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Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Links - 7th November 2023 (2 - General Wokeness)

Revolver Analysis: In New Podcast, The New York Times Castigates "Nice White Parents" For Caring About Their Children - "The podcast doesn’t simply repeat boring old liberal pieties as the paper has done for decades. Instead, it actively stokes racial hatred, targeting the ordinary white families who constitute the paper’s own subscriber base.   It is impossible to imagine Nice White Parents coming out a decade ago, when elite liberalism still superficially cared about colorblindness. Its release marks a clear evolution in the tone, and ideology, of the times. The Times has traditionally been called “The Gray Lady,” but its latest incarnation might just as well be called “The Pink Haired Activist of Ambiguous Gender.”... the podcast takes aim at the group that is blamed and vilified for all the enduring problems of American schools: White parents who want the best for their children... White parents trying to influence their children’s education is bad enough, but soon, things get even worse: One newly-arrived parent was an experienced fundraiser, and created a special fundraising committee to raise tens of thousands of dollars for the school. This is portrayed negatively, because the existing PTA didn’t get to dictate how the money, which otherwise wouldn’t be available to the school at all, would be spent. One non-white member of the PTA described the white parents as “annoying.”   At one point in the first episode, narrator Chana Joffe-Walt suggests another sin committed by whites: Existing where non-whites don’t want them.
“White families, showing up in large numbers, taking over stores [and] familiar spots. There’s a word for that: Gentrification. But I noticed that no one was using that word about the school. What was happening here was diversity … Diversity is a good thing, something you’re supposed to be okay with.”
This is the theme of Nice White Parents: No matter what these white parents do, it’s always bad. It’s bad when they transfer into a non-white school, as in the first episode. But in the second and third episodes, they are vilified for not attending these schools as well. In the third episode, an amorphous blob of “white parents” are attacked for getting a gifted program created at a New York middle school. According to Joffe-Walt, non-white students were kept out by “biased questions” on tests, though not one such question is ever read for the listener.  This tone persists throughout all of Nice White Parents. Not a tone of hatred, per se, but one of disgust, and collective race-based condemnation. White families are “unreliable;” they “pay no attention to the actual voices and needs of families of color.” They are greedy: at one point Joffe-Walt says the key question for fixing schools is “how do we stop white parents from hoarding all the resources?”  Of course, this question is itself a lie; black public schools have no funding disadvantage compared to white ones, and haven’t for decades. In fact Joffe-Walt even explicitly notes that poor-performing schools in New York received special funding boosts, but she continues to plow ahead to attack white parents for “hoarding.” Each example taken alone is unremarkable, but when strung out over hours of podcast, the ominous tone of racial denunciation is impossible to miss. A year ago, Kamala Harris implied Joe Biden was racist because he opposed school busing, a demented social-engineering scheme that failed and was hated by almost everybody. But in Nice White Parents, Joffe-Walt laments that busing and other schemes aren’t imposed on white parents, and that instead New York public schools have tried to win over parents with carrots rather than sticks. This desire to win over parents, Joffe-Walt argues, is the root of continued achievement gaps in New York schools... Schools will only improve by disempowering people based on skin color."
Diversity is only good when it means fewer white people

The Rabbit Hole on X - "I thought the point of Atheism was to escape the alleged intolerant nature of religion. Yet it seems that Atheists are the most censorious demographic when compared to their religious counterparts. How did Atheists get to this point?" "How acceptable is it to shout down a speaker to prevent them for speaking on campus? 2024 College Free Speech Rankings"
Elon Musk on X -  "There seems to be an innate need for religion. Many atheists simply adopt another belief system (eg wokeness) that is essentially a religion."
In this case, atheism is a proxy for liberalism

Meme - "Well, I'm bisexual, but I have only ever been with men and would never actually date someone of the same sex"
"So you're straight and just say that you are *queer* for attention?"
Of course the liberals got very upset and claimed that romantic and sexual behavior are different

My POC friends say being interested in my Irish heritage is a dog whistle, and more advice from Dear Prudence. - "About a year ago I started to get more interested in the culture and wanted to research it a bit more. This basically consisted of me reading a few books about the history of Irish Americans, making a few new recipes, and learning about the origins of my family’s original names.  I didn’t really think it was a big deal until I mentioned it in passing to my group of friends. To my surprise, my POC friends got upset, saying that Irish Americans have no culture and that it was just a dog whistle to become interested in Irish history"
Liberals just hate white people

Meme - Lilly: "White people ain't no native to anything on earth. I need people to get very serious about this & know it. White people ain't even native to Europe, I hate when we talking about "Europe" & everyone thinks "white". Nooooo, white people do not belong to Europe."

ACLU Suing Tennessee over Law That Punishes People Who Knowingly Spreading HIV - "The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) said on X, formerly Twitter, that it is suing the State of Tennessee over a law meant to prevent people from knowingly spreading HIV.  “BREAKING: We’re suing Tennessee for their ‘aggravated prostitution’ statute that targets people with HIV with harsh punishment and lifetime sex offender registration. This law is unconstitutional and disproportionately affects Black and transgender women,” the group said Tuesday afternoon. “The law elevates engaging in sex work from a misdemeanor to a felony based on someone’s HIV status – a protected disability.”... the ACLU sued the City of Murfreesboro after the city allegedly tried to stop drag queens from publicly dancing for children."
Weird. I thought it was a "racist" and "transphobic" "stereotype" that blacks and transgendered people were prostitutes and/or had HIV (of course there's some doublethink around that).
How far are we from laws against murder being unconstitutional?

Wilfred Reilly on X - "Why are left-wing demonstrations almost always larger than right-wing demonstrations, despite us being 20+% more common nationally...and better at violence? We have jobs."

Meme - "Hey Frodo, can we just chat for a sec? It's come to our attention that you've got a certain sword that glows differently when it's around one particular group of people. We're not saying you trained the sword to do that, Frodo, but you can see how that's problematic."

San Francisco Giants coach Antoan Richardson accuses Mike Shildt of yelling expletive that 'reeked undertones of racism' - "San Francisco Giants coach Antoan Richardson, whose ejection Tuesday led to Alyssa Nakken's historic coaching debut, has accused San Diego Padres coach Mike Shildt of yelling an expletive at him that "reeked undertones of racism."  Richardson, who is Black, provided a lengthy explanation for his third-inning ejection after San Francisco's 13-2 victory over San Diego. The Giants first-base coach said the incident started when Shildt, who is the Padres' third-base coach, approached San Francisco's dugout.  After a brief exchange between the coaches, Richardson said Shildt, who is white, yelled, "You need to control that motherf---er" to the Giants' dugout, which prompted Richardson's reaction and ultimately his ejection by umpire Greg Gibson... "I say this because his words were disproportionately unwarranted and reeked undertones of racism when he referred to me as 'that motherf---er,' as if I was to be controlled or a piece of property or enslaved. I think it's just really important we understand what happened tonight. "And the second part that's equally disappointing is that me being tossed by that umpire empowers this coach to continue to have conversations like that with people like me, and that's really unfortunate that's what happened tonight.""
Racism means saying anything negative to a black person

Meme - "Burnett Foundation Aotearoa
Don't be a dick, getting dick
Asking 'are you clean?" can be pretty mean.
Asking "are you clean?" is the ultimate ick.
Conversations about status and prevention methods are super important - but asking someone if they're "clean" to determine whether or not they're living with HIV is absolutely not the way and is frankly offensive and ignorant."
The e largest AIDS organization in New Zealand is telling gay men to stop asking each other if they have AIDS....lulz
If you don't want to get HIV, you're offensive and ignorant

Ticket agent recalls anger in Atta's eyes - "The alleged mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks was angered when he learned he had to undergo security screening between flights on the morning of the suicide attacks, a former U.S. Airways ticket agent says.  Michael Tuohey of Scarborough said he was suspicious of Atta and Abdulaziz Alomari when they rushed through the Portland International Jetport to make their flight to Boston that day.  Atta’s demeanor and the pair’s first-class, one-way tickets to Los Angeles made Tuohey think twice about them.  “I said to myself, ’If this guy doesn’t look like an Arab terrorist, then nothing does.’ Then I gave myself a mental slap, because in this day and age, it’s not nice to say things like this,” Tuohey told the Maine Sunday Telegram. “You’ve checked in hundreds of Arabs and Hindus and Sikhs, and you’ve never done that. I felt kind of embarrassed.”"
Political correctness/wokeness/anti-racism literally kill. Ditto with Kyle Lawler and the Manchester arena bomber

Richard Hanania on X - "When an elder in his church asked him to form an ADL for Mormons, Mitt Romney said it wasn't necessary and that they should focus on bettering themselves instead. Imagine if other groups responded to discrimination in this way."

Thread by @wil_da_beast630 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "The two segments of the west-of-liberal left can be summed up as "parasite" and "predator."
The first group - Ben Crump, Shaun King, Saira Rao, "DEI x Nu-HR officers" - basically want to take large amounts of money from the current society while presenting themselves as invaluable despite offering nothing even useful.
(2) The second group - de-colonizers, AntiFa black blockers, Black radicals, Aztlan movement and hostile illegal immigrants, actual Commies - really do want to destroy this society and replace it with an alternative. For that matter, so does the NRx hard right, but that's another tweet series.
(3) To a very large extent, the pitch of the parasite group is that they will protect tax-payers from the predator group if paid: "Give us police reform if you don't WANT a long hot summer." The correct response to this is: "Fuck off. Learn actual skills, and compete with everyone else, or we'll smash both of you.""

Meme - Quite Interesting @qikipedia: "Homophobic people die 2.5 years sooner (on average) than people who are not homophobic."
WIKIPEDIA: "LGBT life expectancy. The life expectancy of gay men is 20 to 30 years shorter than that of heterosexual men. Reasons for this disparity may include higher incidence of sexually transmitted infections such as HIV/AIDS and differences in their lifestyles."

Meme - Joyce @Joyce_004: "Ethnics will tell you Whites have no culture, while speaking our languages, using our technologies, employing our rhetoric and concepts, dressed in a European style, and expecting European codes of debate and behavior. Like a fish who can't detect water because it's everywhere."

Visible Differences Disclaimer? - "Horror films have featured a whole lot of villains with unique appearances, from popular icons like Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger, and Leatherface to characters the average movie-goer wouldn’t remember by name. This Halloween season, the charity Changing Faces has reached out to networks and streamers to ask them to add disclaimers to horror films that feature villains with visible differences, letting viewers know the films reinforce negative stereotypes"

Meme - "The same people that are angrily demanding you tolerate and accept their way of life
Hate you passionately for yours."

Jonathan Kay on X - "UC Berkley students are protesting the suspension of a prof who (I’m not making this up) stalked a colleague—including writing “I raised a psychopath” outside the home of the guy’s mom. Best line: “Prof del Valle isn’t just *any* [prof]. She’s the top expert in colonial studies!”"

A on X - "How do I explain to my professor that the reason I didn’t show up to class is because in my dream I woke up and checked my email and saw that class was cancelled and I believed it"
A on X - "Gonna email my professor and say that the exam was islamphobic and racist so that I can get an A"

Meme - Woody Brooks is feeling curious: "So if I’m in the minority on my stances and beliefs and I am on the wrong side of history, why do the people that tell me this hide their face, why do I get blocked after showing them something that goes against their stances or beliefs? Why do I not see any evidence that I’m in the wrong? I try to see things from many different perspectives and without biases but it seems to always come to the same conclusion for me. This isn’t necessarily “bothering” me but it does make me raise an eyebrow from time to time. More seems to be going on with the “other side” than it would appear. Only way to know for certain is to continue the PSYOPs games and let them show their hand."

Meme - *Bike Fall Meme with lit crowbar and can of gasoline*

Students demand glory holes on campus to create 'positive working environment' - "Students from a university in Germany have demanded glory holes in a lecture hall in a bid to inspire a "positive working environment".  Student representatives at the University of Augsburg told college officials they want three of the anonymous sex spots created along a specially constructed partition to challenge 'heteronormativity'.  This is what makes heterosexuality seem coherent, natural and privileged, and the students reckon because glory holes are a kink, this challenges heteronormativity...   One university employee said: "The applicants are so woke, they don't mean it as a joke."  Students have also demanded free condoms, baby wipes, lubricants, and disinfectants and expect the university's cleaners to wash it down regularly...   Student leaders say that they would create "a more positive working atmosphere." "Sex can also be a relaxing activity, which can be very useful in the often stressful everyday university life," the application said."

B.C. employers get $5,000 more if apprentices ‘self-identify’ - "B.C. construction companies which hire trade apprentices who self-identify as other than a straight, white male with no disability will receive double a new government incentive, pushing it to $10,000 for the first year of employment... So far, 51 per cent of the project apprentices have declared themselves to be a member of one of an “equity deserving group,” according to a BCCA release."
I'm surprised 49% of them are suckers and don't self-identify as "oppressed"

Mythinformed on X - "“There aren’t enough reparations in the world that you can pay us.” Woke former US soccer player Abby Wambach deserves credit for unintentionally exposing the grift."

Mike Johnson 'says out loud' what other white Christian nationalists feel about America: sociologist - "the New York Times' Thomas Edsall, in an essay/op-ed published by the New York Times on November 1, warns that House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-Louisiana) is especially extreme when it comes to pushing far-right "Christian nationalist" ideology."
Tellingness, no evidence is given in this article to support the claims - just condemnation of him from others

FUREY: U.S. parents are speaking out loudly on schools -- will the same happen in Canada? - "the Toronto District School Board had to issue a clarification after it found itself facing criticism for apparently saying no to two school book club events featuring prominent female authors. The books in question were by Canadian lawyer Marie Henein and former ISIS captive Nadia Murad. Both books are memoirs and both were supposedly out-of-bounds for impressionable young minds because Henein was Jian Ghomeshi’s lawyer and Murad’s book could serve to foster Islamophobia... parents would be right to pause and reflect on what on earth is going on behind the scenes at their local school boards such that these sorts of antics could have happened in the first place. All signs point to an increasing “wokeness” permeating the education system, at even the lowest grades. So far though, Canadian parents haven’t been doing that much in response. Could that change?"
From 2021.
"Book bans" are good when the left do them

KINSELLA: The kind of things you hear from bigots - "Erica Ifill keeps at it, just the same. To Erica, seemingly, everyone who isn’t like her — that is, a person with dark skin — is less than her.  She’s been preaching division for years now, on social media and behind a paywall at the Hill Times.  She calls herself “an award-winning anti-oppression journalist and economist.” Full disclosure: I happily wrote for the Hill Times for years.  When I was there, my editor was mainly Kate Malloy.  Kate and I agreed that Hill Times columnists were not allowed to take cheap shots at each other, in the paper or elsewhere... Other media have the same rule.  When Ezra Levant and I did commentary at the Sun News Network, for example, we promised we wouldn’t go after each other — even though we didn’t particularly like each other.  And we didn’t. Despite that, I picked up the Hill Times one morning, where I found a column Erica Ifill had written about me.  Among other things, she said I was toxic, unethical, disloyal, and that I had never “lived up to any modicum of respectable conduct.” And so on.  Pretty good zingers, if not terribly original. And then, she said I was a racist. Given that I’ve spent most of my adult life documenting and opposing racism, that one was over the line — particularly coming from a newspaper I wrote for, and published without the courtesy of a heads-up.  So, I quit, and I haven’t looked at the Hill Times since... “It’s amazing to me how white people show more compassion to animals than to people on the street. You people are reprehensible.” She then posted a graphic of a white person and a dog, mouth on mouth.  It even looked sort of sexual.  “WHITE PEOPLE BEFORE THEY LEAVE THE HOUSE,” the graphic read. Can you imagine what would happen if a white columnist at the the Hill Times said that about black people? Anyway. People were outraged, of course, because what the Hill Times columnist posted was insane.  But she wouldn’t back down.  She posted a “study” that read, in part: “The use of dogs as tools of oppression against African Americans has its roots in slavery and persists today in everyday life.” “Slavery.” And here we simply thought that a dog had been shot and killed: turns out the dog deserved it, because of slavery.  So said Erica, who wrote: “F*** Bingo. Guess he ran out of luck.” She then posted a smiling emoticon. And, even then, she wouldn’t concede that she had gone too far. “Free speech is for white people and white feelings only,” she declared. She’d experienced a “whitewash,” she said. She was “glad y’all are offended,” she said. For the Hill Times’ Erica Ifill, all of this is great fun.  A giggle.  She calls white people racist all the time... When you hear that Erica celebrated the death of Queen Elizabeth — a woman who “bathed in the blood of my ancestors” — well, none of this stuff is particularly shocking anymore. It is, however, the sort of anti-white racism and black supremacy upon which Louis Farrakhan built his Nation of Islam empire.  It is dishonest and damaging and divisive. It is also the sort of thing you hear from bigots."
Anti-racists are the biggest racists

Ontario-wide policy on 'discriminatory' names and images in works - "The Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) is seeking public input on a new policy statement that could require private businesses and governments to remove names and images deemed discriminatory. This statement, if confirmed, would apply to the display of words and images, including names, terms, descriptions, depictions and symbols. Examples include street names, geographic areas, landmarks, buildings, outdoor facilities, commemorative statues, plaques and days, sports teams and mascots, and events... The policy statement will not define which words or images are discriminatory."
Anything the left deems "harmful" must be banned

Generation Z can't work alongside people with different views and don't have the skills to debate, says Channel 4 boss as she cites the pandemic as the main cause of the workplace challenge - "Young people in the workplace don't have the skills to debate, disagree and work alongside people with different opinions, Channel 4's chief executive has said. Speaking at the Royal Television Society's Cambridge Convention, Alex Mahon said 'particularly post-pandemic' Gen Z youngsters 'haven't got the skills to discuss' and 'haven't got the skills to disagree'. She said this phenomenon, which was being seen in the workplace, was a 'dangerous step change'. The Channel 4 boss cited the time youngsters had spent 'being out of colleges' during the pandemic, meaning they had not been exposed as much to 'people with a difference of opinion'... Ms Mahon told the Royal Television Society Cambridge Convention: 'What we are seeing with young people who come into the workplace - particularly post pandemic - with this concentration of short form content [short videos on services like Tik Tok and YouTube] is they haven't got the skills to debate things. 'They haven't got the skills to discuss, they haven't got the skills to disagree and commit because they haven't been raised, particularly with being out of colleges to have those kind of debates, to get to the point where you've got people with a difference of opinion to you and you're happy to work alongside that, and that is a really dangerous step change in my view that we are seeing.' Last year Channel 4 carried out research which showed these youngsters are less tolerant of others' views than their parents or grandparents. The study found that young people could therefore be said to be 'less liberal' than their elders. The research branded this phenomenon as the 'rise of the Young Illiberal Progressives' or 'Yips'. During Ms Mahon's appearance at the event she unveiled new research which showed that many 'associate their short form social media consumption with feeling a lack of control'... The study found that young people could therefore be said to be 'less liberal' than their elders. The research branded this phenomenon as the 'rise of the Young Illiberal Progressives' or 'Yips'. During Ms Mahon's appearance at the event she unveiled new research which showed that many 'associate their short form social media consumption with feeling a lack of control'."

James Corden sparks backlash for 'mocking' Asian food on show - "artist and activist Kim Saira made a TikTok video which has gone viral showing Corden’s guests being presented with a 1000-year-old egg, pig blood curd and balut (a duck embryo). “Um this TV segment is racist af,” Saira captioned the clip. “This is Asian food. Balut is a Filipino food.”"
You're not allowed to have a negative opinion on non-white food. Filipinos who don't like balut are white supremacists

U. Central Florida Prof. Charles Negy, Fired After Tweeting “Black Privilege is Real,” Ordered Reinstated With Tenure and Back Pay - "The treatment of University of Central Florida professor Charles Negy was one of, if not the, most egregious abuses of power in the dozens of ‘cancel culture’ cases we’ve seen. The short version is that shortly after the George Floyd death and in the midst of nationwide protests and riots, Negy made tweets from his personal Twitter account...   The tweets caused student protests, threats, and administrative retribution. There was a Change.org petition with over 30,000 signatures, a Twitter hashtag was launched (#UCFFireHim) that trended, the student Senate passed a resolution, and there were protests on campus in which the President participated. Recognizing that it could not fire him for the tweets, which were protected speech, UCF launched an eight-month wide-ranging investigation to find a reason to fire Negy. UCF eventually purported to find reasons, some dating back over a decade, and fired Negy."

Meme - Soyjak: "Twitter is a private company it can do what it wants"
Elon Musk: "Yes."

Meme - Christian Gori: "Imagine getting so butt hurt over a line used to taunt your opponent that you can't watch a movie with its inclusion.
Edit: the full line is "That's a cute outfit. Did your husband make it for you?"
Screen Rant: "A version of #SpiderMan that recently aired in the UK on ITV2 has cut a line said by Tobey Maguire during the wrestling scene that is now widely viewed as being homophobic.""

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