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Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Links - 23rd May 2023 (2 - General Wokeness [including Reddit censorship])

P.K. Subban says activism shouldn't be pushed on NHL players - "P.K. Subban wore many hats — both figuratively and literally — throughout his NHL career.  Beyond just his All-Star calibre play on the ice, Subban was a philanthropist, he was a fashion icon, and of course, an activist.  That, in part, is what makes the 33-year-old’s stance on the recent inflection point of Pride jerseys across the NHL somewhat perplexing  "We cannot push everyone to be an activist, we need to be very careful"... Subban reportedly rejected the notion that minorities and marginalized individuals may feel unwelcome watching NHLers refuse to support Pride night initiatives, including donning Pride jerseys in warm-up."
You must bow to the liberal agenda or you're a bad person. There is no room for neutrality. You are either with them or against them
What happens when "minorities" are uncomfortable with Pride night initiatives?

We Sold Everything To Travel The U.S. In An RV. There's One Thing We Never Expected. - "As two lesbians traveling full time in an RV, there are places where we fear our gayness may stir an angry reaction from people who disagree with our “lifestyle.” When that happens, we walk a few feet apart and exude a “we’re just friends” vibe. This was one of those times... the last thing we expected to see in a small-town Texas bar was another lesbian couple. You never know what you’ll find when you live on the road... I’d judge people based on their license plates, deciding in advance who would and wouldn’t be accepting of us. I assumed Texans would be judgmental and unwelcoming even before we rolled into the Longhorn State. This is why our experience at The Lone Star Bar in Fredericksburg was such a surprise... As we climbed into bed, we talked about the irony of the situation and how our preconceived beliefs were shattered over caramel-drizzled apples that were cut and fried to resemble French fries. We acknowledged our tendency to judge others we think will judge us."
So much for reality having a known liberal bias. Liberal moral panic is divorced from reality. Ironically, she goes on to repeat the party line about "Don't Say Gay" and other moral panics

Judge Olu Stevens accuses robbery victims of stereotyping black men - "A Kentucky judge is facing calls to be sacked after he criticized a couple's victim impact statements and accused them of fostering racist stereotypes in their 3-year-old daughter.  Judge Olu Stevens was sentencing Gregory Wallace to five years' probation after he and his accomplice, Marquis McAfee, robbed Tommy and Jordan Gray's Louisville home in April 2013... her daughter was still 'in constant fear of black men.'"
Silly 3 year old. Doesn't she know you can only trash men, not black men?

Progressive Suddenly Realizes Some Of Her Current Beliefs Might Render Her An Intolerant Bigot Two Weeks From Now | Babylon Bee

CdeBaca suggests tax on white-owned businesses - "Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca is suggesting a new tax on white-owned businesses to fund racial reparations to minority-owned businesses.  CdeBaca advocated for race-based taxation, which would almost certainly prompt constitutional challenges...   “Capitalism was built on stolen land, stolen labors, and stolen resources,” said CdeBaca, who identifies as a Democratic Socialist...   CdeBaca told Next with Kyle Clark that the constitutionality of a race-based tax is “not a factor” because BID taxes are “voluntary.”   A spokesperson for Denver’s Department of Finance said BID taxes are not voluntary once the district has been created...   “This is the third time CdeBaca has been targeted by a white nationalist mob, and this is part of a concerted playbook to harass, intimidate, and silence progressives and in particular, marginalized communities,” CdeBaca’s office said in a written statement."
If you're against race-based policies, you're a white nationalist. This is modern anti-racism

Inclusion is an illusion | Olivia Hartley | The Critic Magazine - "London North Eastern Railway (LNER) found itself in an uncomfortable position yesterday as one individual was slighted by a polite tannoy announcement which started with “Good morning ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls…” The complainant then followed with: “So, as a non-binary person this announcement doesn’t actually apply to me so I won’t listen.”... Rather than rising above the virtue-signalling bait, LNER swallowed it hook, line and sinker as they kowtowed to the offended individual...   Why do companies feel the need to embarrass themselves in this way? Is such a reaction now the go-to damage control PR strategy?  Surely LNER should be focusing on something more important — say, returning the proportion of their faulty Hitachi fleet to service and maintain a fully operational timetable now that life begins to return to some semblance of normality after the pandemic — rather than pandering to random Twitter trolls who enjoy making corporations squirm as a full-time hobby... apparently, this inclusion only applies to those in the LGBTQI+ community.  Family lawyer Sarah Phillimore has spoken out about her frustration that the same energy spent on virtue-signalling and appeasing woke complainants is not devoted to the inclusion of another marginalised, but numerically huge, group: those with disabilities."

Quote by Iggy Pop - "I'm not ashamed to dress "like a woman" because I don't think it's shameful to be a woman.”
So there's nothing wrong with blackface

Meme - Matthew @MattyBoySwag143: "The Roman Empire was a multiracial multicultural empire. Many emperors such as Hadrian were African- American"

“The Bane of My Life”: Priyanka Chopra Talks Impact Of Apu From The Simpsons - "Chopra Jonas opened up about how The Simpsons' portrayal of Apu deeply affected her as a child, calling it "the bane of my life.""
“The Bane of My Life”: Priyanka Chopra Talks Impact Of Apu From The Simpsons : KotakuInAction - "She's such a fragile little thing. Meanwhile, in the world, this never happened. Not in away that the same kind of thing happens to everyone else. Could you imagine Gerard Butler doing an interview and talking about how "Groundskeeper Willy was the bane of my existence!"???  In Scotland, we all love Groundskeeper Willie. We dont see the character as some slight on our character, it's just a bit of fun with stereotypes. Theres nothing malicious in it. We fight over who gets to claim him. Glasgow or Aberdeen!!!! And I dont mean people, I mean city councils! But it turned out later that he was Orkney, so both were disappointed.  Honestly, it says FAR more about the people she was hanging out with than it does about the show. Modern day fragility of those who pretend to be strong. Strength is being able to take a good natured joke at your expense. Fucking Divas, I tells ya."
So much for "white fragility"

Meme - "You've been permanently banned from participating in subreddit r/offmychest...Note from the moderators: You have been automatically banned for participating in kotakuinaction, the "Gamergate" subreddit. Gamergate is a harassment campaign that targets individuals and this community. Gamergate is one of the "root causes" of the 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol. Regardless of context, contributions you provide to the hatereddit is a material form of support. We are willing to reverse the ban only if you plan to stop supporting these hatereddits. If you do not, then do not contact us. We will ignore any other response."
When you're banned from a leftist subreddit you've never visited just because you've posted in a non-approved one

How can subreddits auto-ban users for participating in other subreddits? : TheoryOfReddit - "Yes they use bots. It has been going on for at least several years.  It has very recently become against the rules but the new rules aren't really being enforced yet."
"I've found the situation confusing.  Two months ago Reddit announced that new "Moderator Guidelines for Healthy Communities" would come in to effect on April 17... These comments seems to imply that Participation Autobans are now against the rules."
From 2017. Evidently it's still not being enforced

Post to see if I get auto banned from random subs I've never been to : KotakuInAction - "Hell, you don't even have to do that. I have been banned from almost 2 dozen subs that I had never even heard of before I got the ban message for "participating in hate/brigading subreddits"."
"I've been banned from "news" and "worldnews" because of wrongthink. You would think that those two (by their titles alone) would strive to be evenhanded and welcome different viewpoints. However they are two of the most virulent hyper far left propaganda subs."
"Worldnews is so infested by leftists I can't even usually read the comments there any more. I check out the news stories that are posted, and just skip the comments unless I feel like getting annoyed by something.  As someone on the center left myself it's a really odd feeling seeing the left reeling out of control into full-on communism/marxism. When I moved out of the states in 2013 things were still relatively sane.  If you want free karma just go on worldnews and make "hur hur america bad"/"orange man bad"/"capitalism bad"/"environmental holocaust" comments."
"The worst is terriblefacebookmemes and facepalm. Completely left leaning just talking shit about white people, republicans, Christian’s, conservatives. If you bring up dems or any other group, you get labeled all the ist words."

Reddit Bans Popular Subreddit For Sharing Gender-Critical Posts - "The popular subreddit TumblrInAction, with almost 500,000 active users, and its little sister sub, SocialJusticeInAction, with 96,000 users, each received a no-warning ban for “promoting hate” on the platform.  What did these Redditors do wrong to merit such a punishment? These subs allowed users to post anti-woke and often truthful, gender-critical content that pushed “identity invalidation.” Reddit’s victims had employed free speech on the platform, thus becoming popular and therefore had to go... he “received no word from the administrators as to what posts specifically were the cause of the ban”...   It might seem strange in retrospect, but until the ban, the subs had been in Reddit’s good graces without a single significant issue or warning before this year. Just six months ago, a Reddit administrator reached out to Hatman to let him know that TIA would be in danger of a ban if they didn’t enforce an unwritten rule about “identity invalidation,” or as Hatman told me, “Basically, the idea that if we don’t affirm someone’s self-identity, we’re engaging in hate speech,” no matter how serious or silly it may be."...   For most of their run, the subs weren’t specifically about the trans issue. TIA’s more full tilt on discussing the issue of detransitioning came after subreddits specifically about that issue, r/GenderCritical and r/LGBDropTheT got shut down in 2020. Hartman said TIA became a haven for free speech and attracted Redditors who needed it.  “We were known for not banning people based on their genuinely-held opinions,” Hartman said. “As a result, the number of posts about trans-identified people on TIA skyrocketed, and we were considered a ‘TERF-friendly sub’ by those who hated us.”...   Following this shock ban, many moderators for other right-wing-ish subs are very much disconcerted. Reddit is signaling that no subreddit is safe. Much more mainstream conservative subreddits like r/PoliticalCompassMemes, r/conservative, or r/JordanPeterson could be next to feel the Reddit administration’s wrath.  Silicon Valley’s unwritten rules are almost so obvious as not to merit discussion. From the recent case of YouTube demonetizing the Act Man for highlighting YouTube’s purposeful ignorance of abuse on their platform, to banning Donald Trump from Twitter and r/The_Donald from Reddit; here we have yet another case of selective enforcement. It doesn’t matter what official company rules are broken. It only matters if Big Tech moderators want someone gone."
One excuse is that subreddits do their own moderation, but clearly site-wide moderation is biased too
This is why KotakuInAction bans all mention of trans people, no matter the context - so Reddit doesn't have an excuse to ban them

Meme - "All censorship should be deplored.
"Bits are not a bug. We should create communications technologies that allow people to send whatever they like to each other.
"And when people put their thumbs on the scale and try to say what can and can't be sent, we should fight back-both politically through protest and technologically through software."
-Aaron Swartz (1986-2013) Reddit Co-Founder (2005) Speaking in 2007"
So much for that

Meme - "Sorry, we no longer carry pro-Trump content because it is too offensive Can I interest you in some rape porn? r/StruggleFucking r/AbusePorn2 r/IncestPorn"
On banning the Donald
Comment: "R/Sino is a pro-CCP subreddit which openly justifies discrimination against Uyghur Muslims and denies that the coronavirus came from Wuhan. It is not banned either. Can't ban r/Sino when Reddit received a huuuuge investment from Tencent just last year."

Today's Insanity Wrap: Racism Comes to Reddit, CAREN Comes for 911 Callers - "Reddit, barely a week after purging the Donald Trump community and 2,000 other subreddits for racism or offensive content, will no longer allow “any content that shows POC [persons of color] as the aggressor.”... Maybe Reddit is just trying to draw attention away from the fact that the company’s former CEO, Ellen Pao, just admitted she (and everyone else in the jet-set) knew about Ghislaine Maxwell’s (alleged!) underage sex trafficking on behalf of the late Jeffrey Epstein."
Meme - r/JusticeServed: "We can no longer allow any content that shows POC as the aggressor.
Due to the new reddit updates to it's policies and rules, as well as administrator conversations with users; we can no longer allow any posts, comments, or other content that shows a POC as the aggressor. This is considered hate speech and/or harassment towards an important minority group and is no longer allowed. This absolutely means any videos, as well as news reports, photos, personal stories, data/statistics, police reports, or any other form of media."

Demi Lovato thinks the term 'aliens' is 'derogatory' to extraterrestrials

Protest planned Sunday against CNE air show | The Star - "The Canadian International Air Show has become an annual summer tradition — 73 years and counting — and so have calls to abolish it for its potential trauma-triggering effect on people with lived experience in war zones, as well as environmental damage it can instigate.  The show, which sees a number of fighter jets fly over Toronto for the last three days of the Canadian National Exhibition, purports to display the country’s military history while recognizing its military personnel and veterans, and inspiring the next generation of pilots. But detractors say the show does more harm than good, both for the environment and for the downtown population — some of whom are recent immigrants from countries with war history and fresh memories of air bombings.  Dozens of activists are expected to take part in a protest against the air show this Sunday in downtown Toronto, carrying posters that display anti-war messages, opposition to the use of fighter jets and calls to make Canada a “zone for peace.” “There’s a lot of ways in which the air show promotes the culture of war and also financially supports the military industrial complex here in Canada,” said Maya Garfinkel, an activist with World Beyond War, one of the groups taking part in the Sunday protest.  Other advocacy groups such as No New Fighter Jets Coalition, Independent Jewish Voices, Defund the Police Fund Our Communities and Canadian Defenders for Human Rights are expected to take part in the protest."
This was post-Ukraine too

Publisher apologises for 'racist' text in medical book - "The publishers of a textbook for nurses that has been criticised by social media users for containing racist material, have apologised for the offence caused and removed the offending passages.  Nursing: A Concept-Based Approach to Learning, contains advice for nurses when administering pain relief to people from different ethnic backgrounds.  It begins: "A client's culture influences their response to, and beliefs about pain. Some cultural common differences related to pain are listed here...
Arabs/Muslims May not request pain medicine but instead thank Allah for pain if it is the result of the healing medical process.
Pain is considered a test of faith. Muslim clients must endure pain as a sign of faith in return for forgiveness and mercy.
Chinese clients may not ask for medication because they do not want to take the nurse away from a more important task.
Indians who follow Hindu practices believe that pain must be endured in preparation for a better life in the next cycle.
Blacks often report higher pain intensity than other cultures.
They believe suffering and pain are inevitable.
Jews may be vocal and demand assistance.
They believe pain must be shared and validated by others.
Hispanics may believe that pain is a form of punishment and that suffering must be endured if they are to enter heaven.
They vary in their expression of pain. Some are stoic and some are expressive.
Native Americans may prefer to receive medications that have been blessed by a tribal shaman.
They may pick a sacred number when asked to rate pain on a numerical pain scale."
Mirror, Mirror 2
Culture only matters... until it doesn't. When is cultural imperialism good and when is it bad? When is culturally-responsive practices good and when are they bad?
There was a list of references and caveats for the claims too. So much for Trusting the Science

“Leaving it to God”: Religion, Spirituality and Filipina American Breast Cancer Survivors - "Prayer provided comfort during times of distress over coping with cancer. As such, it served as a powerful and effective coping mechanism, helping respondents calm and soothe their fears, and derive positive meaning and strength from their experience of illness. In one instance, a participant described using prayer to alleviate physical pain. Prayer gave her an active strategy, a focal point of attention that made a painful medical procedure easier to endure:    
I told the doctor I will shout because I know how painful it is. But I did not, I just kept [it] to myself and I just kept praying and then the doctor told me that I am the only one who did not shout, who did not cry or anything. It helped me you know I always pray when I have trouble."
From 2014, 3 years before the "racist" textbook was published. Time to retract this racist article!

Injustice Through Cultural Lens: A Pilot Qualitative Exploration of Pain-Related Injustice Appraisals Among Arab-Americans with Chronic Low Back Pain - "The current pilot findings suggest that Arabic culture, heavily infused with Islamic beliefs, influences how Arab-Americans conceptualize pain-related injustice appraisals... Critically, the Arabic culture is heavily infused with the Islamic beliefs, which may affect appraisals of injustice through fate judgment and acceptance, especially if the source of the pain is deemed to be God. Indeed, high religiosity seems to influence how individuals perceive injustice."
From 2022. Shocking!

Differences in Pain Coping Between Black and White Americans: A Meta-Analysis - "Race differences were largest for hoping and praying strategies, with Blacks praying more frequently than Whites in response to pain... Hoping and praying, as measured by the CSQ, is a passive coping strategy associated with avoidance. Previous research suggests that passive coping and avoidance are related to worse pain and functioning and to increased rates of disability. Thus, Blacks’ more frequent engagement in a passive type of prayer (e.g., “I pray to God it won’t last long”) may reduce their ability to manage pain and may lead to poorer pain outcomes."
Damn racism!

Culture's Effects on Pain Assessment and Management : AJN The American Journal of Nursing - "Minority patients are at high risk for poor pain outcomes. When patients belong to a culture or speak a language that's different from that of their health care provider, the provider faces additional challenges in successfully assessing and managing the patients' pain. This article describes how and why culture affects both patients and nurses. It also discusses why members of cultural minority groups frequently receive suboptimal pain management and how nurses can improve patients' pain outcomes by using culturally sensitive assessments and providing culturally comfortable care."
If you don't approach all your patients the same way, you're racist. Then when minorities report more pain, this will be due to racism and evidence that more DEI is needed. Brilliant!

Meme - Natalie Fertig @natsfert: "Three hours in Iceland and I find this at the flea market in Reykjavik. Asked the guy if he knew what it was, he said yes. When I told him it was seen as racist by many Americans, he said I wasn't in America and walked away from me." *confederate flag*
American cultural imperialism strikes again

Meme - Kevin Smith: "I currently do IT at a Philadelphia inner city school. Can confirm that the children absolutely demolish these Chromebooks and the majority of students totally do not respect the devices what so ever. K-12th grade barely makes a difference. Interestingly, I went to a small highschool in Maine that provided all of the students with Macbooks and promised each kid that if the device survived their time at the school. Once they graduate, they can keep it. I only went to this highschool for one year but during my time there I don't remember a single kid breaking theirs and nearly everyone absolutely cherished them. I don't think that plan is affordable or applicable to all schools and age groups but it definitely seemed like a great solution if your school has the budget and culture to make it work."
Damn racism and inadequate funding!

Confusing Cure and Disease - "As per the law of unintended consequences, bright ideas that fail dismally at their intended mission often “succeed” at fomenting other effects that are rather less desirable. Such was the case with the self-esteem movement (later broadly packaged and sold to America-at-large as “Empowerment” by self-appointed celebrity gurus like Tony Robbins and Oprah)... re-imagining every aspect of the classroom experience around the imperative of building self-esteem did not yield stellar achievement. What it mostly seemed to do was make students feel good about under-achievement... a movement that was supposed to guarantee accelerated learning ushered in one of the most provably disastrous periods in American performance by every metric: SAT and other standardized test scores, the nation’s performance in international competitions, etc... Filling kids with boatloads of self-love did, however, do something else quite well. Psychologist and author Jean Twenge has chronicled a twofold growth in markers for narcissism in recent generations. She argues that scholastic influences and parental reinforcement produced hordes of young adults whose frustrated sense of entitlement left them feeling miserable and anxious. Psychologist Roy Baumeister has documented the rage common among narcissists whose quest for fulfillment ends in disillusion... As psychotherapist and Northeastern University lecturer Amy Morin observed of helicopter parents in Psychology Today, “Parents view themselves as protectors, rather than guides"... In an objective, macro sense, there is a difference between trauma provoked by flashbacks of one’s friends being blown apart by IEDs in Afghanistan and trauma provoked by reporters’ impertinent questions at an elite tennis tournament. I am struck by the fact that, in Osaka’s statement announcing her refusal to sit for interviews at Roland Garros, she specifically referenced her disinclination to deal with questions that “bring doubt into our minds, and I’m just not going to subject myself to people that doubt me.” Could there be a more unambiguous articulation of precisely the sort of challenge to the self that America’s emphasis on self-esteem-based parenting and instruction has left young adults ill-equipped to handle?"
This probably explains the rise of SJWs

Harmonizing Genetic Ancestry and Self-identified Race/Ethnicity in Genome-wide Association Studies - "Large-scale multi-ethnic cohorts offer unprecedented opportunities to elucidate the genetic factors influencing complex traits related to health and disease among minority populations. At the same time, the genetic diversity in these cohorts presents new challenges for analysis and interpretation. We consider the utility of race and/or ethnicity categories in genome-wide association studies (GWASs) of multi-ethnic cohorts. We demonstrate that race/ethnicity information enhances the ability to understand population-specific genetic architecture. To address the practical issue that self-identified racial/ethnic information may be incomplete, we propose a machine learning algorithm that produces a surrogate variable, termed HARE. We use height as a model trait to demonstrate the utility of HARE and ethnicity-specific GWASs."
Damn socially constructed race!

Florida loud music law targets Black drivers more than white motorists - "Black drivers in Florida are nearly three times more likely to be ticketed by police and sheriff’s deputies under a law that allowed law enforcement to cite drivers for loud music starting last year, according to a new analysis of traffic data and court records. The analysis showed that Black drivers received almost 37% of the tickets, despite Black people making up only about 16% of Florida's driving-eligible population. Law enforcement cited Black drivers at a rate of just over 11 tickets per 100,000 Black drivers, and cited white drivers at a rate of 3.9 tickets per 100,000 white drivers... He urged police and the Legislature to suspend enforcing the law: “Stop being racists, simple. Something is disproportionately affecting one group, and it's designed to be that way. If it's walking and quacking like a duck, it's a duck. It's racist.”... Police in Daytona Beach Shores along the Atlantic coast – in Leek’s district – issued 17 loud music tickets over a single June weekend during an unsanctioned truck meet there. The department said on its Facebook page it was its first use of the new law. All those drivers were white."
Blacks are disproportionately likely to be charged and convicted of murder. Therefore murder being illegal is racist

Noise pollution more common in communities of color and racially segregated cities - "In communities with larger proportions of minority residents, noise levels are generally higher, according to a study from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and the University of California, Berkeley. The study also showed that racially segregated cities in the U.S. generally have higher levels of outdoor noise than more integrated cities. The study was published July 25, 2017 in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives. “In this nationwide assessment of noise exposure of every census block group in the U.S., we observed consistent racial and socioeconomic inequities in noise exposure”... Noise pollution previously has been linked to loss of sleep and such health conditions as high blood pressure and hearing loss."
Damn racism!

"Florida is where woke goes to die," Gov. Ron DeSantis says after reelection victory - ""We have embraced freedom. We have maintained law and order. We have protected the rights of parents"... "We have respected our taxpayers and we reject woke ideology," DeSantis continued. "We fight the woke in the legislature. We fight the woke in the schools. We fight the woke in the corporations. We will never, ever surrender to the woke mob. Florida is where woke goes to die.""

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