When you can't live without bananas

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Saturday, July 01, 2023

Links - 1st July 2023 (1 [including Malaysia])

Andy Riley on Twitter - "It's taken me ages to realise, but if Frodo had led a chicken along on a bit of string, and made the chicken carry the ring all the way, no risk of Frodo turning evil. Sure the chicken might turn nasty but realistically how much damage to middle earth can one evil chicken cause"

Meme - "Today I gave an iPhone and $500 to ahomeless guy. You will never know the happiness I felt when he put his gun away"

Meme - "*Islamic version of The Happy Merchant*
Malala Yousafzai the Islamic Feminist Queen
> Promotes Abortion in Western Countries
> Wants western women to not get married
> Preaches Dhimmis to not criticize Islam
> Claims her country Pakistan is peaceful country but never wants to live there.
> Wants Hollywood to have more Muslim actors to promote Islamic propaganda
"I still don't understand why people have to get married. If you want to have a person in your life, why do you have to sign marriage papers, why can'tit just be a partnership?" - Malala Yousafzai to Vogue
*Four months later* *Gets married*"

Meme - "H-h-how... *defeated man*"
"You're strong but no match for my power... *licks bloody knife*"
Hospital: "Yeah he's doing better... Yeah he did the blade lick again... Yeah.. the doctor said hepatitis..."

Meme - "name something white people cook better than black people, go on... ill wait"
Bryan Cranston @BryanCranston: "meth"
Hollie Lehmann: "Fathers day dinner"

'Meme - Gay Man 1: "Let's make love"
Gay Man 2: "Not today. It's that time of the month again"
Gay Man 1: "Awww I hate when you have diarrhea"

Meme - "Looks like they finally figured out how to get people to slow down in construction zones! *skimpily dressed woman holding SLOW sign*"

Meme - "1958: GO TO youR ROOM"

Meme - Felix Rex @navyhato: "If war breaks out and 5 million female Ukrainian refugees show up at the door, I have a feeling Western women will not be lining up at train stations to welcome them. In fact, they will come to the conclusion that their countries are exactly as diverse as they need to be."
*Tania Fox, born in 1993, with visible breasts*
Amy Hoy @amyhoy: "that girl looks underage, jeet. and you just shared it."
Couch Thing @nathantyree: "She's 28, Actress."
Amy Hoy @amyhoy: "doesn't change the fact that she looks like child."
a crown of laurel leaves @bardotravelling: :Nice 12 year old dudez"
Cbucksrules @cbucksrules: ""You hit a nerve with the peados"
Squirrel person @fishpawz: "Paedo energy"
The anti "pedo" virtue signallers are at it again (in this specific case they're all female)

Meme - "Sister asked me to watch her son yesterday... so I took him skydiving! *terrified kid*"

Michelin-star chef shocks fans with plan to add semen-based dish to his menu - "Of all the dishes you might expect to find at a Michelin-star restaurant, one with fish semen in it doesn't spring to mind.  But Spanish chef David Muñoz, who has three Michelin stars, is planning to add such a concoction to the menu of his renowned DiverXO restaurant in Madrid.  Muñoz, 43, was so inspired by his experience tasting Shirako - a white paste made from fish semen - with Japanese chef Hiro Sato that he wants to bring the 'indescribable' taste to diners in Madrid... one user disagreed with the outrage and said: 'I don't understand, so much mental nonsense in the head when roe, female fish eggs, has been eaten for centuries.'"

Meme - "I passed out like 3 times, but our birthday cake is done *Strawberry cake with white cloudy liquid on it*"

Meme - "Seesaw, pIayground toy that consists of a fulcrum-mounted plank designed to remind some children that they don't even have one friend."

Meme - "Just got an emotional support animal.
It's a pig. Not the whole pig.
Okay, it's bacon."

The English Actor by Peter Ackroyd review: Are English actors really superior to all others? - "Perhaps the most famous of all acting anecdotes is the one about Laurence Olivier and Dustin Hoffman on the set of Marathon Man. As the standard version runs, the method-acting American had kept himself awake for three days to match his character’s exhaustion. On confiding this to Olivier, the elder statesman of the English stage replied, with feline alacrity, “My dear boy, why don’t you just try acting?”  It is a marvellous story, particularly if you happen to be invested, as Peter Ackroyd is, in the specialness of “the English actor”. It sums up that rare quality that the 16th-century courtier called sprezzatura and the modern-day Old Etonian calls “effortless excellence”. Where the American strives across days to become the role, the canny old Englishman merely clocks on and pretends... No longer just called on to provide convenient villainy, à la Alan Rickman in Die Hard, they are one of our few remaining reliable exports. It seems to be a rare American television series now that does not have a Rada graduate tucked somewhere into the central cast. And yet it is quite the leap from there to the quasi-mystical adulation that Ackroyd – the novelist and historian best known for his London: The Biography (2000) – reserves for them in his latest book."

Meme - "How to never get your things stolen at the beach again *wrapped in diaper*"
Good luck if someone throws it away

Meme - "Go ahead, zap me! Absorbing lightning's totally my thing"
"You've never Black Lightning had before."

Meme - "King Charles III and Camilla. To all the side Chicks there's Always hope"

Grants access to the use of the N word.
Gift from Demoman
(Not Tradable)"

Meme - "Mixed cheese platter
Angus ribeye steak
Codfish and aspargus rolled with hams
Grilled New Zealand calf corbel
Roasted Iberia pork ribs
意式烤春鸡 Roasted chicken that never had sexual life"
"Italian style roasted spring chicken"

Meme - "Mind if I clear my browser history first? *Grim Reaper*"

Woman who scanned QR code with malware lost $20k to bubble tea survey scam while she was sleeping - "She visited a bubble tea shop and saw a sticker pasted on its glass door, encouraging customers to do an online survey to get a free cup of milk tea.  Enticed by what seemed like a good deal, the 60-year-old scanned the QR code on the sticker and downloaded a third-party app onto her Android phone to complete the “survey”.  That night, as she was sleeping, her mobile phone suddenly lit up.  Thanks to the app she had downloaded, scammers used it to take over her device and moved $20,000 from her bank account.  Worryingly, she is not the only victim of such malware scams... Mr Chua said that when the victim scans the QR code, he is prompted to download an app containing malware and is made to grant access to the phone’s microphone and camera. He is also asked to enable Android Accessibility Service, an app intended to assist users with disabilities, which allows the scammer to view and control the victim’s screen. The scammer waits for the victim to use his mobile banking app and notes his login credentials and password. The scammer can also disable the facial recognition function, so the victim has to physically key in his details to log into his account, allowing the crook to record the information. The scammer then accesses the camera to monitor the victim’s activity, waiting for the right moment to strike. At night, when the victim is sleeping, the scammer takes control of the phone through the malware. He logs into the victim’s mobile banking app and transfers money out of his bank account... Mr Chua said scammers tend to paste these manipulated QR codes near authorised scan-to-pay signs, which trick customers into thinking they are legitimate...  In 2022, scam victims in Singapore lost $660.7 million, up from $632 million in 2021, bringing the total to almost $1.3 billion lost in two years... “Although malware scams are less common in iPhone devices, they are not unheard of and are silently on the rise.”"

Hungry student finds Maurizio Cattelan’s $160,000 banana ripe for the taking at Korea museum - "Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan’s iconic art piece Comedian – a ripe banana duct-taped to a wall and on display at an art museum in Seoul – was eaten by a college student in an act he described as “artwork”.  The student ate the fruit on Thursday. The work is part of Cattelan’s solo exhibition WE currently running at the Leeum Museum of Art... When the museum staff asked why he ate it, the student, who is an art major at Seoul National University, replied that he skipped breakfast and was hungry.  In a phone interview later with a local broadcaster, he confessed that he thought “damaging a work of modern art could also be (interpreted as a kind of) artwork”. He added that he came up with the idea to reattach the banana peel, thinking it was a fun way of looking at it.  Cattelan’s banana is being replaced every two to three days, according to the artist’s instructions provided before the exhibition. The museum has decided not to claim damages against the student. This was not the first time the banana was swiped off the wall and eaten. In 2019, a performance artist named David Datuna took the banana on display at the Perrotin gallery at Art Basel in Miami minutes after it was sold for US$120,000 (S$160,000) and ate it."

Shelves stolen less than a day after Boon Lay resident opens library he spent months setting up - "A man who spent months collecting books and shelves to set up an open library in his Housing Board void deck in Boon Lay had a nasty shock when two bookshelves were stolen less than a day later.  The chairman of the residents’ network for Boon Lay View, who wanted to be known only as Hengster Kor, said he spent three hours on Monday shifting and arranging the books and shelves in the void deck."

Oversized T-shirt and shorts: Malaysian woman fined for wearing 'indecent' attire - "A clothing store owner in Kelantan, Malaysia was fined by local authorities for being dressed inappropriately. Her outfit? A pink oversized T-shirt that was covering her shorts... Under Malaysian law, non-Muslim business owners and their non-Muslim employees must wear "decent clothes", and if they are Muslim, to wear clothes that cover their aurat (parts of the body that must be covered except to a woman's husband or relatives)... Malaysia's Local Government Development Minister Nga Kor Ming asked the MPKB to retract the fine issued to Lee, as it infringed her constitutionally guaranteed freedoms, reported the MalayMail. "This was a non-Muslim trader in her own shop and she was wearing shorts. "These are fundamental rights and freedoms which are guaranteed in the Federal Constitution," he told Malaysian media. He added that the enforcement officer should have corrected the woman and educated her in this case, while respecting that she is a non-Muslim."

SAMENTA: “Extra public holiday an unhealthy practice that must stop” - "THE extra day of public holiday given for Hari Raya Aidilfitri will incur billions of ringgit in losses or late penalties, according to the head of a business group.  Datuk William Ng, chairman of the Small and Medium Enterprises Association (SAMENTA), indicated that while companies usually encouraged their employees to enjoy the festivities, mandatory paid public holidays were deemed “unnecessary”.  Ng pointed out that Malaysia has the highest number of public holidays in the world, and that in private discussions with investors, a common joke was that employers hoped Malaysia would not win football matches since this would probably mean another paid public holiday...   “If certain festivities are important enough to warrant a public holiday, they can be planned months or years ahead, approved by the Cabinet, and communicated to the industry.”  He pointed out that the capacity of businesses to plan ahead of time is critical for the fulfilment of orders, contractual obligations, deliveries, and logistics.  Ng described a hypothetical scenario in which a restaurant ordered perishable items to be delivered on what the owner assumed would be a working day, only to discover that it had been declared a public holiday.  “With delivery services halted, those items could be wasted. Who should bear the costs in such a case? The restaurant owner, the supplier or the government?”...   Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim on Wednesday (April 19) announced that if Aidilfitri falls on Friday, Putrajaya would declare an additional public holiday the following Monday (April 24).  If Aidilfitri falls on Saturday, the additional public holiday will be set for Friday, while the Raya public holiday will be set for Monday.  On Tuesday (April 18) Mydin hypermarket managing director Datuk Ameer Ali Mydin said that the extra public holiday would cost his company RM500,000.  According to the Malaysian Employers Federation, every public holiday in Malaysia ends up costing the private sector nearly RM1 bil in lost productivity in 2019"

Malaysians mock British singer Dua Lipa on social media for calling her dad 'babi' - "British singer-songwriter Dua Lipa has been mocked by Malaysians on social media after she used the word "babi" to refer to her father.  However, the word "babi" in Albanian, where her parents are from, actually means "father"."
Parochial Malaysians strike again

Malaysian woman claims McCormick’s Cajun season has pork in it, gets schooled by social media users - "A Malaysian woman’s erroneous claim that McCormick’s Cajun Seasoning is made with pork meat recently went viral on social media.  The woman attempted to warn other Malaysians in the one-minute Tiktok video to carefully read the labels when purchasing spices at any grocery store.  She then takes a bottle of McCormick’s Cajun Seasoning to show that it contains pork and is thus unsafe for Muslims to use.  “If you look at this cajun seasoning, the ingredients contain pork,” said the woman in the video.  The woman, however, didn’t realise that she had misread the labels until the end of the video.  Instead of reading the ingredients on the label, she was reading the ‘use on’ suggestions."

Man who gave away Jho Low's whereabouts dead - "Kee Kok Thiam, a suspect in the 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) case who informed the authorities of the whereabouts of fugitive financier Low Taek Jho, better known as Jho Low, has been confirmed dead."

Dutch designer apologises after comments on M'sia's culture & the baju kurung goes viral - "Lisette Scheers, Dutch designer and founder of Nala Designs issued a public apology after her comments about Malaysia's local culture and the baju kurung went viral and faced major criticism... She said in the SCMP article that it was "shocking to see" how Malaysia had become commercial so quickly, and "everything was about making a quick buck" without pride nor quality.  When speaking about the materials she uses for her products, she was quoted as saying that she "can't bare[sic] the flammable cheap polyester I see everywhere in Malaysia."  Scheers also shared her vision: to "see the baju kurung return" and wanting "people here to feel proud of their heritage" - something which she said she is "on a crusade" to prevent its disappearance"
You're not allowed to promote another culture

Where did this anti-Singapore food bashing by Malaysians even originate from? As someone in their 40s : SingaporeRaw - "Seeing the MGAG post today (and other posts on Reddit) made me realised that during the late 80s and early 90s I don't remember this trope even being a thing. There wasn't such lame "food wars". I feel like it only came about during the 2010s.  I grew up in Malaysia and this kind of trope didn't even exist back then. Is it correlated with the rise of the internet? Or some political factors? Everywhere I go I see Malaysians bashing Singaporean food, and some of them are straight up malicious and rude. You could have videos on Facebook, TikTok or YouTube of people innocently enjoying food in Singapore (like tourists) and then have comments mock and bully them.  What's even weirder is that I don't even see such anti-Singapore cuisine behaviors from other Asian countries like Thailand or Japan or the wider world like Australia or the UK. It's almost always from Malaysians. What's up with that? Sometimes I feel ashamed by how some of them behave...food is literally subjective. Let people eat and enjoy what they want."
When you are insecure because your country is a failure...

After Canadian ex-minister calls nasi lemak 'most delicious breakfast in S'pore', Malaysian netizens say their version better - "Canada’s former Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Ms Catherine McKenna, seems to have ruffled a few feathers when she dubbed nasi lemak as the “most delicious breakfast in Singapore” online... Malaysian netizens were quick to lay claim over the dish and allude that the Malaysian version is better, in response to her tweet which has received over 2.2 million views as of Tuesday (June 13).   The long-standing debate about the two country’s food was re-ignited, as Malaysian netizens took the chance to throw shade at the nasi lemak dish posted by Ms McKenna.   Some netizens felt that the rice portion was small, the dish looked “bland” and the sambal looked like “Heinz tomato sauce” or “tomato puree”.   Sharing a photo of a plate of nasi lemak served with a roasted chicken thigh and a bigger portion of rice, one netizen tweeted: “This is nasi lemak mate. Not whatever you’re having there.”...   Some netizens, however, felt that the reaction by Malaysian netizens to the tweet was "un-nasi-ssary".  “Mad respect for how Malaysians are so protective and proud of nasi lemak but I've never seen anyone posting a picture of a croissant and having French people coming into their mentions (on Twitter) complaining about how it's not authentic or it sucks,” one sai.d Another added: “Malaysians, I beg you, please relax. Not everything is a hostile matter.”...   Singapore and Malaysia share a history of being involved in food fights, fuelled by both nations' obsession over food. In 2018, a CNN article that listed cendol from Singapore as one of the world’s 50 best desserts led to outcry by Malaysian netizens."
The difference is that Singaporeans only get upset when ignorant Malaysians pretend that certain dishes are Malaysian and not Singaporean

Malaysia to seek Interpol help to investigate controversial comedian - "Malaysia will seek Interpol's assistance in tracking down and investigating a stand-up comic who mocked the country and made jokes about missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, its police chief said... Jocelyn Chia, a New York-based comedian, stirred controversy in Malaysia and Singapore this month after she posted on social media a clip of her live comedy set in which she joked about the plane that went missing nine years ago with 239 people onboard... Malaysia will investigate Chia's comments under its own laws related to provocation, incitement, and publication of offensive online content... Chia said she stood by her jokes despite the controversy, but that the short clips on social media took them out of context.  "Upon reflection I do see that having this as a clip that gets viewed out of a comedy club context was risky," Chia was reported as saying.  Her comedy, which also touched on historical ties between neighbours Malaysia and Singapore, also sparked outrage in Singapore.  Vivian Balakrishnan, Singapore's foreign minister, apologised to Malaysians for her comments and said the comedian did not speak for Singaporeans.  Malaysia's pursuit of Chia come amid what activists say is a crackdown on free speech. Last year, a comedy club was shut down following allegations that it hosted comics who touched on sensitive racial and religious issues."

Meme - "M'sian police to ask Interpol for help in locating Jocelyn Chia in US: M'sian media"
*Jho Low* msia police *No*
*Jocelyn Chia* msia police *Yes*

What is up with Malaysia's disproportional response to some third-rate comedian comments being made thousands of miles away? : SingaporeRaw - "No country in the world will make such a disproportionate response to such off the cuff comments made by some third-rate comedian in a comedy club in New York City no one has even heard of prior to this, including involving government ministers. Now they want to protest outside the embassy. Anyone else find this kinda weird?  Are Malaysians seriously THAT glass-hearted? Do these people not realize they are actually helping her with such a huge response? Streisand effect is a thing. She's an American citizen too, do you think she even cares about MY-SG relations? Why should Singapore collectively have to answer for some schmuck thousands of miles away, whether it's uncouth or not?"
"I don't see them sanction and stop business with Russia after they shot down MH17. But they take offense with a comedian."
"They love bashing Singapore as a past-time because the Singaporean government is non-confrontational with other countries. Vivian B. apologizing for a U.S. citizen is such a joke.  However, when it comes to China or Russia, suddenly Malaysia has its tail between their legs. Where was the protests outside the Russian embassy and sanctions against the country after MH17? Definition of a bully, scared of bigger bullies."
"Aiya their own people can't even tahan when their own Chinese citizens wrap nasi lemak with Chinese newspaper , of course those glass hearts sure angry when people make fun of them lah."
"Inferiority complex"
Malaysia Boleh!

Malaysian police warn consumers of poppy seeds 'high' - "A bagel or a cake spiced up with poppy seeds could now land you in the lockup, Malaysia police have warned. Police are looking into cases of poppy seeds being used in cakes, said Kuala Lumpur's City Narcotics Criminal Investigation Department chief Wan Abdullah Ishak.  Tests done on the poppy seeds found in those cakes detected traces of morphine... He noted that while consumption of poppy seeds is not illegal in Malaysia, the consumer could test positive for drugs and be liable to be charged in court... Health Minister S. Subramaniam dismissed the concern as "not new" and said that his ministry was not banning the import or use of poppy seeds, which are commonly added as a spice in traditional cooking.  He noted that the US Food and Drug Administration classifies poppy seeds as safe for consumption due to their low morphine content, media reports said.  "Many local delicacies use poppy seeds, also known as kas kas. This matter is not new and the morphine level in poppy seeds is very minimal," Dr Subramaniam told reporters when asked to comment on narcotics department's warning.  "If you take a huge content and regularly, then there is a chance of becoming addicted. The amount used in cooking is minimal and if you put too much, it will alter the taste," the minister said. Asked if the police had asked for input from the ministry, Dr Subramaniam said: "We learnt about (the narcotics official's warning) when we read the newspapers today.""
Meanwhile in Singapore they're banned

Is there such a thing as too much pay? | Financial Times - "As the UK entered a cost of living crisis in recent months, private equity headhunter Sita Kolossa had a surreal conversation with a client about his salary. “He told me £1mn was not enough”...   Their highest earners are often the most senior people, the biggest revenue generators and longest serving employees, who have helped foster growth at companies for years. They are demanding even greater pay. Tight labour markets and a rush to secure top talent have helped their cause, as managers calculate that finding new people to replace senior staff with institutional knowledge would only cost more money and take more time.  An endless pot of cash could placate everyone. Reality means making compromises. So what should a manager keep in mind when dealing with their highest earners?... retaining high earners is not always about the money. CEOs can be more imaginative and use other levers available to show a person’s value. Individual recognition can come in many forms — a bigger role, a seat at the decision-making table or a clearer career path forward. A positive company culture and attractive working conditions should be another way to entice colleagues. Uniting behind a shared company vision, more flexible working arrangements and greater ownership over one’s own time are perks that money can’t buy.    But don’t then shoot yourself in the foot by doing stupid things. Outsized payouts at the top when a company has cut jobs elsewhere, made huge losses, or embroiled itself in a scandal — or if there is very little leeway to help those at the lowest end of the pay structure — will mean senior managers automatically become a target of worker ire and negative press.  Finally, pay attention to the differential between the highest and lowest paid. While the pay of chief executives always seems to be in focus, in this environment the top band of earners should all watch out. This is a reflection of corporate culture and it affects the motivation of a significant part of the workforce, says Georg Wernicke, who conducts research on strategy and business policy at HEC Paris business school.  “You want to pay the highest earners a sufficient amount to incentivise them to steer the company through difficult times but also enough that you can retain them as staff. But you’ll also be pressured by unions, the public, and the media to pay them something that’s fair, particularly if you’re cutting the workforce”"

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