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Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Links - 8th November 2023 (Trans Mania)

'It's gone too far': Transgender psychologist concerned about growing number of trans kids - "Peer pressure, social media, and even the recent pandemic quarantines have led to a spike in kids deciding they are transgender, a transgender psychologist reportedly says.  Erica Anderson, 71, is a former clinical psychologist at the University of California San Francisco's Child and Adolescent Gender Clinic who has helped hundreds of teenagers transition, spoke with the Los Angeles Times in a recent interview about how she is concerned with the recent spike in gender-confused kids. I think it’s gone too far,” Anderson reportedly said. “For a while, we were all happy that society was becoming more accepting and more families than ever were embracing children that were gender variant. Now it’s got to the point where there are kids presenting at clinics whose parents say, ‘This just doesn’t make sense.’... To flatly say there couldn’t be any social influence in formation of gender identity flies in the face of reality. Teenagers influence each other," Anderson tells the LA Times. What happens when the perfect storm — of social isolation, exponentially increased consumption of social media, the popularity of alternative identities — affects the actual development of individual kids? We’re sailing in uncharted seas... Anderson supports hormone therapy and puberty blockers for teenagers, but only after the youth has undergone "strict" exams to ensure they truly require and are a good candidate for transition... Anderson says she worries about "poor outcomes" of allowing kids to transition who don't require it. Giving over to hormones on demand will result in many more cases of poor outcomes and many more disappointed kids and parents who somehow came to believe that giving kids hormones would cure their other psychological problems,” Anderson reportedly says. “It won’t."
Damn internalised transphobia! Time to strip her of her licence for endangering trans kids! This is literally genocide!

When kids come in saying they are transgender (or no gender), these doctors try to help - The Washington Post - "Since opening, the center has seen close to 700 patients. The demand for its services has grown so much that UCSF over the past two years opened two satellite clinics.  The type of services being requested has also changed. Clinicians say they are no longer taken aback by youths seeking some kind of boutique treatment — often "just a touch of testosterone" for an androgynous, nonbinary identity. "It's the children who are now leading us," said Diane Ehrensaft, the director of mental health for the clinic. "They're coming in and telling us, 'I'm no gender.' Or they're saying, 'I identify as gender nonbinary.' Or 'I'm a little bit of this and a little bit of that. I'm a unique gender, I'm transgender. I'm a rainbow kid, I'm boy-girl, I'm everything.' "... he was instrumental in helping rewrite the international guidelines for medical treatment for transgender youth.  While the previous guidelines cited 16 as the cutoff age to begin hormone therapy, the new ones, published in November in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, make no reference to age and cite "compelling reasons" to start earlier... The controversy — whether gender dysphoria is permanent or ephemeral — has occasionally made its way into the UCSF clinic, with clinical psychologist Erica Anderson — herself a transgender woman — sometimes playing devil's advocate.  "I think a fair number of kids are getting into it because it's trendy," said Anderson, who was married for 30 years and fathered two children before transitioning seven years ago.  "I'm often the naysayer at our meetings. I'm not sure it's always really trans. I think in our haste to be supportive, we're missing that element. Kids are all about being accepted by their peers. It's trendy for professionals, too.""
From 2018

Morris: The Democratic Party Is Establishing Itself as the Anti-Gay Party - "The Democratic Party is establishing itself as the anti-gay party as it uses and subordinates gays for its own political ends – creating the “LGBTQQIP2SAA” banner that drafts homosexuals for political battles which have nothing to do with them and reverses their hard-fought progress on equality 40 years in the making.  The most obvious political battle is the party’s effort to normalize the transgender claim. Homosexuals have nothing to do with gender ideology or transgender advocacy — yet there is an effort by the Democrats to somehow make the case that “trans rights” are the next iteration or extension of gay rights.   Everyday gays and lesbians — those who focus more on taxes, crime, and schools than gay pride parades — gain nothing as they are forced by Democrats into a painful and embarrassing political war that seeks to conquer more social status and political power for “gender” than they ever sought for their own same-sex relationships.  Gay people have been grouped together into a broader community with those whose experience has nothing to do with them, and whose experience actually undermines the gay experience.  The premise of transgender philosophy is that “sex” is not a relevant reality — that “gender” is what is relevant, and that gender is fluid, changing, subjective, a feeling or form of expression more than it is a physical reality — but that chosen “gender” is an absolute truth, regardless of sex.  However, this point runs counter to the gay experience, and actually aligns with a common misconception that is often used in anti-gay arguments, namely among advocates of conversion therapy...   If being “male” or “female” were merely a philosophical concept and not necessarily relevant, then the logical conclusion from there would be that homosexuality is basically just an attitude, and a choice...   As homosexuality first became decriminalized, then achieved broader social tolerance and acceptance, raised awareness and got more resources devoted to AIDS research, then achieved equal partner benefits, then the legalization of adoption by gay couples, and eventually the federal legalization of gay marriage, the political machine needed new grievances to maintain massive fundraising off of. The political lobby couldn’t just close up shop and go home once it achieved what it set out to, not while so much money was being raised.  But as the political lobby metastasized it began diluting and eventually forgetting the people it originally formed to represent — gays and lesbians...   The “LGBTQQIP2SAA” lobby – of which gays and lesbians represent 2 out of 12 letters in the acronym – is, for instance, pushing for children to be introduced to radical gender ideology by teachers, which was never part of any set of goals having to do with homosexual equality.  In response, sensible child-protection laws such as the Stop Woke Act in Florida, have been made out to be an attack on “gays,” with the most prominent Democratic Party opponents of the bill using “gays” as an attack line... data is already showing how the damage to social acceptance of homosexuals as a result of their recent inclusion in aggressive “LGBTQQIP2SAA” political crusades is manifesting, especially among younger age groups."
Trans mania is anti-gay. But if you point that out TRAs start screeching about the Stonewall riots

Meme - Expectant mother: "Is it a boy or a girl?"
Doctor: "We'll let the kindergarten teacher decide."

Meme - "Your honor, these English Majors claim "singular they have been used for centuries" but none of them can be consistent on what fucking century they are even talking about."
"Smartest person I've ever known, and you can't tell that we made our mind up about the singular "they" 700 years ago." (1300s)
"They has been used as a singular pronoun since the Canterbury Tales..." (1400s)
"They/them has been used as a singular pronoun since the 1600s" (1600s)
"They/them can be used as a singular pronoun, even before trans people existed" (2010s)

Meme - "The West
Pretty MTF: I'm just ladyboy"

Meme - "2002 - *My Chemical Romance Goth* It's not a phase, mom!
2023 - *Non-Binary* It's not a phase, mom!"

Meme - *Rainbow mother dragging rainbow kid from 18+ tattoo parlour*: "THAT'S TOO PERMANENT. YOU WILL REGRET IT."
"Gender affirming clinic. Your life-changing care!"

Meme - "A grotesque, hulking, masculine, subhuman, enters a woman's bathroom and attacks a little girl Wow, J.K Rowling, very subtle"
Addendum: This is the Troll in the Bathroom

Challenge: Can You Spot The Trans Person In Each Of These 9 Photos? | Babylon Bee - "Since trans women are completely the same as regular women in every way, it can be difficult to spot them in a crowd! Can you do it?  We compiled 9 photos of some of the most beautiful trans women in the world to see if you can spot the difference. Good luck — most people will fail this challenge!"

Taylor Lorenz Calls Dylan Mulvaney, Guest of Honor at Party Hosted by Kathy Griffin, 'One of the Most Beautiful & Brave Women on the Planet' - "Washington Post reporter and Swiss boarding school trustafarian Taylor Lorenz was also a host, unironically praising Mulvaney as “one of the most beautiful and brave women on the planet.”  Dylan Mulvaney is in actuality a man who parades around in a grating parody of a teenage girl, boasting on social media about the number of days of his so-called “girlhood.”  The trans influencer posted photos and videos from the party to his Instagram stories on Wednesday. Other participants included pop singer Sia; actresses Rosie O’Donnell, Pamela Adlon, and Laraine Newman; comedians Margaret Cho, Ryan Asher, and Julia Sweeney; and writers Mosha Lundström Halbert and Meredith Lynch... None of the participants wore masks despite Taylor Lorenz’s statements in a series of X posts earlier this month demanding that everyone should mask up in public even if they have been vaccinated multiple times, adding that those who fail to comply will spread “death and disability.”... Mulvaney recently was honored at the Streamy Awards — a hitherto obscure award show for streaming entertainment where he received a trophy as “breakout creator” for his TikTok videos.  In his acceptance speech, Mulvaney complained about “an extreme amount of transphobia and hate” that has been directed his way. “You need to support trans people publicly and proudly,” he demanded."

Striving for ‘Menstrual Equity,’ Oregon Puts Tampons in Men’s Bathrooms - "According to a new poll, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown, a Democrat, is officially the least popular governor in America. And considering the law she just signed, it’s not hard to see why.  Thanks to the Menstrual Dignity Act that just passed, local taxpayers are now on the hook for thousands of new tampon dispensers in boys’ bathrooms. This latest madness, which affects every public school and college in the state, is expected to cost up to $400 a machine. And school custodians aren’t the only ones upset about it...   In the state’s guidance, school officials are told to use gender-neutral phrases like “menstruating students” instead of “girls.” When it comes to explaining the reproductive process, teachers are instructed to tell kids that “someone with a uterus and ovaries may begin to menstruate,” instead of girls. There’s no such thing as “female hygiene products,” the toolkit argues, only “menstrual products.”  Obviously, state leaders didn’t bother to consult their counterparts in Illinois, where a similar move has literally opened the floodgates to expensive plumbing issues and mischief. “When you give a grade-school boy something that’s adhesive, they’re going to put it in places,” Illinois Republicans argued during their debate.  “These products are not inexpensive, and they are going to be misused if they are placed in elementary school boys’ bathrooms,” Republican state Rep. Avery Bourne fumed last year.  Case in point: campuses like Loyola University, where janitors are dealing with all kinds of pranks, tampering, and vandalism. Sanitary pads “would end up on the mirrors, in the sinks, down the toilet, and completely thrown out,” one students group complained.   School administrators have also had to deal with the fallout of this lunacy in Illinois, admitting, “Operationally for our building, yes, it is creating problems … ” Huntley High Assistant Principal Tom Kempf said. “[T]he custodian has to spend an extra hour fixing something … ”  What’s next? Urinals in the girls’ restrooms?  “I’m telling you, there is no logic here,” Republican state Sen. Jil Tracy warned before the state ignored her and passed the bill. “We’ve got to quit playing these stupid silly games here and get real and get fiscally responsible.”   Unfortunately, “menstrual equity” is only scratching the surface of outrage in most states, where parents are fighting a much more sinister abuse of their authority. In Florida, mom January Littlejohn is actually suing her school district for helping her teenage daughter transition without her consent.  On “Fox & Friends,” she explained how she stumbled on a “transgender support plan” that school officials were working on behind Littlejohn’s back that included everything from preferred pronouns, overnight rooming situations for field trips, switching to boys’ restrooms, and other steps that they never called home to discuss."

Republicans push Cardona on reports of 12-year-old's suicide attempt following secret school gender talks - "A pair of congressional Republicans sent Education Secretary Miguel Cardona a letter following reports that a 12-year-old Florida girl attempted suicide on campus after talks with her school about transitioning her gender.  Republican lawmakers Rep. Virginia Foxx and Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina sent a letter to Cardona on Thursday regarding the Clay County, Florida, student’s suicide attempt after speaking with her school about becoming a boy.  "According to the girl’s father, the school had been in conversations with the girl about a gender transition, had begun calling her a boy, and had assigned her a new name," Foxx and Burr wrote.  "They did all of this without notifying the parents." "Parents have every right to access vital information regarding their children – an indisputable fact that the Department of Education doesn’t seem to respect""

Clampdown on gender-neutral toilets planned by the government - "The guidelines will also encourage the consideration of self-contained toilets, which is a fully enclosed toilet room with a wash hand basin for individual use.  The government has previously clarified that disabled toilet provision will not be affected by the changes.  Kemi Badenoch, minister for women and equalities, said: "It is important that everybody has privacy and dignity when using public facilities. Yet the move towards 'gender neutral' toilets has removed this fundamental right for women and girls.   "These proposals will ensure every new building in England is required to provide separate male and female or unisex facilities and publish guidance to explain the difference, protecting the dignity, privacy, and safety of all.""

Sex redefined | Nature - "“I think there's much greater diversity within male or female, and there is certainly an area of overlap where some people can't easily define themselves within the binary structure,” says John Achermann, who studies sex development and endocrinology at University College London's Institute of Child Health... For many years, scientists believed that female development was the default programme, and that male development was actively switched on by the presence of a particular gene on the Y chromosome. In 1990, researchers made headlines when they uncovered the identity of this gene, which they called SRY. Just by itself, this gene can switch the gonad from ovarian to testicular development. For example, XX individuals who carry a fragment of the Y chromosome that contains SRY develop as males. By the turn of the millennium, however, the idea of femaleness being a passive default option had been toppled by the discovery of genes that actively promote ovarian development and suppress the testicular programme — such as one called WNT4"
TRAs have cited this 2015 article multiple times to claim that this proves that biological sex isn't binary. But even the author has disclaimed that interpretation. I guess it doesn't help that Scientific American retitled it "Sex Redefined: The Idea of 2 Sexes Is Overly Simplistic" (but perhaps more so that Nature [?] inserted a subtitle: "The idea of two sexes is simplistic. Biologists now think there is a wider spectrum than that." which changes the meaning of the piece. But then, the article itself reads: "if biologists continue to show that sex is a spectrum", so it might be backpedalling by Claire Ainsworth
So much for that liberal meme claiming that all men are trans because babies start as female

Meme - "Love wins" *Punch Nazis T-shirt, lit molotov cocktail, 'Kill TERFs' sign*
There's no love like liberal hate

Trans inmate who filmed sex abuse of daughter housed in NJ women's prison - "A transgender woman convicted of filming pornographic videos of her 7-year-old daughter has been revealed as one of the transgender inmates being housed at a troubled all-female New Jersey prison.  Marina Volz, 34, is serving her 25 year sentence at the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women alongside her accomplice Ashley Romero, 30, also a trans woman who participated in the sickening child sex abuse...   Volz — who went by Matthew before transitioning — is now listed as “female” in official prison records.  Volz and Mahan were two of four people found guilty of running a porn company out of Volz’s basement in Franklin Township in Somerset County.  A source inside of the prison told Reduxx that Volz still has male genitalia. Volz and Romero are looking to tie the knot while behind bars in an apparent effort to share a cell... protesters demanded that transgender inmates be removed from the Garden State’s only all-female corrections facility.  At least 10 transgender women, including one who claims she has a “taste for blood,” are housed there.  #GetMenOut activists gathered outside of the state capital and read letters from four biologically female inmates at the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility.  The women described from behind bars their fears at being housed with biological men who identify as women, particularly in regards to sexual assault.  One transgender inmate impregnated two women at the facility last year.   Volz, Romero and Sean Allen, 54, were convicted in 2022 of operating a “pornography production studio specializing in amateur, BDSM and taboo fetish content”... Edna Mahan has a history abusing women’s human rights.  A 2020 Department of Justice report found “Edna Mahan violates the constitutional rights of prisoners in its care, resulting in serious harm and the substantial risk of serious harm.  “Specifically, Edna Mahan fails to protect women prisoners from harm due to sexual abuse by staff.”" Father Who Sexually Abused 7-Year-Old Daughter For "Trans Porn" Company Now Recorded As A “Female” Offender By NJDOC - "New Jersey’s only women’s prison is currently home to multiple violent male inmates with histories of targeting women and children... women who complain of feeling unsafe are placed in protective custody.  “We can’t express our feelings in fear of being put in protective custody, [which] is like lock-up. If you use the wrong words you will be uprooted and removed from your living quarters. So many women walk around in fear,” Diggs said."
Is it more transphobic to say that men are taking advantage of trans mania to get an easier time in the prison system or to say that transwomen are disproportionately likely to be violent sexual offenders? The cope will be that discrimination and stigma lead to their criminality and/or they are just more likely to be caught due to transphobia

Meme - "Just Saying Exactly Leave The Children Alone
Remember boys. If saying "leave kids alone" is an attack on a certain community. that community deserves attacking"

Meme - "June is LGBTQ Month. Let's Go Bully The Queers"

Transgender model wins local 'Miss America' pageant for the first time ever - "A teenager in New Hampshire has become the first transgender contestant to win a local Miss America Organization beauty pageant.  Brían Nguyen, 19, won Sunday night's pageant to become "Miss Greater Derry 2023," which awards the winner a crown, title and scholarship."
He deleted his Facebook and Instagram, so maybe it was a troll job

Meme - "missgreaterderrynh & brianannguyen: I guess its finally time to introduce myself. My name is Brian Nguyen, I am 19 years old, and I am currently a freshman at Nashua Community College majoring in Business Management. I hope to use my degree so that I can create sustainable, ethical, and inclusive products such as clothing, cosmetics, and accessories. I also hope to continue to grow my career in the modeling and social media industry. My Social Impact Initiative is #QueensAreEverywhere. This is a"

Brian Nguyen Scripts History Becoming First Transgender To Win Local ‘Miss America’ Beauty Pageant, But Not Everyone Happy! Twitterverse Flooded With Mixed Reactions

Hennie Inglis 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 🇳🇱 💚🤍💜 on X - "An obese man wins a women's beauty pageant. In today's society the fact we still have beauty pageants is misogynistic and anachronistic. But no real surprise with the outcome. If this were a woman she would never even have made it past the entry process."

Brían Nguyen becomes Miss America's first transgender local title holder - "Miss Great Britain 1998 winner Leilani Dowding said she was disappointed to see Brían win the crown over other contestants."

Meme - brianannguyen: "Agencies here I come! Getting ready to send in my comp card to agencies so can take modeling more seriously. Comment below any agencies in the Boston/NYC area that I should know about!"

Meme - Allie Beth Stuckey: "Thank you for the red circle, otherwise I would've never been able to pick this Queen out!"
Libs of TikTok @libsoftiktok: "A biological male won "Miss Greater Derry" which is a beauty pageant in New Hampshire under the "Miss America" organization."

Meme - "Now watch, as they cheer for their own destruction *Brian Nguyen being applauded*"

Meme - "Miss Universe local winner in America vs Miss Universe Russia. We have completely lost the plot."

Systematic review on outcomes of hormonal treatment in youths with gender dysphoria | Karolinska Institutet Nyheter - "Data on the effects on psychosocial health are lacking but there is some evidence that hormonal treatment may impact on bone maturation. The researchers conclude that hormonal treatment of gender dysphoria in this age group should be regarded as experimental treatment rather than standard procedure... In a systematic review, researchers assessed more than 9900 abstracts from fifteen scientific databases and identified 24 relevant studies.  “In our review, we focused on psychosocial effects, bone health, body composition and metabolism, and therapy persistence in children (<18 years of age) with gender dysphoria undergoing treatment with puberty blockers, gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues (GnRHa),” says lead author Professor Jonas F Ludvigsson, pediatrician at Örebro University Hospital, and Professor at the Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet. “I am surprised by the shortage of studies in this field. We found no randomized trials, and only 24 relevant observational studies,” he adds. The review concluded that the long-term effects of hormone therapy on psychosocial health could not be evaluated due to lack of studies with sufficient quality. Concerning bone health, GnRHa treatment delays bone maturation and bone mineral density gain that, however, seem to partially recover during cross-sex hormone therapy when studied at age 22 years.   “Our work is important not only because the incidence of young people with gender dysphoria has increased during a short period of time, but also because of the change in case-mix. We do not know what the natural trajectory is for these children. Studies should first elucidate to what extent gender dysphoria spontaneously remit in adolescents who have not presented gender incongruent behavior in childhood. If predictors for persistence can be found, the second step would be to conduct clinical trials focusing on potential persisters in order to evaluate the beneficial and adverse effects of hormonal treatments. Importantly, such studies need to follow patients for many years”, says corresponding author Professor Mikael Landén, at Karolinska Institutet and University of Gothenburg... "treatment should only be administered in the context of a clinical trial under informed consent"...   “We found substantial limitations in earlier research on gender dysphoria, and the few longitudinal observational studies were hampered by small numbers, and high attrition rates”"
Transphobic bigots who are denying that trans people exist!
Weird. TRAs keep claiming puberty blockers are harmless

Meme - "My brave husband died defending our farm from raiders before the other men of our village could come and drive off the attackers. Please, when die, bury me with his sword."
"The inhabitant of a medieval grave in Finland may have been nonbinary, a new study finds"

Meme - Siobhan Alexander @palladianblue: "No child, no parent, no clinician can predict which children will persist in cross-sex identity. There is no test. Knowing that, how can anyone in good conscience defend the social or medical transition of kids?
"Protect trans kids" is crass sloganeering"
Ray Blanchard: "If you accept the evidence that actuarial prediction is superior to clinical prediction, and if you accept the evidence that most gender-dysphoric children will eventually normalize in gender identity, how do you defend the notion of case-by-case decisions to transition children?"

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