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Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Links - 20th July 2021 (2)

Feds creating 'inventory' of racial minorities to fill senior public service posts - "The Liberal government wants to create an "inventory" of Black, Indigenous and other racialized people who could play high-ranking roles in the federal public service"

A low dose of lysergic acid diethylamide decreases pain perception in healthy volunteers - "The present study provides evidence of a protracted analgesic effect of LSD at a dose that is low enough to avoid a psychedelic experience"

BART janitor grossed $270K in pay and benefits last year - "Liang Zhao Zhang’s job is to clean up BART stations in downtown San Francisco and clean up he does: He swept in $162,000 in overtime pay last year, records show.Call Zhang the super janitor, an extraordinarily high earner in a field where the beloved school custodian rarely brings home more than $50,000 a year. Zhang grossed $235,000 in 2015, four times more than his base pay as a janitor. Benefits brought his total cost of employment at the rail agency to more than $270,000. And records show this isn’t the first time he raked in six-figure compensation at BART. Zhang received a combined $682,000 in pay and benefits over the last three years."

Cameras catch BART janitor who made $270,000 in a year spending hours in Powell St. closet - "he disappears into a storage closet at the Powell St. station, sometimes for hours a day... KTVU also discovered that Zhang failed to clock in or out 16 times in one year... BART confirmed that 49 other janitors made over $100,000 in 2015 and that no city, state or federal regulations prevented employees from working that much voluntary overtime.  None of those employees have been audited"
Some people scolded those shocked by his pay, saying he deserved it and you couldn't criticise him

Former Miss Iraq May be Stripped of Citizenship After Defending Israel at UN - "Former Miss Iraq Sarah Idan may lose her citizenship after she spoke in defense of Israel and criticized Iraq's human rights violations at the United Nations Human Rights Council... Idan went viral in 2017 when she took a selfie with Miss Israel Adar Gandelsman at the Miss Universe beauty pageant. Her family was forced to flee Iraq after receiving a multitude of death threats. She currently resides in California."

CNN: White Children ‘Don’t Deserve Innocence’ - "CNN gave airtime to an ‘anti-racist activist’ who suggested that white children should not be allowed to have an ‘innocent’ childhood, but rather be made to feel guilty about their ‘white privilege’ at an early age. CNN host Poppy Harlow cited a letter sent to her from a school directing white parents how to teach their kids about their ‘white privilege’, and asked Tim Wise “When should parents do this with their kids and how?”"

Do the crime, pay someone else to do the time - "In China, the practice is so common that there is even a term for it: ding zui. Ding means "substitute" and zui means "crime"; in other words, "substitute criminal". The ability to hire so-called substitute criminals is just one way in which China's extreme upper crust are able to live by their own set of rules... "Replacement convicts" are not new. For centuries, the use of criminal substitutes was among the first things Westerners would mention when discussing China's legal system. Missionary and traveller Karl Gützlaff in 1834, French legal scholar Édouard Louis Joseph Bonnier in 1862, and American scholar Owen Lattimore in the 1930s wrote about the practice... Incredibly, substitutes could be hired even for executions"

Manhattan's most privileged kids play victim — and teachers cave - "An elite Gotham school has succumbed to the new racial hysteria. Last year, students at the United Nations International School, which educates the children of Turtle Bay diplomats at a cost of up to $44,000 per year, launched an anonymous social-media campaign denouncing their teachers and administrators for their “vast history of systemic racism,” “white-liberal racist thinking” and “direct, intentional, repeated racial trauma.”The students threatened to “cancel” their “oppressors” through social-media shaming — and administrators immediately caved in to their demands... One staff member told me that the school “is currently in the grips of a mania,” which has led to an unprecedented amount of “division, paranoia and hatred” within the institution. The staffer added: “There are a small number of employees who see this ‘anti-racist training’ as pure indoctrination but do not know what to do.” They are afraid of being labeled “racist” and denounced on social media. According to the twisted circular logic of contemporary anti-racism, adopted by the activists, any objection, no matter how reasonable, is itself further evidence of racism. This allows the anonymous activists to steamroll the institution and establish an inside-outside game: they mobilize power within the institution and ensure compliance through outside threats. The brouhaha opens a window onto our larger political moment. The children of society’s elites — the most privileged people on the planet — have usurped the mantle of the oppressed to satisfy their own moral narcissism and exercise power over their elders. And the adults, supremely anxious about any threat to their status, immediately bow to the teenagers leading the online mob. This basic pattern is now replicating itself through every major institution in the country, from federal agencies to state boards of education to Fortune 500 companies. More than anything, what’s needed in America is moral courage — precisely the virtue that has vanished from the character of men and women who administer US institutions."

Glenn Greenwald on Twitter - "Seems we’re going to need to ban podcasts too"
"It's crucial people understand this: corporate journalists are not going to rest until they have the power to control and censor *every* competing platform. The primary goal of corporate journalism is not informing the public but clinging to power by ensuring a captive audience:"

The TTC is losing more revenue to Uber and Lyft than to fare evasion: report - "The coalition believes there should be an action plan addressing the losses due to ride-hailing apps."There was a huge outcry [about fare evasion losses] and it really spurred some action. We think this is an even bigger deal because it's a structural issue. It's a growing issue""
If you can't compete, crush the competition through lobbying

Meme - "I'll Believe White Privilege Exists When... America Has ALL of the Following:
White Caucus
White Entertainment TV
White Only Scholarships
White Alliance
White History Month
White Lives Matter
White Only Clubs, coalitions, organizations, etc
Until Then... The Only Privilege That Exists is #LiberalPrivilege"

Facebook - "The craziest SJWs in the west are still the product of capitalism and the social conditions capitalism creates. You never saw people like that in the USSR or Comintern at large. These people are a clear example of cultural capitalism."
Or, late capitalism is when life is too good so you invent bullshit to worry about

Facebook - "Norway and Malaysia started developing our respective oil and gas industry at about the same time. In fact, both Norway and Malaysia have about the same size of hydrocarbon reserves. But while Norway managed their bounty carefully, and today they have one of the world’s largest sovereign fund from oil and gas resources, exceeding one trillion USD in value, Malaysia has a sovereign debt exceeding one trillion.
Yusuf Hashim
(Former CEO, Shell Malaysia)"
Damn colonialism!

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "After David Hogg rose to fame following a mass school shooting, he moved on to Tweeting about about social justice issues to his 1 million followers.Yesterday he tweeted a message of non-violence and humility. He tweeted about the importance of reaching out to our political representatives to affect policy. MLK would have been proud.Less than an hour later he was apologizing for his comments, which offended activists who see violence as an acceptable tool against the US government"

New way of cooking rice removes arsenic and retains mineral nutrients, study shows - "A new paper, released today in Science of the Total Environment shows that cooking rice in a certain way removes over 50 percent of the naturally occurring arsenic in brown rice, and 74 percent in white rice. Importantly, this new method does not reduce micronutrients in the rice.Following previous research from the University of Sheffield that found half of the rice consumed in the UK exceeded European Commission regulations for levels of arsenic in rice meant for the consumption for infants or young children."

Ex-Zouk staff opens halal foodstall, faces allegations of not being Muslim - "Roy, whose real birth name is Arulmani S/O Devasayagam, converted to Islam in 2008 prior to marrying Suzana.For the most part, Roy never felt the need to explain or prove to others that he was in fact, Muslim.So when he heard allegations from others that he “don’t look like Muslim”, he was shocked... his story is sadly not isolated. We’ve all seen similar incidents in the past where businesses are threatened as a result of falsehoods.For instance, this halal-certified yong tau foo stall was rocked by fakes news alleging it sold a pork dish. Even MUIS, the authority on halal matters in Singapore, is not spared from fake news.. as Malay Muslims ourselves, we sometimes overlook our own ‘Malay privilege’ and pass biased judgment on other Muslims that do not look like us."

Three Philosophers Set up a Booth on a Street Corner – Here’s What People Asked - "an interlocutor who would be my toughest questioner of the day. She was about 6 years old and clutched her mother’s hand as she craned her neck to stare at us. Her mother stopped, but the girl hesitated. “It’s OK,” I offered. “Do you have a philosophical question?” The girl smiled at her mother, then let go of her hand to walk over to the booth. She looked me dead in the eye and said: “How do I know I’m real?”"

How Hollywood's 'Alien' and 'Predator' movies reinforce anti-Black racism - "The Black woman as an alien... In the context of anti-Black culture, the film signifies the Black woman as an unkillable and ceaselessly breeding alien who threatened the body politic. In terms set by historian Lothrop Stoddard’s white supremacist 1920 book The Rising Tide of Color, a Black woman’s sexual reproduction is imagined to signal the genetic extinction of the white republic."
What an outlandish claim. Meanwhile just placing black people and apes side by side gets you cancelled

Last of Us 2 Skill Up & IGN 10/10 Review Chaos, PS5 Free BETA Scam & EA Rewrites SWBF2 Online Casino - YouTube
"ResetEra, the self appointed moral guardians of gaming, have slammed a review as "alt right" because they dared to give TLOU2 a negative review""

Oliver Jia (オリバー・ジア) on Twitter - "Is incest really popular in japan?"
"I occasionally get messages like these in my DMs which prove to me that anime indeed was a mistake."

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