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Monday, May 22, 2023

Links - 22nd May 2023 (1 - Feminism)

A World Without Men - "Soon, Youngmi shaved her head, too, and stopped wearing makeup, joining the so-called “escape the corset” movement happening among young women in South Korea. The movement, which first gained popularity in 2018, saw Korean women publicly turn away from societally imposed beauty standards by cutting their hair short and going barefaced. (Youngmi was not alone — in 2019, a survey found that 24 percent of women in their 20s reported cutting back their spending on beauty products in the previous year, with many saying they no longer felt they needed to put in the effort.) This eventually led Youngmi to “4B,” a smaller but growing movement among Korean women. 4B is shorthand for four Korean words that all start with bi-, or “no”: The first no, bihon, is the refusal of heterosexual marriage. Bichulsan is the refusal of childbirth, biyeonae is saying no to dating, and bisekseu is the rejection of heterosexual sexual relationships. It is both an ideological stance and a lifestyle, and many women I spoke to extend their boycott to nearly all the men in their lives, including distancing themselves from male friends.  Through open chat groups on KakaoTalk, Youngmi connected with other feminists in Daegu... Feminism, she said, had helped her recognize that it was patriarchy that was the problem, not her — that “the bad things that happened in your life are not your fault,” she said."
Radical feminism in Korea. Of course, this is celebrated while the male equivalent, MGTOW, is condemned
This is a naked admission that feminism is about escaping personal responsibility (this can be extended to other post-Marxist frameworks) and blaming others for your problems


Twitter feature warns people after false claim made about royal family - "British lawyer Dr Charlotte Proudman was prominent among people who used social media to criticize the royal family during the coronation of King Charles.  Sharing a picture of the King and others from the ceremony, she wrote, "What a beautiful photograph of white male privilege and entitlement. Sums up who rules our country." It was when Twitter's "readers added context" starting appearing under the lawyers' post which appeared to be misleading.  According to the note, "For 134 of the last 200 years the head of state of the United Kingdom has been a woman.""

Meme - "Won't forgive the sexist who apologised and made her a sandwich
Ellie: Bigot sandwiches.
Forgives the woman who killed her dad"
On the Last of Us. Feminism hates men after all

Meme - "SEXUAL HARASSMENT. CALL IT OUT! *White female soldier hitting on black male soldier*
There is no place for bullying, discrimination or harassment in our Army Speak to your Chain of Command or call the SPEAK QUT CONFIDENTIAL HELPLINE MIL 96770 4656, ClV 0306 7704656 EMAIL"
For once, being against "stereotypes" works in men's favor

Tom Buck (Five Point Buck) on Twitter - "I can’t imagine any truly God-fearing Israelite who would’ve wanted their daughters to view Jezebel as an inspirational role model because she was a woman in power.
To be clear, if Trump had been the first white man to hold the office of President, I wouldn’t have wanted my sons to look up to him as a role model... certainly not because of the color of his skin."

Appendix B - Global Gender Gap Report 2022 | World Economic Forum - "The third distinguishing feature of the Global Gender Gap Index is that it ranks countries according to their proximity to gender equality rather than to women's empowerment. Our aim is to focus on whether the gap between women and men in the chosen indicators has declined, rather than whether women are winning the so-called "battle of the sexes". Hence, the index rewards countries that reach the point where outcomes for women equal those for men, but it neither rewards nor penalizes cases in which women are outperforming men in particular indicators in some countries. Thus, a country that has higher enrolment for girls rather than boys in secondary school will score equal to a country where boys' and girls' enrolment is the same."
The doublethink is strong - if women outdo men, this is "Gender equality". Feminism is sexism

Ah tiong female NTU student lectures Singaporeans about pAtRiArChY, says males should support feminism 😡 : SingaporeRaw - "Wait until you see in Singapore, if a man forcefully sticks his penis in a woman's vagina, it's called rape. If a woman forcefully pushes her vagina in a man's penis, it's not rape.  Oh shit that day has came. 60 years ago."
"That's a holdover from British law where rape requires a penis and anything else is sexual assault. It's the same in Scotland. But the penalties for rape and sexual assault are the same, so it's more important that offers are caught and punished rather than nomenclature right?"
"Their maximum penalties are the same, but their sentencing frameworks are not.  In practice, SAP (sexual assault involving penetration) is a lesser offence as its sentencing framework is more lenient compared to rape.  Offences of SAP are evaluated under the Pram Nair framework... The same is true in the UK. Rape, which has a starting point of 4 years imprisonment is in practice more severe than causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent (involving penetration) (forced envelopment and made to penetrate acts are covered under this section), which only has a starting point of a high level community order."
The feminist cope is exposed. AWARE actually made that claim too. So much for that

Meme - Just Women's Sports: “I wish I could pay my light bill with the love of the game, but I can't,” Griner said Thursday. “That's one of the biggest reasons people play overseas.”.
"Details: ESPN reports Griner, who was a free agent, signed a one-year, $165,100 "I wish I could pay my light bill with the love of the game, but I can't,"
How much does Nike pay Brittney Griner?
She made $221,450 during the 2021-2022 season. According to sources, she will be making approximately $227,900 for the 2022-2023 season. What is this? Apart from this, she has also signed a $1 million contract with Nike."

Study suggests that men and women actually prefer not to split household and childcare tasks equally - "women enjoyed childcare tasks more than men did and also reported a greater desire for responsibility for these tasks compared to men... Young women’s ratings of enjoyment were higher than men’s for 5 out of 10 childcare tasks. Middle-age women’s ratings of enjoyment were greater than men’s for 7 out of 10 childcare tasks. As the researchers emphasize, not one childcare task was rated more enjoyable by men than women... Among both samples, men enjoyed tasks to do with outdoor labor and home maintenance more than women did. Women preferred cleaning, food prep, family scheduling, and home decorating. Moreover, this pattern mirrored the way the participants wanted these tasks to be divided — women tended to prefer men to take care of home maintenance tasks and men preferred women to take care of home decorating tasks."

Feminism means ignoring women's desires and imposing equality, otherwise it's "structural violence"

Swedish football ladies beaten by teen boys - "Sweden's women's national football team suffered a crushing defeat during a friendly in Stockholm on Tuesday, with the country's top female players finding themselves shutout by an undermanned local boys team... Within 30 minutes, the boys had plucked one goal from the women, despite Sundhage asking the AIK under-17 team to take out one of its defenders and play with only 10 players on the field...   When she herself played, Sundhage’s teams occasionally played against a male team, whose speed presents a challenge that is helpful in training... The AIK boys ending beating their older, female colleagues 3-0."
The copes are that they let the boys win and that they didn't take it seriously
Equal pay for the boys - when?
I see an easy way for Sweden to have the top performing women's team and burnish their trans ally credentials at the same time

Addendum: From 2013

Meme - Women's Rights News: "Especially for Int'l Women's Day. Join Women Rights News if you haven't already Art credit: @jeremy_underscore
Humpty Dumpty: "WHOA, THAT WAS FAST."
Feminism is about hating men after all

Meme - Superhero Fanverse: "And also remember guys, cheating on a woman is never ok, I'm concerned by the audience group of this page as a woman"
Matthew McBrahmaughey: "cheating is never okay* period. Man or woman. There i corrected that fir ya"
Superhero Fanverse: "Well actually it depends, there are more nuances to it, women are naturally disadvantaged due to the patriarchal society it isn't an equal game, thereby women sometimes requires to seek somebody else to escape from oppression, it literally isn't the same as a man cheating"
Power relations means never having to say you're sorry. Feminism is sexism

Another Woman Raped Me and Nobody Cared - Everyday Feminism - "In December 2013, I was raped at a small, all-women sleepover party in a very upscale neighborhood of a major city – the type of place we’re all conditioned to believe is safe.  The party was organized through a private women’s friendship group on Facebook, and since everyone there knew each other personally, I figured it was a safe opportunity for me go drink, gossip, and let my hair down for the night after a busy week of studying.  What followed was anything but the low-key night of harmless fun I envisioned...   Perhaps the most disturbing effect of my rape, though, was how people treated my story. Those I confided in seemed completely unimpressed by the seriousness of the matter — from my friends, to my therapist, to my then-boyfriend.  These people are generally progressive and compassionate people, but they couldn’t seem to grasp the terrible brutality of the rape because my rapist was a woman. I asked an acquaintance on the police force for advice who counseled me not to even bother filing a report, since the assaulter was a woman and there would be no evidence. I took him at his word... Since women are deemed incapable of sexual agency in this way, how could they be capable of violent sexual assault? People believe women are inherently non-violent and that discredits victims’ experiences of sexual assault.  Woman-on-woman sexual assault is rarely discussed, and victims of it are often dismissed as liars or as parties to lesbian experimentation gone wrong, as happened in my case.  I have been sexually assaulted by both a man and a woman, and my experiences were equally terrifying, yet I received much less support after a woman assaulted me. No one could even register my experience as important, let alone react."

Revealed: The stats that confirm Serena Williams was wrong to cry sexism at US Open - "Serena Williams caused a huge stir when she claimed female tennis players are punished more often than their male counterparts during his thumping US Open final defeat against Naomi Osaka, yet the statistics confirm she was wrong to make that inflammatory accusation.  The furore caused by Williams’ belief that umpire Carlos Ramos was sexist as he handed her three code violations for clearly breaking the rules of the sport seemed hard to justify at the time and now a New York Times report has exposed her claims in graphic detail.  A chart listing all fines handed out in organisers of the four Grand Slam tennis events over the last decade confirms that male players have been handed financial penalties for their actions on 1,517 occasions, with female players punished just 535 times... Senior umpire Bob Christianson has raised the prospect of umpires refusing to officiate in Williams’ matches, as belated support for Ramos has finally arrived."
From 2018

USWNT Players Association - U.S. Soccer's identical deals proposal is a 'PR stunt' - "The United States Women's National Team Players Association (USWNTPA) on Wednesday labeled the U.S. Soccer Federation's offer of identical contract proposals for both the men's and women's teams as nothing more than a publicity stunt."
Equality is discrimination. Freedom is slavery

Scientists create mice with two fathers after making eggs from male cells
I remember that when Dolly appeared, feminists were quipping about how men are no longer required, but of course saying that women are no longer required is structural violence and misogyny

BBC Radio 4 - Today, 31/12/2022 (Anne-Marie Imafidon Guest Edits Today) - "‘You bring up the question of menstrual leave, because there are some questions about that and whether it'll make employers more reluctant to employ women. There are similar questions around the menopause as well and menopause leave’
‘I mean I think there are a lot of employers that are reluctant to employ women as it is right now, that's that's the whole thing I'm dealing with monster meds. And so yeah, I mean if you don't hire the women that's on you. Continue building things that don't solve problems. The folks that are leaning into that I mean they're definitely reaping the benefits, reaping the rewards of being able to find talent, being able to keep talent, and that's where you get the benefits of diversity, inclusion, and actual practices in those learning from across different perspectives’"
I like how the response to a sexist policy that perpetuates stereotypes is to claim diversity is its own reward. Of course, we're not far off penalising companies that don't hire enough women

Century Square mall in Tampines opens prayer rooms for Muslim shoppers - "the prayer room for men is located at Basement 1, while the room for women is located at Level 2.  The shopping mall added that it is committed to providing a "safe and inclusive environment" for all of its patrons."
What Would AWARE Say?

Why are boys falling behind at school? | Financial Times - "In developed countries, on average, boys underperform girls at school. They are much worse at reading, less likely to go to university, and their lead in maths is shrinking (to nothingness, in countries such as China and Singapore). In Britain, white working-class boys perform especially badly.  The boy problem reverberates through our societies and politics. Adults with poor literacy tend to have bad health, low wages and little trust in others, says the OECD, the Paris-based international organisation that monitors education globally.   The sorts of jobs traditionally dominated by men (such as driving) are among the most likely to be automated in the coming decades. Growing numbers of adult men live with their parents; in the UK in 2017, almost a third of males aged 20-34 were doing so, compared with a fifth of females. Across the west, many discontented lesser-educated men vote for rightwing populists such as Donald Trump.   Educationalists have only recently started focusing on the boy problem in earnest, though Smith says: “I don’t think there’s a school in the country that hasn’t thought about it.” So what can be done for boys?... In a reversal of history, in parts of the developed world some girls now have higher expectations than boys for their future education and careers. In 2000, there were still more males than females with tertiary education in OECD countries, yet by 2014, women led, 34 to 30 per cent, mainly because women are now more likely to apply for university than men. Meanwhile, the very worst pupils — children who don’t reach proficiency in any subject on the OECD’s Pisa tests — are overwhelmingly male... whereas most workplaces remain male-friendly environments, schools may be more girl-friendly. Girls tend to be more self-disciplined (perhaps because of how they are socialised), and good at sitting and listening, something many small boys find hard, says Francesca Borgonovi, senior analyst at the OECD. “Boys are too often seen as deficient girls,” says Gijsbert Stoet, a psychologist at Leeds Beckett University.  Most classrooms now are female-run. Two out of three teachers in the OECD were women in 2012, with the highest proportions in younger age groups: 97 per cent in early childhood education... Interestingly, the gender gap in school attainment is widest in the most gender-equal countries, such as the Nordics... Any school trying to fix the boy problem is inevitably fumbling in the dark. The OECD says none of its surveyed countries “implements system-level, gender-specific policies to address inequality in attainment rates”. Only now, says Borgonovi, have many education ministries even “reached the point that they realise there is a big problem”.   Boys who stay in education until age 18 or over tend to catch up with girls, or have achieved well already, so the most serious consequences are for those who leave school at 16 — typically those from poor backgrounds. .. clear rules and a serious atmosphere may actually soothe boys in particular. More than girls, boys respond to a school’s environment. “When they are in disruptive, chaotic and disorganised settings, their capacity for self-regulation suffers,” reports the OECD.   Sir John Holman — emeritus chemistry professor at the University of York, senior educationalist and former headteacher of Watford Grammar School for Boys — says boys enjoy organised, high-achieving environments. “They don’t like it when school feels like a waste of time. It’s about setting clear expectations: ‘What we come here for is to learn.’...      Please use the sharing tools found via the share button at the top or side of articles. The boy problem has received relatively little attention. That’s partly because it doesn’t hold back elite boys, but also for an even more fundamental reason: men still fare better in the workplace. In the UK, full-time male employees earn 8.6 per cent more than women.   But change is happening on this front, too. The British pay gap has shrunk to the lowest on record and has virtually disappeared for full-time workers under 40 — though it re-emerges after women have children...      School is, in part, about guiding males through their most vulnerable phase of life. In adulthood, most catch up with females. The OECD’s Survey of Adult Skills finds “no significant gender differences in literacy proficiency among 16- to 29-year-olds”. Holman says: “I don’t see any evidence that girls are more intelligent than boys, or boys more intelligent than girls.”   And men can catch up at any age, if education systems allow it”
Feminists just relentlessly focus on areas where women are supposedly marginalised, like a select few STEM fields, or men getting more firsts
If you say feminism has marginalised men, that is taken as evidence of "hostile sexism", even though it coheres with reality (where "gender equality" marginalises boys)

Meme - Women's Rights News: "Yes pls. Join Women's Rights News for great curated content!"
Bec Shaw @Brocklesnitch: "men who play devil's advocate in arguments where they have no stake in the topic and can remain calm while the other person gets emotional and then think they have won should be sent to space"
When feminists admit that women are irrational, unintellectual and cannot argue logically

Men, put the toilet seat down after yourself – leaving it up is sexist - "it shouldn’t matter whether there’s one woman or three. Even if there’s only one female in your house, it’s one too many you are subjecting to a lack of accountability for your actions...   In my opinion, this so-called ‘bad habit’ or ‘petty issue’ is a clear sign of male privilege."
Anything that doesn't benefit women is sexist

I'm too pretty to work — f--k getting up at 6am every day - "A young TikToker is ready to give up the rigors of gainful employment, saying she’s just “too pretty” to bother with a job.  Lucy Welcher — a social media influencer with more than 10 million TikTok likes — made the bold declaration in a recent video that has fiercely divided the internet."
Another explanation for the gender wage gap

Man-Hating Feminism Is Turning Us Into Narcissists - "First-wave (and many second-wave) feminists fought for equality and suffrage. Sadly though, third-wave feminists like to ignore women's rights abuses around the world to focus on sexual empowerment, man-hating, and bashing women who disagree with them. This sense of self-importance is not only toxic and against the original feminist movement, but it’s turning women into narcissists. Have you ever heard someone suggest that there would be no more wars if women ruled the world? (I even heard this sentiment echoed from history professors when I was in college.) It’s a ridiculous argument for many reasons, but mainly because it’s historically false... According to the National Bureau of Economics, "Europe’s queens were 27% more likely than its kings to wage war" between 1480 and 1913. This sentiment that women leaders = no wars stems from the man-hating branch of feminism, which promotes the idea that everything men do is wrong and everything women do is right. For a movement that originally started as a fight for equality with men, we're quickly approaching the time when feminists promote female superiority to men rather than female equality... Author and feminist critic Jessa Crispin argues that modern feminism has become synonymous with man-hating. In her book, Why I Am Not A Feminist, she wrote, “The easiest way for a group to build its sense of identity is through the rejection or the demeaning of that group’s ‘opposite.’ In order for atheists to present themselves as rational and intelligent, they have to present the religious as superstitious and foolish. This is certainly easier and more effective than consistently being rational and intelligent. In order for America to think of itself as strong and important, it has to think of Europe as being weak and worthless. And in order for women to think of themselves as compassionate, they have to think of men as violent.”  Crispin argues that this attitude leads to a sense of grandiose self-importance, making some modern feminists think they’re more important simply because they’re women. This sense of self-importance (and lack of empathy for others) leads to narcissism, as Crispin writes, “It is a failure of empathy to identify yourself only with those who resemble you. That is as narcissistic as working exclusively in your own self-interest.”... You know the phrase, "Happy wife, happy life"? It may be a cute phrase, but the idea is incredibly toxic. It implies that the woman is always right and that smart men will learn to shut up and take all the responsibility for any perceived wrong, whether or not it's his fault. How can we expect to have good husbands when we constantly treat them like they're always wrong and we as women are always right? This attitude does nothing but make us miserable and prevent us from growing. We Need Personal Responsibility To Grow... marriage coach, author, and podcast host Suzanne Venker wrote, “If you and your friends all have the same problem with men, there’s likely something about you and them that repels the kind of men for whom you're looking. It takes a good dose of maturity to look at it this way, but the way forward is not to cast blame. The way forward is to look inward, to see what you might be doing wrong.”"
The feminist cope is that the Queens were forced to wage war because of patriarchy, i.e. it's still men's fault

SLOBODIAN: Female firefighters planned burn goes awry in Banff - "A prescribed burn highlighted on the agenda of a women’s firefighting conference, held to promote “diversity and inclusion” in a male-dominated field, didn’t go well.  Accidentally setting Banff National Park ablaze wasn’t part of the plan.  The prescribed burn was carried out in Compound Meadows, adjacent to the Banff townsite, by Parks Canada and participants in Canada’s first-ever Women-in-Fire Training Exchange (WTREX).   It raged out of control Wednesday forcing the temporary evacuation of horses from the Banff Light Horse Association and hundreds of area residents and tourists in the Rocky Mountain Resort.  Interchanges were closed. Traffic was backed up on the Trans Canada Hwy. A cemetery was threatened. Trees were scorched. Billows of smoke that could be seen in Canmore polluted and clouded the air.   Three tack sheds went up in flames. Heirloom saddles and chaps belonging to one family were destroyed.  The calvary was called in to help fight the blaze.   Five helicopters raining down buckets of water, firefighters from both Banff and Canmore, Alberta Wildlife, and RCMP were needed to help Parks Canada and WTREX participants stop the fire from spreading further, control the traffic situation, and help with evacuation efforts... “The prescribed fire was carried out by Parks Canada,” said Alexandria Jones, fire communications officer for Parks Canada.  “The WTREX Canada participants assisted Parks Canada with prescribed fire operations.”  “We had 50 participants onsite. They were female for the most part. We do have a few men and a few folks who are non-binary.”  “They’re all highly trained firefighters.”... WTREX Is an event to promote diversity and inclusion in fire management.  The May 1-12 conference attracted certified firefighters from Canada, the US, Bolivia, and Ecuador to, among other things, combat adversity in a male-dominated profession.  Jane Park, the only female Type 1 incident commander in Parks Canada helped organize WTREX. She works to raise awareness for wildland firefighter with gender diversity issues.  Park told Postmedia the WTREX team working on the blaze was “the cream if the crop.”... One seasoned senior Alberta municipal firefighter spoke to the Western Standard on the condition of anonymity.   Partly, because reasonably discussing the diversity issue is like entering the forbidden zone.  “It’s such a tinderbox. I’d be worried for my job if I was attached to anything questioning standards.”  He admitted he has “no idea what their physical requirements or employment standards” of the WTREX participants are."   “If they were doing live fire exercises as advertised, it likely wasn’t a matter of poor physical or technical performance as much as a matter of poor judgement.”  “For example, choosing to do live burn exercises in a windy/dry environment or not having proper safety buffers in place could result in this type of catastrophe and no amount of physical or technical capability could make up for that poor judgement.”  Prescribed burns getting out of control is uncommon.  “I’ve done dozens of controlled burns around municipalities without incident. But these burns were done carefully in small, manageable sections to ensure the fire couldn’t get too big.”  “If done improperly they can easily get out of control. An errant ember landing in an errant area is all it takes. But usually, these burns are done very carefully, under just the right conditions, and led by experienced officers so mishaps are rare.”... “I work in the forestry industry and vegetation management…There’s also always the option to cancel a plan because it isn’t an optimal environment for burning on that particular day, better to cancel a prescribed burn than to proceed and cause a wildfire on the gamble that one might appear later in the summer.”"

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