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Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Links - 27th June 2023 (2 - Trans Mania)

England Limits Use of Puberty-Blocking Drugs to Research Only - The New York Times - "The National Health Service of England announced on Friday that it would limit the use of puberty-suppressing drugs to children enrolled in clinical trials... A document explaining the agency’s reasoning stated that “there is not enough evidence to support their safety or clinical effectiveness as a routinely available treatment.”... The change is part of a broader push in several countries to limit gender-related medical treatments for young people.  After conducting evidence reviews, Finland has begun limiting who can access gender-related treatments and Sweden has restricted the use of puberty blockers and hormones to clinical trials. A Norwegian health body and the French National Academy of Medicine have also urged caution... a British study of Tavistock patients published in 2021 showed that blockers had no effect on children’s scores on psychological tests. The study found that 43 out of the 44 participants later chose to start testosterone or estrogen treatments. One interpretation of the data is that all were good candidates for hormone therapy. But the numbers raised concerns at the N.H.S. about whether the drugs served their intended purpose of giving adolescents time to think."
Damn transphobes ignoring the Science and condemning trans kids to die!

Meme - Man with American flag: "Leave my kid alone"
Trans: "NO"
Third Party: "They're The Same"
More accurate version of the liberal meme claiming that the right are Nazis and the left are reasonable and kind and centrists are stupid

🖕𝕻𝖚𝖋𝖙🖕 on Twitter - "I don't use people's preferred pronouns for the same reason I don't talk to schizophrenic people's imaginary friends. Patronizing the mentally ill doesn't help"

Meme - *Ugly MTFs kissing while thinking they're cute girls*

Meme - *Man at parade wearing 'Trans Kids are Sexy' T-shirt*
Trans Kids Are Sexy T-shirt - Shibtee Clothing
Amy E. Sousa, MA Depth Psychology on Twitter - ""Trans kids are sexy" t-shirt mostly marketed to tattoed adult men. 🤔🤔🤔"

Meme - Daydream of Hell @hellsdaydream: "No regrets for texting my transphobic mother this when she was dying of cancer. I love that she died knowing her daughter hated her and was happy without her!"
"Hey. Guess who's the "lifelong medical patient" now! :)"
"The Devil Is Not A Little Red Man With Horns And A Tail. He Wears A Dress And Takes Estrogen."
Comment: "These are the people that say that the Right is full of hate."

Nevada pageant winner to become 1st transgender Miss USA contestant - "Kataluna Enriquez, who was crowned Miss Nevada USA on Sunday, will become the first openly transgender woman to compete in the Miss USA pageant.  With a platform centered on transgender awareness and mental health, Enriquez, 27, beat out 21 other contestants at the South Point Hotel Casino in Las Vegas... Enriquez, who is Filipina American, designs her own outfits, including a rainbow-sequin gown she wore Sunday night in honor of Pride Month “and all of those who don’t get a chance to spread their colors”"
Anything women can do, transwomen can do better

Meme - "This woke woman thought she was gonna offend me by telling me I look like a man #transphobicandproud"
Blair Neulander: "Are you a man? Because you look like a man
This person is unavailable on Messenger."

Meme - "There are now 5 trans-identified children at my daughter's elementary school. It all started with one boy whose parents lied to him and told him he's a girl. Then the school ramped up the propaganda, bombarded kids with gender ideology, and now there are 5 kids on the path to destruction. #SocialContagion
TRANS KIDS (Rainbow)"

The Truth About ‘Puberty Blockers’ - WSJ - "The Food and Drug Administration has approved those medications to treat prostate cancer, endometriosis, certain types of infertility and a rare childhood disease caused by a genetic mutation. But it has never approved them for gender dysphoria... the drugs, led by AbbVie’s Lupron, are prescribed to minors “off label.” (They are also used off-label for chemical castration of repeat sex offenders.) Off-label dispensing is legal; some half of all prescriptions in the U.S. are for off-label uses. But off-label use circumvents the FDA’s authority to examine drug safety and efficacy, especially when the patients are children. Some U.S. states have eliminated the need for parental consent for teens as young as 15 to start puberty blockers. Proponents of puberty blockers contend there is little downside. The Department of Health and Human Services claims puberty blockers are “reversible.” It omits the evidence that “by impeding the usual process of sexual orientation and gender identity development,” these drugs “effectively ‘lock in’ children and young people to a treatment pathway,” according to a report by Britain’s National Health Service, which cites studies finding that 96% to 98% of minors prescribed puberty blockers proceed to cross-sex hormones. Gender advocates also falsely contend that puberty blockers for children and teens have been “used safely since the late 1980s,” as a recent Scientific American article put it. That ignores substantial evidence of harmful long-term side effects.  The Center for Investigative Reporting revealed in 2017 that the FDA had received more than 10,000 adverse event reports from women who were given Lupron off-label as children to help them grow taller. They reported thinning and brittle bones, teeth that shed enamel or cracked, degenerative spinal disks, painful joints, radical mood swings, seizures, migraines and suicidal thoughts. Some developed fibromyalgia. There were reports of fertility problems and cognitive issues. The FDA in 2016 ordered AbbVie to add a warning that children on Lupron might develop new or intensified psychiatric problems. Transgender children are at least three times as likely as the general population to have anxiety, depression and neurodevelopmental disorders. Last year, the FDA added another warning for children about the risk of brain swelling and vision loss.  The lack of research demonstrating that benefits outweigh the risks has resulted in some noteworthy pushback in the U.S. and abroad. Republican legislatures in a dozen states have curtailed or banned gender-affirming care for minors. Finland, citing concerns about side effects, in 2020 cut back puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to minors. Sweden followed suit in 2022 and Norway this year. Britain’s National Health Service shuttered the country’s largest youth gender clinic after 35 clinicians resigned over three years, complaining they were pressured to overdiagnose gay, mentally ill, and autistic teens and prescribe medications that made their conditions worse... Ignoring the long-term dangers posed by unrestricted off-label dispensing of powerful puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, combined with the large overdiagnosis of minors as gender dysphoric, borders on child abuse."
Weird. When it came to ivermectin we were told that off-label use was dangerous and people were taking horse dewormer

Children as young as 12 can have puberty blockers, Scots watchdog says - "Children as young as 12 can consent to trans-affirming medical interventions, Scotland’s social care watchdog has told bodies responsible for looking after the country’s most vulnerable young people.  Experts said that the Care Inspectorate’s guidance, issued to services responsible for children in care this week, flew in the face of emerging expert evidence about the dangers of adopting an exclusively “affirming” approach to children who declare themselves transgender... It also cited a case study in which a young person in care has been “supported” by a child care home to have a mastectomy.  The guidance pointed to Scottish legislation which “recognises that a young person aged 12 and over is presumed to have sufficient capacity to make decisions about medical treatment, although we recognise this will not always be the case”. The document made no reference to the findings of the interim Cass Review of gender identity services in England, which warned of possible risks in encouraging “social transition” of young people and a lack of evidence to support puberty blockers.  Instead, the 22-page guidelines refer to controversial documents published by the SNP administration and pro-trans charities such as Stonewall and LGBT Youth Scotland, the body that helped write the guidance.  David Bell, a consultant psychiatrist who became a Tavistock whistleblower, said that the document suggested a “significant failure of safeguarding” by the watchdog.  “There is now considerable evidence that just affirming children is harmful and this guidance seems to just ignore all the emerging medical evidence,” Dr Bell said. “Children with a conflict about gender and sexual identity need to be treated with thought and understanding.  “Many of these children will have a history of abuse, trauma, depression and major family issues. Just referring to them as trans and sending them off down a medical pathway risks causing them more harm.  “Given the evidence we now have, this guidance is quite shocking and has the potential to be very damaging.”... Trina Budge, a director at the For Women Scotland campaign group, claimed that the guidance was “putting the most marginalised group in society, cared-for children, at risk.”  She added: “The guidance draws on no clinical expertise and instead reads like a religious doctrine. Rather than listening to a lobby group with a dangerous ideology, they should have read the interim Cass Review.”... The Sandyford has referred children as young as nine for puberty blockers, while in Scotland children as young as 16 have been “referred for assessment” for irreversible surgeries such as mastectomies."
Weird. TRAs keep claiming it is a myth that young children get puberty blockers.

What Are Puberty Blockers and What Do They Do? - "Puberty blockers are only given to children who have started puberty. For a child who is assigned female at birth, Dr. Cartaya says puberty typically starts between the ages of 8 and 13. For a child who was assigned male at birth, the range is between 9 and 14."
This TRA kept insisting that it was a myth that eight year olds got puberty blockers. As usual, this is not happening, and it's good that it is. Give 8 year olds as many puberty blockers as they want!

4th-tier men's team DESTROYS US Women's soccer team 12-0, reaffirming that biological males have physical advantages over women - "the US Women’s National Team was crushed by the men’s Wrexham AFC team in a 12-0 defeat... seven of the 12 goals were scored by Wrexham in the first 20 minutes, with the team ultimately going on to the next round of The Soccer Tournament in North Carolina.  The women’s national team had only five shot attempts on the goal compared to Wrexham’s 39 chances at a goal...   The tournament was played between June 1 and 4, and boasted a $1 million winner-takes-all prize... This isn’t the first time the USWNT has lost to a male team. In 2017, the team played against the FC Dallas U-15 boys academy team in preparation for two friendly games against Russia, losing 5-2, according to CBS Sports.  The women’s team's loss to Wrexham comes at a time when the protection of women’s sports has been in the spotlight, with many noting the differences between males and females in athletic ability, even if a biological male were to undergo a gender transition.  Video out of Australia last month from Reduxx showed biological male Riley Dennis injuring a female player during a match, aggressively tackling the player, who fell to the ground.  A source told Reduxx, "The St. George player was unable to train until later in the week and when she did, it was only very lightly."   Megan Rapinoe, a two-time Olympic medalist in soccer, told Time Magazine in June of 2022 that she;s "100 percent supportive of trans inclusion" in sports."
The cope (as with the boys' teams defeating womens' teams) will be that the women let the men win

BREAKING: Australian government THREATENS women’s mag Reduxx for identifying male trans footballer accused of injuring women - "The Australian government has warned Reduxx that they must censor or delete an article identifying a trans-identified male soccer player that plays in a women’s league who has been accused of injuring female players... "The article, titled 'Thousands of Complaints Filed After Trans YouTuber Allowed To Play On Women’s Football League, Reportedly Injured Players,' revealed the identity of a transgender male who had been the subject of mass complaint after allegedly injuring female players while competing on a women’s football team in New South Wales."  The statement added that the outlet "correctly identified the player who had been the subject of complaint as trans activist Riley Dennis, and also identified the club Dennis played for as the Inter Lions FC."  "In addition to demanding we remove or censor the article, the eSafety Commissioner advised Twitter that we had broken Australia law. Twitter then informed us the content would be withheld in Australia," the statement continued.  The statement said that Reduxx, after a "comprehensive analysis of the compelling arguments presented by the eSafety Commissioner, including that it was 'offensive' to have called Riley Dennis a 'man,'" has decided to keep the article up, without any alterations made to it.  Reduxx magazine noted that Twitter, in an email informing them of the post being taken down in Australia, did not include the exact law that the outlet had violated in the country. The content remains viewable outside of Australia... Reduxx's Anna Slatz said, "When I first got the email from the esafety commissioner, I thought that it was a joke. I had to look up to make sure that this was a real government office because it seems so ridiculous to me that there is a branch of the Australian government dedicated to censoring and scrubbing mean things from the Internet on behalf of crybullies."  "When I realized that it was real, I couldn’t believe it. I then found another email, which had gone to our spam inbox from Twitter’s legal department, telling us that the content was now being withheld in Australia, because it violated Australia’s law. Twitter advised us that they withheld the content because the esafety commissioners office had demanded it.   "I still can’t quite wrap my head around the fact that the nation of Australia exerted financial resources and legal effort to censor a news article because a trans activist felt was 'offensive.'"

BREAKING: Woman CENSORED by Twitter in Australia for criticizing 'male breastfeeding' - "An Australian woman who took issue with the latest trans trend of males breastfeeding newborns has been censored by Twitter at the behest of her own government. She was told that her tweets opposing male breastfeeding for newborns had "violated Australian laws."  Lactation specialist Jasmine Sussex took to Twitter to express her outrage at trans-identified males undertaking a drug and hormone regimen for the purpose of satisfying their breastfeeding fetish and feeding newborns the secretions that erupt from their nipples. She called it an "unethical medical experiment" on newborns... Sussex believes that she was targeted by Jennifer Buckley, a trans-identified male Australian paramedic who breastfed his wife's newborn.  Earlier this year, Buckley sent a letter to Human Events asking for the removal of an article on the topic, saying that reports of him breastfeeding were "harmful" to him and his family because articles about them were "being used by anti-trans groups in a harmful and defamatory manner." Sussex told Human Events that she suspects it is Buckley demanding she be censored. Buckley's intent, she intimated, is to remove references to himself as the public criticism has been too much for him. She shared that, in an effort to get other publications to delete their stories about him, he had claimed to have suicidal ideation... Buckley posted to Twitter, saying that women who don't like men to breastfeed are too "sensitive."... In 2022, Sussez had been fired from her position as a breastfeeding counsellor for not using the word "parent" to describe a mother. The term mother, 6pr reported, was characterized as "hate speech" by none other than the Australian Breastfeeding Association. Sussex had been a member of the organization for nearly 20 years... she was apalled by a recently emerged breastfeeding PhD student and OnlyFans model who goes by nominal.naomi on TikTok and Twitter. Nominal.naomi appears to have adopted a newborn and claims to be pumping "milk" and feeding it to the child. Nominal.naomi also has a cow fetish, called breastfeeding a "cow achievement," and posts photos with the caption "I'm a cuddly cow."  Nominal.naomi's PhD thesis research cites numerous articles by trans advocates who claim that trans-identified males who breastfeed find the practice "gender affirming." This is the ethical metric by which it is judged. One study discussed the baby who was allegedly nursed by the male "milk," but it left more questions than it answered."

Updated: NDP MPP 'sucker punched' at clash between trans-rights, anti-'gender ideology' demonstrators - "Harden told The Trillium that he was hit by "a bit of a sucker punch" by a woman associated with the Elston-led group while he was amid a crowd.  "She punched me once in the back and I stupidly looked over my shoulder to see where she was, and she rabbit punched me," Harden said. "It is what it is, I'm totally fine anyway."... online commentators accused Harden and Ottawa city councillor Ariel Troster, who'd said she'd witnessed the punch, of lying about it, based on a video that appears to show that Harden's facial injury was caused by his megaphone. In response, Harden tweeted that he was holding a megaphone against his face when he was punched and the "blow glanced off the megaphone," which cut his face."
"I’ll take a punch for queer and trans youth any day:" Ottawa MPP allegedly punched in face at rally supporting queer and trans youth - "NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh shared a tweet saying he was proud of Harden for standing up."
Meme - Joel Harden @JoelHardenONDP: "And punching people in the face. But I'll take a punch for queer and trans youth any day."
Readers added context they thought people might want to know: "Upon careful examination, it can be ascertained that Joel Harden unintentionally collided with his own megaphone, resulting in the visible mark captured in the accompanying image."

Foster mother ‘nearly lost children after questioning school’s gender ideology class’ - "A deputy headteacher attempted to have a foster mother’s children taken away when she questioned the school’s teaching of the “genderbread person”, it has been claimed.  The woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was reported to social services because the teacher was “concerned” that the children were encountering “exceptionally bigoted” views... The row was sparked by the mother questioning the school’s relationships teaching, which apparently included a video lecture of a non-binary 12-year-old saying gender is “dynamic” and that toilets are “just another way to categorise people”.  Students are also said to have been taught the “genderbread person”, a controversial diagram defining biological sex as a spectrum of “male-ness” and “female-ness”, with sex is “assigned” at birth. Critics have condemned it as “unscientific nonsense”. The foster mother criticised the lesson plan in a “strongly worded” email to the school, arguing they were teaching ideology as fact and that it should be balanced with material from gender-critical voices... “Do we want children in care who are already traumatised to expound similar bigoted viewpoints?”  A meeting then reportedly took place between social services and members of the school to discuss the woman’s suitability as a foster mother, who said she was “shocked” by the response... The woman believed that she could have lost her children if not for several “exemplary years” that she has spent as a carer.  She is now one of the litigants in a class action case that is being prepared against the Government on gender ideology.  The group, made up of parents and teachers, claimed that the ministers have been “wilfully negligent” in allowing material from groups such as Stonewall to take root in schools."
Questioning TRA claims is literally genocide, denying their existence and most of all violating their right to exist

Meme - "They literally admit to being the forces of Chaos.
Capri @CapriTheUnruly: ""Neopronouns are a terminally online trend invented by Twitter and Tumblr"
Games Workshop in 1986:
Since Slaanesh is neither male nor female, but hermaphrodite, the members of the Jade Sceptre have invented new personal pronoun, "shem." Thus they avoid the use of the more cumbersome "he she" and "him or her,' without recourse to the impersonal "it." "Shem" is used for both subject and object, while "shem's" replaces the possessive pronoun "his or her." With similar obsessiveness, the cultists are careful always to use the nentral word "deity" instead of "god" or "goddess""

Transgender people over four times more likely than cisgender people to be victims of violent crime - Williams Institute
Gender Identity Disparities in Criminal Victimization: National Crime Victimization Survey, 2017–2018
On more than one occasion, I've seen TRAs cite this to pretend that there's evidence that trans women have a higher risk for sexual assault than cis women, but both the press release and paper make it clear that the results are for violent victimisation and property victimisation, i.e. there are no results for sexual assault alone

Meme - "Johns Hopkins University DIVERSITY & INCLUSION
Gender & Sexuality Resources
Lesbian [sexual orientation]: A non-man attracted to non-men. While past definitions refer to 'lesbian' as a woman who is emotionally, romantically, and/or sexually attracted to other women, this updated definition includes non-binary people who may also identify with the label.
Gay Man: A man who is emotionally, romantically, sexually, affectionately, or relationally attracted to other men, or who identifies as a member of the gay community."
J.K. Rowling on Twitter - "Man: no definition needed.
Non-man (formerly known as woman): a being definable only by reference to the male. An absence, a vacuum where there's no man-ness."
Once again, women lose out with trans mania

Rudeness should not be a criminal matter - "In 2018, mother-of-two and self-described radical feminist Kate Scottow got into a heated Twitterspat with Stephanie Hayden, a trans woman. This ended with Scottow describing Hayden as a ‘pig in a wig’, suggesting she might be racist and referring to her as ‘he’.  Hayden went to the police, who then sent three officers to arrest Scottow in front of her children for a breach of section 127 of the Communications Act 2003. She was held for seven hours before being subjected to an hour-long grilling.  Prosecution soon followed. In a judgment at once humourless and patronising, the district judge convicted Scottow, conditionally discharged her and told her to pay costs of £1,000. The judge told Scottow that her comments had been unkind and had not contributed to debate; that the misgendering had caused anxiety; and that ‘we teach children to be kind to each other and not to call each other names in the playground’.  Last week, however, Scottow’s conviction was quashed at the Court of Appeal... As a new Civitas report on hate crime points out, there is a litany of cases where those who have questioned what others see as gender orthodoxy have been more or less formally told by the police to shut up, or face the consequences. These include Father Ted creator Graham Linehan, who was given a formal warning a couple of years ago by police for the non-crime of transphobia. This followed a social-media spat with the very same Stephanie Hayden who caused such trouble for Scottow. Similarly, Catholic mother and activist Caroline Farrow was ordered last year to report to the police immediately after she had been rude about trans-advocacy charity Mermaids on a current-affairs programme and Susie Green, Mermaids CEO, had complained. And Posie Parker endured similar treatment after she put up (and paid for) a billboard stating ‘Woman: Adult Human Female’, and Green notified the police to make sure she did not do it again.   Moreover, while there is no crime yet of verbally disrespecting transgender people, any such attack is likely to be recorded by the police as a ‘non-crime hate incident’... Suppose you later want to become a school governor, or take a job as a police officer, teacher or carer, well, your potential employers’ DBS check may well put a stop to that."
Literally genocide and denying their existence

The New York Times Reveals Painful Truths about Transgender Lives - "Why should a doctor perform surgery when it won’t make the patient happy, it won’t accomplish its intended goal, it won’t improve the underlying condition, it might make the underlying condition worse, and it might increase the likelihood of suicide? Sound medicine isn’t about desire, it’s about healing... Andrea Long Chu writes a heartfelt and heartbreaking op-ed on life with gender dysphoria. Titled “My New Vagina Won’t Make Me Happy,” the op-ed reveals painful truths about many transgender lives and inadvertently communicates almost the exact opposite of its intended argument...  “This is what I want, but there is no guarantee it will make me happier. In fact, I don’t expect it to. That shouldn’t disqualify me from getting it.”  Chu argues that the simple desire for sex-reassignment surgery should be all that is required for a patient to receive it. No consideration for authentic health and wellbeing or concern about poor outcomes should prevent a doctor from performing the surgery if a patient wants it. Chu explains: “no amount of pain, anticipated or continuing, justifies its withholding.”  This is a rather extreme conclusion. Chu writes: “surgery’s only prerequisite should be a simple demonstration of want.” This is quite a claim. And we’ll come back to it. But as the op-ed builds to this stark conclusion, Chu reveals many frequently unacknowledged truths about transgender lives—truths that we should attend to. First, Chu acknowledges that the surgery won’t actually “reassign” sex: “my body will regard the vagina as a wound; as a result, it will require regular, painful attention to maintain.”  Sex reassignment is quite literally impossible. Surgery can’t actually reassign sex, because sex isn’t “assigned” in the first place... Chu acknowledges that “transitioning” may not make things better and could even make things worse. Chu writes: “I feel demonstrably worse since I started on hormones.” And continues: “Like many of my trans friends, I’ve watched my dysphoria balloon since I began transition.”  Indeed, as I document in When Harry Became Sally, the medical evidence suggests that sex reassignment does not adequately address the psychosocial difficulties faced by people who identify as transgender. Even when the procedures are successful technically and cosmetically, and even in cultures that are relatively “trans-friendly,” transitioners still face poor outcomes.  Even the Obama administration admitted that the best studies do not report improvement after reassignment surgery. In August 2016, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid wrote: “the four best designed and conducted studies that assessed quality of life before and after surgery using validated (albeit non-specific) psychometric studies did not demonstrate clinically significant changes or differences in psychometric test results after GRS [gender reassignment surgery].”  What does that mean? A population of patients is suffering so much that they would submit to amputations and other radical surgeries, and the best research the Obama administration could find suggests that it brings them no meaningful improvements in their quality of life... Chu acknowledges a struggle with suicide ideation: “I was not suicidal before hormones. Now I often am.”  In 2016, the Obama administration acknowledged a similar reality...   These results are tragic. And they directly contradict the most popular media narratives, as well as many of the snapshot studies that do not track people over time. Indeed, the Obama administration noted that “mortality from this patient population did not become apparent until after 10 years.” So when the media tout studies that only track outcomes for a few years, and claim that reassignment is a stunning success, there are good grounds for skepticism... Chu wants to turn the profession of medicine on its head, transforming a medical doctor into nothing more than “a highly competent hired syringe,” in the words of Leon Kass.  Unfortunately, Chu isn’t alone. Many professionals now view health care—including mental health care—primarily as a means of fulfilling patients’ desires, whatever those are... This vision of medicine and medical professionals gets it wrong. Professionals ought to profess their devotion to the purposes and ideals they serve. That’s what makes them professionals, and not just service providers... Chu never contacted me regarding my research or my book. Nor did the Times contact me to verify any of the claims made about me in the op-ed. Indeed, this is the second time the New York Times has published an op-ed with inaccurate criticisms of me and my book."

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