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Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Links - 23rd May 2023 (1 - Trans Mania)

The Concept of Autogynephilia and the Typology of Male Gender Dysphoria - "This study tested the hypothesis that all gender-dysphoric males who are not sexually aroused by men (homosexual) are instead sexually aroused by the thought or image of themselves as women (autogynephilic). Subjects were 212 adult male-to-female transsexuals. These were divided into four groups: one homosexual and three nonhomosexual. The three nonhomosexual groups were heterosexual, bisexual, and analloerotic (unattracted to male or female partners, but not necessarily devoid of all erotic behavior). A Core Autogynephilia Scale was developed to assess a subject's propensity to be sexually aroused by the fantasy of being a woman. The four transsexual groups were compared on this measure (and on several others), using Newman-Keuls multiple-range tests at p <. 05. As predicted, all three nonhomosexual groups were more likely than the homosexual group to report sexual stimulation by cross-gender fantasy. This finding supports the hypothesis that the major types of nonhomosexual gender dysphoria constitute variant forms of one underlying disorder, which may be characterized as autogynephilic gender dysphoria."
When I posted an article about the link between MTFs and autogynephilia, a TRA claimed that it was just one article that had been debunked by hundreds of studies. When I posted 3 more and asked what the hundreds of studies were, it kept quiet

The Truth about Autogynephilia - "Understanding the life histories and motivations of these newly identified “autogynephiles” posed several thorny problems. Since they had shown no signs of gender dysphoria or cross-sex identification as children, a prospective study, such as that carried out by Richard Green, was not an option. Complicating matters, by this point gender doctors had realised that their patients were intentionally deceiving them. An informal network had developed, with post-operative transsexuals coaching pre-operative ones in what to say to get approved for surgery: that your earliest memory was of knowing that you were truly a girl, and that you had been certain of that inner truth ever since.  Patients also lied about their sexual desires and experiences... In the 1980s and 1990s, when Blanchard was doing his research, the number of patients seen by gender clinics was tiny. The sole treatment pathway was physical transition: oestrogen and vaginoplasty for male patients; testosterone and mastectomy, and perhaps phalloplasty (a risky and complex operation in which flesh stripped from an arm or thigh is crafted into a neo-phallus), for female ones. Long delays were common. When patients were eventually seen, the personal crises that led to referral were past. And central to assessment was ensuring that they fully understood the goal of castration and bodily remodelling. They had to confront a tough question: was their desire to transition strong enough?  It made for strict gatekeeping. At the Clarke, four-fifths of patients abandoned the idea of transition before surgery. Some did not show up for the initial assessment. Others never returned, perhaps having concluded that living with gender dysphoria was preferable to proceeding. Even after that, referral for surgery depended on the “real-life test”: changing name, pronouns and clothing, and maintaining a cross-sex presentation for two years. A surprising number presented for follow-up appointments yearly, but never embarked on this trial. Clinicians could be confident that patients who stayed the course were unlikely to experience regret. And indeed, research at the Clarke—and other clinics with similar rules—found that hardly any did, and most were happier post-surgery. The clinic would write to employers, asking for sympathy and flexibility during the real-life test regarding such questions as which workplace facilities patients would use. Post-surgery, the thinking went, they would use those intended for their adopted sex. Superficially, their bodies were now similar, and as for any risk of sexual violence from admitting males to female spaces, those males’ sexual organs had, after all, been removed. Such decisions were made ad hoc by clinicians, perhaps without thinking through all possible situations and certainly without consulting women about what some would have seen as unwarranted intrusion. But the main considerations were how rare post-operative transsexuals were—and that there was no suggestion that pre-operative transsexuals would have the right to expose themselves in women’s spaces, as later campaigners would demand... In 1998 Lawrence published an essay about autogynephilia on her website, entitled “Men Trapped in Men’s Bodies” as a riposte to the trope that transsexuals are women trapped in men’s bodies. She then solicited anonymous, first-person accounts from other autogynephiles, and in 2011 published an analysis of several hundred in a book of the same name.  Sexual tastes you do not share are inevitably hard to comprehend. But autogynephilia is especially so, since it is rare and even more rarely spoken of. Lawrence reveals a secret world. She talks about the “pain, frustration and incomprehension” autogynephiles feel about not having the bodies they want... Those who reject Blanchard’s theories think he, and by extension Lawrence, fundamentally misunderstand the nature and meaning of autogynephilic fantasies. They argue either that the fantasies are perfectly natural because all women feel sexual about their femaleness, in which case autogynephilia is actually evidence that a male person is really a woman; or, alternatively, that those fantasies are mechanisms for coping with being born in the wrong body, in which case surgery will end them. Could those critics be right?  It is true that a woman may feel aroused when contemplating her body or clothing—for example when putting on lacy underwear or a low-cut dress. Autogynephiles’ fantasies are of a different nature. The way they symbolise themselves as women in their imaginations has a “fetishistic flavour” that is “qualitatively different from any superficially similar ideation in natal females,” Blanchard writes. For example, they report arousal at the simple act of putting on everyday women’s clothes. Natal women do not find getting dressed for work an orgasmic experience.  It would indeed be natural that someone whose body did not match their gender identity fantasised about having the right body. But if gender identity is not sexual in origin, then there is no reason those fantasies should be erotic. They also tend to continue post-transition, strengthening the conclusion that they constitute a paraphilia rather than a coping mechanism. Moreover, autogynephiles often eroticise aspects of womanhood that most women dislike, such as menstruation, undergoing intimate medical examinations, experiencing sexism, or wearing uncomfortable clothes. “Forced feminisation”—someone making a man cross-dress or undergo sex-reassignment surgery—is a staple of transgender erotica. Quite a few of Lawrence’s informants say they would find it shameful to be a woman, and that this turns them on... Bailey’s university received complaints alleging that he had broken rules governing research on human subjects, slept with one of those subjects and taken payment to write referral letters for people seeking sex-reassignment surgery—sackable offences, if true. An allegation was made to the state regulator that he was practising psychology without a licence. Rumours were circulated that he had abandoned his family, and that he had a drinking problem. His book had been nominated for a “Lammy,” an award for excellence in celebrating or exploring LGBT themes. After protests, the nomination was withdrawn.  Bailey’s family was also targeted. Andrea James, a transwoman working in consumer advocacy in Los Angeles, posted pictures of his children online, with captions saying “there are two types of children in the Bailey household”: those “who have been sodomised by their father [and those] who have not,” and asking whether his young daughter was “a cock-starved exhibitionist, or a paraphiliac who just gets off on the idea of it.”... Bailey had been targeted for publicising ideas transactivists wanted buried, Dreger concluded. The aim had been to “undermine Bailey’s reputation, undo any positive praise his book received, and make Bailey as personally miserable as possible.” She showed that three transwomen had orchestrated the campaign: Andrea James; Lynn Conway, a computer scientist; and Deirdre McCloskey, an economist. Strikingly, one had previously acknowledged autogynephilia, and another described what sounded awfully like it in an autobiography... Being transgender was to be understood as a matter of identity, not sexuality; Blanchard, Bailey, and Lawrence were contradicting a cherished narrative; and everyone had to pick a side.  Partly, this was because of the “Great Awokening”—an expression coined by journalist Matthew Yglesias as shorthand for the American Left’s shift to an identity-driven style of politics. Activists had started to judge people and ideas, not according to the evidence, says Bailey, but according to a very particular notion of social justice. In their way of thinking, gender is a political identity—an innate characteristic that has nothing to do with sexuality. In the past couple of years he has assigned his grad students an article he and Blanchard co-wrote, entitled “Gender Dysphoria is Not One Thing.” The students typically find it upsetting and enraging, he says, since it contradicts cherished ideas.  But referring to autogynephilia for any reason other than to deny its existence provokes even greater rage than other sins against “wokeness.” Blanchard thinks one reason is that it complicates the task of “selling” transsexualism... “There’s a critical difference between autogynephilia and most other sexual orientations: most other orientations aren’t erotically disrupted simply by being labelled,” she writes. “When you call a typical gay man homosexual, you’re not disturbing his sexual hopes and desires. By contrast, autogynephilia is perhaps best understood as a love that would really rather we didn’t speak its name.”  This explains why such rage is mostly directed at women, even though it is men who commit almost all anti-trans harassment and violence... Consider the favoured insult of the angry youth wing of trans activism: TERF...  Only females, therefore, can be TERFs. There is no equivalent insult for males who deny that sex can be changed by self-declaration. Lawrence adds another piece to the puzzle of trans activist rage. She posits that autogynephilia’s inwardly directed nature, and the frustrations attendant on requiring others to validate your cross-sex identity, mean that the condition co-occurs with narcissistic disorders more often than would occur by chance. And narcissists often respond to minor slights with disproportionate rage"

Thread by @TwisterFilm on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "What's the darkest secret of the trans lobby? It's one it's tried to hide for decades. There's a clue in this documentary on the BBC, called 'Casa Susanna'. It's a sexual fetish of men who get off by imagining themselves as women. In my latest substack I explore autogynephilia (or AGP) revealing that the fetish was the driving motive of the first trans organisation of which Casa Susanna, a transvestite holiday resort in the Catskills, was an important affilliate... Prince loathed homosexuals, arguing in the future transvestitism would be considered normal, but people would never accept homosexuality... Virginia embodied the delusionary quality of the trans narrative. He believed trans people had dual personalities and with enough determination a man could create a real, three dimensional female personality that was actually psychically separate from the male personality. This dissociative attitude meant that Virginia (Arnold) who insisted he was heterosexual and banned homosexuals from FPE could argue his "female" personality was a heterosexual woman and that was why "she" slept with heterosexual men... At the heart of Casa Susanna was sexual fetishism. Autogynephilia and this 'sissy fetish' where men like to be humiliated, dressed as women, are closely linked. It was a feature of Virginia Prince's magazine Transvestia... The trans lobby was horrified when a book was published in 2003 that revealed the extent of trans autogynephilia to the public. A vicious campaign against the author @profjmb was launched, his family was targetted and petitions demanded his sacking. That champion of academic freedom Stephen Whittle participated in the bullying. Of course she did. The trans lobby's claims are couched in terms of social justice. That sympathy would evaporate if the public thought up to half of transwomen were driven by a sexual fetish. Autogynephilia isn't just the fetish that dare not speak its name. It's the fetish the trans lobby dare not let us discuss. That's why it isn't mentioned in the BBC's documentary."

Meme> - "just one beer, then I'm going home"
"Richard L. Levine. Wakefield, Massachusetts"
"one Bud Light later"
*Rachel Levine*

Meme - ""just trying to live our lives" 101
And police your speech
And use women's bathrooms
And shelters
And prisons
And dominate their sports
And call you cis
And bleeders, chest feeders, people with uteruses, people with penises, and birthing people
And abolish the words mother and father
And pretend sex is 'assigned' at birth rather than observed
And force your kids to validate our identity at school or face disciplinary action
And pressure you to put pronouns in your bio to normalize when we do it
And declare that women have penises and that men can get pregnant
And declare that men can be lesbians
And kick actual lesbians off of dating apps and out of lesbian spaces for not agreeing
And teach kids biological sex isnt real
And have kids at adult drag shows
And have drag queens in schools and at children's story time
And tell kids they might have been born in the wrong body
And give your kids new names and genders at school without telling you
And take kids away from any parents who don't agree they were born in the wrong body
And give cross sex hormones to any kid who's unhappy with their sex
And force tax payers and insurance companies to pay for our cosmetic surgeries
And call you a bigot and a transphobe
And get you fired from your job and canceled form every aspect of life if you have a problem with any of our demands, if you EVER mention our old name, or if you refer to us by the correct pronouns for our sex
And we'll tell your kids you don't love them unless you agree they were born in the wrong body"

Meme - "Weird af euphoria experience
So my mum called me over to help her turn on the lawnmower, I initially held the bail lever, but she couldn't yank the cord hard enough so I wanted to try... and as soon as I tried the yank, I broke a nail on one finger and somehow cut another finger and it started bleeding a little... Somehow I think what gave me euphoria is seeing just how fragile my body had become, I mean I was always a weak, scrawny, clumsy person, but now it seems I absolutely cannot partake in any physical work or my body just breaks"
"Why I simultaneously get really defensive but also like it when my body shows weakness."

Author and £20k life coach bans ‘TERFs’ from applying for personal assistant job - "A life coach who publicly criticised JK Rowling for her views on gender has banned “TERFs” from applying to be her assistant.  Maisie Hill, the author of the menstrual cycle book Period Power and Perimenopause Power, suggested people who were “racist, homophobic or a TERF (trans-exclusionary radical feminist)” should not apply to be her virtual assistant.  An online job posting for the role was later amended to remove the term after The Telegraph contacted Ms Hill. She did not respond to multiple requests for comment.  TERF is considered a derogatory term for people who argue that biological sex cannot be changed... Several recent employment tribunals have ruled that gender critical beliefs are protected and should not be discriminated against in the workplace... The job posting for Ms Hill’s assistant role also read: “We value, respect and support all types of diversity across all identities including, but not limited to, ethnicity, race, gender, LGBTQIA, age, religion, neurodiversity, and abilities.”  Ms Hill is a menstrual health expert, who offers coaching to people to “improve their cycle-based symptoms and start working with their hormones”."

We’re all TERFs now - "Canadian author Margaret Atwood enraged the Twittersphere this week by tweeting an article about the erasure of the word ‘woman’.  The article was by Toronto Star columnist Rosie DiManno. DiManno argues that the push for ‘inclusive’ language is confusing and is erasing important biological distinctions. She says that recent battles over language have gone ‘far beyond insistence on neutral pronouns, into an outer orbit of linguistics where both women, as a gender, and “woman” as a noun are being blotted out’.   She highlights Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s use of the term ‘menstruating person’ while debating abortion law and the Lancet’s infamous front page about ‘bodies with vaginas’. DiManno asks why it is always ‘women’ that gets changed and why the word ‘men’ is never replaced by ‘persons who urinate standing up’.  The article sums up what many women around the world are feeling. But Atwood suffered a furious backlash for tweeting it, though this is perhaps no great surprise in our intolerant times. Sadly, Atwood has more or less backed down... Calling a woman a TERF is like calling her a bitch – it’s a means of shutting her up. What Atwood was seemingly trying to say was ‘don’t worry, I’m not one of them’. Coming from an author who writes so searingly about the repression of women and the importance of bravery and agency at times of extreme pressure, this is more than a little disappointing.   After all, who are these TERF monsters who Atwood wants to distance herself from? Professor Kathleen Stock has been labelled a TERF for writing a book highlighting the consequences for feminism if women can’t even name biological sex as a potential source of discrimination. JK Rowling is apparently a TERF because she refuses to refer to women as their bodily functions, as ‘people who menstruate’. Labour MP Rosie Duffield is supposedly a TERF for having the audacity to believe that ‘only women have a cervix’. Atwood has stood up to the mob before. In 2018 she faced down the intolerance of the #MeToo movement and spoke up for due process. Yet she seems not to have noticed this very same censoriousness and intolerance in those who throw around terms like ‘TERF’ and ‘transphobe’ at any woman who believes in biological sex. These are not trivial matters. It is becoming controversial to say words like ‘woman’. History is even being rewritten to erase sex-based language – DiManno highlights the recent example of the American Civil Liberties Union changing a Ruth Bader Ginsburg quote to say ‘person’ instead of ‘woman’. In the UK an open letter is currently circulating that condemns the British Pregnancy Advisory Service as ‘ignorant’ for insisting on referring to ‘women’ when discussing its abortion and fertility work. If women can’t even describe themselves as women when accessing women’s services, then we really are in trouble. We would all do well to recall the words of suffragist Millicent Fawcett: ‘Courage calls to courage everywhere.’ When women are being hounded off campus, denounced online and threatened in public for voicing their concerns, it’s time for us to find the courage to speak out. Even if that means being called a ‘TERF’."

Understanding the Propaganda Campaign Against So-called ‘TERFs’ - "It certainly sounds bad (“exclusion” being a modern secular sin), for it suggests that so-called TERFs want trans people excluded from health care, or from jobs or homes, or from society as a whole—or even from life itself. (A popular line of argumentation in trans-activist social media is that gender-critical voices are “literally” seeking to “erase” trans people.) But in fact, the only thing that most “gender-crits” reject is the idea that males can be members of the group “women.” According to Vox, the term “TERF” was created in good-faith, and not as a slur, as a means to “separate radical feminists who support trans people and those who don’t.” But this issue really has nothing to do with who “supports” whom. It’s a question of definitions.  We are instructed by both Cosmo and Vox that only a small minority think males cannot be women. In fact—in Britain at least—that is the view of a large majority...  though few people are “radical feminists” (the term refers to a specific analysis of relations between the sexes), a huge majority of ordinary Britons would be considered “trans-exclusionary” under the typology used by Cosmo and Vox.  There can be no doubt that those who wrote the Civil Rights Act would not have thought Stephens was a woman. It would not even have occurred to them. Stephens is male, and it is only recently that the idea that a male can literally be a woman, or a female a man, has even been entertained, let alone been enshrined as progressive orthodoxy... the arguments that women should be allowed to vote, and that gay people should be allowed to wed, won on their merits. The argument that males can be women must be won on the same basis, which has not yet been done. Instead, what we have been offered is linguistic subterfuge... another claim in the Vox and Cosmo articles: that “TERFs” are linked to evangelical Christians and far-right groups. One hears this in the UK, where gender-critical groups are dismissed as the paid-off puppets of shadowy American Conservatives. Well, if all this lucre were on offer, why on earth would British women have felt the need to crowdfund as a means to collect data?... it is not “TERFs” who are motivated by adherence to conservative gender norms. Just the opposite: Since gender activists have thrown out biology as the criterion for distinguishing between men/boys and women/girls, they have to fall back on something else. And that something invariably has turned out to be stereotypes. All the “TERFs” I know would unhesitatingly support Stephens’ right to wear a skirt to work. But they don’t think that right should depend on whether Stephens is a woman."

Meme - Reddit Lies @reddit_lies: "According to r/WhitePeopleTwitter, the ideal parent never corrects, questions, or guides their children.
Halli @iamharaldur: I have a child that identifies as non-binary. They might identity that way their entire life. Or it might be a phase they go through. Either way, my role as a parent is unconditional love, understanding and support. If it's important to them I will follow them anywhere."

Brandy Bryant🏳️‍⚧️ on Twitter - "My cousin back in West Virginia asked how he should treat me since I'm a trans woman. I was like "Just treat me the same way you'd treat your sister". He paused and nodded, then after a moment goes "So you down to fuck or what?""

Meme - "4chan
"i got an a+ in biology ama"
"You are banned from /lgbt/"

Meme - Heather Flowers @HTHRFLWRS: "TRANSITIONING TIP: try to hit being L, G, B, *and* T at different points in your life to get the Gay Rights Combo which deals +250% damage against fascists
the order in which you hit them changes the exact effects of the combo btw. i went B-G-T-B-L which gets double knockback and sets my opponents on fire"
Weird. I thought sexual orientation and sexual identity were immutable


Meme - Dean Cain @RealDeanCain: "I think... neither of you are girls."
ZoshethC-MeidasMighty @Meidas_ZobethC : "And you were never Superman either."
Dean Cain @RealDeanCain: "Correct. I pretended."

Meme - "Fellowship of the Ring: *Alphabet activists*
"This foe is beyond any of you. Run!"
Balrog: *5th grade biology*"

Meme - "Trans women are women. If you don't like losing, you need to train harder like everyone else"

Meme - Males In Disguise "Trans women are nearly undistinguishable from real women. They are almost completely stealth. You've probably given one a handjob at some point and thought she was a real woman."

Nashville public theologian Robyn Henderson-Espinoza on 'embodiment' book - "Robyn Henderson-Espinoza is the only Nashville-based transqueer Latinx neurodivergent public theologian that they know.   "I don’t know anybody like me," Henderson-Espinoza, who uses gender-neutral pronouns, said in an interview.   Yet, it was only recently when Henderson-Espinoza, 45, got to know their self better, such as the diagnosis that they are on the autism spectrum."

Transgender woman arrested for alleged sexual assault at women's shelter in Ontario - "the suspect was also staying at the shelter at the time, and at some point the suspect entered the victim’s bed and sexually assaulted her.  The accused was identified as Desiree Anderson, 32, also known as Cody D’Entremont — an individual said to frequent the downtown area."
This never happens

Gender: Why “Self-Identification” Is Not Enough - " Yaniv’s actions illustrate the deep conceptual problems that arise when we think of gender a form of “self-identification.” I want to show that regardless of one’s views on transgender issues, it is an error to think that gender identity—or any other identity for that matter—as something that can be completely determined by one’s self. Yaniv’s actions put aestheticians in a difficult position: they are being asked to manipulate a penis and scrotum in a service that has typically been understood as something performed by women on women. Their discomfort and unwillingness to do so is something that is likely to be appreciated by people across the political spectrum. Nonetheless, a prescription in which self-identification is the only criterion that defines a person’s gender as “man” or “woman” raises difficult issues about whether salon owners are legally obligated to perform Brazilian waxing procedures on individuals with male genitalia.  Apart from these incidents, Yaniv has been accused of engaging mid-teen girls in sexualized chat. Yaniv has recently been arrested for brandishing a legal weapon—a taser—on social media. Yaniv has taken “selfies” in public bathrooms with women, apparently without their consent, appearing in the photos. In public chat discussions, Yaniv has discussed the appropriateness of approaching young girls in locker rooms for the purpose of requesting tampons from them... These actions underscore the problem of using self-identification as the sole criterion on which to establish a person’s gender identity. Although Yaniv identifies her gender as a woman, Yaniv's biological sex is male.  In an individualist society, we prize the values of freedom, autonomy, equality and self-determination. We believe that people should be free to pursue their own agendas, to become whomever they wish to become, provided that they do not hurt others along the way. From this view, it is easy to see how we might want to sanction the idea that gender—one’s experience of self as man or woman, masculine or feminine, as non-binary, or even non-sexed—as something that a person defines for oneself. But this is neither true of transgender identities nor of any other type of psychological or social identity.  I do not and cannot create my identity by myself. Identities are created in interactions that occur between people using public as well as personal criteria. Like it or not, I cannot establish an identity by myself; it must be negotiated with and validated in my relations with others. This does not mean that I have no role in establishing my identity—it simply means that I cannot and do not do so by myself. Let’s take a relatively simple example of the formation of a social identity. Let’s say that I identify myself as a Liberal Democrat. When people ask about my political affiliation, I say “Democrat,” “liberal” or “Liberal Democrat.” However, when I am engaged in a political conversation, I talk about state’s rights, the need for reduced government, the desire to conserve traditions, the need for an unfettered market economy, and so forth. Imagine further that I have never voted for a Democrat, and instead have voted Republican all of my life. Under such circumstances, you would be quite right in questioning my self-identification as a Democrat. Either I am lying, delusional or I simply don’t know the meaning of the term “Democrat."... The moment we distinguish gender from sex, we have two parallel concepts where there was once one...   If we want to embrace the concept of malleable genders, we cannot do so at the expense of sex. Instead, we must have a public discussion about the types of situations in which gender matters and the types of situations in which sex matters. For example, gender matters in the arena of social expression, when we are speaking of a person’s social identity in relation to others. Sex matters in situations when the anatomy and biology of the person make a difference. This happens in situations involving Brazilian waxing, athletic competitions, and—for many people—locker rooms and bathrooms. It should be possible for people of goodwill to find ways to resolve such issues—but doing so would require some acknowledgment that gender and sex matter in different ways in different social situations."
Auto-erotic gynephilia requires social affirmation, so this won't work

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