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Thursday, January 26, 2023

Links - 26th January 2023 (1 - Women)

'Vabbing' is dangerous: Doctors warn against TikTok craze of using vaginal discharge as perfume - "Doctors are warning against a new viral TikTok trend that sees single women use their vaginal discharge as perfume.  'Vabbing' — which involves smearing fluid behind the ears and neck — was made popular by American Tiktokker Mandy Lee whose original video racked up 1.5million views.  Proponents claim it increases the chance of attracting men, by spreading their pheromones — chemicals made by the body to attract mates in some animals... Bacteria on women's fingers can lead pelvic inflammatory disease, where the bugs spread from the cervix to organs higher up, Dr Dimitriadi said.  This can lead to scarring in the fallopian tubes, making it difficult for fertilised eggs to reach the womb. Vabbing — a combination of the words 'vagina' and 'dabbing' — was first used as a hashtag on TikTok in June.   Videos containing the phrase have since racked up millions of views.   Dr Dimitriadi, from the Centre for Surgery, a private cosmetic surgery in Paddington, said the act itself is not entirely unsafe.  But 'the question is how you collect the discharge'... Vabbing was coined in 2019 by sex expert and author Shan Boodram, who claimed she had been using the method to attract men for over a decade.  'I am certain that every single time I employ it, it makes me feel like an enchanted goddess with a delicious secret,' she wrote in her book, the game of desire.  A TikTok video by Mandy Lee in June reinvigorated the trend with younger audiences.  'I swear if you vab, you will attract people, like a date, a one-night stand or you'll just get free drinks all night,' she said in the video, which has since been deleted by the platform."

Meme - ella dawson @brosandprose: "A red flag: When your partner loves to "debate" you and these conversations leave you feeling embarrassed, frustrated and stupid. That's not a debate and that's not a conversation, that's your partner demeaning you.
If your partner routinely leaves you feeling like a nitwit, unable to articulate your ideas, opinions and experiences, they are more interested in feeling smart at your expense than in hearing what you have to say."
Women are for loving, not getting into intellectual discussions with

Pete Davidson and Emily Ratajkowski 'are dating' - "Hollywood lothario Pete Davidson is continuing his lucky streak with A-list ladies after catching the eye of newly-single bombshell Emily Ratajkowski.   The former SNL comedian, 28, and the model, 31, are said to be 'in the very early stages' of dating and 'really like each other'... Pete - who was once praised for his 'big d**k energy' by ex Ariana Grande, 29, and most recently had a whirlwind romance with Kim Kardashian, 42 - 'loves how intelligent [Emily] is.'... Grande once tweeted about his '10 inches' and set the internet ablaze with talk of his 'big d*** energy'. Meanwhile Kim admitted that she pursued Pete after hearing about his 'big d**k energy' and was simply 'DTF' (down to f**k), later hinting that she was having the 'best' time of her life in the bedroom with the comedian."
Women like to mock men who say he's not a catch (body parts aside) and say that he has a good personality, but given that at least two of his exes have gushed over his penis it is curious how eager they are to silence other women's voices

Culture as a Moderator of Epistemically Suspect Beliefs - "Fundamentally, scientists are in the business of trying to improve the accuracy of both their own and humanity’s beliefs via the collection of information about the universe. As such, it is no surprise that a community of researchers have become profoundly interested in epistemically suspect beliefs (ESBs), which refer to beliefs that do not cohere with established scientific evidence (e.g., paranormal beliefs; Lobato et al., 2014)... We assessed the degree to which participants endorsed various paranormal beliefs by asking them to judge the plausibility of 12 paranormal belief items (BPA). These items were drawn from the Psi questionnaire (6-items; Roberts and Seager, 1999; Japanese version adopted from Majima, 2015) and Revised Paranormal Belief Scale (6-items; adopted from Tobacyk, 2004). Participants judged the plausibility of each BPA item (e.g., “How likely is it that you possess some form of ‘psychic ability’?”)... We assessed the degree to which participants endorsed pseudoscientific beliefs with 12 pseudoscientific belief (BPS) items (e.g., “Homeopathic remedies foster spontaneous healing”). This scale consisted of six items from Majima (2015), three items from Lobato et al. (2014), and three items from Dekker et al. (2012)... Westerners scored higher on our measure of rationality (i.e., the six rationality subscale items included in the REI), t(296) = 6.22, p < .001, d = 0.72. Consistent with past work, Japanese participants endorsed more paranormal, t(296) = 5.81, p < .001, d = 0.66, and pseudoscientific beliefs, t(296) = 4.81, p < .001, d = 0.56, than Westerners... We observed a significant gender difference for both ESBs in which women were more likely to have stronger ESBs compared to men"
More evidence (including Lobato et al) that women are more irrational than men (in addition to what we know about the Cognitive Reflection Test). Given the link to neurotism, this is expected.
Westerners being more rational than non-Western cultures is also supposed to be a "stereotype"

Women's Sexual Strategies: The Evolution of Long-Term Bonds and Extrapair Sex - "Because of their heavy obligatory investment in offspring and limited offspring number, ancestral women faced the challenge of securing sufficient material resources for reproduction and gaining access to good genes. We review evidence indicating that selection produced two overlapping suites of psychological adaptations to address these challenges. The first set involves coupling—the formation of social partnerships for providing biparental care. The second set involves dual mating, a strategy in which women form long-term relationships with investing partners, while surreptitiously seeking good genes from extrapair mates. The sources of evidence we review include hunter-gather studies, comparative nonhuman studies, cross-cultural studies, and evidence of shifts in women's desires across the ovulatory cycle. We argue that the evidence poses a challenge to some existing theories of human mating and adds to our understanding of the subtlety of women's sexual strategies"

Men and Women Writing Women: The Female Perspective and Feminism in U.S. Novels and African Novels in French by Male and Female Authors - "I have come to the conclusion that literary theories do not necessarily represent truths... I am pleased to find that in the novels I have studied, men are capable of writing from the female perspective in a way that is accurate, respectful, and progressive"
This was the only empirical study I could find. So much for that theory

5 Reasons Why Women and Men Care About Height - "1. Women prefer to date taller men; tall men attract more desirable partners. On average, women have a strong preference for tall men. In fact, women care more about dating taller men than men care about dating shorter women. A study on women and men’s height preferences found that women are most satisfied when their partner was 8 inches (21cm) taller. Men are most satisfied when they are 3 inches (8cm) taller than their partner. Another study found that among men, 13.5 percent prefer to date only women shorter than them. But among women, about half (48.9 percent) preferred to date only men taller than them. Relatedly, a study about height and human mate choice found that, on average, the shortest man a woman would date is 5 feet 9 inches tall. And the shortest woman a man would date is 5 feet 1 inch tall. In the same study, researchers found that 23% of men and 4% of women would accept a relationship where the woman was taller. Finally, researchers have found that women married to taller men report being in better health, have lower BMIs, more education, and higher incomes compared to women married to shorter men.
2. People view short women and men as less attractive and less successful... “shortness is more of a liability than tallness is an asset.”
3. Tall people make more money. Economists call this the “height premium.”
4. Tall people are more educated
5. Short men report being less healthy"
Outside of Singapore, men are also more open-minded than women when it comes to height

Meme - "Caleb 30
61 miles away
*Trigger Warning*
Let me guess...you‘re 25 with 3 kids, and you've done had your fun, now you don't want that, you want a real man to settle down with and take care of you and your kids bc you let a loser nut inside of you. k
I'm 6' even. Have my own house. 2 vehicles. And I make over $75k a year. What do you bring to the table? If the answer is "someone else's kids" then go kick rocks. No man will ever want you. Stop saying your "thicc"....your obese Also, your not a "dog mom", your a pet OWNER"

Meme - Chandler Dean @chandlerjdean: "Love when my girlfriend goes shopping and I go full useless RPG companion mode (blindly following 5 feet behind her, bumping into stuff, contributing absolutely nothing of value, repeating a few stock phrases like "let's roll!" and "you've got this!")"

Meme - Parvaneh @lil_parvaneh: "My friend, who is still a sex worker now, has been asked to do some of the most awful things I've heard of, she's a 'cam—girl'. A customer paid her 3x the price to sit naked & list out all the things she hates about herself & the things she regrets in life. She cried after"

BBC Radio 4 - Moral Maze, 60 Years of the Contraceptive Pill - "‘When the pill was first introduced, it was argued that it would strengthen the family because we could control when we have kids. But what's happened since then is that divorce has gone up. And the family has got smaller. Contraception is undeniably liberating. But I want to explore the price of that liberation, which I suspect is a sexual culture that can be trivial, and self centered.’...
‘In my practice, I have many young women here, who choose not to use contraception and to have families as single parents. And that's nothing to do with the contraceptive pill, that's to do with a change in attitudes of society’...
‘When an unexpected pregnancy occurs, kind of the flip side of bodily autonomy and my body, my choice is that, you know, the men take a step back and say, okay, well, okay, it's your body, your choice, I'm going to have nothing to do with this. So I think I think it has also increased the responsibility upon women’"
Weird. Liberals tell us no one chooses to be a single mother.
Apparently the pill didn't change social attitudes

BBC Radio 4 - Moral Maze, What's our moral responsibility to the future? - "Generally speaking, I believe that conservatives tell lies about the past and progressives tell lies about the future. And of the two, I find easier to see through the conservative lie. So that's why I prefer I find progressivism to be dangerous stuff."

Meme - "The Hairstyle Girls love *rich guy*
The Hairstyle Girls hate *poor guy with identical hairstyle*"

'My girlfriend had a baby with a sperm donor so I can't criticise her parenting skills' - "A man whose girlfriend chose to have a baby with a sperm donor instead of him has been urged to end his relationship.  Taking to Reddit, he explained that the couple have been dating for 10 years but never married due to her "commitment issues"... this is so the child is legally hers - and there will be no custody battles if they split...  "Problem is, as the child grows, she becomes increasingly protective.  "By protective, I mean she doesn't let me use common parenting methods, like natural consequences and setting boundaries.  "Everything I try to do, she undermines/undoes it. This is NOT what we had agreed upon before having the child.  "We took parenting classes, read books and attended workshops. Now it seems she has thrown all that out the window.  "Our child can do whatever she wants, eat only jellybeans for breakfast if so she fancies, stay up past midnight if she still wants to play. "Of course that is not healthy. She's doodled on my work laptop and my girlfriend wouldn't even let me sit her down to explain why it's wrong.  "In short, she doesn't say no, doesn't teach the child right from wrong, and doesn't let me do it.  "The kindergarten [nursery] teachers have already complained a ton about behaviour issues and suggest that we have our child evaluated, which we did.  "The specialist gave us some insightful advice that gf chose to ignore because she believes her child is perfect, and she is actively preventing me from carrying out that advice (such as setting a schedule, limiting sugary foods etc.)"  The dad said he's tried discussing the issues with his partner "countless" times and even suggested therapy, but ended up going by himself. He added: "I wanted to try harder because I really love the child even if she's not mine biologically.  "But today I overheard my girlfriend tell her [their daughter] that I 'still need to earn the parent title' and I broke.  "I pulled her aside and told her I can never be the child's parent because she won't let me.  "Now she's mad, accusing me of trying to abandon our child and giving me the cold shoulder."

Meme - "when she has five kids and updates she's lonely on FB
Hug them kids"

Teacher who lost job over OnlyFans page booted from site | Toronto Sun - "There is a prohibition on account holders shooting sexual content in public"

Meme - "My friend, who is still a sex worker now, has been asked to do some of the most awful things I've heard of, she's a 'cam-girl'. A customer paid her 3x the price to sit naked & list out all the things she hates about herself & the things she regrets in life. She cried after"

Coffee and Cleavage: Sex Education on Apple Podcasts - "‘I still get messages like every month from women asking questions. Really, actually, it's really nice. It's like the only time that I feel like I have interactions with women on social media’
‘Yeah, like, oh, hey, girl, how many ccs do you have? I love your boobs. I want to get mine done.’ ‘Yeah, or they have questions. Or they have concerns’"

Infidelity in heterosexual couples: demographic, interpersonal, and personality-related predictors of extradyadic sex - "This study aimed to assess the relative importance of demographic, interpersonal, and personality factors in predicting sexual infidelity in heterosexual couples. A total of 506 men (M age = 32.86 years, SD = 10.60) and 412 women (M age = 27.66 years, SD = 8.93), who indicated they were in a monogamous sexual relationship, completed a series of questionnaires, including the Sexual Excitation/Inhibition (SES/SIS) scales and the Mood and Sexuality Questionnaire, and answered questions about, among others, religiosity, education, income, relationship and sexual satisfaction, and sexual compatibility. Almost one-quarter of men (23.2%) and 19.2% of women indicated that they had "cheated" during their current relationship (i.e., engaged in sexual interactions with someone other than their partner that could jeopardize, or hurt, their relationship). Among men, a logistic regression analysis, explaining 17% of the variance, revealed that a higher propensity of sexual excitation (SES) and sexual inhibition due to "the threat of performance concerns" (SIS1), a lower propensity for sexual inhibition due to "the threat of performance consequences" (SIS2), and an increased tendency to engage in regretful sexual behavior during negative affective states were all significant predictors of infidelity. In women, a similar regression analysis explained 21% of the variance in engaging in infidelity. In addition to SIS1 and SIS2, for which the same patterns were found as for men, low relationship happiness and low compatibility in terms of sexual attitudes and values were predictive of infidelity. The findings of this study suggest that, for both men and women, sexual personality characteristics and, for women, relationship factors are more relevant to the prediction of sexual infidelity than demographic variables such as marital status and religiosity."
Men cheat because they're horny. Women cheat because they're horny and unhappy in their relationship

Does a longer sexual resume affect marriage rates? - "Sociologists have proposed numerous theories for declining marriage rates in the United States, often highlighting demographic, economic, and cultural factors. One controversial theory contends that having multiple non-marital sex partners reduces traditional incentives for men to get married and simultaneously undermines their prospects in the marriage market. For women, multiple partners purportedly reduces their desirability as spouses by evoking a gendered double-standard about promiscuity. Though previous studies have shown that having multiple premarital sex partners is negatively associated with marital quality and stability, to date no research has examined whether having multiple non-marital sex partners affects marriage rates. Data from four waves of the National Survey of Family Growth reveal that American women who report more sex partners are less likely to get married by the time of the survey (though so too were virgins). Yet this finding is potentially misleading given the retrospective and cross-sectional nature of the data. Seventeen waves of prospective data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth's 1997 mixed-gender cohort that extend through 2015 show the association between non-marital sex partners and marriage rates is temporary: recent sex partners predict lower odds of marriage, but not lifetime non-marital sex partners. Seemingly unrelated bivariate probit models suggest the short-term association likely reflects a causal effect. Our findings ultimately cast doubt on recent scholarship that has implicated the ready availability of casual sex in the retreat from marriage. Rather, the effect of multiple sex partners on marriage rates is “seasonal” for most Americans."
This is based on the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 cohort (those born 1980-84), so results might not hold for other cohorts. In any event, high lifetime partners correlates with many recent partners, and later marriage still indicates relatively lower desirability
Also: "Americans with higher reported numbers of non-marital sex partners tend to be smart, highly educated, Jewish or secular, slightly less happy, and live in western states (Wolfinger 2018c)". So even the anti-Semitic crowd have to accept that the Jews are eating their own dog food and they're not part of a conspiracy to corrupt society (at least, not without corrupting themselves too)


Meme - Woman: "babe you need to change, you need to do better"
Man: "I promise I'll do better. but you must do better too"
Woman: "well if you can't accept me for the way I am then I think this relationship is done"
Clearly women are perfect

Fiona Daly on Twitter - "I just overheard a woman say she uses her boyfriend's laptop to Google Christmas presents she wants so that he gets targeted ads. Communication in the digital age: a love story."

Meme - "What did your friend do that accidentally turned you on?"
"Me and my roommate at the time get a long well with this one girl. One day she came to our apartment for some video gaming. It was getting late, my roommate had already gone to sleep, I was playing Dear Esther and she was watching next to me. All the sudden, she laid her head on my shoulder. I developed a major crush just from that. 8 years later, when I told her about that, she just said sheepishly that she was tired, and there wasn't any intention. Hah, suck to be her, she's my wife now."

Meme - "OnlyFans somehow convinced men to pay prostitutes for NOT having sex with them"

Meme - Feminist News: Schrodinger's Brat @SchrodingrsBrat: "Girls should bring up astrology on a first date. Not because it's an accurate measure of compatibility, but because it self-identifles men who are arrogant, condescending, and incapable of entertaining opinions they disagree with."
Of course, if a woman meets an "anti-vaxxer" or "climate change denier", she has a duty to be arrogant, condescending and incapable of entertaining opinions she disagrees with, even though astrology is objectively more wrong them those positions
Feminism is basically an elaborate shit test

Meme - "Hide My Identity Dear Admin. Please hide my ID. I started dating my teacher when l was doing grade 11. He was married to his colleague but I didn't care, I loved him. He spoiled me rotten. He gave me money every month on the 22nd. I always had the best hair at school. I passed matric and we continued with our relationship. The wife found out and tried to break us but failed. She ended up removing her fat self from the marriage and I became the new wife. He gave her and the kids the house and we moved to Polokwane. Today I have two kids with him and | feel chubby and less beautiful. He doesn't spoil me anymore and we only make love when he's drunk. He's cheating on me with a teenager that failed matric last year. This girl is sending me pictures of them in lodges and restaurants. When I confront him he says I must go if I'm tired of the marriage. I can't go because I am unemployed. I have been praying but God is grey-ticking me. Please help me."

Meme - "majority of men look into the heart not the face *9% - looking at eyes, 91% - looking at breasts*"

Meme - "When you and your gf walk into an orgy trying to be adventurous but her true intentions come out
I want the big one"

Meme - "I'm sorry. I'm leaving you, I've been seeing someone else."
"How long?"
"About 10 inches."

🎀 dove 🎀 on Twitter - "If u ever feel bad ab ur taste in men I once dated a man who texted me “it’s fat cock Friday, see you after class” every single Friday :// and guess where I was every Friday ://///"

Meme - "You and Dating user matched!"
"I wanna go on a date with that handsome fella on the right."
"He said pass. He doesn't like obese chicks"
"You can't reply to this conversation.
This person's Dating profile is no longer available"

Meme - "Women get fat and their tits get bigger '
Men get fat but their dick size stays the same
That doesn't seem fair."

Meme - "I had a great time! The steak was amazing and could not take my eyes off you!"
"Yah it was fun, thank you for the flowers, hey question.. don't think I'm weird"
"Ok what's up?"
"So I couldn't help but notice what appeared to be your *dick* going down your pants leg. Am I right? No way it's that big and noticeable..."
"Omg that is embarrassing but yeah im sure that's what it was"
"Like what's the measurements? Lol"
"Decent size I guess. 10.5 fully hard and I can't get my hand all the way around it."
"Wow umm. I can't do that, I'm tiny and that is so big it's actually gross. Please don't text me back."
"What? You are joking right?"

Size Counts When It Comes to Sex - "being very thin is associated with 22 times the risk that a man will experience some kind of persistent sexual dysfunction, including erectile dysfunction (ED), inability to orgasm, premature ejaculation, and pain with sex, compared to men who are normal weight.  Similarly, men with very large waists, over 40 inches, had a 71% increased risk of having some kind of sexual trouble compared to men who had a waist size under 37 inches... Being underweight appeared to cut a woman’s chances of having sexual difficulties in half compared to a normal-weight, sexually active woman.  And obese women, with BMIs over 30, had 70% less chance of experiencing some kind of sexual dysfunction than their normal-weight counterparts... “There may be a plausible explanation. Women who experience trouble may quit having sex altogether while men may continue, particularly into the older ages.”  Among other surprises in the study for women: Those who reported using marijuana in the last year were about three times more likely than those who did not to report being unable to orgasm.  And women were intense exercisers and competitive athletes were more than four times more likely than those who were light exercisers to report experiencing vaginismus."

Robert Pattinson Bored His Stalker At Dinner: 'She Never Came Back' - ""I had a stalker while filming a movie in Spain last year,” Pattinson revealed in 2009. “She stood outside my apartment every day for weeks – all day every day. I was so bored and lonely that I went out and had dinner with her. I just complained about everything in my life and she never came back. People get bored of me in, like, two minutes.”"

Meme - "He got dumped for a skinny felon with a big dck"
Emily Graham: Alondra Barkhorn don't it always be the most toxic ones that have the best *dick* tho *cries*
Alondra Barkhorn: Emily Graham yasss girl I know from experience
Emily Graham: Alondra Barkhorn it's rough out here
Alondra Barkhorn: Emily Graham that's my type
Emily Graham: Alondra Barkhorn apparently that's also my type. I'm really into the emotionally unavailable, damaged."

Meme - "me after thinking that telling my bf that i don't like him watching other girls on tiktok because i become genuinely obsessed w the girls he watches to the point where i check their feed multiple times a day and perk up when i hear an audio they used come from his phone or assume that he's thinking of a girl when he sings an audio ik they used and constantly compare myself to them until i hate myself beyond comprehension and genuinely want to rip my skin apart and crawl out of my body so i can no longer be perceived would make him stop"

Meme - "$4.00 Blow Jobs"

Meme - "This is a job for...
*rips open blouse*

Meme - "my friends: I'm sad
me automatically: *flashes breasts*"

Meme - Women Being Honest @honestwamen: "Money doesn't cure beta @RationalMale"
Mehgan James @MehganJames: "My ex was a great man , but a horrible boyfriend. That's how I knewwww l was different . This Nigga never told me no n I still left. Bills was paid n advance , flew me first class everywhere, courtside seats for the season, shopping everyday damn near and I still lefty. *shrug*
Don't date women from the hood

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