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Saturday, February 12, 2022

Links - 12th February 2022 (1)

Watch: Woman practicing yoga on the beach gets bitten by iguana

Need to Recover from a Workout? Fast Food Is Just as Effective as Supplements - "  The multi-billion-dollar sports supplement industry is a true behemoth. With catchy taglines and sparkling testimonials from top athletes, they've convinced millions of people to use their products. University of Montana graduate student Michael Cramer decided to find out if their claims of superiority stood the test of science, so he pit some of the most oft-used supplements, including Gatorade, PowerBar, and Cytomax "energy" powder, against a few of McDonald's most vaunted contenders: hotcakes, hash browns, hamburgers, and fries... athletes completed the time trial just as quickly after eating fast food compared to supplements. Moreover, levels of muscle glycogen were actually higher for the fast food (FF) group than for the supplement (SS) group, though the difference was not statistically significant. Glycogen is a key energy source in muscles that's primarily replenished through carbohydrate intake. Think of glycogen as your muscles' fuel; when it's depleted, exercise performance suffers. Furthermore, Cramer found no difference in insulin, glucose, cholesterol, or triglyceride levels. Subjects reported equal amounts of stomach discomfort."

Days Gone Actor Says Natives Aren't Hired For Roles Because It's "Cost Prohibitive" - "“Because casting out of various cities and then flying that talent to LA is cost prohibitive,” Witwer responds. “Also, most people with the most acting experience in the States are either in New York or Los Angeles. If native speakers can be found, they find it. If not, you get what you get... So there ya go.”... there were around 720,000 Native Americans living in California as of 2010, as per the official California Courts website. As of the 2020 Census, that number is still over 632,000. Meanwhile, the 2019 Census for New York notes that there are currently over 194,000 American Indian and Alaska Natives in New York state. It's also worth noting that both states are incredibly cosmopolitan.  Witwer’s assertion that people with acting experience need to be flown out to California and New York is not only misleading, but actively dangerous. “If native speakers can be found, they find it” is a lazy answer that dismisses the problem as one of cost, despite the fact that these games have multi-million dollar development budgets. If you can afford an actor, you can afford to cast correctly, regardless of where they're from. This comes in the wake of Days Gone creative director John Garvin blaming the game’s underperformance on Sony’s desire to cater to “social justice warriors.”"
Virtue signalling is not free. But of course SJWs think any cost is worthwhile, since they don't need to pay the bills

Ideologically And Politically, Mass Effect Is Stuck In The Past - "It’s worth pointing out that Mass Effect, at the time it originally launched, was brave. Despite being largely conformist to heteronormativity, it allowed you to experiment with sexual orientation in ways that were unheard of before, even if its LGBT+ options feel dated by today's standards... But Mass Effect’s courage stopped there. Sure, you can go Renegade, but it never quite reaches Fuck The Police. You can punch an annoying reporter, dismiss a companion’s death as necessary and unimportant - hell, you can even consign the Citadel Council to death. But even if you do these things, even if you intentionally act as Renegade as the game allows you to, you’re still bound to the predetermined and prescribed onus of being a hero. Sure, you can withhold knowledge from the Council, but this is more conducive to becoming a heroic demagogue than anything else. In Foucauldian thought, “there is no power relation without the correlative constitution of a field of knowledge, nor any knowledge that does not presuppose and constitute at the same time power relations.” The entire dynamic between Shepard and the Council is one born of perceived power held, and so it is at odds with any idea of unity - whether you act in tandem with the Council or alone, there is never any bona fide challenging of a broken status quo, let alone a means of actually implementing a new system. I mean, even if you go full rogue and support Cerberus every step of the way, at the heart of Mass Effect, after all is said and done, you’re Alliance brass through and through... No matter how Renegade you are, there is no way to play this game that does not support the military-industrial complex. There is no way to play this game that does not acknowledge that law enforcement is stunted not just by bureaucracy, but by systemic corruption, racism, and self-preservation that enable and perpetuate it. True enough, the impending doom of life as we know it may not be the ideal time for unbridled anarchy, at least in a fictional video game burdened with telling a coherent story. And yet anarchy would free Shepard far more so than killing the Council ever would... Mass Effect as a whole is a game that teems with space fascists. You can disagree with them, sure, and occasionally kill, convict, or disempower them, but you cannot suggest or implement a counteractive ideological structure that is conducive to the construction of a world beyond the existing status quo... The core ideology of Mass Effect is to play nice on the universal stage but plot secretly on the world one, for each and every world in existence. It is politically volatile and ideologically juvenile. It’s not ideologically incomplete, though. On the contrary, Mass Effect is packed with opposing ideological state apparatuses, defined by Louis Althusser as societal structures from which we derive a sense of self as opposed to propagating our own. From the Alliance to the turian military, to krogan tribes and the quarian flotilla, each species in Mass Effect is defined by a proprietary order designed to be in inherent conflict with each other one. This leads to a degree of interpellation that breeds self-centrement, an internalized collective value that is at odds with all similarly internalized collective values to the point of universal distrust. The geth hivemind is far more revolutionary than the Systems Alliance ever could be because it is built around unity and leaves no logical room for exclusion based on perceived differences. If Lacanian thought suggests that there is no reality without an existing discursive system, the geth’s uniformly open and unprejudiced rhetoric leaves language built to facilitate derogatory discourse in a metaphorical Stone Age, where collective progress is buried beneath thousands of years’ worth of internal conflict rallied to a unanimously recognized redirection towards other species... This is an old series, one that came out in 2007 and ran through to 2013. It was not made in the impression of contemporary events and causes. That’s why its value now predominantly lies in how evidently dated it is, how we can look to it and say “this is tactless”... The real enemy is not the Other - the real enemy is not even Saren, or the Reapers. The real enemy is the systemic structure in place that problematizes recognizing evil and acting to expunge it"
From the same shit site. This is a good illustration of the slippery slope. And of why it's pointless to try to pander to a liberal wishlist, since it's never-ending
I like how the "real enemy" is what Critical Theory identifies, instead of the aliens who are going to wipe out all life in the universe

Quinton Flynn Replaced as Kael'thas Voice Actor in WoW; Despite Judge Ruling Sexual Misconduct Allegations Came from Obsessive Stalker - "Blizzard Entertainment have replaced Kael’thas’ voice actor Quinton Flynn in World of Warcraft, likely due to allegations of sexual misconduct; despite a judge ruling the allegations came from an obsessive stalker.  Flynn had voiced Kael’thas Sunstrider until patch 9.1.0; where his old lines in The Burning Crusade expansion and new lines in Shadowlands have been replaced by a new voice actor."
The lady doth protest too much, methinks. Too bad it didn't save Blizzard when the allegations against it came to light

A Family Sought Revenge Against a Tormentor. They Shot the Wrong Man, Police Say. - The New York Times - "Their son, Joe Argueta, 19, had been feuding with another teenager and his friends who had been harassing the family for weeks, slashing their car tires and shooting at their house in Houston... The driver of the Dodge, Eddie Reece Clark III, 29, pulled on to a yard to try and flee, crashed into a tree and then ran out. Mr. Clark, who had been shot in the torso, was pronounced dead at a hospital. He had never even met the family before that night"
This won't stop idiots glorifying vigilantes

Facebook - "Why are some (not all) of the people who speak the most about 'trauma', caring for your 'mental health', 'abuse', 'violence', and feeling 'unsafe' some of the angriest and most abusive people on the internet towards others?"
Just like those who say you should "be kind" often are anything but

Oceanfront Property Tied to Obama Granted Exemption From Hawaii’s Environmental Laws - "  The shoreline permit, issued by Honolulu’s Department of Planning and Permitting on Monday, clears the way for the controversial multimillion-dollar renovation of a century-old seawall in the heavily Native Hawaiian community of Waimanalo.  Under state and county laws, such projects are typically banned. Scientists and environmental experts say seawalls are the primary cause of beach loss throughout the state, and officials expect older ones to fall into obsolescence...   Doorae Shin, coordinator for the local Surfrider Foundation, said she’s concerned that the approval sets a “dangerous precedent” for the expansion of many old seawalls, noting similar arguments could be made in their favor."

Maria Gaani's answer to Is Pycelle right that Tywin is all that a king should be? - Quora - "All those who are saying that Tywin wouldn't make a good king because he's a bad father or because he's a bad person have missed the point of ASOIAF. Good, bad doesn't matter in Martin's fantasy world. Martin doesn't give reward for being a good, honorable person. Just ask Robb's decapitated body. Being good doesn't make someone a good ruler. Martin, in fact, hate the idea that a good man makes a good king;
“Ruling is hard. This was maybe my answer to Tolkien, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. Lord of the Rings had a very medieval philosophy: that if the king was a good man, the land would prosper. We look at real history and it’s not that simple. Tolkien can say that Aragorn became king and reigned for a hundred years, and he was wise and good. But Tolkien doesn’t ask the question: What was Aragorn’s tax policy? Did he maintain a standing army? What did he do in times of flood and famine? And what about all these orcs? By the end of the war, Sauron is gone but all of the orcs aren’t gone – they’re in the mountains. Did Aragorn pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby orcs, in their little orc cradles?” – (GRRM on Tolkein)
What makes someone a good ruler is competency. A ruler must know what is the right thing to do, and he must not hesitate to do what need to be done for the greater good. Sometimes, the right thing to do is to show mercy. And sometimes, doing the right thing requires you to become a butcher king.  Tywin Lannister has all the qualities that need in a good ruler. He's practical. He knows when he needs to show mercy. He knows when he needs to be cruel. He's competent at everything he does. He never hesitates. He never failed or was disappointed in his entire life.  He ruled the seven kingdoms successfully as the hand of the king for 20 years, and in those 20 years he gave the realm peace and prosperity.  Tywin is a cruel man, no doubt. A bad father. But the man doesn't lack in wisdom and competency."

Caduceus - Wikipedia - "The caduceus (☤; /kəˈdjuːʃəs, -siəs/; Latin: cādūceus, from Greek: κηρύκειον kērū́keion "herald's wand, or staff") is the staff carried by Hermes in Greek mythology and consequently by Hermes Trismegistus in Greco-Egyptian mythology... It is relatively common, especially in the United States, to find the caduceus, with its two snakes and wings, used as a symbol of medicine instead of the Rod of Asclepius, with only a single snake. This usage was popularised largely as a result of the adoption of the caduceus as its insignia by the U.S. Army Medical Corps in 1902 at the insistence of a single officer (though there are conflicting claims as to whether this was Capt. Frederick P. Reynolds or Col. John R. van Hoff). The Rod of Asclepius is the dominant symbol for professional healthcare associations in the United States. One survey found that 62% of professional healthcare associations used the rod of Asclepius as their symbol. The same survey found that 76% of commercial healthcare organizations used the Caduceus symbol. The author of the study suggests the difference exists because professional associations are more likely to have a real understanding of the two symbols, whereas commercial organizations are more likely to be concerned with the visual impact a symbol will have in selling their products. The long-standing and abundantly attested historical associations of the caduceus with commerce are considered by many to be inappropriate in a symbol used by those engaged in the healing arts. This has occasioned significant criticism of the use of the caduceus in a medical context."

Teenager’s memory resets every two hours after being kicked in the head, meaning she wakes up thinking every day is 11 June - "A teenager wakes up every morning thinking it is 11 June as her memory “resets” every two hours after she was kicked in the head.  Riley Horner, 16, has no recollection of the day she suffered a traumatic head injury after she was hit by a student crowdsurfing at a dance... The former athlete and student, from Illinois, in the US, now has to keep detailed notes and photos with her at all times, and has a two-hour timer set on her phone... The teenager’s mother, Sarah Horner, said doctors have told her there is “nothing medically wrong”, although she added: “You can’t see a concussion through an MRI or a CT scan.”... According to brain injury charity Headway, the greatest visible progress is made in the first six months after a brain injury and then any improvement becomes less obvious.  However, the charity said the common belief that there is a “limited window” for recovery after a brain injury is now known not to be the case, and that people can improve for years afterwards."

Teen who couldn’t form memories after accident makes breakthrough at Utah treatment center

Greta Thunberg calls out China for ‘fat-shaming’ her in article doubting she’s a vegetarian - "Earlier this month, Ms Thunberg shared an article that revealed China’s annual emissions were greater than those of all developed nations combined in 2019."

Meme - ">walking home one night
>Mugger comes out of nowhere
>"Give me your wallet!"
>Unload my FN Five-seveN on him instead
>Realize that I used 20 rounds of 5.7*28mm ammo
MFW it would have been cheaper to just hand over the wallet"

Lifestyle Editor Says Parents Should Buy Sex Toys For Their Kids - "If you’re looking to get a head start on your 2018 Christmas shopping, the lifestyles editor at the United Kingdom’s Metro paper wants you to consider buying your children sex toys.  Ellen Scott’s article, which was named both “Why you should buy your teenage kids sex toys" and “Why you should buy your kids sex toys” according to an archived version of the story, claims that unless you buy your 11-year-olds sex toys, they may feel shame surrounding sex and be unable to understand how to have fulfilling sex lives.  Scott’s article claims that if you want to be a good parent, it’s up to you to buy sex toys for your young children...   The author draws from her own experiences as a child, suggesting that if her parents had bought her a vibrator when she was younger, she wouldn’t have had bad sexual experiences with various partners as an adult... Scott suggests explaining to your children—in explicit detail—different ways to masturbate. Scott claims it’s your duty as a parent to explain it to your 11-year-old child (or younger)"
So much for the sexualisation of children being a right wing conspiracy theory

i_amJeremy on Twitter - "Guard 1:ONE OF US SPEAKS NOTHING BUT TRUTH
Wizard: ok, i know this, we have to ask..
Barbarian: *takes ax and kills the first guard*
Barbarian: *to remaining guard* is he dead
Guard 2:NO
barbarian: this one liar

Mom asks to borrow orange cat for dinner with 'Garfield-loving' kids - "Clara Edwards posted a “Wanted” ad on social media asking to borrow an orange-colored feline to have a “lasagna dinner with Garfield-loving 4-year-old and 2-year-old children.”  Edwards — who described herself as “an increasingly desperate (but not crazy) mom-of-two with no friends that own orange cats” — said she’s not looking to adopt the cat. Instead, she is asking to take temporary custody for two-days, tops, so “please take your cat back at the end.”"

Heart Attack Woman On Plane - 15 Cardiologists On Board - "Dorothy Fletcher can count herself lucky. When she suffered a heart attack on a transatlantic flight from Manchester to Florida, she turned out to be on a plane full of cardiologists. Fifteen experts on their way to a cardiology conference responded when a stewardess asked for medical assistance."

Meme [Pornhub]: "Damn that's was fuckin hot"
"Hey language please, my seven year old son goes on here"

WTF Church - "“We are aware of what ‘WTF’ originally stands for, and that is actually why we chose it,” says Rob James, with Copper Pointe Church, the Albuquerque, N.M., church behind the college and young adult ministry, Wake. “It is something that our target audience is very familiar with. We are a progressive college group located in Albuquerque, N.M., and we know that any college-aged person is a phone-weilding, text-sending machine. So why not use what they are familiar with?” “WTF” was on purpose. In fact, it’s a main cornerstone in their branding. Their url is wakeWTF.com, their Twitter handle is @WTFisWake and their Facebook page is Facebook.com/WTFisWake. “We have taken precautions so that nobody gets the wrong intention,” says Rob. “For example, it will never be seen on any of our media as a question. It is always a statement. WTF is Wake. Worship+Teaching+Friends is Wake. Those are the three standards we have based our college group on.” And so far the response has been positive, at least among the college students they’re trying to reach, with more than 300 students on seven campuses attending. As Rob explains “We often hear the question in excitement, ‘You guys are the WTF church, right?'” It puts Copper Pointe’s tagline in a new light: “Church like never before.”"

Studying logic - "According to Larson, it was simply meant to be a faintly surreal joke about how cows would be bad at making tools; it intends no deeper commentary. However, in the decades since, it’s become by far the comic’s most asked-about panel. People want to know why cows are making tools, what aspect of society it’s commenting on, and most critically, they want to know what the tools are for. The one on the right kind of resembles a carpenter’s saw, which leads folks to believe that the other three must have some obvious function too, if only they could puzzle it out. But they don’t. They’re just random shapes, and the comic as a whole was never intended to actually mean anything. I’ve become convinced that that’s the real secret to effective worldbuilding in gaming media. Certainly, the “core” of the setting should make sense, but all the peripheral stuff surrounding it? Just throw in a bunch of incomprehensible bullshit seasoned with the occasional bit that almost makes sense, and people will seize on those bits and ratonalise all the rest of it for you - and what they come up with is generally going to be way more interesting than whatever your original plan was, if indeed you had one at all. Then, once they’ve figured it all out, just nod sagely, congratulate their cleverness, and keep your damn mouth shut."
On The Far Side
This is why I am skeptical about Literature

Quote by Ernest Hemingway - "“Then there is the other secret. There isn't any symbolysm [sic]. The sea is the sea. The old man is an old man. The boy is a boy and the fish is a fish. The shark are all sharks no better and no worse. All the symbolism that people say is shit. What goes beyond is what you see beyond when you know.” ― Ernest Hemingway, Ernest Hemingway Selected Letters 1917-1961: Putting literature teachers out of a job

Sticky 🐢 on Twitter - "K-9 Bites Cow, Deputy Tases K-9, Cow Kicks Deputy"
"New rock paper scissors just dropped"

Meme - "Sesame Street Disorders
Ernie - Insomnia, ADD:
-Difficulty falling asleep
-Inability to focus or be still
- Short attention span
Bert - Asperger's Syndrome:
-Prefers to be alone and to not be bothered
-Shows no enjoyment in humor
-Unusual obsessesions (pigeons, paper clips, etc.)
-Difficulty managing anger
Big Bird - Schizophrenia:
-Frequent delusions and hallucinations
-Shows symptoms of depression
-Has imaginary friends
Snuffy - Depression:
-Low self-esteem
-Lethargic, slow-moving
-Sad and gloomy
Elmo - Narcissistic Personality Disorder:
-Very high self-esteem
-Speaks in third-person (Dissociative Identity Disorder)
-Believes the world revolves around him (Elmo's World)
Cookie Monster - Binge Eating Disorder:
-Low self contro!
-Binge eater
-Habit of eating things with no nutritional value, including non-food items
Grover - Megalomania:
-Inflated sense of self-esteem
-Believes he has special powers, talents or abilities
Oscar - Compulsive Hoarding:
-Collects items that have no value (i.e. trash)
-Afraid to leave his home (Agoraphobia)
-Poor sanitation and personal hygiene
Count - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder:
-Compulsive need to count everything around him
Two-Headed Monster - Multiple Personality Disorder:
-Dual personalities
-Sudden behavioral changes"

Indian states by percentage of Vegetarians. : MapPorn
Only 29% of India is vegetarian, with a high of 75% in Rajasthan and it being as low as 2% in Nagaland (excluding 0% in Lakshadweep - offshore islands). The North West has the highest proportion of them

Meme - "The European Commission wrote an 18 page report on "far-right" humor. It's just about what you'd expect."
"Tay Day @TheTaylorDay: "IM FUCKING SCREAMING "Attempting to counter extremist humor with a form of alternative humor has proven very difficult in this context". They took 18 pages to say "The Left Can't Meme""

Alex Jones: Who is the ranting alt-right radio host and what are his craziest conspiracy theories? - "'I don't like them putting chemicals in the water that turn the friggin' frogs gay!'"

Pesticide atrazine can turn male frogs into females - "Atrazine, one of the world’s most widely used pesticides, wreaks havoc with the sex lives of adult male frogs, emasculating three-quarters of them and turning one in 10 into females, according to a new study by University of California, Berkeley, biologists."

Michelle Obama: OPRESSED
George Floyd: HERO
Greta Thunberg: EXPERT
Caitlyn Jenner: FEMALE"

Meme - "Companies see a huge amount of profit, and a very invidious idea that cannabis is not harmful, is being pushed,' said the Law and Home Affairs Minister."
"UN decision on cannabis legalisation down to 'power of money', not rationality and science: Shanmugam"
"Money. Isn't that the same reason why we still sell cigarattes? And its the same reason why we have casinos, no? Alcohol is far more destructive than marijuana. Thats science. So why are we still selling alcohol? And while we're on the topic, what's the science behind making gum a controlled substance?"

FullyVaxedJax 🤗 on Twitter - "Did y'all know Texas "won" its revolution by attacking the Mexican Army while they were sleeping (their traditional daily siesta of the culture) in a strategically vulnerable position? Real honorable victory huh? The things they *DON'T* teach us in school."
Comment (elsewhere): ""Always inform your enemy before you attack, and only at his most convenient time, " Sun Tzu, art of war."

Meme - "But some black men dont have big dicks sha.. Why did this stereotyoe last for so long? They They aren't even better in bed, because black women would statistically have more orgasms than their white counterparts, but that's not the case."
"A lot of them don't. Lmaoooo. The stereotype lasted because they had to at least have something."
"Right? Other races of men have something to brag about. Money, innovation business etc. Black men brag about their dick"
"But when Black men criticize how whack Black women are in bed, we're the bad guys."
"No one cares what broke conquered men think"
Apparently black women are the only ones allowed to criticise black men

Muscular Waifus - Posts | Facebook - "HUITLACOCHE: A RICH SOURCE OF NUTRIENTS SINCE AZTEC TIMES Mexican food is popular all over the world, but unfortunately, some people think it consists solely of tacos. While it’s true that tacos are popular in the country and are available almost everywhere, Mexican food consists of various dishes and ingredients that are beneficial to our health. Aztec and other indigenous traditions still influence the country’s modern cuisine, and one ingredient that is still important in Mexico and is growing in popularity worldwide is the earthy corn fungus known as huitlacoche. In English it’s known as “corn smut” or “devil’s corn,” and it’s delicious! What is huitlacoche? Huitlacoche actually comes from a fungus called Ustilago maydis that grows on a plant’s ovaries and keeps it from growing the way it should. When the fungus grows on corn it causes the kernels to grow in abnormally large sizes, eventually making kernels grow longer than they should. Considered an infection in countries like the United States, huitlacoche is a Mexican delicacy that is often added to quesadillas, used as a side dish, or used as a topping in other Mexican dishes such as huarache (a formation of dough that is shaped like an oval, fried, topped with beans, other ingredients of choice, and queso fresco)."

Watch: Florida school board has parent removed for simply quoting the graphic sex material they are teaching kids

Auron MacIntyre on Twitter - "Let’s check in on modern children’s literature"
"Who is Bono? Who was Che Guevara? Who is RuPaul?"
It's not indoctrination if the Left approves

Page 1 of comments at I did note see that coming! - "Why hello, are you torturing someone in your apartment? Are you harboring a hooker? Are you watching a porn marathon?
Can't think of any other other activities that would require the level and length of yelling and moaning involved 3 hours until 2AM - really?
Number of times I hear:
- Oh god oh oh oh = 22
- Yes baby yes! = 14
- I'm coming! - 3 (yeah right)
- I love it when you stick it in my ass = 1
If you or someone you know is being tortured, please call 911. I can also do it for you.
Or you could just be a considerate neighbor and turn it down a notch."

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