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Saturday, November 11, 2023

Links - 11th November 2023 (1 - General Wokeness)

Meme - "You may support the current thing, but the current thing doesn't support you
*Purple short haired woman holding sign with woman in rainbow hijab*
*Black niqab woman holding head of rainbow-haired woman with glasses and a fullet on a pole*"

What Islamists and ‘Wokeists’ Have in Common - WSJ - "It never occurred to me that free speech would come under threat in my newly adopted country. Even when I first encountered what has come to be known as “cancel culture”—in 2014 I was invited to receive an honorary degree at Brandeis University and then ungraciously disinvited—I didn’t fret too much. I was inclined to dismiss the alliance of campus leftists and Islamists as a lunatic fringe.  But the power of the illiberal elements in the American left has grown, not just on campus but in the media and many corporations. They have inculcated in a generation of students an ideology that has much more in common with the intolerant doctrines of a religious cult than with the secular political thought I studied at Holland’s Leiden University. In the debates after 9/11, many people sought materialist explanations for the attacks. American foreign policy in the Middle East was blamed, or lack of education and employment opportunities in the Arab world. I argued that none of these could explain the motivations of the plotters and hijackers, who in any case were far from underprivileged. Their goal was religious and political: to wage jihad against their kin if they didn’t accept a literal interpretation of Islam, to denounce Arab governments as corrupt and their Western allies as infidels, and ultimately to overthrow the established order in the Middle East and establish a caliphate.  American policy makers preferred the materialist explanations, as they implied actions to solve the problem: invasion, regime change, democratization. It was unpopular to suggest that the terrorists might have unshakable immaterial convictions.  Nineteen years on, we see a similar dynamic, only this time it is within our borders. Naive observers explain this summer’s protests in terms of African-Americans’ material disadvantages. These are real, as are the (worse) socio-economic problems of the Arab world. But they aren’t the main driver of the protests, which appear to be led mainly by well-off white people.  Their ideology goes by many names: cancel culture, social justice, critical race theory, intersectionality. For simplicity, I call it all Wokeism. I am not about to equate Wokeism and Islamism. Islamism is a militant strain of an ancient faith. Its adherents have a coherent sense of what God wants them to achieve on earth to earn rewards in the afterlife. Wokeism is in many ways a Marxist creed; it offers no hereafter. Wokeism divides society into myriad identities, whereas Islamists’ segmentation is simpler: believers and unbelievers, men and women.  There are many other differences. But consider the resemblances. The adherents of each constantly pursue ideological purity, certain of their own rectitude. Neither Islamists nor the Woke will engage in debate; both prefer indoctrination of the submissive and damnation of those who resist.  The two ideologies have distinctive rituals: Islamists shout “Allahu Akbar” and “Death to America”; the Woke chant “Black lives matter” and “I can’t breathe.” Islamists pray to Mecca; the Woke take the knee. Both like burning the American flag.  Both believe that those who refuse conversion may be harassed, or worse. Both take offense at every opportunity and seek not just apologies but concessions. Islamism inveighs against “blasphemy”; Wokeism wants to outlaw “hate speech.” Islamists use the word “Islamophobia” to silence critics; the Woke do the same with “racism.”  Islamists despise Jews; the Woke say they just hate Israel, but the anti-Semitism is pervasive. The two share a fondness for iconoclasm: statues, beware. Both ideologies aim to tear down the existing system and replace it with utopias that always turn out to be hellish anarchies: Islamic State in Raqqa, the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone in Seattle. Both are collectivist: Group identity trumps the individual. Both tolerate—and often glorify—violence carried out by zealots. This Sept. 11, then, let’s dismiss the fairy stories about the enemies of a free society. Their grievances aren’t merely economic and they won’t be satisfied with jobs or entitlements. Their motivations are ideological and they will be satisfied only with power."

Jordanian national allegedly planned attack on Jews in Texas - "A “radical” Jordanian national living in Texas was allegedly plotting an attack on Houston’s Jewish community before he was arrested on gun charges.  Sohaib Abuayyash, 20, had been studying how to build bombs and posted about his support for killing Jews, federal officials claim."
"Inflammatory rhetoric" is only an issue when the left is being criticised

Why this teacher is shaking up what we know about report cards - "Ungrading advocates say the traditional system encourages students to chase grades. But what’s in a grade? Every teacher has a different metric: a B+ to one might be a C to another. A mark could be bell-curved. It might include participation, or not. It could reflect the benefit of having a tutor."
When you're against accountability. Of course, liberals hate standardised tests too

FACT CHECK: Union boss wrongly claims Texas teacher was fired for reading 'Diary of Anne Frank' - "American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten in an X post Wednesday falsely claimed a Texas middle school fired a teacher for reading “The Diary of Anne Frank” to students... Her statement, however, contradicts reporting by Crisis in the Classroom (CITC) affiliate KFDM, which explains the teacher’s dismissal was due to having read “Anne Frank’s Diary: The Graphic Adaptation,” an unapproved graphic novel rendition which contained sexually explicit passages. “KFDM reviewed a section of the diary shown to the Hamshire-Fannett eighth graders in which Frank wrote about male and female genitalia. The passage was not suitable for broadcast,” KFDM reported. “District officials claim the adaptation of Anne Frank's Diary has never been approved, yet it was on a reading list sent to parents at the start of the school year. So while the district is implying the teacher went rogue, parents believe someone higher than her knew about the book being part of the class," KFDM added... In a statement to CITC, DeAngelis called Weingarten a “lying clown.”      Randi Weingarten has reached a new low with this lie,” he said. “The book was a graphic adaptation that included sexual material. The teacher asked young kids to discuss molestation. A special session is coming to Texas next month, as Governor Greg Abbott just announced. It's time to empower all families with education freedom and hold lying clowns like Randi Weingarten accountable."  Weingarten likened parental rights advocates to segregationists Tuesday, sparking outrage. Her union also previously “coached” teachers to “inject gender identity politics” into classroom, according to a report by the Defense of Freedom Institute."
Why are liberals so keen to sexualise kids?

Meme - Wendell Chungus: "my dude, you know sex Ed is a thing right? And required? My thing is IDC if you even find it, because of all the things sex Ed could teach, they already put models of peens up for education, a dildo is basically the same. Keep trying hard to be mad."
Woke logic: showing kids dildos is sex education so it's good

British Army Veteran Arrested in the UK for Causing Anxiety - "A cellphone video taken by Laurence Fox showed United Kingdom police arresting 51-year old Darren Brady, a British Army veteran.  The arrest was made because Brady re-shared an internet meme that the officer claimed to have, “caused anxiety” for LGBTQ+ individuals."
Calling for Jihad is fine, of course. Just like covid protests were bad because they were against public health guidelines, but BLM protests were good and the police even joined in

Students hated ‘To Kill a Mockingbird.’ Their teachers tried to dump it. - The Washington Post - "Students first told Shanta Freeman-Miller about how it hurt to read “To Kill a Mockingbird” five years ago.  The stories came out during Wednesday meetings of the Union for Students of African Ancestry, a group that Freeman-Miller, one of the only Black teachers at Kamiak High School, founded at teens’ request. Students shared their discomfort with the way the 1960 novel about racial injustice portrays Black people: One Black teen said the book misrepresented him and other African Americans, according to meeting records reviewed by The Washington Post. Another complained the novel did not move her, because it wasn’t written about her — or for her.  A third spoke about how a White teen said the n-word aloud while reading from “Mockingbird,” disobeying the teacher’s instructions to skip the slur, the student recalled in an interview with The Post. She spoke on the condition of anonymity, for fear of harassment... Freeman-Miller wondered: Did the school really have to teach Harper Lee’s classic but polarizing novel, as was mandatory for all freshmen? She soon talked with three White English teachers also concerned about the novel. The foursome eventually launched a years-long quest to prohibit any teacher in the largely liberal Mukilteo School District from assigning “Mockingbird.” And it started with a formal book challenge in late 2021 — the first in 20 years, and the first ever to come from teachers.  “To Kill A Mockingbird centers on whiteness,” the teachers wrote in their challenge, adding that “it presents a barrier to understanding and celebrating an authentic Black point of view in Civil Rights era literature and should be removed.”... the progressive teachers who complained about the novel saw themselves as part of an urgent national reckoning with racism, a necessary reconsideration of what we value, teach and memorialize following the killing of George Floyd. They weren’t asking to pull the book from the library — just to stop forcing it on students. They believed they were protecting children... some teachers [were] scared to assign “Mockingbird” for fear of being labeled racist... The Black hosts of the show joked that “Mockingbird” ranked with Confederate monuments as something painful to Black people, but which White people adored. Johnson, who grew up loving “Mockingbird,” identifying with White protagonist Scout, felt shaken — and guilty...  she began to wonder why Kamiak couldn’t teach literature by Black authors instead.  “I don’t think that White authors and White characters should tell the narratives of African American people,” Kuzmany said. “The usefulness of the book has run its course.”... The committee split: 63 percent voted to remove “Mockingbird” from the ninth-grade required list... “It got into dark details, the hard truth of back then: how one person who was a White person could say one bad thing and a man, a person of color, would get in trouble for it,” she said of “Mockingbird.” She feels bad for students who didn’t read it: “They lost a good book.”  This year, the first year after Freemon’s retirement, no teacher in the Mukilteo district had assigned the book as of late October, she said."
So much for the right trying to "ban books"
The left tell us that removing a book from curriculum is also a "ban", so
Today, a black person can say one bad thing, but a white person will get in trouble for it. How the turntables

Addendum: "a California school district forbade teaching “Mockingbird” after parents alleged it was racist for its use of the n-word and portrayal of Black people"

James Lindsay, Wokesetta Stone on X - "Harvard is pushing the literal 2+2=5 guy as a fighter against "misinformation."

Thread by @DanFriedman81 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - " The reason a lot of young progressives are so mad at JK Rowling is that they read the books as kids, and they thought they were Harry or Hermione. But they grew up into people like Percy or Dolores Umbridge or Cornelius Fudge or Rita Skeeter. And they know it. And on some level, they’re ashamed. I’m reading the fifth book with my niece and it’s kind of astonishing how well it tracks to contemporary controversies. And Rowling is on the same side now that she was when she wrote it. Which is the side of people who tell the truth, against people who suppress and deny the truth in service of their ideology. Cornelius Fudge and the Ministry of Magic are unprepared to deal with the return of Voldemort, so Fudge simply decides it isn’t happening and endeavors to silence anyone who says otherwise, which sets him in conflict with Dumbledore. Harry is attacked by dementors while he’s staying with his aunt and uncle, and he uses magic to defend himself. He’s put on trial for using magic outside the school, and his defense is that he was protecting himself from the dementors. But Fudge refuses to believe the dementors were there, because, if they’re not in Azkaban where they’re supposed to be, then that means his ministry has lost control of them.  After Dumbledore produces witnesses who exonerate Harry, and embarrasses Fudge in the process, Fudge sends his assistant Dolores Umbridge to Hogwarts as a teacher to curtail Dumbledore’s authority. Umbridge insists that the students do not need to learn magical defense because nobody is going to attack them. Every time Harry protests, Umbridge punishes him sadistically. She refuses to tolerate any evidence of truth that conflicts with her ideology, and zealously prosecutes heretics who speak against her beliefs. Twenty years ago, Umbridge, who zealously believes in the righteousness of her ideology, and, in the face of increasing evidence to the contrary, attempts to suppress that evidence and punish those who present it rather than changing her beliefs, probably read as a right-wing figure. But today, she’s the perfect model of a woke bureaucrat."

Thread by @Tyler_A_Harper on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "This is what we're witnessing – the dismantling of public higher ed in conservative states – and we've created the conditions for what's going on at UNC. How did anyone think we could get away with being nakedly ideological for years without any chickens coming home to roost? Universities have always been tacitly left-leaning and faculty have always been openly so, but institutions have never been this transparently, officially political. Almost every single job ad in my field/related fields this year has some kind of brazenly politicized language.
An example. Here's language from a current lit job ad: "We see this position as building on recent hiring in the English department in decolonial and anti-racist pedagogies and practices as well as a recent cluster hire in research related to diversity, equity, and inclusion."
Imagine if a public university job ad instead read: "We see this position as building on recent hiring in the English department in traditionalist pedagogies and practices as well as a recent cluster hire in research related to pro-life ethics, nationalism, and family values." If you lived in a blue state and your public universities were advertising jobs seeking scholars who promote family values and nationalist pedagogies, you would *rightly* be having a meltdown and demanding representatives fix it! This isn't about conservative or liberal profs. This isn't about the right of individual faculty to *be* political or teach political subject matter. That's the whole point of academic freedom! This is about universities shamelessly embracing, as their official institutional posture, an openly ideological framework/stance. It's *because* I'm a leftist humanities professor that I think we need institutional neutrality. The survival of higher ed, the humanities, absolutely depends on universities being officially non-political so that faculty/students have the academic freedom *to be* political. I don't care if I'm a broken record. Our society desperately needs the humanities, and a functional public higher education system more broadly. And *at the very moment* we're under sustained assault, some of us are still pouring fuel on Chris Rufo's bonfire. UNC is the result. What I find heartbreaking is that I really believe this was preventable. Or I at least believe that if defunding the humanities was inevitable, given the transformation of universities into Hedonist Experiential Luxury Resorts, it didn't have to happen this fast or in this way."
The liberal cope is that they are objectively right, so universities need to stand on the right side of history and do the morally correct thing
The replies are full of a lot of cope of people denying the left have politicised universities. Classic "this is not happening, and it's good that it is"

Meme - Black Woman: "This is a black only space, you're not wanted here"
Chad: "OK"
Chad: "This is a White only space, you're not wanted here"
Crying Black Woman: "I'm going to sue for discrimination"

Meme - Reddit: "Whoa there buddy, your post has been removed because it breaks one of our vague and convoluted rules. The community may have enjoyed your post and gave it thousands of upvotes and positive responses in the comment section, but I'm a moderator who was put in charge for unknown reasons and my decision is final"

Meme - "N.A.X.AL.T.
Not All [X] Are Like That
The mistaken belief that because you can name someone here that this center line does not exist.
NAXALT fallacy."
Liberals don't understand distributions

Jamie Sarkonak: UCP members refreshingly vote to purge toxic wokeness from education - "“Schools (in Saskatchewan) require a signed permission slip to take children on a field trip so it’s unclear why schools should not require parental consent for identification changes”... This one is quite popular with Canadians, who reasonably expect parents to be informed of their kids’ lives. It’s a live issue in Alberta, too: one report from earlier this year, for example, recounted a secret social transition of a Grade 6 child in Calgary, whose teacher conspired with the entire class to keep parents oblivious. The status quo undermines trust in public institutions, so a change would be welcome... Indeed, parental rights are well-established in Canada, evidenced by the 3,000 or so results of court cases and legislation retrieved from a database search on the Canadian Legal Information Institute website. It could be useful for Alberta to codify these long-standing parental rights in one place, however, since CBC insists on framing the concept as a whacko, foreign, United States-originating idea to give it the appearance of illegitimacy... the party membership voted to withdraw government funding from any institution with a diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) office or policy (or equivalent). DEI sounds nice in theory, but the work is just that of progressive commissars whose job it is to collect identity statistics, make discriminatory procedures and centrally-plan the desired demographics of their institutions. What might un-DEI-ing the university look like in practice? For one, it should cut back on the identity-based hiring practices that are now widely accepted in the province. In the past couple years, for example, the University of Calgary has instituted a hiring program for “equity-seeking” groups only, while the University of Alberta has opened a number of faculty jobs up to exclusively Black people. These programs exist, in part, because the federal Liberals cleverly pressure institutions into equity-based discrimination hiring practices through contracting requirements and research funding policies — and so far, provinces have stood by and allowed it. Rejecting DEI could risk that funding and will certainly result in being called bad names in the news, but hey, it would probably get results. If Quebec Premier François Legault can basically oust English from the academy,  Alberta can surely take on a toxic ideology... Beyond education, a number of winning policies at convention focused on health. One would eliminate safe injection sites. A couple others were geared at preserving individual autonomy in health care, both for patients and doctors. Regarding professional regulation, one policy called for the party to limit professional regulatory bodies to investigating “on the job” conduct — a clear response to recent over-reaches that Canadian regulators have taken against conservatives like psychologist Jordan Peterson in Ontario, and former attorney general Tyler Shandro in Alberta. For a non-binding policy book, they’re not bad ideas. A good number of these resolutions — particularly those concerned with education — would be considered no-brainers only 15 years ago. Some observers are concerned that this convention represented a foray into the “ far right .” Really, it’s just a return to normal."

Why dozens of birds are being renamed in the U.S. and Canada - "The American Ornithological Society, a birding group, pledged Wednesday to change the English names of all bird species in the U.S. and Canada currently named after people. The organization said it was trying to move away from names "deemed offensive and exclusionary... "As scientists, we work to eliminate bias in science. But there has been historic bias in how birds are named, and who might have a bird named in their honor," American Ornithological Society Executive Director and CEO Judith Scarl said. "Exclusionary naming conventions developed in the 1800s, clouded by racism and misogyny, don't work for us today, and the time has come for us to transform this process and redirect the focus to the birds, where it belongs." The move is part of an effort to diversify birding and make it more welcoming to people of all races and backgrounds. The American Ornithological Society hopes more people will focus on protecting birds, too. "Everyone who loves and cares about birds should be able to enjoy and study them freely — and birds need our help now more than ever," Handel said."
Clearly confusing people by giving them new bird names will increase support for protecting birds

Why Oxford city council may sell its ‘inappropriate’ biblical paintings - "Oxford politicians may consider selling off classical and biblical paintings deemed inappropriate for a “progressive” council. A canvas depicting a Roman myth could be removed from the city’s 120-year-old town hall because it shows “gender-based violence”, if a motion is agreed by local councillors. Another painting of Salome bearing the head of John the Baptist could also be removed and sold off under the proposals to remove “inappropriate” artworks. It has been suggested that money raised by the sale of these works could be used to buy new paintings to “rebalance the lack of diversity” in the city council’s art collection. The motion states: “Within Oxford City Council’s art collection there are several items that are of no practical value to the city, do not have a clear link to Oxford, and depict themes that are inappropriate for a progressive public body that wants to lead by example: namely animal cruelty and gender-based violence.”  It adds that the artworks including a painting of the mythical Rape of the Sabine Women, a decapitated John the Baptist, and a sculpture depicting a fox hunt - which is not currently on display - are “not appropriate for display at the town hall”." The motion further states that the artworks owned by the city couch which are displayed at the town hall depict very few women, and overall “do not represent Oxford’s ethnic diversity”... The proposal has not yet been discussed by the council, which is controlled by Labour, a party which has sought to suggest amendments to the motion, claiming that the Grade II listing of Oxford’s Victorian town hall would make the removal of paintings difficult... Research by the council has found that there are 115 paintings or other artwork on display, including 45 portraits, with 37 of these depicting men, three depicting women, and two depicting both men and women. The council has previously struggled in its efforts to make this collection more diverse because funding would be needed to source new artworks, and to ensure that they fit with the historical interior of the ornate town hall building. Ms Miles believes her suggestion of selling unwanted artworks would raise sufficient funds to overcome this problem. Discussions about the diversity of public art in Oxford come after the city council created an “Anti-Racism Charter” in 2021, after pledging to tackle discrimination following Black Lives Matter protests the previous year."

New law lets staff sue their boss if customers offend them - "New harassment rules on the brink of becoming law will enable medics to sue the NHS if a patient insults them, allow bar staff to take legal action against landlords if they are offended by drunk punters, and let baristas take coffee shop owners to a tribunal if they overhear offensive remarks made by customers. Senior Tories warn the proposed law will lead to an explosion of litigation and force business owners to run their establishments like a “police state”...  Lord Strathcarron, a Tory peer who runs a publishing firm, said bookshops could be put off inviting authors such as JK Rowling to give talks, “on the off chance that one of the author’s fans might be wearing a T-shirt that says, ‘Woman Equals Adult Human Female’, knowing that an employee could sue for hurt feelings – real or vexatious”. Other scenarios, he added, could include “somebody going into the Dog and Duck ... then insulting the barman, and the barman suing the landlord. Or someone going for an MOT, the car fails, and they slag off the mechanic and the mechanic sues the garage owner. It’s mad and no one’s thought it through.” While a separate clause in the Bill putting a duty on bosses to prevent the sexual harassment of employees commands broad support, peers are demanding the Government drop the introduction of a new obligation on employers to prevent harassment by third parties that relates to a “protected characteristic” such as sex, gender reassignment or age. Critics fear this will lead to companies having to expel clients over trivial incidents and facing costly litigation by staff... During his campaign to succeed Mr Johnson, Mr Sunak promised to stop “mission creep” relating to the Equality Act, which he described as “a Trojan horse that has allowed every kind of woke nonsense to permeate public life”."

Meme - Soyjak: "Heh... if christians are so great, why don't you guys do more for the poor?"
Christian clergy: "In the US, 70% of food pantries and nearly 30% of homeless shelters are run by churches"
Soyjak: "Umm, well, what about the sick? Didn't Jesus say you should care for the sick?"
Christian clergy: "Nearly 20% of hospitals in the US are run by churches. In some states, more than 40% of you care for hospital beds are in Catholic hospitals alone"
Christian clergy: "The number of Christians in Africa has increased from 10 million in 1900 to an estimated 700 million by 2025. By God's grace that is a 6900% increase, largely due to western missionaries"

Meme - ""Over-smiling allows white people to mask an anti-Blackness that is foundational to our very existence as white." - Robin DiAngelo. Nice Racism, page 53"

Meme - "WHO PROGRESSIVES THINK THEY ARE. *Star Trek Enterprise Crew*

Waterloo Catholic school board trustee apologizes for tweet that had some calling for her to resign - "A Waterloo Catholic District School Board trustee has apologized for a tweet she made last fall that had some people calling for her to resign.  Trustee Wendy Ashby, who represents Kitchener-Wilmot, has deleted her Twitter account, but groups such as Parents as First Educators and Campaign Life Coalition have shared screengrabs of the tweet. The screengrabs say she wrote: "The most dangerous creature on the planet is the white Christian male. They're a threat to anyone that is not them."... "Conversations about inequality are often uncomfortable," Ashby wrote in the statement.  "As a Métis woman and in my professional role, I encounter these discussions regularly and part of these discussions is to challenge our existing systems. A great deal of my education and advocacy work is around understanding and furthering diversity, equity and inclusion."  Ashby says she deleted her Twitter account to ensure her comments and advocacy "will not be taken out of context in the future" and said she remained dedicated to her work as a trustee... Fellow trustee Marisa Phillips also issued a statement to express her "personal dismay and sadness regarding the hateful comments made by my colleague on Twitter."  "These comments deeply hurt members of our Catholic school community and are entirely inappropriate, unacceptable, and should be condemned without hesitation," Phillips said in an emailed statement.  "Racism and sexism against any group have no place in our society. These actions become especially heinous when they originate from an elected school board trustee whose hurtful comments are aimed directly at many of the families she has been tasked with representing.""
Damn institutional sexism, racism and Islamophobia!

Catholic School Board Member Calling Christian Men 'Dangerous' Sparks Anger - ""Do you approve or condemn this racist, sexist, anti-Christian statement? Yes or no?" Manzies asked, receiving no response.  The audience then erupted with loud clapping in support of Manzies' questioning, essentially drowning out Weiler's voice. Guests then continuously chanted "Shame! Shame!" as the board members walked out of the room... Fonseca described Ashby's two tweets in question as "racist, misandrist and bigoted anti-Christ filth" that proved "this was no momentary lapse of reason on her part but rather a deep-seated racist and anti-Christian sentiment that she harbors."... "She appears to consider herself a social justice warrior, fighting for justice and acceptance for all!" PAFE wrote in an April 6 post. "But where is the representation for the white Christian males she so blatantly discriminates against?  "If these comments had been made towards anyone of color, members of the LGBTQ+ community, or Indigenous communities, the school board would have taken immediate action and removed her from position as trustee, especially as a Catholic school board." Teresa Pierre, president of PAFE, told Newsweek via email that Ashby has had months to walk back the comments and now must face resignation. "There is no place for racism in Canadian public life," she said." Disgraced Trustee resigns seat in Waterloo Catholic school board over allegations of racism - "Disgraced trustee Wendy Ashby resigned her position as trustee of the Waterloo Catholic District school board... While commenting in March on the 2023 provincial budget’s allocation of money for Personal Support Workers (PSW), Ashby tweeted that the money was “hush money” to buy PSWs’ silence about being underpaid.  Ashby said at that time “White women make obedient soldiers for the christofascist patriarchy." At its May 1 meeting, the Waterloo Catholic board appointed an investigator to determine whether Ashby’s tweets violated the board Code of Conduct.   Ashby says she has decided to pre-empt that decision by vacating her seat, saying that she has been a victim of “harassment” from “outside interest groups that have their own agenda.”"
Clearly this is "backlash" and just shows how much feminism and anti-racism are needed

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