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Saturday, January 21, 2023

Links - 21st January 2023 (2 - Migrants [including Sweden])

Short film about foreign worker telling his son how great S'pore is suddenly too real

The activists will be very upset

Liaison Officer for foreign worker dormitories S11 shares the other side of the story amid criticism - "Unlike what most of these troublemakers have claimed, the anonymous netizen said a lot of work has gone into improving the living conditions. Cleaning is happening more frequently, medical stations are available to treat sick workers, do swabs and isolate those who require it. Wifi services are available too...   Having 10-12 men to a room may seem absurd, but it is what it is. The Government wouldn’t have had to place them in these purpose-built dormitories in the first place if Singaporeans didn’t treat them like the plague.  However, it is also their culture whereby these foreign workers would prefer sitting on the floor for their meals even if you offer them seats. Even the packed lorries you see headed to Little India, more often than not, these are illegal transportation by other enterprising migrant workers to earn a quick $2 per head per trip.  Also, sanitation could have been better – but that wouldn’t be possible without outsourced cleaners. “Why not?” you ask, but the cost to engage cleaners would then be passed down to the consumers. Therefore, foreign workers have to do the cleaning themselves, with their standard of hygiene probably different from many of us.   Vanessa cautioned that while it is very easy to feel instant sympathy when the media decides to cover such sob-story now, she also reminded Singaporeans that not too long ago, the same media also featured purpose-built dorms, gyms, cinemas, a beer garden and monthly entertainment events which no one was interested in back then... All the criticism comes from a place of disconnect which unfortunately undermines the persistent hardwork of many people in dormitories."

Singapore is 'top choice' for migrant workers, says contractors association chief - "The statement by SCAL president Ng Yek Meng was in response to what he called “unfair comments” regarding the treatment of migrant workers here... “Though we acknowledge that the housing conditions here can be improved, by comparison, they are one of the best in the region.”... “Workers here earn significantly more than they would in their home countries. For some, their annual salary in Singapore is 10 times more than what they would typically receive in their home country,” said Ng. Singapore provides the workers with good working opportunities and stable living conditions, according to him.  Ng also claimed that the majority of workers choose to stay on in Singapore after completing their contracts, with many staying for over 10 years and encouraging their family members to join them here.  “Many employers encourage their workers to take on educational courses and training, on top of providing medical benefits and accommodation. Workers with work experience in Singapore are much sought after in other countries such as Australia and New Zealand”... Singapore employers also have a good reputation, while the country is known for being safe as well as providing workers protection under the law.  “Throughout the COVID-19 outbreak, despite disruptions and challenges to the construction industry, (workers) have been paid, food have been provided for those under quarantine, and those who needed medical attention have been attended to promptly,” said Ng.  Employers are legally compelled to treat their workers fairly and that it is also in their interests to ensure their workers are “kept happy, healthy, motivated and productive”. Regarding the calls for reducing the number of migrant workers, Ng said the country is not ready for such a move and warned that it would have a “corresponding impact” on the economy and on the livelihoods of Singaporeans... He also observed that a reduction in the migrant worker pool would lead to a rise in construction costs, which would have a trickle-down effect, leading to a rise in housing prices. It would also lead to delay in the construction of new HDB flats"
Ironic if all the liberals' noises cause fewer migrant workers to be hired in Singapore, and they go to Dubai to be abused far worse than they ever would be in Singapore

Why aren’t we talking about the Islamist uprising in Sweden? - "Right now, in Europe, mobs of people are rioting. They’re hurling rocks and stones at police officers and setting fire to cars. Several cities have been shaken to their core by this riotous fury. A police chief says they are the most violent street disturbances he has ever known. Worse, this is an entirely regressive riot. It is not an angry uprising for democracy or liberty, but its polar opposite – it’s a screech of religious rage against the expression of certain ‘blasphemous’ ideas; it’s a fiery effort to suppress ‘offensive’ speech. Some of the worst riots in a country’s living memory, all to the end of defending archaic religious beliefs from challenge or criticism... Sweden’s national police chief, Anders Thornberg, says he has ‘never seen such violent riots’. He says the rioters ‘tried to kill police officers’... Even where there has been mainstream media coverage of the riots – apparently some of the worst riots Sweden has ever witnessed, remember – it has tended to obscure rather than enlighten. Euphemism abounds. The BBC refers to it as ‘unrest’. It labels the rioters as ‘counter-demonstrators’, imbuing them, whether intentionally or not, with a political legitimacy they surely do not deserve. Much of the coverage gives the impression that the true cause of the violence is Mr Paludan, which is incredibly infantilising of the rioters. Mr Paludan may well hold repugnant beliefs, but he has not thrown missiles at the police or set fire to cars or smashed shop and school windows. That has been done by the people who take umbrage at his speech, who feel alarmed by his blather. These people – mostly Muslims – are not children, however much the paternalism and pity that motor identity politics might try to convince us otherwise. No, they made a decision to use physical force in response to speech... To their credit, the Swedish police seem to have some understanding of this point of principle. Can you imagine a British police force giving permission to a far-right rally with a public burning of the Koran? Swedish police chiefs have said that all people in Sweden must be free to ‘use their constitutionally protected rights’ both ‘to express their opinion’ and ‘to demonstrate’... For decades, American warriors for freedom of speech have insisted on the right of people to burn the Stars and Stripes because, in the words of Nadine Strossen, even ‘deeply unpopular [and] offensive’ speech should be free speech... Whether it’s schoolteachers being hounded into hiding in the UK or cartoonists being murdered in France or far-right politicians being rioted against in Sweden, we are witnessing a rise in violent Islamist intolerance. Our response should be to defend freedom of speech to the hilt, for everyone and against everything – including Islam.   The true problem here is an unwillingness among the European intelligentsia and political class to stand up for freedom and to make it clear to all social groups that their feelings carry less moral weight than the principles of freedom. In fact, too often the elites do the opposite – they send the message that some forms of speech are so hurtful, so ‘erasing’, that they may be legitimately sidelined or squashed, whether it’s ‘transphobic’ feminism, un-PC humour or mockery of Muhammad. This gives a green light to violent fury against allegedly ‘violent’ speech... Public discussion about Sweden is too often suppressed. Remember the trouble Donald Trump got into when he said Sweden was experiencing certain social problems? And yet he was right. A culture of instability is palpable in Sweden. Particular crimes rose following the influx of large numbers of migrants in 2015. There is an unprecedented number of gun and grenade attacks. And now there has been nearly a week of rioting because someone made fun of a religious book"
At least the media didn't call them mostly peaceful protests. But the reaction compared to the Ottawa Truckers Convoy is instructive. Of course, if it were Christians rioting about religious offence...

Dozens arrested at Sweden riots sparked by planned Quran burnings - "Saudi Arabia has condemned what it called the "deliberate abuse of the holy Quran by some extremists in Sweden, and provocation and incitement against Muslims".  Iran and Iraq earlier summoned the Swedish ambassadors to lodge protests."
If Muslim nations protest this, does this mean protesting about Islam can be a way to protest against these countries (just like firebombing a synagogue is just protesting Israel)?

Swedish PM: Immigrant integration failed, led to gang crime - "Sweden has failed to integrate the vast numbers of immigrants it has taken in over the past two decades, leading to parallel societies and gang violence, Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson said on Thursday, as she launched a series of initiatives to combat organized crime. Many Swedes were shocked earlier this month after violent riots left more than 100 police injured... Andersson blamed criminals and said both Islamism and right-wing extremism had been allowed to fester in Sweden, in unusually frank and self-critical comments...   The number of people in Sweden born abroad has doubled in the last two decades to 2 million, or a fifth of the population. Andersson's Social Democrats have been in power for 28 of the last 40 years, including the last eight...   "Integration has been too poor at the same time as we have had a large immigration. Society has been too weak, resources for the police and social services have been too weak," she said.  Sweden, which holds a general election later this year, has radically tightened its immigration policies since taking in more people per capita than any other European Union country during the migration crisis in 2015. It now has one of the bloc's most restrictive policies."
Damn far right spreading fake news and inciting racism and violence!
I remember this Swede who claimed that all the grenades going off were just firecrackers and only racists would be worried about them

Sweden and the crisis of integration - "Something is rotten in the state of Sweden. Grenade attacks have soared in recent years. Sweden is now the only country other than Mexico in which police record the number of grenade attacks. Explosions in general are on the rise. ‘Sweden’s 100 explosions this year: What’s going on?’, a bamboozled BBC asked in 2019. In 2020 there were more than 200 explosions and 360 shootings. The murder rate for 2020 was Sweden’s highest in 18 years: 124 people were killed and 39 per cent of the killings involved guns. Sweden is the only country in Europe in which fatal shootings have surged since the year 2000. Even the once Sweden-adoring Guardian has had to admit, with not a little perplexion, that Sweden has gone from having ‘one of the lowest rates of gun violence on the continent to one of the highest in less than a decade’. Then there are the riots. In 2017, the Rinkeby suburb of Stockholm was rocked by rioting after cops tried to arrest someone on suspicion of dealing drugs. In 2020 riots shook the southern cities of Malmo and Ronneby, following the burning of a Koran by right-wing extremists. Mobs threw rocks at the police and burnt down bus shelters, some of them chanting ‘Allahu akbar!’ as they did so. There were even worse riots this year... Sweden’s national police chief said he had ‘never seen such violent riots’. Unprecedented bombings, shootings and rioting – what is going on in this nation once so widely praised as a social-democratic paradise?... As Sweden’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs was forced to admit last year, in response to global interest in the seeming destabilisation of Sweden, ‘People born abroad are 2.5 times as likely to be registered as a crime suspect as people born in Sweden to two native-born parents’. Swedish police say that much of the bomb and gun violence of recent years has been the work of criminal gangs made up of foreign-born youths – ‘criminal clans that have a completely different culture’. Or consider Sweden’s sexual-offence stats. Four esteemed social scientists in Sweden studied the rape trends of the past two decades. They found that of those convicted of rape, 40.8 per cent were Swedish-born with Swedish-born parents, while 47.7 per cent were born outside of Sweden. Of the foreign-born men convicted of rape, 34.5 per cent were from the Middle East and North Africa, and 19.1 per cent were from other parts of Africa. This is unquestionably striking. One problem, of course, is that facts like these are too often easily and lazily folded into pre-existing narratives, usually about the folly of any form of immigration or the evil of Muslim men... Then there is the other response to Sweden’s undoubted crisis of integration, which, if anything, is even worse. That is, to pretend it isn’t happening, to look the other way, to stay silent... The Western woke elites’ silence on Sweden really has been alarming. In fact, they have actively discouraged discussion of Sweden’s segregation problems, branding it ‘fake news’ put about by racists and xenophobes. When Donald Trump and others said there were no-go zones in Sweden, where the authorities and others didn’t dare to tread, they were roundly mocked. Yet now Sweden’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs acknowledges the existence of ‘61 areas around the country that have become increasingly exposed to crime, social unrest and insecurity’ and the Swedish prime minister raises concerns about ‘parallel societies’. Now that the PM herself has said that certain communities in Sweden live in ‘completely different realities’, will the woke set admit they were wrong to say all is fine in this Nordic heaven? I suspect not.   The crisis of integration is real. Too many European societies bristle at the very idea of integrating immigrants, considering it far too judgemental and maybe even racist a thing to do. As for ‘assimilation’ – that is looked upon as a borderline fascistic idea. European societies now actively send the signal that they are not worth integrating into. We are horrible, racist, Islamophobic nations with checkered histories and problematic popualtions – that’s the cry of significant sections of Europe’s intellectual classes. ‘Stay on the outside, in your own communities, you’ll be safer and happier there’ – this is the divisive, destructive message unwittingly sent to immigrant communities courtesy of this national self-loathing that’s now rife among the great and the good. To accept huge numbers of immigrants while signalling to these immigrants that the countries they’re coming to are horrible places full of bigots and gammon is a recipe for exactly the kind of instability we have seen in Sweden and elsewhere in recent years. That so many in the cultural elite made a great, noisy display of their openness to mass immigration in 2015 but have said virtually nothing about the practical struggles of integration tells us all we need to know. For many of these people, being pro-immigration seems to be little more than an opportunity for virtue-signalling, for advertising to the world how caring you are. What those immigrants actually do when they get here – how they might become members of the community, embrace our value system, learn our language and traditions – is immaterial, it seems. The virtue has been signalled, and all the rest is unimportant. This is the callousness of the post-borders posturing of Europe’s woke establishments, of their silence on Sweden and other nations experiencing social tension. Promoting integration is not racist – it is essential, both for the integrity of our communities and for the social wellbeing of immigrants themselves."

Swedish Towns Slashing Basic Services to Support Migrants - "Many municipalities across Sweden will be reallocating funding and slashing basic services in order to cope with the flood of state-dependent migrants... A survey conducted by SVT Nyheter found that 8 in 10 municipalities will be “forced to save” in the coming year and half plan to cut assistance for the disabled and family care as their economies suffer... Bengtsfors faces a budget deficit of SEK 25 million (~$2.6 mil), which it hopes to bridge by dialing back social services and maintenance costs.  “In order to reduce their expenses ... an LSS housing and a daily activity for the mentally disabled will be closed down, 2.5 million less will be given to preschools, reduction of student health care, review the number of playgrounds, reduce street lighting by 20 percent, let it snow more before paving the roads, and also reduce politicians' wages by five percent”... Filipstad, a locality in south-central Sweden which had only about 6,000 residents as of 2010, now reportedly boasts a population of roughly 10,000, including some 2,000 "overseas" migrants, at least 80 percent of whom are unemployed."

Swedish police respond to soaring numbers of migrant sex attacks with... bracelets - "Festival-goers have been ordered to wear the accessories because officers believe it will “draw attention to the issue of sexual assault and urge those affected to report”.   However it remains to be seen how effective these wristbands are really going to be as the majority of perpetrators are said to be recent migrants who have landed in Sweden that can’t read them.   And in early signs the measures will clearly not work, it emerged a young woman was sexually assaulted by a mob of migrant men ironically wearing the “don’t grope” wristbands at Bravalla music festival. Her horrifying ordeal comes after girls as young as 12 were some of the 23 females who reported attacks carried out by a gang of seven to eight men at the Putte i Parken festival. Swedish Police are under growing pressure to do more to tackle the horrifying number of sex attacks at musical festivals.   They have previously blamed Scandinavian teenage girls' “Nordic alcohol culture” and Western behaviour for a steep rise in sex attacks carried out by migrants.  A damning police report, which examined why Sweden has the worst rates of physical and sexual violence committed against women and girls in Europe, has also excused refugees who it says “cannot handle the alcohol”.   Shockingly, the report revealed the majority of sex attack victims were under the age 15. Officers dismiss the criticism saying police are powerless to act when the attacks take place in crowded and dark places."
From 2016

Sweden Democrats Reflect Europe’s Rightward Trend - WSJ - "Every nation believes it is exceptional, and some of them actually are. In the decades after World War II, Sweden’s Social Democrats created a middle-class socialist paradise called the Folkhem, “the People’s Home.” Exceptional in its level of taxation and spending even for Western Europe, it became the gold standard for welfare-state social democracy. That era ended in Sunday night’s elections with a double shock.  Not only did the Social Democrat-led alliance fail to win its customary majority; the right-wing alliance is now radically altered, too. It may still be fronted by the center-right Moderates, but its largest component is now the hard-right Sweden Democrats... It may still be fronted by the center-right Moderates, but its largest component is now the hard-right Sweden Democrats... the taboos that governed political affiliation in what was until very recently a high-consensus, highly conformist society have been breached. As recently as the 2018 elections, the Sweden Democrats were beyond the pale. The problem wasn’t only that, like most of Europe’s “new right” parties, they originated on the neofascist fringe in the ’80s. It was more that their leader, Jimmie Åkesson, who moved them to the center, also alienated the Moderates by speaking so bluntly about immigration, Islamism and crime. As a result, the Moderates refused to consider an alliance after Mr. Åkesson received the third-largest share of the votes in 2018. That allowed the Social Democrats to form an incoherent government whose unifying principle was demonizing Mr. Åkesson and the Sweden Democrats as racist. Not long ago, Sweden was so notoriously safe that it might even have been a bit dull. Today, it is exceptional in all the wrong ways. Between 2013 and 2017, Sweden had Europe’s highest number of reported rapes per capita. In 2021, according to Sweden’s National Council for Crime Prevention, Sweden had the second-highest number of deadly shootings per capita among 22 European nations (after Croatia) for the preceding four years. Ten years ago, Gothenburg University’s annual survey, “Society, Opinion and Media,” found that law and order was Swedes’ lowest priority. This year, it is their top priority at 41%. Next comes healthcare at 33% and “integration and immigration” at 31%. These three concerns are effectively a single issue, the cascade effects of immigration. The end of the Cold War changed Sweden from the hermit kingdom of Scandinavia into a sought-after destination for immigrants. The Swedes had an exceptionally high confidence in two contradictory values, the superiority of the Swedish way and the desirability of multiculturalism. They expected that their mostly Muslim immigrants would sooner or later assimilate into Sweden’s culture of pacifist homogeneity, so their mosques and southward-pointing satellite dishes would soon fade away. They were wrong. Sweden, like most European Union states, is now socially balkanized. One reason the Social Democrats lost on Sunday is that a new Islamist party, Nuance, took as much as a quarter of the vote in some inner-city districts.  In 2014 a Moderate prime minister, Fredrik Reinfeldt, told Swedes to “open their hearts.” Sweden proceeded to accept more immigrants per capita than any other European country. The asylum system, schools, hospitals, police and courts are overwhelmed. Sweden’s population, which was less than nine million in 2000, has surpassed 10 million for the first time in its history. The public’s hearts have hardened. Support for the Sweden Democrats has risen for nine consecutive elections. Mr. Åkesson is still described as “far right,” but he campaigned on the centrist consensus: The exceptional aspects of Swedish life won’t survive without tighter immigration, stronger policing and sentencing, and assertive policies on culture and integration. Even the centrist parties now grudgingly agree. Magdalena Andersson, leader of the Social Democrats, has called Mr. Åkesson a racist but also decried the breakdown of Swedish society into ethnic enclaves that she called “Somalitown” and “Chinatown.” The right’s margin of victory would be wider if the Center Party, an amalgam of free-market farmers and metropolitan liberals, had sided with its natural partners to the right... The losers of the left alliance view the triumph of the Sweden Democrats much as the Romans viewed the arrival of Attila’s hordes. Really, Sweden was exceptional in holding off this moment for so long. Their neighbors in Denmark have already domesticated their new right party into government. The Danish People’s Party served in a right-liberal coalition government from 2001 to 2011, and the 2015 elections made it Denmark’s second-largest party. It seems Sweden is no longer an exception to Europe’s new rule."
The usual cope for the rape rate is that it's because Sweden counts rapes very generously i.e. an issue of methodology (even if other research finds that the high rape rate isn't due to that [since victim surveys/victimisation surveys also find a rise in rape] and a lot of it is due to migrants). Presumably the newest cope will be that Sweden counts deadly shootings differently too

Sweden’s gun violence rate has soared due to gangs, report says - "Sweden is the only European country where fatal shootings have risen significantly since 2000, leaping from one of the lowest rates of gun violence on the continent to one of the highest in less than a decade, a report has found.  The report, by the Swedish national council for crime prevention (BRA), said the Scandinavian country had overtaken Italy and eastern European countries primarily because of the violent activities of organised criminal gangs.  “The rate in Sweden ranks very high in relation to other European countries, at approximately four deaths per million inhabitants per year. The average for Europe is approximately 1.6 deaths per million inhabitants”... “None of the other countries included in the study have experienced comparable increases.” The report said a decline in other forms of deadly violence, including knife crime, had masked the rise in fatal shootings. The report said more than eight out of 10 shootings were linked to organised crime, a significantly higher proportion than in other countries, and cited gang wars, the drugs trade and low confidence towards the police as potential factors."

The truth about the migrant crisis isn't what you think | The Spectator - "we all know what’s going on. Not from the mainstream media who eagerly line the dock side waiting for exhausted looking women and children being brought off the boats. We all know the reality from alternative media and independent reporters that have filled the void.  I’ve covered the migrant crisis for more than five years and worked on the ground in more than eight countries. I’ve visited dozens of refugee camps and illegal migrant encampments. I’ve spent hundreds of hours with refugees and migrants listening to their stories and trying to make sense of this crisis. The picture I see in the news does not reflect my experience and that of many others.  Over my time on the refugee trail, I’ve noticed that the majority of people making the journey to Europe are males between the age of 18-35. In fact I’d estimate up to 85 per cent of the migrant influx is comprised of young men. I always found it difficult to turn on the TV and see women clutching their infants and fathers weeping as they landed on the shores of Greece. Difficult because of the humanitarian empathy that wells up within us all, but also difficult because it’s not a reality I’m seeing on the ground. What I found over five years across the Balkans and Europe is not what’s written about in the papers, it’s not the stuff that wins journalism awards. It’s the painful reality that the refugee crisis is more complex than we are led to believe. 'Everyone who needs asylum should be given a safe place,' a leftist volunteer once told me. That’s true and it’s a nice notion to live life by, however the reality is starkly different.  What I’ve witnessed over the years is people, who by their own admission are not refugees, taking advantage of European gullibility and generosity. In 2015, when Merkel declared anyone who came will be welcomed in Germany, the door was truly opened. A green light lit up across the Middle East, Africa and other more far-flung parts of the world. With the aid of Google and volunteer organisations people knew exactly what type of persecution, sexual persuasion, religious or ethnic identity would secure them a ticket into Europe.  I don’t mean to be flippant on the subject of fraudulent asylum claims but it seems all too common. In warehouse refugee camps I’ve witnessed men from Egypt studying maps of Damascus to fabricate their identity. I’ve seen North Africans all claim to be Syrians and coincidently all from Damascus. Around a fire on the Serbian-Croatian border I’ve shared cigarettes and fruit with middle class, metropolitan Iranians who are taking their chances on reaching Europe. 'We will say we are Christians and suffer problems because of that. I have had friends who say they’re gay and it worked. The funny thing was when he arrived in Berlin they housed him with other gay refugees.'  Countless stories that don’t fit the narrative pushed on the evening telly fall by the way side. Violence, drugs, alcohol, disease and criminality are the bleak reality I saw on Europe’s borders. I shared the hardship to an extent to understand what truly drives people to pack up everything and come to Europe. Thousands and thousands of genuine refugees suffer in the Balkan barbed wire... How do we protect public health with an influx of uncontrolled migration? How do we address the elephant in the room: integration? What about family reunification? The numbers are vast! If Germany has six million new arrivals then how many more will come if their families are allowed to join them? How will Europe cope with all these people?... Across the world, there are hundreds of millions who would qualify for EU asylum. The question we are all going to have to ask is how much is enough? How many people can the West really take?"
Liberals believe that people don't respond to incentives. We see this with trans mania too

Europe's Nigerian Mafia - "One of the fastest growing criminal networks in Europe is now the Nigerian mafia, which is spreading its criminal activities across the continent. It consists of rival groups such as Black Axe, Vikings and Maphite. Most recently, authorities in Italy, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Malta conducted an international operation directed at two of the major Nigerian mafia groups. Police accused the gangs of human-trafficking, drug trafficking, robbery, extortion, sexual violence and prostitution... The Nigerian mafia, according to the report, is "trafficking women by the tens of thousands". Italian intelligence has named the group "the most structured and dynamic" of any foreign crime entity operating in Italy...        It is no wonder that the Nigerian group has become so prominent in Italy: the country has been one of Europe's front doors for migrants entering Europe.  What distinguishes the Nigerian crime networks is their severe brutality -- Italian police have described them as using "urban guerilla warfare" to hold on to territory in Italy -- and their use of voodoo rituals...   The Nigerian mafia has not limited its operations to just Italy. It has spread as far north in Europe as Germany and Sweden. In London, a trio of Black Axe members was found guilty of laundering almost £1 million, which had been stolen through phone and email fraud. The Nigerian mafia, specifically the group Black Axe, has also spread to Canada, where a 2015 report by the Globe and Mail described it as a "death cult" originating in Nigeria, where it has been linked to "decades of murders and rapes, and its members are said to swear a blood oath". In the US, the FBI recently linked a series of financial frauds to Black Axe. According to the news report, "In the United States and around the world, the group is responsible for the loss of millions of dollars through a variety of elaborate cons".  In Sweden, police has described Black Axe as "one of the world's most effective crime syndicates". Swedish media recently ran a story that shows how Black Axe operates: A 16-year-old Nigerian girl was promised a job in Sweden as a hair stylist. When she arrived, Black Axe forced her to work as a prostitute, after she had gone through a voodoo ritual. "We have your blood now", Black Axe members told her, "If you run we will always find you"...        In Sweden, migrant gang crime has become an almost insurmountable problem: some commentators there have described the situation as "war". Denmark is increasingly fighting migrant gang crime. In Germany, where the migrant gangs are known as criminal family clans, authorities expect to be fighting the problem for decades to come.  In policy debates, the detrimental effects of migration on crime, particularly gang crime, do not receive nearly the attention -- if any -- they deserve. They should."

Illinois Gov Pritzker and Chicago Mayor Lightfoot welcome illegal migrants sent by Texas to Cook County, then sends them out to suburbs in Du Page County

DC mayor declares public emergency over migrant arrivals from Arizona and Texas
So much for the "myth" of the dirty migrant

ICE Arrests Illegal Alien Pedophile After Sanctuary City Released Him Six Times - "Gamez had previously been arrested in 2016 for felony sex with a minor, but was released by San Francisco County Jail due to San Francisco’s sanctuary city policies, ignoring the ICE request for a voluntary transfer of Gamez to its custody. He was then arrested a further four times in 2017 and released by San Francisco County Jail each time. In 2018, he was arrested for domestic violence and convicted of battery, before being released yet again."

Opinion | There Is No Good Reason You Should Have to Be a Citizen to Vote - The New York Times - "Considering the Supreme Court’s recent decision undermining voting rights and Republicans’ efforts to suppress, redistrict and manipulate their way to electoral security, it’s time for Democrats to radically expand the electorate... allowing noncitizens to vote in federal, state and municipal elections would help revitalize American democracy at a time when enthusiasm and trust are lacking. While 2020 was considered a high-turnout election, only about 65 percent of eligible voters cast ballots. Compare that to Germany, where turnout was 76 percent in the last general election."
When liberals proclaim why they love illegal immigration
Apparently knowing that your vote is being diluted will increase enthusiasm and trust about elections

'No-go' zones for women: How a group of activists are taking back the streets of France - Ventures Africa - "In some streets in the outskirt of Paris like Servan, ‘it does matter’ if you don’t wait outside cafes, it does matter if you walk on some streets, it does matter if all you want to do is buy a cup of coffee or sit down and talk in a restaurant. Why? Because you are a woman. Imagine the absurdity?  Somewhere in Lyon France, a Muslim dominated area, men have laid a ban to gender mixing in some streets and some cafes. This means that women are not allowed to be on the same street as men, and not allowed to use the same cafes or restaurants as men. And when women dare to go to these cafes, they are either intimidated, ridiculed or the men treat them like a contagious disease and simply leave the cafe. This habit, fostered by culture and religion, has obviously not resonated with French women and they have launched a fight to take back areas of the country that have been turned into no-go zones by Muslim men.  A women’s rights campaign group has started to organize marches and protests, through walking on the streets that men have deemed illegal, and visiting cafes, that have obviously been built for male domination and total occupancy. Why? Because the owners of these cafes have set the precedence, or just followed it. These measures taken by women activists who will simply not accept a status quo that is demeaning, and frankly oppressive, is to retake these streets that fragile men have marked for their domination to feed their and foster their fragile masculinity.   In Lyon and some other parts of France, women are not only intimidated off the streets, they are also made to dress conservatively, even going as far as not wearing red lipstick, so as not to be threatened or abused by Muslim men"
From 2017. Weird. A few years before this, we were told that no go zones were a lie propagated by the "far right"

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