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Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Links - 8th December 2021 (1 - False Rape Accusations)

How the #MeToo Movement Helped Create a Script for False Accusers - "Judges and jurors, like everyone else, often imagine they are good at catching liars. But studies show otherwise. In research published in the Personality and Social Psychology Review, subjects were found to “achieve an average of 54% correct lie-truth judgments, correctly classifying 47% of lies as deceptive and 61% of truths as non-deceptive.” In other words, not much better than a coin flip. Still, there are methods that can help sniff out false narratives. For instance, creating believable dialogue is difficult, even for professional writers. And the stories that go along with most false accusations sometimes contain dubious, stereotypical descriptions of what the accused and the victim supposedly said to one another. In some cases, a false accuser might say that the accused just endlessly repeated the same stereotypically menacing line over and over. Or they might claim that nothing was said whatsoever... The #MeToo movement, along with other previous movements and hashtags, has opened up vast resources online that help victims of sexual assault seek justice, network with allies and other survivors, and recover emotionally from their trauma. This is all to the good. But as Chloe’s case helps demonstrate, these same resources can also be used as tools to create a realistic backstory out of whole cloth.In 2016, a young British woman admitted, after just a few minutes of cross-examination at trial, that she had manufactured a sexual-assault complaint against her father, using the lurid plot of Fifty Shades of Grey as her source material. The father might well have been convicted if he hadn’t mentioned to his lawyer in passing, just a day before trial, that his daughter’s favorite book was, by his recollection, “about a millionaire who takes a young woman under his wing and ‘teaches her about art.’” Likewise, if Chloe hadn’t promoted her interest in sexual-assault prevention on social media and recorded videos about her activism, how would the evidence in her case have come to light? The prosecutor and police reportedly didn’t research any of this in detail before the case went to trial; and when issues were raised by the defense, the Crown made no effort to examine or provide exculpatory evidence. Indeed, the court transcripts indicate that the prosecutor’s behavior was so outrageous that the judge warned about possible contempt charges. Yet this episode produced no social-media outrage, despite the fact that a likely innocent man might easily have gone to jail... To the extent that the outcome will become known to the public at all, it will be classified as an incomplete trial. It won’t be recorded as a false accusation. Just the opposite, in fact: Journalists who report in this field will cite this data point as an instance of injustice to sexual assault victims."

Evil Carl Beech is proof we need EVIDENCE before naming those accused of sex crimes - "False accusations of abuse can ruin you. And the effects of that ruination don’t just evaporate once the lies are exposed.In the past few years, I have met several high-profile figures who have been falsely accused — by others, not Beech — of sexual crimes they didn’t commit, and many have been pushed close to breakdown.The relentless strain they’ve been under — sometimes for years — is all too clear in a face ravaged by worry, lack of sleep and loss of appetite.And then, once your name has been cleared, the all-consuming anger kicks in for all the unnecessary pain inflicted on you and your loved ones.Imagine if it was you... Crown prosecutor Jenny Hopkins says: “Carl Beech has been described by some as a fantasist, but what he’s done goes beyond being a fantasist. He’s a manipulative and very deceitful man and he would quite happily have seen innocent people face the full weight of the law.”  Exactly. Worse, he was aided and abetted by Met Police officers who seemingly showed the intellectual rigour of the Keystone Cops.  And, of course, the jaw-dropping gullibility of political figures such as Labour’s Tom Watson, who persuaded Beech to keep going with his claims after initially being ignored by the more sceptical Wiltshire force. Unforgivably, considering the cost to the falsely accused and their families, the Met Police’s handling of Beech started from the premise of “we believe you”.In other words, those he was accusing were considered guilty until proven innocent — a fundamental breach of how the law should work. Yesterday, it emerged that none of the officers involved in the £2.5million, 18-month-long investigation into Beech’s increasingly fantastical claims of a “VIP paedophile ring” will face disciplinary action.Is that because someone, somewhere knows that it’s the fault of the police system rather than the actions of any individual that created this unholy mess?Hindsight is a wonderful thing but I remain convinced that had Beech been interviewed by a panel of experienced journalists, they would have flushed out his obvious fabrications within minutes.So too would the majority of police officers . . . if they were allowed to act on their gut instinct.But that style of policing is now regarded as old-fashioned in a supposedly progressive world where, post-Savile, everything is viewed through a victim-centric prism... plenty of police officers I have spoken to now despair that promotion is given to those who say, rather than do, the right things.Consequently, many senior positions are occupied by corporate box-tickers who, when presented with a problem, can only solve it if there’s a policy in place that tells them what to do... those who are accused shouldn’t be identified until there is enough evidence to charge them which, ironically, is what happened with Beech, who had previously enjoyed anonymity. I know this is a minority view among my media colleagues"
I encountered someone who was obsessed with "pedos" who still believed there was some vast pedophile network to crack here
Ironically, the experienced journalists wouldn't have done better since they'd go along with the party line of believing victims - as he admits at the end

University of Texas tells its police to hide evidence that favors students accused of rape - "Advocates for due process in campus rape adjudications have long sought to remove college officials from investigations because their various conflicts of interest render them unable to provide basic fairness to either party... That’s why it’s troubling those advocates to see how the University of Texas-Austin is attempting to turn a neutral institution – its campus police – into an advocate for one party.Its new “blueprint,” flagged by Inside Higher Ed, tells campus police to conduct worse investigations. UT-Austin’s Institute on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault developed the manual, which tells police to ignore contradictions and inconsistencies in rape accusers’ allegations because they must be the result of “trauma"... 'the report essentially suggests that investigators avoid creating any record in which parties might make contradictory statements. So, investigators should “avoid repeating a detailed report” when conducting follow-up interviews, and they should “reduce the number of reports prepared by investigators,” all to limit the defense’s ability to challenge the prosecution’s case.'... The blueprint also lays out several “myths” (Table 3.5) that many people outside of the Title IX industrial complex would think are very debatable.Two examples: “If a girl initiates kissing or hooking up, she should not be surprised if a guy assumes she wants to have sex,” and “Rape accusations are often used as a way of getting back at guys” (persuasively argued in litigation by accused students who note the curious timing of rape allegations)."

Accuser backs out of Title IX proceeding after court orders UMich to allow cross-examination - "When you can make sexual assault allegations with no possibility of being challenged, why wouldn’t you?After a stinging court ruling last month that ordered the University of Michigan to allow cross-examination and a “live hearing,” the student who accused “John Doe” of sexual misconduct has dropped out rather than face scrutiny... Gordon told the 6th Circuit that public records requests show the university has spent $1.2 million so far on lawyers just in this case, which is nearly twice as much as it had spent as of last summer."
No wonder college tuition is going up - legal fees aside the number of administrators needed to deal with this rubbish...

District Attorney In Maine Wants To Start Prosecuting People Based On Accusations And Nothing Else - "District Attorney Natasha Irving said she would try to reform the legal system by prosecuting cases that previously had been deemed “too hard to prove.” She said prosecutors shouldn’t decline to take on such cases because “that response is very damaging to a survivor,” suggesting she believes every accuser is a “survivor.”... Irving also repeated the misleading statistic that just 2% to 8% of sexual assault accusations are false. The number, as I have written numerous times, refers only to cases that have been proven false. The real number is unknown. Using the same logic employed by Irving, one could say just 3% to 5% of rape accusations are true, since that’s how many go to trial and result in a guilty finding."
Then feminists will point to the low conviction rate as evidence of "rape culture". Brilliant way to perpetuate the narrative!

Even if false rape reports are rare, they shouldn't be ignored - "Whenever a high-profile account of alleged campus sexual assault comes crashing down – such as Rolling Stone's gang-rape accusation – activists predictably fall back on the claim that only 2 percent of rape accusations are false.This isn't accurate. First, the 2 percent figure refers to false reports made to the police. Making a false police report carries a penalty, which exists to deter people from doing so (although sometimes that penalty isn't enforced, such as with the Duke Lacrosse rape hoaxer). No such penalty exists on college campuses. (Indeed, even the accuser in the Rolling Stone article, though proven to have lied, did not face any punishment from the school.) Not having that penalty is meant to make accusers feel more comfortable coming forward, although it's difficult to see how being punished for lying would make truthful victims fearful. Regardless, a lack of consequences makes it easier for student accusers to come forward and punish fellow students who may have hurt them or with whom they had a previous regretted encounter that has come to be seen as assault. But let's look at that 2 percent figure as if it applied to all cases. If it were true that 2 percent of rape reports were proven to be false, that would indicate that 98 percent were proven to be true, and therefore, accusers should be believed as a matter of default... The Washington Post, in an article fact-checking a graphic about rape statistics, mentioned a study from the "Making A Difference" Project, which the National Center for the Prosecution of Violence Against Women claimed was the "only research conducted in the U.S. to evaluate the percentage of false reports made to law enforcements."... that study actually found 7.1 percent of rape reports to be "unfounded/false." But one can't assume that means 92.9 percent of reports were true. The study found an additional 8.5 percent to be classified as "unfounded/baseless." End Violence Against Women International, which produced the MAD study, defined baseless reports as "those that do not meet the elements of the offense and those that were improperly coded as a sexual assault in the first place." This includes sexual assault reports in which a "follow-up investigation reveals either that no crime occurred or that some other type of crime was actually committed (or attempted)." In other words, a false report of rape... 15.6 of reports could reliably be determined as false, another 17.9 percent weren't actually crimes and just 1.2 percent (or 2.2 percent) could be reliably determined as true. The remainder would fall into a "we'll never know for sure" category... none of this data can be applied to reports of campus sexual assault. There is no data available on the number of campus sexual assault accusations that turn out to be false, as it hasn't been studied. And again, without a penalty associated with false police reports, false accusations made to campus administrators are likely to increase."
Even a study used to propagate the feminist myth that only 2% of rape accusations are false shows that 15.6% of rape reports made to law enforcement are false (which means rape reports are false at an even higher rate). So we could even say that false rape reports exceed true ones

How To Lie And Mislead With Rape Statistics: Part 1 - "As it turns out, only 7.8% of rape reports are true. I know that may seem hard to believe, but I didn’t just make it up.  Technically, it is completely true.  It is also completely horse shit.  It is so misleading and built upon so many undisclosed caveats, that most people would consider it as good as lying if they knew how it was actually derived. The thing is, that “only 2-8% of rape allegations turn out to be false” figure you may have heard?  Not only is it just as misleading (if not more), it actually comes from the exact same data set... 'The “unfounded” rate, or percentage of complaints determined through investigation to be false, is higher for forcible rape than for any other Index crime. In 1995, 8 percent of forcible rape complaints were “unfounded,” while the average for all Index crimes was 2 percent.'"
Rape is lied about a lot more than other crimes

How To Lie And Mislead With Rape Statistics: Part 2 - "So, to clarify, the study found that 7+5 = 12 out of 116 reported rapes were false.  For most people that would be a false reporting rate of 10.3%, which is outside the 2-8% range, but apparently not for the authors.  It would seem that rape reports made by someone other than the victim do not count as false despite being, well, false. At this point all I can say is that at least they are quoting the research of others – if this is the kind of logic they are using, I can only imagine what the results would be if they got to design the study themselves... not only do they try to disguise the fact that the main source for their hypothesis is a study that two of the authors conducted themselves for an organization with a clear stake in the matter, but the entire article is essentially an advertisement for their training sessions. Think I’m exaggerating? Check out the last page of article... 'While it is understandable that investigators might want to prove that the report is false out of a sense of frustration and a determination to get to the truth, this is probably not the best use of limited resources.'...
Do you see the situation they are setting up here?
A rape report can only be classified as false after a thorough fact-based investigation (a confession that the report was false is not enough)
Don’t ask the same question twice so they can’t change their story
Even if you find key parts of their story to be false, don’t pay much attention to it
Challenging the validity of their report could be devastating
Even if you think the report is false, is it really worth your time to prove that it is?...
When they say that only 2-8% of rape reports are false, the implication is that the rest are true. Based on the ways their source data was constructed though, “2-8% of rape reports are false” would only be an accurate statement if you include the addendum “at bare minimum.”  2-8% isn’t actually a ceiling, or even a range, it is merely a floor... there wasn’t actually a rape, but the report doesn’t get counted as false.  Those last two categories combined make up 26.4% of the total rape reports. Isn’t manipulating statistics fun?...   The best way to demonstrate how misleading this methodology is, is to use their data and hyper-conservative classifications to answer a different question:  What percentage of rape reports are true?...   At the end of the day, my point is this – If someone tries to advocate a particular policy based on the fact that “only 2-8% of rape reports are false” an appropriate response might be “Sure, but only 1-8% are true.”"
A determination to get to the truth is anti-feminist

Feminists Try To Debunk False Rape Culture With False Data - "The founder of the Enliven Project, a self-proclaimed “truth-teller,” sees no harm in her bogus graphic. The reason? It created a conversation!"

Prosecute, Smear, Acquit - "Not everyone is aware that the #MeToo “movement” didn’t arise organically. I had been told it was coming well before it happened, that there was a deliberate plan to circumvent the difficulties presented by the legal system, even the Title IX campus sex tribunals, because they required two things that proponents found too hard to address: Evidence and the possibility that their accusations might be tested... You might also note how critical it is to this scheme that the rape epidemic and false accusations lie be perpetrated. With both of these key beliefs in place, the downside of this extrajudicial and subconstitutional system was small enough that people would overlook its harm, ignore the fact that these cries were entirely unproven and would never be proven. There are no rules of evidence on social media, just as there’s no appeal.And regardless of where you stand on the underlying issue, it has been a huge success. It has accomplished its goal of circumventing the principles upon which our law was grounded and eviscerating them. But where does it go from here? There remains a problem with the scheme, that as much as they can get men fired or expelled, books burned, movies trashed and art removed from the walls of museums, they still can’t put men in jail without going through the “regular” legal system... Natasha Irving’s idea of how of “reform” isn’t to adhere more closely to the Constitution, to assure every accused of due process, or to recognize that the job of a prosecutor isn’t to convict, but to “do justice.” Rather, her “reform” is to arrest and prosecute people against whom there is insufficient evidence to convict... This isn’t to say that prosecutors should reject any case that isn’t a slam dunk, but to prosecute men based on the litany of rationalizations, as proffered by the “experts” who teach the jury what they’re to believe to be fact, when the evidence at best fails to establish proof beyond a reasonable doubt is a deliberate abuse of power. Ironically, it’s the same abuse complained of by reform prosecutors in any other prosecution not involving an accusation of sexual assault. Go figure... Will it work? First, it doesn’t have to in order to accomplish its goal. As the saying goes, you can beat the rap, but you can’t beat the ride. Men will be arrested and prosecuted, their faces and the accusations against them will appear in the media. They will lose their jobs, their homes, their families and be criminals. Even acquitted, the belief of guilt isn’t dissipated. After all, juries don’t return verdicts of “innocent,” but not guilty. And as the presumption of innocence is reduced to a “legal technicality” rather than a tenet of law, there is no way to overcome the taint.But second, it may well work. For the reasons detained people plead guilty now, they will plead guilty to sex offenses rather than roll the dice at trial or spend a few years awaiting their chance for vindication. And third, if the rationalizations, the expert witnesses, the narrative, accomplish what their pushers hope, perhaps juries will convict despite the gross inadequacy of proof."

Kansas Prosecutors Drop False Accusation Charges, Claiming Real Victims Would Be Hurt - "The woman was arrested for making a false report, but prosecutors dropped the charges against her in November, citing fears that real victims would be afraid to come forward.Now, a month later, prosecutors have dropped charges against two more women who allegedly made false claims"
If you don't prosecute false accusations, feminists can continue to tout low rates of false accusation

False sex assault reports not as rare as reported, studies say - "The Pentagon issues an annual report on sexual assaults in the military. Nearly one-quarter of all cases last year were thrown out for lack of evidence... “Any man who doubts Ford is hostile to women experiencing abuse, who make accusations truthfully 90 to 98 percent of the time. This is why hard data from the Pentagon, which shows rates of false accusations averaging 18 percent in annual reports since 2009, is important.”... NBC News showcased Ms. Swetnick and reported that she provided the names of four witnesses. One was dead, one said she didn’t know Ms. Swetnick and two didn’t respond.Ms. Ramirez and Ms. Swetnick refused the committee’s requests for interviews, according to Republican staffers.Ms. Ford testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Sept. 27 that Justice Kavanaugh tried to rape her at a high school house party 36 years ago when he was 17. He denied the event ever happened. The FBI reported to the committee that agents interviewed supposed attendees, including Ms. Ford’s high school best friend. They all failed to corroborate that the party took place... Mr. Turvey quotes a study by researcher Edward Greer, past president of the Association American Law Schools. He traced the one and only source for the “2 percent” assertion to a 1975 book, “Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape,” which quoted statistics from New York City, not from across the nation.Mr. Turvey cites 10 studies that debunk the 2 percent assertion in the U.S. and abroad.“The power of any lie is equal only to our desire to believe it,” Mr. Turvey wrote. “Specifically, our need and eagerness to believe it. This is the problem with belief — which is accepting something as true or correct without proof.”"

NCFM Member John Davis, Esq.,How Many Rape Accusations are False? - "“Feminism has produced a popular definition of rape that can be expressed as: “Rape occurs anytime a woman has a physical, auditory or visual contact with a man, and, the woman is unhappy, before, during or after the contact.” – John Davis... The late 1980’s and early 1990’s saw some serious studies conducted by the U.S. Air Force, Purdue University, and other institutions, into measuring the rate of false accusations of rape.These studies employed an unimpeachable method of recording a rape accusation as false, only if the accuser admitted that it was false.These serious studies concluded that between 40% and 60% of accusations of rape were false (based upon the admissions of the accusers)... Shortly after these studies were published, rape accuser advocates had “rape shield laws” passed in all states that prohibited further scientific research and study of the phenomenon."
This was taken down from Medium. You can't challenge the narrative
If you prevent research into false rape reports, you can proclaim that there is no evidence that there're many of them. Brilliant move by feminists!

Woman who falsely accused man of rape, sending him to prison for 4 years, gets 1-3 years jail - ""What happened in this case is one of the worst things that can happen in our criminal justice system," Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Charles Solomon said before sentencing Biurny Peguero to one to three years... Peguero, 27, pleaded guilty to perjury last August, admitting that her claim of rape against William McCaffrey was a lie... In court papers filed by her lawyers, Peguero said she was too drunk to remember the night of the alleged attack so she came to believe her lie.It later emerged that her injuries that night stemmed from a drunken brawl with a friend. Prosecutor Evan Krutoy had asked the judge to sentence Peguero to two to six years "so that there's a chance that she will serve what he served.""

Woman who glued her vagina as part of bizarre bid to frame her ex-boyfriend is jailed for ten years - "Vanesa Gesto accused former boyfriend Ivan Rico of kidnapping her outside her home and abandoning her semi-naked after squeezing the superglue into her private parts.Her story began to unravel when investigators uncovered CCTV footage showing Gesto buying the glue and a 'kidnap kit' including knives she used to harm herself from a Chinese-run supermarket.

Man 'raped and killed by parents' after daughter 'lied he touched her' - "An ‘innocent’ man was allegedly raped and battered to death by ‘vigilante’ parents after a 10-year-old girl ‘lied’ he had molested her ‘as a joke’.The girl claimed truck driver Dmitry Chikvarkin, 48, had touched her and another girl, 3, ‘below the waist’ after he gave them a lift to their carer in the town of Verkhnyaya Pyshma in Russia.Her dad Sergey Chabin, 33, and his girlfriend Valeria Dunaeva, 25, mother to the other child, are accused of gathering three male friends to attack Mr Chikvarkin after hearing the story... ‘First, he was raped… then they smashed his head with the same pipe, breaking his skull..’ A woman who had cared for the children – an aunt of Dunaeva’s ex-husband – was also allegedly attacked as she tried to protect Chikvarkin"
The perils of moral panic over "pedos" and a culture of believing women

Colo. man imprisoned for 28 years after woman dreamed he raped her expected to be freed after convicted rapist admits to crime, DA claims confession is a lie - "A man locked up for almost three decades after a Colorado woman had a dream he raped her is expected to be freed after someone else confessed to the crime, but investigators claim the confession was a lie.  Clarence Moses-EL was sentenced to 48 years in prison for raping and assaulting a woman after she came home from a night out drinking in 1988.   He spent 28 years in jail after she claimed it was him because she saw his face in a dream.  Twenty-five years later, convicted rapist L.C. Jackson wrote a letter to Moses-EL confessing... The rape victim initially named Jackson when police questioned her... For almost 30 years, Moses-EL was behind bars as Denver police ruined DNA evidence that could have proved his innocence.   Police destroyed body swabs and the victim's clothes, despite a judge's orders to preserve the evidence for testing.  Moses believes the evidence was destroyed because officers didn't want to own up to a massive mistake"

Over Half of Accused Students Found Not Responsible by Campus Sex Tribunals - "An analysis of annual reports from 48 colleges in 21 states reveals that 52.7% of campus sexual assault adjudications resulted in a finding of “not responsible” for the accused student... This finding is similar to a 2017 NCHERM report titled “Due Process and the Sex Police” that stated, “annual summaries show that they are finding no violation of policy 60% of the time in their total case decisions.”  Most institutions review sexual misconduct cases based on the preponderance of evidence standard. In practice, this standard is essentially a measure of credibility of the statements of the accuser and the accused. The fact that a larger percentage of students was found not responsible demonstrates that most allegations investigated by colleges are determined to be unfounded."
In other words, if we apply the beyond reasonable doubt criterion, unjustified rape accusations are even higher

Meme - "You raped me. I'm officially accusing you of raping me, I expect your suicide by tonight. Thanks for your cooperation.
Okay before this goes farther, I've never met this person and I hope never to. *** has never touched me and I pray he never will and I hope he doesn't kill himself to prove a childish point. He called me dumb and I wanted to make a point that's all. So sorry & Thank you."

Manhattan district attorney: 'Rape accusations are as good as proof' - "Every man – particularly men of color – should be afraid. Very afraid.  After a jury returned two guilty verdicts against former movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr., incredulously had this to say about allegations of rape and sexual assault:  “It’s rape even if there is no physical evidence.”"

Swedish #MeToo activist told to pay damages to man she accused of rape - "A Swedish journalist has been ordered to pay thousands of kronor in damages to a man she claimed raped her, in a series of social media posts that got the #MeToo movement under way in Sweden.  Stockholm District Court on Monday found journalist Cissi Wallin guilty of aggravated defamation against Fredrik Virtanen, also a journalist, after she posted on social media in 2017 that Virtanen had drugged and raped her – claims he has always denied."

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