When you can't live without bananas

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Sunday, January 22, 2023

Links - 22nd January 2023 (1)

Modern day dandy, 25, shuns current fashion to dress as a 1820's gent - "A tailor from East Sussex has revealed how he decided to shun modern fashion after burning his only pair of jeans aged 14 to become a modern day dandy.  Zack Pinsent, 25, has only worn Regency and historical clothing for the past decade and says it is the only way he feels comfortable in the 21st century. Typical daily looks for the self-styled man include a pair of knee-high riding leather riding boots, a floral waistcoast and riding jacket with long tails... It has now been at least a decade since Zack has worn any modern clothing, the only time he can remember is being invited to a 1980s themed party. He said: 'I was really tempted to dress up as someone from the 1780s and ask which century they meant, I decided against it but next time I will.'  All of Zack's outfits are researched, designed and sewn by himself- with some outfits taking up to a year to perfect before he puts them on outside of the house... 'I keep getting comments in the street that it looks like I'm going to meet Jacob Rees-Mogg... Zack works as a tailor in Hove, specialising in bespoke historical clothing for men and women... wearing a t-shirt and jeans wasn't an option for him but that he does have his own version of casual clothes.  He said: 'If I am going to slum, I will wear an 18th century banyan, which is a fancy silk dressing gown... 'I've received many marriage proposals and many other things.  'I think it is indicative that women want a gentleman and someone that cares about his presentation and appearance.   'For me, it is a bit of wrong tree wrong forest situation.'"

Japanese designers create pants to wear without underwear, recommend for convenience store trips - "Totonou Pants are made with a special seamless organic cotton lining, warm but breathable, and contoured in a way that makes them comfortable for both men and women to wear without underwear... Initially, the designers pitched Totonou Pants as something to change into after taking a bath (which most Japanese people do at night before going to bed), so that you could just keep on wearing them as pajama bottoms. However, they also recommend them for running errands such as a quick trip to the local convenience store or public bath, taking walks, or as exercise attire... The designers claim Totonou Pants are so comfortable that “Once you experience this feeling of non-constricted freedom, you’ll want to tell someone about it.” They’ve even included a the Totonou Pants logo, a white square, on the pants."

NASCAR driver stuns racing world with a move learned from Nintendo GameCube - "NASCAR driver Ross Chastain made history with an unprecedented wall-riding maneuver that qualified him for a championship race and set the record for the fastest lap on the track at 18.845 seconds. Remarkably, Chastain said he learned the move playing NASCAR 2005 on the Nintendo GameCube when he was a kid... Typically, when taking a tight turn on a racetrack, drivers brake to counteract forces that push their cars toward the outside of the track. This braking action dramatically slows them down on the turn. This time, instead of slowing down for the turn, Chastain kept his car in fifth gear, hugged the wall, let go of the wheel, and allowed the wall to hold his car in place—no brakes necessary. That's how he passed five cars and set a 75-year lap record. Of course, a move like that comes at a cost, which is probably why it hasn't been tried—at least not successfully—until now. Chastain faced guaranteed damage to the finish of his car from scraping the wall and potentially catastrophic failure if his car happened to hit a protruding obstruction. "Once I got against the wall, I basically let go of the wheel and just hoped I didn't catch the turn four access gate or something crazy," Chastain said, "But I was willing to do it.""

Meme - "BRUH!!! Everyone MUST Have a Fruit or Vegetable... NO CAP! Its none of our business if you eat it or not. But it must be on your trays! Don't hate the players, hate the game. Alright jitz. Thanks Cuh! Your "bussin", Lunch Crew"

South Korea miners survive nine days underground on coffee - "Two miners who spent nine days trapped in a collapsed South Korean zinc mine living on instant coffee powder have been rescued.  The men, aged 62 and 56, are believed to have kept warm by lighting a fire and building a tent out of plastic.  They are said to be in a stable condition... Authorities said the miners survived by drinking water that fell from the ceiling and using instant coffee mix powder as a meal."

Woman's 150 tea bag per day habit lead to bone disease, her doctors say - "  A 47-year-old woman told Detroit doctors that she drank a pitcher of tea everyday for the past 17 years that contained anywhere from 100 to 150 tea bags.  The patient had said for the past five years, she had experienced pain in her lower back, arms, legs and hips... All of her teeth had been removed because of brittleness... X-rays of the woman's spine and legs showed membranes separating her bones had become calcified, and there was presence of a striped pattern called "rugger jersey spine" which suggests increased bone density... Rao had seen similar cases in his native India... The woman was diagnosed with skeletal fluorosis. The condition is caused by excessive intake of fluoride, often through drinking water... Brewed tea has one of the highest fluoride contents among beverages in the United States... The patient was counseled and eventually discontinued her tea-drinking habits. Afterwards, her symptoms improved, according to the doctors."

Meme - "Stonetoss
Authoritarian Left: Bootlicker!
Authoritarian Right: Bootlicker!
Libertarian Left: Bootlicker!
Libertarian Right: Bootlicker!"

Meme - ">be me
>enjoying my delicious icecream
>a wasp lands on me
>"hehe it wants to be my friend"
>stings me
>I swat it away.
>I find the wasp nest where it came from in my backyard.
>I don't have any pest control items
>i declare war on the wasps and toss whats left of my icecream on the wasp nest.
>I go to work
>Hours later, i come back and see ants have invaded the tree where the wasp nest was located.
>The wasps go apeshit and attack the incoming ants
>The ants let the rest of the ant colony know that the ants are under attack.
>Incoming massive ant army
>Wasps are now under attack
>Individual wasps are held down by ants and stung repeatedly.
>Must be 1000 wasps vs 100,000 ants.
>I listen to soviet march music from the game red alert 3 on repeat and watch a massive insect war breakout for a solid 3 hours.
>Eventually the ants start breaching the wasp nest
>Wasps abandon their nest with their young.
>Yeah fuck them wasps, serves them right.
>Next day, i see many corpses of fallen ants and wasps.
>Everyday I salute the ants for their service and brave sacrifice before go to work.
>I love ants."

TIL Upon reading all of the 18 volumes of Encyclopedia Britannica he had received as gift for his enthronement, Shah Fat'h Ali of Persia decided to change his official title to include "Most Formidable Lord and Master of the Encyclopaedia Britannica" : todayilearned

Meme - "knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad"
"That was deep"
"philosophy is wondering if that means ketchup is a smoothie"
"That was deeper."
"common sense is knowing that ketchup isn't a damn smoothie you nasty"

Meme - "I think the "truth doesn't exist" myth was perfectly exemplified by a philosophy professor I had a few years ago who said that "no amount of philosophical skepticism about an objective external world will prevent my fist from breaking your nose.""

Meme - "Royal navy ship names
HMS indomitable. HMS victory. HMS warspite. HMS Vanguard
USN ship names
USS constitution. USS America. USS missouri. USS Barry"

Meme - "I Buy Leftover Gravy
*Brown Gravy
*Cream Gravy
*Sawmill Gravy
*Country Gravy
*White Gravy
*Milk Gravy
*Sausage Gravy
*Egg Gravy
*Giblet Gravy
*Mushroom Gravy
Contact me on Thanksgiving & Christmas Day and I will add you to my schedule. I will arrive on time with my own containers. Schedule online at: LoveladyGravy.com
up to $1/25/ounce
I'm your Gravy Lady
I Do Not Buy
*Onion Gravy, Potato Gravy, Ginger Gravy, Lemongrass Gravy, Lima bean Gravy, Jello Gravy, Talcum Gravy
mind your biscuits & life will be gravy"

Verspätung der Deutschen Bahn: SBB warten nicht mehr
"#SymptomsofGermanDecline Switzerland now makes many German trains stop at the first border city because German trains are too often delayed and disrupt Swiss schedules."

Meme - "Trying to plug in the USB without looking behind the PC *wrestling butt grab*"

New social media guide for public servants highlights risks of posting, sharing, and even ‘liking’ online content - "The Australian Public Service Commission has launched detailed new guidance outlining the risks and obligations public servants face when using social media.  The resource has been released just weeks after former federal public servant Josh Krook spoke out about censorship in the public service. A policy officer within the Industry department, Krook was allegedly threatened with the sack after writing a blog post on how COVID-19 benefitted big tech, despite him being “very careful” not to criticise the government or government policy in the post.  Expressing personal views can reflect not only on the employee but on their agency and the APS as a whole, which can impact public confidence, the guidance states. It warns that confidence in the APS can be particularly vulnerable to employees’ personal behaviour online... Victorian deputy chief health officer Dr Annaliese van Diemen was accused by a Liberal MP of undermining public confidence when she posted a tweet comparing Captain Cook’s arrival in Australia to the coronavirus pandemic.  The Victorian Public Sector Commission later found she had not undermined public confidence. van Diemen has since deleted her Twitter account and has taken on non-COVID-19 duties...   The guidance warns that an employee “liking” someone else’s post carries similar risks to posting the material themselves... However, simply following someone or adding them as a “friend” or connection — and not engaging with their posts — is a low-risk activity. Being tagged in a post may carry some risk, the guidance says, so “it’s prudent to untag yourself as soon as it comes to your attention”, and to ask not to be tagged in subsequent posts.  Anonymity cannot protect public servants from risks... “If you are posting anonymously, you should assume that at some point your identity and the nature of your employment may be revealed.”  In 2019, the High Court ruled that it was reasonable for the former Department of Immigration and Citizenship to fire Michaela Banerji in 2013 over comments made via her anonymous Twitter account. The ruling overturned a 2018 decision of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal that found the sacking had infringed on Banerji’s limited right to freedom of political communication... There are three key factors that can increase the risk of damage to public confidence: the employee’s seniority (the more senior the employee, the greater the risk); the relationship between the topic of the post and the employee’s work; and how extreme the expression of the employee’s view is (the more extreme the behaviour and expression is, the greater the risk)... An employee’s historical online behaviour can still affect public trust and confidence, with the guidance recommending that employees periodically review their “online footprint” when they join the APS, and when their roles change or they are promoted."

Poll finds lack of parking is the biggest threat to footfall - "Stores that do not have free, plentiful and easy parking are missing out on extra footfall, according to a new consumer survey.  The results echo the findings of the ACS’ 2017 Community Barometer report that found free parking was the top way customers said councils could help local shops.  The new research by SME Insurance Services found more than two in five customers would be more likely to visit a shop if parking was available for free, and more than a quarter of people said parking needed to be “less stressful” in order to get them through the doors"
The car haters will be very upset

Minovsky on Twitter - "The job description for the Disney Global Intelligence and Threat Analysis gig is incredible. Top Secret Counter Terrorism duties sandwiched in-between openers and closers that talk about Disney magic and their humble origins as an animation studio."

Eva Vlaardingerbroek on Twitter - "🇸🇪Just heard that Sweden is going to include the ‘right to abortion’ in their constitution. And apparently, not a single party in the parliament opposes it. Even the “conservatives” support it. So much for the ‘right wing win’ in Sweden. 🤡"
What a "far right" government looks like

Senate report: Obama Treasury Department approved request to pay group which funds terrorism - "A report released by the Senate Finance Committee' Republican Chairman, Chuck Grassley, has revealed that the Office of Foreign Assets Control, an office of the Treasury Department, granted a license to a non-profit which allowed them to transfer money to a group which has been sanctioned by the US government for funding terrorism... The report investigated World Vision, a non-profit Evangelical Christian humanitarian organization, for their connections to the Islamic Relief Agency (ISRA)."

National Borders are Not Going Away - "All evidence indicates the dreamer John Lennon had been imagining the unattainable. Certainly, among other species, fusion of healthy societies is vanishingly rare"

Man creates A.I. version of dead fiancée so he can still text her - "Joshua Borbeau’s fiancée, Jessica Pereira, died from a rare form of liver disease and the grieving man has now created an electronic version of her so he can text her."

This French team are a real life 'Football Manager' game but the whole concept is under threat - "Fans of French side Avant Garde Caennaise can't chant "You don't know what you're doing" at the manager, because they'd be singing it at themselves... Decisions such as the team line-up, in-game tactics and substitutions are decided by more than 2,000 virtual managers - this is like the Football Manager simulation game in real life.  However a French Football Federation ruling in December could now threaten the whole concept... The supporters are known as 'Umans' and control the team using the free United Managers' app - a start-up which began working with the club in 2017... They vote using coins that they receive by using the app, or they can purchase a premium subscription. The more a Uman plays the game, the more weight their vote is worth."

Flamin’ Hot Cheetos Sarcophagus to Be Opened 10,000 Years From Now - "A Seattle visionary who goes by 'Sunday Nobody' excels at creating overcomplicated, utterly pointless, meme-inspired objects... Sunday constructed and buried a 3,000-pound concrete sarcophagus, in which he buried a single bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos. On the site, he planted a marker that reads, “Historical artifact buried below. Do not open for 10,000 years. Year buried 2022.”... Sunday has programmed a robot to write out the entire text of the movie Shrek on a giant sheet of paper, framing it as a “21st Century Religious Manuscript.” He’s shipped another huge, meticulously framed canvas titled A True National Treasure to a randomly selected Museum of Modern Art director. It’s totally blank except for a small QR code that, when scanned, pulls up a clip from the Nicolas Cage movie National Treasure. This summer, Sunday painted a huge maze to post in a park where passersby could try to solve it — unaware that the only way out was to draw the protagonist from the animated film Bee Movie... Sunday chose the beloved snack for its ubiquity in the American consciousness — just this year, Megan Thee Stallion released a song, “Flamin’ Hottie,” promoting the product. But Sunday, who spent a total of $1,250 on the sarcophagus stunt, not counting tools or the four months of labor, was sure to state in his video that he had no sponsorship deal, nor was Frito-Lay aware of the project"

Whither Tolerance? How About Minding One’s Own Business? - WSJ - "I am a longtime member of the Museum of Jewish Heritage and my family and I have visited and supported the museum throughout the years. I am very disappointed at the museum’s decision to not allow Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to talk at the planned Tikvah Fund conference. I read the letter (May 10) by Jack Kliger, the museum’s CEO, that provides a logistical rationale for not allowing this event to proceed. But it is hard for me to believe that the decision would have been the same if someone with liberal political views had been asked to speak at this conference. It is ironic that a museum that teaches tolerance should not tolerate having Mr. DeSantis speak."
"I cannot fathom why cultural institutions and the Fortune 500 can’t simply stick to their knitting, which should never include gratuitous woke cant. Museum benefactors and corporate shareholders should vote their wallets: Deny these places money, their lifeblood, until they’re ready to eschew the unnecessary, unwanted and unwelcome politics."

Meme - "You're feeling attracted to a girl"
"Realising it's your cousin"
"Remembering you're a Muslim"

Meme - *mammogram diagram with weird-looking elongated breast*

Meme - "KVIIIlyn
Love the name
I've always loved the name Kaitlyn, but hated how popular it was. So when I was having a girl, my husband suggested we replace the 'ait' with the Roman numeral symbol for eight! Now our daughter is truly unique. Jessica Mavis, Gold Coast, Qld."

Maple Leaf Foods posts loss after taking hit on plant protein business - "Maple Leaf Foods Inc. reported a third-quarter loss of $229.5 million as it took a one-time charge related to the value of its plant protein business. The company says the loss amounted to $1.86 per share for the quarter ended Sept. 30 compared with a profit of $44.5 million or 36 cents per share in the same quarter last year... Sales in the quarter totalled $1.23 billion, up from $1.19 billion in the third quarter of 2021.  The company says the increase was driven by higher sales in its meat protein group, partially offset by lower sales in the plant protein group."
No one wants that shit

Windows 95 had special code just to fix a bug in the original SimCity - "The blog post was written by Joel Spolsky in May 2000, but was recently re-discovered by podcaster and game maker Kal Yoshika on Twitter. Spolsky is writing about the "chicken and egg problem" of getting users to adopt platforms without a lot of software, and software makers to produce software for platforms without a lot of users. Microsoft's solution, he says, was making sure old software worked - including SimCity.  "Windows 95? No problem. Nice new 32 bit API, but it still ran old 16 bit software perfectly. Microsoft obsessed about this, spending a big chunk of change testing every old program they could find with Windows 95," writes Spolsky. "Jon Ross, who wrote the original version of SimCity for Windows 3.x, told me that he accidentally left a bug in SimCity where he read memory that he had just freed. Yep. It worked fine on Windows 3.x, because the memory never went anywhere.  "Here’s the amazing part: On beta versions of Windows 95, SimCity wasn’t working in testing. Microsoft tracked down the bug and added specific code to Windows 95 that looks for SimCity. If it finds SimCity running, it runs the memory allocator in a special mode that doesn’t free memory right away. That’s the kind of obsession with backward compatibility that made people willing to upgrade to Windows 95."... Apparently the original Final Fantasy 7 will crash if it's running on Windows NT instead of Windows 95, so Windows will lie to FF about what operating system its actually running on."

There is a lake in Finland, that looks like Finland. : MapPorn

Watch: Groundhog Eats Crops In Front Of Farmers Security Camera

Macronutrient (im)balance drives energy intake in an obesogenic food environment: An ecological analysis - "The protein leverage hypothesis (PLH) postulates that strong regulation of protein intake drives energy overconsumption and obesity when human diets are diluted by fat and carbohydrates. The two predictions of the PLH are that humans (i) regulate intake to maintain protein within a narrow range and that (ii) energy intake is an inverse function of percentage energy from protein because absolute protein intake is maintained within narrow limits... It was demonstrated that highly processed discretionary foods are a significant diluent of protein and associated with increased energy but not increased protein intake. These results support an integrated ecological and mechanistic explanation for obesity, in which low-protein highly processed foods lead to higher energy intake because of the biological response to macronutrient imbalance driven by a dominant appetite for protein. This study supports a central role for protein in the obesity epidemic, with significant implications for global health."
More protein probably leads to lower calorie intake

Meme - "I think my cats have been watching too much Disney+ *Lion King, Mufasa's death*"

Meme - "Being a furry is NOT cringe, it's but a pure expression of European Germanic culture, the Germanic tribes practiced Furrism as a part of ancient esoteric tradition where they believed that animal's fur gave them mystical power when worn. Times have changed and unfortunately people now view Furries as degenerate scums rather than wise shamans with greater knowledge..."

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