California Declares Independence From Trump's Coronavirus Plans - Bloomberg - "Governor Gavin Newsom said that he would use the bulk purchasing power of California “as a nation-state” to acquire the hospital supplies that the federal government has failed to provide. If all goes according to plan, Newsom said, California might even “export some of those supplies to states in need.”"
Meanwhile, Liberals denounce the Confederacy as traitors. Secession is good when it serves Liberal causes
Meme - "Dems: You MAGats are a bunch of Trump cultists
Also Dems: *12 women dressed as Ruth Bader Ginsburg running*"
Charlie Kirk on Twitter - "Have you ever heard the name “Marquise Asomani?” He is accused of shooting at a gathering of Trump supporters in August and will go before a grand jury this week in North Carolina It’s strange—I wonder why this was never a bigger story? 🤔"
"Love Trumps hate"
Woman assaults 12-year-old boy in Boulder over Trump yard sign, police say
drefanzor on Twitter - "Kathy Griffin has lung cancer. Here she is in October 2020 when President Trump was hospitalized for COVID-19:"
"Is he dead yet? I have shit to do. Thx."
Palmer Report on Twitter - "If you spent four years yelling “Fuck Trump” it means you’re a patriot, because Trump is a traitor. If you’re now yelling “Fuck Biden” is means you’re a traitor, because Biden is a patriot. It’s that simple."
You can prove anything when you beg the question
Russian analyst, primary source for Steele dossier charged with repeatedly lying to FBI - "Russian analyst Igor Danchenko misled the FBI about his contacts with Russian government officials and a Democrat-connected public relations executive, falsehoods that materially affected the FBI's investigation and its representations to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to get warrants targeting Trump's campaign and one of its advisers."
Meme - "I had a vision that Trump kissed me. When he pulled away, my lips tasted of blood. I touched them and saw my finger painted burgundy. I asked him what had happened and he said that he shared some of his pain. He said not to worry because he was offering his blood to restore me and others in the country. But for every drop given, he was closer to dying for the country. asked him to not die and to stay. Let's walk in harmony, I begged. Let's feed the poor, the disenfranchised, the marginalized. He smiled that smile of his and said he had been doing that his entire life and wouldn't stop even after death. He said he was a man of God. He told me he came out with the HIV cure - a huge donor for research - but kept it anonymous because he didn't want the glory. God gave me this vision for this blackout specifically. WhatsApp and Facebook will kneel before God. They should have read the Bible. Facebook will have to answer for his sins. Parler and Rumble will stand beside God with their wings. God Bless You Wanda"
Gad Saad on Twitter - "“Osama bin Laden is far less reprehensible personally to me than Trump.” - @SamHarrisOrg"
"Adolf Hitler is far less dangerous to me than Trump. At least Hitler had sartorial style. Trump is just so gross."
Gad Saad on Twitter - Sam Harris: "Biden achieves near-Trumpian negligence here. But unlike Trump, whose reputation among his fans was magically shielded from earthly damage, Biden can't get away with being a callous moron in an emergency—and he shouldn't. This is all just sickening."
"I was alerted about this tweet. Everything in this guy’s mind is linked to Trump. I’ve never witnessed such disordered hysteria from a person who built a career on being a reasoned meditative guy. Wishing him the best."
Facebook - "You heard of Long Covid? Some people have Long TDS. He’s no longer in office or on social media. Quit letting him live rent-free in your head."
Democrats Call For Labels Warning Consumers If A Company's CEO Voted For Trump | The Babylon Bee - "Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other Democratic representatives proposed a new law today that would help consumers make better-informed decisions when it comes to really political purchases like beans."
Meme - "President Trump Said, "Good Morning."
Here's How Twelve News Outlets Covered The Story
FOX NEWS - Trump Unveils Plan To Make Mornings Great Again
HUFFPOST - Mornings Are Sexist, Here's How
CNN - Can You Believe What Fox News Said About This?
OAN - Glorious Leader Trump Causes Sun To Rise In East Once Again
SALON - Mornings Are Racist, Here's How
SNOPES - Fact-Check: False
MSNBC - Do You Know Who Else Has Mornings? Russia.
DAILY WIRE - Trump DESTROYS Libs With These Two Little Words
Washington Post - Family Of The Late General Soleimani Are Unable To Have A Good Morning Thanks To Trump
The New York Times - Mornings Are Better In Communist China
VICE - I Combined 12 Prescription Drugs And Slept With A Hooker To Experience Why Mornings Are Transphobic
Babylon Bee - AOC Doesn't Even Know How To Spell Good Morning, What An Idiot!"
NPR - Posts | Facebook - "German prosecutors have filed charges against a 95-year-old woman they say was complicit in the murder of more than 10,000 people at the Stutthof concentration camp during World War II."
On the German typist and secretary being tried just like camp guards
Of course many of the commentators went on about Trump. I'm sure they don't think Godwin's Law is meant to be critical of the left.
Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "I’ve never seen Godwin’s Law so gracefully woven into an essay before. The author is facing an existential crisis — the author hated Donald Trump and, by extension, her Trump-supporting neighbors as well. So now she is facing the cognitive dissonance of her neighbors being kind and generous. These are the circumstances that tribalism produce. The author has a view of Trump that is evil incarnate and those who support Trump must support evil. That’s generally not the case. The other tribes view their leaders as virtuous and they support those virtues, just as the author supports the virtues of her team’s leader. Of course each have likely wallowed in their respective echo chambers — the author repeatedly told of Trump’s evilness while the neighbor repeatedly heard how Trump was saving the country. If each side could step away from their tribalism they would likely find much in common, including a love for their country and concern for others."
On "What can you do about the Trumpites next door?"
Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "Lost in the drama of America’s streets, Rod Rosenstein testified before the Senate.
Unfortunately, this investigation has become a partisan flash point. The issues being raised are serious enough that both parties should be concerned.
“When questioned by Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, Rosenstein agreed that when he appointed Robert Mueller as Special Counsel in summer 2017, there was no basis for the appointment and that the FBI already knew it. In retrospect, he says, he appointed a Special Counsel because the FBI hid crucial fact facts from him.”...
“Rosenstein oversaw them. He supervised the FBI probes, recommended the firing of Director James Comey and the appointment of his successor, Christopher Wray, decided to appoint a Special Counsel, and chose former FBI director Robert Mueller for the job. The FBI and Mueller’s team conducted the actual investigations, but Rosenstein was their ultimate supervisor, the guarantor of their probity.”...
• Knowing what he knows now, Rosenstein says would not have signed the FISA application to spy on Carter Page
• Rosenstein cannot explain the basis for Mueller’s investigation of Trump-Russia collusion since, by the time Mueller was appointed in summer 2017, the FBI had already cleared the key people named as possible collaborators
• Rosenstein set out very broad terms for the Mueller investigation. His ‘scope memos’ were widened, not narrowed, after no Trump-Russian collaboration was found
• Although Rosenstein was responsible for supervising the Special Counsel, he testified that he exercised little hands-on oversight. He made no effort to rein in excesses
• Rosenstein flatly denies he tried to remove President Trump, using the 25th Amendment, or wear a wire into the White House to record his conversations with the President
• Though Rosenstein acknowledges serious mistakes, he blames them on the FBI’s ‘lack of candor’. His testimony portends a serious clash between DoJ and FBI officials. This blame game will soon include the CIA, State Department, and Obama White House”"
"Where is Trump?" Former president notably absent from 9/11 events |
Former President Donald Trump Visits NYPD, FDNY On 9/11
Naturally lots of people with TDS happily chewed up the fake news. Of course, this is not surprising - these are the same people who have contempt for the common man
Supreme Court throws out lawsuit alleging Trump profited illegally from presidency | The Post Millennial - "Democrats and members of the mainstream media have long promoted the idea that Trump was illegally profiting from his job as president. Many, but not all of these theories were somehow connected to Russia."
Ignore the self-righteous Left wingers: British politicians were right to show Trump courtesy - "Politics – or at least, governmental politics – isn’t about doing business with people you like, it’s about doing business. Grandstanding is all very well and certainly makes you feel good when all those ReTweets and Likes come pouring in for your latest pearl of wisdom. But in government, it’s about the national interest"
America's national healing depends on Donald Trump facing real punishment | - "Many of us are at high risk for the development of trauma, stress-related and anxiety-related symptoms (e.g., post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD). We have been subjected to physical and psychological abuse by the now-departed president. The sickness and death associated with the coronavirus pandemic has been catastrophic. Our crippled economy has created widespread depression and anxiety. Trump's racism, xenophobia, misogyny, nativism, white supremacy, violence and incitement of insurrection have all been traumatic forces as well. Post-traumatic stress symptoms are increasingly evident among us: distressing and intrusive thoughts, anxiety, worry, fear, flashbacks, nightmares, hyper-vigilance, disturbed sleep and more. These symptoms occur most notably in those with close proximity to the horrific nature of the deadly disease, such as first responders, medical providers and friends and families of victims. All are due to the impact of a cruel and corrupt leader who harmed us after swearing to be our protector. Much like a domestic abuser, Trump deceived, betrayed and mistreated us... in a very real way, prosecution of Donald Trump is necessary for individual Americans to heal from their psychological distress and trauma and to feel liberated and positive going forward."
These are the people who go on about "white fragility"
Meme - "Fascism is when you start fewer wars & kill fewer innocent civilians than any president in like 100 years but you make dual citizens & upper middle class white women upset with your tweets"
Meme - Mark Knoller @markknoller: "Awaiting Pres Trump, reporters in the hot sun. He'll be in the shade."
"Move the sun, Trump! What a bigot. I bet Biden would move the sun."
Meme - 2016: **Trump wins* "He's gonna destroy America!"
2018: *Economic boom, Border Wall, ISIS defeated* "He's gonna destroy America!"
2020: *Impeachment failed* "He's gonna destroy America!"
Today: "F*** it! I will do it myself! *lockdown, riots*"
Cancel All Student/Medical Debt on Twitter - "My rent is late, I lost my job, lost my healthcare coverage, and I'm hungry.
DEMS: No problem, vote blue and we'll help immediately.
Done. Now what?
DEMS: Wait for it.
Ok. I've been waiting. What's the plan?
DEMS: Wait longer.
I'm homeless now.
DEMS: Trump was worse."
Facebook - "The merger of corporate & state power is a prime indicator of fascism. So why do I observe “progressives” overwhelmingly becoming defenders of Big Media, Big Tech, Big Pharma & Big State. These lay the very basis of Big Brother itself. Ask yourself: where are your red lines?"
Liberals love fascism when it benefits them
This is why Trump's post-presidential popularity could rise - "“Nearly all presidents, especially those defeated for re-election, eventually enjoy some revisionist second looks,” said Steven Hayward of the Institute of Governmental Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. “It will likely happen for Trump, too, as the intense passions surrounding him recede.”... Trump notched an approval rating of 34 percent in Gallup’s final poll of his presidency — just like George W. Bush in 2009 and Jimmy Carter in 1981, and two points better than the 32 percent scored by Harry Truman as he left office in 1953. But Trump never came close to Richard Nixon’s dismal 24 percent approval rating in the final week of his presidency, just before he resigned in 1974 to dodge impeachment over the Watergate scandal... In 1981, less than a decade after his resignation, the Washington Post — Nixon’s onetime nemesis — began praising his “redemption” and lauding him as a “peacemaker.”That was nine months into the first term of a new, more right-wing Republican president, Ronald Reagan.By the end of Reagan’s presidency, Nixon’s transformation in the public mind was complete, sociologist Sherri Cavan declared in 1989.“Gradually, people came to forget why he was infamous,” Cavan wrote in a research paper that year. “And he became famous again.”The pattern recurred for George W. Bush, denounced by the left as a war criminal and worse during his presidency — then flattered with “Miss Me Yet?” memes and showers of press affection once Trump took the White House. Since 1940, said conservative columnist Ed Driscoll, each GOP presidential candidate has been vilified in extreme terms before being “magically rehabilitated as thoughtful elder statesmen to contrast against the next Hitlerian Republican.”“I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see former President Trump given strange new respect four years from now,” Driscoll said — “to bash whoever is the front-runner in the GOP.”"
Pew Research Center on Twitter - "NEW: Despite a burst of pardons and commutations in his last hours in office, Donald Trump used his executive clemency power less frequently than nearly every other president since the turn of the 20th century."
It was only okay when Obama pardoned a terrorist