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Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Links - 25th January 2023 (2 - Trans Mania)

Opinion | A Sexual Assault Case in Loudoun County Isn’t About Trans Issues - The New York Times - "The Right’s Big Lie About a Sexual Assault in Virginia" (Oct 2021)
Former Loudoun County Superintendent Indicted by Special Grand Jury (Dec 2022)

Loudoun Dad Arrested At School Board Meeting Found Not Guilty - "A Loudoun County father, whose arrest at a June 2021 school board meeting was used by the Biden administration to justify a politicized attack on concerned parents, was found not guilty of trespassing... Law enforcement arrested Jon Tigges at a Loudoun school board meeting on June 22, 2021, after he tried expressing concerns about the school district’s “moral decay.” A Virginia district judge found Tigges guilty in October of 2021. Loudoun Circuit Judge Douglas Fleming Jr., however, cleared Tigges of any wrongdoing. Fleming determined that Tigges not only had a First Amendment right to attend the heated meeting but also that the superintendent who shut down the official gathering last summer had no right to declare it an “unlawful assembly.”... Tigges’ arrest in June of 2021 was used by the National School Boards Association (NSBA), in collusion with the Biden White House, to justify the smearing of concerned parents as “domestic terrorists” who required punishment from federal law enforcement.  In September of 2021, the NSBA sent its infamous complaint letter, secretly solicited by Education Secretary Miguel Cardona, to the Department of Justice, which sparked a politicized attack on parents who wanted to speak out against corrupt school boards.   “Despite this victory, I have serious concerns about where we are as a country. We’ve been subverted by a darkness that is spilling out in rot at all levels and in both political parties”"

Loudoun County Mishandled Bathroom Sex Assault, Grand Jury Finds - "Loudoun County Public Schools was delinquent in its handling of the multiple high-profile sexual-assaults that occurred in the district last year, a special grand jury found, shedding further light on the events that helped inspire a massive parental-rights uprising in Virginia... the same male high-school student allegedly sexually assaulted two females in the LCPS district. The first incident happened in the girl’s bathroom at Stone Bridge High School (SBHS), where the “gender-fluid” perpetrator, who was wearing a skirt at the time, allegedly sodomized a ninth-grade girl. LCPS allows transgender students to access bathrooms and locker rooms that align with “their consistently asserted gender identity” under a policy that was officially adopted shortly after the bathroom assault allegedly occurred. When the victim’s father challenged the Loudoun school board about the policy, arguing during a public meeting that it would lead to the further victimization of female students, he was told there was no record of a sexual assault having occurred in the bathroom and was ultimately ushered out of the meeting by police.  The assailant in the bathroom attack was then transferred to Broad Run High School (BRHS), also in the LCPS district, where he allegedly sexually abused another female student... “There were several decision points for senior LCPS administrators, up to and including the superintendent, to be transparent and step in and alter the sequence of events leading up to the October 6, 2021 BRHS sexual assault,” the report reads. “They failed at every juncture.”  Even after SBHS informed BRHS that an accused sexual abuser would be joining its student body, school administrators did not probe the matter further...   Counsel representing the district attempted to interfere in the grand-jury investigation, which was mandated by Governor Glenn Youngkin. LCPS filed a motion for an injunction in May, claiming the investigation violated the constitution of Virginia and invaded the privacy of students and faculty. LCPS’ complaint asking to shut down the probe and subsequent prosecutions ultimately failed... there was an observable “lack of cooperation” from the district and the majority of school board members during the investigation

Transgender sexual assault report at BPS could bring new state rules - "Amid hotly disputed claims that a transgender student sexually assaulted a girl in women's restroom at Johnson Middle School, and an investigation of another incident where a girl claimed she was groped in different school restroom by a transgender girl that led to no charges being pressed, Brevard Public Schools is braced for new potential regulations of bathroom access by transgender students... the Brevard County Sheriff's Office released a report in response to a public records request of an investigation into an incident in June when a female student accused a transgender student of grabbing her breasts in the bathroom."
A TRA claimed there was no evidence of trans people perpetrating sexual assault in public bathrooms, then blocked me when I posted these 2 examples. Typical
Another claimed that this doidn't count because it was Florida, then kept dismissing all the examples as "outliers" (presumably January 6 and Charlottesville don't count either because they're outliers)

Transgender woman, 18, sexually assaulted girl, 10, in Morrisons toilet - "A transgender woman threatened to stab a 10-year-old girl’s mother during a terrifying sexual assault in the female toilets of a Morrison’s supermarket.  Katie Dolatowski, 18, admitted grabbing the youngster by her face and forcing her into the cubicle before demanding she take her trousers off at the store in Fife, Scotland"

Transgender Woman Charged With Voyeurism in Target Dressing Room - "Police in Idaho charged a transgender woman this week with videotaping an 18-year-old woman in a Target dressing room.  Authorities from the Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office were called to Target on Monday after an 18-year-old woman saw someone taking photos or filming video with an iPhone over the top of a fitting room barrier, East Idaho News reported. The police arrested Shauna Smith, 43, on Tuesday on one felony count of voyeurism. She was booked as a male, under her legal name, Sean Patrick Smith... Target has been at the center of a nationwide controversy over transgender rights since it announced in April that it would allow customers to use the fitting room or restroom that corresponds with their gender identity. The decision prompted the conservative American Family Association to call for a boycott of the retail chain because the group claimed the transgender bathroom and fitting room policy would allow sexual predators to access victims."
Of course this doesn't count because it's a fitting room

After assault, Edmond transgender bathroom policy questioned - Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs - "An Edmond police report indicates an Oct. 26 assault in the girls’ bathroom at Memorial High School involved at least one male student who identified as a female.  If Edmond school officials knowingly allowed males to use the girls’ bathroom (and vice versa) based on self-proclaimed gender identity, the school could face the loss of 5 percent of its state funding and be subject to lawsuits by parents under a new law.  An Edmond Police report shows that on Oct. 26 at 8:14 a.m., an officer was called to Memorial High School in reference to a fight. Upon arrival, the officer found a student with injuries in the nurse’s office.  Witness statements included in the report suggest one of the students involved in the reported assault in the girls’ bathroom was a male who identified as a female.  Although the names of minors are redacted from the report, it quotes a student witness stating that one of the students involved in the assault “is a man,” while other student witnesses informed the officer “that they speculated that [name redacted] was a [redacted] but did not know for sure.”  The report shows the officer asked the school’s registrar secretary for the birth certificate of one of the students, “but the certificate of birth did not identify [name redacted] gender.” A separate document, a paternity affidavit, indicated the student’s gender, but the report states that the officer asked Principal Brandi Wheeler about a “discrepancy” in the student records and was informed that the student “was born [redacted] but identifies as a [redacted].”  Michael Grande, who ran for a position on the Edmond School Board last year, said the district has reportedly long allowed students to use bathrooms based on self-proclaimed gender identity rather than biology.   “During that time, just going out on the campaign trail, a lot of parents that we talked to had concerns about transgender boys being in the girls’ bathrooms, all the way down at the middle-school level even, at Edmond,” Grande said. “So a friend of mine sent in some emails, just asking what the policy was.”  Grande said a member of the Edmond School Board responded that the school had allowed males to use girls’ bathrooms (and vice versa) based on gender identity and had done so for roughly a decade."
Weird. I thought this never happens
Comment: "I watched a video abt this with an interview of a lady who wrote the original article on it and lives in the same town in OK. where it happened and it’s way worse than “just punching them in the face”. it wasn’t exactly bc they refused to respond either. Apparently the transgender student had stolen a bunch of the OG victims clothes and was trying to interrupt her to talk to her abt tht while she was actively trying to calm a friend down who was going thru something ? And when she didn’t immediately respond the Trans student became irate and started screaming saying u wanna fight and just started beating this girl til she was knocked cold on the ground and while out was also getting kicked in the head and stomped on her back and another girl in the stall said she feared for her friends life and tried to stop it which in return got her a lil beat up too but not as bad as the first girl. If I can find the link I’ll tag it if anyones interested lol."

Gender-Inclusive Legislation Associated With Increased Harm to Women - "the WOMAN Means Something campaign has catalogued 255 incidents in which males have perpetrated violence against women in non-sex-segregated spaces as of Apr 30/2017. Using even the most stringent category of offenses--those in which biological males identified or expressed (clothing, wig, etc.) as women, the database yields 29 incidents in the UK, USA and Canada."
From 2017

‘I thought my boyfriend of 10 years was going to propose – then he told me he was trans’

Child, 4, who was born a female announces transition with blue cannon at Vancouver Pride Parade - "A four-year-old child born a female officially announced his transition to being a boy with a blue gender reveal cannon at Vancouver's Pride Parade - with his grandmother by his side.  Charlie Danger Lloyd, of British Columbia, Canada, was born female but now identifies as a male after expressing his desire to be a different gender from a young age, his mother Alaina Bourrel, 27, confirmed... 'Charlie jumped with joy as the crowd cheered him on. He couldn't believe the love and support he was shown from the bystanders.' Charlie ecstatically runs into his mother's arms at the end of the video."

No, Jesus was not trans - "Joshua Heath is a junior research fellow at the country’s leading bullshit factory, formerly known as Cambridge University. And one of the fellows he has been researching is Jesus, formerly the country’s divinity of choice and the son of God. Last Sunday during evensong, Heath delivered a sermon at Trinity College chapel, into which he slipped some of his research findings – that artistic depictions of the side wound delivered to Jesus by a Roman soldier look a bit like a vagina. He also suggested that paintings showing Jesus’s penis ‘urge a welcoming rather than hostile response towards the raised voices of trans people’.  Heath sermonised that in a picture from the 14th-century Prayer Book of Bonne of Luxembourg the side wound, which got a panel all to itself, took on ‘a decidedly vaginal appearance’. Now I’ve had a look at this image, and I have to say that though I’m far from being an expert in either Renaissance brushwork or female anatomy, I think young Joshua must’ve seen some pretty bloody odd vaginas in his time. You might equally claim on this ‘evidence’ that Jesus represents the Eye of Sauron or a slice of watermelon.   The very idea that a vagina is a bleeding wound or a cut – somehow incomplete, an injury to a male body – is horribly, in fact definitionally, sexist. In that sense at least, the idea fits in with the modern gender movement... Heath’s spicy trans take was backed up by Dr Michael Banner, the dean of Trinity College... Christianity and trad Christians are easy game. Bearding them in their own den is predicated entirely on it being a very safe bet that they won’t reply in kind. Picking on those who cannot or will not fight back – ironically the very definition of bullying, supposedly a cardinal sin of the new creed that includes ‘trans’ – must make people like Heath feel dead hard. Of course if the sermon had suggested something along the same lines about Islam or its prophet, Heath would now be in hiding, living under a new identity and being ignored by Labour MPs... The message under the message is loud and clear. Bow to your new masters! Same as your old masters."

Transwoman Elite Athletes: Their Extra Percentage Relative to Female Physiology - "There is increasing debate as to whether transwoman athletes should be included in the elite female competition. Most elite sports are divided into male and female divisions because of the greater athletic performance displayed by males. Without the sex division, females would have little chance of winning because males are faster, stronger, and have greater endurance capacity. Male physiology underpins their better athletic performance including increased muscle mass and strength, stronger bones, different skeletal structure, better adapted cardiorespiratory systems, and early developmental effects on brain networks that wires males to be inherently more competitive and aggressive. Testosterone secreted before birth, postnatally, and then after puberty is the major factor that drives these physiological sex differences, and as adults, testosterone levels are ten to fifteen times higher in males than females. The non-overlapping ranges of testosterone between the sexes has led sports regulators, such as the International Olympic Committee, to use 10 nmol/L testosterone as a sole physiological parameter to divide the male and female sporting divisions. Using testosterone levels as a basis for separating female and male elite athletes is arguably flawed. Male physiology cannot be reformatted by estrogen therapy in transwoman athletes because testosterone has driven permanent effects through early life exposure. This descriptive critical review discusses the inherent male physiological advantages that lead to superior athletic performance and then addresses how estrogen therapy fails to create a female-like physiology in the male. Ultimately, the former male physiology of transwoman athletes provides them with a physiological advantage over the cis-female athlete."

Oregon university affiliated children's hospital displays 'safe tucking' guide - "An Oregon children's hospital is displaying a handout teaching individuals how to properly perform "safe tucking" that is intended for "all ages," which includes children.  Oregon Health & Science University's Doernbecher Children's Hospital displays a "Safe tucking" handout that shows individuals how to make "the genital area look smoother and flatter." It states that "tucking is moving the penis, testicles, or both out of the way."... The handout from the children's hospital points individuals to a self-described "women-owned sex toy boutique" store in Portland, which has gender-affirming clothing items as well as sex toys, videos and more, and states that while the store is for people aged 18 and older, it offers appointments before or after hours for "younger shoppers.""

Meme - "WIBTA for applying to women specific scholarships when I'm not a woman. I'm an AFAB non-binary person, who's not out at my college. I don't think it's currently safe for me to be out at my college, so Im just suffering through tbh. I'm studying a STEM field that's desperately trying to train & hire people, & my professor keeps sending me scholarships for women in this field. | feel really bad about applying for them when I'm not a woman, but also I could use the money."

New Hampshire teen one of the youngest to have gender reassignment surgery - "A high school student in New Hampshire is being called a 'pioneer' after becoming one of the youngest people to undergo gender reassignment surgery. But her long and challenging journey began when she was just a child.  At 17 years old, Emily Tressa finally feels fully herself. Last month, she became one of the youngest patients in the country to undergo gender reassignment surgery"
Weird. Liberals keeps telling us this never happens. Chopping off kids' genitals is considered "care" and anyone who lets his personal beliefs get in the way should not be in the medical profession
I posted this and someone continued to claim that minors weren't undergoing surgery. Amazing gaslighting

Elon Musk on Twitter - "Forcing your pronouns upon others when they didn’t ask, and implicitly ostracizing those who don’t, is neither good nor kind to anyone."
Edip Yüksel on Twitter - "I was fired from college, after 23 years of teaching Philosophy and Logic, for objecting pronouns. I never had a single complaint by any LGBT+ student. I treated every student with dignity & respect. I encouraged them to think for themselves and stand for truth and justice."
dawn 🌞 on Twitter - "Serves you right. Try a little kindness next time."
Aljosa on Twitter - "Shut the fuck up with kindness when you are mean to everyone who doesnt agree with you."
This is a prime example of how the ones promoting "kindness" are themselves vicious

Matt Walsh on Twitter - "Nobody has pronouns. You can't "have" a pronoun any more than you have a preposition or an adverb. The concept doesn't make any sense. Pronouns are not things you can own. They aren't pets or accessories. They are parts of speech. That's it. You don't get to customize them."

Trey Radel on Twitter - "If I, born a biological male, can identify as a biological female, can I, born Caucasian, identify as Black?"

Meme - "How do you learn to climax from prostate stimulation? Ive tried anal over 100 times and never feel those waves of pleasure to chase to climax. Any help on technique or toys would be greatly appreciated. Thanks girls."

Jessica Alves, 39, reveals 'disappointing' experience of dating as a single trans woman - "Jessica Alves has opened up on her 'disappointing' experience of dating as single trans woman.   The Brazilian bombshell, 39, exclusively spoke to MailOnline about her quest to find love, sharing her heartache that men only want to have a sexual experience with her and are 'put off' when she mentions her desire to start a family... The star has spent nearly £1million on almost 80 surgeries to transform herself, undergoing sex reassignment surgery in 2021 after coming out as transgender in 2020... 'I get a lot of attention from men when I am out in public, on my Instagram and on my OnlyFans, but I am still a single woman.'... Jessica went on to reveal her confidence in her look, before calling on the need to 'normalise' having have more trans people on screens."

Sydney woman who transitioned to man SUES psychiatrist for negligence - "A woman who transitioned to a man is suing her psychiatrist for professional negligence after he approved her hormone therapy despite only seeing her for a single appointment. Jay Langadinos, then 19, first met psychiatrist Dr Patrick Toohey on May 7, 2010, after telling a doctor she 'had always felt she was a boy rather than a girl'...  Ms Langadinos said Dr Toohey should have realised she might be autistic and referred her for further assessment by a specialist.  She also says her social phobia should have been treated before any hormone therapy and that she wasn't given any information on how the transition would affect her fertility.   Ms Langadinos claims the surgeries have left her suffering with 'injuries and disabilities'.  She also listed several issues she has faced 'as a result of the negligence'.   They include masculinisation as a result of hormone therapy, loss of her breasts, uterus and ovaries.  She also cited complications from hormone therapy including early menopause, anxiety and depression. Ms Langadinos says her psychological functioning is impaired and her capacity for employment has diminished because of the transition... Ms Langadinos said she had a complicated home life and attraction to girls led to her feeling 'defective' at 17.   Searching for answers online, she came across gender dysphoria and thought 'that's what I have'.   However, she said her transition led to even more unhappiness... Solicitor Anna Kerr, of NSW's Feminist Legal Clinic, referred Ms Langadinos' case to legal firm Slater and Gordon.  'We can expect to see extensive litigation in future years related to gender-affirming cross-sex hormones and surgeries'"

Meme - "Irony here is astounding
Ian Thomas Malone: "Elon Musk is just sad because he identifies as a comic book villain when he's really just a bargain bin Lex Luthor with cheap hairplugs who never had an original idea in his sad life.""

Meme - "Heads up parents. If you are applying for auto insurance for your teenage boy be sure to check non- binary...Cant be proven and it cut my son's auto insurance by half.
Insurance Forms: Male or Non-Binary? Check Non- Binary...BOOM cut quote in half. Saving $134 a month...a month
Oops ooop my sons other parent said 134 it was actually 34 dollars in saving...still that's a big discount."

Taylor Silverman on Twitter - "Non binary often just means white women with nothing interesting about her."
It’s Ma’am, PhDelightful on Twitter - "Or she’s kinda ugly"
veryhammer 🇺🇸 on Twitter - "I'm not aware of an exception. Even if they weren't ugly to start they ended up there."

Meme - "Trans hate crimes on the increase
People looking at you
People not looking at you
Men not catcalling you
Not being centred in conversation
People not observing the 298th Trans Awareness Day this year
Saying my purple lipstick makes me look like I've died of frostbite
Deliberately mispronouncing 'Xe', 'Xim‘ and ‘Xose'
Breathing in a way that indicates lack of acceptance
Bringing up when l masturbated at work and posted the photos online
Lesbians refusing to date me
Not projecting my image onto a wall on International Women's Day
Not being included in conversations about menstruation
Reading Harry Potter in a threatening way
People liking Primal Scream
Saying ‘women' instead of 'mobile breeding sows'"

James Esses on Twitter - "Me: I don’t recognise the term ‘cis’. Please don’t call me it.
Trans activist: Tough. You can’t change who you are or how others see you.
Me: Well…this is awkward…"

A Surfeit of Empathy and an Absence of Compassion - "So far, I’ve managed to avoid scandal and outrage almost entirely by offering nuanced, non-partisan pieces that explicitly warn against the risks of Us vs. Them thinking. I felt moderately successful in eliciting meaningful, rational dialogues—until I touched the third rail of transgender identity... Within one hour of airing my post, Psychology Today editors had already received complaints from activist groups. Soon thereafter, a wave of posts, tweets, and petitions seeking to defame my article and my character were spreading on the internet. My attempt to call for compassion for all sides of this debate in a further Psychology Today piece earned widespread support from parents and clinicians, but only made matters worse with activists. As my inbox was flooding with hate mail, blog posts that grossly misquoted my work were now painting me as a transphobe and misogynist. One commenter in Psychology Today suggested I should “go to prison” for “harming so many children,” while countless others accused Dr. Littman and me of promoting ideologically-driven pseudoscience. Yet, the sources cited by activists to discredit studies of ROGD invariably take one back to a self-referential loop of other blog posts and opinion pieces by activists. It is a strange world indeed when unscientific ideologues accuse scientists of being pseudoscientific ideologues. It is important to note that Dr. Littman presented empirically derived hypotheses for further investigation, not moral arguments. Activists wish to discredit ROGD as worthy of further study on the grounds that Dr. Littman only surveyed “dismissive” parents who gather on “transphobic” websites. However, the participants heard about the study from one of several sources, including a large pro-gender-affirming Facebook group (Parents of Transgender Children) which posted recruitment information on their own site. The clear majority of study participants also answered that they believe transgender people deserve the same rights and protections as other people in their country. No serious scientist or clinician denies the clinical evidence for social acceptance and transitioning to help those with gender dysphoria. But gender dysphoria is a rare condition. The matter for investigation here is that something new and worrying is happening with young people, gender, and “identity,” and that transgender ideology is only a piece in the puzzle. Concurrent shifts in epidemic entitlements ushered by “Generation Me” are likely related. So part of the problem in this non-negotiable call for accommodations might be our inability to stand firm against the tyranny of helicopter-parented, internet-educated children in need of leveraging the authoritative prestige of an “oppressed identity.” Moving too quickly in letting teens in distress make drastic decisions that can permanently alter their body and harm their personal and social adjustment is unproblematically recognized as unwise in other domains. This is why we don’t usually let children get tattoos we know they will regret later or why, as one RODG parent put it, “If we let our kids drive the agenda, they’d never want to go to school and would eat at McDonalds everyday.”  This is where compassion, rather than what Paul Bloom calls “parochial empathy,” is needed... Like many of my colleagues in recent years, I have become very concerned with the rise of language policing and extreme political correctness on college campuses and activist circles. This culture of victimhood, identity politics and social justice activism promotes a simplistic worldview of noble victims and malevolent victimizers. It is eroding free speech, and spreads a climate of fear and fragility on campus and beyond. That our youth care about justice, democracy, and diversity is a good thing, and we should applaud them for this. But encouraging and glorifying victimhood doesn’t help advance that agenda. Cultivating a sense of victimhood impairs coping and flourishing, breeds resentment and anger, increases conflict, and only succeeds in dividing rather than uniting people. The same is true of other sincere but terribly misguided cognitive traps promoted by social justice activists: the insistence that people’s feelings constitute the ultimate authority on truth, that ‘power’ is always bad, and that the powerless always know best. Victimhood culture often mistakes expertise and responsibility for “power.” Thus, doctors, parents, and teachers are “powerful” and bad, and patients, children, and students are “powerless” and good. Never mind that in this age of rampant individualism and customer satisfaction, children routinely bully parents and teachers, professors are terrified of their students, and doctors live in fear of litigation. Our “powerless” youth have certainly been successful in setting their agenda—from driving language policing and removing “harmful” content from course syllabi to making public bathrooms deeply awkward for 99 percent of people. Judging by rising rates of mental distress, this is not doing them any good. In these new culture wars, no issue is more divisive and sacred than the debate around rising rates of transgender teenagers... As it stands, the scare tactics of activists (who warn that unaccommodated trans teens are at high risk of suicide, and even murder) are preventing an important ethical conversation from taking place, and further instilling a culture of fear and victimhood that is setting a generation up for failure. The label “transphobe” is largely synonymous with such easy slurs as “racist,” “misogynist,” “Islamophobe,” “Zionist,” or even “white male,” “settler colonialist,” or “bad feminist.” Play any version of this card on anyone who wishes to introduce moderation into a sensitive conversation, and it will perform the cheap cognitive trick of placing the critic in the “oppressive” camp, thereby pitting them against noble victims."

The dangerous narcissism of the trans lobby - "Remember when oppression meant the government brutally denying you the rights and freedoms enjoyed by everyone else? Now it means blokes agonising over whether or not to paint their nails... In his new book None of the Above: Reflections on Life Beyond the Binary, nonbinary writer Travis Alabanza cites this dilemma as proof of the ‘oppression [of] the gender binary’... after seeing one of Alabanza’s theatre shows, Steve plucks up the courage to paint his nails neon yellow. Alabanza is moved by this brave strike against the forces of oppression. ‘My urge was to hug him’, he writes. Free at last! Thank God Almighty, free at last! It’s almost too ridiculous for words. There’s page after page in this memoir-cum-nonbinary-treatise about Steve and his nails... Turning the histrionics up to 11, he says he found himself ‘mourning Steve’s lost time’. Just to remind you: Steve wasn’t dead or in jail or under house arrest; he just didn’t paint his nails... The story of Steve’s oppressed unpainted fingernails is only one mad example of gender-binary ‘oppression’ in Alabanza’s book. There’s also the tragic tale of Alabanza feeling he cannot go out in public dressed as a witch... if I went to Tesco dressed as a wizard, I’d attract some shouts and jeers, too. Is that oppression? Or how about the time a waiter called Alabanza ‘sir’, which caused his whole body to ‘tense up’? Or the time a doctor looked at Alabanza’s ‘frame’ and said, ‘Yeah, I guess male’? Never mind that Alabanza is male, and thus has a male frame, and thus will be referred to as ‘sir’ by polite waiters – it’s all still ‘systemic oppression’, apparently. Then there’s the terrible act of violence Alabanza experiences. He’s out and about in ladies’ clothing when someone throws a chicken burger at him, ‘in broad daylight’ no less. Now, having food chucked at you is not nice. I once had a portion of chips dumped on me on the night bus to Camberwell. But it’s not oppression, is it? It’s just life in a city that has an abundance of both fast food and drunk young people. And yet Alabanza has written an entire play about the burger incident, called Burgerz, and he mentions it frequently in this new book. You’d think it was a lynching... What the book does do, however – unwittingly, of course – is expose the colossal levels of self-regard and self-pity in the trans movement. The oppression fantasies of this identitarian group are extraordinary. Alabanza says he and others like him live in ‘danger’. You never know ‘what shape that danger will take’, he says. State violence? Imprisonment for your beliefs? Nope – the danger could be a ‘whisper in the street’ or ‘a news presenter mocking your appearance’. Oh, get a grip. Alabanza, by his own admission, dresses like a ‘kindergarten teacher on acid’. Of course people are going to whisper. It is a testament to the narcissism of trans activists that they think they should be able to go out in ridiculous clobber, big blokes in neon mini-skirts and teetering high heels, without anyone so much as murmuring about them... There is a striking double standard in Alabanza’s talk of ‘danger’. One of the things he’s best known for is kicking up a fuss a few years ago when he was refused entry to the female changing room at Topshop in Manchester. The shop assistant quite properly told this man in a dress to go upstairs to Topman and use the male changing room. Alabanza went mad. Topman? How dare the sales girl oppress him like that. He tweeted about this terrible act of ‘transphobia’ and said to Topshop: ‘Who made you in charge of deciding who is woman enough to use your changing room?’ There was a media storm and Topshop caved – it said all its changing rooms would be ‘gender-neutral’ from now on. Tough shit all you teenage girls who liked having a female-only space in which you could try on outfits with friends. Mr Alabanza needs his nonbinary delusions to be publicly validated and as a result any old bloke can now enter your once sacrosanct space. One man’s therapeutic needs taking precedence over the right to privacy of thousands and thousands of girls – show me a better example of ‘male privilege’. Here’s what’s remarkable, though – Alabanza says in his book that the reason he couldn’t go into the ‘male changing rooms’ is because it would be an ‘unsafe place to change’. The men in there would pose a threat to him; he would be ‘at risk from harassment’. So the solution is to make all spaces ‘gender-neutral’ and allow those same men you fear to go anywhere they like, including into the girls’ changing room?... Suck it up, girls. Your loss of privacy and security is a small price to pay for Mr Alabanza having his silly belief that he’s neither male nor female validated in the public square.  And if you criticise Alabanza’s Topshop crusade, if you say it’s wrong and weird for burly males to intrude on girls’ spaces, guess what you’ll be accused of? Yep, oppression. Even violence... Janice Turner of The Times wrote about the Topshop incident. She said it was an example of children’s safety being ‘sacrificed to appease the trans lobby’. Alabanza devotes an entire chapter in his book to wailing over Turner’s column. Apparently reading it was ‘one of the most traumatic’ experiences of his life. Turner’s words were ‘violence washing over me’, he says. This is such gaslighting... Alabanza goes on and on about ‘violence’. He doesn’t mean violence as the rest of us understand it (unless you count the chicken-burger incident, which I guess was a tiny bit violent). No, he means disagreement, criticism, people being disapproving of his nonbinary nonsense. He even describes birth as violent – for him, of course, not his mother... That Alabanza’s book has come out at the same time as Salman Rushdie was stabbed in the neck for writing a novel is noteworthy... The book confirms just how phoney ‘trans liberation’ is. Alabanza presents himself as an escapee of the gender binary, one of the ‘lucky’ ones who has reached the enlightened heights of ‘gender non-conformity’. In truth, he seems trapped in a gender prison. He seems to think about nothing but gender... ‘For the narcissist, the world is a mirror’, said Lasch. This is what is happening with the trans ideology: it is trying to turn every part of the world into a mirror that faithfully and uncritically reflects the new gender beliefs. And it seems that no collateral price is too high in the pursuit of this most narcissistic of projects. Women’s spaces, girls’ changing rooms, lesbian rights, the English language, scientific truth itself – all may be cast aside in the name of male narcissism; all may be sacrificed at the altar of gender ideology."

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