Vietnamese ladies feel that Singaporean men can provide their future kids with better prospects, and more often, they are better protected in Singapore than Vietnam due to the strength of the Women’s Charter. He also has a soft spot for his clients, especially 30-something-year-olds, he says, who are “good folk, but lack social skills”, and hopes his agency could get them a decent match."

Meme - "I (24F) got married to my husband (27M) 11 months ago. It was an arranged marriage. He is a software engineer in the US and I had just finished my ungrad when we got married. The issue is I hid my past relationships from him when we talked for 3-4months before our wedding. I had been in 2 long-term relationships before my marriage but I lied to him because he said he was looking for someone who had never been in past relationships as he was also never in a relationship before. I lied because I did not want to lose him as we were both very compatible and objectively, he was the best marriage proposal I had got so there was also family pressure to lie as well. Our marriage was going very well and he was everything I wanted in a husband, kind and loving. However, 3 weeks ago my husband found out about 1 of my past relationships. I do not know how he found out but he knows who my ex-boyfriend was. Since then he has been distant from me and is nowhere as loving as he used to be. I asked him about it and he said that this marriage is based on a big lie and I will never be the same to him. What do I do? I feel like I am losing my husband"
Patrali Chatterjee: "You don't have to be honest about your past, present, future or whatever to someone you know for 4 months. You did the right thing. And this is not love. Your husband is an insecure man and now he is threatened. Please get someone better."

Meme - Kenzie: "So...uh. While being naked from the waist down, I made eye contact with my boyfriend and lifted my leg to fart. Instead, pushed a little too hard and just pissed on the floor like a fucking dog while making eye contact with this poor man."

Meme - Woman: "Why did he ghost me?"
Man: "I don't know. Were you at least pleasant?"
*Man backs away*

Meme - "when i showed up to school wearing fishnets in 8th grade and some country dude went "how come we're not allowed to wear hats but emo chicks can wear stripper leggings??""
If you try to impose a dress code on girls, that's misogyny. But no one cares about boys

Meme - Grace @gracecamille_: "when my bf broke up with me and i blocked everyone except for him and photoshopped a boot on my leg so he would text me and ask if i was ok and he did not"

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