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Sunday, February 06, 2022

Links - 6th February 2022 (1 - Nancy Pelosi)

81-year-old Nancy Pelosi said she's a "street fighter" and that Capitol rioters "would have had a battle on their hands" if they challenged her 😆

Sunrise Movement’s response to Nancy Pelosi after 51 young people were arrested in her office - "51 young people were arrested in Pelosi’s office after demanding that she mandate the new Select Committee on climate change develop a plan for a Green New Deal. During the sit-in, Rep. Pelosi released a statement"
Protests (peaceful or otherwise) are only good, and cracking down on them is only fascism, when they help the left politically

Nancy Pelosi Says Maxine Waters Should 'Absolutely Not' Apologize for 'Confrontational' Comment - "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told reporters on Monday that Representative Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) has no reason to apologize for comments she made in Minnesota over the weekend that resulted in backlash from Republicans.  Waters was accused of inciting violence after telling demonstrators protesting police brutality in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota—where Duante Wright, a 20-year-old Black man, was shot and killed by a police officer—that they need to "get more confrontational" in the fight for police reform."
Only the right needs to apologise

Pelosi shares photo of wrong player in botched Willie Mays tweet - "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tried to honor baseball legend Willie Mays for his 90th birthday Thursday but fouled out when the 81-year-old pol instead tweeted out a smiling photo of herself — with Willie McCovey...   Black activists told The Post the Pelosi tribute was typical of Democratic outreach that focuses on symbols rather than fulfilling campaign promises.  â€œInstead of symbolic gestures, like putting up pictures of baseball players, how about she talk about reparations,” Hawk Newsome, a New York City Black Lives Matter activist, told The Post.  â€œThat’s the problem with Democrats, we vote for them first and they think about us last.”"

Exclusive -- Nancy Pelosi Elected to Congress by Tricking GOP Voters - "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi would not have been elected to Congress in the first place were it not for Republicans in San Francisco she tricked into backing her over another Democrat, who was openly gay.   Pelosi, according to a book excerpt, literally sent out mailers in her 1987 special election primary to registered Republicans in her district with elephant logos on them, pushing Republicans to vote for her. The mailers also criticized efforts to raise taxes, and argued Pelosi would oppose income tax hikes if elected to Congress... Pelosi is now one of the biggest champions of raising taxes on higher earners—a complete shift away from the message those original mailers she used to get elected sent to Republicans in San Francisco showed.  It also demonstrates that Pelosi was once willing to use Republicans to win—something she is rarely now willing to do. Several decades later, Pelosi has been one of the most partisan Speakers in modern history in both of her stints atop the lower chamber of Congress. She regularly rams through controversial legislation, like the notable examples of Obamacare in her first stint as Speaker and the recently-passed $1.9 trillion coronavirus pandemic spending bill in this most recent turn.  The excerpt also shows Pelosi, a master navigator of the contours of Congress, had an early history of being able to “Count Your Votes,” as she is quoted in the book saying."

2020 Was The Year Nancy Pelosi Totally Lost Her Touch - "the House of Representatives will be a 222-Democrat-213-Republican split. This is an absolutely incredible outcome that none of the polling experts predicted. Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) can only afford to lose four votes on anything, making it impossible to govern. And guess what? It’s her own damn fault. Here’s why.  When Nancy Pelosi returned to power as Speaker of the House in 2019, she was greeted as a liberator by the Washington press corp. There she was, smiling on the cover of every magazine, a welcome conquering heroine replacing evil, Republican nerd Paul Ryan. But while Pelosi’s tenure a decade earlier was lauded for her firm control of a difficult caucus, Pelosi version 2.0 turned out to be a political albatross... now that they went through a terrible election to end up with the smallest majority Pelosi has ever had, House Democrats are open about how she hurt them in November. Following the flurry of legislation and stimulus funding in the spring, Pelosi made the choice to essentially demand everything and the kitchen sink for any deal to be reached with the White House. The Trump administration was happy to give her just about anything she wanted, but even with that latitude, there was never really any possibility this would get done.  Pelosi had no intention of giving Republicans any kind of legislative success prior to November that would ease the pain for small businesses or individuals. By negotiating in bad faith, never intending to pass a pre-election stimulus, Pelosi likely doomed President Trump. But in the process, she also abandoned her moderates, putting them in an untenable position of running ads promising help even as she blocked any aid—leading to an unexpected red wave that has left her with the tiniest majority she’s ever had for what is likely her last two years as Speaker...   A year ago, the big thing the press loved about Pelosi was that she would keep Democrats from going down the politically fraught road of impeachment. She dismissed the idea. Instead, she’d do oversight, investigations, and other less politically risky things.  But Pelosi lost control. Led by the Squad, the left coalition led Democrats on a multi-month impeachment escapade that ended with Donald Trump not just escaping any ramifications, but having a higher popularity than when they began.   Pelosi dismissed the Squad’s relevance —they’re just like four votes—she said, I’m in charge here. And the Squad said to her: Do you feel in charge?  Again and again, Pelosi has bowed to the wishes of the far left, whether it’s the Green New Deal or short-circuiting a vote on Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-Minn.) antisemitism, it’s clear those magazine covers were a favor by the new generation to the octogenarian Speaker, not the other way around... And of course, she just had to get her hair blowout. After weeks of excoriating Americans, and with a presidential candidate who wants a national mask mandate, she even tried to claim that an appointment she made, where she chose not to wear a mask, was a setup by the single mother, small business owner. That’s how confident she is that the press sycophants will always protect their precious Pelosi.  And they did...   A turning point for the media may have been her shouting at Wolf Blitzer on CNN right before the election about that stimulus package, where once again she claimed that Blitzer, of all people, was just reading GOP talking points. It was just so ridiculous and over the top that Blitzer had to chide her in the interview. When you can’t even take an obvious question from Wolf Blitzer without shouting bias, you really have gotten used to being surrounded by trained seals.   In the end, 2020 showed Nancy Pelosi was a perfect foil for Republican House candidates. There’s one set of rules for her, and another for all the normies, and in the end, she left her moderates with little to run on other than a neutered meme of her tearing up a speech."

WATCH: House Speaker Pelosi schmoozes while unmasked with Democrats after fining GOP lawmakers for not masking

Nancy Pelosi, who is worth $114M and owns a $24,000 fridge, laments "the disparities in income and equity in our country" - "When Soviet communists wanted to gain power, they told poorer individuals to wage class warfare on the middle-class kulak farmers, spouting slogans that talked about spreading around the wealth and reducing "disparities" in pursuit of a glorious future"

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "For six months Nancy Pelosi refused to negotiate down a Covid relief bill that totaled over $2 trillion. Now that Trump has lost she is supporting a Covid relief bill that is less than what she was being offered a couple of months ago."

Congress's 5,593-page porky 'relief' bill is essence of the swamp - "The $900 billion stimulus package COVID-19 "relief" bill is exactly what one would expect from a dysfunctional, tone-deaf Congress: a pork-filled cluster filled with anything and everything that has nothing to do with the coronavirus pandemic or relief. And in the swampiest thing ever, the bill, which is combined with a $1.4 trillion omnibus spending bill, is 5,593 pages long, or 5,583 pages too many, was given to lawmakers six hours before a vote to review what exactly is in it... It harkens back to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) once explaining that a bill needed to be passed in order to find out what was in it. In a related story, our government is broken... It's the oldest trick in Washington: Take a bill that symbolically is overwhelmingly supported by the American people on its title alone (COVID-19 relief for those struggling due to the pandemic). Then attach every pet project possible, in this case by combining it with an omnibus spending bill, and away we go.Then there's the gall of Pelosi, who politicized this process in stalling negotiations since the summer with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin until after the election to ensure her party’s presidential nominee got past the finish line.“That is a total game-changer — a new president and a vaccine,” she said. “We have a new president — a president who recognizes that we need to depend on science to stop the virus.” The kind of science that creates (checks notes once again) multiple vaccines in record time as was done under President Trump's Operation Warp Speed?... using words like "emergency" and "urgently needed funds" that have been an emergency for many and urgently needed for months are the highest levels of insult.Party power is always the goal with Pelosi. It may explain why her approval rating currently sits at 33 percent while Congress’s sits at 21 percent."

Got Hypocrisy? Pelosi Pimps Photo-op With Same Troops She Called 'Stormtroopers' During BLM and Antifa Riots - "Let’s pretend — we have to pretend because, to my knowledge, MAGA ralliers have never torched buildings, looted, destroyed small businesses, or shot and killed anyone — that Trump supporters last summer came even close to the destruction visited on America by BLM thugs and Antifa anarchists. Would Pelosi have called Guardsmen, sent to quell the violence, “stormtroopers”?"

Pelosi calls $600 stimulus payments "significant." That's weird because 2 years ago she called the $1,000 Americans received from Trump's tax cuts "crumbs."

San Francisco gym owners livid after discovering gyms in government buildings have been opened for months - "Gyms within government buildings in San Francisco have been open for months, despite privately owned establishments being ordered to close due to the coronavirus.“It’s shocking, it’s infuriating,” Daniele Rabkin, of Crossfit Golden Gate, told a local NBC station. “Even though they’re getting exposed, there are no repercussions, no ramifications? It’s shocking.”... “What the city has unwillingly done is created this great case study that says that working out indoors is actually safe,” said Karraker. “So, at this point, we’re just demanding that they allow us to have the same workout privileges for the citizens of San Francisco that the employees of San Francisco have.”The report comes after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was recorded in a San Francisco salon without a face mask"

Manu Raju on Twitter - "Pelosi calls Amy Coney Barrett, who was confirmed by the Senate, “an illegitimate Supreme Court justice.”"
Legitimate means liberal approved

Pelosi just proposed banning gendered terms like "father, mother, son, daughter" in the House. Aaaand she has "mother" and "grandmother" in her Twitter bio. - "they will require such dumb words as "Parent, child, sibling, parent's sibling.""
After over 2 months her bio is still transphobic

Watch Nancy Pelosi break her own House rules about gendered language 6 times in less than 10 seconds

Pelosi Calls For Capitol To Increase Presence Of Social Workers | The Babylon Bee - "Nancy Pelosi has called on the Capitol Building to increase the number of social workers in the wake of the occupation of the building by Trump supporters... In order to pay for the increased presence of social workers, Pelosi suggested defunding the Capitol Police."

Pelosi Announces Walls Now Work And Are No Longer Racist | The Babylon Bee - ""They are racist when you use them to control the flow of illegal immigration, drug smuggling, and human trafficking into our country, of course. But when we use them to protect politicians, they are an extremely effective tool for keeping the masses out.""Walls are now important American institutions of love and equality." She then motioned for her armed guards to whisk her back inside the safety of the tall fence."

Pelosi ignores coronavirus guidelines at congressional swearing in ceremony - "The ceremony reportedly had no social distancing and few masks, with guests of the ceremony socializing in close quarters and shaking hands.Pelosi faced criticism earlier that day for allowing a congressman who had tested positive for coronavirus to vote in person over the weekend in order to secure yet another term as Speaker of the House. The infected congressman was surrounded by plexiglass so that he could cast his vote.Pelosi managed to hold on to her position with a majority of two votes. Had the congressman not been there, only one other Democrat would have had to defect to cost her the required majority. The move was criticized by a number of Republicans. Despite the disregard for coronavirus health guidelines on the House floor, Pelosi described the coronavirus pandemic as an "unprecedented national crisis" and that Congress's "most urgent priority will continue to be defeating the coronavirus.""
Of course covid/mask hystericists will say it's okay because they were wearing masks

RULES FOR THEE: Pelosi broke her own rules, bypassed metal detectors
so much for "No one is above the law, Mr. President"

Pelosi calls $600 stimulus payments "significant." That's weird because 2 years ago she called the $1,000 Americans received from Trump's tax cuts "crumbs." - "Nancy Pelosi is worth $120 million so none of this really matters to her at all."

REVEALED: Nancy Pelosi flouted lockdown rules to get her hair done at a salon that's still not allowed to open - "Nancy Pelosi got her hair done inside an actual salon in San Francisco. The California congresswoman could be seen skirting business closure regulations on Monday as she had her hair washed and dried. Blow-drying is forbidden because of how easily it can spread droplets... the city has not yet allowed salons to open since they were shuttered in March. Salons are not allowed to open, per city regulations, until Sept. 1, and even then all services must be performed al fresco... Pelosi reportedly had wet hair, and was not wearing a face mask, despite her advanced age and vulnerability to COVID-19. Her stylist was masked... "I'll be ther at 2:45 tomorrow. Pelosi assistant just messaged me to do her hair."... She believed Pelosi's actions to be indicative of a double standard in place, one set of rules for those who make the rules, and another set for those who have to follow them... "We're supposed to look up to this woman, right? It's just disturbing," she said."There were rules and regulations," Kious said, "to go by to safely reopen, which I did, but I was still not allowed to open my business." She had already erected plexiglass partitions, separated all salon stations by six feet, and created proper air flow using open windows. But it wasn't enough, apparently, and the city did not allow the July reopening.She said "They never let us open." Even after salons are allowed to work outdoor, she will be unable to because the chemicals used in her salon's speciality, hair colour, are not permitted for outdoor use.Pelosi's spokesman said that the speaker always follows the rules"

Pelosi fights back: 'The salon owes me an apology for setting me up' - "A defiant House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday claimed she was “set up” and a hair salon in San Francisco “owes” her an “apology”... Pelosi, Wednesday, responded, saying she has been to the salon “over the years many times.”“I take responsibility for trusting the word of the neighborhood salon that I have been to many times,” Pelosi told reporters Wednesday. “When they said they could accommodate people one at a time, and we can set up that time, I trusted that.”She added: “As it turns out, it was a setup. So I take responsibility for falling for a setup.”... Pelosi, on Wednesday, downplayed the fact that she didn’t wear a mask in the salon.“I just had my hair washed. I don’t wear my mask when I’m washing my hair,” she said. “Do you wear one when you wash your hair?”... “We have been shut down for so long, not just me, but most of the small businesses and I just can’t – it’s a feeling – a feeling of being deflated, helpless and honestly beaten down,” Kious said.“I have been fighting for six months for a business that took me 12 years to build to reopen,” she explained. “I am a single mom, I have two small children, and I have no income.”... President Trump weighed in, blasting the speaker for “constantly lecturing everyone else” on COVID-19 guidelines."Crazy Nancy Pelosi is being decimated for having a beauty parlor opened, when all others are closed, and for not wearing a Mask–despite constantly lecturing everyone else," the president tweeted Wednesday. "We will almost certainly take back the House, and send Nancy packing!""
 Jack Posobiec đŸ‡ș🇾 on Twitter - "If Nancy Pelosi can get tricked by a hair salon should we trust her with top secret security clearance?"
And somehow they tricked her into not wearing a mask too

matt’s idea shop on Twitter - "And then, as they conditioned my hair and polished my nails, the salon thugs screamed “THIS IS MAGA COUNTRY!”"

NPR - Posts | Facebook - "President Trump and his top aides are joining the criticism from conservative circles of a video showing Speaker Nancy Pelosi inside a San Francisco hair salon without a mask."
The comments are fascinating. The rules don't apply to Democrats

Some commie vandalized Pelosi's home with a severed pig's head, fake blood, and demands for more free stuff - "I know this comes as a surprise to you all, but the Left eats its own.  Nancy Pelosi's San Fransisco home was the target of mostly peaceful vandalism on New Year's by some seriously angry people who are angry that Pelosi is only giving them $2,000 of other people's money in 'Rona relief when they want "everything."... When Antifa, or whatever Antifa-affiliated person(s) did this, they are actually laying out a super transparent case for what the far Left ultimately wants:.. Of course, to maintain the image of "unity" now being touted by "moderates" such as Biden and Pelosi, the story was only carried by local news stations, conservative media, and a few hard-hitting leftist outlets like Salon, HuffPo, and TMZ. It was strangely absent from CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, WaPo, The NYT, and others. The establishment media would only cover such a story if a Trump supporter had done something like, you know, paint an American flag on Pelosi's garage. Then we'd hear about it for weeks. San Fran GOP Chairman John Dennis noted the literal coverup and reminded Pelosi that the Woke Monster is never, ever, ever satiated. It is coming for her and every other career politician (no matter their party) who tries to appease it. But it is not a monster that can ever be appeased."

Nancy Pelosi Says MTG's Comments to AOC Were 'Verbal Assault' - "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (R-GA) “verbal assault” of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) was potentially a matter for the House Ethics Committee to weigh."

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