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Friday, June 30, 2023

Links - 30th June 2023 (2 - Migrants)

‘Sex With Refugees’ Mural in London Branded ‘Orientalist Fetish’ - "A piece of street art containing the phrase “sex with refugees is jasmine-scented and beautiful” in large letters has caused controversy after it appeared in London over the weekend... Artist Robert Montgomery, who wrote the original text, said it emerged in workshops on reversing “the stereotyping language used to represent refugees in the mainstream media.”... According to theories of orientalism, Middle Eastern women have historically been reduced to exoticized and eroticized images in European artwork."
Given that most "refugees" in Europe are now male...

The Left Case against Open Borders - "In its twenty-nine-year existence, around 140 people died attempting to cross the Berlin Wall. In the promised world of global economic freedom and prosperity, 412 people died crossing the U.S.-Mexican border last year alone, and more than three thousand died the previous year in the Mediterranean. The pop songs and Hollywood movies about freedom are nowhere to be found. What went wrong?...   While no serious political party of the Left is offering concrete proposals for a truly borderless society, by embracing the moral arguments of the open-borders Left and the economic arguments of free market think tanks, the Left has painted itself into a corner. If “no human is illegal!,” as the protest chant goes, the Left is implicitly accepting the moral case for no borders or sovereign nations at all. But what implications will unlimited migration have for projects like universal public health care and education, or a federal jobs guarantee? And how will progressives convincingly explain these goals to the public? During the 2016 Democratic primary campaign, when Vox editor Ezra Klein suggested open borders policies to Bernie Sanders, the senator famously showed his vintage when he replied, “Open borders? No. That’s a Koch brothers proposal.” This momentarily confused the official narrative, and Sanders was quickly accused of “sounding like Donald Trump.” Beneath the generational differences revealed in this exchange, however, is a larger issue. The destruction and abandonment of labor politics means that, at present, immigration issues can only play out within the framework of a culture war, fought entirely on moral grounds. In the heightened emotions of America’s public debate on migration, a simple moral and political dichotomy prevails. It is “right-wing” to be “against immigration” and “left-wing” to be “for immigration.” But the economics of migration tell a different story. The transformation of open borders into a “Left” position is a very new phenomenon and runs counter to the history of the organized Left in fundamental ways... Just ask Karl Marx, whose position on immigration would get him banished from the modern Left...   According to the best analysis of capital flows and global wealth today, globalization is enriching the wealthiest people in the wealthiest countries at the expense of the poorest, not the other way around...   It has now become a common slogan among advocates of open borders—and many mainstream commentators—that “there is no migrant crisis.” But whether they like it or not, radically transformative levels of mass migration are unpopular across every section of society and throughout the world. And the people among whom it is unpopular, the citizenry, have the right to vote. Thus migration increasingly presents a crisis that is fundamental to democracy... the open borders position does not even live up to its own professed moral code.  There are many economic pros and cons to high immigration, but it is more likely to negatively impact low-skilled and low-paid native workers while benefiting wealthier native workers and the corporate sector. As George J. Borjas has argued, it functions as a kind of upward wealth redistribution. A 2017 study by the National Academy of Sciences called “The Economic and Fiscal Consequences of Immigration” found that current immigration policies have resulted in disproportionately negative effects on poor and minority Americans, a finding that would have come as no surprise to figures like Marcus Garvey or Frederick Douglass. No doubt they, too, would have to be considered “anti-immigrant” by today’s standards for warning of this.
Apparently there is no difference between a wall to keep people out and a wall to keep people in

'Squad' member Pramila Jayapal introduces bill to decriminalize illegal border crossings - "Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), a member of the group of progressive federal legislators known as "the squad," re-introduced a bill with Congressman Jesús Chuy Garcia to decriminalize crossing the US border illegally."

As a Rotherham grooming gang survivor, I want people to know about the religious extremism which inspired my abusers - "As a teenager, I was taken to various houses and flats above takeaways in the north of England, to be beaten, tortured and raped over 100 times. I was called a “white slag” and “white c***” as they beat me.  They made it clear that because I was a non-Muslim, and not a virgin, and because I didn’t dress “modestly”, that they believed I deserved to be “punished”. They said I had to “obey” or be beaten... In November 2017, the Swedish government held a meeting where they stated that: “Sexual violence is being used as a tactic of terrorism”, and as such, it was recognised as a threat to Sweden’s national security."

Antisemitic Demonstration in Malmo, Sweden - "Antisemitic slogans were chanted in a demonstration that was held in Malmö, Sweden on Friday, December 8, in protest of U.S. President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Protesters shouted in Arabic: "Khaybar, Khyabar, oh Jews, the army of Muhammad is coming back," in reference to the 628 CE Muslim conquest of the Jewish oasis city of Khaybar. The protesters also called to close embassies, presumably of the U.S., and to cut diplomatic ties. They shouted that "from Sweden" and "from Malmö" they have decided to launch "a determined Intifada," and called to "aim and shoot at the Jews... at the settlers and at the soldiers.""

Meme - "From a seventh grade class picture in sweden Vakna Sverige: Arskurs 7 i Sverige *young girl, younger girl and grown man*"

'I was raped by Rotherham grooming gang - now I still face racist abuse online' - "  She says she is being hounded with abuse by radical left extremist groups and although she has complained to Twitter, the social media giant is yet to take action.  Ella said: “On Twitter I get a lot of abuse from far-left extremists, and radical feminist academics.  “There is one group who go online and they try to resist anyone they consider to be a Nazi, racist, fascist or white supremacist. They don’t care about anti-white racism, because they appear to believe that it doesn’t exist.  “They have tried to floor me and criticise me continually and this has been going on for a couple of months.  “They tried to shut me down, shut me up and drive me off Twitter. I’ve never experienced such hate online in my life. They accuse me of ‘advocating for white paedophiles’ and being a ‘sinister demonic entity.’”... Ella says she never wore revealing clothes and had a stable family upbringing. However, she was targeted because she was “a white girl looking for a boyfriend”...   Ella believes the racially aggravated elements of sexual abuse are sometimes omitted and she believes it needs to better understood.  “I was called a barrage of racist names,” Ella said. “They called me a white s**g, a white c***, a white whore, a white b***h and a f****** gori which is their name for a white person...   “Prevention, protection and prosecution - all of them are being hindered because we are neglecting to properly address the religious and racist aspects of grooming gang crimes.”  'It’s telling them that it’s OK to hate white people'  Ella recently reported what she perceived as a racially abusive tweet against white people to Twitter.  The tweet made reference to “the white virus” and said: “Carriers tend to be hideously ugly (within and without), hideously selfish, hideously inferior and hideously white. Never underestimate the malice and ugliness of these ‘people.’” She argued the tweet contained “harmful content” but Twitter said the tweet did “not breach any of Twitter’s community guidelines.”  The response to Ella said: “Twitter’s hateful conduct policy applies to members of a protected group: This includes races which have been historically oppressed and marginalised, which white people have not.  “For this reason, Twitter would consider this comment satire.”... “By falsely categorising anti-white hate content as ‘satire’, Twitter is creating an environment where hatred towards whites is ‘normalised’, and this leads to even more anti-Western attacks, like the ones against me and hundreds of other girls in Rotherham.  “It’s telling them that it’s OK to hate white people, and that’s fundamentally wrong."

Muslim Invaders Signal a Second Battle of Tours | Faith & Heritage - "Muslims in Poiters, France, near the location of the original battle have built a mosque named after the Arabic name of the Battle of Poitiers, Balat al-Chouhada. The naming of this mosque is entirely relevant to how the Muslims of Poiters understand their presence in modern-day France. The name for the new mosque in Arabic translates as “paved with martyrs.” The martyrs referred to are those who died fighting for Islam in their attempt to conquer Europe"
Génération identitaire accuse un imam d'avoir donné le nom arabe de la bataille de Poitiers à sa mosquée - "Tout un symbole. « Révélations exclusives sur les mensonges de l’imam #UOIF de #Poitiers ! Dans cette vidéo en arabe, Boubaker Al-Hadj Amor révèle le vrai nom de la “Grande Mosquée de Poitiers” : Balat al-Chouhada… le nom islamique de la bataille de Poitiers en 732 ! » Le message, publié mardi sur Twitter par le mouvement Génération identitaire, dévoile des extraits d’une interview à la chaîne qatarie Al Rayyan, en 2015, dans laquelle le prêcheur semble révéler le nom officieux et en arabe de l’édifice musulman de la Vienne (la traduction a été authentifiée par Valeurs actuelles).
« Pourquoi avez-vous nommé cette mosquée “Pavé des Martyrs”? L’avez-vous appelé du nom de la bataille qui a eu lieu ici ? », lui demande le journaliste. « Oui, grâce à Dieu, cet endroit est sur la ligne principale passée par l’armée islamique. C’était une route pavée par les Romains, et l’armée islamique est passée par cette route. Alors, grâce à Dieu, cet endroit est à côté de la ligne principale. C’est pour cela qu’on l’a nommée “Mosquée Pavé des Martyrs” », reconnaît l’imam et cadre de l’Union des organisations islamiques de France (UOIF)."...  
Dans la vidéo, l’imam de Poitiers depuis 1995 admet en effet avoir bénéficié de fonds étrangers pour poursuivre la construction de la mosquée, interrompue plusieurs années durant en raison d’un manque de financement par les fidèles locaux. « Ce que nous avons construit, c’est grâce à Dieu et avec l’aide de l’organisation “Qatar Charity” », admet-il... Le Qatar, dont le mufti officieux est Youssef al-Qaradawi, prédicateur égyptien antisémite, pro-terroriste et interdit de territoire français depuis 2012, investit le plus souvent dans des mosquées gérées par l’UOIF ou ses satellites, comme celle, gigantesque, de Mulhouse, financée à hauteur de 2 millions d’euros."

Swedish student fined for anti-deportation protest that went viral - "A Swedish student who livestreamed her protest against the deportation of an Afghan asylum seeker last year has been found guilty of violating Sweden’s aviation laws and fined £250.  Elin Ersson, 22, avoided a prison sentence at the Gothenburg district court... After Ersson refused to take her seat, several other passengers – including members of a football team – joined her protest and the asylum seeker was removed from the plane, to applause from passengers... Tobias Billström, a leading member of the centre-right Moderate party, led calls for harsher sentences against asylum rights activists. Meanwhile, liberal and leftwing politicians saw Ersson’s prosecution as evidence of an official clampdown on civil disobedience... Ersson originally boarded the plane to prevent the deportation of 26-year-old Ismail Khawari. However, Khawari was not on the plane, and was deported separately. Seeing the other asylum seeker, Ersson decided to continue her protest nonetheless."
From 2019

Afghan whose deportation was blocked by crying Swedish girl, whipped his wife and daughters - "the Afghan man in his 50s is actually an aggressive wife beater...   He had beaten his daughters and his wife, and among other things, “whipped” them with a long charging cord.  The man is convicted of assault in Sweden, the police confirmed to Fria Tider. However, that was not why he was deported.  Now, newspaper Nyheter Idag reveals that the man was sentenced to nine months in jail for three cases of assault of his own wife and their two children."

The Left’s position on the migrant crisis is increasingly unsustainable - "Stephen Watson, the chief constable of Greater Manchester Police, tells this newspaper that criminal gangs are exploiting the surge in illegal migrants – recruiting arrivals, some as young as 13, lodged in local hotels. Mr Watson describes how even innocent, vulnerable asylum seekers can thus “travel the spectrum from being victims” to “exploiters” themselves. They are “hardly likely to develop [into law-abiding] people”.  The Left’s position on the migrant crisis – that we have to accept the vast increase in numbers and simply find the best accommodation possible – is unsustainable. It is also unethical. They believe that borders are by their very nature unjust, and that the state should tolerate, even facilitate arrivals, limiting its efforts to no-questions-asked humanitarianism.  But this puts an enormous strain on the resources of the host society. Importantly, it is also very bad for migrants themselves – because a dangerous “come one, come all” approach encourages illicit activity. The goal should be a managed asylum process that ensures safe routes for those that need them, and Britain has shown its generosity towards people under immediate threat – including Ukrainians and Hong Kongers.  The UK is not obliged to offer safe haven to those leaving a stable, free society or travelling through several sound democracies to get here."

Asylum seekers in hotels ‘could be recruited by extremist groups’ - "Radical groups could target hotels housing asylum-seekers in an attempt to recruit people, counter-extremism officials fear.  Officials in the Midlands city of Stoke-on-Trent have become increasingly concerned about the resurgence of Hizb ut-Tahrir, a group that promotes the creation of an Islamic state. It is banned in more than a dozen countries but not in the UK.  The group has been holding sessions in a converted warehouse a short walk from two hotels housing asylum seekers, and sources said they feared the proximity would provide individuals with extreme but not illegal views “easy access” to vulnerable migrants...   The group’s purpose is to re-establish the caliphate in the Middle East with Sharia law, and experts have claimed it is a gateway to violent extremism. It is shunned by most Muslims and has been banned in Germany, China, Russia and many Arab states."
Clearly the UK needs to welcome even more migrants so they will realise it is a caring country and won't be prey to extremism (an actual view I've seen expressed multiple times)

BBC Radio 4 - From Our Own Correspondent Podcast, The Desperation of Asylum Seekers on Poland's Border - "Turkey, Erdogan insisted was different from European neighbors, who he said had slammed shut the door on refugees. But in recent months, Erdogan has changed his tenor. Turkey has no duty, responsibility nor obligation to be Europe's refugee warehouse, he said. Erdogan’s change of heart may be due to his ruling party's dramatic slump in support. His recent pledge to close the door to refugees echoes popular sentiment. A recent poll showed that seven out of 10 Turks want to seal their borders to asylum seekers. Majed Shama, a Syrian journalists filmed a satirical video on the banana controversy, poking fun at Syrians who are now afraid to buy fruit. For that report, Shama was slapped with a deportation order"
Damn racist, xenophobic and Islamophobic Turks!

BBC Radio 4 - From Our Own Correspondent Podcast, A Haitian Odyssey Across The Americas - "She painted a picture of an arbitrary deportation process. We didn't get an interview or anything. They only took our fingerprints and photos, nothing more. And she says some of the immigration officials even lied to them saying they were being flown to Florida, not Haiti. What hurt the most is the treatment we received she says. It was inhuman, inhuman chains on our ankles. We're not slaves. Migration is a right not a crime"
Apparently all immigration laws are wrong

BBC Radio 4 - From Our Own Correspondent Podcast, Caught in the crossfire along the Thailand/Myanmar border - "‘Over a period of 36 hours, around 8000 migrants, most of them Moroccan, reached Ceuta. Many swam around the border fence while others drifted in on makeshift rafts. Some were even able to clamber around the fence at low tide. Eyewitnesses say the Moroccan police, normally so quick to thwart such attempted crossings, did nothing to stop them. It was the latest twist in Spain's complex relationship with Morocco, a relationship in which migrants are often centerstage. Just days before Morocco relaxed its border controls, allowing the migrants to cross. Its government had made clear it was angry with Spain. In April the Spanish government allowed a man called  Brahim Ghali to be treated for coronavirus in a hospital… Ghali is head of the Polisario Front, which for decades has been fighting Morocco for sovereignty of the vast area known as Western Sahara. The Moroccan government saw Spain's willingness to admit a public enemy to one of its hospitals as a betrayal and recalled its ambassador in Madrid after initially playing down the diplomatic incident, Spain's Defence Minister Margarita Robles hit back, warning Morocco that her country would not be blackmailed. One Spanish Civil Guard who has been posted in *something* told me that Morocco uses immigration as if it were a currency. He said that every time Morocco wants to exert pressure on Spain or Europe, for example over fishing rights or an agricultural agreement, suddenly more migrants will start reaching Spain's two African enclaves. And it's not necessarily just trade and geopolitics which are believed to trigger such incidents. In 2014, the Spanish Civil Guard infuriated Morocco's King Mohammed by stopping him when he was jet skiing off the shores of Ceuta and asking him to identify himself. In the days that followed, 1200 migrants reached Spain from Morocco’"

BBC Radio 4 - From Our Own Correspondent Podcast, Still There: The Migrants Trapped in Calais Limbo - "‘A young man from Sudan puts his coat on a crate making me a seat. It feels strange to sit in his temporary home and question his dreams. But that's why I've come to ask the question I kept hearing in the media. Why do people like this man want to come to Britain? I was not expecting the answers. The British abolished slavery, a man from Cameroon said solemnly. Britain is not a racist country said a man from Guinea. Education is very important there, the Sudanese boy told me. When I have children, he said I want them to go to school in England.’"
Silly Africans. They're unaware of the reality of White Supremacy in the UK

BBC Radio 4 - Best of Today, Bishop Rose Hudson-Wilkin’s Today programme - "When we went to other shores, when the British went to other shores, they were deemed to be explorers and pioneers. And now people coming to our shores for exactly the same reason, wanting to improve their lives, make a better life, or they're fleeing persecution, or natural disasters. We bury them, we bury them in red tape. We bury them with the names that we give them, which are not pleasant"
Apparently British colonisers were really refugees. So can we stop demonising colonialism?

BBC Radio 4 - Best of Today, Asylum seeker system to crack down on criminal gangs - "‘Only last week, we had another dead body found in the back of a lorry coming to the UK. And this is simply unacceptable.’
‘On the subject of the morality of it, can I just quote you the Geneva Convention, the relevant one. The contracting states shall not impose penalties on account of their illegal entry or presence on refugees who coming directly from a territory where life or freedom was threatened, enter and present in that territory. In other words, you are not allowed under the Geneva Conventions, it seems to have a different system with penalties for people who come illegally’
‘Well, the Refugee Convention does allow for penalties to be imposed, where the refugee has not come directly from a country of persecution. And what we are proposing all the work that we are proposing, through the command paper that will be published today is in line with the Refugee Convention and in line with international law and the European Convention on Human Rights.’"

Finland: World's Happiest Country Seeks Migrants - "Repeatedly dubbed the happiest nation on the planet with world-beating living standards, Finland should be deluged by people wanting to relocate, but in fact it faces an acute workforce shortage... While many Western countries are battling weak population growth, few are feeling the effects as sharply as Finland.  With 39.2 over-65s per 100 working-age people, it is second only to Japan in the extent of its ageing population... In 2013, five of the eight Spanish nurses recruited to the western town of Vaasa left after a few months, citing Finland's exorbitant prices, cold weather and notoriously complex language. Finland has nonetheless seen net immigration for much of the last decade, with around 15,000 more people arriving than leaving in 2019.  But many of those quitting the country are higher-educated people... Startups "have told me that they can get anyone in the world to come and work for them in Helsinki, as long as he or she is single," the capital's mayor, Jan Vapaavuori, said to AFP.  But "their spouses still have huge problems getting a decent job."  Many foreigners complain of a widespread reluctance to recognise overseas experience or qualifications, as well as prejudice against non-Finnish applicants... "There was never a shortage of jobs going, just a shortage of mindset," said Ahmed, who during his search in Finland received offers from major companies in Norway, Qatar, the UK and Germany, and eventually began commuting weekly from Helsinki to Dusseldorf."

Better access to immigration needed to address worker shortages: CFIB - "The national association that represents small businesses cited the biggest issues as a mismatch between the jobs that need to be filled and the skills-level of immigrants the government prioritizes, and the long, overly-complicated process of bringing in and retaining foreign workers...   Respondents said most occupational shortages are for jobs that require a college diploma or apprenticeship (46%), and those that require a high school diploma or on-the-job training (31%). However, only 17% of economic immigrants in 2017 had the diploma/apprenticeship qualifications; and only 2% had the high school diploma or on-the-job training qualifications. Sixty per cent of immigrants had a university degree, but less than one in ten occupations experiencing shortages require one.   CFIB notes small business owners who can’t find a worker locally may turn to the Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) Program and they’re generally very satisfied with the workers. However, hiring requires filling out reams of complicated forms, paying non-refundable fees and waiting six to 12 months or more for approval before beginning recruiting.   “When small business owners turn to the immigration system to fill a vacant position, it’s because they have tried everything else and run out of options,” added Emilie Hayes, senior policy analyst at CFIB and lead author of the report. “The cost and stress they have to go through to recruit a foreign worker wouldn’t be worth it if this wasn’t their last resort to keep their business operational, and sometimes keep their Canadian workers employed as well.”"

How Did Canadian PR Change Your Life? - "Once I became a PR and got my SIN, I discovered that there were so many artificial barriers created by Canadians to protect their country / community against ‘foreign workers-invaders’. It sounds relevant to many countries, but this was a huge cultural shock for me. These barriers are well-known as Canadian Experience, lack of communication skills (you must be a native speaker to get a good job), some sort of ‘local’ skills, licensing in many industries is a norm (you must be certified to do what you do, and in majority cases you pay money and waste your time to learn what you’ve already known), only Canadian education is considered as education by many employers, and of course a Canadian-born pride, there is nothing wrong to be a proud Canadian, but only Canadians say it all the time and everywhere, I didn’t hear it from any other nation. Having these qualities will definitely increase your chances to find a meaningful and well-paid job. But it sounds like a discrimination in the 21st century. I conducted a research on this topic. I created two authentic profiles - one for a recent immigrant with a foreign name, who earned a degree from a prestigious Canadian university, but without Canadian experience, and another one with a local name, who was a Canadian-born, with similar skills, Canadian degrees and local work experience. Results were awesome - a response rate via online applications was 2 times higher for a Canadian-born applicant, and processing time was much slower for a PR. Tested region - Toronto, GTA. upd: There was another research on this topic, conducted by Philip Oreopoulos and Diane Dechief (2011) Why do some employers prefer to interview Matthew, but not Samir? New evidence from Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver. This was the third signal for me.  Before coming to Canada I knew several people and they were interested in my experience, they told me that I had to finish my PR process and get SIN before we could go any further. So I did my homework and knew that job market is a hard candy. Once I completed all required immigration procedures, another thing was discovered - I could penetrate the market with my experience and skills, but all meaningful positions were 'reserved' for Canadians 99.9%. I've applied for 30+ positions during several months via network and online, and I had interviews with 20% of them. However every time there were 'better candidates'. After understanding the problem, I decided to apply for a Canadian degree and build stronger relations with Canadian experts. I told myself - if you want a meaningful job, you have to be a 'better candidate'."

How Canada’s foreign-student boom is creating a host of problems - The Globe and Mail - "The university has increased its intake of foreign students – so much, and so quickly, that it has run out of space on campus. During the recent fall semester, 90 courses in the post-baccalaureate programs were held at Cineplex, compared with 56 on campus and 20 online. About 2,680 students were enrolled in those programs. All but two were international students, and the vast majority – 86 per cent – came from India... That’s not the extent of students’ frustrations. Every day on social media, there are desperate pleas for housing in Sydney, N.S., a sleepy town of 31,000 that is trying to absorb a spike of newcomers caused by the university’s increased admissions. Quite often, incoming students days away from arriving in Canada still don’t know where they’ll live. Others complain about a public transit system that is buckling under rapid growth in ridership... This has led to accusations that colleges and universities are gorging on international student fees while turning a blind eye to local challenges. Some critics are saying schools need to be reined in.  “You’re getting a lot of localized stresses that come from the fact that institutions don’t seem to care where their students live,” said Alex Usher, president of Higher Education Strategy Associates, a consulting firm. “They don’t care about the housing problems faced by the local community. They’re acting like bad neighbours.”  Colleges and universities control a major chunk of population growth. At the end of 2021, there were more than 620,000 study permit holders in Canada from abroad. Before the pandemic, which led to temporary border restrictions, their ranks jumped by 434,000 people over the course of a decade. That’s about the population of Halifax.   There is a simple explanation for the explosion: money.  Government funding of postsecondary schools has not increased in inflation-adjusted terms in nearly 15 years, while domestic enrolments have peaked, according to a recent report from Higher Education Strategy Associates. That has turned international students into a crucial, and expanding, source of revenue."

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