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Monday, November 06, 2023

Links - 6th November 2023 (1)

Meme - "3.2 Morbillion Subsribers
Commentary Guy
Popularguy situation is crazy
1 hour ago
3 Million Views
Penisman Situation is insane
3 hours ago
2 Million Views
Huge PoopenFarten Drama
5 hours ago
7 Million Views
Coaxedintosnafu situation is crazy
7 hours ago
20 Million Views"
I'll never understand the appeal of YouTube videos where people just talk into the camera and drone on

National Australia Bank adds mean speech to debanking criteria - "The National Australia Bank (NAB) updated its terms and conditions to inform customers they have a new relationship that resembles that of a schoolteacher and grade school student...   Effectively, NAB may debank customers any time they hurt another person’s feelings.  This includes if customers are guilty of “making profane, derogatory, discriminatory or harassing comments to any person,” or inflicting “psychological harm.” NAB could further debank an individual if they are deemed to have conducted threatening or abusive language to anyone... #BoycottScotiabank was trending on social media after the bank informed military veteran Jeremy MacKenzie it was closing his account because he was beyond its “risk appetite.”... The Scotiabank agent further told MacKenzie he’s not allowed to visit any bank premises without permission.   MacKenzie publicly criticizes the Trudeau government and the RCMP and participated in the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa in protest of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s vaccine mandates"

Meme - "Betty White realizing that this is the last year she can play with LEGOS"
"Ages 4-99"


pixelatedboat aka “mr tweets” on X - "Neil deGrasse Tyson hasn’t posted about the start of the New Year being arbitrary and cosmically meaningless so he must’ve gotten laid tonight"

Why George Washington's Statue in London Doesn't Touch British Soil - "Outside the National Gallery in London sits the strangest statue in Trafalgar Square, or maybe all of England. It's not bizarre because of its design or composition, but instead for whom the statue honors.  It is a replica, one of 25 or more, spread around the world. But it seems strange only in London, considering who it is and where the statue is placed.  It's a statue of George Washington, onetime citizen of Great Britain, father of the United States and rebellious colonial. In a square that marks one of Britain's greatest victories stands a reminder of one of its greatest defeats.  Washington's statue is not only there, but it's resplendent with symbols of authority, like the 13 wooden rods on which he leans (also a symbol of the 13 colonies). It's just hanging out in a square owned by the crown -- and built on soil shipped in from the state of Virginia. The statue was presented to the British as a gift in 1921, when relations between the United States and the United Kingdom were much, much better than they had been in 1783. It's an exact replica of an original statue commissioned by Thomas Jefferson, which can still be seen in the Virginia State Capitol building in Richmond.  In fact, 25 casts of the statue have been made and spread all over the world, from the Washington Monument in Washington, D.C., to Lima, Peru and, of course, London's Trafalgar Square.  Because legend has it that George Washington once swore he would never set foot on British soil ever again, the erectors of the Trafalgar Square statue laid it on a foundation of Virginia soil to ensure that Washington did not tell a lie. But the idea that the commander in chief of the Continental Army is somehow unwelcome in London is the real fiction. Washington was actually well-respected by the British people -- and by one very important British person in particular.  According to author and researcher Edward J. Larson, no less than King George III himself, whose land forces Washington spent seven years evading and killing, came to admire and respect the American leader.  That respect came after the American colonies were granted independence, and Washington, the head of the Continental Army, ceded his power and resigned rather than take the country by force. The king called Washington "the greatest man of the age.""
The British honour their enemies so much (Gandhi too)

Don't be shy about it. 'Family values' and babies are good things - The Hub - "The global fertility rate, and birth rates in each country, is evidently important to civilization as we know it. The subject is the very definition of existential. And yet, in polite society, natalism carries with it a reputation for eerie religiosity, a concerning nationalism and a patriarchal, barefoot-in-the-kitchen kind of vibe. For secular liberals who make up the vast majority of elite opinion in the west, natalism sounds downright creepy.  This means that for the few centrist economists, policy leaders and politicians who do want to acknowledge the clear downsides of a shrinking population, economic language is the solution to the ick factor... The latest research suggests two major factors which impact birth rates: religion and work. To my mind, the two are connected. Workism, described by Derek Thompson in The Atlantic, is the modern, western phenomenon whereby the the “college-educated elite” derive a sense of meaning, identity and community from work (rather than from home life, family and religion). Demographers have drawn a link between the rise in workism and the decrease in fertility.  Meanwhile, as these same westerners become less religious, the stubborn few who continue to practice are the exception to fertility decline. If religion and the thing that often takes the place of it for the non-religious (work), seem connected, it’s because they are. People who value family over the individual, home life over work life and community over self are more likely to have more kids. It follows that a society that elevates those same value-based priorities will foster higher birth rates, a younger population, and stronger communities. This is the terrain on which to hash out the cultural debate around natalism. And as Krugman’s tweets make clear, the anti-natalists are already doing so.  Krugman and his peers are horrified by the notion that people who worship God have more kids. It’s more acceptable to outwardly express this horror towards white Christians, but it’s safe to assume he would find natalists of all faiths and races suspicious in their fondness for procreation."
Perhaps the anti-natalism of many liberals can be connected to the death drive that can be said to motivate many liberal positions

The economic case for pro-natalism - "when the population growth rate is low, the current market demand for long-lasting physical investments (buildings, basically) is also low. That makes interest rates very low. Low interest rates have some attractive properties, but one thing that happens in a low-rate environment is that you’re constantly bumping up against the limits of central banks’ ability to stimulate the economy with interest rate cuts. You either need to do more exotic monetary policy actions, or else you need fiscal stimulus.  Krugman’s answer is we shouldn’t worry too much about this as an economic problem because we can always just fix it by doing the fiscal stimulus.  But here’s the problem. For a country with a flat or declining population to do what Japan does and pour tons of money into transportation infrastructure projects is awfully wasteful. The conditions that make market demand for private capital low also make the value of public capital low. And indeed we see this in the United States, where the surface transportation funding formula ensures that they keep doing highway expansion projects in Rust Belt states with no population growth, and aside from the direct job creation impact of building the roads, it doesn’t do anything to promote community revival.  Here’s an idea, though — what if instead of doing infrastructure projects with our fiscal stimulus, we invested money in parents and children?... The move to suggest that pro-natalism is racist is a way of just shutting down creative thinking on politics. It also doesn’t make sense. The total fertility rate for Black and Hispanic women is higher than for white women. And more to the point, the cohorts of people under 40 who would benefit from these policies are much less white than the population average. Investing in parents and children would accelerate the demographic transformation of the country, which might be something that some people don’t like about it. But those people should be less racist."

Topless sunbather in northern B.C. files complaint against RCMP after being warned of criminal charges - "A Prince George, B.C., woman who sunbathes topless in her backyard has filed a formal complaint against the RCMP after she says an officer knocked on her door and told her she could face criminal charges for going bare-breasted.  Lynn Blatta's experience brings to light a grey area in Canadian law, which contains language around nudity on both public and private property but also leans on provincial court judgments that have found nothing legally wrong with women going topless or nude in public... The Criminal Code of Canada says it is illegal to be nude in a public place "without lawful excuse," and also a crime to be nude and exposed to public view while on private property — with nudity being defined as "clad as to offend against public decency or order." That stipulation means a person doesn't have to be completely naked to be charged.  But there is precedent for women being legally allowed to expose their breasts in public. According to the website Criminal Code Help, in 1996, the Ontario Court of Appeal ruled a lower court erred in finding a woman guilty of committing an indecent act after she walked on a city street and sat on her porch with her breasts exposed.

Florida man arrested while attempting to run across Atlantic Ocean in giant hamster wheel - "A Florida man, who is an ultra-marathon runner, was arrested while attempting to run across the Atlantic Ocean to London in a makeshift human-sized hamster wheel.  The U.S. Coast Guard first spotted Reza Ray Baluchi's homemade "Hydro Pod vessel" 70 miles off the coast of Tybee Island, Georgia, on Aug. 26 in the midst of preparations for Hurricane Franklin... He made a similar attempt in 2021... This is not Baluchi's first attempting at crossing the Atlantic. He was rescued by the U.S. Coast Guard in a floating "hydro pod" bubble in 2014... it took the U.S. Coast Guard about five days to bring Baluchi ashore during his latest attempt, according to the complaint. He was apprehended approximately 70 nautical miles east of Tybee Island.  Baluchi initially said his vessel was registered, but later said he couldn't find his documentation. When officers approached the vessel to end a "manifestly unsafe" voyage, Baluchi said he was armed with a 12-inch knife and threatened to die by suicide... Another attempt the next day by officers to force Baluchi to disembark also failed after he allegedly threatened to blow himself up. Officers observed him holding wires, prompting them to contact the U.S. Navy Explosive Ordinance Disposal Unit to help determine the blast radius of Baluchi's alleged bomb, according to the complaint. The complaint states that Baluchi admitted the next day that the bomb threat was not real... Baluchi told FOX 35 that the voyage was intended to raise money for charitable causes that include helping the homeless, the Coast Guard and the fire department.  "I’ll never give up my dream. They stop me four or five times, but I never give up," he told the outlet. According to the criminal complaint, Baluchi also attempted the same voyage in 2014, 2016 and 2021. Baluchi claims a history of successful extreme runs, including a 2007 run around the perimeter of the U.S. to raise money for the Children's Hospital of Denver.  One year after the 9/11 attacks, Baluchi was arrested for attempting to enter the country illegally, according to CNN. He told CNN a judge agreed to release him on humanitarian grounds after he pledged to undertake a run from Los Angeles to New York City to commemorate the second anniversary of the attacks."

China mall introduces 'husband storage' pods for shopping wives - " the Global Harbour mall in Shanghai has erected a number of glass pods for wives to leave any disgruntled husbands that don't want to be dragged around the shops.  Inside each individual pod is a chair, monitor, computer and gamepad, and men can sit and play retro 1990s games. Currently, the service is free, but staff told the newspaper that in future months, users will be able to scan a QR code and pay a small sum for the service using their mobile phones... "If my husband just wants to go out and play games, what's the point of bringing him out?""

Portland family’ make culinary pilgrimage to Richmond - "“I’ve been to New York, San Francisco Bay Area and the L.A. area, and so far, Richmond has the best Chinese food hands down in the west coast of North America. It’s better than New York,” said Nguyen, a 32-year-old project manager and scuba diving instructor.  “On a scale of one to 10, you’re probably going to find a bunch of sixes, a few sevens and eights [elsewhere], but the nines and 10s are all in Richmond.”  Nguyen said his parents are originally from Vietnam and their love for Chinese food might stem from his late grandpa on his mom’s side who was half Chinese...   Nguyen said life is too short to not enjoy great food.  “We live day to day and we may not have the time to go do amazing activities, but at the very least, we should be able to make time to amuse ourselves with good food.”"

Send SOS: Survey shows that Singaporeans are really, really stressed out - "A well-being report recently released by insurance company Cigna Singapore shows that 86% of Singaporeans are stressed – including 94% of hybrid workers.   On top of that, Singapore’s stress levels are well above the global average, with 15% struggling to cope with the pressure...   The top stressors in the country are the rising cost of living (50%), uncertainty about the future (38%), personal finance (35%) and family finance (22%).   Most of the reasons are related to economic stability. which really highlights the severe burden that money problems exert on people’s minds.   The survey also included an index that tracks the evolution of well-being in five aspects: work, family, social, physical and financial.   Singapore came out on the rough end, scoring worse than other APAC countries and those around the world, with only 20% confident about their current financial situation. The study, also showed that women, single individuals and the unemployed have the poorest financial well-being... 95% of respondents in Singapore said they are burned out, with a fraction of that percentage saying they also feel constant self-doubt."

Japanese woman made over 2,700 fake emergency calls because she was lonely, wanted attention - "In a case that highlights the toll of loneliness, a 51-year-old woman was arrested in Japan for making a staggering 2,761 false emergency calls over the course of nearly three years.  The suspect, identified as Hiroko Hatagami, an unemployed resident of Matsudo, Chiba prefecture, confessed to her actions, citing her yearning for attention and human interaction as the driving force behind the incessant calls... This case is not the first of its kind in Japan. In 2013, a 44-year-old woman was arrested for calling the police more than 15,000 times within a six-month period. The authorities had visited her residence nearly 60 times before finally taking her into custody. A survey found that almost 1.5 million people of working age are living as social recluses in a rapidly spreading phenomenon in Japan called “Hikikomori”. The government is working towards combating this situation that has only accelerated after the Covid-19 pandemic."

Meme - "Mihailo Tolotos- a monk who was born in a monastery and never saw a woman in his life - had peak character design"

Hamilton teen made $10,000 in a month cleaning barbecues - "Jacob Shaidle, 18, launched a barbecue cleaning business to fund his education... To get there, he worked seven days a week, each involving nine hours of physical labour and two or three hours on administration, such as marketing. Shaidle estimates he worked between 70 and 80 hours a week."

Wallet of ‘Alive’ survivor found in Andes - "An American hiker in the Andes stumbled this week on the wallet of a survivor from the 1972 plane crash made famous in the movie “Alive,” which shocked the world with tales of eating human flesh to survive.  The chance find — which also included a roll of film, cash, identity papers and a jacket — had been buried in the snow for 32 years a few yards from the crash site, according to Uruguay television reports.  The wallet’s owner, Eduardo Strauch, said memories came flooding back to him of the harrowing 72 days stranded on the mountain in freezing temperatures... An Uruguayan rugby team, accompanied by family members and friends, was on its way to Chile on Oct. 13, 1972, for a friendly match when its plane struck a snowy mountain because of pilot error.  After 10 days on the mountain, the survivors heard on their radio that rescuers had given them up for dead. That was when they decided to dig up some of the dead bodies they had buried in the snow nearby and eat them.  Of the 45 people on the flight, sixteen survived 72 days on the mountain. They were only rescued when two of the survivors struck out to find help and ran into a Chilean man on horseback. Hollywood dramatized the story in a 1993 movie"

‘Meteorite’ crater on Dublin beach turns out to be hole dug by beachgoers during sunny spell - "A “cosmic meteorite” which was reported on Portmarnock beach has turned out to be a hole dug by a small group of men during the sunny spell over the weekend.  A “mysterious hole on the beach causing a stir in Dublin” was mistaken for a meteorite crater... Virgin interviewed a local astrophysics enthusiast Dave Kennedy, who was “certain” that a rock inside the hole was an asteroid that “came from above”."

How to Prevent Overcooked Shrimp - "They cook so quickly—usually in two to three minutes—that they can go from tender to rubbery before you even realize what's happening. The key is to remove them from the heat right when the flesh is uniformly pink, with no brown or greyish-brown spots. Perfectly cooked shrimp generally curl into a loose "C" shape, while overcooked shrimp tend to curl into a tight "C". Tightly curled shrimp are a sure sign of toughness."
Sadly most of the prawns I've eaten in my life have been overcooked

Japanese man nearly dies of stroke, possibly caused by masturbating several times daily - "the 51-year-old suffered a stroke last year moments after ejaculating.  UK’s National Health Service (NHS) said the stroke the man suffered could have been triggered by having sex, coughing and even going to the toilet.  The man was instantly struck down with agonising ‘thunderclap’ headaches after he climaxed, and later began vomiting... While doctors treating the man did not offer an explanation as to why he may have suffered a stroke from masturbating, the NHS said brain bleeding could happen as a result of physical exertion, such as lifting something heavy or having sex... Sexual activity of various kinds, including masturbation, has been linked to between 3.8 per cent and 14 per cent of all subarachnoid haemorrhage cases, he said.  Taking drugs like Viagra or cocaine during sex can also increase the risk of having this type of stroke"

US woman loses all her limbs after eating undercooked tilapia fish - "Messina said Barajas was infected by Vibrio vulnificus -- a bacterial infection the US CDC has been warning about."

'She Blow That Dick Like A Cello': Lil Yachty Admits to Learning Cellos Aren’t Wind Instruments in Viral Song Annotation - "with his 2017 track “Peek a Boo.” The song contains the lines, “My new bitch yellow / She blow that dick like a cello,” which confused so many listeners that he had to address the mistake in a now-viral Genius annotation. In it, Lil Yachty (real name: Miles Parks McCollum) writes, “OK, let’s stop for a second. Before you come at me, I’ma let you know. I’ma blame my A&R. Because he listened to that song many times and he allowed me to say that. I guess for a second, I thought a cello was a woodwind instrument and it is not. And nobody ever said shit. Nobody ever pulled up a pic and said, ‘Hey man, I don’t know if you know what this is, but it ain’t that.’”   He concludes with, “I fucked up. I thought Squidward played the cello. He don’t. That’s a flute. I fucked up. But it do sound good,” which in itself is hilarious given the fact that Squidward, SpongeBob SquarePants’ surly neighbor, plays the clarinet, not the flute, a fact many people on Twitter were quick to point out. Back in 2017 when the song was first released, there was so much drama around this error that it was jokingly dubbed “Cellogate” by at least one publication.  In fairness, Lil Yachty is far from alone in this regard. As other online pedants have been happy to point out, in “Black Skinhead,” Kanye West seems confused about which armies were the focus of the movie 300 — the second line says, “300 bitches, where the Trojans?”, presumably as a reference to condoms, but the Trojans weren’t at the Battle of Thermopylae either."

Fashion Week Impostor Goes Viral As He Catwalks Wearing A Trash Bag And No One Notices - "It was during this lively event in New York that a young man made a dramatic entrance, clad in a shower cap, swim shorts, and a plastic cape-like garment, upper body exposed.  As Fashion Week is renowned for showing eccentric outfits, no one paid any attention when the gatecrasher strutted the catwalk in what looked like a festival-goer’s rainproof apparel.  While the individual in question was showered in cheers and applause, all festivities took an abrupt and awkward end when he was forcefully tackled by security personnel and swiftly escorted away from the stage. A clip of the incident quickly spread online and became viral, revealing the identity of the culprit, YouTuber Fred Beyer... During Dior’s spring 2021 ready-to-wear showcase, an unexpected runway interruption occurred as a woman carrying a yellow banner emblazoned with the message “We Are All Fashion Victims” confidently stepped onto the catwalk.  This incident left attendees and even high-ranking executives from LVMH pondering whether the protest had been deliberately orchestrated, especially considering the design house’s women’s wear creative director, Maria Grazia Chiuri, had a history of using her runways to convey messages.  However, the disruption was reportedly orchestrated by the climate action organization Extinction Rebellion."

Kansas court says sperm donor must pay child support - "A Kansas sperm donor caught in the middle of a child support case says he wanted to help a lesbian couple when he made the donation nearly five years ago.  Instead, he may end up paying for his action.  A judge ruled that William Marotta must pay child support, even though he says he signed documents waiving his parental rights"
No good deed goes unpunished

User: "Hmm" *attaches laptop to display, keyboard and mouse*

Meme - "Facebook should show Mutual blocks instead of mutual friends. Nothing brings people together like... "I hate that motherfucker too""

Meme - "Evolving views of Singapore's elected presidency by its own leaders
Elected President is guardian of the reserves and checks the government
Elected President is only guardian of the past reserves
Elected President can say no, only if the Council also agrees
Elected President is kinda like a constitutional monarch"

The Legend Of The Mustache In Swimming From Spitz To Today - "In 1972 he told a Russian coach that the mustache increased his speed because it deflected water away from his mouth.  Spitz was warming up and a Russian coach asked him if he would shave off that mustache. He replied:      “These mustaches deflect water away from my mouth and make it less likely that I will swallow water. They allow me to swim faster and helped me break a couple of world records last month.”  A year later, in 1973, at the World Championships in Belgadro, swimmers on the Russian team grew mustaches, with urban legend saying it was to try and improve their performance. (In that edition of the World Championships The Soviet Union finished 9th in the medal table, no gold medals)."

Meme - "In high school our gym teacher asked us who we thought the smartest teacher in the school was. we guessed the AP chem teacher, the precalc teacher, the AP physics teacher, etc. he goes, nope, it's me because I get paid the same as those guys and I play dodgeball all day."

Seal breaks into New Zealand home, traumatises cat and hangs out on couch - "A curious young seal has been returned to the sea after breaking into a New Zealand home, harassing the resident cat, hanging about in the hallway for a couple of hours while the children slept upstairs, and miraculously ruining nothing.  The Ross family of Mt Maunganui were more than a little surprised to find the New Zealand fur seal in their home, which is about 150m from the shore, on Wednesday morning.  Phil Ross, who happens to be a marine biologist, said it was unfortunate he was the only one not home at the time. “The big joke is that this is really the only family emergency where it would be useful to have a marine biologist in the house,” he said. “I really missed my time to shine.”"

Meme - "I think everyone deserves food, place to live, and enough free time from work to enjoy their lives"
Americans: *upset*
Clearly, anyone who doesn't work 100 hours a week is lazy

Meme - Punished Keating @aryankeat...: "Twitter will look at mildly odd farming humour and say "omg Wtf is wrong with these people?" Then immediately see a twitter post like "my leather daddy shoved 5 pickles up my post op tr*nny bussy" and say "you go girl!!!"
"Its official, im bred! Another cowBOY coming in March... *Woman in cattle stall*
cal? OF SALE @cal_gif: "oh"
Liberals are anti-natalists after all

Meme - "Your brother is in a better place now"
*Kid in heaven with Catholic clergy urging him to sit beside them*

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