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Sunday, February 06, 2022

Links - 6th February 2022 (2 - General Wokeness)

Meme - Auron Macintyre: "Illegal migrants have been cleared to work for House members. The new initiative was part of a massive budget approved this week on a party-line v..."
"To its ruling class, America exists as nothing but a shopping mall An economic zone to be harvested, whose people are interchangeable and to whom no loyalty is owed"

Aaron Rupar: "going full fash"
We keep getting gaslit about the "far left" in the US only wanting universal healthcare

Seerut K. Chawla on Twitter - "Wokeness is actually just middle class mostly white people getting offended on behalf of minorities."
Comment: "I love it when out-of-touch white people are offended on my behalf. It really shows how their lives are set on easy mode while we grind to defeat the final boss"

Facebook - "Marx: Seize and redistribute wealth and capital because they confer privilege.
Woke: Seize and redistribute privilege.
Hitler: Scapegoat a racial group as having stolen and hoarded privilege for themselves to justify seizing and redistributing it in the name of National Socialism."

American Islamic spokesman defends wife-beating as a right on the basis of Islamic law - "A Houston-born lecturer on Islam, Daniel Haqiqatjou, brazenly defends the right to wife-beating in Islam. Watch as he attempts to make an absurd moral equivalence on the basis of the fact that there are also penalties and consequences for breaking laws in democracies."

Facebook - "It’s not good enough to be not fragile, you must be anti-fragile"

DuckDuckGo said no. But when I reapplied as a black lesbian who can’t speak English, they wanted me.

Photographer accused of sexism after asking male Cambridge students to ‘help the ladies’ - "Wolfson College is embroiled in a sexism row after students complained they were “made to feel unsafe” when a photographer for the onboarding ceremony asked “gentlemen to help the ladies”.   Dozens of new arrivals at the mostly postgraduate college were lined up posing in their signature Cambridge gowns... Sir John Hayes, chairman of the Common Sense Group of 50 Tory MPs, said: “I’ve no doubt that this photographer’s courtesy represents the civility well known to working-class patriots but clearly unknown to out of touch ivory tower, immature, privileged snowflakes.”...   Toby Young, the general secretary of the Free Speech Union, said: “How does offering to help someone climb down from a platform make them feel ‘unsafe’? This is a perfect illustration of how the language of safety and harm has been hijacked by woke activists to enforce their agenda.   “If you don’t comply with every jot and tittle of their rigid ideological agenda, you’re supposedly endangering their lives. It’s utter nonsense."  It comes after The Telegraph revealed last week how freshers at Wolfson College had been told to complete mandatory anti-racism classes which covered microaggressions, privilege and “whiteness”.  In the lessons, dismissed as “mandatory indoctrination” by Dr James Orr, a Cambridge don, students were told “this is not a debating session”"
The flower of the British education system

Fury over Oxford University plan to hire academics based on how woke they are - ""If we are supposed to pay attention to their EDI - their woke score - does this mean it doesn't matter if they are useless at teaching and research? Or do you now have to get a minimum woke score to get a job?”...   It is the latest attempt by the university to boost its diverse credentials. Earlier this year, it emerged that Oxford faculties were lobbying for a "race champion" to be hired to hold their staff to account following Black Lives Matter protests.  The position would hold faculties including history, music, and English to account over their failure “to address systemic issues” at Oxford after the death of George Floyd."

St George’s flag is a racist symbol says a quarter of the English - "while 80 per cent linked the British flag with [patriotic] feelings, only 61 per cent associated them with English one.  By contrast, the Scottish and the Welsh were far more likely to feel pride in their flag – the St Andrew’s Cross and Red Dragon respectively – than the English in theirs...   The organisation say the results show that more needs to be done to encourage a sense of “English patriotism” if the Union is to survive.  In a letter to The Sunday Telegraph, signed by academics as well as MPs from all major parties, the think tank also calls for the introduction of a new English national anthem to help foster a greater sense of identity at sporting and national occasions.  The organisation, which has also written to the Prime Minister and other party leaders, suggests holding a popular vote to select an anthem such as Jerusalem, Land of Hope and Glory, I Vow to Thee, My Country, or Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, which could be adopted by the English and be used in the same way as Flower of Scotland by the Scots and Land Of My Fathers, by the Welsh...   Almost a quarter (24 per cent), of the English said they considered their flag to be racist, compared to 10 per cent of Scots and seven per cent of Welsh... by contrast, the English have far more positive associations with the Union flag with 80 per cent linking it to feelings of pride and patriotism, compared with just over a half of Scots (56 per cent) and just over two thirds (68 per cent) of Welsh...   Eighty per cent of the English said the Queen evoked feelings of pride, compared with 41 per cent of Scots and 35 per cent of Welsh."
And we're still told liberals don't hate their countries

Want to fight back against wokery? Cancel a direct debit today - "My friend Richard updated his will a couple of weeks ago. He asked for his bequest to an Oxford college to be removed. The solicitor was not surprised. “I’ve had a lot of clients doing the same thing lately,” he said. “Those universities are starting to lose serious money.”  When I asked Richard why he had cancelled the donation to his alma mater, he sighed: “General wokery. The environment is so different to the culture that we benefitted from when we were there – the link with the past, the hope for the future. Why would I want to support an organisation that has changed so markedly to something I do not recognise or understand? It’s gone, very quickly, from a place that I loved, and which loved me, to one where I now feel deeply uncomfortable and distinctly unwelcome.”...   Where once we would have taken pleasure in giving something back to the institution that shaped us, now we look on appalled as that same institution capitulates to rabble-rousing brats almost entirely ignorant of the achievements of the historical figures whose statues they demand be torn down. (Or removes their great works from the curriculum, to be replaced by poets who cannot rhyme.) Not to mention the growing reluctance of certain universities to admit the highly qualified offspring of their own graduates. As one female barrister put it: “I got into Cambridge from a council house and a crap comp. I gave my kids a much better education than I had, and now my university doesn’t want them on account of their ‘white privilege’. Give me strength!” Dozens of donors have cancelled financial gifts to the University of Edinburgh since it renamed the David Hume Tower over the philosopher’s comments on race more than 250 years ago. The presiding genius of the Scottish Enlightenment, Hume held views which now look either radical and laudably ahead of their time or discordantly ugly. An opponent of slavery, he helped his patron Lord Hertford buy a slave plantation. Guess what, human beings were as complicated and flawed back then as they are now. Edinburgh said it had to act to protect student “sensitivities”. Many alumni disagree. “Hume was cancelled in life by the Scottish universities for failing to fall in line with the religious tenets of his day,” wrote one, “so I admire him in death for having the same effect on the grandees of this new [woke] religion.” I suspect that graduates of Imperial College London will have a similar reaction on hearing that a building named after Thomas Henry Huxley, the great biologist and anthropologist who determined that birds descended from dinosaurs, is set to be renamed. A report by the university’s chillingly named “independent history group” has recommended that the name Huxley be excised because of his beliefs about human intelligence. The group cites Huxley’s essay of 1865, “Emancipation — Black and White”, which it says “espouses a racial hierarchy of intelligence, a belief system of ‘scientific racism’, legacies of which are still felt today”.  You have to hand it to old Huxley. He cunningly hid his racism by being a leading voice in the movement for the abolition of slavery... The Inquisition seeks villains to burn retrospectively at the stake not human beings with the full complement of vices and virtues. They should christen Imperial’s Huxley building the Pol Pot Year Zero building, in memory of the cultural vandals who took him down, and be done with it. Come to that, how long will the college be allowed to call itself Imperial? Bit insensitive, isn’t it?  Stephen Warren, professor of astronomy at Imperial, called the report “astonishing”, and said: “I am sorry that it has chosen to judge people from the past by the standards of today. I would say that Thomas Henry Huxley is the individual of whom Imperial can be most proud.”   You can bet that alumni who share that opinion will be busy writing Imperial out of their wills. Such direct action can be surprisingly effective in the fightback against the woke activists. When Oriel College, Oxford, was deciding whether to appease the mob and give in to demands to take down the bust of its benefactor Cecil Rhodes, almost overnight charitable donations collapsed. Former students, who thought that a college dating back to 1326 should have the guts to stand up for its history, disinherited Oriel. Rhodes wobbled, but he did not fall. Instead, the college established new scholarships for African students using his fortune to enhance the future, not obliterate the past. The self-righteous young mob thinks it can get universities to grovel with the threat of being cancelled. My generation is learning to beat them at that game: we just cancel the direct debit."

Wesley Yang on Twitter - "Median household income of Hmong Americans is $73,373 Median household income of White Americans is $65,902
Hmong Americans are key because the "disaggregate the data" Asian American scholars (who want to disaggregate what they themselves aggregated when created a synthetic identity) used to cite the Hmong as the poor Asians when the Hmong were newly arrived
The new arrivals are Burmese, Laotians, and Nepalese. Let's check in on them in ten years.
The point is that many people repeating copypasta about the "Model Minority Myth" have not updated their copypasta to reflect the fact that Hmong are no longer a citable example of continuing oppression
"Were it not for white supremacy the Hmong-White average household income gap would be even larger than it already is..."   Maybe.
This happened with the Vietnamese, who had high poverty levels when they arrived in the 80's. But a decade later they had reduced those levels significantly, and then pulled ahead of whites. But the Hmong have now pulled ahead of them!"
So much for the "myth" of the model minority

Michael Foster 🇺🇸 on Twitter - "Why do you think ‘freedom of speech’ means ‘freedom from consequence?’  What don’t you guys get? My guess is that you do get it, but it’s uncomfortable, & you guys don’t do mental discomfort well."
"By this standard, freedom of speech exists in Russia, China, Iran, and the DPRK. You can say whatever you want in those countries too, just as long as you're willing to accept the consequences."

Meme - "Optimist: glass is half full
Pessimist: glass is half empty
Leftist: milk is racist"

Meme - "White people... why do y'all climb 'mountains? Better yet what the hell is even at the top of a mountain?"
"So why the fvck do white people climb mountains, what's ontop of the mountain :No Goddamn thing, so why climb :I"
"Why the fucc do white people climb mountains? Theirs nothing up their"
"The things white people do though. Why would anyone wanna climb mountains"
"Why do white people climb mountains and shit you ain't never heard of a nigga climbing a damn tree"
Clearly, the reason minorities don't climb mountains is due to white supremacy

Meme - Sisterstyle @sisterstyle215: "BLACK OWNED"
*Pennsylvania Department of Corrections: State Correction Institution Chester* (it's almost certainly Chester)
"Yes jails are horrible and they treat inmates (especially black inmates) like animals. They should be abolished. However until that happens, I'd rather a jail be ran by a black person with compassion than a white supremacist."
Private prisons are good when owned by black people (it's a public prison but that's their logic)

Opinion | Race Manners: Which Black People Should I Believe? - The New York Times - "Should you weigh the perspectives of people who are personally affected by racist policies? Of course. But you don’t have to weigh them all equally. Gather information and learn, yes, but as you’re digesting all those tweets and articles and interviews, ask yourself questions like these: Do I generally consider this person or media outlet to be smart and trustworthy? Do I see eye to eye with this person or media outlet on issues about which I feel more clear and confident? Does what I’m hearing line up with my values?... While all Black people obviously have experience with racism, that’s not the same thing as having studied, say, school integration, and having studied school integration won’t make someone an expert on microaggressions. So go to the people with expertise. Also, remember that the public conversations you’re hearing are often shaped by power dynamics in the media. So there’s a lot of money to be made and fame to be had for Black people who are willing to be anti-Black scolds, giving voice to the racist views of the white people who offer them platforms"
Basically: live in an echo chamber, listen to people you agree with, ignore lived experience, pretend there's no money to be made in grievance mongering

Cambridge professors fight plan to let students file secret racism denunciations | News | The Times - "For David Abulafia, a distinguished professor of Mediterranean history at Cambridge, the launch of a university “reporting tool” encouraging students to denounce people for “micro-aggressions” was particularly sinister. An ancestor, Samuel Abulafia, was arrested in the 15th century during the Spanish Inquisition for maintaining Jewish practices after Jews had been expelled from the country. The man eventually changed his name to Lopez so that no one would recognise his origins. Another Abulafia was one of the first to be burnt by the Inquisition for the same crime. Today Abulafia, a bestselling author and historian, believes that the new tool allowing students anonymously to accuse members of faculty of “racism, discrimination and micro-aggressions” draws from the same well that gave birth to the barbaric Inquisition. The list provided by the university of transgressions includes “raising eyebrows when a black member of staff or student is speaking” and making “backhanded compliments”. Particularly concerning for Abulafia is the definition of racism on its website, which states it is “a system where people from racially minoritised backgrounds are more likely than white people to face multiple obstacles in life, from being targets of direct or indirect discrimination and micro-aggressions”. He said: “Under that definition, my white Jewish ancestors were not victims of racism — it’s nonsensical. Of course, people are free to embrace these beliefs if they wish to do so, that’s part of a free society, but to impose them on everyone else is quite extraordinary. “As for reporting someone if you feel they have committed a micro-aggression against you, this may actually hinder minorities as lecturers could be apprehensive about providing them with one-to-one tuition in case they make a perceived transgression. “I’m not comparing what is happening to the Spanish Inquisition but we have seen throughout history how dangerous it is for people to be told to think in a certain way.” The tool, called Report + Support, was launched this month as part of the university’s “change the culture” campaign. It provoked an immediate backlash... In 2019 it rescinded an offer of a visiting fellowship to Jordan Peterson... “Two days later I read a piece by a young American PhD student at Cambridge. He was adopted as a child, overcame tremendous hardship and was now a scholar at Cambridge. He said the one thing that helped him was Peterson’s writings and that Cambridge’s decision to disinvite him made him feel he didn’t belong here... “Under the university’s logic, we would not invite Nietzsche, I’m not a fan of his but he was one of the greatest thinkers of the 19th century. “I come from India and I have been around. I just think sometimes we belittle ourselves — it’s not the greatest of societies but it’s a damn good one. “Suppose a senior and junior colleague are engaged in a joint research project, working through the calculations, and the senior person says, ‘That’s a stupid idea’ — that’s common place, a very natural way of conversing, what if they decide to use that against them? It curtails the free flow of ideas. I’ve been here for 35 years, I have a deep affection for this university, it’s one of the greatest universities in the world, I don’t like it to be tarnished with useless complaints.”... "It’s encouraging people anonymously to write detailed screeds against people they don’t like about minor slips, even if they’re unintentional, which will stay on their records. The university may even be required to tell grant funders about these allegations. This might mean the university has to disclose unproven allegations from years before. “Individual liberty is the most important value that western society has. We’re not on our way to the gulag, but another form of despotism is already here. It’s Lilliputian oppression, like Gulliver being held down by lots of small ropes — there is this constant encroachment which is impossible to evade. This tool’s definition of racism is so divisive and obviously absurd. This is not just an esoteric debate at an elite university: this is happening at other universities and these issues spill into society.” It seems debate on the issue will continue to grow. The University of Manchester and the University of Southampton have their own, less subversive, versions of the tool. Following the furore, Cambridge took down the site and Toope claimed that “certain ancillary material” had been “included in error” because it went “beyond the approved policy framework”. However, academics at the university are sceptical and point to the increasing number of controversies around free speech at the university over which its leadership has presided. Last year Sally Davies, former chief medical officer for England and now master at Trinity College, sent an email to students and staff in the wake of the Black Lives Matter protests in which she urged recipients to “confront your own beliefs” and asked “are any of your views about other races based on stereotypes and not experiences?” The email contained a link to the Black Lives Matter website, which linked to a donation page that stated: “We’re guided by a commitment to dismantle imperialism, capitalism, white-supremacy, patriarchy and the state structures that disproportionately harm black people in Britain and around the world.”... Last month the government introduced the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Bill designed to help to stamp out unlawful silencing after a series of “no-platformings”"

Down’s law offers chance ‘to lead a fulfilling life’ | News | The Times - "MPs have backed new laws to recognise people with Down syndrome as a specific minority group. The Down Syndrome Bill will require councils and public bodies such as schools, the NHS, social care services and job centres to meet the specific needs of people with the condition. It will enable families to challenge authorities who are not acting on their duties. Yesterday the draft legislation, which will stop people with Down syndrome from being treated more broadly as a disabled person, passed its first hurdle."
So screening for Down's syndrome is genocide

Hostages safely rescued after nearly 11-hour ordeal at a Texas synagogue, officials say. The suspect is dead - "The resolution came nearly 11 hours after a gunman entered Congregation Beth Israel as the synagogue livestreamed its Sabbath morning service on Facebook and Zoom...   Two law enforcement officials told CNN earlier Saturday that investigators believe the hostage taker may have been motivated by a desire to release Aafia Siddiqui, who is serving an 86-year sentence at a facility in Texas. She was convicted in 2010 on seven charges, including attempted murder and armed assault on US officers in Afghanistan...   In 2010, Siddiqui was sentenced to 86 years in prison by a New York federal judge following a 14-day trial. A jury found her guilty of the attempted murder of US nationals and government employees, as well as assault against US officers and employees.  Siddiqui — a Pakistani scientist who graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and obtained a doctorate from Brandeis University — was taken into custody for questioning by the Afghan National Police in 2008, who said they found handwritten notes referring to potential targets of a “mass casualty attack,” according to a federal indictment. When a group of Americans attempted to speak to her, prosecutors said she was able to grab a US soldier’s rifle and open fire on the interrogation team, although no one was hit by the gunfire.  At sentencing, the judge found that a terrorism enhancement applied to her crimes, citing statements she had made that the judge concluded demonstrated her actions and intent to retaliate against the US government, including “I hate Americans” and “Death to America.”  Siddiqui’s defense argued she was incompetent to stand trial. But Siddiqui clashed repeatedly with her lawyers, telling the judge at sentencing, “If anybody thinks that it is my paranoia or whatever, I’m not paranoid. I’m not mentally sick. I do not agree with that.” She also stated her belief that Israel “masterminded 9/11.”   Her conviction has been the subject of regular protests in the US and overseas. Frequent demonstrations have been organized by the Aafia Foundation, a group named for her. That group has claimed that she was assaulted in prison last year.  Her family has said in interviews with CNN that she is not a terrorist.  During a deadly hostage crisis in Algeria in 2013, a spokesperson for a militant group offered to release hostages if Siddiqui was released from US prison, along with Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, the mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center attack, who has since died in prison."

'Corrupt' FBI should be 'eliminated' for statement on Texas synagogue hostage taker: Critics - "The FBI is facing backlash on social media after an official said that the Texas synagogue hostage taker’s demands were "not specifically related to the Jewish community."  "The FBI is now an organization solely focused on destroying the domestic enemies of the Democratic Party"... [Aafia Siddiqui] has a history of anti-Semitism, including demanding that jurors in her case be DNA tested and removed "if they have a Zionist or Israeli background.""

Texas hostage taker had criminal and mental health history in UK - "In a statement to Sky news Akram’s brother Gulbar asked how he had been able to acquire a visa to enter the US. “He’s known to police. Got a criminal record. How was he allowed to get a visa and acquire a gun?”... Akram had been the subject of an exclusion order in 2001 banning him from Blackburn magistrates court after he made remarks about the September 11, 2001 attacks on the US, saying he wished a court usher had been on the planes flown into buildings to commit mass murder."
Weird. Liberals keep telling us that it's only mental illness when it's a white guy. Luckily they let him in, or they'd be accused of racism and Islamophobia

Wajahat Ali on Twitter - "You're about to hear some ugly & vicious Islamophobia & anti-Muslim bigotry this weekend from elected officials, commentators and even mainstream media. Hope I'm wrong. People will use it to divide Jewish and Muslim communities for their political agenda. Don't fall for it.Many of them will claim to care about Jewish lives as they openly support and parrot vile anti semitic conspiracies. They don't care about our lives or our communities. Muslim is easy synonym for terrorist and those who downplay Jan 6 will now talk a lot about national security.
Sadly, this anti semitism and Islamophobia is fuel for white supremacist conspiracy theories and their violent end game, which endangers all our communities. I hope enough Americans can wake up and see it."
michael on Twitter - "@WajahatAli Downplay January 6? Remember when they hijacked commercial airliners and crashed then into buildings full of people… oh wait"
☭Tanko-Zionist Memes for Jobnik Teens 🦁 on Twitter - "@WajahatAli So Aafia Siddiqui's opinions, expressed on the record in court, are a conspiracy to divide minority communities now?"
StopAntisemitism.org on Twitter - "Isn’t this you in 2013 promoting the same terrorist the Texas synagogue gunman is literally at this moment asking to be freed @WajahatAli ?": ""Justice For Aafia Siddiqui"- A Graphic Novel"

Defiant L’s on Twitter - "@WajahatAli You would never demonize people based on race or religion."
"It's White Christian Supremacy. It'll further radicalize and weaponize and they won't stop until they achieve minority rule. Some want a theocracy, others just power in the hands of "White Christian men" through a sham democracy."

Antisemitism Is Driving White Supremacist Terror in America - "Others, of course, proved my point, trying to hold me and other Muslims responsible for the actions of a violent Muslim man we’d never met."
Like clockwork, Wajahat continues his racism. Naturally, he holds white women responsible for "killing America"

Facebook - "Interesting to see hardly any mentions of the recent standoff in a Texas synagogue on Holocaust Remembrance Day. "

Masih Alinejad 🏳️ on Twitter - "In my beloved county Iran, these two women, Soheila and Marziyeh, were subjected to acid attacks for not wearing “proper hijab”. They still have to wear hijab if not they will get jailed or lashes. In the West I’m told, sharing their stories will cause Islamophobia. #LetUsTalk"
Liberals don't love minorities - they just hate the West

Meme - Man-eater Manthey @H2OLaurieStan: "tw // black person"
Meme - (taylor's version) @glossho...: "tw WHAT ?" Man-eater Manthey @H20LaurieStan: "lot of people have negrophobia and could be triggered by images of black people so please add a tw /gen /nm"

0DDJ0BB. Protected by Moderna on Twitter - "Kid literally is like "oh guys acting like dogs. Adults can play pretend and dressup too? How fun" is probably all she is thinking. And shes right. We need to normalize this. Theres nothing sexual going on. Infact its kinda precious"
Replies: "My man, it’s literally pet play bdsm"
"A child cannot consent to participating in kink. The child being ignorant of the fact that it is kink does not erase the fact that it is kink."
"It's BDSM gear, not a fursuit."
""there's nothing sexual going on" motherfucker they're in full sexual fetish gear. those clothes are built specifically for sexual purposes. their very presence makes it sexual. if it was just adults dressing up as animals innocently, that fetish gear would be like, a fursuit."

"Queer public sex is at the heart of a culture war b/t radical queers vs reformists. Under the surface, anti-public sex views are steeped in racism, classism, gentrification, and police surveillance. Why public sex is integral to queerness. For @dailydot" : stupidpol

Facebook - "Mainstream media be like "WaaAaAAA... Facebook algorithm feeds people far-right content"
Reality: Every single suggested post is leftist drivel. Without exception. I have to manually deselect each one."

Spar4 on Twitter - "When your woke Marxist enemies of the people list includes:
The national team
All broadcast media
The police
The National Trust
English Heritage
Kew Gardens
David Attenborough
Half the population
At what point do you wonder if the problem is you?"
So similarly, given that liberals think everything is problematic and white supremacy is literally everywhere and society needs to be totally remade that shows how bonkers they are, right?

Meme - "My Gay Prison Gang Fights Neo-Nazis. They call us the Rainbow Warriors."
"Dennis Mintun, 56, is incarcerated at the Idaho State Correctional Institution in Boise, Idaho, where he is serving a 45-year sentence for three counts of sexual abuse of a child under 16."
"wow you know what. i might be a pedophile. but at least im not a Nazi"

Meme - "Law and Order: Social Justice Unit
drewdaspriest: In the social justice system, differing opinions are considered especially heinous. On social media, the dedicated bloggers who are offended by these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Social Justice Warriors. These are their stories."

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