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Sunday, May 21, 2023

Links - 21st May 2023 (1 - Trump)

đŸ‡ș🇾TravisđŸ‡ș🇾 on Twitter - "“Trump said Nazis were very fine people” was a lie. “Trump is going to get us in a war with Russia and North Korea” was a lie. “ Trump colluded with Russia to win in 2016” was a lie. “ Trump got paid by Russia to help steal the election” was a lie. “Trump is racist” was a lie. “Trump made fun of a disabled reporter” was a lie. How many lies need to be exposed before democrat voters realize everything they hate about Trump is a lie?"

Dan Crenshaw on Twitter - "The Durham Report that dropped yesterday is a 316-page roadmap of the Democrat effort to weaponize a misinformation campaign against Donald Trump. We now know that 1) Hillary Clinton approved and orchestrated the Russia collusion narrative, which Obama knew about and 2) Our government paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Russian behind the Steele dossier.
Included in the report is the stunning revelation that Hillary Clinton personally approved the creation of the “Russian collusion” narrative, that Russian intelligence operatives knew she was doing this to undermine Donald Trump, and that then-President Obama and his top intelligence officials were briefed on all of it. The Durham Report states that in August of 2016, CIA Director John Brennan briefed Obama, Biden, and other top Democrats on Hillary Clinton’s plan to create a disinformation campaign about Trump colluding with Russia in the election.
“On August 3, 2016, within days of receiving the Clinton Plan intelligence, Director Brennan met with the President, Vice President and other senior Administration officials, including but not limited to the Attorney General (who participated remotely) and the FBI Director, in the White House Situation Room to discuss Russian election interference efforts. According to Brennan's handwritten notes and his recollections from the meeting, he briefed on relevant intelligence known to date on Russian election interference, including the Clinton Plan intelligence. Specifically, Director Brennan's declassified handwritten notes reflect that he briefed the meeting's participants regarding the "alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on 26 July of a proposal from one of her [campaign] advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security services.”
The Durham Report also confirms that the FBI completely ignored the possibility that the Steele Dossier was Russian disinformation. It’s even documented that the FBI proposed “future payments” to Danchenko (the primary sub-source of the Steele Dossier) after they discovered lies about his claims & sources. These “future payments” tell us one thing: they were paying for silence and compliance.
They all knew this was a false narrative, created by Clinton to defeat Donald Trump, and yet Brennan went before Congress and on national television to spread the lie further. He was fully aware that this story was fabricated by the Clinton campaign, but continued to perpetuate the lie as Democrats continued to waste time and taxpayer money with the Trump investigation."

John Durham's report on Trump-Russia probe released - "Special counsel John Durham released his final report on Monday in which he casts doubt about the FBI’s decision to launch a full investigation into connections between Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia during the 2016 election... The Durham report, however, relies on many public findings — including problems with the investigation that were detailed in a 2019 investigation by DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz — to question the bureau’s decision to open a full investigation, one the watchdog found to be legal and unbiased. And while Durham acknowledges the FBI did have reason to open a preliminary review or investigation, he accuses the bureau of failing to uphold its “important mission of strict fidelity to the law in connection with certain events and activities described in this report.”... Durham concluded that federal investigators did not have “any actual evidence of collusion” between Trump’s 2016 campaign and Russia before launching a yearslong probe into the matter. That finding was at the core of Durham’s most scathing criticism of the FBI’s decision to launch a full investigation. Durham knocked the FBI for failing to take several steps before launching the Trump campaign investigations, such as interviewing relevant witnesses, reviewing its own intelligence databases or using “any of the standard analytical tools typically employed by the FBI in evaluating raw intelligence.” He suggested that if the FBI had taken those steps, it would have found that US intelligence agencies did not have any evidence tying Trump to Russian leadership officials... The report is critical of the Steele dossier, the explosive document that had been used by the FBI to bolster its case for probable cause to secure surveillance warrants against a former Trump campaign adviser. Crossfire Hurricane investigation “did not and could not corroborate any of the substantive allegations” contained in the controversial Steele dossier, which was used by the FBI to obtain a FISA warrant... Witness testimony exposed the FBI’s overreliance on the dossier as it sought court approval to wiretap a former Trump campaign adviser in 2016. Other FBI officials described rookie mistakes that undercut the bureau’s brief inquiry into a possible Trump-Russia internet backchannel. At closing arguments during one of last year’s trials, Durham told jurors that “the FBI failed” on many occasions"
This won't stop liberals continuing to claim it was proven that Trump colluded with Russia, since the Mueller Report didn't either

Media Admits They Lied About That Russia Collusion Thing But Are Totally Telling The Truth About Everything Else | Babylon Bee - ""You can still trust us," agreed CNN Anchor and part-time anonymous message board foot model Jake Tapper. "Even though we divided the country in hatred and anger for three years to try to destroy Trump over a false narrative, and then continued to do so even after we found out it was fake, and then insulted the intelligence of everyone who was skeptical about what we were saying, it doesn't mean we would ever lie to you or anything." Media-approved anonymous sources claim that 10 out of 10 media experts agree that in spite of the lies about Trump and Russia, Americans should still unquestionably believe every claim the media makes about Ukraine, COVID, domestic terrorism, the 2020 election, and who is a racist and who isn't. At publishing time, Joy Reid also chimed in, saying everyone who doesn't agree with her is a racist."

ADL on Twitter - "Former President Trump also delivered remarks that were in character but still dangerous. His claims about expelling warmongers, driving out globalists, casting out communists, and throwing off those who hate our country echo classic #antisemitic rhetoric."
Why is the ADL perpetuating anti-semitic stereotypes?

The Myth of the Muslim Country - "I study the politics of religion and U.S. foreign policy. I oppose the Trump administration’s immigration policy and stand with those who are fighting its effects. While it is tempting to let outrage dominate our response to the refugee ban, however, we have been heading down this dark road for some time... We must go beyond criticizing Trump to challenge the deep-seated and widely held assumption, held across the political spectrum, that Muslims are naturally, even preternaturally, violent. While seemingly easy to oppose, this notion draws sustenance from a much broader and deeper well of support than is often acknowledged by North American critics of far-right anti-Muslim politics. It enjoys the tacit support of a range of constituencies, including many liberal internationalists. It is not uncommon for critics of the Trump administration’s toxic religious politics, including from the progressive left, to repeat and reinforce the basic presumption that religion, particularly Islam, can be either good or bad, with the former lending itself to peaceful existence and the latter to oppression and violence. The reach of this assumption extends far beyond the current administration and its policies. In reality, religious affiliation does not predict political behavior, whether peaceful or violent. To assert that it does requires adhering to an untenable assumption about the capacity of religion to stand fully apart from history, law, and politics. Misuse of religious labels pervades these debates. In an otherwise sharply critical piece about the new executive order, a New York Times headline utilized the label of “Muslim countries.” The presumption that one can objectively describe the nations subjected to the ban as Muslim is sociologically sloppy, historically misguided, and politically dangerous. It is precisely this slippage, and the actions and policies it engenders, that contribute to creating a world in which it seems natural to talk about religion as if we all know what we mean when we say “Muslim countries.” Even Bernie Sanders uses this language. It apparently no longer seems at all strange that the government—not just the present administration but any government, anywhere—would be vested with the legal and religious authority to determine who counts as Christian or Muslim. "
From 2017
This is a good example of what someone observed: when you write for liberals you must begin with emotional labour by assuring them of your positions and beliefs, before you challenge their orthodoxy, but no such emotional labour is needed when writing for conservatives
The Trump administration didn't call the countries Muslim, so this is once again an example of liberals making things up (of course, in a classic case of projection, they accuse conservatives of doing that all the time)

Meme - "Divine Perfection in all things... *Fibonacci Spiral*"

Meme - "Biden's new 'ultra-MAGA' label came after six months of liberal-funded focus group research: Report. The president's new slogan was quickly embraced by Republicans"
"It took us 6 months to come up with "ultra MAGA" as an insult and you actually like it!?"
"Ultra like it"

Meme - "The side of "love & resist hate"
Resist Trump
Becky Crisp: When do we stop paying for Secret Service for the orange POS?
Susan Welsh: When he's dead
Jeffrey Ross: so sooner than later?
Susan Welsh: fingers crossed
Diane Trunnell-Heidorn: can't be soon enough
Konrad Sapp: can't wait
Deb Bis: what a happy day that will be!
Becky Crisp: he is obese, old and unhealthy. How much longer could it be?"
Love Trumps Hate

Meme - Dan Crenshaw @DanCrenshawTX: ""Prove your innocence" is how justice works in the Soviet gulags, not in America."
Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi: "The Grand Jury has acted upon the facts and the law. No one is above the law, and everyone has the right to a trial to prove innocence. Hopefully, the former President will peacefully respect the system, which grants him that right."
Readers added context they thought people might want to know: "Ms. Pelosi mistakenly says that Trump can prove his innocence at trial. Law in the US assumes the innocence of a defendant and the prosecution must prove guilt for a conviction."

Meme - Catturd @catturd2: "Remember the rules If you illegally leak anything classified against Trump you're a brave whistleblower and you'll get a million dollar book deal or a job at CNN. If you illegally leak anything classified against the Biden regime, even if it proves they're lying about a war you'll get raided by the FBI, perp walked, slammed in the press as a traitor, and probably spend the rest of your life in prison."

Opinion | Trump Seems to Be the Victim of a Witch Hunt. So What? - POLITICO - "It’s hard to believe prosecutors would bring this case against anyone else. But that doesn’t mean they’re wrong... The case brought by Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, a Democrat, instead reportedly charges Trump for events that took place before he was president and uses a highly unusual legal theory based on a highly unusual set of facts — Trump’s payment of hush money to the adult film star Stormy Daniels in the final weeks of the 2016 election to cover up an alleged affair that the two had while he was married. At the time of this writing, the charge(s) in the indictment against Trump have not been publicly confirmed, but for weeks, media outlets have reported that the alleged crime at issue would be Trump’s participation in falsifying his company’s business records to obscure the reason for the payment, which was characterized within the company as a legal retainer for Michael Cohen — Trump’s onetime lawyer turned mortal enemy following his stint in prison... conservative legal commentator Andrew McCarthy, who is no fan of Trump as a political figure, argued that “it’s undeniable that no one who wasn’t Donald Trump would ever be charged for this.” Law professor Alan Dershowitz likewise said on Megyn Kelly’s show that “Nobody in their right mind would believe that Bragg would be going after John Smith or even John Edwards on a case like this. It’s obviously an example of ‘Get Trump’”... There is also no indication at the moment that the case against Trump has any real precedent in New York or elsewhere. Perhaps prosecutors will demonstrate that that is wrong as they defend the case in court, but thus far, no one seems to be able to identify a comparable case brought by a local prosecutor’s office. Trump, of course, is not the first president or presidential candidate to engage in an extramarital affair. Democrat John Edwards was indicted by federal prosecutors in connection with a scheme to obtain nearly $1 million in funds from donors to conceal a mistress and child while he ran for president in 2008, but the Justice Department was unable to convict him. Former president Bill Clinton famously had an affair while in the White House, but as a matter of realpolitik, it is hard to believe that he would be criminally charged by a local prosecutor for that conduct even if he were to have done it recently. It is worth being honest about all this"
All the Trump haters are crowing about the rule of law. Clearly the rule of law means weaponising the law to target your enemies and if you disagree that's a threat to democracy

Jack Poso đŸ‡ș🇾 on Twitter - "BREAKING: Last year Hillary Clinton quietly settled a campaign finance violation over reporting the *Steele Dossier* funding as legal services She paid a fine and was never arrested"


Benny Johnson on Twitter - "In 2008, Barack Obama was charged with violating campaign finance disclosure laws by hiding millions of dollars in campaign donations. He was slapped with a $375k fine. Where the hell are the handcuffs for Obama?"

Meme - Cesare Sacchetti @CesareSacchetti: "It's not Kabul. It's Washington DC. The city looks completely militarized. Several sources are saying that Trump signed the Insurrection Act. This scenario seems consistent with that."
Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays: "If there is one thing I can tell you with 100% certainty it is that Trump did not, and will not, sign an Insurrection Act. And when you learn you have been wrong about this, apply that learning to the other things you believe(d)."
Of course, they never learn

Time Publishes an Astonishing Story About a 'Cabal' and 'Shadow Campaign' That Helped Biden Win - "Time published a story that provides absolutely astonishing details and framing of activities that took place around the 2020 election. As readers, you deserve a detailed analysis of this story and the people and organizations involved. The recounting of the story in Time is longer than a chapter in many novels. Time says additional details will be provided in a series of articles over the next several days. This article is an introduction. The title is provocative enough. “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election.” The story goes on to describe in precise detail a coalition of various powerful special interest groups that united, beginning a year before the election, to ensure Joe Biden would win... What is described in the entire story has nothing to do with democracy or the consent of the governed. Instead, it represents a bargain between unions, corporations, activist groups, and the political elite. It is a precursor to the triumvirate of unions, big business, and the government becoming more evident every day. Put another way, the political elite, the very wealthy, the bureaucracy, and those willing to subsidize struck a bargain... Labor unions, business titans, and left-wing activists all collaborated to influence 2020 in the direction of the administration that embraces global governance organizations, international treaties, and social justice issues. The reward is power and money, two of the greatest motivators of all, brought in under the guise of saving the planet."
The Deep State and shady political actors behind the scene don't exist and anyone who says they do is a paranoid far right conspiracy theorist who is spreading misinformation. But they're also good because Orange Man Bad

Why Time Magazine’s Shadow Campaign Story Is Frightening | by [arlie] PEYTON | Medium - "Does democracy die in darkness? Apparently, the perception of it thrives. After reading Time magazine’s article The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election, I’m second-guessing if we’re even living in a democracy today. Maybe it’s a post-democracy America. I don’t know what’s next, but it ain’t right. If you’re late to the conversation, this article was a doozy — even for hard-core apolitical people like me. Basically, the journalist Molly Ball revealed how the 2020 presidential election in America was really won: through a secret plot to help Biden. Now that there is no chance of overturn, it’s safe to tell-all... “A well-funded cabal of powerful people” sounds like something out of a spy novel. But it’s real. Now let’s look at the facts: The voting rules were changed, the flow of information was compromised, the media was complicit, and a secret alliance was made on Biden’s behalf... My stance is if people can protest in person, they can vote in person. Protesting opens you up to getting COVID-19 way more than the safe voting haven democrats afford people. I never saw why mail-in voting was such a big agenda. Now I know... So we get full censorship on one party and no censorship on the other. In fact, Hunter Biden’s true stories about his incredibly compromising “laptop from hell”, the China deals, doing crack with a prostitute all ended up as nothing burgers in the eyes of the news. The media never let these stories become big... 4.6% Biden’s voters wouldn’t have chosen him had they known about all of his son’s egregious mishaps. That’s enough for Trump to have won. Leveraging big tech and the media was a smart move on the Democrat’s part. They learned that Clinton’s 2016’s email scandal cost her the race because of the Muller Report. (What innocent person uses a private server then wipes it?) The media and tech giants helped prevent another Democrat scandal by suppressing any bad information that might disrupt the set narrative and agenda — that’s all clear now. In fact, when the New York Post broke the story about Hunter Biden’s laptop, they froze their account! As we’ve seen lately, big tech is bigger than the government... All of this conspiring makes me look at House of Cards as more of a documentary than a tv show. There really are “invisible governors” that “organize chaos” as Bernays suggests... The most disturbing thing for me about this article is what it implies. I’m curious what other operations these shadow leaders are planning. What other agendas are at hand to manipulate a preferred outcome not decided by a citizenry? Do they think we’re too dumb to make our own decisions so secret chiefs have to make them for us? Or at least, do they think it’s ethical to create an ill-informed society to make the choice they pre-planned? (I’ll spare you the hackneyed Orwellian analyzes here, but you get the picture.) If so, how is that a democracy? It sounds more like an oligarchy"

Appeals court denies principal qualified immunity in teacher's MAGA hat job retaliation lawsuit - "A suburban Portland, Ore., teacher allegedly threatened with discipline if he kept bringing a Make America Great Again hat to teacher-training sessions can sue his former principal for First Amendment retaliation, a federal appeals court has ruled. The 9th Circuit partially reinstated Eric Dodge's lawsuit on Thursday, finding that former Wy'east Middle School Principal Caroline Garrett would not be protected by qualified immunity if a jury found her guilty of violating Dodge's First Amendment rights on the eve of the 2019-2020 school year. The three-judge panel cited "clearly established 
 long-standing precedent" that concerns about "the reaction to controversial or disfavored speech itself does not justify restricting such speech."... At the first training session with 60 participants, "fewer than five people complained, including the first presenter who was not a District employee," and all trainings were completed without incident, according to the court records. "Clinton, Reagan, and Trump appointees coming together to affirm the First Amendment," lawyer Gregory Conley tweeted in response to the ruling, referring to the panel of judges."

FBI Agent Investigating Trump for Russia Ties Gets Arrested for Russia Ties - "Charles McGonigal — the former FBI agent who led the Trump-Russia investigation — has been arrested for “agreeing to provide services” to the billionaire Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. FACT-O-RAMA! It seems everything the left accuses Trump of doing – like hoarding classified documents and collusing with Russians- they are guilty of doing themselves... This isn’t the only time an FBI agent was busted for the same crime he was supposedly investigating. In 2021, FBI agent David Harris was investigating sex crimes against kids when he was arrested on sexual assault charges in five locations, some of which involved minors. Also in 2021, FBI agent Eduardo Valdivia shot a homeless man who cursed the agent for not giving him money. Valdivia was indicted for second-degree murder, but a judge released him on personal bond. The Clown News Network (CNN) ran cover for the agent."

Poll: Trump leads Biden, Harris in 2024 match-ups
From March 2022

Bragg: "Indict Donald Trump"

De Blasio’s bid to rid NYC of Trump name could cost $30 million - "New York City’s attempts to divorce itself from former President Donald Trump have turned into a comedy of errors — one that could end up sticking taxpayers with a not-so-funny $30 million bill... The effort to boot Trump would have shuttered the two skating rinks six weeks early, creating an outcry from skaters about the premature end to the season. City Hall reversed course and allowed the contract to run out instead. The city picked new rink operators, a joint venture among Newark, NJ-based Harris Blitzer Sports & Entertainment, which owns the New Jersey Devils NHL team, and developers Related Companies and Equinox, in July. They promptly raised the rates. A family of four now pays $109 to enter, rent skates and secure a locker rather than $95 under Trump... Meanwhile, with no one to run the carousel, the ride remained at a standstill for all of summer 2021... “New York is being overrun by crime and homelessness, and people are fleeing in record numbers, yet this mayor’s focus is using $30 million of taxpayer money to settle political scores.” The clubhouse boosts revenue with public dining and events like weddings and private parties year round, even when the links are closed to “rest” the grass and plantings. That, they say, is to ensure it retains famed golfer and course designer Jack Nicklaus’ company’s stamp of approval, as required by his city contract. Yet the next operator plans to have golfers on the greens year round. The course is used by many in the community as well as Bronx organizations, some of whom spoke passionately at a city Franchise and Concession Review Committee hearing earlier this month, worried that the quality would drop under a new operator, and that more than 150 jobs would be lost. The panel nevertheless moved ahead with plans to hand the course to a new Georgia-based operator, under a 13-year deal, starting in November. The 4-2 vote to approve the switch came despite the objections from residents, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and Stringer. The Georgia company initially tapped to take over, Ferry Point Links LLC, had teamed up with the head of a local homeless services provider. Then news website The City and The Post revealed in September that he was in trouble for self-dealing. De Blasio first defended Jack Brown, who made $869,000 in 2019 as the chief executive of CORE Services Group, the shelter provider, but the report showed he had a checkered record of toying with services for the homeless, halfway houses and other nonprofits... The city has apparently ignored its agreement with Nicklaus’ company, which gives it a “veto” over who operates the course."

Why the alt-right loves single-payer health care - "“Steve Bannon has said the Republicans will become a party of ‘economic nationalism,’” Buckley continued. “No one has bothered to define this, but here’s one thing it must mean: We’re going to treat Americans better than non-Americans. We’re going to see that Americans have jobs, medical care and an enviable safety net.” Of course, the Trumpists are big fans of using racialized, not explicitly economic appeals on issues like immigration and crime to win votes. But whereas they see mainstream Republicans like Paul Ryan or Jeb Bush making those appeals as a smokescreen for unpopular economic policies, they want to pair the appeals with an nationalist economic agenda that is actually popular with these voters... Marine Le Pen, the leader of France’s Front National, has relied heavily on "welfare chauvinism” in her presidential bids, a promise to protect and expand social programs for (white) native workers against migrants who might exploit them and drain money that should be going to noble French citizens."
From 2017. So if the alt-right love it, that must mean it's bad
Presumably calls are "racialized" if they mention "Americans", since everyone knows that when the right say "Americans" they really mean "white Americans", because liberals tell us that is the case
If you want to prioritise your own citizens, that's racist, since to the left, minorities will never truly be citizens of Western countries

SNL Writers Forced To Make Fun of Trump Again As There Is Nothing Funny About Current President | Babylon Bee - ""Sadly, we just can't think of anything funny to say about an 80-year-old president who talks to ghosts, wanders aimlessly around the room, and says weird racist things at inappropriate times, " said producer Lorne Michaels. "Oh well — time to make fun of Trump again!" According to sources the rest of the cast felt the same way. "Are there any jokes we can make about the most powerful man in the world who says things like 'lying dog-faced pony soldier'? Ah crap, I'm coming up empty here," said Kenan Thompson. "Believe me, we'd be the first to parody Biden if he so much as slipped on the stairs, crashed his bicycle, claimed to be Puerto Rican, or flat-out exhibited all the defining symptoms of dementia." When confronted by journalists Lorne Michaels replied, "Look, our job is to satirize the biggest, most important issues of the day — like a President who is no longer in power and living at a golf resort. We're not here to ridicule the man in office who sniffs kids and makes up nonsensical words. Now, maybe if he had an unlikable VP who talks like a 7-year-old child in speeches, we'd have some good material."... "It had been so great," said liberal commentator Greg Fletcher. "We tell people when they can leave their houses, what to wear, when they can open their businesses, and what to inject themselves with. Normal means an end to all that. Well, hopefully, normal is dead for good.""
From 2021

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