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Friday, November 10, 2023

Links - 10th November 2023 (2 - Hamas Attack Oct 2023)

The lack of outrage at another 'desecration' of the Terry Fox statue - "Not long after a cross-section of Canadian politicians and media figures decried the “desecration” of Ottawa’s Terry Fox statue after it was hung with Freedom Convoy paraphernalia, those same quarters have remained oddly silent after people attending an Oct. 29 rally calling for Israel’s destruction did exactly the same thing... The images prompted no less than 10 separate condemnations in the House of Commons or in Parliamentary committees – and inspired statements from Ottawa’s then-mayor Jim Watson and Brad West, the mayor of Terry Fox’s hometown of Port Coquitlam, B.C. “Whatever your cause, you don’t get to appropriate his legacy and you don’t touch his statue. Ever,” West wrote at the time. This week, he was one of the only politicians to strike the same tone in the wake of the statue being draped in Palestinian symbols... Parliament Hill and surrounding areas saw one of Canada’s largest pro-Palestinian demonstrations. Although framed as rally for a “ceasefire,” the event featured no shortage of open calls for Israeli destruction, most notably through repeated chants of “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”... This is not the first time that “pro-Palestine” demonstrators have vandalized a Canadian memorial at one of their rallies. In the wake of an Oct. 20 at Queen’s Park in Toronto, a 100-year-old war memorial in the park had the word “Palestine” scrawled on it."
Only left-endorsed protests are acceptable

Waqas on X - "Meanwhile, Pakistani govt has asked all banks to stop accepting donations for Palestine. Here is one circular from Bank Alfalah. Earlier Pakistani govt cracked down on pro-Palestine protestors and the PCB asked one cricketer to delete a tweet dedicating a recent victory to Gaza."
When even an institutionally terrorist country doesn't want to support terrorism. Of course, all the anti-Semites are very upset

Opinion: I’m an expert in urban warfare. Israel is upholding the laws of war - "All war is hell. All war is killing and destruction, and historically civilians are inordinately the innocent victims of wars. Urban warfare is a unique type of hell not just for soldiers, who face assaults from a million windows or deep tunnels below them, but especially for civilians. Noncombatants have accounted for 90% of casualties per international humanitarian experts in the modern wars that have occurred in populated urban areas such as Iraq’s Mosul and Syria’s Raqqa, even when a Western power like the United States is leading or supporting the campaign. The destruction and suffering, as awful as they are, don’t automatically constitute war crimes – otherwise, nearly any military action in a populated area would violate the laws of armed conflict, rules distilled from a complicated patchwork of international treaties, court rulings and historic conventions... Hamas forces indisputably violated multiple laws of war on October 7 in taking Israelis hostage and raping, torturing and directly targeting civilians, as well continuing to attack Israeli population centers with rockets. Years of intelligence assessments and media reports have shown that Hamas also commits war crimes by using human shields for its weapons and command centers and by purposely putting military capabilities in protected sites like hospitals, mosques and schools. On the other hand, nothing I have seen shows that the Israel Defense Forces are not following the laws of wars in Gaza, particularly when the charges that the IDF is committing war crimes so often come too quickly for there to have been an examination of the factors that determine whether an attack, and the resulting civilian casualties, are lawful. The factors that need to be assessed are the major dimensions of the most commonly agreed to international humanitarian law principles: military necessity, proportionality, distinction, humanity and honor... Israel has pledged to obey international law, and one of its cornerstones is proportionality. The concept is often misunderstood to allow only for equal numbers of civilian casualties on both sides, with any lopsided numbers considered disproportionate. But proportionality is actually a requirement to take into account how much civilian harm is anticipated in comparison to the expected concrete and direct military advantage, according to UN protocols. In other words, a high civilian death count in Jabalya could potentially be considered legal under international law so long as the military objective is of high value. The Israel Defense Forces said the intended target in this case was the senior Hamas commander who oversaw all military operations in the northern Gaza; neutralizing him is an objective that most likely clears the proportional bar. Furthermore, Israel pointed out that the loss of life was compounded because Hamas had built tunnels that weakened the targeted structure that then collapsed in the strike. The attack also passes muster on the level of “military necessity,” the principle that the action was necessary to pursue an allowed military goal (killing enemy troops), rather than an illegal goal (causing civilians to suffer). The IDF has said that its aim is to remove the rockets, ammunitions depot, power and transportation systems Hamas has embedded within their civilian population. So far, a number of military experts have assessed that Israel appears to be trying to follow the law of armed conflict in its Gaza campaign. Of the remaining principles of the law of war – distinction, humanity (which, as the International Committee of the Red Cross phrases it, “forbids the infliction of all suffering, injury or destruction not necessary for achieving the legitimate purpose of a conflict”) and honor in conduct of waging war – the principle of distinction is the most complex... So far I have seen the IDF implementing – and in some cases going beyond – many of the best practices developed to minimize the harm of civilians in similar large-scale urban battles. These IDF practices include calling everyone in a building to alert them of a pending air strike and giving them time to evacuate – a tactic I’ve never seen elsewhere in my decades of experience, as it also notifies the enemy of the attack – and sometimes even dropping small munitions on top of a building to provide additional warning. They have been conducting multiple weeks of requests that civilians evacuate certain parts of Gaza using multi-media broadcasts, texts and flyer drops. They’ve also provided routes that will not be targeted so that civilians have paths to non-combat areas... When Hamas uses a hospital, school or mosque for military purpose, it can lose its protected status and become a legal military target. Israel must still make all feasible attempts to get as many civilians out of the site as possible, but the sites don’t need to be clear of civilians before being attacked. Unfortunately, it’s essentially impossible to empty a city of all civilians before conducting an urban battle."
Germany and Japan were the victims in World War II and the US was the aggressor, because the former two had so many more civilian casualties than the latter

Palestinians fleeing to the south find no escape from danger - "Many Gazans have refused to leave their homes for the south, fearing a repeat of the "Nakba" or "catastrophe", when many Palestinians fled or were forced from their homes during the 1948 war that accompanied Israel's creation."
Damn Israel not letting them leave!

Israel War Room on X - ".@tuckeve, a professor at @UofT, tried to "contextualize" the Hamas massacre, claiming it was not "unprovoked." She's also signed petitions endorsing BDS and justifying Palestinian "resistance." @nyuniversity just hired her to head their new Center for Indigenous Studies."
Jonathan Kay on X - "Not a surprise. Canada's activists (cheered on by @gmbutts) also tried to "contextualize" a wave of anti-Christian arson a few years back, casting it as a symptom of righteous anti-colonial fury. Haven't gone down this rhetorical road, they're now applying the same logic to Jews"

Blue-haired College Liberal Woman supporting BLM and Antifa: "IT'S OBVIOUS THEY JUST WANT to LIVE in PEACE."

Gregg Carlstrom on X - "Although the terms have varied in recent weeks, Hamas has indicated most recently that it would release all civilian hostages in exchange for a five-day pause... Israeli military captives, whose precise number is unknown, would be retained."

LoLNothingMatters on X - "Just yesterday, Hamas and its western harem were screaming that there are no Israeli civilians and that's why burning toddlers alive is a valid tactic of La Résistance. Once they got cornered like rats in their fucking tunnels, they suddenly saw the distinction."

Visegrád 24 on X - "Head of Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas: “Hamas leaders were the first to flee from Gaza to Sinai hiding in ambulances, leaving their people to be slaughtered” Abbas’ Fatah movement were thrown out from Gaza in 2007 by Hamas. Will they take power?"
He must be a Zionist

Brent Baker 🇺🇦 🇮🇱 on X - "“Young people who hated Trump because he wouldn’t condemn the people with the Tiki torches, talking about Jews – you’re the ones with the Tiki torches now” – @BillMaher on #RealTime"

Visegrád 24 on X - "A woman in Gaza tells reporters that all the sons of Hamas leaders drive around in SUVs and live great lives while the children of Gaza live in poverty and unemployment"

Hen Mazzig on X - "⚠️ Hamas just bombed the humanitarian corridor for Gazans ⚠️ Today, the IDF's Arabic spokesperson declared a humanitarian corridor on the Salah Al-Din road in Gaza from 13:00-16:00 for evacuating northern residents. During this time, Hamas militants attacked the road with mortars and anti-tank missiles."

Liza Rosen on X - "Hamas Leader Mahmoud Al-Zahhar says Hamas will never lay down its arms. He then vows to annihilate not only the Jews but other nations as well: "Annihilation will be the fate not only of the Jews, but also of their helpers and of the people who trusted them, cooperated with them, and who betrayed their cause and their religion for personal interests.״ Regarding Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, Mahmoud Al-Zahhar pledged to destroy the American embassy in Jerusalem and take over the world: ״The Islamic expansion will go beyond what you expect for the benefit of all Mankind, all over the planet.״ This is how Hamas leaders promote war against Israel and the West. This rhetoric has no place in the twenty-first century. Please RT"

Oli London on X - "British man places wreaths back on a war memorial, Rochdale Cenotaph, after Palestinian activists threw the poppy wreaths on the floor and placed a Palestinian flag in their place."
Desecrating war memorials is only wrong when it's a protest the left disapproves of

Madhubanti Chatterjee (মধুবন্তী চট্টোপাধ্যায়) on X - "'Innocent Civilians of Gaza' parading the unconscious body of a young woman. This video sends shivers down the spine but what is more terrifying is that there are millions and millions of people all over the world who support and justify this act."

Richard Hanania on X - "People should really listen to me and @InezFeltscher debate @phl43 on the Gaza War. Philippe is one of the smartest guys I know, but I think his position is crazy. His view is that Israel should basically accept a status quo in which it may face further terrorist attacks like October 7 every so often, because a) repression won't work and b) it's immoral anyway. My position is that repression can work, and Israel's survival is more important than the human rights of the Palestinians. If they're forced out of Gaza, Palestinians will be better off in the long run anyway. I believe there's simply a difference in the value between civilized societies and non-civilized ones, and it's crazy to ask the former to risk their survival for the sake of the latter. Therefore, I'd accept Israel fighting a very brutal war even to head off a small possibility of its eventual destruction. Maybe others disagree, but this is based on a fundamental belief on what actually matter in the world, and for the long term prospects of humanity. https://richardhanania.com/p/negotiate-wi"

Negotiate with Hamas? - "As soon as this conversation was over, I was struck by something odd. We sit there and say Israel should do X or do Y, like we’re their football coach or something, while we never say what the Palestinians should do, but rather discuss what we hope they might be incentivized to do. It would make sense if as Americans (or Frenchmen) we talked only about how we could influence our own governments. But we generally act as if Israel might potentially listen to people like us, or at least listen to the people who might listen to people like us, while the Palestinians are treated as an alien species that we can only understand at a distance rather than hope to influence by convincing them through logical arguments... the problem with thinking like this is that while Israel is culturally closer to us than the Palestinians are, it’s still quite distant, and we act as if that is not actually the case. So if Americans were talking about a conflict that the UK was involved in with an Arab state, it would make sense to assume that we have influence primarily over the British position, as us Anglos are all part of the same culture. But when you think about the religious and nationalist concerns that motivate different factions in Israel, it makes me suspect we’re making a mistake by assuming that people like me, Philippe, and Inez have much influence at all. In other words, maybe instead of writing about what Israel should do, I should write about what the Biden administration should do? Or better yet, maybe about what the Republican position should be"

Richard Hanania on X - "“What comes after Hamas?” There’s an answer here, but you’re not going to like it. Japan was seen as a nation of fanatics that would fight to the last man in WWII. Indeed they were, with soldiers still being found abroad decades after the war was over. What ended WWII wasn’t the two atomic bombs that the US dropped. Japan could have kept going! It was the knowledge that there would be a third, fourth and fifth if they kept fighting. Those calling for a ceasefire say maybe you kill Hamas, and you get something worse. Then what do you do? Well you kill the next people and make things even worse for civilians. Then maybe by killing the “worse than Hamas” group you get “worse than worse than Hamas.” You kill them too. Keep giving them “worse than Netanyahu.” You don’t have to keep going until everyone is dead. Eventually, you’ll get something better than Hamas as fanatics are discredited, people realize their lives will be permanent hell if they keep doing this, and Palestinian hopes are destroyed. I don’t think it would take that long if the Palestinians understood that Israel was going to push through no matter what. The only hope Hamas has is that Israel lets up due to concerns for human rights. They’re watching the Western protests, and know everything you do about the split in the liberal coalition. They want to survive this war, rearm, keep breeding, and do more October 7ths in the future, eventually making Israel unliveable. Civilized nations used to be able to win wars because they didn’t have human rights and immigrant lobbies that did the bidding of terrorists and dictators."

Dan Poraz on X - "Gaza this evening near the Shifa hospital. Public screening of video clips showing Hamas terrorists attacking IDF forces in northern Gaza. I don’t see any electricity shortage. Everybody’s with their cellphones, cheering to the clips."

Chris Rose on X - "So as a “tolerant” country are we just going to accept that every weekend, Jewish people will have to adjust to avoiding central London? Altering their journeys to avoid being uncomfortably at train stations? Not a glowing endorsement of multiculturalism"
Weird. The left usually tell us about the paradox of tolerance, and say you shouldn't tolerate intolerance. Of course, that only applies to intolerance they disapprove of

Richard Hanania on X - "When you hear about "refugee camps" in Gaza, you probably think of people living in tents and open air communities. This is just another way that Hamas manipulates global opinion for their own ends, and continues to sacrifice the well being and lives of civilians to advance their political cause. In reality, 2/3 of Gazans are registered as refugees. Their "refugee camps" have concrete buildings, with streets laid out on grids. In other words, they're just towns. Furthermore, unlike refugees in other parts of the world, residents can work and go elsewhere in Gaza. Some even move into refugee camps from other areas. Hamas regularly hides in these "refugee camps" just like they do in the main cities and towns. In 2006, residents of Jabalia were called on to gather around the house of a Hamas leader living there, and were able to deter an Israeli strike. The society knows that their children's blood is their greatest weapon. It's pretty sick stuff, and the worst thing you an do is let them get away with it. You might ask, if these "refugee camps" are just cities and Israel hasn't been in Gaza since 2005, why doesn't Hamas just ask for an independent state? Or at least put forth conditions to get to that point? Well, because nothing about any of this makes sense unless you understand that Palestinian society is organized around being an anti-Semitic death cult, and the politically active portion of the public doesn't care about the things you think they should. https://economist.com/interactive/the-economist-explains/2023/11/02/why-gazas-refugee-camps-vulnerable-jabalia"

Dr. Eli David on X - "Muslim soldiers in the Israeli 🇮🇱 Army in a message to Hamas: “27 days ago you came here and killed women and children. That's a crime according to Islam. We are coming for you to kill you all one by one. You want to become martyrs? We promise to make you all martyrs!”"

Dr. Eli David on X - "There is not a single “two-state solution” sign in Palestinian protests. It's only “from the river to the sea”, i.e., abolishing the state of Israel and killing all the Jews. Time to listen to them. They don't want peace. They only want to kill the Jews, as they clearly say."

Rashida Tlaib on X - "From the river to the sea is an aspirational call for freedom, human rights, and peaceful coexistence, not death, destruction, or hate. My work and advocacy is always centered in justice and dignity for all people no matter faith or ethnicity."
Imam of Peace on X - "Rashida is a liar. Why? Because the chant “From the river to the sea” is a translation of the original Arabic chant “from the water to the water, Palestine will remain Arab.” This is a genocidal call to ethnically cleanse the land from all non-Arabs i.e. the Jews. The original Arabic chant: من المية للمية فلسطين عربية"
When anti-Zionists talk about land for peace, they mean all the land must be returned, i.e. Israel must be destroyed. And presumably all Jews expelled, since they are "colonisers"

Commander Phil Labonte on X - "Remember, as the Allies closed in on the Germans at the end of WWII, the Nazis tried to hide their crimes. They knew it was wrong. The terrorists that executed the attack on Israel broadcast their murders for the world to see."

Meme - "you mass murdered Israeli citizens?"
"and you kidnapped hundreds of innocent israelis"
"and you've been attacking israel constantly for decades? and you say you want to genocide Israel?"
"don't forget we also elected hamas"
"so now Israel is retaliating"
"we're just innocent victims. #freePalestine"

Meme - "UN Poster calling for donations
Where's the money going? *Hamas members on private jet*"

Rex Glacer on X - ""Justin Trudeau says he WON’T meet ‘Freedom Convoy’ because of their ‘hateful rhetoric’ and would rather go to a BLM rally" "‘We won’t give in’ Trudeau says as trucker convoy protest continues" Same Trudeau wouldn't meet with peaceful Canadian protestors but wants Israel to pander to butchering Hamas terrorists - the man is fake as fuck!"

Joe Walsh on X - "This war came to Israel. Israel didn’t start this war. And it just fucking pisses me off that the whole world thinks they can tell Israel how to respond and fight this war. This always happens with Israel. Israel is attacked, and the world always thinks they can dictate Israel’s response. Well bug off world. Israel will defend themselves as they see fit."
Garry Kasparov on X - "It's a parable, where every time a scorpion stings someone the victim gets a lecture on how to treat scorpion stings and how not to provoke scorpions. No one lectures the scorpions, and they don't listen anyway."

Hamas official storms out of BBC interview when pressed on slaughter - "A top Hamas official stormed out of a TV interview after he was asked how his bloodthirsty terrorist group justifies slaughtering innocent Israeli civilians in their sleep. Ghazi Hamad, a member of Hamas’ political bureau, used a Thursday interview with the BBC’s Hugo Bachega to try to downplay the Oct. 7 massacre of at least 1,400, mostly civilians, including burned and butchered babies. “There was no command to kill any civilians,” Hamad claimed, attempting to brush off the mass murders as the result of “clashes and confrontations” after terrorists crashed through barriers and paraglided into Israel. His interviewer refused to accept his ludicrous claim, telling Hamad: “It’s not confrontation — you invaded houses.” “I can tell you that we didn’t have any intention or decision to kill the civilians,” the Hamas official again claimed despite the overwhelming mass of evidence... The orders came from Hamas leadership, which declared the religious importance of killing Jews and provided inspiration from historical Muslim leaders who massacred men, sold women and children into slavery, and looted cities."

Hamas Official: We Will Repeat October 7 Attacks Until Israel Is Annihilated - "A senior Hamas official said in an interview aired last week that the October 7 attack against Israel were just the beginning, vowing to launch "a second, a third, a fourth" attack until the country is "annihilated."... Regarding the wholesale killing of civilians, Hamad said "Hamas did not want to harm civilians, but there were complications on the ground." Hamad added that "everything we do is justified." Hamas terrorists who attacked Gaza border communities were found with detailed maps and documentation indicating intent to take over schools and abduct citizens, including children."

The death of the two-state solution | The Spectator - "Hamas’s latest aggression may well have driven the final nail in the coffin of the two-state solution. For one thing, while most Israelis have been disabused of the idea by Yasser Arafat’s war of terror (euphemized as ‘al-Aqsa Intifada’) and the subsequent confrontations with Hamas, Saturday’s horrendous massacres may convince other international players of the mortal dangers that would follow if Israel withdraws from key West Bank areas (which would be needed for a viable Palestinian state to exist). After all, were such an invasion to ensue from a West Bank state, hordes of terrorists would be able to roam the more populous streets of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv in no time. What do two-state solution campaigners believe would happen then? What sovereign state could possibly allow a situation that would arise in which their citizens could be indiscriminately slaughtered on its streets? What’s more, the grim brutality of Hamas’s recent atrocities may also draw international attention to the corrupt and oppressive nature of its regime. And just as the creation of free and democratic societies in Germany and Japan after World War II necessitated a comprehensive sociopolitical and educational transformation, so long as the West Bank and Gaza continue to be governed by Hamas’ (and the PLO’s) rule of the jungle, no Palestinian civil society, let alone a viable state, can possibly develop there... Rather than use the end of Israel’s ‘occupation’ as a springboard for bringing the Oslo process to fruition (control of the Gaza and West Bank Palestinian population was transferred to the PLO-dominated Palestinian Authority in May 1994 and January 1996 respectively), terrorism in these territories spiralled to its highest level since their capture by Israel in the 1967 war. By the time of Yasser Arafat’s death in November 2004, his war of terror – the bloodiest and most destructive confrontation between Israelis and Palestinians since 1948 – had exacted 1,028 Israeli lives: nine times the average terrorist death toll in the pre-Oslo era... Shortly after the September 1993 signing of the first PLO-Israel accord, Oslo’s chief architect Yossi Beilin arrogantly prophesied that ‘the greatest test of the accord will not be in the intellectual sphere, but will rather be a test of blood’. Should there be no significant drop in the level of violence and terrorism ‘within a reasonable period of time’ after the formation of the Palestinian Authority, he argued, the process would be considered a failure, ‘and should there be no choice, the IDF will return to those places which it is about to leave in the coming months’."

Who Gave Hamas the Cement for Tunnels? - "Hamas has built “a labyrinth of tunnels under Gaza, as wide as a city,” CNN reported on October 14. The tunnels were used to facilitate the Hamas pogrom, and the 150 Israelis whom Hamas kidnapped probably are being held there. So how did Hamas acquire the cement, despite Israel’s blockade of such materials? Apparently Hamas had some help from former U.S. Mideast envoy Dennis Ross — according to Ross himself... Ross described how, as a U.S. envoy, he urged Israel to allow Hamas to import cement even though he knew, at the time, that Hamas had been using cement for military purposes... In the 1930s, Americans were divided about permitting U.S. exports to another terrorist regime, Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany."

EU funded water pipelines despite Hamas boasting it could turn them into rockets - "The European Union helped to build more than 30 miles of water pipelines for Palestinians despite Hamas terrorists boasting of their ability to forge an arsenal of home-made rockets from pipes. Brussels has poured almost €100 million into pipeline projects in territories controlled by the Islamist group over the last decade... Josep Borrell, the EU’s chief diplomat, announced on Tuesday night that aid to Palestinians would continue, meaning €218 million more will be dispersed to the Palestinian people by the end of this year... Their main armament has been the Qassam rocket, assembled from industrial piping, makeshift rocket fuel of sugar and potassium nitrate fertiliser and commercially available explosives."
Damn Israel, forcing Hamas to use irrigation piping for military purposes!

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