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Monday, February 07, 2022

Links - 7th February 2022 (1 - General Wokeness)

John Robson: Racial segregation in schools is apparently now cool - "A “Summer Learning Opportunities” note included “Stress Lessons: From Stressed out to Chilled Out” then “Sankofa Summer Academy for Black Youth/ The (Ottawa-Carleton District School Board) Continuing Education department will offer a virtual reach ahead credit opportunity for African, Black and Caribbean Grade 8 students entering Grade 9 (or Grade 9 students who have not completed Grade 9 English)... To me Mencius is a “Chinese” philosopher historically and ethnically, but not intellectually. What he says that is wise is just as wise for African, Black and Caribbean students as for those of Asian extraction or habitation, as indeed for Persons of Pallor. The same is true of such famous non-whites as Socrates or Jesus. But apparently I’m a bigot for thinking so... a recent National Post story described a Nova Scotia high school correspondence course canceled after one student’s mother, “a Mi’kmaq poet who writes her name with lowercase letters”, which sounds rather white-poet-avant-garde, complained that some content was “racist” because it asked for a chart of residential school benefits as well as disadvantages, and why First Nations people suffered disproportionately from certain social ills. You might think the latter question important. Instead this parent intoned “When I read those questions, it does not look like they are asking the students to be critical thinkers.” Good heavens no. Critical thinkers don’t look at both sides of an issue, face truth unflinchingly, or adopt nuanced views. They regurgitate the indoctrination du jour.  Which has gone from racial segregation being good to … uh … racial segregation being good. Compose a chart listing the advantages and advantages of this approach."

NYC teachers segregated by race for 'affinity groups' amid protests - "  More than 700 employees have signed up for a June 23 “Anti-racist Community Meeting” sponsored by the Department of Education’s Early Childhood Division.  Each was given the option of joining a breakout discussion group. The choices included: “blacks or African-American, Latinx, Middle Eastern and North African, multiracial or mixed, Native and Indigenous, Asian Pacific Islander American, White Allies.”   White allies means those considered “anti-racist.” No other ethnic groups are marked “allies.”  “It’s like we’re not allowed to be white,” a staffer said. “You begin to feel marginalized. Why do I have to state if I’m an ally? If we’re signing up for this workshop, they should assume we’re allies.”"

Civil Rights Complaints Filed against Colorado, Illinois School Districts for Racially Segregating Students - "The organization alleged that Centennial Elementary School in Denver, Colo. engaged in racial discrimination, violating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, when it promoted a “families of color playground night.”... The second incident cited in PDE’s claim was Downers Grove South High School’s “Students of Color Field Trip Opportunity” in Illinois... In other examples of “anti-racist” racial segregation, a Massachusetts middle school offered three “safe spaces” after Kyle Rittenhouse’s acquittal, one of which was designed chiefly for students of color. The three sessions included: “Reactions to verdicts: Hearing and learning from peers,” “Rumor Control Room: Facts presented in cases, today’s laws, and final verdicts,” and “Questions & Discussion for Students of Color.”  Earlier this month, PDE launched a civil rights complaint against New York City Public Schools, after one school said it would separate students into five racial “affinity groups” as part of a social justice exercise"

The rise of woke segregationism - "Not so long ago, the idea of a university that took account of race when considering student admissions, academic hires and even the content of the curriculum would have been thought abhorrent in the UK; now just such a plan is backed by the University College Union (UCU) and the National Union of Students. The idea for a Free Black University is the brainchild of Melz Owusu, soon to be PhD student at the University of Cambridge and former sabbatical officer at the University of Leeds. After launching a GoFundMe campaign Owusu is now calling on universities to ‘redistribute’ money her way. The plan is for an institution focused solely on the needs of black students with a decolonised curriculum taught through online lectures ‘exploring radical and transformational topics’ together with a virtual library of radical readings; a journal and podcast as well as an annual conference for black radical thinkers. All of this is needed, Owusu argues, because existing universities are ‘built on colonisation – the money, buildings, architecture – everything is colonial’. The consequence for black students is that: ‘They fail. They experience racism all the time and the university doesn’t necessarily deal with that in the best way, or deal with it at all.’... non-white people make up roughly 13 per cent of the UK population. Yet 20 per cent of all students in the UK are from BAME communities. Among league table-topping Russell Group universities, this figure rises to 21.6 per cent... 47 per cent of white students got a 2.1 degree compared to 42 per cent of black students, 44 per cent of Asian and 49 per cent of mixed-race students. Take into account factors such as the type of university attended, prior attainment, subject choice and parental income and even this tiny ethnic attainment gap becomes non-existent. So, are BAME students who perform well at university beating the odds while battling constant racist abuse? According to a report by the Equality and Human Rights Commission, in the three-and-a-half years up to January 2019, universities received an average of just 2.3 complaints of racial harassment from staff and 3.6 from students. This equates to 0.006 per cent of students and 0.05 per cent of staff lodging complaints. Which is hardly surprising. British universities must be among the most liberal and least racist places on Earth. At the last election, over 80 per cent of staff expressed their intention to vote for either Labour, the Liberal Democrats or the Green Party. Hotbeds of right-wing nationalism they are not. Inclusion and diversity workshops, awareness-raising programmes, decolonisation training and unconscious-bias testing abound... It’s almost as if the more universities do to raise awareness of racism, decolonise everything and challenge all perceived microaggressions, the more some black students experience higher education as traumatic. Sadly, segregation has become fashionable. It was back in 2016 that students first called for LGBT-only halls of residence on campus. US universities increasingly offer living and recreational facilities solely for the use of black students...   Those backing the Free Black University wrongly assume that black students need black tutors, black classmates and a black curriculum in order to succeed"

We are sleepwalking into segregation - "The woke policing of racial boundaries has been going on for some time and in plain sight, though it has faced little challenge. Initially, its most obvious expression in the mainstream was the policing of art and culture. Celebrities and artists were shamed and mocked for the sin of ‘cultural appropriation’. The use of supposedly ‘black’ hairstyles, fashion, food and music by white people (and even certain non-whites) was denounced as a form of cultural theft. Those who strayed beyond their racial boundary were told: ‘Stay in your lane.’  Now more nebulous ideas about ‘whiteness’ and ‘white culture’ have taken root in mainstream discussion and their boundaries are becoming sharper. Back in 2018, the Guardian tried and failed to define ‘white culture’ with any precision... Chalabi discovered that white people like the arts, vegetables, alcohol and dairy products. Nonetheless, she was convinced this nebulous white culture was a force for ill, cannibalising all the other race-based cultures for its own ends. But in the wake of the recent Black Lives Matter protests, the National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) has put forward a far more definitive list of the ‘aspects and assumptions of whiteness and white culture in the United States’. The list, published yesterday, could easily have been drawn up by a white supremacist. While some of the aspects of whiteness it highlights are fairly mundane, such as a lifestyle that prefers the nuclear family and follows Christianity, many of the inclusions are downright racist when you consider their opposites. For instance, if ‘politeness’, ‘hard work’ and ‘objective, rational thinking’ are hallmarks of ‘whiteness’, then what does that say about people who aren’t white? Are we supposed to conclude that they are rude, lazy and irrational? More significant is the underlying assumption – which is now widely held by our woke elites – that whites and non-whites should not only be held to different standards but are also expected to hold different, alien values. These unbridgeable divides are not based on old-school racist views of white supremacy, but on a profound pessimism about race relations... This hyper-racialised view of the world has been promoted by every institution under the sun – in education, in the media and even by major corporations. Disturbingly, it is also clearly having an effect on how some people see themselves and on their most intimate relationships. Writing in the New York Times in 2017, a law professor asked, ‘Can my children be friends with white people?’. ‘I will teach my boys to have profound doubts that friendship with white people is possible’, he wrote, in a supposedly progressive newspaper. ‘When they ask, I will teach my sons that their beautiful hue is a fault line.’ Earlier this month, during a Zoom meeting of a New York City Community Education Council, a white councillor was bouncing a black baby on his knee (the baby was his friend’s nephew). This innocent activity provoked howls of outrage... DiAngelo’s calls for white people to become more conscious of their race are eerily similar to the arguments put forward by white nationalists like Richard Spencer. This view of races as distinct and divided is particularly harmful to mixed-race people. In the UK, mixed race is the largest growing ethnic group. Ordinary people are getting on with living in a multiethnic society. Many people are so not bothered by racial difference that they are starting mixed-race families together on an unprecedented scale... the effect of a white parent to a mixed-raced child seeing themselves as racist is profound. Some parents have obligingly accepted that they are indeed racists. ‘White supremacy lives inside me’, wrote one woke parent recently, whose bizarre mea culpa went viral. It is hard to overstate how cruel all of this is. When even the most intimate relationships are poisoned by the need to see race everywhere, the result is that parents feel alienated from their own children – and vice versa."

Segregation Is Thriving on the Left - "A massive number of schools have institutionalized racial segregation across vast swaths of campus life: “About 46 percent (80 colleges out of 173 surveyed) segregate student orientation programs; 43 percent (75 colleges out of the total) offer segregated residential arrangements; and 72 percent (125 colleges out of the total) segregate graduation ceremonies.” From orientation to graduation, many students are living out their entire college careers in racially determined enclaves. The report’s main authors, Dion J. Pierre and Peter W. Wood, have dubbed this phenomenon “neo-segregation,” and they explain how it evolved over decades after an initial “good-faith effort to achieve racial integration” in the early 1960s... Segregation is likely to increase on campuses (these are my thoughts, not those of the study’s authors) because it’s the only possible end product of today’s progressive activism. Specifically, the proliferation of safe spaces and the dominance of identity politics (core aspects of the campus-leftist agenda) must end in segregation. Safe spaces are created by separating out unwanted elements. Identity politics, by definition, emphasizes group differences over similarities. Inevitably, when you have the two enjoined in an unholy alliance on campuses across the country, you’re going to get the separation of people according to their group differences... 'The most readily apparent harm from such segregation is that it fosters a sense of insecurity. The members of the segregated group are taught to fear other groups, especially white students. They are encouraged to see themselves as victims or potential victims, and as heirs to past grievances. Training students to see themselves as vulnerable to the transgressions of a larger, intolerant, or bigoted community is poor preparation for life in American society.' It is a fundamental feature of radical movements that they harm most those they claim to be helping. The identitarians and safe-space champions are no exception. They’re steadily institutionalizing a program of segregation that will undermine the education of generations and set the country back decades."

The Captive Mind and America’s Resegregation - WSJ - "Czesław Miłosz, a future Nobel Prize-winning poet who had just defected from Poland, began work in 1951 on a book called “The Captive Mind.” Even as Stalinist totalitarianism tightened its grip on Eastern Europe, many Western European intellectuals lauded the brave new world of Soviet communism as a model for overcoming “bourgeois forces,” which in their view had caused World War II. Living in Paris, Miłosz wrote his book, which was published in 1953, to warn the West of what happens to the human mind and soul in a totalitarian system.   Miłosz knew from experience, having lived through the Communist takeover, how totalitarianism strips men and women of their liberty, transforming them into “affirmative cogs” in service of the state and obliterating what had taken centuries of Western political development to achieve. Totalitarianism not only enslaved people physically but crippled their spirit. It did so by replacing ordinary human language, in which words signify things in the outside world, with ideologically sanctioned language, in which words signify the dominant party’s ever-changing ideas of what is and is not true. Since the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, nationwide protests, which quickly turned to riots, have been hijacked by the neo-Marxist left, morphing into an all-out assault on American cities and institutions. This assault is underpinned by an audacious attempt to rewrite history that turns specific past events into weapons not only to overpower political opponents but also to recast all of American history as a litany of racial transgressions... In authoritarian systems those in power seek to proscribe certain forms of political speech and social activity. Totalitarians claim unconditional authority to reach deep into each person’s conscience. They prescribe an interpretation of the world and dictate the language with which citizens are permitted to express that interpretation. Authoritarian regimes leave largely untouched the private civic sphere of human activity; totalitarians destroy traditional value systems and reorder the culture. That is why they are harder to overthrow... Why do American elites, who might be expected to favor preserving the nation that has elevated them, support the effort to dismantle it? Their thinking seems to be that the radicals destroying monuments and issuing wholesale denunciations of America’s past are wreaking destruction on ordinary Americans and their history, not on the elites and their ideology. Today’s elites as a rule do not believe they have any obligation to serve the public, only to rule it, and so they express little or no disapproval of college students toppling statues on federal land or looters raiding supermarkets. To criticize them would open elites to the charges of “populism” and “racism.”    Yet the elites are playing a dangerous game. Such “canceling”—of historical and living figures alike—increasingly mirrors what happened under communism in the Soviet bloc, where the accusation of being out of step with the party was enough to end one’s career and nullify one’s reputation.   This is about more than statues and history. Those who control the symbols of political discourse can dominate the culture and control the collective consciousness. If you doubt this, ask yourself why there has been so little backlash from ordinary, nonelite Americans. Our sense of self has been progressively deconstructed. We feel in our bones the wrongness of the violence being visited on the nation but lack the language to speak against it... It is hard to call things by their proper names in a society whose elites insist on calling looters and arsonists “protesters,” national monuments “symbols of racism,” and the victims of looting and arson the beneficiaries of “white privilege.” The challenge is massive, but it starts with the simple act of calling things by their proper names."

Cornell defends BIPOC-only rock-climbing class after online uproar - "Among the Ivy League school’s Outdoor Education offerings for the spring 2021 semester was a course called “BIPOC Rock Climbing.” The course description, according to the Cornell Daily Sun, specified that the class was “for people who identify as Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian, or other people of color.”"

Cornell course teaches black holes could be linked to 'racial blackness' - "Cornell University has introduced an astronomy course to explore the connection between the term black holes and “racial blackness” — proof, say critics, that even the hard sciences aren’t immune to universal “racial hysteria.”  The course, titled “Black Holes: Race and the Cosmos,” uses work from black studies theorists, artists and fiction writers to challenge “conventional wisdom” about the role that race plays in astronomy.  “Conventional wisdom would have it that the ‘black’ in black holes has nothing to do with race. Surely there can be no connection between the cosmos and the idea of racial blackness. Can there?” reads the college catalog description"

Cornell ‘Black Hole’ Class Racializes Astronomy - "The humanities and much of the social sciences have been beyond parody and beyond shame for a long time. What’s different about “Black Holes: Race and the Cosmos” is its co-listing in an actual science department. The course fulfills Cornell’s science distribution requirement, touching as it does on such concepts as the electromagnetic spectrum. It is not surprising that astronomy would be an early adopter of race theory, and that Cornell would lead the way. Many astronomy departments have been on the forefront of campus identity politics, eliminating the physics GRE as a requirement for graduate study, for example, on the ground that it has a disparate impact on female, black, and Hispanic students. Cornell’s astronomy department will not even allow prospective graduate students to submit the general GRE or the physics GRE. Cornell’s engineering department accepts female undergraduates at over two and a half times the rate of male students, to yield an engineering class that is majority female. This is hardly an accident. Twice as many male as female intending engineering students apply for admission; the average male math SAT score is significantly higher than the average female score, and males predominate at the upper reaches of the curve. Today’s academic charlatanism consists in part in mistaking rhetoric for knowledge and words for things. This sleight of hand is particularly prevalent in matters relating to race. Hunter College professor Philip Ewell argues that the concept of tonal and harmonic hierarchies in music theory is a stand-in for pernicious racial hierarchies...   Seeing specters of racism everywhere, the racial avengers are tearing down every institution associated with Western civilization, simply because of its “whiteness.” Science had stood as a guard against such metaphorical, magical thinking. Bit by bit, it is succumbing."

#LilNasXIsOverParty: Lil Nas X Accused of Islamophobia on Twitter
Meme - Alex Johnston: "Lil Nas X isn't the issue. The Weeknd got a KIDS choice award for a song about COCAINE. Your problem isn't with his music or what's in it. I was listening to S&M by Rihanna at 11 years old and nobody said anything. Your problem is that he's gay and poking holes in a religion that has oppressed him. Call it what it is."

Today people are taking offence to things for all the wrong reasons - "In July 2017, a woman attending a baseball game in Atlanta (I presume her first Major League game) tweeted a picture of three letter Ks in sequence on the upper deck of the stadium, outraged about the implications. She didn't ask anyone with her what this represented, she just assumed it was a reference to the Ku Klux Klan. Of course, anyone familiar with baseball would know that in scoring, a K represents a strikeout. Her response when a black man responded to her tweet indicating he wasn't offended? "You must not care about your race as much as I care about yours.""
The subaltern cannot speak. He needs liberals to speak for him

Meme - "Really disappointed with this sign at the new #BravesStadium Definitely NOT ok"
"I'm black and this doesn't even offend me, come on ma'am"
"You must not care about your race as much as I care about yours."

Meme - "Here's a fact: non-western countries can not be imperialist"
japanese, Arabs, mongols, Assyrians, Perians, Indians, Chinese, Zulu: *sketchy look*
Leftists just hate the West

Disabled In Grad School on Twitter - "Abled folks ask how they can be allies to disabled people. One way is to not overwork. Abled academics who work 12 hour days contribute to a toxic culture of overwork that results in disabled people having to work even harder to keep up. We all need rest."
If you can't compete, sabotage others

Meme - "White people culturally appropriated suicide. For some cultures, it was a respectful way to ensure life ends on high note, and not die of old age. Now it is taken by white "depressed" teens and is made to be something completely different."

The Knights & Orchids Inc. - TKO - Posts | Facebook - "How do we define evidence? It’s a moving target, often biased by the values of white cisheteropatriarchy... "Evidence-based practice is a colonial project.""
So non-white people can use snake oil and then when it doesn't work, they can blame "racism" for their poorer outcomes
Comment: "Evidence is a based colonial practice project"

Meme - "I'm Hispanic and bi, my thoughts, words and opinions matter more than yours Fuck off "
"Minorities" are always right
Apparently the thread had nothing to do with race or sexuality

Matt Walsh on Twitter - "I’ve been fascinated to learn that only white people have ancestors who did bad things. Slavery, conquest, rape, etc. Only white people. We’re the only ones who have to apologize. No one else. Everyone else is descended from angels. Really mind blowing news. I had no idea."


Meme - "Gosh imagine being as fucking boring as a cishet white "normal" person like ew, imagine having a stable job or a monogamous relationship or not taking hard drugs not being constantly angry at society fuck they must be so miserable hey could really learn a thing or two from us. God I wish I was dead"

Dylan Palacio on Twitter - "So A Girl DMd Me On Instagram Calling Me An “Uneducated White Piece Of Shit”. So I Found Out She Worked At A Medical Spa Not To Far From Me. So I Booked An Appointment Tomorrow Specifically Asked For Her. She’s Gonna Be Waxing My Balls And Ass All Morning. Lmaoo"

Meme - "Alan Turing, World War Two codebreaker and mathematician, will be the face of new Bank of England £50 note"
"A white straight cis male. groundbreaking."

Nyx Moonrayne on Twitter - "People and their micro-aggressions. I was at the beach today staring off into the water. A 👱‍♀️ came up to me. She asked if I had any kids there. I said why? She said she just wondering. I changed my stance and expression. She went and sat down🙄"
This is why we can't have nice things. And why you shouldn't make small talk with strangers, even if you're a child. There's no telling if you're going to talk to a grievance monger

Meme - "If a Fat Woman Wants to Have Sex With You HAVE SEX WITH HER
Listen Up Men if a Fat Woman Approaches You and Wants to Have Sex With You YOU HAVE SEX WITH HER No Ifs Ands or Buts About It First of All You Should Be Fucking Honored as Shit to Have the Opportunity to Have Sex With a Big Beautiful Goddess More Importantly You Have to Oblige as She Says Because if You Say No You Are Actively Oppressing Her With Your Bullshit Ridiculous Standards of Beauty and Lets Face It What YOU Think Is Beautiful Doesn't Matter Because She Can Be as Fat as She Wants It's HER Body Not Yours by Oppressing Her With Your Fatphobic Bullshit Though You Are Likely Going to Be Triggering Her and Are Thus Violating Her and Her Identity and by Violating Her So Viciously Like That You Are in Fact Committing Rape Fat Pride #Fatphobia Frape Culture #Social Justice #Fat Acceptance Not Having Sex With Fat Women Is Rape"

New York to Give $15K Each to Illegal Immigrants - "'New York will now offer one-time payments of up to $15,600 to undocumented immigrants who lost work during the pandemic'... Yes, making New Yorkers foot the bill for people to come into the country illegally might just be a “cudgel.” Those poor Democrats!  And I love how the NYT frames this as if illegal immigrants are the only ones suffering during the pandemic. No, guys, it’s also hitting the people whose money you’re stealing...   Putting aside the moral and ethical problems with giving people money for coming to your country illegally… how is this even supposed to work? Logistically, I mean. How do you verify that somebody is undocumented? What do you do, ask to see ID and then just write a check to anybody who doesn’t have one?"

saira rao on Twitter - "White people and men: Do you EVER take a day off from your nonsense? Wake up and think, "I am going to be less toxic today"? Please try it. Just one day."
Saira Rao never takes a day off inciting hatred against liberal-approved groups

Meme - "Protest Etiquette For White Folx
Hands Up Don't Shoot
I Can't Breathe
*Raising the Black Power fist*
We may join them (not all; see above). Look to black voices, elevate and amplify them
When we incite law enforcement it will disproportionately harm black folx and POC.
Put your body in between black folx and law enforcement.
Police and white supremacists use social media to target protesters.
Direct them to black organizers and protesters"
Liberals think there's a never-ending supply of self-hating white "allies" who welcome all the contempt they get

Opinion | Planned Parenthood Is Done Making Excuses for Margaret Sanger - The New York Times - "Up until now, Planned Parenthood has failed to own the impact of our founder’s actions. We have defended Sanger as a protector of bodily autonomy and self-determination, while excusing her association with white supremacist groups and eugenics as an unfortunate “product of her time.” Until recently, we have hidden behind the assertion that her beliefs were the norm for people of her class and era, always being sure to name her work alongside that of W.E.B. Dubois and other Black freedom fighters. But the facts are complicated... Whether our founder was a racist is not a simple yes or no question. Our reckoning is understanding her full legacy, and its impact. Our reckoning is the work that comes next."
Planned Parenthood was born of racism but that doesn't mean it can't do good work
The US was born of "white supremacy" so it must be destroyed

Meme Far Left and Far Right: "Being white is a privilege  Let's make a list of black-owned businesses
Native peoples should have their homelands returned to only them
Those who disagree need to be banned or removed"

reactions on Twitter - "doge shiba inu dog with hands up in defense everybody stand back the extremely sheltered white upper middle class white girl who parrots trending narratives has something to say to her close social circle of friends that will put racism in its place once and for all"

Malay Mail - Posts | Facebook - "Harassed and placed under investigation by religious authorities — activist Maryam Lee is a highly controversial figure in Malaysia. ⠀ ⠀ Her crime? Speaking out about her decision to stop wearing the hijab and criticising what she sees as institutional patriarchy in Islam. ⠀ ⠀ Maryam, who was made to wear a headscarf from the age of nine, says she realised in her mid-20s that she was conforming to a social expectation rather than a religious requirement and decided to remove it.  ⠀ ⠀ It was a difficult personal decision but when she went public, detailing her story in her book “Unveiling Choice”, she faced a vitriolic backlash and death threats.⠀ ⠀ Malaysia’s religious affairs minister expressed concern and she was hauled in for questioning under a law against insulting Islam — the country has a dual-track legal system, with Muslim citizens subject to sharia laws in certain areas.⠀ ⠀ Maryam believes officials were concerned she was encouraging other women to “de-hijab”, but insists this is not the case.⠀ ⠀ Maryam argues her choice was to step away from patriarchal instruction rather than her faith. ⠀ ⠀ “I was born a Muslim, I’m still a Muslim — I’m no less of a Muslim because I removed my hijab,” she explains"

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