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Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Links - 28th June 2023 (2 - Women)

Meme - "Will you give me your guns now?" *Busty AOC*
"Don't be fooled by big ol' socialist titties. They're meant to hypnotize, then enslave your ass." ~Thomas Sowell

Meme - ANIME *Busty woman with big eyes, pink hair which is green at the bottom*
REAL LIFE *Busty woman with big eyes, pink hair which is green at the bottom*

Meme - "Naw I ain't xenophobic, I'm xenosexual *Making out with Sexy Xenomorph from Alien*"
"Finally a woman who can get me pregnant"

I’m dating a man in every country — then I’ll choose one to marry - "Starly Santos revealed that she’s set a goal to date one man in every country until she’s found Mr. Right.  According to the Florida native, her aim is to go on 100 dates around the world, not stopping even if she becomes smitten... Beginning her journey in February, the lover without borders has visited Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Colombia, Venezuela, India, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore and America using the money that she makes from selling cryptocurrency, while the dates themselves are paid for by the men...   “I was curious about where else in the world I could fall in love,” explained the 27-year-old. “Not just with the person but also the place. And I wanted to just do something unique while I was still young.”...   Santos said that all potential suitors must be OK with her filming the date and then posting it to her TikTok. If not, she refuses the date... Despite wanting to spread the love, Santos said that she sees herself as “conservative,” revealing that the most physical thing she has done with her dates is make out with Mr. Bombay."

Dear Abby: I started having sex with a married co-worker, then he cheated on me

'Cool' skydiving photo captures embarrassing wardrobe malfunction

Why It's So Rare for a Wife to Be Taller Than Her Husband - The Atlantic - "A new study from Britain—which I learned of from the blogger Neuroskeptic—measured the height of the parents of about 19,000 babies born in 2000. They found that the woman was taller in 4.1 percent of cases. Then they compared the couples in the data to the pattern found if you scrambled up those same men and women and matched them together at random. In that random set, the woman was taller in 6.5 percent of cases. That means couples are more often man-taller, woman-shorter than would be expected by chance.. Humans could couple up differently, if they wanted to. If it were desirable to have a taller-woman-shorter-man relationship, it could be much more common. In these data, we could find shorter husbands for 28 percent of the wives. Instead, people exaggerate the difference by seeking out taller-man-shorter-woman pairings for marriage (or maybe the odd taller-woman couples are more likely to divorce, which would produce the same result)."
They don't even go into expressed and revealed preferences

Grandmother, 54, claims she earns up to $18,000-a-night as an escort despite kids hating her job - "Sila Star, from Miami, Florida, has worked as an escort for more than 25 years - and has undergone a series of cosmetic enhancements to ensure that she always looks her best for her explicit profession... Sila began her career as a waitress at a strip club more than two decades ago - and she now rakes in $1,000 an hour as an escort, which usually equates to anywhere between $10,000-$18,000 per evening... 'People assume I'm a bimbo. I'm not a bimbo - a bimbo is someone who has no intelligence but is attractive.   'I'm actually very intelligent and attractive.'"

Woman, 37, stabs 3 people on Seoul subway after being called 'ajumma' - "A 37-year-old woman in Korea allegedly stabbed three commuters with a knife on a Seoul subway train, police said on Mar. 4.  The accused had been speaking on the phone when a woman in her 60s asked her to lower her voice, calling her "ajumma", The Korea Herald reported.  Offended, she stabbed that woman, as well as another female and male commuter in their 60s and 50s respectively.  One of the victims underwent surgery but none of the injuries were fatal, the report said... Commonly heard in Korean dramas, the word "ajumma" is a casual way of referring to a middle-aged woman unrelated to the speaker — similar to the local use of the word "auntie".  However, it is generally considered to be a rude way of address.  The more polite "ajumeoni" is preferred among Koreans."

Meme - Tim Pool: "start complimenting liberal women by telling them they look like either dylan mulvaney or lizzo. "wow, youre almost as good looking as lizzo""

Meme - "Weather differences between France and Brazil *attractive vs unattractive weather girl*"
Elsewhere it says she's from Mexico

Model poses in snaps taken 'three seconds' apart to show how fast bodies change - "A bikini model has been praised online for her body positivity post.  Karina Irby is known for inspiring legion of followers to love the skin they're in.  The influencer is a swimwear designer famous for showing off her natural body in candid Instagram snaps... "Three second pose transformation.  "Sometimes we catch ourselves in a vulnerable angle, or comfortable position and noticed 'flaws' on our body.  "Let's not forgot our bodies are made and designed to wrinkle and crinkle. Fold and roll.  "And above all relax. These are NOT flaws." Karina also went on about how flexing and posing is a normal thing of life, but can get exhausting.  She added: "Can we all just take moment to give our bodies a compliment and be thankful they are keeping us alive.  "We all need the reminder from time to time. Even me."
I haven't seen body positivity used correctly for a long time

'I'm 32 and have never been kissed – I thought men would chase me' - "A woman got to the age of 32 without being kissed as she "thought men would chase her".  Allora Campbell always thought a man would sweep her off her feet just like they do in the movies.  By the time she reached her 30s, she realised it wasn't the case, as she'd never locked lips with a bloke or been asked on a date."

Meme - "I've got a cute nickname for you. Vespa."
"Is that because I remind you of a Bond Girl?"
"No. It's because you're fun to ride, but I'd be too embarrassed to let my friends see me on you"

Meme - "So ***, where do you want to go on our first date?"
"The moon"
"How about Uranus?"

Meme - Ej Dickson @eidickson: "Now that I have two kids and I'm in my early losing my sexual capital I'm slowly coming to the realization that my personality is abhorrent and the only reason why people were ever nice to me is because I had alabaster skin and a tiny waist"

Meme - "Hi beautiful brunette"
"I'm blonde you dwarf"
"Not from my point of view..."

Meme - Man chasing woman: "grown men telling them to name 3 songs"
Woman: "girls wearing band t-shirts"

Meme - "I LIVE in an HOA. I LAUGH at Tim Allen. I LOVE calling the cops *White woman/Karen*"

I am bitterly jealous of my own daughter - she's prettier than me and I hate it - "I am the mother of a bright, beautiful, friendly 15-year-old who I love very much. But in recent years, a pit of jealousy has started growing over just how talented and popular my daughter has become. I have spent much of my life feeling little more than average. I’m not ugly – but I’m not pretty. I’m not dumb – but I’m not what you would consider intelligent. I have some good friends – but popular is never a word someone would use to describe me.  My daughter, on the other hand, is spectacular. She has an enormous group of friends, all of whom fight spend time with her, she’s one of the highest achieving students in her class, and she has a confidence that most adults can only dream of. I should be proud of all this, I know I should. But instead I’ve started resenting her for it – despising her even. And I find myself trying to put her down at every available opportunity... I can’t help thinking to myself: 'What does she have that I don’t?' It feels as though she’s started to pick up on these feelings and she’s pushing me away. I can’t stand the idea that our relationship could be destroyed because of my jealousy, but I don’t know how to stop."

Meme - "It's unattractive to me when a man has never been to jail before. you not even a man yet."
"this why y'all be getting beat up"

Suki’s Mom on Twitter - "Women’s bodies do not exist for male pleasure/the male gaze"
Salomé Sibonex on Twitter - "Of course they do—women's bodies are perfectly designed to attract and please men. As men's bodies are for women. We've literally evolved to attract and please each other; a beautiful thing that requires deception and creates conflict to deny.
It's unhealthy for women to adopt a perspective that envisions us as entirely separate from men and recasts male attraction as entitled and oppressive.  A downgrade from the older female perspective that reveled in the power of our sex appeal instead of resenting it."
Matthew Alexander Patton on Twitter - "How frequently are we seeing this 'I am not my body, my body is not built for the pleasure of sex' in the last two generations or so? People seem in denial about the fact that we're a part of nature itself, not fully removed from it. Increasingly sexless in thought."
Liberals hate nature after all (unless it's about hating capitalism even more)

Po's Law on Twitter - "Me: "It’s ridiculous that the opinions of 20yo women are listened to so much online."
Mister: "Because they're hot."
Me: "But they don't know anything."
Mister: "Women don't get any more interesting as they age. They just become less hot." 💀"

Roxy Jacenko BLASTS Nick 'Honey Badger' Cummins for punching Sabrina Frederick on SAS Australia - "'Can’t believe the honey badger punched the s*** out of a girl on national Tv #SASAustralia'... 'I feel like my whole life is a constant fight. I'm a black woman in a same-sex relationship working in a male-dominated sport,' explained Sabrina.  'I'm in this experience to prove that women can do this. I know what women can do, and I've never had men beat me, in my industry anyway.'  Sabrina explained to The Daily Telegraph on Monday that she was first to volunteer and wanted to chose Nick because she considered him the 'biggest challenge' and that they shared 'mutual respect' for each other.  'I was scared but that's the whole point of SAS selection – not letting the fear consume you and instead harnessing it to empower you,' she said on Monday.  The Aussie rules footy player continued: 'I knew our respect was mutual and he would give me a fair fight, regardless of my gender.  'In battle, the enemy doesn't care about your gender or size and we had to think like soldiers to get through each and every task.'"
Equality means not punching women who are there to be punched

Watch | Facebook - "Seonyong Lee, a 23-year-old South Korean man, traveled to Bolivia to meet his long-distance girlfriend, Mari, with whom he was completely in love. However, she rejected him cruelly, even knowing that Seonyong was alone in her country. He was desperate to get her back, and he reached the point of asking for help on television in order to convince her, but this brought about something very different: fame, popularity, and many fans."

Why Are Women Aggressive Toward Other Women? - "Researchers say adolescents and young women are meaner to each other than older women, especially married ones. Pressure is frequently blamed on the ultrathin female role models featured in magazines and on television, but researchers say it’s mainly the result of competition with their peers, not media images...   Female competition tends be more subtle, indirect, and less violent than the male variety. But it “is the most important factor explaining the pressures that young women feel to meet standards of sexual conduct and physical appearance.”  Long ago women competed with one another for more desirable partners and for resources for their children. Now most women face the same odds as men, but it’s tougher in college campuses with more women than men. “Researchers T. Vaillancourt and A. Sharma brought pairs of female students into a laboratory at McMaster University for what was ostensibly a discussion about female friendships. But the real experiment began when another young woman entered the room asking where to find one of the researchers. She had been chosen for ‘qualities considered attractive from an evolutionary perspective,’ meaning a ‘low waist-to-hip ratio, clear skin, large breasts.’ In a T-shirt and jeans, she attracted little notice and no negative comments from the students, whose reactions were being secretly recorded. But when she wore a tight fitting, low-cut blouse and short skirt, virtually all the students reacted with hostility. They stared at her, looked her up and down, rolled their eyes and sometimes showed outright anger. One asked her in disgust, ‘What the [expletive] is that?’”  Most of the aggression happened after she left the room, when students laughed about her and impugned her motives. One suggested she dressed that way in order to have sex with a professor. Another said her breasts “were about to pop out.”  The research showed that suppression of female sexuality is by women, not necessarily by men. “Stigmatizing female promiscuity—a.k.a. slut-shaming—has often been blamed on men, who have a Darwinian incentive to discourage their spouses from straying. But men also have a Darwinian incentive to encourage other women to be promiscuous. The stigma is enforced mainly by women. Women who make sex too readily available compromise the power-holding position of the group, which is why many women are particularly intolerant of women who are, or seem to be, promiscuous.   “Indirect aggression can take a psychological toll on women who are ostracized or feel pressured to meet impossible standards, like the vogue of thin bodies. Women’s ideal body shape is to be thinner than average—and thinner than what men consider the ideal shape.  “’To a large degree the media reflects trends in society, not creates them,’ said psychologist Dr. Ferguson. Women’s dissatisfaction with their bodies did not correlate with what they watched on television at home. Nor were they influenced by TV programs shown in laboratory experiments: Watching the svelte actresses on “Scrubs” induced no more feelings of inferiority than watching the not-so-svelte star of “Roseanne.”"
Damn patriarchy!
Feminists like to claim that women dress for other women, not men. So much for patriarchy

Aggression in Women: Behavior, Brain and Hormones - "We review the literature on aggression in women with an emphasis on laboratory experimentation and hormonal and brain mechanisms. Women tend to engage in more indirect forms of aggression (e.g., spreading rumors) than other types of aggression. In laboratory studies, women are less aggressive than men, but provocation attenuates this difference. In the real world, women are just as likely to aggress against their romantic partner as men are, but men cause more serious physical and psychological harm. A very small minority of women are also sexually violent. Women are susceptible to alcohol-related aggression, but this type of aggression may be limited to women high in trait aggression. Fear of being harmed is a robust inhibitor of direct aggression in women. There are too few studies and most are underpowered to detect unique neural mechanisms associated with aggression in women. Testosterone shows the same small, positive relationship with aggression in women as in men."

Do human females use indirect aggression as an intrasexual competition strategy? - "Indirect aggression includes behaviours such as criticizing a competitor's appearance, spreading rumours about a person's sexual behaviour and social exclusion. Human females have a particular proclivity for using indirect aggression, which is typically directed at other females, especially attractive and sexually available females, in the context of intrasexual competition for mates. Indirect aggression is an effective intrasexual competition strategy. It is associated with a diminished willingness to compete on the part of victims and with greater dating and sexual behaviour among those who perpetrate the aggression."

(Psychologists' Judgments of Psychologically Aggressive Actions When Perpetrated by a Husband Versus a Wife - "Research literature suggests that clinical judgments of men's versus women's behavior and symptoms typically rate the men as more pathological and dangerous. To determine whether this view would extend to assessments of psychologically aggressive actions, two separate versions of a survey listing potentially psychologically abusive behaviors perpetrated by either a wife toward her husband or the identical actions perpetrated by a husband toward his wife were sent to a nationwide sampling of practicing psychologists. Results indicated that psychologists, irrespective of demographics, rated the husband's behavior as more likely to be psychologically abusive and more severe in nature than the wife's use of the same actions. Psychologists did not differentially rely on any of the three contextual factors (i.e., frequency/duration, intent of the perpetrator, and perception of the recipient) to influence their determination that a behavior was "psychological abuse" dependent upon whether the initiator of the psychological actions was the husband or the wife. Future research could assess more directly the rationale for the psychologists' differing views of male versus female behavior. In addition, more normative information is needed to inform mental health professionals as to the prevalence and severity of psychologically aggressive actions in the general population."

An Examination of Sexual Coercion Perpetrated by Women - "Studies by researchers such as S. S. Judson and L. Stemple stated that many people underestimate female sexual coercion. Thus, this paper attempts to answer the question "what proportion of women have sexually coerced someone?". As will be shown, studies dealing with this are predominantly heterosexual, demonstrating the need for more research into non-heterosexual female sexual coercion. While the number of sexually coercive women is related to the number of people who have been sexually coerced by a woman, these quantities are not necessarily equal as a woman can coerce more than one person. Therefore, this study surveys studies which measured female perpetration. The authors found 32 such studies, predominantly , but not entirely, heterosexual, with a cumulative sample of 22,632 women and calculated weighted means with the results of these studies. We searched reference lists of studies and used Google Scholar. We did have to also specifically search for non-heterosexual studies. We included all studies we found that reported female perpetration rates except those with high school girls. The weighted mean of those studies which were predominantly heterosexual indicate that, worldwide, approximately 17% of heterosexual women have sexually coerced a man sometime during their lifetime. Our studies also include evidence that bisexual and homosexual women sexually coerce at similar rates."

I posted my credit score on a dating app — I got so many dates in 30 days - "Leah Nicewander, also known as @leahnice99 on TikTok, revealed that shared her FICO credit score on her dating profile in a viral video with 1 million views.   The Florida anesthesia technician, who secured “17 dates in 30 days,” wanted her Hinge dating profile to stand out for potential suitors.  “I really just did it to make my profile more unique,” Nicewander told Newsweek. “I knew the boys would think it was either funny or impressive.”   The 24-year-old with an 811 out of 850 credit score “realized it was popular when almost every single ‘like’ on my profile was directed towards my credit score photo.”...   She hasn’t found a match who meets her FICO standards yet but does consider being financially prudent an important factor in dating.  “I do find it attractive if a guy has a high credit score because it usually shows that he can be responsible,” she admits."

Meme - THEE SAGITTARIUS: "sometimes you don't even realize you was sexually asulted until months or years later"
Mil An: "or even decades . After he earns enough money"

Meme - ">start hormones
>grow long hair
>grow boobs and get soft skin and round hips
>legally change my name and sex to female
>start presenting as a girl 100%
>pass as one publicly
>get job as woman
>super easy, everyone kind to me
>everyone is kinder to me in general
>guys buy me drinks at bars, open doors for me, carry my groceries
>get pulled over for speeding
>cry and get a slap on the wrist
Female privilege is real and its waaay better than male privilege"

Meme - Nu Nu bkchatldn: "Yeah this is to all my fucking haters, suck my pussy"
Mr Ace. #TabooTatkTT: "Couldn't you just thank God like a normal person?"

I made $10,000 a month chatting with guys on dating apps. I got some weird requests, but most men just want to feel like someone cares. - "I was scrolling on TikTok one day when I came across a video of a girl talking about an app where guys pay to talk to you. That sounded interesting, so I downloaded Meete and started using it.  When I first downloaded the app, I was literally on it 24/7. I was lonely and depressed, so I'd spend all day trying to make money.  Now I use both Meete and another app made by the same company called ToChat to make cash-out points, which I earn by interacting with men, of up to $200 per app per day. I make around $10,000 every month. The basis of both of them is talking to guys. They have to buy coins through the app and then spend those coins to talk to you, which then turn into points that you can cash out for money. Ten points is equal to $1.  You can also get more points by sending content such as a selfie. You can send whatever you're comfortable with. The image is blurred and you set the coin amount they need to pay to see it.  These apps also have referral programs. They might run a banner on the app for six weeks with a special promotion to encourage you to sign up more people with your promotion code.  You can also advertise special gifts, like sending pictures and videos at a certain "gift" price like 399 points. The app also allows you to track your performance, and I was always in the top five or 10, which helped me get coin bonuses... Once I started getting a lot of referrals from TikTok, I downgraded from being on the apps all the time to spending about 10 to 15 hours a week talking to a handful of guys who I offered a "girlfriend experience" — meaning I would always be available to chat with them. A lot of them just make small talk with you in the same way they would on any other dating app. I find just being myself and showing compassion works pretty well.  Some guys will ask if you want to go on a real date with them, but I always politely decline. These are men who are willingly paying to talk to women, so I wouldn't meet up with any of them because I'm sure they would be expecting more than just a regular date... About a year ago I pivoted, so I don't use the app to talk to guys at all anymore. Once I learned how to market the apps really well, I stopped hustling the guys for money because it was a lot of work and mentally exhausting. I was making so much off of referrals that I didn't need to do both... I want to be an advocate for people who struggle with mental illness to let them know there are other ways to make money besides working a nine-to-five."

Where Have All The Good Men Gone? Actually, They're Everywhere - "it's worth considering whether or not women and their choices have an impact on why things are the way they are. One could just as easily argue that if you have to ask where all the good men have gone, it could be you that’s part of the problem... And, in spite of what some communities, such as the men's right movement, MGTOW, and the “manosphere” suggest, research shows that men and women are pretty close to being equally interested in long-term relationships and marriage... Right away, this brings us to question these women's way of thinking and how they view men versus how they view themselves.   In general, women have an advantage over men when it comes to dating because they have a greater sum of interested and available dating prospects than men have. When a woman creates a dating profile, she’s immediately bombarded with hundreds of messages from guys vying for her attention. For men, this doesn't happen at nearly the same rate or frequency. The women who think there are no good men left are operating with a scarcity mindset when they should be adopting an abundance mindset. A negative mindset will predominantly affect how you see any given situation, often preventing you from seeing reality, which will have an impact on your overall outcome.  Another thing to look at is a woman's qualifiers when evaluating a man for potential.   Many ladies may primarily determine a man as a good catch based on exterior criteria they can spot right away. This usually means that we have the tendency to focus first on his physical appearance, what kind of job or career he has, his annual salary, what kind of car he drives, etc.   But how well do these things really define a good man? The answer is: They don't... While there are some men who might complain that a woman's standards are too high, it might actually be that their standards are actually just misplaced.   A good man is polite, agreeable, and loyal. He’s also charming, confident, and virtuous. He will treat you with respect and honor your boundaries and self-autonomy. He will trust you wholeheartedly and be worthy of your trust as well.  He'll celebrate your accomplishments and look for ways to be supportive... Too often, a woman will find a guy she’s attracted to, but instead of being assertive about her desire for a serious relationship, she plays along in a casual and non-monogamous situationship. Secretly though, she wants more exclusivity, but she’s worried saying so might scare him away. She'll buy into his excuses about “seeing where things go,” hoping it someday leads to something more serious. Months will go by, and she's still left wondering whether or not he's seeing other people"

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