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Monday, February 07, 2022

Observations - 7th February 2022

"Back when I was a grad student in anthropology I ran into more than one prof who said it was imperialist blah-blah-blah to stamp out practices like sutee and thugee."

"Yesterday: Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere!
Today: Injustice anywhere in the United States is a threat to justice everywhere!
Tomorrow: Don't talk about injustice anywhere, unless the United States can be blamed for it."

"I was born in a time and place (Hungary, 1988) when in my country it mattered a great deal if people were of the right demographic or had the right political opinions. With the goal to address historical injustices - this time, the oppression of the proletariat by the bourgeoisie - a certain percentage of university students had to come from worker families and you could not get advance beyond a low-level position at a company or in a university department without being a Party member and obediently repeating all the talking points about the glorious successes of Communism and the coming defeat of the capitalist West. It didn't work well: 'affirmative action' hires were incompetent and the system favored psychopaths and con-men who could stick to the script over genuine talent. I don't wish a similar system for America because I fell in love with that country but it looks like things are headed there."

"African-Americans are really nasty to more recent immigrants that don’t think America is a fundamentally racist country or that racism keeps them from where they want to go.
I dated a girl from Haiti years ago and asked her if she had experienced racism. She said she had experienced a little bit, and sure, it wasn’t nice, but it wasn’t in anyway something that kept her from living her life as she wanted or doing things she wanted to do. She told me she experienced far more hostility from American black people, who would get pissed at her because she had no problem having white friends or dating white people and not having the kind of anger she is required to have 24/7. She just wanted to be a normal person and live her life and for a lot of activists that’s unacceptable."

Liberals keep bitching about how school vouchers violate the separation of church and state (one even claimed that churches should not accept food stamps as that's also a violation - I told her to go and sue because many do). There is a very simple way to solve the church and state "problem" with school vouchers. Give all parents a $6,000/year tax credit but charge $6,000/year for all public schools

"Reddit banning any right-wing top subreddits over past 5 years made it such a useless news aggregator for politics. You cannot even see both sides even if u wanted on reddit. If you lived through the days when the bans hit, the excuses were the filmsiest ever, some excuses about promoting violence when there was no such thing."

"With moderation, message boards are left-leaning Reddit.
Without moderation, message boards are right-leaning. 4chan."

"White liberals: "Abolish whiteness!"
Everyone else: "Are you going to kill yourself? Because you're white."
White liberals: "Hahaha, you're stupid!"
I've seen white liberals in person say out loud that they want to "ban white people".
But they never kill themselves."


"With a boy you have one penis to watch out. With a girl, you have a whole street of penises to watch out."

"Isn't Grease just a musical about how a girl needs to change herself and become sexualized in order to get the guy she wants?"

"the word “incel” is on the same tier as “boomer” at this point, people only use them when they have no better argument"

"my ex once told me that I shouldn't corner female opponents in debate by constructing watertight cases
because when most women post an opinion on anything they are really looking for social affirmation, not a discussion or exploration of the topic"

Apparently many guys go into meetup groups and message many of the girls in there. So organisers can create fake honeypot accounts to identify these guys and ban them


"my friend's bro did ATEC as Armour Infantry under a female OC

their unit was massacred after she marched them into a minefield- bro said
she cried at the AAR.

can't said that gave the men a lot of confidence in her abilities.

The whole incident really wasn't the picture the SAF had in mind for their female recruitment ads"

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