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Monday, July 19, 2021

Links - 19th July 2021

Facebook - "I started noticing this phenomenon years ago, and it's beginning to worry me; the globalization of American problems. With the rising rates of globalization, or more accurately 'Americanization,' especially among educated middle-class youth in many countries around the world, many of those young people become directly attached to American culture sometimes even more than their attachment to their local reality. Not to mention the millions of people who live in repressive authoritarian countries so they are less free to talk about their own issues. Gradually, many start to transposition and to project American social issues, which are intricately and inextricably tied to American historical and cultural circumstances, unto their reality. The resulting solidarity often causes complete confusion and blurry vision of the different distinctive social realities. One relatively well-known example of this is equating the Palestinian struggle with blacks' issues in America. Despite that, both are wholly and utterly different in their very nature, historical origins, and reality. While it is easy to reduce this to political pragmatism, I talk to enough young English speaking educated Arab millennials to know that the confusion is genuine for many. Many of those young Arabs, who also happen to be the most educated stratum of Arab society, actually think that America has issues with racism and misogyny more than their own developing countries. Not mention that many of them started to point out that rioting and violence are accepted in the "civilized" world. Anti-capitalist, anti-American, and anti-white arguments made by far-left Americans are now being instrumentalized by Islamist discourse. Another byproduct of this is the racialization of everything. This is particularly clear to me in the issues of Islam as it is increasingly being treated as a race not a belief system even by many Muslims. In Egypt, in colloquial Arabic the word 'onsorya, translated from English racism, is casually thrown in any protest against any behavior regardless of the presence or absence of any identity element. An example of this is using the word racism by many young Egyptians to describe social snobbery, which is an evidence of the confusion and uselessness of applying an American social frame of reference to a non-American reality. Far from the developing world, this is even more true in the developed and English-speaking world. The European debate around migration following the Syrian civil war manifested itself in real American terms. Pro-migration politicians and activists in countries like the UK, Denmark, Germany, and others stated that their countries do not have an ethnic nature and are historically "a nation of immigrants". American partisan issues, and most importantly political language, are increasingly dominating conversations of many Europeans even more so than European politics. Today, British youth are yelling at police constables "black lives matter," and the police are yelling back "all lives matter." European liberals describe their conservative peers in the language of the Jim Crow south not dissimilar to the way that rhetoric is employed in America. The adverse effects of this phenomenon could be many. On the one hand, projecting issues of different social and historical contexts unto your life are probably not going to help you understand the context of your own life. For Americans, the obsession and the preoccupation of the "Americanized" international class with American issues would only feed American youth narcissism and self-absorption, which are already becoming major cultural issue on their own. Half a million Syrian were killed a brutal civil war, Yemen facing the world's worst humanitarian crisis, China's political, religious, and ethnic dystopian repression is on the rise. Yet, no one is as concerned with all these miseries nearly as much as they are concerned with American localized and limited issues.In the end, I can only wonder if American popular culture, which undoubtedly brought an important moral and ethical development to the whole world, will gradually become a source of global instability and radicalization in the case of its continuous decline?"

Anti-Semitic fliers found at Chicago campus for second time - "Anti-Semitic fliers were found in the library of the University of Illinois at Chicago, the second time such fliers were placed on the campus in the last week... Those fliers also claimed in bold letters that “Ending white privilege starts with ending Jewish privilege.”Citing survey data, the fliers then claimed that 44 percent of Jewish Americans are in the “one percent,” or the top economic percentile in the United States"
Only anti-white racism is acceptable

Why Won't Straight Men Experiment with Their Sexuality? - "Fama thinks that some straight men are more homophobic than they'd like to admit."
Strange, we are told it is sexist and homophobic to tell lesbians to try dick

The “name game”: affective and hiring reactions to first names - "Common names were seen as least unique, best liked, and most likely to be hired. Unusual names were seen as most unique, least liked, and least likely to be hired. Russian and African‐American names were intermediate in terms of uniqueness, likeability and being hired, significantly different from Common and Unique names, but not significantly different from each other."
This complicates drawing conclusions of "racism" from studies finding that racial minorities get fewer interview callbacks from submitting their resumes. See also: Why résumés with black names get discriminated against and why that isn't really a bad thing (with extracts from similar research on names)

Cathedral ️ Engineer ❁ on Twitter - "i can't tell you how much my life will change if joe biden carries through his ambitious promise to cancel one-fourteenth of my student debt"
"You went to Yale law. Get a fuckign job and pay your debt."
It's all capitalism's fault!

Matthew Yglesias on Twitter - "I'm for a modest student debt forgiveness program (which I think is what Biden will do) but as you shift from "modest" to "total" debt forgiveness you are increasingly talking about helping dentists and lawyers rather than sympathetic cases. In other words, $10,000 worth of forgiveness would be a game-changer for a community college graduate but it genuinely doesn't do that much for you if you followed up your Brandeis education with a Yale Law School degree and then sociology grad school at Harvard.
There's a particular irony in the extent to which Jacobin and Current Affairs spent the primary warning that Elizabeth Warren's coalition was too full of educated professionals to deliver a real left agenda. Heal thyself!"
The elite obsession with cancelling all student debt is telling

Scott And Scurvy (Idle Words) - "I had been taught in school that scurvy had been conquered in 1747, when the Scottish physician James Lind proved in one of the first controlled medical experiments that citrus fruits were an effective cure for the disease. From that point on, we were told, the Royal Navy had required a daily dose of lime juice to be mixed in with sailors’ grog, and scurvy ceased to be a problem on long ocean voyages.But here was a Royal Navy surgeon in 1911 apparently ignorant of what caused the disease, or how to cure it. Somehow a highly-trained group of scientists at the start of the 20th century knew less about scurvy than the average sea captain in Napoleonic times. Scott left a base abundantly stocked with fresh meat, fruits, apples, and lime juice, and headed out on the ice for five months with no protection against scurvy, all the while confident he was not at risk. What happened?"

Fed Underground Base Commander on Twitter - "how do people wake up, work 40 hours a week, a 9 hour shift everyday and think “yes, this is the way of life” without questioning how absurd capitalism is"
"what do zoomer commie larpers think people in communist countries do all day?"

Girl in Australia who yearned for pet snake ‘stoked’ to find one under Christmas tree - "The two king Charles cavaliers and the pomeranian had discovered a small copperhead snake nestled between brightly wrapped gifts... Copperheads’ venom is extremely toxic, and a bite from an adult snake is potentially fatal to humans if left untreated... Richardson said her daughter was “stoked” because she had always wanted a pet snake.“She named it Ryan and suggested that Santa finally came through with the goods, and delivered her a snake under the tree.”"

Where Was the Love for Whistleblowers During the Obama Administration? - "Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently put President Donald Trump on notice about any possible retaliation against the whistleblower who filed a complaint against Trump. Pelosi warned: "I will make sure he does not intimidate the whistleblower. I was there. I told the President, you're in my wheelhouse when you come after the whistleblower."But where was this love for whistleblowers during President Barack Obama's administration? Obama remains enormously popular among Democrats. But many in the how-dare-President-Trump-attack-a-whistleblower camp paid little attention to Obama's unprecedented attack on whistleblowers, as well as on the reporters who reported on their whistleblowing. Liberal filmmaker Robert Greenwald released a documentary in 2013 called "War on Whistleblowers: Free Press and the National Security State" that examined the fate of four whistleblowers during the Obama administration. Greenwald said: "One of the things that was a common denominator with all the whistleblowers we interviewed is the terrible personal price they paid. ... And what is happening over and over again is the Obama administration and previous administrations are literally shooting the messengers -- punishing the whistleblowers, trying to pass laws that make it harder for whistleblowers.""

Meme - "r/Socialism_101: Are cashiers working class? I know this sounds like it should be obvious, but think about it. Cashiers do not produce any commodities. Under a non-capitalistic society, nobody would do what they do. In fact, their job is almost more like a cop. They keep commodities away from people and demand that you pay a fee to the bourgeois to access them. And if you refuse they will use the violence of the state against you by reporting you to the authorities for shoplifting. So how are they, in a Marxist analysis, working class?"

Meme - "*Confederate Flag*  "Fuck off. Why would I want to celebrate losers?"
*Indigenous Peoples Day* "YASSSSS!"

Meme - "People don't want to take down statues of Confederate generals? Why do they want to celebrate losers?
*Bernie cap, Communist T-shirt*"

Meme - "Tyler Nelson: "Funny thing for those people saying that "The South lost, get over it.".... Because as I recall, the Indians lost too... Get over it... "
Coleman Smith Tyler Nelson: Oh god... I don't think... I don't think you really understand..."
Pretty sure Tyler Nelson knows it's about hatred of a specific group of people

Open borders to save us, say Johor businesses
So much for Johoreans complaining about Singaporeans
Comment (elsewhere): "Next time they threaten to cut off water, we'll say we'll cut off shopping"

Gad Saad - Posts | Facebook - "Noble Individual: I am committing this terror act in the name of my religion. There are no other reasons why I'm doing this other than because my religion mandates it.
Progressives conclude:  So clearly climate change is the causative agent here.
Noble Protesters/Looters: F**k Trump. F**k the Republican party. F**k capitalism. Long live socialism. We will kill you redneck Trump hicks. Progressives conclude: Clearly, Trump supporters are hell bent on causing violence.
Ostrich Parasitic Syndrome is a fatal affliction."

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