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Monday, February 07, 2022

Links - 7th February 2022 (2 - Trans Mania)

Trans woman sparked outrage 'exposing her penis in LA spa' named and CHARGED with indecent exposure - "Months after a trans woman allegedly exposed herself in front of several spa-goers at Wi Spa in Los Angeles—including an underage girl—charges have finally been filed, with serial sex offender Darren Agee Merager, 52, being identified as the sole suspect in the highly publicized incident.  What's more, in addition to being a suspect in the case, Merager is facing multiple felony charges of indecent exposure in regards to a separate incident in Los Angeles.   In addition to charges stemming from the Wi Spa altercation, she is also facing six felony counts of indecent exposure over a separate locker room incident in December 2018. In that particular incident, Merager is accused of indecent exposure to women and children in a changing area at a swimming pool in West Hollywood Park—eerily similar to the occurrence at the spa. 'Merager claims to identify as female so he can access women's locker rooms and showers,' reads an internal flyer by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department that was sent to law enforcement departments in Southern California in late 2018, in regards to the indecent exposure at West Hollywood Park.  Despite a checkered background, though, Merager is maintaining her innocence in the Wi Spa debacle, telling The New York Post that she is actually the victim—of transphobic harassment.  Back in June, a group of women complained that Merager, who identifies as female, exposed her penis at the Los Angeles spa.   The incident led to months of protests—some of them violent—with a multitude of media outlets declaring the alleged assault an example of bias against the transgendered; or worse, that it didn't even happen... The Mail also recently reported that Merager had previously exposed himself to another underage girl back in 2020, also at Wi Spa, when the girl and her mother visited the establishment last January... Merager also stated she is now speaking with progressive California lawmakers, like state senator Scott Wiener, in the hope that they change state law to better protect trans people's rights. 'If you go into an area where you're expected to be nude, there has to be an indecent exposure exemption,' she told The Post, adding that she may file complaints or lawsuits for the discrimination she says she has been made to suffer by law enforcement and women in the Wi Spa.   Law-enforcement sources revealed that Merager is also tier-one registered sex offender with two prior convictions of indecent exposure, stemming from incidents in 2002 and 2003 in California.   Merager declined to comment on those particular convictions when asked by The Post. What's more, in 2008, she was convicted for failing to register as a sex offender"
Trans activists will still claim it's a myth that gender self-identification laws can put women in danger, much less that there're people who identify as female to prey on women, and pretend no "trans" people have proven to be sexual predators

The Wi Spa and the strange decline of the liberal press - "In perhaps the clearest example of #ThisNeverHappens since Karen White, a serial sex offender has been charged with indecent assault over the Wi Spa incident... Here we have a serial sex offender, who the police less than three years ago said pretends to be a woman so he can access women’s and girls’ spaces in order to sexually abuse them, being allowed to enter a women’s spa - where he allegedly exposed himself to women and girls.  In July, on the basis that an unnamed source in an LGBT publication with an unnamed byline had said the police had failed to find witnesses (we now know that even this wasn’t true), a large tranche of the liberal press did everything they could to dismiss the story as a ‘transphobic hoax’. Despite this laughably poor journalism, some celebrities ate it up. Others indulged in a spot of victim-blaming. Memorably, The Guardian tried to discredit the women who had reported the exposure, by broadcasting the same claim in two separate articles... he may file lawsuits for discrimination against the women in the spa, saying they’re part of a state and society that “punishes transgender people”.  No doubt if he does, Patricia Arquette, Laurie Penny, Slate, The Daily Beast, Insider, The Independent, The Nation and The Guardian will be supporting him every step of the way."

Dr Bram van Leuveren (he/they) on Twitter - ".@heejunsuh: The future isn't female. The future is nonbinary, it's queer, it's trans, it's natives rising up against their colonizers, it's sex workers getting coin, it's gay, it's bi, it's pan, it's ace, it's ppl of color, it's ppl w disabilities. THE FUTURE IS INTERSECTIONAL."

Andrew Sullivan on Twitter - "Iran literally pays for trans-affirming medical care with state funds. Soooo... not exactly a great way to make your point there, Sweetie."
"😳 In which a trans activist praises the Iranian mullahs’ policy of coercing gay people to transition to the opposite sex."
Trans mania is the new conversion therapy after all

Pedro L. Gonzalez on Twitter - "Parents are really going to push LGBTQ stuff on kids because they view it as a status symbol, LGBTQ kids are for lib parents like a Gucci handbag, a symbol of your enlightenment--and that also means parents who don't agree will be framed as pathological, unwashed"

Actually, We Should Not All Use They/Them Pronouns - Scientific American Blog Network - "Fundamentally, a move toward gender-neutral pronouns ignores the important work that gendered pronouns perform in everyday life. For many trans/GNC people, gender is an important part of their identity and actively avoiding the act of gendering manifests as another form of violence—a violence that trans/GNC people have been fighting against throughout the long history of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual and two-spirit (LGBTQIA2S) experience.  Furthermore, this proposal is embedded in a particularly Western approach to language. Languages that don’t have gendered pronouns are still riddled with strong gendered norms. In some ways, those languages make it even more difficult to signify a confirmation of trans/GNC identity. Lastly, it’s important that in this kind of research, researchers treat trans/GNC subjects as active agents in the production of knowledge, rather than as objects of study. We worry that this research, although it claims to engage with LGBTQIA2S people, has failed to do so in a way that encounters us as people, rather than as conceptual stand-ins."

It's Now 'Transphobia' to Refuse to Date Trans People, Say Twitter Experts - " LGBT magazine, Advocate, asked the question “Is Refusing to Date Trans People Transphobic?” in a recent headline.  In the article, they start by citing a 2018 study which “showed that only 1.8 percent of straight women and 3.3 percent of straight men would date a transgender person. A small minority of cisgender lesbians (29 percent) and gays (11.5 percent) would be willing.”... A recent meme circulating social media targeted a statistic where 98% of straight men would not sleep with a trans person.  The meme read, “98% of straight men are unwilling to date trans women because of hatred,” ending with: “this has to change.”  More campaigns of this nature have become apparent in recent months."
It starts off as "inclusion", and then it becomes coercion
Keywords: transphobia
Addedndum: Clearly, lesbians who refuse to date men are sexist. Since we are told that men who think they are entitled to female attention exhibit male entitlement...

Meme - "Twitter suspends politician for saying men can't give birth"
Samia Toor: "It was the right thing to do. Right- wing terrorism needs to be checked"
When the left claims their harsh measures are needed to crack down on "terrorism", don't automatically believe them

Baker who declined service to gay couple sued for refusing to make ‘gender transition’ cake - "A Colorado baker who refused to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple on religious grounds is once again back in court, this time for turning away a transgender woman.  Jack Phillips made national headlines after winning a partial victory in the US Supreme Court in 2018, following a years-long legal battle over his decision to refuse service to the gay couple, who’d wanted a cake for their wedding reception. But now the baker has found himself at the center of another lawsuit, this one brought by Autumn Scardina, a transgender woman... Phillips’ lawyer, Sean Gates, told the Denver court that his client’s refusal to bake the cake for Scardina was because he didn’t approve of its message and that he wasn’t discriminating against the transgender woman. He noted that Phillips has been subject to years of media attention over the gay wedding cake case and that his client could not in good conscience create a cake that relayed a message that he took issue with. “The message would be that he agrees that a gender transition is something to be celebrated,” Gates said, noting that Phillips objected to making products with other messages that he didn’t approve of, including Halloween-themed cakes."
The land of malicious lawsuits
To liberals, one small baker in a small city refusing to bake a customised cake with a message he disagrees with is the same as a giant tech firm with global monopoly power kicking people off their platform

Colorado Baker Faces Long Line Of People Outside Waiting To Be Oppressed | The Babylon Bee

CNN clown town says there is no real "consensus criteria for assigning sex at birth." 🤔 - "Writer Devan Cole then ends the story with multiple quotes from transgender ideology advocates.  I have no problem with people expressing their opinion. There's just one problem. This article isn't labeled as opinion: it's presented as factual, objective news. If there's ever a time to stop trusting the objectivity of the media, it's now."

Thread by @MagsVisaggs on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Why do trans women insist Kurt Cobain was trans but not David Bowie?
Because we know our own. Kurt had big trans energy. Bowie did not.
Both fucked with gender. But Bowie did it as characters in a stage show. Kurt did it all the time. He explicitly said he felt more female than male. He wrote wildly trans music.
Glam rock isn’t trans. It’s queer, but there’s nothing specifically trans about it.
Bowie also stopped the androgyny thing by the eighties. It was an act.
We also don’t think the good folks in Ratt were trans despite the makeup they wore.
You know who else “wishes they were gay”? Closeted trans desperately trying to make sense of their identities or parse them in ways they can wrap their heads around."

Gingerswappingresponse - Posts | Facebook - "The percentage of “trans women” who don’t want to look feminine and get offended by feminine women could probably fill the World’s smallest Chuck E Cheese. Imagine nuking one of the stronger IPs lately just to make them happy (which they ironically ended up not doing anyway)."

Naughty Dog made female characters less feminine to be trans friendly - "We spoke to a seasoned artist who has worked as a character designer for several AAA games and he admitted that “this is the new norm.” “It’s not really about the objectification of women, ” he explained. “Women, like men, come in all shapes and sizes; to say that having big busty women is unrealistic is untrue.” He added: “This is only true for trans people. A trans woman can’t naturally grow large breasts, and not all trans people can afford implants. If you see a game where the women are a little less curvy, it’s not to because the game designers are worried about receiving backlash for objectifying women, it’s because they are worried about offending the trans community.”  “From a design stand point, this is a really challenging problem. I’ve had many board meetings about how to tackle this. Trans people want ‘realistic’ representation in our games, but they feel excluded if they are represented as too masculine or too feminine. That’s why you will see a lot of designers ‘nerfing the female form’ so to speak so that the difference between trans women and cis women is a little less noticeable.”"

Meme - Darth Memeus: "It's weird so many transphobes are having sexual fantasies about a woman that looks like a man. Secretly, all transphobes want to be cucked and pegged. *Gina Carano*"
"I love how the woke crowd demonised conservatives for saying Michelle Obama looked like a man but it's fine when it's about the woman they don't like"

Meme - Sophia Banks: "Terms like gay and lesbian to imply attraction to the same sex/ gender are actually really transphobic. Think about this."

Woman wins appeal against losing job for tweets about transgender people - "A woman who lost her job after tweeting that men cannot change their biological sex has won her appeal against an employment tribunal.  Business and international development researcher Maya Forstater did not have her contract renewed with her employer in 2019 after she posted a series of tweets questioning government proposals to reform the Gender Recognition Act to allow people to self-identify as another sex."

Trans ideology is warping our justice system - "Singer Demi Lovato has this week been doing what celebrities do best: navel-gazing and making a drama out of it. Earlier this week, Lovato announced: ‘I’ve been doing some healing and self-reflective work, and through this work, I’ve had the revelation that I identify as non-binary.’ In the UK, Lavato’s announcement was met with gushing praise across the meida, with few willing to admit that a non-binary ‘gender identity’ makes about as much sense as lady testicles...  While my colleagues elsewhere in the media might disagree, I believe journalists ought not to let potentially hurt feelings interfere with the truth. Lovato is clearly a woman whether she likes it or not. A world away from the Hollywood glitz, this week four offenders were held accountable for crimes including child abuse, bomb-making, accessing child-abuse images and breaching a court order following the sexual assault of a teenage girl. They are all men who identify as trans women and the media accorded them the same courtesy as Lovato. The first was child rapist Jessica Brennan, known as Allan Brennan when he committed his offences... The second was Zoe Watts, previously known as Kyle Watts... The third was Melissa Wilson, also known as Paul Wilson.... The fourth was Chloe Thompson, previously known as Andrew McNab...   It is exceptionally rare for women to be convicted of crimes such as those of Brennan, Watts, Wilson and Thompson – 98 per cent of those prosecuted for sexual offences are male, as are 93 per cent of those found to be possessing weapons. There is some evidence to show offenders who identify as trans women are more likely to have committed sexual offences. In 2017, The Sunday Times reported that nearly half of inmates in UK prisons who identified as ‘transgender women’ have been convicted of sexual offences. Recognising these sex-based patterns of offending is vital for policy and for the protection of the public. But the recording of crimes committed by men as if they were women threatens to significantly distort the figures.   On Monday, Labour MP Tonia Antoniazzi explained in parliament exactly why sex matters: ‘When it comes to official records of offences, particularly against women and girls, we need accurate records of the biological sex of the victims and the perpetrators of crime, in addition to data on the gender identity of victims and perpetrators. Why then are police forces recording self-identified gender and not biological sex?’ Antoniazzi also noted that at least 16 regional police forces record crimes according to the offender’s preferred ‘gender identity’, not their biological sex, resulting in unreliable and misleading data.  One factor behind this may be that around 30 police forces currently pay influential transgender lobby group Stonewall for membership of its Diversity Champions Scheme. And Stonewall has campaigned for ‘gender identity’ to replace ‘sex’ in legislation. Thanks to social media, the deluge of information we each now have to wade through makes accurate reporting more necessary than ever. And yet, you can’t blame the public for turning away from mainstream sources... Some men who identify as transgender do so because they suffer from internalised homophobia, others experience autogynephilia – a condition whereby men are sexually aroused by the thought of themselves as female. There is some evidence to suggest that the prevalence of trans pornography has led to larger numbers of men choosing to identify as trans women. Of course, it isn’t politically correct to acknowledge this. We are supposed to believe trans women are all vulnerable and cruelly victimised. We are repeatedly told that a trans person hearing the ‘wrong’ pronoun might lead them to self-harm or to attempt suicide. Demi Lovato is thousands of miles away from the four men in British courts this week and the people they hurt. But the lie that you can opt out of your sex extends far beyond magazine headlines – it affects each of our lives... While in Lovato’s case it might seem trivial, the decoupling of words from reality sets a dangerous precedent."
Liberals love to challenge "stereotypes". So this kills two birds with one stone - it "refutes" the "stereotype" that "women" aren't as violent as "men"

Thread by @dykeachillean - "Stop using “straight” to mean “not queer.” Seriously, fucking stop it. You’re excluding transhets. For the love of god just say allocishets.
Jesus fucking christ the transphobes really found this tweet:///
How is this “policing people’s sexualities” lmao all I said was to remember that trans people are still queer and part of the community even if they’re straight shut upppp yall are so fucking stupid
“This doesn’t make any sense” and “what the fuck does this mean” as if it’s somehow a dig at me that they’ve obviously never heard of google and can’t be bothered to do their own research, jfc
apparently it needs to be explained that I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with the word “straight” or that straight trans people can’t use it for themselves. Ffs I’m just saying STRAIGHT QUEER PPL EXIST. SO WE SHOULDN’T SAY “STRAIGHT” AS THE DIRECT OPPOSITE OF QUEER. BYE."

Meme - "If breast size doesn't matter, neither should dick size"
Ninja_Lazer: "Gonna have to disagree. I don't care how big her titties are, but if her dong is even an inch bigger than mine I'm out."

Wilfred Reilly on Twitter - "Hot take: the REAL trans question is whether citizens have a moral duty to say things that they do not believe to be true, in order to help others with their mental health."
Imagine applying this to most other scenarios (i.e. those not endorsed by liberals)
Replies: "I would say the real trans question is: If the persons mind/inner self don’t match their biology, why is it more acceptable/humane to re-arrange the body to *appear* to match the mind, rather than train the mind to match the body?"
"Well I'm still just wondering what evidence there even is that we're helping them with their mental health by doing this."
"We can very easily respect people who are dealing with some challenging mental health issues, while also maintaining objective reality / biology."
"Do I really help someone who thinks he is Napoleon, by addressing him accordingly?"
"it’s really worse — the very idea they need to produce empirical verification of their claims is a violent imprecation that literally kills marginalized folx"
"I assure my schizophrenic friends that the voices they hear are very real  It’s for their mental health."
"None of the special sensitivity treatment has budged suicide rates."
"We almost always have a moral duty to tell the truth. We may be careful and supportive in the language we use so as not to hurt feelings, but lying is almost always immoral."

I divorced my lesbian wife for cheating - now he’s transitioned and we’ve remarried as husband & wife - "The lesbian couple divorced after Jewls Peart-Watson, 42, from Alfreton, Derbyshire discovered her then-wife was having an affair with a colleague at work... ''I don't care what sex Brandon is, I love who he is inside."
So is she still lesbian?

Meme - "If you're a TERF you're not welcome here."
"I will never understand how what someone choses to identify as effects anybody else's life in anyway. Let people be whatever they want and"

Meme - @ChaoticTabris: "Just wanted to remind you all how gorgeous I am."

London transgender women drop-kicked then stamped on 19-year-old - "A gang of drunken transgender women who stamped on a teenager outside a Tube station have walked free from court.  Tamsin Lush, 29, Tylah Jo Bryan and Amarnih Lewis-Daniel, both 24, set upon the 19-year-old after he told them they needed female genitalia to be women.  Lush 'drop-kicked' the victim, named only as Al Shaheeb, and Hannah Bryan, 24, a mother-of-four and a friend of the transgender women, joined in as they booted the teenager... 'He was 19 and described as Arabian. The young man came across these defendants outside Leicester Square Tube station... Judge Nigel Seed told the gang: 'I accept that had it not been for the alleged victim in this case there probably wouldn't have been an incident.  'The four of you then were subjected to extremely offensive transphobic and racial abuse. Had it not been for that there would have been no violent disorder.  'However that does not excuse what you did, you went far to far in your reactions, but of course transphobic issues are particularly sensitive."
He needs to be prosecuted for literally killing the trans women
Looks like in the Progressive Stack Trans people are more important than Muslims
Apparently violence is an understandable reaction to "transphobic" "abuse"

Meme - Magdalene Visaggio @MagsVi...: "i wish i lived in a world where i didn't have to have sensitive zoom meetings during my period because i'm crying at the drop of a hat *and* incredibly irritable.
why did i transition. i hate this.
the next time someone tells me trans women don't have periods in gonna dump a whole tub of period diarrhea on them."

Meme - "It's weird how people don't recognize transwomen and their accomplishments. Whenever I learn about a woman doing anything intelligent, creative, transformative or original I instantly assume they are a transwoman."
"Essentially, if you do something important... im assuming you are a man."
Weird. Trans women complain others are literally denying their existence. But they keep trying to erase women

Opinion on the use of puberty blockers in America is turning | The Economist - "WORRIES ABOUT the use of puberty blockers, which are prescribed to some children to prevent the development of secondary sex characteristics (like breasts and facial hair) have been mounting in much of the rich world. Some countries have scaled back their use. Not America. Doctors who work in transgender clinics routinely claim that prescribing such drugs is conservative, because their effects are largely reversible, and compassionate, because they save children with gender dysphoria (the feeling of being in the wrong body) from enormous distress... two transgender health-care professionals who suggested that some doctors were irresponsible in the way they treated children. The women, both trans, are on the board of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), which endorses the use of blockers early in puberty in some cases. Though blockers are often described as operating like a pause button, most children prescribed them go on to cross-sex hormones. This combination can have irreversible consequences, including sterility and the inability to orgasm. This was the chief concern expressed by Marci Bowers, a vaginoplasty surgeon who is due to become the president of WPATH in 2022. Dr Bowers built her career operating on adults, but she has also operated on teens: in 2018 she performed a “penile inversion” on Jazz Jennings, a 17-year-old who had been put on blockers aged 11. But Dr Bowers told Ms Shrier she was “not a fan” of putting children on blockers early in puberty. She worried, she said, “about their reproductive rights later. I worry about their sexual health later and ability to find intimacy.”  In 2018 Lisa Littman, a researcher, was hounded and lost her job as a consultant after coining the term “rapid onset gender dysphoria” (ROGD) to describe the social contagion of trans-identification among teens, mostly girls. Dr Bowers appeared to acknowledge the existence of “this ROGD thing”... Erica Anderson, a clinical psychologist at the University of California San Francisco’s Child and Adolescent Gender Centre told Ms Shrier that because of “sloppy health-care work”—“rushing people through the medicalisation” and an “abject failure” to properly evaluate patients’ mental health—she expected more young people to regret transitioning. Her clinic had seen twice as many females as males for two years running... It is exceedingly rare for health-care professionals in America to criticise—or even question—the practices that have become prevalent in the medical treatment of gender-dysphoric youth. Professional bodies, including the American Association of Paediatrics, have endorsed “gender-affirmative” care, a model that accepts patients’ self-diagnosis that they are trans, and the use of blockers. Anyone who publicly dissents tends to be castigated. Will the airing of these views change the way trans-identifying children are treated? Laura Edwards-Leeper, a psychologist who helped found America’s first transgender clinic for children in Boston in 2007, has claimed (including to this newspaper) that too few teens undergo crucial mental-health assessments before starting treatment. She says Dr Bowers’s comments, especially about the effects of blockers on sexual function, have “shaken up” many in the field. Yet she notes some doctors are responding by talking about how they might control or slow treatment, without mentioning the role mental-health professionals should play in all this. That they are discussing the risks at all nonetheless constitutes progress"
Looks like WPATH is full of transphobes! The fact that they're trans doesn't matter - they have internalised transphobia!

I became a 'trans widow' after my husband became a woman - "Sitting in the Manhattan office of her then-husband’s gender counselor, Karen Ranney was taken aback by the suggestion that the couple’s love life would dramatically improve once he transitioned into a woman... In 2015, TV personality Kris Jenner tearfully discussed the effect of watching her ex, Bruce Jenner, step out as Caitlyn Jenner the previous year on the reality show “Keeping Up With the Kardashians.”  “I have these memories of this life — and I feel sometimes like it didn’t exist”... “I feel an obligation to younger women stuck in my position,” she said, pointing out that, however unfashionable or contentious, their emotions should not be discounted. (In July, Ranney claims that she was banned from YouTube “for severe and repeated hate speech.” She counters that she is “a woman with a story that is rarely told.”)"

'Trans widows' fear being trapped in loveless marriages if gender law changes - "‘Trans widows’ face being trapped in loveless marriages if their spouses no longer need their permission to change gender, MPs examining proposals to change the law have been warned.  Activists are asking ministers to ditch the requirement for a spouse's agreement, a clause that some women say is a lifeline for them if their husband transitions to female.  It allows them to exit a heterosexual marriage before it legally becomes homosexual, or get an annulment for those who cannot divorce for cultural reasons... “The hormones and other drug treatments required for the success of the transition have a huge impact on personality traits, hence the term 'trans widow' as most feel their husbands have died."
Apparently the progressive thing to do is force women to be legally lesbians

Trans activists cannot hide their misogyny - "the #BeKind brigade struck again. At a demonstration outside Portsmouth Guildhall, apparently supported by the UK branch of Amnesty International, trans-rights protesters draped themselves in flags and carried placards featuring slogans such as ‘suck my dick you transphobic cunt’. The protest was against FiLiA, a feminist conference which describes itself as ‘defending women’s human rights’. FiLiA is an opportunity for women, many of them survivors of male violence, to talk about how to tackle issues such as sex trafficking, rape and domestic abuse. It bills itself as the largest annual grassroots feminist conference in Europe... protesters were attempting to drown out the speakers, including Ugandan lesbians speaking remotely from Kenya’s notorious Kakuma refugee camp. To reiterate: a crowd of people who believe themselves to be left-wing and progressive carried placards inviting feminists to suck their genitals and attempted to drown out the voices of lesbian refugees from a camp where sexual assault and rape are commonplace.   It would be easy to dismiss those protesting at FiLiA as a bunch of misguided students, but their number included at least one local-council official. Councillor Claire Udy, who represents the ‘Progressive Portsmouth People Group’, helped to organise the protest. She claims that FiLiA ‘puts the lives of our trans and non-binary friends in danger’. Over the weekend, the transgender flag was flown from Portsmouth City Council’s office building in an apparent passive-aggressive dig at the FiLiA delegates and organisers. More disturbingly still, many of the placards were produced by Amnesty International. A sign on the day even advertised the protest as an ‘Official Amnesty International UK Protest Event’. Amnesty’s slogans were not as fruity as some of those held by the nuttier activists. They simply read, ‘I am who I say I am’, with letters in the colours of the trans flag.   ‘I am who I say I am’ sounds reasonable enough, until one considers what that means in practice. For example, according to the Crown Prosecution Service, 436 ‘women’ were convicted of rape between 2012 and 2018. Given that, under UK law, rape is defined as a crime that can only be committed by a man using his penis, that means 436 male rapists have been recorded as female, because they say they feel they have a female gender identity."
Liberalism is about being venomous towards "bigots". The hate is no different from what they denounce in "hateful" people - only its targets

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