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Monday, November 06, 2023

Links - 6th November 2023 (2 - General Wokeness)

BC teacher reprimanded for showing students video with sex, suicide - "A teacher in the Coquitlam school district has been reprimanded and ordered to take courses after showing a short film depicting scenes of sex and suicide to students in grades 2 and 3.  Amira Mounir Abraham was working as a teacher on call in a French immersion class in June 2022 when she was asked to mark a class assignment and record the marks.  While marking, Abraham found an animated short called “Life Is Beautiful” on the internet and played it as she marked. She “had not seen the film before and therefore did not know its content before showing it to the class,” said a consent resolution agreement posted by the B.C. Commissioner for Teacher Regulation on Tuesday. “The film is a nine-minute long, age-inappropriate film … containing scenes depicting sexual intercourse and suicide.”  Twice while it was playing, Abraham became aware it was not age appropriate but did not stop the film and kept grading...   Abraham had been issued a letter of reprimand back in 2019 for failing to adequately supervise a kindergarten-Grade 1 class."
Liberals in Canada still claim that indoctrination and grooming in schools are paranoid right wing conspiracy theories and misinformation

Libs of TikTok on X - "UNREAL: Cop stops mom from showing images of graphic books available to students in @HillsboroughSch. Too obscene for a room of adults but totally OK for kids in school!"
Damn banned books! Only fascists are against showing kids obscene content

Opinion | Controversial Words You Can Use - The New York Times - "To speak our language these days with enlightenment is to harbor an ongoing sense that there are words and expressions that come to mind but that, upon reflection, we shouldn’t utter. I refer not only to terms like the N-word — an easy case for self-censorship — but also to an eternally morphing assemblage of locutions that pedants, our kids, human resources and the Twitter herd say we shouldn’t use anymore. Terms that are hardly egregious but maybe just aren’t the best look.  In these latter cases we might go easier on ourselves because we’re being urged to let lexicographic paranoia steamroll common sense and basic humanity for justifications that don’t stand up as well as we might suppose. The list of supposedly problematic expressions is getting so long as to seem almost willfully copious, almost as if we were actively searching for terms to ban as a kind of sport... One person reports being told that we are no longer to say “brown bag lunch” because the phrase evokes the crude color scale that some elite (and elitist) African American organizations are said to have used, once upon a time, to determine eligibility for membership, with only people lighter in complexion than a brown bag admitted.  On this one I must admit a certain skepticism (not of intra-Black colorism — that’s quite real) that “brown bag lunch” should be implicated, for the reason of the antiquity. How many people today know what the brown bag test was, and more to the point, need we proscribe words and expressions to symbolically exorcise a practice that no longer exists?  If we do, then by the same logic, we should no longer refer to whipped cream, since enslaved people were whipped, or shucking corn, because the phrase “shucking and jiving” refers to Black people faking glee to placate white people. If those hypotheticals seem to be pushing it, I’m not sure how “brown bag” is different. Editors’ Picks Satellites Show Mysterious Fairy Circles in More Parts of the World What to Know About Paxlovid Rebound They Quit Their Jobs. Their Ex-Employers Sued Them for Training Costs.  More readily understandable is the pox on “retarded”; associations with the word became so noxious (in my youth it was, sadly, regularly used as a slur) that the impulse to replace it with other terms was natural. But the change to terms like “intellectually disabled” exemplifies the euphemism treadmill I referred to in an earlier piece: “Crippled” becomes “handicapped” becomes “differently abled,” and each new term tends to take on the old connotations. At one point, at least some developmentally disabled people were described as having “special needs” but, plus ça change, “special” also gets leveled as a slur in certain malicious contexts.  Then I’ve also seen calls to get rid of expressions in which the word “black” denotes anything sinister: No more “blacklist,” despite that it did not emerge with a meaning related to Black people... I worry, however, when the quest to rid the language of genuinely dismissive terms mission creeps and becomes an excursion that neglects the passage of time and words’ tendency to harbor multiple meanings in any language. Linguists call that latter reality polysemy; I might address it here by noting that sometimes a black cloud is just a black cloud"

British Museums Will Avoid Using “Mummy” to Describe Mummified Remains – ARTnews.com - "“The word ‘mummy’ is not incorrect, but it is dehumanizing, whereas using the term ‘mummified person’ encourages our visitors to think of the individual,” a spokeswoman for National Museums Scotland in Edinburgh told the Daily Mail, which first reported the shift. "
When will the new euphemism come in when "mummified person" becomes disrespectful

Meme - "We have to do something about the groomers."
Soyjak: "Why do you hate the LGBTO community?"
"We have to do something about the globalists."
Soyjak: "Why do you hate the Jewish community?"
"We have to do something about crime"
Soyjak: "Why do you hate the black community?"
If you always hear dog whistles, you must be the dog

(((tedfrank))) on X - "The word “retarded” was used as a euphemism because people got offended by “moron,” which was literally invented from scratch by a scientist to be a dispassionate scientific term because people got offended by “feeble minded.” Whatever word we pick next will also become an insult, and your grandchildren will scoff at videos of you using that word neutrally. It’s the condition we find repugnant, not the name for it. The euphemism treadmill does not purify the concept, but merely taints the word."
It's also Liberal virtue signalling. They always need something new to be offended about and to act as a shibboleth

Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 on X - "Five unnamed black suspects have been arrested by the Seattle Police over their investigation into 14 violent armed home robberies targeting Asian families. No hate crime charges have been filed yet.   In one robbery, the males held a gun to a 10-year-old boy's head. They pistol-whipped their victims."
Asians are at fault because of "anti-blackness"

Meme - "vintage photos of white people scare me sometimes it feels like it's a dark presence attached to it if that makes sense...I get an eerie feeling staring at them too long."
When you just hate white people

Meme - avary @kyoruyeye: "growing up is realizing a lot of the anime you watched and loved as a kid is actually problematic af so you're stuck between exposing yourself with defending it or hating on it with everyone else..."
Tet but even spookier @Umbra_Tet: ""problematic" has no meaning. You are just high key admitting that the things you were mature enough to handle as a child, you are not mature enough to handle as an adult. Somehow you have managed to regress. And that's sad."

Deutsche Bank Closes German Politician’s Account Over Political Views - "A major financial institution in Germany has sparked outrage after they terminated a politician’s account because of his political views. Tino Chrupalla, leader of the right-wing political party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), had his account canceled by PostBank... This is not the first time a member of AfD has had their bank account terminated.  In 2020, Björn Höcke and his wife similarly lost their checking accounts because of their affiliation with the party. Notably, the bank did not provide a reason why, but instead referenced its terms and conditions."

Meme - "STOP BAD THING" - Child with Sign
Liberal: "Bad thing? That never happens. You're just making stuff up"
This always happens with liberals. "This is not happening, and it's good that it is"

Jonathan Kay: How the left's obsession with American-style culture wars corroded Canadian identity - "Social media has sparked massive political changes all around the world, of course. But because Canada’s national identity was thin to begin with, its corrosive effect on our intellectual life has been more severe. Once immersed in this borderless, American-dominated online world, Canadians began losing interest in their old parochial projects — equalization, bilingualism, multiculturalism, single-payer healthcare, regionalism — and instead fixated on America’s far more exciting political melodramas, especially its race-obsessed culture war.  During this new era, the people who run Canada largely forgot what it is they were supposed to admire about their own country, even as they acquired a rich new academic jargon to describe all the apocalyptic things that white people do. Words like “genocide,” once reserved for the annihilation of millions of people, are now tossed around casually in Parliamentary motions in response to the previous day’s news. Even Canada Day now is being transformed into a morbid ceremony of grim repentance. This is not a normal thing. No other country in the world celebrates its national birthday like this. And so it’s worth pausing to consider how our country got to this strange and unsustainable place.   Canada’s founding tribal divide was based on the difference between English and French, Protestant and Catholic. One still hears echoes of this divide in, say, our discussion of Quebec’s anti-niqab laws, or our ritualized reactions to sporadic expressions of Québécois nationalism. But within English Canada, the real everyday intellectual cleavage line that emerged in the late twentieth century centred on attitudes to the United States. Until about 15 years ago, the primary marker of enlightened thought among Canadian leftists was a reflexive hostility to all things American, from trade, investment, and laissez-faire capitalism to military co-operation and foreign policy. Conservatives fixated on these same themes, but from the opposite side of the ideological barricades... Up until the Stephen Harper era, in fact, it was Canadian progressives (as we would now call them) who routinely feted Canada as a beautiful but delicate showcase for multiculturalism, pacifism, and generous welfare-state policies, qualities that had to be guarded from American cultural marauders. Yet once the Yankee horde eventually did come rolling north through the back door of Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Netflix, those same progressives very quickly accepted their new collective role as a northern signal-relay station for whatever happened to be trending heavily on American social media — from boosting Obama to denouncing Trump, and on through the current manias for critical race theory, intersectionality, Black Lives Matter and exotic theories of gender. After all, that’s where the likes and retweets were. And it’s not like you were going to get a lot of new international followers with your hot take on senate reform. Canadian conservatives had been so focused on weaning the left off anti-Americanism that they never stopped to think about what might replace it as a binding national creed among Canada’s progressive intellectual class. But now we know the answer: nothing.  Once imagined by the left as a light unto nations, Canada is now trashed in newspaper columns and the social media feeds of blue-check Can-con culturati as an incurably bigoted colonialist artifice...   A notable characteristic of these jeremiads is that they dismiss any kind of clear moral distinction between yesterday’s explicitly racist policies and today’s lingering inequities — or even between Canadian democracy and history’s most ruthless totalitarian regimes. To cite one particularly ludicrous example, the Star’s “Race and Gender Columnist” wrote earlier this month that “it was white supremacist thinking that fuelled settler colonialism of Indigenous lands, white supremacy that justified slavery in an era of European enlightenment, white supremacy that created the system of apartheid, white supremacy that fuelled the evil of Nazism and white supremacy that decrees that Palestinians must atone for the sins of the West.” And yet, not only are Canada’s 38-million people resisting the urge to flee this supposed Zionist-Nazi mash-up hellhole of white supremacism, but several hundred thousand newcomers arrive (willingly!) every year. Indeed, the most patriotic people I know aren’t the sanctimonious one-percenters now lecturing us on white privilege and land acknowledgments from their lakeside summer cottages, but rather the immigrants who chose this country as their new home... There’s been a lot of talk about what statues need to come down and which ones should be allowed to stay up. But the larger problem we face goes beyond marble and mortar: This country is plagued by a ruling class that, in extrapolating its own private guilt to a national scale, now openly rejects the moral basis for Canada’s very existence. Having nominally dismissed capitalist success and “merit” as mere masks for unearned privilege, in fact, these plutocrats can’t even figure out a coherent way to excuse their own elevated socioeconomic status.  And so their only meagre claim to moral leadership now comes through increasingly off-putting performative gestures aimed at attesting to their ideological zeal in the service of anti-racism and reconciliation — of which the systematic bad-mouthing of their own country has become a non-negotiable component.   This cult is unsustainable not just because no country can exist indefinitely without believing in its own worth, but because very few ordinary people share this belief system. And Canada Day itself is one of the few times of the year when ordinary folk actually wear their patriotism (or what passes for it in this country) on their sleeves."
American liberalism, too, is about hating their country after all
We're still told that liberals don't hate their countries

There’s nothing racist about ending affirmative action - "  It was a blunt verdict, and one from which Ketanji Brown Jackson and Sonia Sotomayor dissented in almost histrionic terms. According to Sotomayor, ‘The majority’s vision of race neutrality will entrench racial segregation in higher education’. For Brown Jackson, this was a ‘tragedy’ that would ‘impede [the] achievement of our great nation’s full potential’. However, all data indicate that a substantial majority of Americans would agree with Roberts’ take. Critics of the ruling may try to denigrate it as furthering the cause of ‘racism’ or ‘white supremacy’. But that’s hard to maintain when the case against Harvard and UNC was brought by Students for Fair Admissions – a group composed entirely of East and South Asian plaintiffs... In truth, the Supreme Court’s ruling had been a long time coming. Pro-black affirmative action had been making less and less sense over the past two or three decades. It hadn’t been plucking impoverished black kids from housing projects and sending them on to Cornell or the University of Michigan, as many seemed to imagine. It had actually been benefitting already wealthy and highly educated black immigrants, who (counting second-generation migrants) make up more than 20 per cent of America’s black population. Their children, combined with those of biracial couples, make up nearly two-thirds of all black students enrolled at universities like Harvard.  Very few of these striving young lordlings are actually poor or ‘oppressed’. As respected black scholar Anthony Abraham Jack pointed out in his book, The Privileged Poor, about 70 per cent of Ivy League enrollees, across all races, come from families in the top 20 per cent of earners in the US. Affirmative action in practice often involved the well-fed son of a Jamaican American or Colombian American dentist being given a 300-point test-score advantage over the daughter of a Vietnamese immigrant shopkeeper. In the end, the Supreme Court rightly ruled that this system was impossible to logically or ethically justify... the entire University of California system – which includes some highly competitive schools, like UC Berkeley and UCLA – stopped requiring applicants to take the SAT or the ACT, another common standardised test, three years ago. The tests were replaced, at least in terms of emphasis, with class- and race-signalling tools, like letters of reference. So it has happened... The term ‘systemic racism’ is almost invariably useless, but it does seem as if one real form of this practice has just been defeated."

The End of the All-Male, All-White Cockpit - The New York Times - "“We would get very rude comments like, ‘Oh, wow, you guys are really flying down there?’ or, ‘Oh, you want to be a pilot? Why?’” she said. “All of these different comments that suggest ‘this is our club, you can’t really be a part of it.’”"
We always get the canard about "minorities" not entering fields because they don't see themselves represented. But this is never substantiated. And contradicts what we know from past openings up (e.g. women didn't need affirmative action to outnumber men in the humanities)
Being asked why you want to be a pilot is supposed to be racist. The solution is just not to talk to "minorities" (you'll still be slammed for "discrimination" but at least you save yourself some effort before the inevitable outcome)

More than a third of white students lie about their race on college applications, survey finds - " A survey from Intelligent found that 34 percent of white students who applied to colleges and universities falsely claimed they were a racial minority on their application.   The publication found that 81 percent of students who faked minority status did so to improve their chances of getting accepted. Fifty percent of students who lied said they did it to get minority-focused financial aid. Most students, 48 percent, claimed to be Native American on their application. Thirteen percent falsely marked that they were Latino, while 10 percent falsely claimed to be Black. Nine percent of those surveyed lied that they were Asian or Pacific Islander.   For the most part, Intelligent found, these white students tended to get away with their lies. About 3 in 4, or 77 percent, of white applicants who faked minority status on their applications were accepted to those colleges.  “While other factors may have played a role in their acceptance, the majority of applicants who lied and were accepted (85%) believe that falsifying their racial minority status helped them secure admission to college,” Intelligent wrote in their report.   Among those willing to fake their minority status, 48 percent of white male applicants lied about their race, while 16 percent of white female applicants did so."
How silly. They don't know about white privilege.
The woke should be happy, since they will surely be discriminated against for being "minorities".

The Regime Fears White Americans Will Outfox the "Affirmative Action" Scam - "Everything about America’s unequal, anti-white discrimination regime depends on white Americans’ willful acquiescence. As Steve Sailer observed, America’s massive racial spoils system relies on its white victims playing by the honor system while serving as the country’s designated punching bag.   This system has to run on an honor system, because America’s racial categories are ad-hoc and phony, and often reshaped to justify a perpetual attack on America’s core heritage population.  For all of American history, Americans of Middle Eastern or North African (MENA in bureaucrat-speak) origin have been counted as Caucasian on the census. In 2020 they were scheduled to be broken off into an invented new MENA category, but the Trump administration ultimately blocked the move. Why? Because activists wanted to benefit from anti-white discrimination, rather than suffer from it. Similar to the concept of “MENA,” the entire concept of “Hispanic” is basically a creation of the U.S. Census Bureau. When the Hispanic Society of America, a museum and research library, chose its name in 1904, the name signified its focus on Spain and Portugal, with virtually no interest in Spain’s former colonial holdings in the New World.  In early 20th century America, a hispano referred only to the Spanish-speakers of New Mexico. It was the Nixon Administration that changed everything in 1970, when it adopted the “Hispanic” label as a catch-all term for Americans whose origins ranged as widely as Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the Iberian Peninsula. Asking Americans about “Central or South American” ancestry was so novel that some American residents of the central or southern United States checked the census box by mistake. “Hispanic” was only added as a census category in 1980.   What makes one a Hispanic? No particular racial ancestry is needed. One can be a black Hispanic, a Maya Hispanic, or a Jewish Hispanic. One can hail from Tijuana, Toledo, Havana, or Asuncion. There is no blood quantum necessary to qualify. A person of 100% “Hispanic” background may look like Montezuma or he may look like J. Robert Oppenheimer.  And yet, as useless as such a category is, there are real benefits to being in it. For example, simply being “Hispanic” means one can get into medical school with a far lower GPA or MCAT score.. Revolver published an exposé on the National Minority Supplier Development Council, one of many private organizations whose actual purpose is to control access to America’s racial spoils system. The NMSDC certifies businesses as authentically “minority-owned.” In affect, it awards literal “Race Cards” for businesses to play... The Globalist American Empire feebly admits that it has no easy way to stop its victims from cheating. So cheat away. Undermine the system. Force it to rely on color palettes and DNA tests and skull measurements to enforce its racial castes. Right now, this corrupt, immoral, and decaying system is controlling America for free. Force it to fight. Odds are, it will simply break."

Oppression Obsession - YouTube - "We live in the most inclusive progressive diverse prosperous society ever in human history yet we behave as if we've never had it so fucking bad. We're told that there is prejudice wherever you look, because there aren't enough female biographies on Wikipedia or enough BAME cyclists on the road. Apparently the biggest challenge to London cyclists, it's not safety, it's diversity. We used to react to prejudice. Now we actively seek you out, often where it doesn't fucking exist...  what does this achieve, who does this help?... My grandmother watched the Battle of Britain taking place above her house. Nazis in plain sight over her house attempting to invade our country. Actual Nazis, I'm not talking Trump voters. Actual Nazis. Recently you had Vogue magazine saying tackling women's issues today is harder than women's battle for the votes. You pampered privately educated cunts...  welcome to 2018 where context and intent are no longer required to brand your fellow citizens fucking racist... this is the politicization of art which of course is the end of fucking art
The "myth" of the slippery slope strikes again. Wokeness is a phenomenon of late capitalism

Black murder victims and suspects: London v UK - "Almost half of murder victims - as well as suspects - were black despite the ethnic group accounting for just 13% of London's population... Numbers for the rest of the country painted a different picture, with murder victim and suspect figures more or less proportionate to the make up of the population. Nationally, 3% of the population is black, 5% of murder victims are black and 13% of murder suspects are black... young people were disproportionately the victims and suspects of murders in the capital.  Despite just 18% of Londoners being under 21, they accounted for almost a third of total murder victims, and almost half of murder suspects. The London figures for young victims and suspects are almost double those for the rest of the country."
Damn racism and ageism! Looks like London is the most racist and ageist part of the UK!

Meme - Goodwill Librarian: *Books we want banned*
*This year's reading list*
Comment: Why do liberals want to teach creationism in science class?"
When librarians proclaim that they want to indoctrinate and groom kids, and are defying the rules they are given. Of course, if conservatives do the same, they are denounced as dangerous and told that if you can't do your job, you should be fired

Are You Ready to Be an American Kulak? - "The modern American regime is built on explicit, institutionalized hostility to the people who most resemble the great Americans of the past. It is anti-white, anti-male, anti-Christian, anti-rural, and anti-middle class. The more of these traits a person has, the more worthy of hate they become. The more the Globalist American Empire decays and squanders the inheritance it was given, the more bile and hatred it directs against those who symbolize what came before.   But those on the receiving end of this new discriminatory regime may not appreciate its full scope or the ultimate fate that the Globalist American Empire has planned for them. They may see recent anti-white animus as a temporary spell, or a limited affair that can be waited out.  They are wrong. America’s shrinking white middle class are the target of an ever-intensifying cycle, whose mechanics are ripped straight from another oppressive regime, the Soviet Union of the 1920s and 30s.   The white American middle class have become America’s kulaks — Blamed for every problem, vilified for every success, and deserving of every punishment. Their destruction has become a fundamental goal of American political life... kulaks were the catch-all class enemy for the Bolshevik regime. Peasant uprisings were “kulak revolts,” because it was inconceivable that ordinary peasants might rebel against the workers’ paradise. And any ordinary civilians who opposed agricultural collectivization, or were simply seen as a threat to local leaders, were apt to be branded kulaks or kulak-enablers... State propaganda organs collectively denounced the kulaks as a class, deserving of annihilation, and all the while the definition kept expanding... From the beginning they were an easy target; envy of the haves by the have-nots is a constant of all human history, and in Communism’s case was foundational to its whole worldview... Just as in Russia a poor peasant who aggravated the regime was swiftly branded a kulak, a non-white who makes too much common cause with “white” priorities will also be a kulak... The American kulak, whatever his color, is a person who understands the great country that America was. They are a person who expects and demands safe streets, effective infrastructure, and quality public schools, and who helped create and perpetuate those things in the past.  The American kulak is a person who remembers and longs for a country that didn’t hate its own people, its own heroes, its own history. The American kulak is a person who believes in all those mundane traits that CRT handouts describe as facets of “white supremacy.” Obviously, it’s not entirely clear that America’s regime is plotting the literal extermination of the kulaks (though they don’t care much if they fall victim to “mostly peaceful” protests). Rather, the important parallel with the Soviet case is this: America’s kulak class are the only acceptable villains of American society...  It is impossible for kulak-Americans to enjoy any advantage over any other group of Americans, and not have that advantage attributed to racism, greed, genocide, and generational theft. In September, The Atlantic published an article titled “American Gentry.” The article’s message, in short, is to forget about America’s billionaire class or the incompetent power elites of Washington D.C. or New York. No, the real focus of animosity should be local small business owners, who are, of course, “mostly white.”... Some of the tells of kulak-hatred are subtle: For the past year, the Associated Press, the New York Times, and countless other press outlets have been capitalizing every race except white. According to the AP, this change was explicitly made because whites have no “shared history” and never face discrimination based on skin color... For Juan Williams, and the rest of America’s ruling class, the argument simply ends there: The parents protesting are “white” (either literally or politically), so they deserve no consideration whatsoever. They certainly don’t deserve the right not to be demonized in state-funded schools. They are kulaks. They exist to be trampled.  When exit polls in Virginia suggested that white women had supported winning gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin, they immediately became the designated villains, bearing racial guilt for the Democratic Party’s failures. According to Pulitzer Prize winner, MacArthur “Genius,” and all-around clown Nikole Hannah Jones, it is a sign of “immaturity” and “selfishness” when kulaks try to escape “collective responsibility” for the actions of those who died centuries before them... Simply being happy, or present in too many numbers, is enough to set off the modern regime’s kulak alarm bells...   Why must the American kulaks be destroyed? Because, fundamentally, they are an obstacle. An obstacle to everything.  American small businesses run lean operations, which cannot hand fat sinecures to useless, obese Diversity, Inclusion, Equity commissars. They have far more to fear from rioting, looting, shoplifting, and general mayhem; their work is in the real world rather than cyberspace, and if their place of business is burned or plundered, they don’t have a thousand others locations to pick up the slack. Their belief in merit and work stands in the way of a society where wealth is doled out based on birth and class"

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