When you can't live without bananas

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Sunday, May 21, 2023

O-Kangma Bin Laden / NIG GERS / A Day in the Life of an American

More ifunny rejects:

"The Kang Variant: O-Kangma Bin Laden. Avenger Tower of his Universe *World Trade Center with Avengers logo*"

"NIU (looking like NIG) GERS
Savannah 18"

>Wake up in termite infested apartment
>Pray to American flag for good fortune
>Text from my boss says I have to come in for unpaid overtime because he's understaffed
>Can't have breakfast because my landlord drank the last of the milk
>Leaving the apartment I see a notice from the Hoa saying I will be fined if I don't put up my Official Coca-ColaTM Frosty the SnowmanTM Light— Up Inflatable Christmas‘" Decoration
>Love that community spitit
>Can't take my car to work because it got repossessed after I missed the 300th monthly installment of $499.99
>Cant walk to work because it‘s illegal
>Have to take my wife‘s boyfriend's bicycle instead
>On the way I see a woman shovelling dead children out of the local school
>"Again?" I ask
>She shrugs and says "Shall not be infringed."
>As I'm turning onto 6379.53rd Street, I get driven off the road by a five (imperial) ton pickup truck billowing black smoke
>A man wearing a camouflage shirt, camouflage cargo pants, camouflage boots, camouflage gloves and a camouflage cap with a camouflage American flag on it leans out of the window
>Thank him for his service
>An old woman finds me lying in a pool of my own blood
>I beg her not to call an ambulance, but she doesn't seek English
>Half way to the hospital they realise I don't have insurance and they kick me out on the freeway
>Tip them with the $300 I keep on my person at all times
>Crawl the rest of the way to the hospital
>Don't have any money left to tip the doctors, so they spit in my IV
>Get a text from my boss saying I'm fired because I missed the morning cheer
>Nurse hands me a bill for $3,000,000 and a month's free trial of Opiodol
>Salute the American flag on the way out
>Get shot by the police for moving my hand too quickly
>Thank Jesus that I was born in the only free country in the world

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