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Monday, December 06, 2021

Committee of Privileges Hearing on 3 December 2021 - Ms Raeesah Khan: Transcript


What follows is a transcript (run through Otter.ai, with minimal editing - I just tagged the speakers) of the govsg video in the title.  

Though speech recognition technology has made leaps and bounds in recent years, it still isn't good enough for very accurate transcripts. So take the below as a free (for you, dear reader, at least) and rough transcript, with no warranty as to accuracy - for convenience instead of an accurate transcript. Nonetheless, I believe this will be helpful, especially for archival purposes.

If anyone wants to do or pay for manual transcription (building on the below or otherwise), that would be great. I'm not going to do 9 hours of manual transcription (with more videos almost certainly on the way).

The official transcripts may well come out publicly later (the transcripts and evidence given to the committee are supposed to be confidential but everything is on YouTube: go figure; that was a very short embargo period). If they do, please use those instead. In the meantime, you may profit from the following; you can find links to all my COP transcripts at the index post.

 Tan Chuan-Jin:  0:01  
So John Adams, please invite the next witness to the witness table. After Miss Kahn, please take your seat. For the record again, please state your name, your occupation and positions in my home.

Raeesah Khan  0:22  
My name is Dr. Lisa Hahn. And I don't hold any positions currently.

Tan Chuan-Jin:  0:27  
Thank you very much for coming back again, at short notice, I'd like to remind you that you made an affirmation yesterday to tell the truth, the proceedings today is a continuation of yesterday's hearing. And you're still bound to your solemn obligations. Thing, the thank you very much for submitting some of the documents that you had sent to us, I think the main thing we thought you might want to perhaps make clear is whether you could go through your various channels of communications, and perhaps look at making available more of some of the materials that might be pertinent to what you share. And I think what you're covered, and that might or even if you're not shared it yesterday, but that may help to shed light on the circumstances behind which things evolve from when you made the original statement in between, and eventually to your statement that you made on November 1. We have received from you but we believe that there could be as more materials, if that could be made available to us as well, please, materials would they be emails, WhatsApp messages, anything that can help, I guess, validate some of the points that are made or give a fuller sense of the conversations taking place. Because that will give us It helps us in the committee to have a better feel of how the different things have evolved over time.

Raeesah Khan  1:46  
Okay, I'm not sure what else I would have.

Tan Chuan-Jin:  1:51  
Would you have other materials that you would, there were other materials that you felt that perhaps you're not so comfortable to share? Because one of the things would be that we could print it out, you could always use a marker, and we can black out either a particular compensation piece or reference to other people that you may not be comfortable with. But the rest of conversations might be helpful for us to understand how things evolve.

Raeesah Khan  2:13  
Okay. I'm not really sure what other materials I would have saved from what I've given already.

Tan Chuan-Jin:  2:22  
So in your mind, you have gone through the other few items, I think that the admin staff has this Manawa and dot png, these are graphics, I suppose. Yes. Yes. So if we are not able to print them out at the moment, I don't

Raeesah Khan  2:37  
use attachments as well this morning. Yes, yes, still,

Tan Chuan-Jin:  2:41  
we are able to print out three of them. But for the Manawa ones, we are not able to so Pepsi.

Raeesah Khan  2:46  
Okay, sorry, I thought it was visible enough. But I will send those as well.

Tan Chuan-Jin:  2:51  
Okay, so they'll be useful

Edwin Tong  2:54  
missa missa, perhaps assist in that. We are not after any of the personal documents that you have things which you may have private messages with friends with family. As I said yesterday, we're not after those, and we don't want to intrude into your privacy. But we do have a duty to look at all material that is relevant to the proceedings, and relevance of the issues that we explored with you yesterday, all the way from August, when you first made the speech on the third of August, right through to the press conference that took place yesterday. That's the time horizon that we have in mind. And within that, I think you will remember that we do talk about key events. For example, your meeting on the eighth of August that Mr. Singh's house third of October when Mr. Singh visited you, fourth of October when you had a meeting at the ellos office, in Parliament, and so on. If you'd like I can give you a complete list, but I think it's in the transcripts. And I did tell you to take notes of it. So those are the key moments, key events. And I'd like you to think about those as the key points. And anything arising from or related to each of these key moments would be material that is relevant, whether it's email, Telegram chats, WhatsApp, or any other social media platforms, not of a purely personal nature, but where you discuss an issue, even with a friend or with a family that might relate to an issue that we have discussed. So that's the formulation of what I'm what we would have in mind. Okay, okay. Okay. Thank you very much.

Tan Chuan-Jin:  4:26  
Any other questions from any other members?

Dennis Tan  4:30  
No. Mr. Chairman, just a clarification. The morning isn't just a clarification on a WhatsApp message that you have sent to your essay Miss lupane on Eighth of August Can I refer to the other documents on the table? The screenshots or the WhatsApp conversation between Miss loping Russia con? And yudishe Ug stron, Arden, etc, which was disclosed by Miss loping,

Tan Chuan-Jin:  5:21  
can we make that available that Miscanthus

Dennis Tan  5:27  
is pitch to thank you.

Tan Chuan-Jin:  5:39  
So just were these are examples of some of the conversation that you may have had on the issues that might be pertinent. So if you have these, these will be useful as well.

Raeesah Khan  5:47  
Okay, so I would like the exact same

Tan Chuan-Jin:  5:52  
if there are such this, Mr. denseness a further question, but I'm just adding that these are examples of conversations you may have had with colleagues, friends, etc, they may have discussed on issues, such as these would be useful if you could make them available to us as well.

Edwin Tong  6:07  
With the with the entire trail so that it's relevant in the context of it. That's what we said to miss Lotoo.

Raeesah Khan  6:13  
Okay, I understand. That is.

Dennis Tan  6:15  
Yeah, I just have a short clarification. I will look at page two, right at the bottom on the eighth of August, Sunday, you sent a message to miss Lowe pain. And right at the bottom of that message. You said that they also suggested I write a statement to send out this evening. Yes. Okay. May I know did you follow up on this?

Raeesah Khan  6:44  
Yes, I did write a statement made me

Dennis Tan  6:47  
can you tell us what is this segment?

Raeesah Khan  6:51  
It's available on Facebook, actually, but it was about the comments I made about the Muslim issues affecting women.

Dennis Tan  7:06  
But it was not about the the issue regarding you accompanying a, a another person to the police station, right? No. Thank you.

Tan Chuan-Jin:  7:21  
Any other clarifications? No, there being no further questions for now, we would like to thank you again for coming before the committee transcribed the proceedings will be shared with you for verification, to go through it. If you have any other minor amendments, please make the changes and send the transcripts back to us. Again, as mentioned yesterday, note that the transcripts and evidence given to the committee's are not to be disclosed to anyone and publish must be kept strictly confidential. Until the committee has presented its report to parliament. As I mentioned earlier, you have seen the examples. These are some of the messages that are pertinent and useful as you would have corresponded with whether it's Mr. Nothern or miss Lowe or any others that might be useful. I think it would give us a good sense of how things evolve. So these would be very much appreciated. Okay, I understand. Thank you. So you may be dropped for now. So our staff will accompany you to the waiting room. Thank you very much. Okay. Thanks, Ron. Speaker, company witness. Thank you once again. Thank you

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