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Thursday, January 26, 2023

Links - 26th January 2023 (2 - MCU)

SyFy Wire's Dany Roth Admits to Creating Positive Reviews in Order to Maintain Access While Discussing Captain Marvel's Rotten Tomatoes Controversy - "SyFy Wire’s Dany Roth admitted that access media “plays softball” in order to maintain access with Hollywood celebrities and studios while discussing the recent Captain Marvel Rotten Tomatoes controversy... Swiderski states, “I think they should get rid of fans review entirely.” When asked to elaborate he did, “It’s not a right. They run a website. They run a business. Critic reviews are critic reviews and that’s fine. And listen this isn’t me saying fans can’t have an opinion. But this is a tool. It’s obviously being abused more than it is being used constructively especially around particular films that politically rub some people the wrong way for certain reasons. It’s why we can’t have a nice thing. It would be nice if people used it the way it’s supposed to be used, but no one is. So screw it, goodbye.” Swiderski’s comments echo Samuel L. Jackson’s...   A number of media outlets spun the story that people were “review bombing” Captain Marvel before the movie came out. This was demonstrably false as users could not post an audience review score before the film was out. Nevertheless, these media outlets pushed that narrative with many of them claiming these people were “sexist trolls.”  Rotten Tomatoes would redesign their website removing the Want to See score in response to the media coverage"
Why critics' reviews are suspect. The hoi polloi must be ignored. If you don't shut up and consume, you're problematic

Meme - "Kang nonchalantly asking if he's killed Ant-Man before because he doesn't remember due to the sheer number of times he's killed Avengers is probably the most intimidated I've ever felt about an MCU villain lol."
"I'm glad he's black I want the comic world to fear niggas same way I do"

Meme - Ant Man: "Kang, please, why are you doing this??"
Kang: "In my universe I was fired by Tony Stark, who looked a lot like Tom Cruise, for taking his sandwich out of the shared refrigerator"

Meme - *Young Avengers poster with Wiccan, Speed, Cassie Lang, Kate Bishop, America Chavez, Ironheart, Miles Morales, Young Loki, and Eli Bradley*
"I'm rooting for the villain."

Meme - "Wanda?"
"I knew you'd come-"
"Yeah I'm not here. about Westview. Listen I need a date to my ex's wedding and with Natasha now dead you are now the hottest"

Kevin Feige: MCU Will Soon Have More Female Heroes Than Male
From 2018. So much for the M She U being a conspiracy theory. Given that from Captain Marvel on, the female characters are all shitty (without real or even any flaws - the only potentially interesting one is Agatha Harkness, and the fact that she's a villain is telling), we're seeing the results of this strategy

Meme - Christine Palmer: "It was never gonna work out between us"
Stephen Strange: "Why not?"
Christine Palmer: "Because, Stephen, ...I love BBC and you're not 'B' nor do you have a 'BC'."

Simu Liu Takes Shots At ‘Gatekeepers’ Martin Scorsese & Quentin Tarantino Over Comments About Marvel - "“If the only gatekeepers to movie stardom came from Tarantino and Scorsese, I would never have had the opportunity to lead a $400 million plus movie,” Liu wrote... “I loved the ‘Golden Age’ too.. but it was white as hell.”... “Part of the Marvelization of Hollywood is you have all these actors who have become famous playing these characters,” he said. “But they’re not movie stars. Captain America is the star. Thor is the star.”... While explaining that he doesn’t hate the Marvel films, Tarantino said, “My only axe to grind against them is they’re the only things that seem to be made. And they’re the only things that seem to generate any kind of excitement amongst a fan base or even for the studio making them. That’s what they’re excited about. And so it’s just the fact that they are the entire representation of this era of movies right now. There’s not really much room for anything else. That’s my problem.”...   In 2019, after comparing Marvel films to theme park rides and stating they are not cinema, the “Taxi Driver” director penned an op-ed for the New York Times expanding on his views.  “Many of the elements that define cinema as I know it are there in Marvel pictures. What’s not there is revelation, mystery or genuine emotional danger. Nothing is at risk,” he wrote. “The pictures are made to satisfy a specific set of demands, and they are designed as variations on a finite number of themes.”  Scorsese continued, “So, you might ask, what’s my problem? Why not just let superhero films and other franchise films be? The reason is simple. In many places around this country and around the world, franchise films are now your primary choice if you want to see something on the big screen. It’s a perilous time in film exhibition, and there are fewer independent theatres than ever.”   He also wrote of the state of cinema more broadly, “Many films today are perfect products manufactured for immediate consumption. Many of them are well made by teams of talented individuals. All the same, they lack something essential to cinema: the unifying vision of an individual artist. Because, of course, the individual artist is the riskiest factor of all.” Liu, meanwhile, after posting his tweets calling out the two filmmakers, seemed aware of the backlash he was likely to endure.  In another tweet he wrote, “bracing for loser internet trolls like,” accompanied by a clip of himself getting into a martial arts stance in a scene from “Shang-Chi”."
Grievance mongers thrive on offence. Only a "troll" could ever disagree with a liberal

Marvel Studios Producer Considers It A "Red Flag" If Prospective Writers Are Fans Of Original Comics, Prefers To Hire Someone "Who's Out Of The Culture" - "As if it wasn’t obvious enough from simply watching any of the studio’s post-Infinity War output, producer Nate Moore has revealed that he believes the key to Marvel Studios’ success is hiring writers who are “out” of the comic book culture over anyone who loves the source material... Noting that some Marvel writers grew up reading and collecting comics, such as Avengers: Endgame co-director Joe Russo and Black Panther director Ryan Coogler, Moore told Belloni, “one thing I think is interesting, and specifically for writers I would say, is that a lot of times we’re pitched writers who love Marvel, and to me that’s always a red flag.”  “I don’t want you to already have a pre-existing idea of what it is, because you grew up with the comics and that’s what you want to recreate,” he explained. “I want someone who’s going to be hard on the material, who can go ‘What is this? I think there’s a movie here. but maybe we should be looking at it in this way'”
No wonder Phase 4 sucks

In Seeming Dig At Taika Waititi, 'Thor' Star Chris Hemsworth Says He Refuses To Work With Any More "Mad Genius" Directors - "In an apparent but plausibly deniable dig against Thor: Ragnarok and Thor: Love and Thunder director Taika Waititi, franchise star Chris Hemsworth has said that not only will he no longer work with any “mad genius” directors, but that he is also only interested in returning as the God of Thunder if “there is something unique and fresh and unexpected to do with the character and the world.”   If there’s anyone who has been privy to the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s tendency to ruin its characters in service of cheap laughs, it’s Thor quadrilogy star Chris Hemsworth, From retreading the exact same “I must find myself” plot line across nearly every one of his appearances to being demoted from the royal prince of a powerful kingdom to a walking, occasional hammer swinging laughing stock, Hemsworth’s Thor has truly embodied the studio’s post-Infinity War inability to treat its characters with any semblance of respect or care"

'Black Panther: Wakanda Forever' Producer Defends Changes To Namor's Character: "We Really Anchor Him In That World In A Truth That Publishing Never Really Landed On" - "In a further example of his seeming disdain for the very material upon which the films he works on are based, Marvel Studios producer Nate Moore has stood by the changes made to Namor’s character in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever on the grounds that they “really anchored him in that world in a truth that publishing never really landed on”."

It’s time to kill the MCU - "While there’s no denying that the Marvel Cinematic Universe has had profound effects on both the movie business and pop culture in general, there’s also no denying that the project has become unwieldy and aimless. The MCU delighted fans by staying true to the Marvel comics formula. But in so doing, it also managed to recreate everything wrong with Marvel comic books — and in approximately a fifth of the time... What set the MCU apart was its keen eye for continuity and crossovers, just like the comics that inspired it.  The only problem is that the MCU accomplished its goal right out of the gate. Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Captain America and Thor were all entertaining (and sometimes legitimately excellent) films, and set the stage perfectly for a big crossover spectacle. The Avengers delivered almost flawlessly on that premise, delivering well-written banter, unexpected plot twists and memorable action set pieces from start to finish.  However, as any comic book fan can tell you, big crossover events have diminishing returns. The trouble with the MCU is that what began as a moonshot team-up project became something much more formulaic and predictable over time. Think about how many additional origin stories we’ve had to sit through since The Avengers, and how many sequels wound up spinning their wheels until the next big crossover movie.  Think, too, about how many of these films actually did something clever or unexpected with the superhero formula. It’s not many. Even the movies that tried, such as Eternals, didn't necessarily pull it off well.  Worse still: the actual movies and shows became almost totally ancillary to keeping people interested in the MCU. Instead, the whole project has become a race to see who can identify the most references and guess the next potential plot points as quickly as possible. (Bonus points if you work for a major magazine, and can garner a lot of clicks from doing so.) When the next MCU project debuts, go ahead and keep an eye on how much coverage grapples with the movie or show’s themes and storytelling, and how much coverage points out Easter eggs or speculates on when the X-Men are going to show up. It’s a superficial way to engage with the media we consume, but it’s what the MCU has trained us to do... I was determined to read the comics firsthand and continue the story.  The only trouble was that after a trip to my local comic book store, I had no idea where to start. Stories in Marvel comics aren’t self-contained adventures that wrap up within a few years, like the X-Men cartoon. Instead, Marvel continuity ran all the way back to the very first issue of Fantastic Four in 1961. (And, truthfully, some of the stuff before that — but not all of it!) The canon comprised thousands upon thousands of stories, characters and events, some of which contradicted each other, and most of which simply weren’t accessible anymore... Marvel has yearly(ish) crossover events, which shake up the status quo in the Marvel Universe and usually end with a huge battle against some kind of cataclysmic threat. Avengers: Disassembled was the first one I read, and I quickly realized that just reading the monthly Avengers comic wasn’t enough. To get the full story, I also had to read (and, of course, buy) monthly issues of Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Fantastic Four and Spider-Man. It was a lot of extra information — and a lot of extra money.  I followed this cycle for a few years, throughout House of M, Civil War, Siege and Fear Itself. Some crossovers were better than others, but each one of them involved a ton of backstory, a ton of side stories and a ton of follow-up stories.  Eventually, I had a realization: The constant worldbuilding-upon-worldbuilding (at ever-increasing expense) was never going to end. I’d become incredibly invested in the story, but Marvel was never going to provide catharsis. If I wanted an ending, I’d simply have to pick a stopping point myself.  In other words, Marvel comics have spent 60 years creating a messy, labyrinthine, impenetrable mythos, with a steep onboarding cost (in terms of both time and money), and no easy way to get out. The MCU has done the same, but this time around, the process took only a decade."

The MCU Is Best When It Isn't Making Superhero Movies - "The genre of superhero movies has been around for a long while and has been refined into an art form by the MCU. Basically, a superhero movie is either an origin story or a McGuffin hunt... the best movies of the MCU are the ones that don’t heavily rely on the classic superhero genre. It’s when the filmmakers take the canvas of the superhero movie and paint a different genre upon it, that’s when we get something really special. It doesn’t always happen. The first Ant-Man movie was hyped as a heist movie and though it featured a heist it never felt as though the filmmakers committed to the genre and that commitment is the key.  Thor: Ragnarok is a comedy first, a superhero movie second. It has all the CGI, heroics, wisecracks, and trappings of a superhero movie you would expect but director Taika Waititi piles on jokes, wordplay, slapstick, crude humor, broad humor, clever humor, and quintessential Kiwi dryness to give us a genuinely laugh-out-loud funny movie. The MCU has always contained comedy – the Marvel Humor that people tweet about but can’t define – but Thor: Ragnarok was the first movie to go all-in on it. And the result is a hilarious movie that also just happens to be a superhero movie. Captain America: The Winter Soldier, often held up as the best the MCU has produced, is a superhero movie hiding behind a 70s paranoia thriller... Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is a horror movie about a magic battle between two Avengers... These days, I find myself pulled towards movies with mixed reviews because I know I’m going to get something interesting one way or another as, in a world of sequels, remakes, and, yes, superhero movies, it’s important that filmmakers keep making movies that stop people in their tracks and make them think about what they’ve just seen."

Meme - Eternals Venn Diagram:
The ones you care about
The ones without a character arc
The ones who don't impact the story"

Jo Wicks's answer to Why are people mad at Brie Larson? - Quora - "I have to say, after watching her in a number of interviews, I find her incredibly obnoxious.  She is extremely rude and abrasive and wears a constant look of disdain.  She comes across as bitter, angry and arrogant.  I speak as a woman, a Feminist in the original sense (equality for all) and somebody who was raised to have good manners.  She's like a petulant, sulky, overgrown brat. I'm constantly waiting for her to stamp her feet."
Answer to Why are people mad at Brie Larson? - Quora - "I’m a woman, I’m a feminist, I don’t hate her but, oh my God.  Men-hating comments aside, her simple attitude alone is enough to show arrogance... While Chris Hemsworth praised his stunt doubles and trainers, Brie jumped in and said,      “See, this is the thing - I did my stunts because I thought that everyone did!”  Bad choice of words. Really, really bad. Her response contrasted sharply against Chris’s. He was putting himself down and then suddenly Brie tried to put herself up above Chris. Things would have been better if Brie had also given her appreciation to people that helped her in the movie or said something else. Anything else would’ve been better. But she didn’t. This created a black-and-white image to audiences: Chris is a humble man, Brie is an arrogant woman.   For me, she came across as thirsty for compliments and seeking recognition. She tried to show that she’s unique - but in a wrong way.  Also, there was a chance to fix her wrongdoings when Chris compared her to Tom Cruise. She could’ve praised Tom for his stunt actions, or even if she doesn’t agree, she could’ve explained what stunt she did that differentiates her from the Mission: Impossible actor, or she could’ve at least made another joke, but she didn’t. Instead, she got offended... In her eyes, it seems EVERYTHING is negative. She got really defensive over simple, harmless things, like how she got salty over people wondering whether she works out or not."
Of course, expecting women to have good manners is misogyny. Only men need to be polite

Meme - "What If? *White Black Panther*"

Meme - "Michael Tuffley Photography is at Dragon*Con September 27
Atlanta, GA, United States
This is a dark timeline #multiverseofmadness #wanda #scarletwitch #captaincarter #cosplay #marvel #dragoncon"

Meme - "r/Marvel
u/ NoobMaster69
Having been through a divorce there's no better or painful moment in the MCU than the first few minutes of Endgame. It's hard to rewatch. It's exactly what being divorced is like. You have a family and... then you don't. I don't think I'd ever judge Hawkeye for Ronin. Honestly, I can see why he'd do it."
"Honey, I'm leaving you and I'm taking the kids with me."
"OMG!!! Just like Endgame!!!"

Meme - "If you ever feel stupid, just remember that Rapu thought it was a good idea to demean his last remaining adherent, who had just lost everything... while the only weapon in the universe which could've ended his existence was laying within reach of said adherent."

Meme - "Kang the conqueror when he sees Thor share his powers with all 100 Avengers, Eternals, Thunderbolts, Fantastic 4, Guardians of the Galaxy and thousands of Asgardians, Skrulls, Sorcerers and Wakandan soldiers in the final battle"

Meme - "Janet van Dyne at Tony Stark's funeral when she didn't even meet him *Meghan Markle at the Queen's funeral*"

Meme - "Wait so you're Spider-Man too? Why didn't you just say that?"
"Do look like a fucking idiot to you? Unlike your dumbass friend, I don't tell every fucking person I meet that I'm Spider-Man. The whole reason why we have to deal with this multiversal bullshit is because he can't keep his mouth shut"

Marvel faces backlash for reviving anti-Palestinian Israeli superhero Sabra in upcoming Captain America film - "Marvel has ignited anger around the world after announcing that it is bringing back Israeli superhero Sabra, a racist, anti-Palestine character first introduced in 1980s Hulk comics.  On Sunday, it was announced at the D23 Expo that the upcoming Marvel film Captain America: New World Order will feature Sabra’s Marvel Cinematic Universe debut. Israeli actor Shira Haas has been chosen to play the character... Though some Twitter users argued that the character was named Sabra before the massacre occurred, others countered that by saying the name could have been changed since it is now a reminder of a painful history. Plus, the character is being introduced into the cinematic universe over four decades after it was created, there could have been an evolved approach that didn’t so outrightly take a political stance."
You can never satisfy the woke

Meme - "When she make you nut before you leave the house so u don't have the energy to cheat *Captain Marvel holding Thanos*"

Meme - "> introduces a latina character
> her superpower is crossing borders"
Plus her name is America

Meme - "ok, so have a theory about Vision. You and Stark created him in a machine as a counter to Ultron. There's no reason why you or Tony would give a weapon containing an infinity gem a penis, therefore think Vision died a virgin"
"you really want to know?"
"oh, I already know. I must be right!"
"well Tony's room was next to Vision's at the Avengers Compound. and and he told me he heard more sokovian screams coming from that room when wanda was in there than during the battle of sokovia"

Meme - "Marvel actors: Visiting sick kids in hospitals in character
meanwhile DC actors
Amber Heard: 'Prepare for trouble!'
Ezra Miller: 'And make it double!'"
Comment: "Amber Heard's face is so undefined that everytime I see a meme or a movie with her in it, I have to play Clue to figure out who she is. I never have issues recognizing people, but she is always just generic blonde woman."

Meme - "Kevin Feige: I think I forgot something
Disney: If you forgot, then it wasn't important
Kevin Feige: Yeah, you're right
*Sokovia Accords in rain*"

*Everett Ross and Ulysses Klaue*
*Bilbo and Gollum*"

Facebook - "Apparently if you depart from Middle-Earth, you end up at Marvel"

Meme - "In this scene Tobbey a matured and aged Spider-Man was trying to teach a young and teen spider boy. That if you will let it go & forgive your enemy he will stab you in your back"

Meme - "Tom: My GF forgot who I am. I'm single now
Andrew: Me too, mine's dead
Tobey: It's ok, I'll teach you boys how to pick up girls
*Bully Maguire x3*"

Meme - "Ursula Ditkovich
Is wholesome and patient
Loves you because of your looks and personality
feeds you cookies
would forgive you
would never cheat on you
not a hypocrite
MJ Watson
Very impatient and gets angry on small mistakes
Won't give a shit about you unless you're a richie or superhero
runs away in the middle of a date in which you're paying the bills
would get ready marry another guy if you make her upset
Won't even think about you when kissing a superhero or richie

Marvel promised to not objectify women anymore, now here is a shirtless highschool boy from Ms. Marvel : KotakuInAction

Meme - "Kamala collecting boys each episode: *Thanos*"

Meme - Dr Octopus: "Is a loving husband.
Causes his wife's death, and hates himself due to the guilt he feels for it.
Wants to produce a self sustaining energy source for all of mankind, no matter what the cost."
Sandman: "Not a bad person, he just had bad luck
Just wants money to save his dying daughter.
Survives being turned into sand, literally because of how much he loves his daughter."
The Lizard: "Turn everyone into lizards for literally no reason."
Electro: "Spider-Man didn't come to my birthday party."
Mysterio: "Tony Stark called my technology "BARF""

Viral 'Falcon and Winter Soldier' tweet reveals Marvel's worst flaw is back - "when a villain has fascist tendencies, Marvel makes sure we love them; but when the bad guy is a revolutionary anarchist, the studio goes out of its way to make them look totally evil"
What a delusional article. To the left, nuance is unacceptable - the left must be heroes and the right must be villains

Meme - Hulk: "I gained the powers I hate through a horrific accident. My father killed my mother and spent all of my life trying to turn me to evil. I lived in exile as a wanted man pursued by the military that wants to use me as a lab rat. I lost the one person I love." She-Hulk: "I'm perfect"
Meme - Iron Man: "I was tortured as a prisoner of war. I grappled with alcoholism. I had to confront my family's legacy. I became terminally ill because of the same technology keeping me alive. I sacrifice my life to save the universe."
Ironheart (Riri Williams): "I'm perfect"
If you think a female character is bad, shallow or unrealistic, you're just a misogynistic incel

Meme - "Michael Ward: Every person hating on she hulk right now. *sexism alert*"
If you don't shut up and consume, you're a bad person
I'm sure this won't stop people claiming that no one is claiming that everyone who doesn't like She-Hulk is sexist

'She-Hulk Attorney at Law' Episode 1 Review - A Show That Exposes All The Flaws Of Progressive Screenwriting - "The writers opted not to spend numerous episodes taking Walters on the same route that Bruce Banner did to control his anger. Instead, the show decides to fast forward past this arc by explaining that Jennifer is already great at controlling her anger better than Bruce, because she is a woman who deals with men every day... The idea of Jennifer being in complete control of her emotions is not true, because seven minutes into the episode we see her lose control when a group of men talk to her outside of a bar, meaning the entire narrative the show attempts to create is undercut within minutes. Poor writing. When you are dealing with an episode of bad writing, you should always ask yourself “who wrote this?” She-Hulk is written by 38-year-old Chinese-American writer Jessica Gao, whose biggest claim to fame was winning an Emmy for writing the “Pickle Rick” episode of Rick & Morty. Gao is responsible for the majority of the dialogue you will experience in this series. Jennifer Walters as a character sounds like a 40-year-old progressive woman who has made her gender the defining trait of her personality. Shows like this fail because modern Hollywood writers cannot separate their own ideology from the characters that they are writing. So when She-Hulk speaks, it’s Jessica Gao doing the talking... Mark Ruffalo is by far the best part of the first episode, because he acts as the calm voice of reason who is constantly met with disdain for the crime of trying to explain to his cousin the magnitude of the situation that she is in. Yet, as the dialogue states, Jennifer doesn’t take kindly to men telling her what to do.   Nobody who has watched The Incredible Hulk or the first two Avengers movies would have written a line that disregards the tragic story of Bruce Banner, because it would have made no sense. The show doesn’t want the character of Jennifer Walters to be viewed as “emotional” or “difficult,” but after 30 minutes of screen time, she’s done nothing to disprove those characteristics. Jennifer Walters comes off as a character who is mad at the world, but hasn’t accomplished anything for audiences to sympathize with her struggle. This is Woke progressivism in a nutshell... This show was made by people who have brought into the idea that catcalling and “mansplaining” are on the same pillar of trauma as grief and self-loathing."

Rumor: Disney To Race-Swap A Number Of X-Men For The Marvel Cinematic Universe, Use Cameos From Fox Films As "Better Bait" For Fan Interest - ""3 of them have said that one of the main objectives is to « continue to move on, to transit from white men », even if this means leaving money on the table.”  “They know that « unfortunately white men are the money in the whole revenue stream chain, which includes multiple viewings, more merch at higher price points, secondary media spends, etc,” they concluded. “We want to give the minimum possible needed to get the most that we can out of them. We’ll have to throw them a couple of bones.»”"

Meme - "And as you can see, I am not dead. I absolutely should be, I was literally impaled. But this is owned by Disney so there was no blood"

Meme - "Black Panther 2 Has Left Fans Convinced Shuri is Lesbian, Demand Marvel Studios to Show Budding Romance Between Riri Williams and Shuri"
"I mean when your movie is full of women completely drained of femininity, that will happen. Btw Disney is firing a bunch of ppl and putting hiring on hold. So I'm not sure this kinds shit is as popular as twitter tells them it is"

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