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Thursday, June 30, 2022

Links - 30th June 2022 (1 - General Wokeness)

Meme - *Black shooting white* "THAT'S RACIST! Why is the black guy the villain?"
*White shooting black* "THAT'S RACIST! Why does the black guy have to get shot?"
*Black shooting black* "THAT'S RACIST! Why is it only black people killing each other?"
*White shooting white* "THAT'S RACIST! Why are there no black people in this movie?"
Of course, liberals were pretending this was made up

5 Common Black Stereotypes in TV and Film - "There’s no shortage of Black men playing drug dealers, pimps, con-artists and other forms of criminals in television shows and films such as “The Wire” and “Training Day.” The disproportionate amount of Black people playing criminals in Hollywood fuels the racial stereotype that Black men are dangerous and drawn to illicit activities."
Netflix's 'Two Distant Strangers' is more triggering than thought-provoking - "Hollywood seems to enjoy profiting from the trauma of Black people. We're never able to just be happy—we always have to be experiencing some type of struggle."
Acting Black: An Analysis of Blackness and Criminality in Film - "the films’ intense portrayal of the violence, death, and degradation of a community overshadow the symbolism the movies attempt to show.Instead,focus is on the disarray in black communities (Massood, 1996, Denzin, 2003). Hoodfilms are mostly set in urban environments released during a time in which urban youth, predominately African-American males, were dubbed as “superpredators” by the news media which may haveinfluencedhow African Americans were viewed by society (Moriearty, 2012)
Study: Black Americans don't see representation in movies and TV - "2 in 3 Black Americans say they don’t see themselves or their culture represented in movies or television, with 86% of Black Americans wanting to see more of these representative stories on screens."
An example of each of the 4 lines above, which I dug up because some liberal claimed it was lying

Meme - "Sturgeon's Law @Sturgeons_Law: "Is it ok for sex workers to refuse to see clients from certain races?" is a question designed to maximize pure discourse levels. One of the last frontiers of current social justice twitter"
"They can refuse to see any clients for any reason, however they should probably receive diversity training if those reasons are prejudiced in nature, same as similar professions"

Meme - eve: "if trump wins im finally going to *** myself"
Dave: "Please don't do that. It'll be ok."
eve: "youre white PLUS youre a man. shut up *vomit*"
Yeah, she should just kill herself after all

Meme - Touré: "Police say the suspect is a male Black."
Damn. Damn. Damn."
William Ferrall: "Call me naive, but why should that matter? Or to put it another way, why call attention to that?"
Asabiyyah Promoter @aseabiyyahfan: "is this you?
Willlam Ferrall: "Shooter is WHITE."

Meme - William Ferrall @wmferrall: "It's a beautiful day in the Twitterhood. I haven't been ratioed this much in two years. Must be an election approaching. The MAGATs and BOTs are triggered. LOL"
Brandon Tayxitupdiaz @bjworth...:."Amazing. Right down to the physiognomy.
Liberal - [Idiotic Statement]
Liberal - Oh wow, so many triggered people""

Anna Malaika Tubbs On The Forgotten Mothers Of Civil Rights Leaders | HistoryExtra Podcast | History Extra - "Josephine... was a very light skinned black woman. And how that was perceived in terms of 'she's too light to understand the issues of a black person'... It doesn't matterhow light or dark you are - the hands of Jim Crow stretches out and strangles everybody. So she also had to deal with those issues... She wasn't elected when she stood for... Vice-President of the National Women's Organization. Because I said, "but she's too light. She can't identify with us". So that brings into the issue of colorism as well, and also elitism"
Jim Crow was the reason a black woman was discriminated against for not being dark enough. Excellent logic. Begging the question is marvelous

Take Christ out of Christmas and turn it gay with these queer yuletide decorations
So much for the "myth" of the War on Christmas

Police chiefs told to treat abuse of women like terrorism - "The police watchdog expressed grave concerns about the number of cases being dropped before charge and said forces needed to do more work to understand why this was."
Apparently the police need to charge as many men as possible, regardless of the strength of each case. Then if the men are found innocent in court, it will next be proof that the courts are failing women

Woke news: Man gets police record for 'whistling Bob The Builder theme' - "Police in Bedfordshire recorded the interaction as a non-crime hate incident, which will remain on their file for six years. The record could be disclosed to potential employers, impacting the man’s chances of getting a new job. As a result of Hate Crime Guidelines, which took effect in 2014, police are obliged to record any incident a member of the public believes was motivated by hate, even if nothing criminal took place... Campaigners argue this can penalise people for expressing views that don’t violate any laws.  Details about the Bedfordshire whistling case are not known, but it is just one of a number of unusual hate incident reports by police...  a gay man claimed a drug dealer ripped him off, because of homophobic attitudes.  In West Yorkshire, police recorded a non-crime hate incident against a swimming teacher, after a boy hit his head on the side of the pool.  His mother claimed the teacher allowed this “due to his ethnicity”, and police were obliged to make the report.  Norfolk Police recorded an incident in which a Portuguese national had a burger bun left on their driveway, which they claimed was “due to their ethnicity”. Freedom of information requests, to 43 English and Welsh police forces, failed to identify a single crime that was solved after a non-crime hate incident report."

Vienna shooting: The night my safe city lost its innocence - "a 20-year-old gunman, described by Austrian authorities as an "Islamist terrorist", killed four people and wounded more than 20 others... The gunman had already served a prison sentence for trying to go to Syria to join Islamic State jihadists, but he was released early because of his youth...  intelligence services failed to communicate information from Slovakia, that the attacker tried to buy ammunition there. And he accused his predecessor from the far-right Freedom Party of weakening Austria's main BVT intelligence agency.  Opposition parties say the government is trying to shift the blame.  Austria's Islamic community has strongly condemned the shooting, but there is deep concern that the attack will fuel anti-Muslim sentiment in Austria."
We may never know why he did it
Weird. I thought gun control was useless because criminals will always be able to get guns

'You white b***h:' black women allegedly beat disabled army vet in Kroger parking lot - "Police are investigating a Mother’s Day assault by on a white disabled army veteran by black women in a Kroger’s parking lot.  “I get out and I say, ‘Do you guys need any help?’ and she said, ‘F*** you, you white b****,’ Pamela Ahlstedt-Brown said about how the incident began. ‘Hold on, you don’t even know me, I said, ‘That’s fine. If you don’t need anything, that’s fine. I’ll get back in the car.’”  The incident occurred in the parking lot of a Louisville Kentucky Kroger supermarket on Sunday. Brown, a disabled army veteran, said she was attempting to back out of a handicapped parking space when a vehicle, either a Dodge Charger or Challenger, was blocking her in. The vehicle’s passengers then got out and threw the contents of a cup at Brown before beating her. “I mean, they were beating me, and I was in a fetal position, covering my face, making sure they didn’t get my eyes""

Meme - Robert Reich @RBReich: ""This issue is [about] a culture of accepting violence and violent language against women, and an entire structure of power that supports it." - @AOC
I implore all men to let this sink in, and ask yourself how you're going to upend that power structure."
Robert Reich @RBReich: "Tonight, Republican senators lined up to shake Kyrsten Sinema's hand. Democratic senators should have given her the backs of their hands."
Slapping women who oppose the liberal agenda is good and is not violence

Ex-Labor Secretary Reich says Democrats should assault Sinema over filibuster stance in deleted tweet - "Cinema and Senator Joe Manchin, DW.Va., joined all 50 Senate Republicans to oppose an attempt to shift Senate hypocrisy along party lines, resulting in a final count of 48-52. As predicted, the Democrats failed to raise their sweeping election revision bill above the 60-vote instability threshold."

Matt Walsh on Twitter - "Leaving aside the blatant racism, she really claimed that black and brown people interacted for centuries without "subjugation and domination." No part of that is even close to the truth. A fantasy. And some of you pay huge sums to send your kids to college to hear this bullshit"

Say NO to Foreign Intervention in Singapore's Politics - Posts | Facebook - "See what militant LGBT activist Martin Piper posted at foreign embassies Facebook pages, he's calling for future trade deals to have repeal of 377A as a precondition. FYI Piper is a PSP member, if he got into the Parliament you can be sure what's gonna happen. Vote wisely. It's possible he's the admin behind Real Singaporeans defending the family and shared values page."

Biden Marks 20th Anniversary of 9/11 Criticizing Anti-Islam Anger

At the BBC, we will banish fear from public debate - "Less than a third of people feel they can share views without fear. Nearly half of us choose to censor our opinions in day-to-day life. This is according to new research commissioned by the BBC and published today, which forces us to think carefully about the future of public debate in this country.  Free speech is fundamental to the strength of British democracy...   It is wrong that journalists who are asking fair questions are quickly labelled as opponents with an agenda. Too often we ascribe partial motives to open-minded interrogation so that the opportunity for balanced debate is lost.  The so-called culture wars can provide fertile territory for clickbait, fury and fear. Nearly nine out of 10 of us feel we should be able to disagree without fear of the consequences but the current climate is in danger of extinguishing our ability to do so...   Of course, success is about more than the future of the BBC. It is about doing our bit to banish fear from public debate. It’s time for all of us who believe in the free and open exchange of ideas to push back against the tyranny of a wholly polarised society and make the UK a beacon for free, enlightened, robust and respectful debate."

‘Straight men understand consent when they go to a gay bar’
Homophobia is good

Western Canada: Vancouver School Board phases out honours programs amid equity and inclusion debate - The Globe and Mail - "At Eric Hamber Secondary, the course planning booklet for the 2021-2022 school year touts honours classes as an option for “preselected” students with an “aptitude and work ethic” that will allow them to plow through three years of math and science in two years.  In science, the students “will be exposed to a higher rate of material coverage.” In math, students “will be exposed to a faster rate of material coverage.”  It was going to be a perfect fit for a small group of incoming gifted high-school students, kids who their parents say have struggled to fit in an elementary school.  But last month, the school informed parents the programs would not be offered, saying they do not meet the goals of equity and inclusion, which are requirements of the new curriculum... Jennifer Katz is an expert in special education at the University of British Columbia who supports the curriculum changes and has worked as a consultant for the Vancouver School Board. She said students who are strong in some subjects should be challenged. But she dismissed the concerns of parents who say their gifted children struggle to fit in.  “That’s a stereotype,” she said. “I don’t buy that. That is a part of racism and systemic racism. It’s a part of ‘I don’t want my kids in class with those kids.’ And that’s nonsense.”"
You have equity when everyone is equally miserable - levelling down is much easier than levelling up. To destroy is easier than to create

Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 on Twitter - "“I thought you were a dude, my bad” Seattle journalist @choeshow films a masked screaming person who has a deep male voice at the pro-abortion protest & accidentally misgenders her. She becomes irate & her comrade harasses the Asian-American journalist."

Ricky Gervais says public is sick of 'virtue-signalling' celebrities | Toronto Sun - "The 60-year-old comedian believes the public’s attitude towards the rich and famous has changed massively over the last decade...  “2020 was my favorite one. That one captured the imagination.  “The first time I did it, 10 years ago, everyone was like, ‘Ah, how can you talk to these wonderful multi-millionaires, how can you talk to these beautiful people, like that? We love celebrities’.  “By the last one it was like, ‘God, give it to them, we hate celebrities!’ “I know what it is. With all of the austerity and people struggling, they think, ‘Why are these people lecturing me? They’re going to an awards ceremony in a limo and are telling me to recycle?’"

Western University LGBTQ poster sparks Muslim community backlash - "A Western University social media post supporting the fight against homophobia included an illustration of two women in hijabs about to kiss – sparking a backlash from London’s Muslim community that forced school officials to delete it...   They said the post was “inappropriate” and “disrespectful” because the hijab, an Islamic veil, has religious and spiritual connotations. Wrote one person: “Shame on you Western for such an insulting mockery post to my religion.”   In response, school officials initially appeared to stand behind the poster, noting they understood “how complex and intersectional this topic is” and that the “imagery may be upsetting to some Muslims.” But on Wednesday, a Western official who oversees equity, diversity and inclusion issued a statement noting the image had been removed...   One Muslim community leader, Iman Abd Alfatah Twakkal, said the London Muslim community was drafting a response to the images, which he called “inappropriate.”"

Amir Khan claims 'curries' and the 'appalling diet' is to blame for Asians not making it in boxing - "Retired former world champion Amir Khan has caused controversy by saying an 'appalling diet' is to blame for Asian fighters not making it in the upper echelons of boxing... [he] has sparked outrage by saying that Asians having 'curries' as their diet is why there aren't more champions from an Asian background... Khan then went further, by stating that Asian sportspeople use their background as an 'excuse' for not pursuing their dreams of a career at the top level of sport"

'Doctor Who' has its first Black lead. Will the show contend with race? - "When news first broke that Ncuti Gatwa would be the new star of the BBC's long-running science fiction series Doctor Who, it felt like an important step forward for the franchise.  After all, the show's lead character – a time traveling alien thousands of years old known as The Doctor – has only been played by white people since the show's inception in 1963.  Current star Jodie Whittaker became the first woman to star in the show just five years ago... Yasmin Finney, last seen in Netflix's popular British coming-of-age teen drama, Heartstopper, will join the cast as one of the few openly transgender actors to appear on Doctor Who...  I'm left to wonder if the new Doctor Who will fully take advantage of all the diversity in its new casting choices.  Specifically, I fear Doctor Who may not really explore what it means to turn a Black man into one of Britain's most beloved TV characters. Because, when the current production team had a chance to develop storylines around reimagining The Doctor as a woman, they often skirted the issue"
All liberals know is banging on identity politics

Emo Garfield on Twitter - "Karine Jean-Pierre: "I am a black, gay, immigrant woman—the first of all three of those to hold this position.""
"A certain class of libs have learned (from college) to introduce themselves with their various intersectional identities like a petty nobleman reading off his royal titles"

Federal judge warns against hiring Yale Law students who shouted down 'free speech' event - "Waggoner, one of the Federalist Society's guest speakers, expressed disappointment in the student body at Yale.  "Future lawyers should have the critical thinking skills, intellectual curiosity, humility, and maturity to engage with ideas and legal principles that they may disagree with," she wrote. "Unfortunately, some students who attended the Federalist Society event refused to allow others to speak and acted in an aggressive and hostile manner towards me [and others.]"  Silberman's email echoed Waggoner's sentiments.  "The latest events at Yale Law School prompt me to suggest that students who are identified as those willing to disrupt any such panel discussion should be noted. All federal judges—and all federal judges are presumably committed to free speech—should carefully consider whether any student so identified should be disqualified from potential clerkships""

To combat racism, professor urges peers to embrace labor-based grading - "A professor recently urged his peers to reject what he calls “white language supremacy,” which includes employing traditional grading methods on writing assignments, and instead to use labor-based grading methods.  “White language supremacy in writing classrooms is due to the uneven and diverse linguistic legacies that everyone inherits, and the racialized white discourses that are used as standards, which give privilege to those students who embody those habits of white language already,” said Asao Inoue, professor of rhetoric and composition at Arizona State University...   Inoue has emerged as one of the leading scholarly proponents within academia to denounce traditional spelling, grammar and punctuation grading norms as racist, and frequently gives talks to campuses to advance his argument.

Avengers: Endgame's Controversial All-Female Scene was Reshot Due to Pandering Issues

Activists Fight Racism By Driving All People Of Color Out Of Pop Culture | The Babylon Bee

Captain America Actor Anthony Mackie Under Fire After 'Homophobic' Comment - ""You'd call it a bromance, but it's just literally two guys who have each other's backs," Anthony said during the interview. He even referred to the concept of Bucky and Sam being involved in a romance angle in the MCU as "exploitation of homosexuality". He added: "The idea of two guys being friends and loving each other in 2021 is a problem because of the exploitation of homosexuality. It used to be guys can be friends, we can hang out, and it was cool. You can't do that anymore because something as pure and beautiful as homosexuality has been exploited by people who are trying to rationalize themselves.""
Being against queering everything is "homophobia"

Anthony Mackie Addresses Sam And Bucky's Bromance - "So many things are twisted and convoluted. There’s so many things that people latch on to with their own devices to make themselves relevant and rational"

OnlySubs: A Spanish Vaccine for Woke Bullying - " I was recently asked why you don’t see the Woke going after the Spanish colonizers of history, who arguably had the most brutal colonial project of all European colonialism. This is something that isn’t totally absent in the Woke literature, of course, but it is conspicuously less prevalent in their “scholarship” and activism than going after British colonialism and the United States. There are a variety of answers to why this might be the case, not least that the point of the whole project is to undermine American global hegemony, which also requires poisoning British influence, and also that much of the Theory arose in the American and British contexts, but there’s something else too that I’ve had occasion to discuss several times but never really connected to the bigger picture. The Spanish are proud, perhaps to a fault.  I once witnessed a Spanish leftist going on about Native Americans, slavery, and all the rest, criticizing the United States (while in the US, of course) in the presence of someone who was at least halfway Woke. What happened next was astonishing at the time and is properly interesting now that I know more. She had none of it and, in a completely ahistorical and chauvinistic rant, informed the Wokie of the full pride and glory of Spain’s history and how its colonization projects brought culture and improvement everywhere they went. This went on at some length and was quite heated, and the Wokie had nothing much to say, despite small attempts to argue back. That’s interesting, and after having read Shelby Steele’s White Guilt, it makes a lot of sense: he couldn’t use his Woke critique to diminish the Spaniard’s pride in herself or her country, that is, her moral authority remained untouched. To understand Steele, though, is to realize that bullying over someone’s moral authority is how the entire (Woke) Critical Theory manipulation works. Thus, while I’m not sure what to do with it, as I wouldn’t recommend chauvinism of anyone, the ingredients for a Woke vaccine exist somewhere in here. Just being utterly unwilling to be diminished in one’s moral authority by Woke manipulation stops it in its tracks"

Montana Becomes Latest State To Protect Free Speech With the FORUM Act - "Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte fortified First Amendment protections at public universities Thursday by signing H.B. 218. This bill designates outdoor spaces at public universities as public forums, eliminates "free speech zones" that relegate open expression to contained areas, and allows a cause of action in court to students whose First Amendment rights are violated... Montana is the 14th state to adopt a version of the FORUM Act. Others to pass the legislation include Alabama, Arkansas, California, Georgia, Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Washington, and West Virginia. Eleven additional states have banned free speech zones on public colleges and universities."

Scientist finds robots become ‘racist and sexist’ on their own - "  Artificial intelligence experts performed thousands of simulations on robot brains, revealing how they split off into groups and treat “outsiders” differently.  Computer scientists and psychologists from Cardiff University and MIT teamed up to test how robots identify each other.  But they also tested how they copy and learn behaviors from each other, too.  The study, published in Scientific Reports, showed that virtual simulated robots would shun others, forming their own groups.  The experiment involved a “give and take” system, where robots could choose which of their peers to donate to.  As the virtual game unfolded, individual robots learned new donation strategies by copying other robots – to benefit themselves.  The study found that robots would donate to each other within small groups, denying outsiders to improve their own takings.  “By running these simulations thousands and thousands of times over, we begin to get an understanding of how prejudice evolves and the conditions that promote or impede it,” explained co-author professor Roger Whitaker, of Cardiff University.   “Our simulations show that prejudice is a powerful force of nature and through evolution, it can easily become incentivized in virtual populations, to the detriment of wider connectivity with others.”"

My mixed-race children and I have been subjected to racist remarks. How can we do better, Singapore? - "Once, an Indian female friend told me: “Babe, can you not steal from our pool?”  She then laughed. "Hahaha," I managed to utter. But it was not funny. Yet, at the same time, was it a barb or a joke? To this day, the question lingers... Dr Razwana Begum, head of SUSS’ Public Safety and Security Programme, cautions against branding every unpleasant encounter as racially motivated.  “If a person is curious, and we label it as racism, then are we perpetuating the divide?” she told me.   “Sometimes, people could simply be using a poor choice of words, or are unaware.”  This made me think about the aunties and uncles who comment about my children’s skin colour.  Is it too harsh to say they are guilty of “clueless racism”?   Perhaps they are really just curious. And if they don’t have the intention to hurt or injure my feelings, I should not call curiosity racism.    As someone who also holds a PhD in restorative justice, Dr Razwana suggested that there is a need to create “a safe space” for genuine conversations about race and inter-ethnic relations.  “I don’t know if we have such a space,” she said.   “Is there an avenue for people to have our assumptions clarified? A place where people who want to know and understand can have the freedom to ask honest questions, without being recorded or feeling threatened, and then have things blown up?”  That prospect sounds encouraging: A safe and respectful space, where there is no judgement so long as the questions are genuine.   A place that looks into de-escalating and amicably resolving problematic thought or behaviour."

Meme - "can we all agree that shower heads that spray directly down on your head are anti-Black?"
"What's truly anti-Black is us not wanting to wash our hair. It's rooted in slavery, yet we still perpetuate it like water is the enemy to our hair, when it's actually the savior. But y'all don't want to hear that."

The truth is out there – if you search hard enough - The Conservative Woman - "I decided to heed my friend’s advice and ‘educate myself’. I therefore consumed as much material as I could from the venerated institutions which have been trusted with informing and educating the world for generations.  I enrolled in a politics and sociology course at a Russell Group university. My professor opened my eyes to the realities of oppression, through the lens of intersectional feminism. I learnt how women of colour, such as Meghan Markle and Dawn Butler – regardless of their wealth and status – represent the most victimised and disadvantaged people in western society.  Next, I solicited advice from the staff at the British Library, who informed me that it is in fact wrong NOT to categorise people by the colour of their skin. They taught me that believing in ‘one human family’ is indeed indicative of ‘covert white supremacy’.   I also put my faith in the impartial and trustworthy British Broadcasting Corporation to explain the issues we face in Britain today. As a denizen of the English countryside, I was horrified to learn of the racism lurking in the hedgerows and paths that bisect the rolling fields of Salisbury Plain, where I live. I am forever indebted to the team at Countryfile for making me aware of the hostility faced by ethnic-minority ramblers.   Sadly, none of these efforts caused me to renounce my opinions. Instead, I came to the conclusion that many came to long ago – our once-respected institutions have been infected by identitarianism, moral relativism and post-modernist nonsense."

*kid with blue hair and lipstick*

Monkeypox likely spread by sex at two raves in Europe, expert says - "A former head of the WHO’s emergencies department said the leading theory was sexual transmission among gay and bisexual men at two raves held in Spain and Belgium."
Controlling monkeypox is homophobic

Marvel star Simu Liu: ‘I felt like my parents wanted to rid my life of joy or happiness’ - "“I had this conversation early on with my parents.” He showed them a draft of what he’d written about their childhoods, and his perception of the hardships they’d endured, a tribute he says, “to all the things they’d overcome. They were, like: ‘What is this? Why would you make us out to seem like we’re these pathetic creatures, miserable every second of the day? That wasn’t our experience at all.’”"
When you hire toxic people. This is a very clear pattern of behavior often found in woke people
I'm sure parental pressure has nothing to do with the "myth" of the "model minority"

Walmart Sorry for Juneteenth Ice Cream Following Twitter Backlash
So much for "represntation" being mandatory. It wasn't even watermelon sherbert. If they had not done this, someone would be slamming them for not honouring Juneteenth. You can't win with wokeness

Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva gets to compete after a failed drug test. Sha'Carri Richardson wants to know why she was treated differently. - "U.S. track star Sha'Carri Richardson, who missed out on the Olympics last year after testing positive for marijuana, is calling out what she believes to be a racial bias when it comes to drug testing in sports. It was revealed this week that Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva failed a drug test ahead of the Winter Olympics in Beijing –  but has been cleared to compete... Richardson, 21, who was disqualified from the women's 100 meters following her Olympic qualifying run last July, said during an interview with NBC News that she used marijuana in Oregon – where the substance is legal – to cope with the death of her mother... In Valieva's case, the skater tested positive for a banned heart medication, trimetazidine, in Russia in December."
Different country, different substance, different time - clearly racism is why the result was different
This was before we were supposed to do the opposite of what Russia did

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