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Saturday, January 28, 2023

Links - 28th January 2023 (1 - Demi Lovato)

Newz.com - Posts | Facebook - "She gave a concert in front of ghosts đŸ‘»  The singer who now identifies herself as "non-binary", and who has become the role model for progressives, Demi Lovato, claims that she gave a concert in front of an audience full of "ghosts" and that at the end they gave her a standing ovation.  That's right, the "singer" who in recent weeks was trending on social networks for having accused a small ice cream shop of being "fat-phobic" for selling sugar-free products, and for having said that she would like to have a relationship with an alien, has now become the talk of the town again, as she claims that she gave a concert before a group of ghosts and that they gave her a standing ovation at the end of the concert."

Demi Lovato attacked for tweeting she is part African - "Demi Lovato tweeted a DNA ancestry test on Friday, in which she announced that she is one per cent African, much to the chagrin of her followers."
When you take too many drugs

Sorry, Demi Lovato: You Can't Fight Sexism by Opting Out of Womanhood - "Lovato is the latest celebrity to jump on the non-binary trend... Non-binary identities have been on the rise for at least a decade, and have become especially popular among young LGB women. A 2019 study of “LGBTQ” teens done in collaboration with the Human Rights Campaign found that girls were over seven times more likely than boys to identify as non-binary; and that, of these girls, over 70 percent were lesbian or bisexual.  When young women adopt a non-binary label, it often comes with public expressions of relief that they no longer feel pressured to conform to gender norms. From what I have observed personally, these women also are disproportionately likely to be survivors of male violence, sexual trauma, and serious mental health issues... Lovato ticks off many of these patterns... Although Vaid-Menon goes to great lengths to claim that one’s gender identity is unrelated to appearances, or to stereotypes of masculinity and femininity, this claim contradicts everything else the pair relate about their own experiences... For Lovato and many other young people who crave external validation, living “authentically”—which includes not being held back by gender roles—apparently becomes possible only once they take on an identity that justifies this transgression. Being a woman with short hair, or opting to not perform every aspect of femininity on any given day, apparently was impossible for Lovato until she became part man... The most logical way of fighting back is to point out that these stereotypes and expectations are misguided and unhealthy. To instead simply flee the category of woman through a trick of language, on the other hand, isn’t really brave or progressive. Lovato and all the other non-binary-identified women are simply throwing the rest of us under the bus... Giving lip service to someone’s self-conceived identity would appear to be the polite thing to do, so long as no one gets hurt. But while many women who identify as non-binary change little besides their hair cut and pronouns, there’s some evidence that a growing portion of this cohort are opting for gender “nullification” surgeries and hormones in an attempt to appear more androgynous... Being a woman is perceived to be the problem itself, rather than the cultural stereotypes and pressures applied to women.  This is internalized misogyny... This is why “non-binary” women will ultimately end up disappointed. While changing your pronouns and hair may feel like a solution, it’s just a superficial fix that forestalls the hard work of coming to terms with the reality of being female. There, Demi, is where true healing and authenticity lies"

‘You Call Me They, But I’m Still Daddy’s Girl’: Demi Lovato Confuses Twitter With Pronouns, Again - "Lovato has embarked on a journey of self-discovery which included a giant spider tattoo and encouraging followers to “be a slut and make porn.”... “I would say, without question, the most annoying celebrity 
 is Demi Lovato,” The Daily Wire’s Candace Owens said during an All Access Live. “I’ve never seen someone who needs more attention in my life.”  The “Blackout” author said Lovato is the perfect example of “women that overshare because they want attention and they pretend that it’s helping them.” She went on to say the former Disney star is the “queen of this.” “I don’t understand why people come to social media to overshare,” Owens said. “I think the answer to it is because all they are looking for is someone in the comments to be like, ‘You’re so great, that’s amazing, you’re so amazing, oh my God, so brave for speaking out on your multiple personality disorder, me too, oh my God, you’re amazing’ 
 it’s like, actually the disorder that they’re suffering from is a need for attention on social media. And Demi very much has this disorder.”  â€œShe just needs to have social media taken away from her”"

Meme - "Demi Lovato. Then and now. Remember kids, wokeness is ugliness. And that ugliness eventually takes over the host body and manifests externally."

Demi Lovato Had a Heart Attack and Three Strokes After Her Overdose

Meme - "Demi Lovato has looked like both Selena and Selena's killer within 4 years"

"Are they now Has/Been"

Demi Lovato says there might be a time when they identify as trans - "Demi Lovato feels there may be a time in the future where they identify as trans as they are ‘fluid and open’ about their gender identity.  The singer came out as non-binary in May this year, changing their pronouns to they/them...   ‘There might be a time where I identify as trans, I don’t know what this looks like for me.  â€˜There might be a time where I identify as nonbinary and gender non-conforming my entire life, or maybe there’s a period of time when I get older that I identify as a woman."

‘Make Up Her/Their Bloody Mind’: Demi Lovato Sparks Confusion With New Pronoun News - "Podcast host Katie Herzog said Daily Mail online got it wrong in their headline that read, “Demi Lovato admits she is no longer using ‘they/them’ as reverts back to ‘she/her.’”  â€œThis text isn’t quite right—she’s now she/her/they/them—but I’ve seen a few cases like this recently and I suspect we’ll see more soon”... They weren’t the only ones who seemed unsure exactly what the former Disney star meant when she said on the podcast, “Yeah, so, they/them is, um, I’ve actually adopted the pronouns of she/her again with me.”  â€œSo for me, I’m such a fluid person that I don’t really 
 I don’t find that I am 
 I felt like, especially last year, my energy was balanced and my masculine and feminine energy, so that when I was faced with the choice of walking into a bathroom and it said ‘women’ and ‘men,’ I didn’t feel like there was a bathroom for me because I didn’t feel necessarily like a woman,” Lovato shared. “I didn’t feel like a man.”... Headlines from various news outlets and entertainment sites were all over the place with the language used to try and decode what the star meant... As of this publication, Demi’s Instagram page still shows “they/them/she/her” as pronouns in her bio, despite her comments on the show, so it’s unclear if she’s completely abandoning the “they/them” pronouns, or now going by those in addition to “she/her.”"

BLAIRE WHITE on Twitter - "Demi Lovato is now "detransitioning", which for her means switching pronouns (again). Many kids she helped to misinform about transgenderism are not as lucky, and won't make it out without missing body parts."

Demi Lovato Changes Pronouns To She Her - ""I’ve actually adopted the pronouns of she/her again with me," Demi said before referring to herself as a "fluid person.""

Demi Lovato updated their pronouns to include she/her again. Experts say that's more than OK. - "Experts say Lovato updating her pronouns is typical – and should remind us that gender identity is fluid and can change over time."
So since gender identity is fluid and can change over time, why should trans people transition when they may need to transition back? Much less "trans" kids?

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