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Wednesday, December 01, 2021

Links - 1st December 2021 (2 - Anti-Asian Violence)

Meme - "the blacks: bLacK pEoPLe cAnt bE rAciSt bY dEfiNiTiOn the blacks again: rAciSt aGalnsT WHiTe pEoPle iS nOt rEaL
also the blacks: wE did nOtHiNg wRoNg fOr aSsULtiNg aSiAns aNd wE sHoUld sHuT dOWN aSiAn bUsiNeSs"

A New Radical Centrism on Twitter - "1/ Which racial group is proportionally most likely to commit hate crime? Blacks. Although you'll never hear about it in the mainstream media, this 12% of the population commits 24% of all hate crimes. Least likely? Asians (commit 1% of hate crimes)."

Mike Huckabee tweets anti-Asian "joke" as hate crime numbers, racist rhetoric rise - "Former Arkansas governor and long-ago presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, while trying to criticize companies that have objected to Georgia's new stringent voting law, joked that he now seeks to "identify as Chinese" in a tweet which was widely attacked as patently offensive to Asian-Americans.   "I've decided to 'identify' as Chinese. Coke will like me, Delta will agree with my 'values' and I'll probably get shoes from Nike & tickets to @MLB games. Ain't America great?" Huckabee tweeted on Saturday. The tweet was apparently meant as a dig at Delta Airlines, Coca-Cola and Major League Baseball after those entities expressed opposition to the new Georgia voting law, which seeks to make the voting process in the state more restrictive and is disproportionately likely to affect Blacks and Latinx voters. To put it mildly, Huckabee's gag didn't land well, attracting more than 60,000 comments, with many users calling out the former governor for constantly avowing his Christian faith yet espousing hateful anti-Asian rhetoric."
As usual, liberals are unable to distinguish race and nationality and call criticism of the CCP racist. Luckily there's still Russia who you can bash, since they're white

Of hate, crimes and hate crimes: Anti-Asian violence is not quite what city pols want it to be - "The subway attacker, who remained in the station and was promptly arrested, had been released last month after being charged with sexual abuse for allegedly touching a 68-year-old Asian woman’s leg. The Brooklyn attacker is “not racist” but off his meds and “on Pluto,” according to his siblings. The other two are still at large as I write this but it’s a safe bet that they’re also mentally ill, violently anti-social or both.   If you listen to Mayor de Blasio or most of the politicians competing to replace him, you’d get the idea that the only thing we need to stop these attacks is to reject Donald Trump. And that the police are, if anything, part of the problem.  After spa workers were massacred in Atlanta last month, I wrote about the double consciousness W.E.B. DuBois described more than a century ago and that East Asians are feeling now, “this sense of always looking at one’s self through the eyes of others (looking) on in amused contempt and pity.”  Amid a wave of attacks targeting Orthodox Jews last year, I wrote about the doublethink from the city’s supposedly progressive pols who like to march against hate and Trump while pretending the Brooklyn Bridge in 2021 is the Edmund Pettus Bridge in 1965.  If they’re not offering answers to profound and difficult questions about treating people with mental illness and violent criminal records with human decency while also keeping everyone else here reasonably safe, then railing against white supremacy isn’t about dismantling systems of oppression so much as it is about dodging tough questions.   Centuries of de jure and de facto racism help account for animosities between groups fighting for a piece of the pie, but the idea that we can’t do anything about, say, people who happen to be Black attacking Jews or Asians in New York City until we eliminate hate in America is just a fancy way of saying ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Shrug!  Refusing to acknowledge that, even out of real fears about ushering in more decades of destructive dragnet policing of Black neighborhoods, means ceding an obvious truth to the people who want to do exactly that... It’s not a coincidence that the two top candidates in the polls so far, Andrew Yang and Eric Adams, are the only leading ones talking about policing as anything more than a threat in its own right to public safety."
Of course liberals will still claim that it's only mental illness when it's white people

Facebook - "A Black Lives Matter activist from Seattle has been arrested for anti-Asian hate crimes.  Christopher Hamner, 51, allegedly attacked three Asian-American women in two separate incidents last month.  In the first, Hamner reportedly harassed and chased a mother and her children in south Seattle. Pamela Cole said she’d stopped at traffic lights while driving with her 10 and 5-year-old, when Hamner ‘made eye contact’ with her and stopped. She said he then ‘opened his door’ and started screaming, ‘F*** you, you Asian b****!’ He then began to charge at the family.  On March 18, Hamner is accused of cutting off two other Asian women while driving in Beacon Hill, again shouting similar remarks to the earlier altercation. According to local media, he also charged at the women and threw a plastic object at their car.  There are posts on a Facebook page that show Hamner at BLM protests last summer, as well as video from the CHOP protest zone.  His lawyer argued he suffers from mental illness and said that he is a Navy veteran who works at the Seattle VA Medical Center."

Asian Dawn - Posts | Facebook - "One of thousands of examples. Many African-Americans on Twitter don't know how to read a simple statistical chart. They think the 0.1% Asian-on-Black crime is actually Black-on-Asian crime....."

Jack Posobiec on Twitter - "A South Asian immigrant was murdered in DC and the horrific video of the attack went viral yesterday Not one of the #StopAsianHate promoters even mentioned it, no major brands announced they were donating to his family’s fundraiser All bc it did not fit the narrative
Not even @Uber and it was their own driver"

Tariq Nasheed 🇺🇸 on Twitter - "US Senate passes the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act today to give protections specifically to Asians. This bill will be enforced almost exclusively against BLACK PEOPLE, who are already suffering from systematic anti-Black racism from white supremacist and Asian culture."
When you admit that it's black people attacking Asians...

With the recent trend of Black on Asian violence in the United States, I think its a good idea to remind the Asian community that their lives wont matter until Black lives matter. WE ARE ALL EQUAL WE ARE ALL HUMAN"

Police: Michael Rhee Of Lake Forest Attacked Asian Woman, Believing She Was White, In Retaliation For Rise In Hate Crimes - "A Lake Forest man faces a hate crime charge after allegedly kidnapping an Asian woman, believing she was white, with the intent to sexually assault her. Michael Sangbong Rhee, 37, was arrested Thursday night at his home in Lake Forest. Irvine police say Rhee may have attacked a woman, believing she was white, in retaliation for the rise in hate crimes against Asian people."
Grievance mongering has very real consequences

Influencer and YouTuber Kaneesha Taughtu claims that Asian reporter Betty Yu is posting anti-Black propaganda for reporting Black on Asian crimes. She also claims that Asians "want to see" Black people be harmed. : RacismAgainstAsians

Meme - "Asians are staging attack videos, says Black woman in viral Twitter video "The punches aren't even landing," she said on her YouTube channel, Kaneesha Taughtu. "Asians want to harm Black Americans.""

Jeremy Lin, former NBA star, says he's been called 'coronavirus' on the court
He didn't name the culprits or he'd be accused of "anti-blackness"

Race and ethnicity in the NBA - Wikipedia - "According to racial equality activist Richard Lapchick, the NBA in 2020 was composed of 74.2 percent black players, 16.9 percent white players, 2.2 percent Latino players of any race, and 0.4 percent Asian players"

Wilfred Reilly on Twitter - "The fact that a wave of Black-on-Asian crimes is being almost universally presented as "white supremacy" says all you really need to know about modern mainstream media.
(2) For those asking for examples - this isn't me exaggerating. A major Yahoo News piece describes the rally against "white nationalism" held in NYC following attacks on Asians. If you read through cases and suspects, there's just one problem..."
NPCs cannot process certain statements

Shemeka Michelle on Twitter - "Some Asians are disrespectful to Blk people. They come to America w/ a preconceived notion and seem to hv a hard time separating what’s real from TV. Not excusing violence towards them, just noting violence FROM them has been overlooked."
Victim blaming is good when you have a bigger "victim"
Replies: "What violence from asians? Examples? Are you going to go back to the 1990s for the Latasha Harlan’s case or?"
"I was taught to keep my hands to myself, no matter what someone said to me. I suspect this is not being taught anymore, particularly when words and inaction are characterized as violence. Disrespect is not violence and does not justify violence."
"Yep, if someone thinks I'm a thug and a thief, the most logical thing for me to do is to kick their ass and loot their store."
"Some Asians are disrespectful to Black people but no Black propel are disrespectful to anyone. Ever."

Opinion | What This Wave of Anti-Asian Violence Reveals About America - The New York Times - "Some Asian-Americans were outraged by the violence and demanded justice, but since the perpetrators in these cases were Black, many others felt deeply uncomfortable with contributing to the criminalization of African-Americans. And here we come to the heart of the complexity of “speaking up” for Asian-Americans. Thanks to the “Model Minority” myth — popularized in 1966 by the sociologist William Petersen and later used as a direct counterpoint to the “welfare queen” stereotype applied to Black Americans — Asian-Americans have long been used by mainstream white culture to shame and drive a wedge against other minority groups."
The usual Jedi mind trick - when black people attack Asians, it's white people's fault

Critics fear NYPD Asian hate crime task force could have unintended consequences - "The New York Police Department's new anti-Asian hate crimes task force could inadvertently put Asian Americans in opposition to other communities of color, some activists fear... "I think it's hard for us to fundamentally reconcile that that entity is going to protect our community, when, oftentimes, violence against people of color is coming from law enforcement," said Kham Moua, head of the policy portfolio at the Southeast Asia Resource Action Center, a nonprofit civil rights organization."
Tis better for 1,000 minorities to be shot by each other, than 1 is killed by police for attacking them

Dirty secret of black-on-Asian violence is out - "San Francisco's hidden truth is out. That's what community organizer Carol Mo calls the realization that Asian residents are being targeted for robberies, burglaries and intimidation by young black men... The recent incidents of black violence against Asians is the perfect opportunity to open a dialogue about racism. Instead, they are attempting to close the door. City officials, including the Police Department, say these assaults are part of a larger crime picture where gangs of kids take advantage of a vulnerable group of small stature. But Mo participated in a 2008 survey by the Police Department in which about 300 strong-arm robberies were analyzed. "In 85 percent of the physical assault crimes, the victims were Asian and the perpetrators were African American," she said... the Chinese community also needs to overcome its reticence to go to the police. They are only making themselves more vulnerable by being seen, as one officer put it, as "silent, vulnerable and unwilling to fight back.""

duzi on Twitter - "pls don't say #asianlivesmatter y'all are literally co-opting blm and it's anti-black"
"Solidarity". The definition of "anti-black" seem very broad

FBI — Offenders - "In 2018, race was reported for 6,266 known hate crime offenders. Of these offenders:
   53.6 percent were White.
   24.0 percent were Black or African American."
Damn white supremacy and Trump, making whites underrepresented in hate crimes and blacks overrepresented! And these statistics are stable across years, which just shows how insidious white supremacy is!

The Empire Express - Posts | Facebook - ""In New York City, black males commit 78% of all shootings. If you add Hispanic shootings to that, you get 98% of all shootings. Whites are 34% of the population... They commit under 2% of all shootings" - Heather Mac Donald"

Stop the white lies about anti-Asian hate crime - The Spectator - "Eighteen months ago, liberals attempted to link the spike in anti-Semitic hate crimes to white supremacist actions. New York City mayor Bill de Blasio and the ADL highlighted the activities of white supremacist groups in upstate New York, despite all of the assaults being in the New York City metropolitan area, overwhelmingly perpetrated by black men. This culminated with black men killing Jews in Jersey City and Monsey, New York. Attempts were then made to rationalize them away rather than focusing on the anti-Semitic beliefs of black-nationalist groups, including the Nation of Islam.The same dynamics seems to be unfolding with the current spike in anti-Asian hate crimes. In a New York Times article, Univision anchor Jorge Ramos argued that both the wave of anti-Asian and anti-Latino hate crimes reflect the racism of white Americans. He noted, ‘A common racist attack against the Latino community — and now increasingly, Asian Americans — is the demand, “Go back to your own country!”’ Nancy Pelosi also links this spike to white supremacist views.White supremacists should be vigorously combatted. However, most victimized groups live in central cities where there are few white supremacists. Members of the Asian, Latino and LGBTQ communities may have much more to fear from young alienated black men whose pent up anger spills over into destructive, violent behaviors.Using 2019 FBI statistics — the most recently available data — I computed black and white perpetrators of hate crimes as a percentage of men 18 to 44 years old in their populations. The black rate was 40 percent, 76 percent and 303 percent higher than the white rate for hate crimes against the Asian/Pacific Island, Latino and LGBTQ communities respectively. Even more troubling, black rates for hate-crime assaults were 94 percent higher while for property destruction and vandalism, they were 14 percent lower than white rates.Evidence from Los Angeles verifies the limited reach of white supremacist actions, particularly with regards to violent crimes and those perpetrated against Asian/Pacific Island, Latino, or LGBQT communities. Its Human Rights Commission found:‘After declining for two years, white supremacist crimes…accounted for 22 percent of all [2019] hate crimes. Seven out of 10 white supremacist crimes involved vandalism and more than half targeted persons from the Jewish community.’Disproportionate black behaviors extended to all violent crimes. For 2019, black arrests per male for murders and all violent crimes were, respectively, 4.94 and 2.73 times white arrests per male. And these numbers are before the unprecedented 2020 homicide spike... After studying Pittsburgh youth, Mark Berg noted, ‘[Many] decent youths adopted a violent public posture — even though it violated their own personal beliefs in conventional norms — in order to deter the aggressive overtures of other youths in their neighborhood.’... Even before the pandemic, there were a significant number of disconnected young black men. In 2018, 20.8 percent of black men aged 18 to 24 years old were neither at paid employment nor in school, more than double the white rate. Disconnected young people are about two-and-a-half times as likely to be living with family other than their parents and eight times as likely to be living alone as their more-connected peers. This is the population that is most at-risk of embracing a gun culture that victimizes other black Americans, as well as other groups.Unfortunately, social justice advocates rationalize away these anti-social behaviors for fear that any sustained campaign would only promote blaming-the-victim beliefs. Instead, they characterize these perpetrators as victims so that rather than penalizing them for their behaviors, restorative justice procedures are championed. And following this perspective, many cities have dramatically adjusted their classification of crimes. Felonies are reduced to misdemeanors, misdemeanors are reduced to fines. With too aggressive bail reform that includes those found with illegal weapons, and prison diversion programs — violent-prone youth are allowed to remain on the street even after repeat offenses. Most troubling, there is an unwillingness to combat family and school inadequacies that result in a large share of black 10-year-olds having significant academic and behavioral deficits. Without improving this situation, too many black boys will continue to enter high schools with significant shortcomings that lead them to end up in the disconnected population. Government must provide supportive resources for families, including visiting nursing programs and counseling services, and incorporate best practices that have enabled charter public schools to be much more effective than traditional public schools in educating poor black and Latino students. Only then can we limit the seeds of the violent behaviors that afflict many young black men."

Criminal Victimization, 2018 - "Based on victims’ perceptions of the offenders, the offender-to-population ratio shows that the percentage of violent incidents involving black offenders (22%) was 1.8 times the percentage of black persons (12%) in the population. In contrast, the percentage of violent incidents involving white (50%) or Hispanic (14%)offenders was about four-fifths (0.8 times) the percentage of whites (62%) or Hispanics (17%) in the population, and the percentage involving Asian offenders (2.5%) was about two-fifths (0.4 times) the percentage of Asians in the population (6%). The percentage of violent incidents involving offenders of other races (Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders, American Indians and Alaska Natives, and persons of two or more races) was 3.8 times the percentage of those races in the population. The offender-to-victim ratio shows that the percentage of violent incidents involving black offenders (22%) was twice the percentage of incidents committed against black victims (11%). In contrast, the percentage of incidents involving Asian offenders (2.5%) was three-fifths (0.6 times) the percentage of incidents committed against Asian victims (4%)"
62% of violent crime against whites was by whites. 70% of violent crime against blacks was by blacks. 45.4% of violent crime against Hispanics was by Hispanics. For these races, a majority or at least plurality of the crime was intra-racial. For Asians, 24% of violent crime was by Asians, but 28% was by blacks. So clearly blacks are targeting Asians.

Anti-Asian hate crime jumps 1,900 percent - "According to NYPD data, hate crimes motivated by anti-Asian sentiment jumped by 1,900 percent in the last year — there was only one reported anti-Asian incident during all of 2019 compared to 20 in the first half of 2020"
There is a claim that there has been a 1,900% rise in hate crimes against Asian Americans in the US. This claim needs to be heavily qualified. Firstly, this is for New York City, so whether it can be generalised to the whole of the US is a very open question. More importantly, this "1900%" rise was a rise... from 1 to 20. In statistics we know that when base numbers are small, percentage changes are going to be misleading. Be that as it may, if you look at the NYPD data (Reports - Hate Crimes - NYPD), you can open "Complaints and Arrests Summary, Annual 2020", filter for bias motivation = Anti-Asian and look at the race of the arrestee. Out of the 20 arrestees, 11 are black, 2 are black hispanic, 5 are white hispanic and 2 are white

Hate Crimes Targeting Asian Americans Spiked by 150% in Major US Cities
This covers more cities than the NYC claim. Yet, the 150% is for "major cities", it's 150%... from 49 to 122, 28 of the 122 are from NYC (I've already analysed the NYC data above so all the pieces blaming "white supremacy" are just shitting on white people due to anti-white racism, as usual)
As usual people are trying to shill for the CCP
It is telling over 90% of the incidents were "verbal harassment and shunning". Shunning may be subjective and verbal harassment can be very minor.

NYPD: Per capita, blacks in NYC are 18.7 times as likely as Asians to be robbery suspects - "From NBC News, here is one of countless recent articles explaining that while, sure, it may look like most of the street violence against elderly Asians is perpetrated by blacks, but that’s just a stereotype, while Experts all agree the real enemy is, as always, White Supremacy."

How racism and white supremacy fueled a Black-Asian divide in America
I like how Vox's "evidence" is Trump's "racist" terms for covid, decades old policies and lots of hand waving. They also lie about how blacks aren't overrepresented in Anti-Asian crimes

Glenn Greenwald on Twitter - "Has anyone provided an iota of evidence that what is driving this horrific surge of anti-Asian violence is "white supremacist domestic terror"? That would require data showing who is primarily perpetrating the violence and with what motive. Where is that? Please look at how stupid and lowly so many liberals are now. If you ask for evidence to support sweeping but dubious claims about the cause of anti-Asian violence, they won't answer (their brains don't allow that). Instead, they'll call you racist: it's all they know how to do Here's a white historian who has a life where race plays no role other than to exploit it as a fun online toy to casually slander people as racists for refusing to endorse claims without evidence. Contempt is required for them and their tactics"

Thread by @MsMelChen on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "American media has never backed up this claim that the words and actions by the previous admin directly cause the "rising tide of hate crimes" against Asian Americans... Bear in mind that the FBI hasn't released its 2020 hate crime statistics broken down by ethnic group yet. But in its place, every article that remotely mentions the rise of anti-Asian hate crimes in the wake of covid19 has cited statistics from a group called "Stop AAPI Hate." Who are they and how did they collect this data is super relevant to this discussionThe Georgia massage parlor shooter brought a Bible with him to school every day and had developed a deep sense of 'shame' over his addiction to porn and sex which he sought treatment for in rehab, his friends and former roommates have revealed... His father is a youth minister and he is an enthusiastic member of a South Baptist church which, after the shootings, said it was 'heartbroken'. It has also been revealed that he sought treatment at Maverick Recovery, a treatment center in Atlanta, for sex addiction at the end of 2019 and early 2020.
The Stop AAPI Hate group appears to be founded by several progressive groups such as Chinese for Affirmative Action (!) & the Asian American Studies Department of San Francisco State University.I can't find any funding information yet on GuideStar because it's a newlyestablished organization and they have yet to file any 990s.
The no. of incidents of anti-Asian discrimination documented across the U.S. by "Stop AAPI Hate" is indeed staggering - 1,843 as of May 2020.
But this number is actually based on self-reporting on the Stop AAPI Hateweb portal itself. According to a self-published report, the highest proportion of these cases are actually verbal harassment (69.3%) and shunning (22.4%).So there is EVERY reason to be skeptical about this number. I do not doubt that there is an increase in both violent andnon-violent discriminatory incidents against Asians which is terrible and must be opposed, but I marvel at the lack of skepticism journalists have when throwing around this statistic and directly implicating rhetoric as the reason why this is happening.
These cases are also mostly happening in the same major progressive cities like San Francisco and New York where there has been a major uptick in crime rates in general, so how much of it is ambient crime hasn't been delineated.
More troubling to me is how this conjecture has evolved from afigure published by a brand new organization whose data collection methods and standard for what constitutes a hate incident are dubious, to an actual UN report... It's the same statistic, from the same group. But the UN wrote up a report condemning "contemporary forms of racism, racial discriminationxenophobia and related intolerance" and basically parroted the figure and conclusion from the original Stop AAPI Hate report, in this UN Report.It cited nothing new and added nothing new. But it gave this statistic the imprimatur of the "United Nations" and media outlets then began citing it as a "UN Report." Insidious, right?...
Of course anti-Asian prejudice due to covid is wrong. But if the rates of bullying, harassment and hate crimes against Asians are misattributed to phrases andxenophobic sentiments (which could be construed to be hawkish approaches to China policy on the national security front), then we will not actually do anything to solve the problem.And besides, Trump has been out of office and no longer has any platform to broadcast his views,so why are so many eager to pin the current string of attacks on his rhetoric?And how curious is it that using race as a shield (btw China is NOT a race) only serves the CCP's interest to obfuscate the association between the virus and its origins in Wuhan?"

Opinion: Chinatown attacks won't divide Black and Asian communities - "Our Black and Asian communities have come together to push back against anti-Black and anti-Asian violence in recognition that all violence comes from the same root causes: white supremacy and capitalism... Our dog-eat-dog, survival-of-the-fittest capitalist culture drives the hoarding of resources and thrives on taking advantage of others. Capitalism monetizes caging people while creating conditions that disenfranchise entire communities in order to cage more people. Why? So the system can reproduce itself — lather, rinse, repeat.This is what we mean when we say that all violence is state violence. When a young Black man in East Oakland is shot, as part of an underreported but disturbing rise in violent crimes impacting Black folks in Oakland this year, that is state violence. This violence is a byproduct of generations of stolen labor from Black communities through enslavement, of white supremacy enforced through Jim Crow, and of systematic disinvestment in and overpolicing of Black communities to create conditions of poverty."
From a member of the Oakland city council, no less

Apistevist on Twitter - "Remember! Speaking out about attacks on Asian elderly people is now considered "anti-Blackness." It's a form of "white supremacy," "white adjacency," or "yellow privilege.""
"So true. When people were talking about interracial violence last year, an Asian buddy of mine in NY shared a stat that Asians are 280x more likely to be victimized by blacks.  And the wokest black guy I've known since college replied with just this: "anti-blackness.""

Are Asian-Americans the Next ‘Official’ Target? - "A Facebook post has resurfaced from Toronto-based Black Lives Matter co-founder Yusra Khogali stating white people are “sub-human” an“inferior race,” “recessive genetic defects,” and they should be “wiped out.” Asian-Americans have also been experiencing this type of Nazistic ideology from members of Black Lives Matter throughout the United States... Black Lives Matter supporters gathered in front of Fremont Mayor Lily Mei’s house to demand police defunding and chalked “Asian Silence is Violence” on the road in front of her house. Other cases involve Black Lives Matter supporters heckling and harassing an Asian-American reporter during a BLM rally in New York City back in late June. Let’s not forget the Black Lives Matter organizer, Devonere Johnson who was arrested in Madison, Wisconsin for allegedly blackmailing some Asian-owned businesses with the threat of violence and looting. Or the hundreds of Asian-owned businesses looted and destroyed by Black Lives Matter supporters throughout the United States. More and more incidents are popping up between Asian-Americans and members of Black Lives Matter. Some Asian-Americans explained to Asian Dawn they marched with Black Lives Matter but ended up leaving the movement because of the racism they faced. From “Eating dog” jokes to an Asian couple who stated “Some dudes kept hitting on my girl and kept asking her in front of me ‘He gotta small dick, huh? Girl, what’s up? What’s your name?’” The couple felt so uncomfortable, they ended up leaving the march."

Targeting Asians is Still Not Considered ‘Racist’ - "Many readers may recall multiple incidents involving a 23-year-old Ghanaian Samuel Opoku running around the campuses of the University of Toronto and York University dumping bucket loads of his feces onto five Asian people in three separate incidents back in November 2019. He was arrested later that month.Opoku admitted he specifically targeted Asians but was not charged with a hate crime... Global News obtained documents that showed Opoku was convicted of criminal harassment on March 8, 2017, however, he was given a suspended sentence and put on probation for two years. Canadian-Africans should be shown leniency after suffering hundreds of years of racial oppression."
The accusations of Asians as having "anti-blackness" seem to be projection

Black-on-Asian Crime Statistics By Justice Department - "Black-on-Asian crime is 280x more common than Asian-on-Black crime. These statistical trends have been common for over a decade and rising... In 2018, there were 182,230 reports of Asians being victims of violent crime. The race of the offenders against Asians is as follows: 24% White and 28% Black. With that said, the U.S. population is 62% Caucasian, so you would think Caucasians would be committing more violent crimes against Asians. The black population is 12%, Hispanics are 17%, and Asians are 6% of the U.S. population... Now, there are Asians who wrong African-Americans. According to the Justice Department Chart, Page 13, Asians violently offending African-Americans is less than 0.1% of the time. Caucasian-Americans violently attack African-Americans 11% of the time.What about Asian-on-Asian crime? Well, according to the chart because we deal with facts and statistics, rather than feelings, 76% of violent crimes against Asians were perpetrated by non-Asians. This makes Asians the most victimized race in America... Violent crimes committed by non-blacks toward African-Americans was 30%. Which means Black-on-Black violent crime is 70%. At the same time, 38% of all crimes against Caucasian-Americans was committed by non-Caucasians. Crimes against Latinos by non-Latinos were 55%."
Liberals who refuse to look at per capita rates to preserve their delusions can't claim that whites commit more anti-Asian crimes than blacks, so this shows that white people are evil. They need to look for some other fudge

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