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Sunday, July 18, 2021

Links - 18th July 2021 (1)

Maurajuana đŸ‡ș🇾 ‍♀♊ on Twitter - "Know what else I see every single day working at the grocery store? I'm gonna get a ton of shit for this but it's true. $40 birthday cakes, $60 worth of crab legs on EBT cards."
EBT =  Electronic Benefits Transfer, i.e. welfare

Meme - "Hey mental health twitter, I'm about to really piss you off: If you have a mental health episode, you still owe the people you exploded on an apology. You still did it! It's not their job to roll over and let you treat them however you want :)"
"Oh, and guess what else? People are allowed to be done with you whenever they want. They don't owe you endless patience while you refuse to find help and treatment for your mental health, and make up excuses every step of the way"

Kathleen on Twitter - "Gov. Newsom of CA has selected Alex Padilla to serve the final two years of VP-elect Kamala Harris’s senate term. Padilla will be the first Latino senator to represent CA.This choice also means there will be no black women serving in the Senate."
"It should have been a Black woman. Why are these choices so hard for Democrats to make?"
"Don't you mean a black transwoman?"
Intersectionality strikes again!

Rhino on Twitter - "I'm Native, you fragile alabaster weirdo. Wikileaks is for racists... You are a white supremacist openly lying about two POC because of something you read in Wikileaks"
"Using "Ø" is a white supremacist give away. We get it, sir, you think you're descended from uber-white Vikings."
"Ø is a letter in the Norwegian alphabet and the first letter in my name."
"Skip over the racism to defend Norwegian spelling. Sounds about white"
"I'm fully aware of what the letter is. I am also fully fucking aware that using the Norwegian alphabet is common amongst American Neo-Nazis who insist it an indicator of whiteness. BTW: I LOVE Norway but I don't believe everyone who claims to be Norwegian actually is."
Of course, using "alabaster" and "white" as pejoratives isn't racist - but anti-racist!
Imagine hating white people this much

Cancer faker, 29, who shaved her head to fool friends is jailed for five months - "A woman, 29, who faked she had cancer and even shaved her head to convince her friends she was terminally ill so they would pay for her ÂŁ8,500 dream wedding has been jailed for five months.Toni Standen, 29, of Widnes, Cheshire, made up a story that she had been diagnosed with terminal cancer and had just two months to live."

Barbi Pirrello Breedon on Twitter - "Only in 2020 would it be controversial for an American President to fight for more stimulus for American workers and less for foreign nations."    

"You Can't Have Capitalism without Racism" Malcolm X Poster
Apparently capitalism cannot exist in racially homogenous societies. So since leftists hate capitalism so much, they should be against racial diversity. As a bonus, if there are no racial minorities, there can't be any racial oppression, so that's a double strike

"Capitalism is slavery," says new Congressman who I guess we are supposed to take seriously. - "New York Congressman-Elect Jamaal Bowman is a prospective member of "The Squad," which is a bit of a surprise as I would have thought it too moderate and mainstream for him... We should not be surprised. We live in an era in which enforcing immigration laws is analogized to Nazis and the Holocaust in which 6 million Jews were exterminated... I have an idea, let's take a look at where slavery exists, oh I don't know, today? #1 on the slavery hit parade is that socialist paradise, North Korea... In the democratic and capitalist United States, slavery is illegal.In socialist China, it's policy. In fact, let's take a look at the level of proactive engagement against slavery vs. poverty. There appears to be a decent correlation between poverty and slavery. A quick glance at the countries and there is also a decent correlation between socialist/authoritarian states and lower per capita GDP... Jamaal Bowman proposes getting rid of a system that all but eliminates slavery and replace it with one that fosters it."

“If You Want to Call Me a Socialist Then Call Me a Socialist” - "An interview with Jamaal Bowman"

Meme - "*Communism* When you imprison gays, druggies and people that don't want to work and 50 years later your ideaology gets shilled by gays, druggies and people that don't want to work"

Nathan Bernard on Twitter - "Tim Pool is currently live-streaming with the chairman of domestic terror group, the Proud Boys. It's basically an infomercial for fascism. Over 55,000 people are watching live."
Bio: "free speech activist."
Of course we know that to liberal, free speech means the freedom to articulate the liberal agenda, but not "harmful" views

Meme - "wtf did we learn + for ?" "Let's say you pay $10 to get in the club and each drink that night is $5 and You only got $50 for the night. The equation would be +10 in this situation you solve for x and that's the number of drinks you can have (slope)"

A man asked if he could ‘slap’ and ‘spit on me’ – we need to stop normalising sexual violence against women - "I ended the conversation by blocking and reporting his profile to the dating site I was using. But the fight continues online, with men branding me “stupid” and “wrong” for doing so.Of course, everyone has the right to practice safe and consensual sex in a way that suits both parties, as long as it is, truly, consensual – and comes from a place of mutual trust, care and respect."
Strange, feminists tell us that consent is sexy.
Apparently kinkshaming and criticising a request for consent are good when women do it. Apparently being open about your sexual preferences isn't a way to practise safe and consensual sex
Of course, a man who was critical of a woman's request for various unusual sexual practices would be pilloried
Comments: "But far the main consumers of the 50 shades rubbish and the imitators and bodice ripper genre in their many millions are women and enthusiastic in the terms of their engagement. The hypocrisy is widespread If he asked ( or she asked) and they accepted refusal then the experience does not validate the premise"
"When vanilla feels threatened and needs approval to feel better. Perfect head for this article"
"I mean... "Fifty Shades of Grey" was ok for so many, why should this be an issue? The guy is not rich enough?"
"I'm so confused, what crime has he committed"
"Believe me women ask for a lot worse than that."

What the French Revolution can teach us about 'woke' culture - "Rep. Emmanuel Cleaver’s addition of “Awomen” after the somewhat more traditional term “Amen” at the end of his invocation at the opening session of the 117th Congress brought to mind a story that was told about a visitor to Paris in 1794... the changes wrought by the hard core revolutionaries of France in the second and very radical phase of the French revolution were very thorough. These young men (virtually all of them were in their 30s) filled with righteous energy and conviction had determined that in order to safeguard the political benefits of the reforms created by the Revolution, everything that echoed the old order had to be removed and destroyed. Absolute purity was the only means of insuring the success of the new regime.The calendar itself had to be revamped. The seven-day week was cast aside for the “decadie,” a new 10-day week. In an environmental spirit, all of the months were renamed, disposing of the old Roman names, and instead ascribing names reflecting the seasons and activities in relation to those seasons. Late September and October became “Vendemiaire,” the month for the grape harvest, to be followed by “Brumaire,” the month of fog and then Frimaire, the cold month, and so on.Since the young revolutionaries considered that they and their Revolution stood at the center of the universe, the numbering of the years also had to change. As a result, the day of the proclamation of the Republic: Sept. 22, 1792, was designated as the beginning of time, with the following 12 months being Year 1.Even the private interactions of individuals had to change. The old titles of nobility were, of course, abolished, but so were the traditional terms “Monsieur” and “Madame.” Instead, everyone was now “Citizen.” They did not go so far as to abolish gender terms, but likely only because gender is far too strongly embedded in the French language. However, in exchanges between “citizens,” the formalistic “vous” was replaced by the more informal “tu” to evidence the new equality.Countless traditional components of French daily life were cast aside in the process of trying to create a new society. But then, within fewer than a half dozen years, the chaos engendered by all of the changes created a kind of social and political vacuum and the Republic was unceremoniously discarded and replaced by a military dictatorship under the firm hand of Napoleon Bonaparte.France and Europe were then plunged into an endless cycle of wars ostensibly intended to spread (and impose) the new French system on France’s neighbors. Millions of men died during these wars, with all of the consequent heartache and loss.Physical and emotional exhaustion set in. The will to proselytize the revolutionary ideals waned and most of the French seemed to aspire to a return of the old customs in spite of many of their allegedly repressive qualities.And so, by 1815, a mere 21 years after our provincial visitor’s encounter with Rue Nis, a Bourbon king was back on the throne, street names had reverted to their prior formulations, the old calendar had been reinstated, Catholicism had been restored to its role as the religion of the realm (with the statues on Notre Dame given new heads), and many of the old customs had been revived.The Revolution had drained everyone. Even some of those who had been strong supporters of the radical revolutionary changes breathed a sigh of relief and undoubtedly quietly said “Amen.”"

Congressional Prayer Lasts Two Days As Democrat Includes All 5,787 Genders | The Babylon Bee - "A congressional prayer at Capitol Building took over 24 hours to complete as Rep. Emanuel Cleaver concluded his prayer with amen, awomen, and amen variations of all 5,787 other genders."

Meme - "Awoman: The time Democrats finally admitted there are only two genders. Go in peace, amen and awoman!"

Can Chaucer survive the woke purge? - "Managers at Leicester University have called for classic texts, including The Canterbury Tales and Beowulf, to be dropped from English courses in favour of a ‘decolonised curriculum’. If these proposals are implemented, all literary works written before 1500 would be ditched. All English language courses would end and ‘a selection of modules on race, ethnicity, sexuality and diversity’ would be brought in... Universities are under considerable pressure to change their curriculums. In 2019, Sheffield University released a video featuring a sequence on ‘decolonising’ the syllabus. The video painted academia as a ‘white-dominated space’. And it suggested major writers like Chaucer and Shelley were only on the curriculum because they ‘simply better fit into an academic culture that’s affected by the same racial biases that we see in the rest of society’.In June, the vice-chancellor of Oxford University, Louise Richardson, announced plans to ‘decolonise’ Oxford’s science and maths degrees. The plans mean the courses must cover issues like race and empire.Those who demand the ‘decolonisation’ of the curriculum like to pretend that they are expanding what students are taught. But deleting countless classic texts from the curriculum will do nothing but leave a gaping hole in students’ knowledge. Education is in serious trouble."
There goes the value of their degree.

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