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Monday, June 26, 2023

Links - 26th June 2023 (2 - General Wokeness)

Mugshots showing Muslim women without hijabs were ‘a form of public shaming,’ protester claims - The Washington Post - "Jail officials in Cumberland County, Maine, have a special protocol for taking booking photos of Muslim women who wear hijabs. They’re photographed twice — once while wearing a hijab, and once without.  The scarfless photos are never supposed to be seen beyond the walls of the jail.  But the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office has launched an investigation to see if the religious rights of two Muslim women were violated after mugshots showing them without their hijabs were released to the media... “To be shown without a headscarf, it’s almost like being shown naked,” Ibrahim Hooper, a national spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, told The Washington Post. “The implication is that it’s an act of intimidation to humiliate Muslim women who are exercising their right to protest.""
Damn colonialism forcing Muslim women to wear hijabs!

Meme - Black Woman: "So my dads tire blew up on the freeway and this dude, with a confederate flag tattoo, wearing a confederate flag t-shirt, with confederate flag car stickers, stopped and changed our tire. My mind is blown, don’t judge a book by its cover y'all"
Or, the Confederate Flag isn't the sign of a racist, as liberals keep insisting

Meme Black Woman: "I feel like having a loud conversation in public. And then I'll yell at whoever asks me to keep it down"
If you criticise a black woman, you're racist and sexist

Meme - Free Black Thought: "New oppressor class just dropped"
"Black Male Privilege Checklist
Leadership & Politics
I don't have to choose my race over my sex in political matters.
When I read African American History textbooks, I will learn mainly about black men.
When I learn about the Civil Rights Movement & the Black Power Movements, most of the leaders that I will learn about will be black men.
I can rely on the fact that in the near 100-year history of national civil rights organizations such as the NAACP and the Urban League, virtually all of the executive directors have been male.
I will be taken more seriously as a political leader than black women.
Despite the substantial role that black women played in the Civil Rights Movement and Black Power Movement, currently there is no black female that is considered a "race leader".
I can live my life without ever having read black feminist authors, or knowing about black women's history, or black women's issues.
I can be a part of a black liberation organization like the Black Panther Party where an "out" rapist Eldridge Cleaver can assume leadership position."

Meme - End Wokeness: "Black supremacist mows down 62 white people at a Christmas parade
18 months later: No motive
Trans terrorist attacks a Christian school and writes a manifesto
6+ weeks later: No motive
Hispanic male shoots up a mall and kills several white people
1 day later: White supremacy"
Elon Musk: "Odd"

Meme - Sam Parker @SamParkerSenate: "Yes. About those "White" crime statistics:
Texas 10 Most Wanted Fugitives
Juan Carlos Marizcal
White (Hispanic) Male
Ernesto Alonso Garcia
White (Hispanic) Male
Anthony Gonzales
White (Hispanic) Male
Benjamin Dominguez
White (Hispanic) Male
Carlos Alberto Gonzalez-Barahona
White (Hispanic) Male
Jose Fernando Bustos-Diaz
White (Hispanic) Male
Robert Barrera, Jr.
White (Hispanic) Male"
"How can we trust the crime statistics when they do this?
Race: WHITE"

Officer Frenly on Twitter - "The America that beat the Nazis:
- was racially segregated
- had an effective moratorium on immigration
- only allowed NW European immigrants when it allowed any
- criminalized homosexuality
- minimized female participation in the workforce
- was 90% white
- was Christian"

🇺🇸Travis🇺🇸 on Twitter - "I have white privilege.    If I want to go to college, my skin color doesn’t get me extra benefits and scholarships.    I have white privilege.  If I’m killed by the police under any circumstances I won’t be shown wall to wall in the media.   I’ll just be a statistic   I have white privilege.    If I defend myself against a man of a different race, I’ll be vilified by my own government and media.    I have white privilege.    If I imply another race gets better treatment I’ll be called a racist.    I have white privilege.    If I apply for the same job as a minority they’ll have higher consideration due to affirmative action.    I have white privilege.    If I say I’m proud of my race I’m labeled a Nazi and racist.    I have white privilege.   This didn’t happen overnight.  Throughout history tyrants must always have a villain for society to hate in order to gain power.  Currently white people are the devil, but who will be next?  If you don’t stand up for everyone now it could soon be you who has “privilege.”"

Richard Hanania on Twitter - "Sewage is usually a local concern.  Lowndes County, Alabama is unable to handle the problem. Feds comes in and says the state government must take over. Otherwise, letting black localities handle their own affairs is a violation of the Civil Rights Act."
White paternalism is good

Uber warns drivers against avoiding ‘disadvantaged’ areas | Financial Times - "Uber has warned some drivers in California that they may be kicked off the platform for avoiding customers in “disadvantaged” areas, after the company said some were using a new booking policy to circumvent low-income patrons.  Starting in January, Uber made it possible for drivers in the state to see the destination of a ride before deciding whether or not to take the business — part of an effort to strengthen its argument that its workers are “independent” and therefore should not get employee benefits...      Please use the sharing tools found via the share button at the top or side of articles. Copying articles to share with others is a breach of FT.com T&Cs and Copyright Policy. Email licensing@ft.com to buy additional rights. Subscribers may share up to 10 or 20 articles per month using the gift article service. More information can be found at https://www.ft.com/tour.     https://www.ft.com/content/8338141f-289b-496b-8e2f-e6ff407a251d       Eihab Amari, a driver who received a warning from Uber over behaviour it perceived to be discriminatory, said he disputed its algorithm’s determination.  “It’s ironic because, me myself, I’m considered low-income,” said Mr Amari, a 24-year-old Yemeni-American. He said he received the notice after a day of driving in Oakland, a city neighbouring San Francisco.  “I took a lot of rides from low-income areas, if you want to call it that,” he said. “I did a bunch of rides and then I rejected two — because they were really short trips. The amount of money that I’m going to make from those trips is not going to be worth the amount of time I’m going to spend on it.”...  the level of service had got “worse” in California, with wait times increasing because of the changes. Prices in California were up compared with the rest of the country"
Driver safety doesn't matter

Meme - @notamoreye: "my sister called home today and told us about how her teacher was teaching them about egypt and when her friend stated that my sister is egyptian and from egypt her teacher went on a whole rant about how sh not egyptian and how she's not 'dark enough'"

NHL players will not wear Pride jerseys during warm-ups anymore: "Keeping the focus on the game" : canada - "NHL: We believe it is more important to hate the gays than to support the fight against cancer."
"How is not promoting the same as hating ?"
"Because reddit."
"Because the absence of something has become the twisted proof of whatever the hell anyone wants it to be. I don’t get it either."

Ontario town bans Pride flags on property and people are furious - "A rural southwestern Ontario community has voted to exclude Pride flags and all other non-civic flags from being permitted to fly on municipal properties and streetlight poles, and some local residents are furious.   The new bylaw approved in Norwich, Ont. will only allow flags representing the municipal, provincial, and federal governments to fly on township property, or banners related to the promotion of downtown businesses or downtown beautification."
Liberals are only against the government endorsing political stances when it's political stances they disagree with

Meme - strollpdx: "Rainbow pride poem that says
Of course, these are the people who claim "there is no hate like Christian love". So much projection...

Clearly Jesus was woke, as liberals claim, because he told people they were beautiful as they were and didn't need to change themselves or stop sinning


Wilfred Reilly on Twitter - "The three biggest actual problems in the Black community - some of which, certainly, are partly rooted in past racism - are fatherlessness (72% O-O-W birth rate), crime (52% of murders in recent years), and academic disengagement (940 SAT). "Police genocide" isn't in the top 50.
(2) Many of these 2021 problems ~did not exist when ethnic conflict was far worse, do not exist for Black and Asian immigrants today, and exist to the SAME extent for poor Latinos and whites. These, not a rich man's debate about "cultural theft," should be the national focus."

'Re-educate' children who make non-politically correct comments, Christian trust tells teachers - "A Christian trust running 11 schools has told teachers to 're-educate' children who make non-PC comments in the playground.  The Aquinas Church of England Education Trust was today warned by a former Downing Street adviser that its approach appeared 'very sinister' – and could even backfire by turning controversial phrases into 'forbidden fruit'.  The trust, named after noted medieval philosopher and theologian Saint Thomas Aquinas, set out its move to challenge 'negative language and actions' in its Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion policy."
Too bad liberals hate Christians so much that this still won't be enough for them - only the total abolishment of Christian education will

Prevent accused of treating terrorism like a mental illness rather than a threat in official report - "Islamic extremists are being treated as victims rather than the public being protected from the threat they pose, an official review into the Government's anti-radicalisation programme will warn.  The report into Prevent, due to be published on Wednesday, is expected to find that officials have been too focused on addressing the “personal vulnerabilities” of extremists, with terrorism treated as a mental illness.  William Shawcross, the review author and former chairman of the Charity Commission, is set to say this “mischaracterisation” of radicalisation has meant officials have failed to tackle the ideological beliefs behind Islamist extremism with “potentially serious consequences”.  Seven of the 13 terror attacks in the past six years including the murder of MP David Amess, the stabbing of three friends in a Reading park and the bombing of Liverpool Women’s Hospital have been carried out by extremists who had been referred to Prevent... "Prevent too often bestows a status of victimhood on all who come into contact with it, confusing practitioners and officials as to Prevent’s fundamental purpose.” The review – commissioned more than three years ago by then home secretary Priti Patel – will recommend an overhaul of the programme to return it to its “core mission” of stopping people from becoming terrorists.  It will say Prevent is “out of kilter” by putting too much focus on Right-wing extremists at the expense of the bigger threat from Islamist terrorism, partly because of a fear of being accused of “being racist, anti-Muslim or culturally-insensitive”... It recommends Prevent advisory boards should include experts on the “ideological drivers of terrorism” to counter the “mischaracterisation” of “radicalisation as an illness”.   “Recent attacks, inquests and inquiries have highlighted the dreadful dangers of underestimating the motivating force of ideology,” said the draft.  “Treating terrorism as a mental illness, or a social deficiency that can be placated by social services, might make acts of extreme violence seem more intelligible to some – yet ultimately this approach fails to grasp the inherently ideological nature of radicalisation and terrorism.”  Prevent officials are expected to be criticised for a “culture of timidity” in countering the concerted campaigns by some Islamist groups to undermine and delegitimise the programme, including by stirring up grievance and mistrust... It is understood Mr Shawcross was “disturbed” by the level of anti-Semitism among extremists referred to the Channel programme, which is part of Prevent.  “Individuals discussed at Channel panels tended to harbour violent and fanatical beliefs about Jews, often expressing an intent to kill, assault or blow up members of the Jewish community. Prevent must better understand and tackle anti-Semitism where it is relevant to its work,” said the draft.  The review is expected to confirm taxpayers’ money has been handed by Prevent to groups promoting Islamist extremism"
Of course, this doesn't stop liberals from denouncing Prevent

Niihau incident - Wikipedia - "The Niʻihau incident occurred on December 7–13, 1941, when Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service pilot Shigenori Nishikaichi (西開地 重徳, Nishikaichi Shigenori) crash-landed his Zero on the Hawaiian island of Niʻihau after participating in the attack on Pearl Harbor. The Imperial Japanese Navy had designated Niʻihau as an uninhabited island for damaged aircraft to land and await rescue. Native Hawaiians, unaware of the attack, treated Nishikaichi as a guest but took the precaution of removing his weapons. They brought a resident who had been born in Japan to translate. That night, the Hawaiians learned of the Pearl Harbor attack and apprehended the Japanese pilot. They allowed him to stay with the Haradas, the only two other residents of Japanese descent, but posted guards. The pilot then told the Haradas about the attack and the two agreed to help him. Nishikaichi and Yoshio Harada overcame a guard and escaped to destroy the plane and papers, then took Niihauans Benehakaka "Ben" Kanahele and his wife Kealoha "Ella" Kanahele prisoner.The Kanaheles later overcame the guard and eventually killed the pilot... Historian Gordon Prange notes that "the rapidity with which the three resident Japanese went over to the pilot's cause" troubled the Hawaiians and added: "The more pessimistic among them cited the Niʻihau incident as proof that no one could trust any Japanese, even if an American citizen, not to go over to Japan if it appeared expedient." Novelist William Hallstead argues that the Niʻihau incident influenced decisions leading to the Japanese American internment on the continental United States. According to Hallstead, the behavior of Shintani and the Haradas was included in an official Navy report dated January 26, 1942. The report's author Navy Lieutenant C. B. Baldwin wrote: "The fact that the two Niʻihau Japanese who had previously shown no anti-American tendencies went to the aid of the pilot when Japanese domination of the island seemed possible, indicate[s] [the] likelihood that Japanese residents previously believed loyal to the United States may aid Japan if further Japanese attacks appear successful.""
Damn racism!

Meme - "Suck the dick or you hate gay people."
"I truly believe most heterosexual males are, to a degree, homophobic."
"Here's Why Most Straight Men Won't Experiment With Their Sexuality"
Heterophobia is a myth, of course

Linfield University Fires Professor Who Spoke Out About Misconduct Cases - The New York Times - "Across the country, colleges and universities have been wrestling with allegations of sexual misconduct, racial discrimination and anti-Semitism. But rarely have the three collided at the highest levels of leadership, as they have at Linfield University, a small, historically Baptist college in Oregon’s wine country, which celebrated the appointment of its first Black president in 2018.  The university faces growing calls for the resignation of that president, Miles K. Davis, and the chairman of its board of trustees amid accusations that they made offensive comments about Jews and that Dr. Davis and three other board members had engaged in various forms of misconduct with female professors and students.  One of those trustees resigned in 2019 and has been charged with sexual abuse. The controversies have played out for months in a federal lawsuit filed by a student, through public statements from faculty members and leaders, student protests, and votes of no confidence. It has even pitted the N.A.A.C.P., which has cited racial bias in the accusations against Dr. Davis, against the Anti-Defamation League, which has joined in calls for Dr. Davis’s resignation. Tensions reached a high on Tuesday when the university fired Daniel Pollack-Pelzner, a Shakespeare scholar and tenured professor of English who had served on the board of trustees and had spoken out about the accusations of anti-Semitism and sexual misconduct... Dr. Pollack-Pelzner lost his post a month after he had outlined multiple accusations of anti-Semitism and sexual misconduct by university leaders in a statement on Twitter. He said that he had reported that four trustees had been accused of sexual misconduct by students and faculty over the past year and suggested that there be sexual harassment training and guidelines.  In response, he said, Mr. Baca, the board chairman, “accused me — a Jewish trustee —  of harboring a secret agenda to grab power.” Editors’ Picks The Tempestuous Lives of Secondhand Furniture A Fashion Designer’s Classic Milanese Aperitivo The Tropicana, a Relic on the Las Vegas Strip, Could Be Demolished  In an interview on Friday, Mr. Baca acknowledged mentioning a power grab in a long and contentious discussion but said he had not known that Dr. Pollack-Pelzner was Jewish or that the comment could be construed as anti-Semitic.  Dr. Pollack-Pelzner also said that Dr. Davis had made a comment in 2018 about “measuring the size of Jewish noses” when the professor had mentioned that he was teaching “The Merchant of Venice”... two psychology professors, Tanya Tompkins and Jennifer Linder, said that Dr. Davis had made a comment about the Holocaust during a department meeting in 2018. Promising to be open about budget cuts, he quoted a former professor of his who used to make the analogy, “You don’t send the Jews to the shower with soap,” Dr. Linder said. Dr. Tompkins remembered slightly different wording.  In an interview on Thursday, Dr. Davis said that while he doesn’t recall the comments he made that day, he doesn’t use the phrase anymore and added, “I’m sorry if I said something that offended them at that time.”
Fired Linfield University professor wins more than $1 million in whistleblower suit against college

Toronto City Councillor calls for removal of 'white and male' politicians from Canadian currency - "Toronto City Councillor Paul Ainslie put forward a motion calling for a change to Canadian money to remove its "white and male" politicians, according to True North.  The "Diversification of Depictions on Canadian Coins and Bills to better reflect a more Heterogeneous and Inclusive Society" motion calls for a more "heterogeneous and inclusive society.""

CIA mocked from all sides over new ‘woke’ recruitment video - "Even some progressives and leftists mocked the video out for its messaging. Conservatives called it pandering and leftists said the video co-opted leftist and progressive messages."

Anne Hathaway apologises for portrayal of limb difference in The Witches - "The Witches star Anne Hathaway has promised to "do better" following the criticism the film has received for its portrayal of limb difference.  The actress acknowledged that many people "are in pain" over the way her Grand High Witch character is depicted.  "I owe you all an apology," she wrote on Instagram.  In the new adaptation of Roald Dahl's 1983 book, the witches are revealed to have three elongated fingers on each hand and toe-less feet.  Comedian Alex Brooker and others with hand and arm impairments have accused the film of being insensitive towards disabled people... Hathaway's message followed the apology Warner Bros issued earlier this week over the portrayal of the witches in the film, which varies from the one in Dahl's original.  The studio said it was "deeply saddened" to learn Robert Zemeckis's film "could upset people with disabilities"."
If you see someone who's bald, has no toes, has three fingers and is evil - and think that represents you...

Bill Maher urges Democrats to reevaluate hypersensitive, woke BS - "Commentator Bill Maher has accused Democrats of attempting to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, saying the party's 'hypersensitive, woke BS' is to blame for disappointing House and Senate results in the recent election... Staff writer Caitlan Flanagan of The Atlantic magazine also criticized the 'biased' mainstream media... Flanagan said it is up to the media to reunite divided Americans and stop people living in their partisan bubble 'echo chambers'.   'If we want to bring back people, you know, bring back the right, we have to at least pretend slightly that every single major news network is not completely leftist,' Flanagan said.   She said she had been stunned to see anchors on major news networks crying when counting the votes from Pennsylvania... Maher concluded by playing a clip of President Barack Obama, who once told liberals: 'This idea of purity and 'never compromise' and you're always politically woke and all that stuff, you should get over that quickly.'"

Bill Maher Says America Hungry for Someone to Mock 'Wokeness': 'Traditional Liberals Have Had It with the Far Left' - "Maher said “for the first time” in his life, he is playing for a mixed audience of liberals and conservatives... Maher attributed the change to the sudden rise in wokeness.  “I think it’s because 10 years ago, in my opinion anyway, the left did not have a crazy section,” said Maher. “There was no such thing as woke, and now they do have a crazy section, which I call out as a liberal. I think I’m kind of one of the only people doing that, so there’s a hunger to hear that.” The appeal of mocking social justice warriors goes beyond just conservatives, noted Maher, who said that traditional liberals have “had it” with the far left... Maher said political problems will only worsen if people keep hating each other and desiring violence instead of brotherhood.  “When somebody just hates the other person, you don’t even listen to what they say, and you won’t even entertain what their point is, as long as we are in this place where I just hate this other side, nothing is going to change,” he said...   While hardcore leftists were preaching messages of hate and division following the presidential election, Bill Maher implored people of different political persuasions to get along and talk to each other.  “‘You complete me’ doesn’t mean because we’re exactly alike. It means because we are different. I don’t want to live in a country without the red states,” said Maher. “I like traveling there. When people talk to you in Oklahoma, they’re not scanning the room to see if there’s someone more important. Because, frankly, when I’m there, there never is.”  Maher also commended people in red states for their sense of humor while knocking blue state liberals for always having a “stick up their ass.”   “Also, they laugh like nobody’s watching. They don’t have a non-dairy, gluten-free, hypoallergenic stick up their ass,” he said. “Even the pro-lifers will laugh at a good dead baby joke.” Last month, Maher said the American left is “embarrassing” in the way it pushes “segregation” through critical race theory being taught to children in school, some universities separating graduation along racial lines, racially segregated college dorm rooms, and the black national anthem being sung before professional football games."

Bill Maher slams woke historians over ‘magic moral time machine’ - "Comedian and talk show host Bill Maher slammed the idea of comparing historical figures to modern woke culture ideology.  During the "New Rules" segment of his HBO show , Real Time with Bill Maher, on Friday, Maher discussed a recent essay by American Historical Association President James Sweet that sought to highlight how judging historical figures according to modern-day identity politics “ignores the values and mores of people in their own times.”"

Meme - "WHY DO YOU CARE ABOUT WHAT PEOPLE DO IN THE PRIVACY OF THEIR OWN BEDROOM? *Topless MTF (Rose Montoya) at White House with Pride flag openly flown in the most prominent place, Pride flag on a blimp in the sky, and man on all fours with a dog head at eye level with a kid*"

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