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Friday, July 01, 2022

Links - 1st July 2022 (1 - Abortion)

Georgia Grainger on Twitter - "Vasectomy as an alternative also doesn't work for women with multiple male partners, unless all of them have had vasectomies. Women already struggle if they get pregnant by an affair and their husband has had a vasectomy. We don't have to be perfect to deserve choice."
Opposing female accountability is misogynist

Meme - "When you finally reach Heaven and all your abortions are there waiting for you"

Meme - "1973 We Must Do Something About Overpopulation
1981 It's Just a Clump of Cells
1986 OK It Looks Like a Baby but It's Not Really Alive
1993 OK It's Alive but It Can't Feel Pain
1996 OK It Can Feel Pain but It's Not a Baby It's a Fetus
2004 OK It's a Baby but It's Not Murder Because It's the Mother's Choice!
2015 OK It's Murder but You Can't Criticize Us for It Unless You're Willing to Adopt All the Unwanted Children in the World
2019 Now We Want to Kill Babies AFTER They're Born We're Not Even Trying to Excuse It Anymore We're Just Evil and We Don't Care Who Knows It"
On the "myth" of the slippery slope

Meme Ricky Collins: "This is very true. In certain states you are not allowed to own a vagina without a permit and a good reason. In all States you are not allowed to own a vagina if you are a felon. It is federally illegal to purchase a vagina before the age of 18 from a dealer, unless you're purchasing a certain kind, then you must be 21. If you fail a background check, you will not receive your vagina. Your vagina cannot have certain things inside it, and if it does, you will go to prison. If you happen to be a vagina dealer, your vaginas are subject to inspection fron the government on any day at any time if they so choose, and the government can take them all from you permanently if you are missing only one slip of paper. Simply the presence of your vagina, even if legal and posing no threats makes your odds of being murdered by police during a traffic stop astronomically higher. Your vagina may not urinate faster than the regulated speed. Your vagina must not have a stock if it is under 16" unless it is registered. Your vagina must have special permissions from the government, you must pay $200, and you must wait a minimum of 6 months if you want your vagina to be quieter. We can continue this literally all day."
On women being more regulated than guns

Meme - "Calm down liberals. No one is coming for your abortions. We just want common sense abortion control. Mandatory background checks complete with mental health evaluation. Must be placed in a national abortion registry. $200 tax stamp and a 1 year wait period. Outlaw assault abortions after the first trimester and limit the number you can have. No one NEEDS more than one abortion."

What are parasites and how do they make us sick? - "A parasite is an organism that lives in or on an organism of another species"
So many pro-abortion people claim the fetus is a parasite. So much for following the science. I think they just want to justify their aggressive anti-natalism with their contempt for kids, e.g. with groups such as Fuck (and I cannot stress this enough) them kids | Facebook

I,Hypocrite - Posts - "My body my choice. Parasites don't have rights"
"By the end of her life, the average woman will have a negative fiscal impact of $150,000"
Of course, we will still be told that though many feminists call fetuses parasites, they aren't pro-abortion

Meme - "I WILL die fighting with a coat hanger in my hand! If I ever need to...I WILL die fighting with a coat hanger in my FUCKING hand than be breeding stock for the GOP. I WILL take MY autonomy into my own hands! I WILL brake your "laws"! I WILL eradicate the parasite from MY BODY and smear the unborn sludge over your door like lambs blood and the fucking Israelites in Egypt! (Not that I believe that shit). I WILL spend every penny I own to drive to Mexico or Canada to free myself! I WILL protest! I WILL scream and yell and throw shit if I have to! What will not do? WILL NOT LISTEN TO YOU! I WILL NOT obey! I WILL NOT stay silent! I WILL NOT COMPLY! WILL NOT be some better-homes-and-gardens breeder clone! You will not lock me behind the white picket fence of domestic dystopia! Fuck. You."
These people are deranged

Meme - Harry @Fat_Chicken_: "If any of you pro lifers get tape worms you better suck it up and be a good host, because tape worms have a heartbeat and feel pain. It deserves a choice and it chose you to be its mother."
Apparently tapeworms are worth as much as humans

Abortion Doctor Arrested For Not Wearing Mask While Killing Late-Term Infant | The Babylon Bee - ""This maniac seemed to have been doing a good thing by killing this parasite in the name of women's health, but not wearing a mask was putting the woman at literally a 0.001% chance of dying," said Mayor Bill de Blasio. "We must all do our part to fight for the health of New Yorkers by upholding our mask laws for the foreseeable decade.""

Meme - "Can you name even ONE rule men have over their bodies"
"Pardon me ma'am just got drafted to go die in a war"

Abortion activists accidentally confirm that sexual responsibility works in calling for sex strike over Texas pro-life law - "Perhaps the only humorous part of the backlash to the Texas Heartbeat Act is the number of abortion activists furiously demanding that pro-lifers be consistent in their beliefs by ensuring that men cannot abandon women and their children. Which, as it turns out, is precisely what pro-lifers want. There have been plenty of dry rejoinders from pro-lifers: “Congratulations, you’ve invented marriage.”... The best response to the Heartbeat Act was abortion activists suggesting that pro-abortion women go on a sex strike—as if that would teach pro-lifers a lesson? Democrat Pam Keith tweeted that: “It would be AWESOME if all over TX, there was a mass exodus of women from all dating apps. By the million, TX women should delete Bumble, hinge, tinder, match and all the others. TX men need to see the women’s profiles go dark.” One response to Keith’s stroke of genius summed it up perfectly: “Periodically progressives reverse engineer healthy sexual behavior and they act like they’ve discovered Atlantis.”"

Meme - "Haha, it's probably "literally 1984", isn't it? Stupid right-wingers"
"I can't believe Texas is restricting abortion! This is LITERALLY the handmaid's tale!"

Abortion Supporters Chant 'Hail Satan' in Texas Capitol as Pro-Lifers Sing 'Amazing Grace'

Texas nonprofit hands out ‘Abortions are magical’ holiday party favors - "“Magical” isn’t typically associated with abortion but one Texas group used the term to celebrate at a holiday party, then doubled down by calling the procedure “self-care.”Texas Equal Access (TEA) Fund posted what appears to be prayer candles marked with the message, “Abortions are magical” and the colorful outline of a unicorn... On its website, TEA Fund describes its mission as providing “funding to low-income people in the northern region of Texas who are seeking abortion and cannot afford it, while simultaneously working to end barriers to abortion access.”... After receiving significant backlash, the pro-choice group doubled down on its choice of language.“Abortions are magical for most people who have them and refuting that just increases stigma around abortion,” the group explained in a separate Facebook post. “They are health care, self-care, and community care.”"
Strange, I thought liberals tell us that no one is actually pro-abortion, only pro-choice

Meme - "14-16 weeks human fetus..!!"
aly$sa @notsircartier: "i wonder if i throw it itll get stuck to the wall"
al @b8kedbrain: "use the umbilical cord and play it like those sticky hand toys"
Vanessa Dee @SoundAndSalt: "I'd stomp on that until it was unrecognizable, and do so with a smile o my face."
@lanMcGlinsey: "This literally looks like strawberry jam wit chocolate chips, sit down Emma
@spoofy_t0fu: "it has no brain"
swamp demon Disclosure Red Roc...: "if I saw that on the ground, I'd be 100% stomp on it"
@_ebulllence: "I'd think it was a bug or something wtf"

‘I am God’: Comedian says abortion empowered her and encourages others to get one - "A comedian who rose to fame after roasting President Trump and calling reporters "cowards" at the 2018 White House Correspondents' dinner said her abortion made her feel like God. "You can feel any way that you want after an abortion," said 34-year-old writer and comedian Michelle Wolf. "Get one! See how you feel! You know how my abortion made me feel? Very powerful. You know how people say you can't play God? I walked out of there being like, 'Move over, Morgan Freeman. I am God!'"... Wolf further made light of abortion, saying it should be treated with all the gravity of a "gluten allergy" and that "you should be able to get an abortion for any reason you want.” In 2018, Wolf said, "God bless abortions" on the July 4 special of her Netflix show The Break with Michelle Wolf."

Garbage Human re-follow - Posts - *T-shirt: "I've had 21 abortions!"*

Lara Parker on Twitter - "abortion is normal *T-shirt: 'Choose life: have an abortion'*"

Joey on Twitter - "okay so here's my big news, i'm pregnant! we'll find out weather it's a girl or an abortion #killallmen♥️."
There're many people with similar tweets

Andrew Solender on Twitter - "Yang on late-term abortions #OurRightsOurCourts: “We have to get back to the point where nobody should be celebrating abortion... it’s a tragedy, to me, if someone decides they don’t want to have a child... celebrating children, family, these are universal human values”"
Naturally, there were quite a few liberals condemning him over this (even though he said he was for abortion rights - at any stage throughout their pregnancy). I guess they forgot that Hillary said almost the same thing (in fact, she didn't go as far as to endorse allowing late-term abortions)
Fascinatingly there were some who equated being anti-late term abortion to being anti-abortion
This points to a fascinating liberal failure to distinguish between the right to perform an act and the celebration of that act. So Voltaire would be a hypocrite for his alleged quote of "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it". It also illustrates the radical stance of how if you don't support the most extreme version of a principle, you are taken to be against it - so for example, if you are opposed to illegal immigration, you are smeared as being anti-immigrant

Meme - "Queen of broken hearts @sovietbabey: "MY CUSTOM ABORTION HOOPS CAME IN AND I AM SCREAMING"
"I can't have children of my own and this makes me sick"
"maybe u can get custom hoops that say "infertile" or something... idk"
Addendum: Weird, I thought no one was pro-abortion

Meme - Cake batter @KITTYPANTS: "How it started vs. how it's going
*Ultrasound vs drinking beer*" Peepeepoopoo @trashhh_00: "what u got an abortion? Imao"
cake batter @KITTYPANTS: ";)"

Meme - Kate Morgan (blue check mark): "If you're a white women and are currently pregnant with a white baby boy.. do us all a favor and take a trip to planned parenthood"
Weird. I thought anti-white hatred was a myth, just like people being pro-abortion

Portland now offers bereavement leave after abortions, but I thought an abortion was just removing a clump of cells... - "Portland city employees will now be eligible for paid bereavement leave after having abortions. The policy change is clear that this includes all abortions, "irrespective of whether deemed medically necessary."... Abortion rights activists are celebrating the move, but I'm not sure if they know what the definition of bereavement is...."
Basically it's gynocentrism

Argentinian pro-abortion leader dies during abortion procedure - "Maria de Valle Gonzalez Lopez died during what she labeled her “dream” abortion operation. She was 23 years old and was the leader of the Radical Youth in the La Paz municipality in the province of Mendoza. Her death has sparked a fierce debate about abortion in Argentina and led for calls for women to know that the procedure can sometimes carry serious risks... Some are pointing to what they believe is a double-standard in the case. Pro-life leader Guadalupe Batallan posted the following entry on her Twitter account on Monday, writing, “If Maria had died as a result of an abortion carried out in the abortion underground, the feminists would’ve razed the town. But since Maria died as a result of a legal abortion, her death has been erased.”"

Meme- Meg Ann @Freedom_chronicles: "I'm so embarrassed to be a part of a generation that laughs when a baby is ripped limb from limb in the womb, yet cries when someone calls them the wrong pronoun."

Meme - "Don't like abortion?? JUST DON'T HAVE ONE."
"That doesn't make sense. It's like saying... if you don't like slavery, just don't have a slave. If you don't like murder, just don't murder anyone. If you don't like child abuse, just don't abuse your children. Some choices are always wrong & should be outlawed, especially choices that kill."

A calamity for women...just as the doctor predicted - "Abortion is the only event that modern liberals think too violent and obscene to portray on TV. This is not because they are squeamish or prudish. It is because if people knew what abortion really looked like, it would destroy their pretence that it is a civilised answer to the problem of what to do about unwanted babies... Let's think, instead, about whether abortion supporters should be prepared to amend the 1967 law that got us where we are today. Even Lord Steel, author of that Act, now has the courage to admit that there are now too many abortions. Now, here's an interesting thing that most people don't know. Lord Steel's Act did not, in fact, legalise abortions in this country. It just made them much, much easier. They were already legal, and had been since the trial of Dr Aleck Bourne in 1938 established that a serious danger to the mother's health was a complete defence to criminal charges. Dr Bourne himself, asked to support the change, had refused to do so, saying: "Abortion on demand would be a calamity for womanhood." He predicted the 'greatest holocaust in history' if the Bill were passed. He could hardly be dismissed as a callous or inflexible or cowardly person, since he was obviously none of these things. So the abortion lobby have always simply ignored him. I think it's time his case, and his arguments, were remembered and reconsidered. It is clear that abortion is now used in many cases as a lazy form of contraception for people who cannot be bothered. It is particularly shocking that many women seeking abortions have had them at least once before."
Apparently by Peter Hitchens, though his name is not there
So much for the "myth" of the slippery slope

94% of Belgian doctors surveyed support 'after-birth abortion' for babies with disabilities

Abortion gender gap: men and women have similar views - "It’s typical in progressive circles to assume that abortion politics is heavily driven by gender, reflecting the left’s conviction that the legality of abortion is fundamentally a question of women’s rights and bodily autonomy. Polls, however, tend to show only very modest gender gaps in views of abortion. Women and men in the United States and elsewhere generally hold similar opinions... This is particularly striking because gender-based opinion gaps are a widespread feature of politics both worldwide and in the US specifically. American women are far more likely to approve of the expansion of government programs than men, for example. Abortion just doesn’t happen to be one of the issues that display a notably large gender gap... women are slightly more likely than men to describe themselves as pro-life"
In other words, on some measures women are more likely to be against abortion than men. And in the UK this is even stronger. So abortion activists who claim that women should be the only ones to have a say about abortion should be careful what they wish for (though they in reality then do a bait and switch from group rights to individual rights and claim only the individual concerned can say anything about abortion)

About Half of U.S. Abortion Patients Report Using Contraception in the Month They Became Pregnant - "In 2014, about half (51%) of abortion patients in the United States reported that they had used a contraceptive method in the month they became pregnant, according to a new analysis by Guttmacher researcher Rachel Jones"
Weird. We're told that it's a "myth" that there're women who use abortion as birth control

Thread by @blackqueeriroh on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Remember that fat people with uteruses deserve access to easy, fast and safe contraceptive methods, too. There are no morning after pills that work for people over 195lbs.
Fat people also are far more likely to be charged a "fat fee" to get an abortion, and are far more likely to have longer delays in getting an abortion because doctors incorrectly claim abortions for fat people are more "difficult."
fat people are more likely to have complications from abortions because abortion providers have this false belief and have not trained on fat people. support safe, easy, and plentiful access to abortion for all, but especially fat people.
Wow. This has blown up. I have three asks:
1. Donate to an abortion fund.
2. Follow @fatabortionfund to support us once we launch shortly
3. Listen to @unsolicitedftb, where a bunch of amazing fat people talk about this & other anti-fatness every other week! Season Two in 2 mos!"
The "myth" strikes again. 4/5 of the tweets in the thread are explicitly about abortion, and this is in the wake of yet another abortion controversy in the US, so

Meme - "Notice how it's only white people that are pro-life, they just love being in the opposing position all the time"
"I'm black"
"You're white washed then honey bc prolife was started out of racism"

Unborn Babies Disguise Selves As Death Row Inmates So Liberals Will Defend Their Right To Live | The Babylon Bee - "The babies got the idea from how major media networks reliably frame their coverage of state executions of death row inmates, no matter the details of their depraved and demonic crimes they committed while they were alive and free... “The only way people get attention these days is if they set up an autonomous zone or torch some cop cars or stand in traffic,’ said the ultrasound technician. “Criminal activity is simply the voice of the unheard.”"

Meme - "It would be nice if some of these God-botherers worried about children (and the mothers) AFTER they were born half as much as they do before the child is born. Pretty sure Jesus would think that was a good idea."
"If you don't count the Christian orphanages, charities, hospitals, soup kitchens, missions, etc., and if in general you ignore the fact that there are Christians in every country, everywhere, feeding the hungry and treating the sick, then, yeah, you make a great point."
Naturally the original tweet got deleted

Most pro-choice adults oppose late-term abortion, denying newborns care: Poll - "Even most pro-choice Americans oppose late-term abortion, according to a newly released poll, putting them at odds with the Democratic push for state legislation removing barriers to third-trimester procedures.A survey conducted by You.gov with the pro-life group Americans United for Life found that 66 percent of U.S. adults who identify as pro-choice opposed third-trimester abortions, and 68 percent oppose abortions the day before a baby is born."
So much for liberals claiming that those who want to keep late-term abortion banned just want to ban abortion

Abortion | Gallup Historical Trends
Pretty consistently since 1975, about a quarter of Americans think abortion should always be legal (half those who favor some restrictions)
Interestingly, since 1995 pro-choice hasn't been growing in support

Photos of Woman Showing Off Aborted 'Fetuses' Goes Viral - "A post about a social media user showing off a collection of “fetuses” goes viral, with many commenters expressing their horror at the image... Sarah Silverman, according to Breitbart, joked about how a Pro-Life law made her “want to eat an aborted fetus.”Michelle Williams expressed how, without an abortion, she wouldn’t have been able to have furthered her career at her Golden Globe’s award acceptance speech."

'Hail Satan!': Spitting, twerking, violent pro-abortion mob descends upon pro-life group at college - "A male student offered that "I eat baby lungs for breakfast!"... Perhaps the most disturbing moment took place when an angry woman spit on a pro-lifer. One TFP volunteer said he was kicked in the back of the leg, while another said students repeatedly hit his arm cast.At one point, the crowd converged around TFP Student Action, dancing and singing and flipping off the pro-life group... "One of them put a pro-abortion sign on our windshield, and others started spitting on the windows of our van""

CDC data proves babies still being born alive during abortions
Curiously, most pro-late term abortion folks still claim to be against infanticide

Depression after abortion: Understanding and coping - "Emotional side effects are not uncommon after an abortion, or pregnancy termination, whether it was planned or not. In some cases, depression can occur. However, the link between pregnancy termination and depression remains unclear."
We may never know the motives of certain people from certain demopgrahics who suddenly kill others in public

A Pro-choice Ob-Gyn Confronts the Limits of Her Beliefs - The Atlantic - "The arrangement of U.S. abortion rights means that terminations center on a woman’s choice, but also that there’s a point in a pregnancy when abortion is off the table, except in the most dire of circumstances. And that means there’s a point in the pregnancy when everybody can relax, when we start to comfortably call the fetus a baby, when we can embrace the joy that accompanies a healthy, desired pregnancy.In Israel, because abortion is never off the table, that relaxed time in a pregnancy never fully arrives"

Abortion Is an Unwinnable Argument - The Atlantic - "In a seemingly endless series of advertisements published from the ’20s through the ’50s, the Lysol company told the same story over and over again: One woman or another had “neglected her feminine hygiene” and thereby rendered herself odious to her husband, leaving her “held in a web of indifference” and introducing “doubt” and “inhibitions” into their intimate life. It was illegal to advertise contraception nationally before 1977, so the Lysol ads performed a coy bit of misdirection—they said that if women didn’t douche after sex, they would lose their “dainty,” or “feminine,” or “youthful” appeal. The implication was that sex made them stink, which revolted their husbands. However, women in the past knew what women of the present know: Having sex doesn’t make a woman stink, and the only necessary items for keeping clean are soap and water.Read with this in mind, the ads appear rife with coded references to the idea of contraception. One woman’s doctor has told her “never to run such careless risks” and prescribed Lysol. Another is told by her doctor that failing to douche with Lysol could “lead to serious consequences.” Many of the ads stress that Lysol works “even in the presence of mucous matter,” a possible reference to the by-products of intercourse; some promote the fact that it “leaves no greasy aftereffect,” probably a reference to the vaginal jellies that some women used as birth control. A doctor tells one woman, “It’s foolish to risk your marriage happiness by being careless about feminine hygiene—even once!” This is the language of contraception: something that must be used every single time, that can lead to serious repercussions if skipped even once, that one should never be careless about. The “doubts” introduced to the marital lovemaking, and the “inhibitions,” are not the result of stink; they are the outcome of there being no reliable form of birth control and the constant anxiety that sex could result in an unwanted pregnancy. There are dozens of these ads on the internet, where they forever shock young feminists... The argument for abortion, if made honestly, requires many words: It must evoke the recent past, the dire consequences to women of making a very simple medical procedure illegal. The argument against it doesn’t take even a single word. The argument against it is a picture. This is not an argument anyone is going to win. The loudest advocates on both sides are terrible representatives for their cause. When women are urged to “shout your abortion,” and when abortion becomes the subject of stand-up comedy routines, the attitude toward abortion seems ghoulish. Who could possibly be proud that they see no humanity at all in the images that science has made so painfully clear?... The truth is that the best argument on each side is a damn good one, and until you acknowledge that fact, you aren’t speaking or even thinking honestly about the issue. You certainly aren’t going to convince anybody"
So it seems feminists have misinterpreted historical advertising as misogynist, when really it was coded contraception. So they should actually applaud it

carey on Twitter - "i love to be told that rich powerful people matter more than poor marginalized people. its really inspiring. rawrrr"
"The choice is the Landlord's, not the tenant's, nor the neighbour's. Your uterus. Your choice."
Apparently this person is pro-abortion and anti-tenant?! What a novel combination

Greens-induced law is kinder to cattle - "It turns out some of us care more about cows than we do humans... Each year, farmers buy bulls whose job it is to get their cows pregnant.Nine months later, calves are born, and the cows are given about a month to recover, before the two-month mating window opens up again. Now, occasionally a cow or two gets pregnant a little late. That puts it out of sync with the rest of the herd, and makes things difficult for the farmer. They are left with the choice of killing the calf and rebooting the cow's cycle, or killing the cow. Aborting the calf is cheaper and easier. Now, the animal rights activists got angry about this.So did the Greens. So successful was the anti-induction campaign that to do so will soon be illegal.I'm not sure where SAFE stands on human induction - more commonly called abortion - but they certainly haven't been as vocal on it as they were calf induction. The Greens have been vocal about both; it's just that they loudly oppose calf induction and loudly support human induction.In fact, at the height of the calf induction debate, former Green MP Sue Kedgley called the practice "inhumane and cruel".She went on to call for the removal of induction-drugs from the market place. Finally, she claimed vets who carried out inductions were surely engaged in "a breach of their code".She never mentioned whether human induction was "inhumane and cruel". Nor did she talk about the need to get human induction drugs off the market... What Kedgley had done, a year before, was give a speech advocating human induction, saying "it's incredible that abortion is still such a contentious and divisive issue".Perhaps it is contentious and divisive for the same reasons calf inductions were; that there is something special (particularly in humans) about this thing called life; that we therefore all (not just doctors and vets) have a duty of care towards it; and that there is hardly any justification for breeching that duty of care.I mean, cows are precious, but surely people are, too."

The Green Party's announcement on abortion sends signals - "The Green Party announced it would legalise abortion and allow it up until birth in some cases... the party announced it "trusts women to make decisions that are best for them and their whanau/family". Presumably, men cannot be trusted with making decisions, nor are the children they produce part of "their" families. Men, according to this press release, are simply fertislisers. Once the job is done, they have no rights.
Interestingly this was in 2014

GIULIA POST NOVO DO BLOG NO FIXADO on Twitter - "How many times can you go “going to get an ultrasound to see if it’s a girl or an abortion” before realizing that joke is a) stupid and b) transphobic?"
Perhaps it takes trans activists to defeat misandry

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