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Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Links - 20th July 2021 (1) (George Floyd Unrest - Portland)

Portland Protesters Chase, Tackle and Punch Someone They Believe to Be Andy Ngo Until He Hides in The Nines Hotel - "The enraged group pulled on the hotel’s front doors and shouted, “You wanna kill us? You wanna kill us, Andy?” at The Nines staff while the hotel staff frantically tried to hold the entrance closed...   Ngo is the nation’s most prominent media detractor of Portland’s anti-fascist movement. In January, he published a bestselling book criticizing antifa. His national fame stems in part from being kicked and punched by masked assailants during a Portland protest in May 2019.  The staff of The Nines didn’t seem to have any knowledge of who Ngo is. They repeatedly asked the crowd to clarify what was going on. Eventually they asked for the group to leave.  The person believed to be Ngo was not observed leaving the hotel, so the crowd waited in front of The Nines for at least an hour, telling people entering the hotel that it was “sheltering a Nazi.”...   A group of five to 10 people in identity-obscuring clothing called “black bloc” followed the person they suspected of being Ngo for blocks, inquiring who he was. At one point, the person they pursued said his name was Jake. In front of the AC Marriott, the group tried to unmask the unknown man. He ran for blocks until someone in the pursuing group tackled him—at Southwest 4th Avenue and Morrison Street—and punched him several times after his head hit the brick sidewalk.  A nearby man holding a skateboard admonished the group, saying that their quarry looked like he’d “had enough.” However, when someone nearby shouted that the person they were assaulting was Ngo, the skateboard-carrying man changed his attitude, swearing and joining the group. When the fleeing man took shelter in The Nines, he appeared to be pleading with staff. “They’re going to kill me,” he said... Ngo’s willingness to post the mug shots and other personal information of arrested protesters has caused many of the people in Portland’s leftist movement to see him as something like an existential threat. In his reporting—via Twitter, the conservative news site The Post Millennial, and guest appearances on Fox News—Ngo has been regularly accused of sensationalizing the danger presented by anti-fascists and other left-wing groups."
Apparently lynch mobs against "Nazis" are a good thing
Apparently reporting on lynch mobs is sensationalising their threat

Antifa harass random Asian thinking he's Andy Ngo - YouTube - "An Asian man was confronted and harassed by Black Lives Matter protesters at an antifa riot in Portland on 13 July, 2020, after being mistaken for Andy Ngo."

WATCH: Journalist Andy Ngo flees Portland, says police wouldn't protect him - ""Yeah, for a number of months now, there's just been increasing threats of violence against me, promises by Antifa extremists to .... kill me," replied Ngo. He continued, "And all those threats were reported to authorities, and even when I provided some of the names of the suspects, nothing was done, so..." "It's pained me a lot, temporarily having to leave the country and home that settled my parents, who came there as political refugees." (His parents are from Vietnam) The reply came, "Yeah, you've turned into a political refugee yourself, having to flee your home to go to London." Ngo has ample reason to worry about his life and safety, having already survived a brutal attack in Portland in June of 2019, which led to a brain hemorrhage and lifelong health issues."

Andy Ngô on Twitter - "After sending me threatening texts and voicemails, antifa contacted every funeral home in the Portland area and gave them my personal contact information. The purpose of this is to make me fearful that I'll be needing funeral services for a loved one who will be killed by antifa."

'White as hell': Portland protesters face off with Trump but are they eclipsing Black Lives Matter? - "Teal Lindseth surveyed the sea of mothers she was about to lead into the firing line.  “I look at this crowd and I don’t see many black people,” lamented the 21-year-old African American activist. “Oregon is white as hell. Whitewashed.”... Portland has another reputation alongside its radical image. That of the whitest large city in America in a state with a constitution that once barred African Americans from living there. An 1850s law required black people to be “lashed” once a year to encourage them to leave Oregon, and members of the Ku Klux Klan largely controlled Portland city council between the world wars. Housing was effectively segregated in large parts of the city.  Many of today’s protesters say their support for racial justice in a city where the police department has a history of disproportionately killing African Americans is driven at least in part by an attempt to atone for Oregon’s racist past. But as Portland’s battles play out on the national stage, and Donald Trump stokes unrest for political advantage, some black leaders are asking whose interests the televised nightly confrontations really serve – and whether they are a continuation of white domination at the expense of black interests. The president of the Portland branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), ED Mondainé, warned that the Black Lives Matter movement in the city is being coopted by “privileged white people” with other agendas... Mondainé accused groups of young white people at the forefront of confronting federal officers of rising to Trump’s bait and using the campaign against racial injustice to provoke a fight in pursuit of other causes, such as anti-capitalism... The failure of so many American cities run by Democrats to address reform of racially biased policing hangs over Democratic political leaderships that claim to support the Black Lives Matters campaign... “This is what’s happening in all these Democratic liberal cities. Inequality has grown enormously and the way we’re dealing with that is through tougher policing.”"

WATCH: Black Portland Cop: ‘More Minorities On The Police Side Than You Have In A Violent Crowd’ - "you have white people screaming at black officers, ‘You have the biggest nose I’ve ever seen.’”

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler declares WAR on Antifa, tells public to identify militants - "Antifa made the Portland Mayor flee his home and they sucker punched him in the face. But in response he did nothing. Even in the final days of the Trump administration, Ted Wheeler was an indirect Antifa advocate. He was publicly offended at comparisons being drawn between the Far Left group and the January 6th Capitol Riots. Last year after the death of George Floyd, Antifa spent the summer sieging the Portland courthouse.  Pushover Wheeler has let Antifa riot in the city regularly, but now he’s taking it no more."

After a year of protests, Portland residents have waning patience for antifa - "Rose City Antifa is one of the nation's oldest active antifa groups. Members rarely give interviews, but two who say they are part of antifa agreed to speak to "Nightline" as the situation in their city of Portland, Oregon, has become a prolonged and destructive stalemate... "The use of violence is a tactic of how we keep our communities safe," Milo said. Much of the blame for the chaos, property damage and violence over the last year have landed on the self-described anti-racist, anti-facist far left organizers. The black-clad coterie entrenched in the city's protest movement now find themselves in a tense showdown with city officials. "We've always had protests here. But to see some of the violent acts like the Molotov cocktails and some of the things thrown at officers has been really new to us," Portland's Police Chief Chuck Lovell told "Nightline." Mayor Ted Wheeler has been outspoken against the group in recent months... Amid the back and forth, Portland residents are left drained from the conflict and are increasingly decrying the property destruction thought to be perpetuated by antifa... Antifa claims they're defending their city not only against heavy-handed police tactics, but also from threats from far right extremists, groups like the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers -- leading to fierce standoffs.  "The use of violence is there to maintain safety for us and make sure that when people like Proud Boys or Nazis or fascists come to our city and want to do that harm, then we are not allowing that," Milo said... Individuals claiming to be antifa released a chilling video last week, containing a seemingly veiled threat against Mayor Wheeler and publicized his home address... Despite their notoriety, the group sees their fight as a moral and just one. Milo and Ace say they practice community organizing and empowerment, which includes publicly outing alleged fascists and other dangerous elements.  "A lot of our work is … compiling evidence of people's online personalities and their online conversations and how a lot of times we see far right folks really engaging in hate speech and misogynistic language and threats of violence online"... Milo and Ace defend the destruction as a tactic to apply pressure to city leaders."
Weird how ABC doesn't know that Antifa is only an idea. Neither does Rose City Antifa
Given Antifa's justifications for their doxxing, it's strange how those who compile evidence of antifa violence are evil
At least liberals now have another excuse to crack down on the Proud Boys
Safety is danger. Fascism is anti-fascism

Rose City Antifa Distances Itself From Protesters Who Smashed Windows, Vandalized Property - ""Rose City Antifa has not been organizing recent protests, although we stand in solidarity with those who express opposition to current systems of oppression," the Portland anti-fascist group, founded in 2007, wrote. "While many of the people involved may consider themselves anti-fascists in ideology, we narrowly define anti-fascism as actions taken to oppose the insurgent right wing," the group said. "Under this definition, protests that are not involved in direct opposition to far-right violence and instead combat the state, capitalism, etc., would…be more accurately described as anarchist, anti-capitalist, anti-authoritarian, or another term." The anti-fascists' effort to draw such a distinction marks the first time Rose City Antifa has denied responsibility for Portland's civil unrest."

WATCH: 'I would do it again': Portland man horribly injured for standing up to heavily armed leftist militants - "Joe Hall, a Portland man, stood up to protestors on Thursday, and wound up with severe injuries for his trouble... "Antifa owns the streets of Portland. The consequence for standing up for yourself is a trip to the hospital, a large medical bill, and widespread mockery on social media"... Hall was working as a handyman (his profession) and was driving in his truck, when a crowd stopped him on N. Alberta Avenue.  "All of a sudden these agitators come out, screaming, pounding on my truck," said Hall during the interview, saying that he thought he hit something and got out of the truck to verify what happened:  "By this time I've got five people surrounding my vehicle, AR-15s, AK-47s. I pulled my .38 out of my right pocket and pointed it at the ground and told them if a weapon points at me again, I will shoot to eliminate the threat."... Hall questioned why police didn't get involved, and also mentioned he is pushing for the people involved to be charged with bias crimes. Hall says that he is finished with Portland, and will leave as soon as he has recovered."

WATCH: Armed Antifa militants attack Portland motorists in broad daylight - "A Twitter post by We Out Here Magazine said the activists were part of a weekly march in memory of Patrick Kimmons, a black man fatally shot by Portland police in 2018."

Antifa riots at ICE facility in Portland for the second time in a week - "The crowd finally dispersed shortly after midnight. Thursday when asked about the riots in Portland, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said she has not "spoken with him (Biden) specifically about those events" but it is being closely monitored by the administration's national security team. President Joe Biden had previously referred to Antifa as "just an idea" in an October presidential debate with then President Donald Trump."

Antifa sets Portland ICE building on fire intentionally trapping officers - "Antifa has targeted the ICE facility for months. Last night, the rioters smashed windows and eventually set fire to the front of the building. The violence started out slowly, with protesters lighting a small fire in the driveway and throwing eggs at the facility...   “’Every city, every town, burn the precinct to the ground.’ Antifa gives the BLM fist salute while the crowd cheers on the burning of the (ICE building) Portland facility last night. Officers were trapped inside when Antifa set the building on fire.”"

Portland residents say they now try to avoid going downtown in their own city - "“This is what’s happening in all these Democratic liberal cities. Inequality has grown enormously and the way we’re dealing with that is through tougher policing.” Portland has been referred to as "destroyed" "trashed" and "sad", by respondents, according to the poll... the main problems people feel they are facing in downtown Portland are dirtiness and danger due to rising crime. Sixty-three percent of those polled stated that they felt downtown Portland has gotten "less safe"... Portland has seen just short of a whole year of constant riots, with tons of property damage, and injuries and deaths on both the sides of the rioters and the police. The National Guard has been called in before, and now the FBI are planning to aid local authorities in quelling the non-stop violence"
From May 2021. So clearly it's Trump's fault

Thread by @wokal_distance - "Want to know how activists in places like Portland take over roads, smash windows, light buildings on fire, and still have the press call them non-violent? Well, as it turns out these are well trained activists using intelligent, highly developed tactics. For starters, none of this is spontaneous. Note that many protestors have shields. These shields take 3 hours each to make and are created by a group of 25 volunteers working all day.  You don't do that spontaneously. It takes planning. It isn't just the shields that are planned, everything is, from what protestors wear, to the tactics chosen in each situation.  The protestors also have a highly developed understanding of the information and media ecosystem and the tactics that work in that environment. The first strategy is to put their target in a "decision dilemma." This is where they select a method of protest that leaves the person with no good options. No matter how the target reacts they look bad... When they do this correctly they can create imagery that paints them as the underdogs even when they are the aggressors.  It's social and political jiu-jitsu. Much of this is performative, but not in "look good to your peers" kind of way. The principle is "play to the audeince that isn't there." Activists try to create actions that LOOK a certain way to the audience on youtube or watching the news. Please pay careful attention to this: Activists want to LOOK like they are trying to change the minds of people they protest against, but that's just for show. They see their targets unrepentant evil doers that are just props in the drama they are staging... This next strategy is self-explanatory: "do the media's work for them." This is where activists make sure press releases and film footage that make them look good get into the hands of sympathetic journalists.  This explains a lot of what gets on TV... "lead with sympathetic characters." It's EXACTLY what it sounds like. They put sympathetic people out front to garner sympathy and create the APPEARANCE of underdogs fighting an uphill battle against powerful interests... the violence is intentional. Where the "Wall of Moms" is meant to win hearts, the black bloc is there to intimidate. If police react to the violence with arrests, the Wall of Moms is there so protestors can claim the police "attacked Moms. See how the game works?"

Portland Police: 'We Wish There Were Some Kind Of Organized, Armed Force That Could Fight Back Against Antifa' | The Babylon Bee - "In a press release earlier this week, Portland police chief Danielle Outlaw (her actual name), appearing somber and exhausted, said she just wishes there were some kind of group with the firepower and authority to fight back against Antifa... Sadly, there is no such force in Portland, so citizens have been forced to turn to an even crazier idea: taking responsibility for their own safety and well-being, and maybe even buying a gun to protect themselves."
The same people who don't want Americans to have guns and tell them to call the police also want to/abolish them

Sargon of Akkad - Posts | Facebook - "Proud boys rally has portland in state of emergency"
"Antifa can try murder the police with Molotovs.Bomb the court house with an IED.Loot/burn stores and riot for months.But don't worry Portland finally found something to warrant an emergency."

Andy Ngô on Twitter - "After tearing down century-old bronze statues of Lincoln & Roosevelt, antifa built their own statue in downtown Portland. They say it is an elk. The previous bronze elk statue was set on fire & severely damaged by antifa during the summer rioting."
That's one ugly elk

Jerry Nadler calls violence from Antifa in Portland a 'myth' - July 27 2020

Man suspected in deadly Portland shooting is '100% ANTIFA' - August 31 2020 - "Michael Forest Reinoehl, 48, is being investigated over the death of Aaron Danielson, a “supporter” of the right-wing Patriot Prayer group who was part of a caravan of Trump supporters who flooded the city Saturday"
4D chess means that the "white supremacist" Proud Boys are pretending to be antifa to shoot and kill Trump supporters to make antifa look bad

The New York Times - Posts | Facebook - "Breaking News: An antifa supporter suspected in the killing of a right-wing activist in Portland, Oregon, was killed when agents moved to arrest him on Thursday night, officials said."
The NYT comments are very interesting, with all the Blue Anon conspiracies

Suspect in Portland fatal shooting killed as federal task force moved in - "An avowed Antifa supporter suspected in the deadly shooting of a Patriot Prayer member in Portland, Ore., last month was killed Thursday night as a federal task force moved in to arrest him... Reinoehl told journalist Donovan Farley in the interview that he had no regrets about firing his weapon last weekend.  “I was confident that I did not hit anyone innocent and I made my exit”... In an online post from June 16, Reinoehl described himself as being "100 % ANTIFA all the way!"  “Every Revolution needs people that are willing and ready to fight,” he allegedly wrote, according to The Oregonian"

Portland shooting suspect followed right-wing activists after spotting them downtown, unsealed arrest warrant says | The Seattle Times - "Prosecutors in Oregon released recently unsealed court documents Friday alleging that self-described anti-fascist Michael Forest Reinoehl hid in a parking garage before following two supporters of the right-wing Patriot Prayer group after spotting them during street protests last weekend. Moments later, the records allege, Reinhoel shot and killed one of the men, Aaron “Jay” Danielson."

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler pepper-sprays man who confronted him over not wearing a mask
Imagine if a Republican had done that

Most Oregonians Think Portland Protests Are Violent and Counterproductive - "What’s more surprising is that support isn’t much greater in the Portland metro area, where 61% of voters disapprove... Most of the people of color polled say the protests are not improving race relations... Oregon voters said the protests were the single issue they most want elected leaders to address. Nearly double the share of respondents—30%—picked protests over the COVID-19 pandemic, which 16% considered the most urgent issue.Most Oregonians disapprove of the way all three major elected officials—President Donald Trump, Gov. Kate Brown and Mayor Ted Wheeler—are handling protests"
Weird, I thought only Trump supporters disapproved of the "mostly peaceful" protests

Portland teacher indicted over violence at summer 2020 Antifa riot - "Malia Lynne Trammell, 29, of Portland, was a high school teacher who has been indicted on one count each of felony riot, felony identity theft, second-degree criminal mischief, interfering with a peace officer and third-degree escape... Trammel was part of a group of rioters who used caltrops, or metal spike devices, to puncture a Portland Police vehicle’s tire during a riot outside a police station in southeast Portland on Aug. 6, 2020... Despite the severity of the charges, Trammell was released without bail and her charges were quickly dropped by district attorney Mike Schmidt. But five months later, the charges were reinstated after police submitted additional evidence.Trammell’s charging documents also accuse her of faking her identity to authorities"

Portland unrest reignites police protests across U.S. - "“Portland is leading,” said Chantelle Hershberger, an organizer with Refuse Fascism who was part of the Los Angeles activists protesting the presence of federal agents in Portland, where city officials have opposed the presence of the federal officers. “They’re showing what it looks like to stay in the streets despite police oppression, despite the federal forces being sent in. This kind of energy is actually what’s needed.”"
Presumably it's a good thing for Portland to lead in anarchy and violence

Portland protests have no goal except violence and anarchy - "At the end of May, rioting and looting broke out in Portland, Ore., as it did in dozens of other American cities in response to the police-involved death of George Floyd. In one night, hundreds of rioters ravaged downtown, breaking into jewelry stores, the mall and banks. They left a trail of broken windows and fires in their wake. That was seven weeks ago. And while violent protests have ebbed or stopped everywhere else, it has continued and grown stronger in Portland.For 58 days, mass protests and riots have taken over parts of the city. Some streets and areas are literal “no-go zones” at night — either blocked by fires or teams of “guards.”Day after day, hundreds and even thousands take to the streets and claim the territory as theirs. They cycle through a number of chants like “All cops are bastards” and “F- -k the police.” A large number of them participate in violent criminal acts such as arson and assault. They’ve made it a game to lure law-enforcement officers out of buildings so they can assault them with blinding lasers, paint, rocks and other weapons.Those who don’t engage in direct violence cheer them on, assist in “de-arresting” comrades and act as cop watchers. Rioters try, and have succeeded in, breaking into Portland police facilities. Now they’re focused on the federal Mark O. Hatfield US Courthouse in response to the Department of Homeland Security sending in reinforcements earlier this month.Besides the violence and anarchy, what exactly do the rioters want?As witnessed in the former “autonomous zone” in Seattle, the far-left movement in Portland has no declared “leaders.” Social media is used to decide when and where to meet, but rarely what the goal is. One faction or person may make a statement, only to have it be contradicted by another. On Wednesday night, Mayor Ted Wheeler spoke at one of the protests for the first time. He was heckled by the crowd and a group projected a list of demands on the front of the Justice Center.“Theodore, fancy seeing you here. These are our demands,” the statement read. It called for defunding the Portland Police Bureau by at least 50 percent, freeing all protesters from jail, kicking federal law enforcement out, and Wheeler’s resignation.Despite the radical requests, some took relief because it meant there was something to negotiate on — a possible path to ending seven weeks of violent protests. But the Youth Liberation Front, who led the crowd in shouting expletives at the mayor, didn’t agree.“What is this ‘defund at least 50%’ s- -t, we’re trying to abolish the police here,” they quickly tweeted out. And that’s what people need to know about Antifa. They don’t make demands because that’s working within “the system.” Their unambiguous goal is to destroy all American institutions and then the country itself. When they spray-paint or shout, “Burn it down,” they really mean it... The daily riots function to drain the city of resources and to weaken the morale of law enforcement and public officials. It’s working.Last month, Wheeler disbanded the Gun Violence Reduction Unit, claiming it unfairly targeted blacks. In the weeks since, there has been a 380 percent increase in shootings compared with the same time frame last year. City Councilwoman Jo Ann Hardesty has taken police hatred further. She told Marie Claire magazine this week: “I believe Portland Police [Bureau] is lying about the damage — or starting the fires themselves — so that they have justification for attacking community members.” She partially walked back her accusation after Portland Police Chief Chuck Lovell, who is black, asked for evidence of her claim. “Even before the protests started, we were dealing with a catastrophically short-staffed police bureau,” says Daryl Turner, president of the Portland Police Association. Going back to 2016, city leaders and Antifa-sympathetic activists have worked to denounce police at every opportunity. The anti-police sentiment in the city has led to early retirements and a policing philosophy of “de-escalation” where cops mostly stay away from riots... “We’re at a point where none of us knows what to do,” says a Portland police officer who asked to be unidentified. “Some are thinking we just need to give the vocal minority and the politicians what they want: We go away and let the city burn.”"

3 Federal Officers Blinded By Rioters' Lasers May Never Recover Eyesight

Mike Balsamo on Twitter - "It was really striking talking to the Deputy US Marshals who have been working to protect the courthouse for weeks. Many are from Portland. They have friends who peacefully protest during the day, but at night, they say demonstrations are hijacked by agitators set on violence. A Deputy US Marshal told me, "I am worried for my life, every time I walk outside of the building" & that feeling extends widely. They are offended by being told to get out of Portland. They live there, work daily to take violent criminals off the street & it is their city too."

Well, Akshully - Posts - "Mayor Ted Wheeler @tedwheeler: Commissioner @JoAnnPDX and I are calling for an immediate meeting with Department of Homeland Security leadership on the ground in Portland and with Acting Secretary @DHS_Wolf to discuss a cease-fire and the removal of heightened federal forces from Portland."
"1. How do you negotiate a "cease-fire" with a peaceful protest?
2. Is the good Mayor asserting his authority to speak on behalf of the insurrectionists?"

Portland Tells Feds To Take Down Fence Protecting Courthouse Or They'll Sue

Nancy Pelosi and Democrats have it exactly wrong on feds vs. protesters in Portland - "If only mobs were allowed to destroy federal property without consequence. Then there wouldn’t have to be any dispute over federal agents defending a federal courthouse in Portland, Ore.; it could simply be overrun and burned to the ground with no unwelcome resistance from the government.As it is, Portland’s mayor, Ted Wheeler, who presides over a city that has become a watchword over the years for left-wing thuggery unchecked by municipal authorities, has roused himself to a state of high dudgeon — over federal officers trying to counter ongoing assaults on a federal building.He calls the feds “a direct threat to our democracy” and argues that they are engaging in unconstitutional arrests and inflaming protests that he had hoped “would end within a matter of days.”... If Portland was on the verge of calm prior to the arrival of the feds in force, it would have been the first time since the killing of George Floyd.Protests have taken place every day since May 28... In all the cities around the country where nihilistic mobs aren’t trying to burn down symbols of our justice system, there’s no enhanced presence of federal officers... According to DHS, the officers are wearing the insignia of their agencies and unique identifiers; they are arresting only people suspected of involvement of attacks against federal property; and they are identifying themselves to arrestees, although not to crowds.Perhaps these officers should be more clearly identified, but there is no case whatsoever for calling them, as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has, “stormtroopers” who are “kidnapping protesters.”The arrest of a man named Mark Pettibone has gotten a lot of press attention. He says he did nothing wrong and was arrested by federal agents, who took him to the federal courthouse and read him his Miranda rights, before releasing him.He wasn’t detained indefinitely, or disappeared, or harmed in any way, but apparently arrested in error and then allowed to go on his way... This longstanding riot is a stark commentary on the misgovernance of Wheeler, who is far better at insulting federal law enforcement than he is at doing at his job."

Portland Is Fining Feds $500 Every 15 Minutes For Fence Surrounding Courthouse - "Portland’s City Council said Tuesday it is fining the federal government $500 every 15 minutes until it removes a reinforced fence in front of the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse... According to the Portland Bureau of Transportation, the fence was placed in a bike lane without permits"
Protecting federal property from rioters is bad. In Portland, rioting and looting are good

The Left Eats Their Own, Portland Edition: Wall of Moms Collapses, Accused of Anti-Blackness - "Portland’s Wall of Moms has apparently fallen apart, after one of its founders decided to capitalize on the group’s new-found fame without the approval of other members of leadership... essentially the Wall of Moms was not sufficiently black, and not sufficiently, and not sufficiently supportive of BLM."
The leftist circular firing squad makes a lot more sense when considered as a form of virtue signalling

Portland Rioters Burn Police Union Building, Barricade People Inside Justice Center - "Rioters attacked law enforcement officers, barricaded the doors of the Multnomah County Justice Center to keep people inside, and set the Portland Police Association building on fire"

Nearly 100 arson attacks on Portland over 10-days

WATCH: Small Children In Portland Encouraged To Say ‘F*** The Police’ - "Portland’s City Council unanimously passed two resolutions barring members of the police from working with federal law enforcement; the moves also barred them from arresting or using force on journalists and legal observers. One resolution stated that any member of the Portland Police Bureau who “provides, requests, or willingly receives operational support from militarized federal forces” will be subject to discipline"
It's only child abuse when it's causes liberals disapprove of

Black Marine Corps vet holds US flag high amid riots in Portland; gets trailed home by Antifa - "For more than 50 nights, Gabriel Johnson, 48, a retired Marine, has been kept awake by the sounds of rioting and explosions taking place outside his window in Portland, Ore. After two months of living in fear, at 3 a.m. Sunday he had enough... "I was being called the N-word by black people. People were chasing me around with baseball bats"... “Antifa has infiltrated Black Lives Matter,” Johnson said as he described a woman dressed in Black Lives Matter gear who showed him threatening footage of protesters following him back to his home, and letting him know they were keeping tabs on him. According to Johnson, this woman was also holding an Antifa pen and was communicating with others via walkie-talkie.“These people have nothing to do with black lives. Our black community leaders need to stand up and lead because what’s happening is they’re letting a group of terrorists that don’t represent me use me, and that’s not right”... another scene that left him distressed was seeing a 65-year-old black veteran attempt to stop the burning of Johnson’s flag, only to be beaten by alleged Black Lives Matter protesters... The lifelong Portland resident blames the destruction on local leadership, Fox reported.“The lack of police response, city response, response from our mayor has just given free rein to holy hell to take place at that 11 o’clock hour to 3 in the morning.”Furthermore, Johnson doesn’t oppose the federal assistance sent in by the Trump administration.“In absence of the local police what do we expect?” he said. “If we as a city aren’t going to police ourselves, then we should expect someone to come in and police for us.”"

Portland police ‘retreat’ after standoff with NAKED female protester (PHOTOS, VIDEOS) - "Police officers in Portland, Oregon were caught off guard after being approached by a nude female demonstrator, who lay down in the street and began performing yoga. The cops were then filmed “withdrawing.”"

Opinion | Portland’s protests were supposed to be about black lives. Now, they’re white spectacle. - The Washington Post - "Early in his activism, Malcolm X was asked by a young white woman what she could do to help the cause of civil rights. He famously replied, “Nothing.” Years later, he regretted dismissing her so abruptly, because he came to believe there was much she could do to advance the cause of justice for black people in the United States. But I am quite certain that striking yoga poses nude on the streets of Portland, Ore., was not on his list of actionable items. Images of “Naked Athena,” as the protester has been labeled, have gone viral, her unclothed confrontation with police earning her accolades as a brave ally of the cause. But I see something else: a beneficiary of white privilege dancing vainly on a stage that was originally created to raise up the voices of my oppressed brothers and sisters. In this, she is not alone. As the demonstrations continue every night in Portland, many people with their own agendas are co-opting, and distracting attention from, what should be our central concern: the Black Lives Matter movement... “spectacle” is now the best way to describe Portland’s protests. Vandalizing government buildings and hurling projectiles at law enforcement draw attention — but how do these actions stop police from killing black people? What are antifa and other leftist agitators achieving for the cause of black equality? The “Wall of Moms,” while perhaps well-intentioned, ends up redirecting attention away from the urgent issue of murdered black bodies. This might ease the consciences of white, affluent women who have previously been silent in the face of black oppression, but it’s fair to ask: Are they really furthering the cause of justice, or is this another example of white co-optation?"

Ted Cruz on Twitter - "Unidentified stormtroopers. Unmarked cars. Kidnapping protesters and causing severe injuries in response to graffiti.These are not the actions of a democratic republic.@DHSgov’s actions in Portland undermine its mission.Trump & his stormtroopers must be stopped."
"Cops are not stormtroopers. Arrests are not kidnappings. ANTIFA terrorists are not protestors. Dems are making the cynical political decision to stand with violent criminals trying to destroy America."

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts - "The violence continue in Portland despite the feds handing the scene back over to state and local police.
• A pigs head set on an American flag was set on fire. This follows an incident a few weeks back where a live pig was rescued from protestors. It was believed the pig would be killed on site.
• Antifa surveillance was seen on the edge of the federal courthouse riot with radio com.
• Several fires were set last night and the plywood was peeled from the windows of an arcade so it could be looted. The police stood by as they were on orders to not intervene.
• One rioter was burned firing rockets at the courthouse.
• Outside of downtown Portland 150 rounds were shot into an apartment complex wounding one woman.
• In addition to flags being set on fire, Antifa also set bibles on fire.
• Antifa set up a table near the courthouse where they gave out riot materials including plastic shields. They said donations were coming in from all over the country.
• One Antifa member showed up carrying three swords."
"The mayor, who is also the de facto police chief, has sharply limited law enforcement’s ability to restore order and protect the downtown business district."

Downtown Portland businesses, derailed by pandemic, say protests present a new challenge - "downtown Portland business owners say they are facing unique challenges as they try to recover from the economic devastation brought on by the pandemic. Many point to the raucous protests downtown and the controversial federal response, which have put the city atop national headlines.While most of downtown is tranquil, and nearly all confrontations between protestors and police take place late at night, the nightly protests have given Portland a reputation for upheaval that businesses say is keeping shoppers away... Thousands of demonstrators took to the streets on the night of May 29 to protest police brutality and systemic racism in the wake of George Floyd’s death at the hands of Minneapolis police officers. Floyd’s death has ignited a national reckoning, and protesters have returned to downtown Portland every night since that first night in May.But the night of upheaval ended with break-ins and looting in downtown. Murfitt watched on his live security footage feed as looters trashed his store and police officers failed to intervene. He said officers later came to take his statement and collect security footage, but haven’t been in touch since.Other businesses that were hit that night told similar stories. Many, including The Mercantile, have not reopened. Murfitt, like other downtown businesses owners that spoke to the Oregonian/OregonLive, said he supports the cause of racial justice. But he is not sympathetic to those that have used the movement as a cover for looting and violence. He said he hopes his store can reopen in August, but said he needs assurances that his business will be protected.“The most important pressing thing on my mind is what city leadership is going to do to restore peace and order”"
Strange how they missed the memo that the protests were peaceful

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts - "If you’re wondering why the “gun nuts” aren’t coming to defend the rioters in Portland against the feds... here’s your answer"
"Just a little while ago, gun nuts had a massive peaceful protest in Virginia. Tens of thousands of people turned out to protest gun control proposals from a democrat with a penchant for wearing black face (he still considers himself an “ally” though!) They didn’t break any windows. They didn’t kill any puppies. They didn’t burn any horses. They didn’t flip any police cars or murder any security guards. They were downright boring. They were polite, and even cleaned up their litter... Except then you called them domestic terrorists, and were super sad that they didn’t get massacred by the government (said government you are now mad at for killing people, because again, you fuckers ain’t exactly consistent)"
Gun owners get their guns in part to protect themselves from thugs and looting. Looters getting rounded up by the government isn't something that troubles law abiding people. It's telling that liberals got triggered by peaceful protests by people holding guns, but not only not get triggered by rioting and looting thugs - they're actually upset when the rioting and looting are cracked down on

Portland police record highest number of death investigations in single month in more than three decades - "the bureau was forced to cut its Gun Violence Reduction Team at the direction of the City Council. The 34-member team was disbanded July 1 as a result of budget cuts to police units that have targeted a disproportionate number of black people in traffic stops."
Time to defund the police even more and continue protesting!

Mark on Twitter - "So weird that the rioting that was happening before the feds arrived, continued after they left. Will anyone who said this is purely because of feds admit their wrong, or even show interest in this story anymore? Been going on every night for months now, it’s crazy."

Day 70: Portland Woman Attacked as She Stands Up to Antifa Trying to Set Precinct on Fire - "The group that House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler insists is a myth attacked an elderly woman who stood up to antifa thugs trying to set the East Portland Police Precinct on fire. Portland Police reported that the woman stood in front of the East Precinct, apparently taking a stand against efforts to burn it. They shrieked at the woman who protested, “This isn’t your world anymore!”  Several people responding to the video of the woman claimed she deserved it because she got in antifa’s way.The black-bloc-clad mob later confronted a woman using a walker, who brought a fire extinguisher to put out a fire set by antifa thugs. Antifa members ripped off notes and hearts on the East Precinct left by police supporters and set them on fire in an oil barrel next to the precinct... once again, people with “press” affixed to their black-bloc attire participated in the violence. Recently, a judge ordered police not to interfere with “reporters” covering the riots displaying “press” on their clothes. Now even more antifa members are “the press.”... Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler said the previous night’s attack on the East Precinct, which I reported here, was attempted murder. But that wasn’t what bothered him the most, apparently, as my PJMedia colleague Tyler O’Neill reported, Wheeler was upset that the riots, which have been going on for 70 days, give President Trump a talking point in his re-election efforts... As of earlier this week, a total of 277 police officers had been injured in the Portland riots that Democrats pretend aren’t happening. The riots, to the extent they exist at all, are President Trump’s fault. The same Democrats also say that the riots stopped when the Federal Protective Service left protection of the federal courthouse to Oregon State Police and Portland Police"

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler says he’ll move after protest outside his condo building draws arrests, widespread calls for change - "Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler says he’s looking for a new place to live after his Pearl District condo building has been the site of repeated demonstrations, including on Monday when crowds demanded he resign and some people set fires and broke windows... On Monday, Wheeler’s 58th birthday, some in a group of more than 200 graffitied and damaged the building and sidewalk and threw a burning bundle of newspapers into retail space in the building."

‘You’re Not Allowed To Film’: The Fight To Control Who Reports From Portland - ""YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO FILM" and its occasional variation, "PHOTOGRAPHY EQUALS DEATH!"... I wondered, the first time I attended the protests at the federal building back in July, who all these young people with PRESS emblazoned on their jackets or helmets were. I asked one such guy who he worked for. "Independent Press Corps," he told me. As it turned out, dozens of other young PRESS people happened to work for the same outfit, which I at first assumed was a fancy way of saying "I want to report stuff and stream it on my Instagram."This turned out to be naive. The IPC is an organized group in league with the activists, and it is usually their footage you see streamed online and recycled on the news: mostly innocent protestors being harassed and beaten by police... It's a revolution via the cellphone video they allow you to see.The IPC and other documentarians who are deemed sympathetic to the activists' cause agree on certain principles. You do not show activists' faces. You only show activists in a defensive position: responding to, rather than inciting, violence. You enhance what can appear to be police brutality, e.g., activists defending themselves with homemade shields, often bearing the anarchist circle-A, against police. The shields are largely ineffective for personal defense, but extremely effective for optics, and that's precisely the point. If a member of the IPC is arrested, he or she will be protected.Reporters seen as not sufficiently sympathetic to the cause—which is defined by the Ten Demands for Justice, and includes most notably the abolition of the police—will be followed, be harassed, have their notes photographed and their phones blocked or stolen. (All these things have happened to me in the last month. A photographer friend has been repeatedly doxxed and placed on a list of "enemies.") If you forget any of these rules, you can just refer to the handy Google spreadsheet of approved journalists and suggested behavior. The spreadsheet contains names, Twitter handles, and ways to financially support the journos who make the cut.Note who the people on this activist-approved list are writing for. Sergio Olmos, who made IPC's list of approved journalists, is freelancing as a man on the ground for The New York Times.* Freelancer Robert Evans, whose early tick-tock of events on the ground I have admired, tweeted on July 19 that the burning of the Portland Police Association was "the single biggest win so far." When questioned why, he replied that protesters have been "tear-gassed and beaten" for weeks. Unmentioned in his tweets: Protesters have been setting fire to the building for hours on many nights throughout the summer before a police response materializes. These protester-approved journalists are producing much of the news you see about the protests, with an assist from the national press"
i.e. Antifa pretends to be press and then spins fake news

Black Conservative Journalist Stabbed By Antifa in Portland - "Andrew Duncomb, a black conservative journalist stabbed during the antifa riots in Portland on Saturday, says the man who stabbed him is a member of antifa and insisted, “They don’t really care about black lives.” He said he was doxxed 17 hours before he arrived in Portland. He said this attack should serve as a wake-up call regarding the true threat of antifa... The journalist insisted that antifa is using the Black Lives Matter slogan as a front. “They don’t really care about Black lives, they are using BLM as a front to carry out the senseless acts of assault against this country”... “Anytime I come to film, they know that it destroys their narrative and it goes against what they are trying to promote”... Hampe allegedly stabbed Duncomb in the back, missing his spinal cord by inches... Hampe has a child porn conviction on his record."

BLM with demands swarm Portland mayor's condo, stage sit-in, hours after he praised 'peaceful protests' - "In a fit of delicious irony, an angry mob of Black Lives Matter protesters swarmed the condominium building where Portland’s Democrat mayor Ted Wheeler lives. They demanded Wheeler’s immediate resignation and the complete abolition of the Portland police department.The protests occurred just hours after Wheeler praised the mob for their “peaceful protests” and derisively refused President Trump’s offer to send federal troops to stem the rioting, looting, and vandalism that have ravaged Portland for the past 94 days.Outside Wheeler’s building, angry demonstrators held “Black Lives Matter!” “Defund the Police!” and “Send Ted Wheeler to the Hague!” signs and flags... The irony is that Mayor Wheeler has repeatedly sided with anti-police protesters and praised violent leftist rioters.Wheeler is learning the hard way that bending the knee to left-wing mobs only encourages them to demand total surrender. In another delectable example of karmic justice, the police did not respond to 911 calls made by Wheeler’s building... On the streets, left-wing thugs terrorized law-abiding residents, destroyed their businesses, and torched police stations and federal buildings on Day 94 of the Portland riots."

BLM mob beat white man unconscious after making him crash truck - "The victim was then shown bleeding from a large wound in the back of his head as he appeared unconscious throughout another almost 2½-minute clip. The woman was shown sobbing nearby as the mob held her back and appeared to rifle through his truck.“Black live matter, n—er!” one man continually ranted as other people checked the victim was still alive. Even as he remained unconscious, a woman was heard taunting him, “Get your b-tch ass up!”... Kalen D’Almeida, the co-founder of Scriberr News, who shared one of the videos. tweeted: “A man accused of trying to run over protesters crashed his vehicle. BLM & Antifa militants then pull him from the car and violently assault him.”... Two cops were hospitalized overnight Saturday after protesters hurled a 10-pound rock at them during the 79th night of clashes in the City of Roses"

Adam Haner's girlfriend says BLM mob was 'looking for a fight' - "The girlfriend of the Portland driver who was beaten up by Black Lives Matter protesters said the mob was “looking for a fight” that night. Tammie Martin said she and her boyfriend, Adam Haner, were both attacked Sunday night and called white supremacists during the confrontation... “He was just trying to help and they started calling him white supremacist,” she recalled. “Some black lady smacked him and then he got in his truck.”Martin then got out of the truck — and says she was immediately attacked.“I got socked and then I walked away and — and then I got pushed down and punched a few times,” she said.The couple then tried to flee in the truck.“He was trying to drive away and rev his engine and make it so people would move away from the truck,” Martin said.Martin then left to go get her own car and didn’t witness the alleged attack that left Haner unconscious on the pavement. An edited version of a video shows protesters knocking Haner to the ground after he tries to reach inside his crashed truck. Haner is sitting on the ground when one of the protesters, identified by police as Marquise Love, comes up from behind and kicks him in the head, knocking him out cold."

Portland shooting: 1 person is dead after a shooting following protests in downtown - "The man who was killed in Portland on Saturday night was wearing a hat with the insignia of Patriot Prayer, a far-right group based in Portland that has clashed with protesters in the past"
Since we are told that once the wave function collapses and a "peaceful protestor" turns out to be violent, the violent individuals are all white supremacists or police infiltrators, this is some dedicated 4D chess

Portland mayor blames antifa, anarchists following NYE riot - "Speaking at a press conference on New Year's Day, the mayor said protesters caused tens of thousands of dollars in damage by breaking windows, starting fires and spray-painting property in downtown Portland... "My good faith efforts at de-escalation have been met with ongoing violence and even scorn from radical antifa and anarchists," Wheeler said. "In response, it will be necessary to use additional tools and to push the limits of the tools we already have to bring the criminal destruction and violence to an end."... The Portland mayor's comments mark a drastic change in tone from his remarks throughout 2020, when demonstrators ravaged a nearby courthouse for more than 100 nights, partially prompted by outrage over the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody in May. President Trump urged Wheeler to allow him to deploy federal troops to help quell protests in the city during the summer, but the mayor denied the president's offer."
Strange. We were told that antifa was only an idea. How things changed after the election

Portland kicks off 2021 with another riot for the new year - "The planned protest was billed as being “in solidarity with BLM” with “no streamers, no megaphones, no masters”"

Portland city commissioner's home and city hall targeted - "People in Portland targeted city hall and a city commissioner's home, vandalizing it on Thursday night.About 60 people gathered at Arbor Lodge Park and marched toward the home of Portland City Commissioner Dan Ryan, the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) said. At Ryan's home, individuals broke a window, threw burning flares and paint-filled balloons at the house and broke potted plants... The incident occurred after Ryan voted against cutting $18 million from the Portland Police Bureau budget"

Antifa still riot in Portland on night Biden's election is certified - "No arrests were made at the third Black Lives Matter-Antifa riot since New Year's Eve... Antifa created a neighborhood notice explaining why they target local businesses or private property for destruction. The memo is being distributing online in their encrypted chat rooms. "Dear Neighbor," the letter is addressed. "The owners of this business/property have been found to have engaged in action which directly threatens the surrounding community."As a result, the "People of Portland," self-described as "anti-racist, anti-fascist, pro-working people," have taken "direct action in an effort to halt the endangerment of our community."Associating with far-right groups, aiding and abetting law enforcement, supporting the forceable removal of the homeless from their encampment sites through eviction or citywide sweeps are listed as reasons. In Seattle, businesses and residents signed their own petition in support of the encampment sweep at Cal Anderson Park, where the notorious Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone was established during the summer months. Multiple Antifa accounts blacklisted those companies and individuals, listing their names, titles, and addresses. Despite the four fatalities suffered at the pro-Trump seize, Antifa still carried out their nightly terror, the mainstream media continued to ignore violence committed by the political left, and Democratic politicians refused to denounce far-left riots—yet did not hesitate to condemn yesterday's events in the nation's capital. "The disparate responses to those currently breaking inside the Capitol building versus those who tried to burn down the federal courthouse in Portland for months tells you what you need to know"... Bernice King, the CEO of the Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change claimed that tanks would have been deployed to Washington by now if the Black Lives Matter movement was responsible.  "The response tells the story of our nation’s racist history and present. How can we stop it from being the future?" she alleged.  To which, Ngo volleyed: "BLM-Antifa tried to break into a federal building in Portland for months in 2020 using explosives, power tools, rope, etc. The tanks never came in and the national response was that it was wrong for federal officers to even protect the building."... NPR's Weekend Edition co-host Lulu Garcia-Navarro stated that under "NPR guidance," her newsroom will call the pro-Trump protesters "extremists" and their actions "insurrection."  "Why was similar language not applied to the rioters who stormed, destroyed, looted and torched government buildings in 2020?" Ngo asked, questioning why the months-long attempts to burn down the federal courthouse in downtown Portland was not considered "insurrection.""
"If riots are the language of the unheard it would mean that women and older people don't have a problem being heard because no matter where in the world you go the overwhelming majority of rioting is done by young men. There's so many cliches bantered around that just a little bit of critical thinking would show to be more style than substance."

Portland protesters throw fire bombs on 100th night of demonstrations

Sargon of Akkad - Posts | Facebook - "Today, the Portland City Council and City bureau directors completed an anti-white supremacy training led by @WStatesCenter. This is crucial to our city’s commitment to anti-racism, and all City staff will be required to complete a similar training soon."
"Communists are throwing molotov cocktails at Portlands police.  This man is beyond parody."

Facebook - "Nothing says "Black Lives Matter" like white people in Portland Oregon - one of the whitest cities in one of the whitest states in America - tearing their own city apart while waving Communist and Anarchist symbols, during a year when black voters overwhelmingly voted for Joe Biden."

Arsonists Torch School Vehicles, Leave Antifa 'Mantra' - " Vandals appear to have spray-painted “No Justice, No Peace” on a wall using a stencil, as The Oregonian‘s photos revealed. They also spray-painted, “Learning [heart] not school.” The “a” in “Learning” displayed an A with a circle around it — an anarchist symbol often used by antifa agitators. “The Portland Public Schools headquarters was severely damaged in an arson attack. One of the graffiti messages repeats a BLM-Antifa mantra. An anarchist symbol was also sprayed on the building,” Ngo tweeted with a picture of the dilapidated box truck. “It looks likely the large arson attack on Portland Public Schools may be antifa-connected,” Ngo argued. “Antifa groups had called for terrorist attacks on Saturday, & schools in particular had been explicitly stated as targets for months.” Ngo shared a photo of a tweet from the Pacific Northwest Youth Liberation Front, an antifa group, declaring, “Youth Liberation: Burn the Schools and Destroy the Media!”"

Portland anarchists and Black activists clash on racial justice - Los Angeles Times - "The election of Biden has only antagonized the anarchists — and exposed their differences with the Black activists they claim to support. Black activists and community leaders, who generally view the defeat of Trump as an opportunity for change within the system, said the anarchists are hijacking the movement and undermining the push for racial justice by continuing to commit violence. “When people set fire to a building, it really does not liberate me one bit,” said Mingus Mapps, a Black resident who won a seat on the Portland City Council this month. “It does the opposite. It fuels the political culture that makes racism possible.”... Distrusting the media, all refused to give their names. But pamphlets distributed at a recent rally outline their far-left philosophies. “Abolish All Mayors” — the title of one booklet — advocates “the complete democratization and community control of all city bureaus and the abolition of the police.” “Why We Break Windows” advocates an end to private property and invokes the Boston Tea Party to explain the point of “political vandalism” during revolts. “Shop windows represent segregation,” it says. “To smash a shop window is to contest all the boundaries that cut through this society: black and white, rich and poor, included and excluded.”... Some of the anarchists have also been involved in antifa, the movement that clashes with far-right groups... Black community leaders denounced an arson attack by protesters on a building that houses a police station and Black-owned businesses on Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. “When I hear about somebody burning something down, I think about that as an act that’s always been used against Black people”... For the anarchists, the election was no time to let up as they sought to make their point that a change of power was meaningless. The night of Nov. 4 — the day after voters went to the polls — anarchists rallied in a park, then marched into downtown. They briefly intersected with a peaceful demonstration calling for all votes to be counted — a cause that meant nothing to them. Proceeding with their march, some smashed windows at downtown businesses and a church that provides food and services to homeless people... Shirley Jackson, a Portland State University professor of Black studies, said the violence seems senseless. “With the BLM protests there were clear demands, but it’s very difficult to see an end to something when it’s not clear what the demands are,” she said. In interviews, several Black community leaders who had marched in protests over the summer said that it was crucial to condemn the violence and dissociate Black Lives Matter from the anarchists... Rachelle Dixon, who heads Portland’s Black Lives Matter chapter, called a reporter to say that the activists had nothing to do with the social justice movement. She said that in the minds of the public, anarchists have “melded with Black Lives Matter, but they’re 90% white and they don’t reach out to Black organizations.” Dixon also serves as a vice chair of the Multnomah County Democrats. “I didn’t destroy my own building”"
Looks like black activists didn't get the memo that it's really the Proud Boys destroying everything

After Nearly a Year of Unrest, Portland Leaders Pursue a Crackdown - The New York Times - "“Portland was a beautiful city,” said Ms. Carter, who was the first Black woman elected to the Oregon Legislative Assembly and is now retired. “Now you walk around and see all the graffiti, buildings being boarded up. I get sick to my stomach. And I get angry.”... crowd sizes have waned, and figures such as Terry Porter, the former Portland Trail Blazers player, have called for an end to destructive demonstrations. Mr. Wheeler seemed to use last week’s conviction of Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer who murdered Mr. Floyd, as an opportunity to bring the most raucous of the protests to a close. As people around the country went into the streets to cheer the conviction, some businesses in Portland boarded up their windows once again. That night, a small group of activists wearing black approached a group of journalists, threatening to smash the cameras of those who remained on scene. The group later shattered windows at two Starbucks stores. One man was arrested after throwing a punch at a police officer... Mr. Schmidt said he was frustrated that people were still engaging in property destruction, noting cases like the Boys & Girls Club. “These are not just attacks on windows,” he said. “These are attacks on our community. These are attacks on the values of who we are.” Mr. Myers, the activist, said he was worried about the mayor’s call for members of the public to alert the police when they see people wearing black protester-style clothing, saying it raises the prospect of vigilante actions. “It puts people at risk,” he said... Eric Murfitt, who manages Mercantile Portland, a high-end women’s clothing store, said he had heard leaders such as Mr. Wheeler expressing the right determination to end the unrest. But he said he still had not seen a lot of follow-through or results. “Do we want to live in chaos where there are no laws, no police, no accountability?” Mr. Murfitt said. “Or do we want to live in a civil society?” Mr. Murfitt said a night of looting in May resulted in $1 million in damage at his store, only days after it had reopened after the coronavirus lockdowns. Later in the year, Mr. Murfitt said, the store’s insurer declined to renew the policy. The store eventually found another insurer but must pay four times more than the previous policy — tens of thousands of additional dollars per year — for a new policy that does not cover losses from civil unrest, Mr. Murfitt said. He said he was also spending tens of thousands of dollars to put bars on the windows and film on the window glass."
Since the New York Times corroborates the claims by "far right" "grifters" such as Andy Ngo that antifa intimidates the media to get misleading media coverage, it must be proof that "white supremacists" are working there

Antifa Rioters Burn Portland Apple Store, Fire Guns from Cars - "Despite advance warnings, Portland Police Bureau officers were powerless to stop another night of rioting, arson, and gunfire carried out by Antifa. Rioters set multiple fires and engaged in drive-by gunfire."

How the Media and Politicians Aided Antifa Rioters in Portland - "On July 5, 2020, hundreds of militant Antifa and Black Lives Matter activists returned to again attack federal law enforcement officers outside the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse in downtown Portland. They were masked and dressed in black as they tried to burn down the federal building. They also assaulted construction crews who were working around the clock to replace wooden barriers that were torn down by Antifa rioters the previous night. Christopher Fellini, 31, was arrested that night and charged with assaulting a federal officer. In his possession, officers found a knife, pepper spray and a powerful laser. For weeks on end, rioters had organized into subdivisions that used laser pointers to blind and injure the eyes of cops. Fellini's name stood out because he was previously charged at another fiery Portland Antifa riot in 2017 (his charge was ultimately dropped). Another federal arrestee was Andrew Steven Faulkner, 24, who was also charged with assaulting an officer. During his arrest, he was found carrying pipe bomb components and a sheathed machete. He later pleaded guilty but was not given prison time. For the next four weeks, Antifa's plan of escalating attacks on federal property to provoke a federal response for the cameras produced the exact propaganda they wanted. On any given night, there were dozens who identified as press. At its peak there were probably more than a hundred journalists and live streamers, most of whom were sympathetic to the rioters and protesters. Instinctively, and at the urging or demand of others, their cameras were trained solely on law enforcement to capture their every move. Those who ran afoul of Antifa's rules were forced out or assaulted and robbed. Left‐wing live streamer Tristan Taylor was beaten to the ground and had his recording equipment stolen. Every use of force by officers, whether it be tear gas, smoke, pepper balls or arrests, was heavily scrutinized. Out‐of‐context video snippets were released on social media and published by news outlets, generating mass rage and universally negative press for law enforcement and the Trump administration. The officers were called "Trump's gestapo," "storm troopers" and "thugs" by Democratic politicians and the media. Erin Smith, a conservative trans woman and writer who goes undercover at large Antifa riots on the West Coast, tells me Antifa use a "calibrated level of violence" to provoke reactions by law enforcement for propaganda purposes. "Antifa seek to force law enforcement into a dilemma action, where there are simply no good responses from a public relations standpoint," Smith said via email. "They either fail to respond to Antifa harassment and look weak, or react in ways likely to be perceived by the casual observer as an overreaction. Both choices undermine the legitimacy of the state and its security forces." As useful idiots for Antifa, the press predictably published reports that helped provoke more hatred for law enforcement, contributing to more people showing up to the protests-turned-riots. "Trump sent cops to Portland and they're 'kidnapping people off the streets,'" read a Vice News headline. "'It was like being preyed upon': Portland protesters say federal officers in unmarked vans are detaining them," read another from The Washington Post. All these stories based on Antifa talking points were meant to create an impression that Trump had literally sent secret police to disappear left‐wing opposition. It was false. Using unmarked vehicles to make targeted arrests is neither illegal nor unusual. Every law enforcement agency around the world uses unmarked vehicles. When officers had attempted the usual route of moving in to physically arrest someone at the riots, they were mobbed by rioters who "de‐arrested" their comrades by surrounding police and pulling them away. Antifa claimed victory online each time this happened... Accusations of there being "secret police" and "unidentified federal agents" were also false. Every officer wore official uniforms that displayed their federal agency via badges on the shoulders with clear words on the front that read "POLICE." That politicians and journalists did not or pretended not to recognize the uniforms is not an excuse. And no one was ever "disappeared." All those detained were properly processed and read their Miranda rights. Most were released within hours and later had their charges dismissed. As bad as the riots already were, Portland City Council and local politicians actively worked to undermine the federal government's attempts to protect federal property. In effect, they were acting as cobelligerents with Antifa in their uprising. When ex-acting secretary Chad Wolf of DHS flew to Portland from Washington, D.C., in mid‐July to survey the extent of the violence and destruction, local officials preemptively refused to meet with him... Oregon Democratic senator Ron Wyden called federal officers an "occupying army." Oregon governor Kate Brown echoed and amplified the false media headlines. "This is a democracy, not a dictatorship. We cannot have secret police abducting people in unmarked vehicles," Gov. Brown tweeted. By mid‐July, the Portland City Council officially banned Portland Police from cooperating in any way with federal law enforcement. The anti‐police and anti‐Trump echo chamber involving Antifa, the media and local politicians brought Portland into international headlines. With that, protesters from the region and around the country descended on the city, believing they were opposing "fascist" cops. Gatherings in front of the federal courthouse swelled from a couple hundred to more than five thousand by mid-July. Antifa now had the perfect opportunity to carry out attacks they planned using huge numbers of protesters as human shields. It worked incredibly well. When I was undercover on the ground, what I saw was a war zone with armed belligerents. And they were just getting started. Over time, they came better and better prepared with explosives, guns and even power tools to cut into the courthouse's defense barrier."

Antifa hits the soccer field with its own league in Portland - "Players were assured that their desire to defund the police would not put them at risk of harm, with Portland Antifa FC tweeting that it will “have people keeping watch around the perimeter to make sure this stays a safe event.” “Stay safe, Stay Dangerous, watch some soccer and Nutmeg a Nazi,” the group said. Organizers warned that Antifa’s anarchistic loathing of authority could only go so far once on the field, however. “We have a ref and you better be nice to them plz,” the league said — with some members tweeting that “all refs are b—ards,” a joking reference to its widely used attack on “all cops,” often shortened to ACAB"

Red House puts fresh spotlight on militant housing activism, but it’s nothing new for Portland - "On Dec. 10, 2020, Portland’s Red House on Mississippi Avenue erupted into national news. The militant eviction defense, already well into its third month, had come to a head two days earlier as police surrounded the house and attempted to evict the Kinney family and its supporters, arresting seven and injuring at least one protester in the process. In response, the protesters re-secured the house, which had come under foreclosure, erecting extensive barricades and putting out a call for support, which Willamette Week reported rallied 100 to 200 people, many camped out, occupying a portion of the neighborhood. In the following days, the scene only intensified as local elected officials and right-wing media condemned the defense and protesters dug their heels in, further fortifying the house and posting armed guards around the perimeter."
You're only a nutjob if you are "right wing" and engage in armed standoffs with police. And somehow in those cases the police don't hesitate to move in

Portland protesters warn not to film red house 'autonomous zone' - "Portland protesters drew a line in the sand warning onlookers and press not to shoot footage in an “autonomous zone” — set up to reclaim a house where a black family was evicted"
Intimidating the media is good if liberals approve

Journalist assaulted, her phone and finger smashed while covering Portland eviction protest - U.S. Press Freedom Tracker - "KATU ABC 2 reporter Genevieve Reaume was assaulted and had her phone smashed by individuals participating in an eviction protest in Portland, Oregon, on Dec. 8, 2020."

Portland’s ‘autonomous zone’ arrestees have charges immediately dropped

Most Portland riot suspects won't be prosecuted, US attorney reveals - "David Bouchard admitted he put a Customs and Border Protection officer in a chokehold. Charles Comfort was indicted by a grand jury of civil disorder for twice charging at Portland Police Bureau officers and hitting them with a makeshift shield then kicking a third officer while being arrested. Both men faced federal charges stemming from their actions during a summer of more than 100 straight nights of often violent protests in Portland. But Bouchard and Comfort are among dozens of Portland federal arrestees whose cases were dismissed or are being deferred without so much as a day behind bars... Former federal prosecutor Alex Little says the Oregon U.S. Attorney’s Office was most likely overwhelmed... Wolf says Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler is finally starting to realize that leaders can’t appease violent criminals. "There’s been a number of statements from Mayor Wheeler here recently that talks about trying to take his city back from the violence and the anarchists," said Wolf, "and that’s exactly what I told him in July.""
From May 2021

Anti-Thanksgiving protests erupt in several US states overnight - "Vandals went on an anti-Thanksgiving and anti-colonial crime spree in several US states, smashing and defacing storefronts and toppling a war memorial overnight Thursday. At least 10 businesses in Portland, including a Chase Bank and the New Seasons Market along Hawthorne Boulevard, had their windows broken and messages like “Pequot Massacre,” “Land back,” “1637” and “F–k thxgiving” spray-painted along their walls... Protests were also held in Chicago, where demonstrators failed in their attempts to topple a statue of President William McKinley — whose drive for expansionism is now deemed racist and genocidal to Indigenous people — by using a rope tied to a car. In Spokane, Washington, a statue of Abraham Lincoln was vandalized with red paint, according to KREM. In Minneapolis, a George Washington monument was toppled and splattered with yellow and red paint and a “Pioneer Statue” was spray-painted with the words “no thanks,” “no more genocide” and “land back”"

'Is George Washington Next?' – Why, Yes, Mr. President, Yes He Is. The Mob Tears Down Washington Statue in Portland - "When the mob came for Confederate statues in 2017, President Trump was widely ridiculed when he asked if George Washington would be next... Some scorned him for putting Confederate soldiers of the breakaway country in the same camp with Jefferson and Washington, arguing, “Washington and Jefferson didn’t wage war against the United States,” followed by various variations of “you dummy.” Others talked of “taking down Trump hotels.” He was dismissed as a white supremacist with all kinds of crazy talk. You know the drill. But here we are. And Trump was right... now they’ve come for Thomas Jefferson and George Washington. The secular Taliban must slake their thirst on our country’s very founding. And if you defend those statues you’re no better than a slaveholder and canceled... The takedown of the statue of the “father of our country” was highlighted by a crowing Portland antifa member, Luis Marquez. Marquez was slightly nervous that someone would tie him to the destruction of the statue, so he added “not my pics” as he gleefully exclaimed, “no justice no peace f*ck George Washington [sic].” Now you know what is meant by “no peace.”... Someone unfamiliar with history spray-painted the words “genocidal colonist” at the base of the statue. George Washington did live in the colonies, but he – please read this slowly – led the effort to throw off the shackles of the colonialist powers in Britain and create a new country called, repeat after me, the United States of America. States aren’t colonies. Washington was also not a “genocidal” anything. I admire the fact that the revolutionary general and first president of the United States was asked to stay on as president and said no. They were willing to make him king and he turned it down. He said he’d go back to his little place on the Potomac, Mt. Vernon, to farm again. He freed his slaves when he died. Note also that the date 1619 appears on the toppled statue in the photos above. That refers to the 1619 project, a debunked New York Times project to rewrite America’s founding history that would shame even the shameless Howard Zinn. This would also explain why these children know nothing more about Washington except that he owned slaves 240-plus years ago. Earlier in the week, the secular Taliban zombies went to another venerable Portland high school and destroyed the statue of Thomas Jefferson. Yes, Thomas Jefferson owned slaves. He freed a few but he did hold slaves. And, yet, Thomas Jefferson wrote most of the Declaration of Independence. Will the woke mob go after that next? During the latest round of riots in Washington, D.C., BLM, antifa, and their buddies defaced the Lincoln Memorial – remember that guy, Lincoln? Signed the “Emancipation Proclamation” – all four versions. That whole fighting a war to free the slaves thing? Assassinated by a crazy leftist? They burned the church across the street from the White House."
First, they came for the Confederate Generals...

Portland’s protests: 3 months in, no end in sight - "Wheeler says his inbox is full of people who, like Hester, believe police are trampling on protesters’ First Amendment rights nightly. Then there’s another faction that wants to know why he has tied the hands of the police bureau... Of the more than 90 emails related to the late-night protests, about one-fifth of senders that day seemed to feel he was abdicating his duty to protect property and police. A retired PPB detective, for example, wrote that she held the mayor “solely responsible” for injuries sustained by her former colleagues and “the wanton destruction of a once beautiful city.” The rest came from people who wrote that they were astounded by the mayor’s failure to protect protesters and reporters from local and, at that point, federal law enforcement. One journalist’s mother wrote that she felt her son would be safer “embedded with our troops on foreign soil.”... John Noakes, a professor of criminology at Arcadia University, said these dueling narratives are to be expected from a city in the midst of a marathon stretch of protesting. “This is an incredibly common practice,” Noakes said. “What I try to teach my students is not to think of it as one side lying. It’s that all the facts are true. Each side takes certain facts and highlights them and tries to generalize them.”"
The First Amendment guarantees Americans' right to riot

Meet Antifa 'Peaceful Protester' 'Alice Phallus' - " Police say they arrested 14. Among them was Alice Elizabeth Johnson. The woman, who just celebrated her 28 birthday – Happy Birthday, Alice! – was charged with interfering with a Portland police officer. She was let off on her own recognizance and was required to post $0.00 bail. Zero. That’s a nice birthday present from the new DA. Alice appears to be an antifa warrior for the far Left. She leaves the comfort of home to take on imaginary fascists and racists. Fascists and racists are defined as people who don’t agree with her. For example, you’re a “fascist” and a “racist” if you support police officers... Alice also has a side-hustle. When she’s not rioting, she also doubles as a “devil” under her stage name “Alice Phallus” at the popular downtown club “Dante’s Inferno,” a live music club that features a “F*ck Off Facists” sign on the side of the building. The kids must dig it... People like Alice Johnson, aka Alice Phallus, have actual jobs. Some of them do, anyway. And by night, they tear apart the very city they purport to help. They riot, loot, and commit acts of arson in the name of fighting imaginary fascists and racists. And the mayor and DA just let them do it."

Portland 'Back the Blue' Rally Turns Into Riot When Antifa Shows Up and Starts Assaulting People - "The Back the Blue rally included members of Proud Boys, a multi-racial (yes) group of America-loving and antifa-hating tough guys and gals, who will fight back if the Leftist mob starts something. They come prepared to do battle. And guess what? That’s exactly what happened. If antifa doesn’t start the violence then no violence happens. Proud Boys are defined by the mainstream media and the Left (but I repeat myself) as “white supremacists,” but they appear to be a much more ethnically diverse group than antifa is. The local leader is Hispanic... As they often do, the Portland Police watched while the melee ensued. A black bloc-outfitted antifa member hit a guy walking away from the mob and got instant retaliation from the guy she hit... Newly installed Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt has already announced that he will not prosecute most charges against antifa – even for rioting. The same is not the case for a member of Patriot Prayer, which is a Portland-area Proud Boys offshoot. Joey Gibson was assaulted by antifa and was later arrested and charged with felony riot for an incident at a now-defunct cider bar, “Cider Riot!” It’s known as an antifa hangout. Gibson’s attorney, James Buchal (who is also the Multnomah County GOP Chair) says the DA refuses to drop charges against his client, though he has let hundreds of antifa rioters go free. Buchal told me in an email that it’s clear Multnomah County has a two-tiered system of jurisprudence and those who defend themselves against antifa are treated as the criminals. Videographer Mike Strickland can attest to the two-tiered justice system in Portland. In 2016, antifa protesters chased him out of a Black Lives Matter rally and roughed him up. When they noticed he was still covering the event, a large group came back to inflict more punishment. Strickland pulled his legally-possessed gun and held back the crowd. No shots were fired and Strickland was the only one hurt that day. He went to jail. His case is on appeal."
Brilliant strategy. Attack your political opponents, then claim they are violent when they defend themselves

Portland cops handcuff female protester, get asked if female cop is there for pat-down. Male officer quips, 'How do you know that I don’t identify as a female?' - " While a handful of commenters were aghast at the officer's sarcastic take on gender identity, other folks were delighted by the cop's pushback against woke culture"

Rioters splash paint on elderly woman, get in her face when she stands up to police precinct attack - "On the 70th night of left-wing protests in Portland, Oregon, rioters decked out in dark clothing and helmets as they attacked the city's East Precinct were met with opposition Thursday that one might think would give them some pause: A pair of elderly women. But then again, this is the left-wing of the year 2020 we're talking about, and they take no prisoners — not even if they could be their grandmothers... Rather than realizing how far out of hand they've gotten, the violent left-wingers started yelling at the elderly woman: "This isn't your world anymore!"... The rioters doubled down on their tactics against elderly women at the precinct after noticing one — using a walker, no less — was in the process of trying to extinguish a fire in a trash can... The previous night Portland police declared a riot after insurgents tried to burn down the precinct and tried to run over officers with a truck."

Federal Unit Behind Arrests In Portland Reportedly Identified. Pelosi Smears Them, Makes False Claims. - "Pelosi’s use of certain phrases and terms—including “stormtroopers,” “Trump & his stormtroopers,” and “Trump’s secret police”—could be interpreted as an attempt to smear them as Nazis, which is something that the political Left has repeatedly done throughout the Trump-era."

'Unmasked': Andy Ngo's Anti-Antifa Book Draws Mob to Portland Bookstore - "For three days and counting, protesters in Portland, Oregon have gathered at a local bookstore to demand that it stop selling a new book critical of Antifa. “Far-left activists surrounded Powell's Books in Portland on Monday and demanded the store stop selling Unmasked: Inside Antifa's Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy, a book about antifa written by Andy Ngo”... Left-wing activists say that because Ngo documents and criticizes the activities of Antifa, which claims to simply be “anti-fascist,” he is therefore a fascist. Saying his work is too dangerous to be allowed to be aired, Antifa members have called for Ngo to be banned from social media. Now they are trying to get his book banned from bookstores. "We have to show up every day until they stop selling that f—king book,” one activist said. She claimed it was like “stopping the historical publication of Hitler's 'Mein Kampf.'" So far, the bookstore has not fully submitted to the protesters’ demands. “This book will not be on our store shelves, and we will not promote it,” the store announced. “That said, it will remain in our online catalogue. We carry books that we find anywhere from simply distasteful or badly written, to execrable, as well as those that we treasure. We believe it is the work of bookselling to do so.” “There are books in our stores and online inventory that contain ideas that run counter to our company’s and our employees’ values of safety, equality, and justice,” the explanation continued. “While we understand that our decision to carry such books upsets some customers and staff members, we do not want to create an echo chamber of preapproved voices and ideas. It is not our mission or inclination to decide to whom our customers should listen.” The protests against the book have only generated more media buzz and attention to it, inadvertently—and rather ironically—helping it sell more copies... “You can't build a house without nails and wood,” one character explains. “If you don't want a house built, hide the nails and wood.” “If you don't want a man unhappy politically, don't give him two sides to a question to worry him; give him one,” the same character later says in defense of the society’s book-burning efforts. “Better yet, give him none. Let him forget there is such a thing as war. If the government is inefficient, top-heavy, and tax-mad, better it be all those than that people worry over it.” “Now do you see why books are hated and feared?” another one of Bradbury’s characters asks. “They show the pores in the face of life. The comfortable people want only wax moon faces, poreless, hairless, expressionless.” How does Bradbury’s message relate to Antifa’s book-banning campaign? Members of Antifa don’t generally come across as particularly “comfortable.” Yet tyrannical impulses can be found in insurgencies as well as in “the establishment.” Like Bradbury’s “firemen,” Antifa is trying to limit the sharing of ideas in order to avoid criticism and prevent social outcomes they dislike. Rather than grapple with the criticisms Ngo makes of Antifa on their merits, they resort to deplatforming. They don’t seek to engage but to erase... Of course, history’s most infamous book burners were the Nazis, who also sought to “win the debate” through censorship. Antifa’s “anti-fascist” credentials are not helped by adopting typically fascist tactics." Everyone knows "far right" material needs to be banned!

Andy Ngo’s antifa book No. 1 weeks before release - "A full three weeks before its Feb. 2 release, his Unmasked: Inside Antifa's Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy spent much of this week on Amazon as the No. 1 bestseller, a rarity for books not written by longtime authors and presidents... Unmasked held the No. 1 spot on Amazon for much of the week, before slipping to No. 2 Friday."

‘Antifa tried to cancel my book’ - "Because of the cancel campaign, Powell’s issued a statement saying it would not be selling the book in its bricks-and-mortar stores at all, but it would still be available in its online catalogue. The president and owner of the business then issued another statement, essentially accusing me of inciting violence. She also made judgements on the book, when neither she nor any of the protesters had read it – at the time, the book was weeks away from release. Antifa activists know it is a book exposing who they are, what they do and how they organise. They view that very idea as a threat. Its content doesn’t really matter. They just don’t want the book to exist... In June 2019, I was beaten while covering Antifa demonstrations and riots in Portland. The activists were very angry at me for some columns I wrote, criticising their violent extremism. At that time, I was a lone voice in the Portland-based media, in that I was describing accurately what Antifa activists do and who they are. Even today, the local media still refer to them as anti-fascists who are opposing neo-Nazis and white supremacists. That claim is echoed by the national and international media. Antifa activists are indiscriminate in who they target on the right. You can be a mainstream person on the right, or you can be somebody who is fringe or far right – they make no distinction. They label all of it as ‘fascism’ – and think that the appropriate response is therefore to assault people. A lot of public figures get death threats, but Antifa activists take it further – they put graffiti around town in large letters saying, ‘murder Andy Ngo’, ‘kill Andy Ngo’. When Antifa set up its autonomous zone in Portland, activists wrote an address associated with me on part of the property they had occupied. It’s that type of incitement that takes it to another level. Antifa also organises on Twitter, where activists use hashtags to provide real-time updates on where people can be found if they are out in public. That’s how they found the Portland mayor, Ted Wheeler, at a restaurant in January. He was assaulted... Cancel culture is accelerating. These people have had such success recently in getting the sitting president of the US deplatformed from every major social-media platform. This even spread to platforms Trump was not using, like Parler. My concern is for people who don’t have the same reach as me. I can bring these intimidation efforts to people’s attention. But there are lots of other people who are great writers and independent journalists who don’t have the reach that I do, or are faced with being silenced on all these platforms. I’m thinking of the little man throughout all of this... As much as I am critical of Powell’s Books for issuing a statement that essentially defames my character, it is operating in a city where law enforcement is unable to do anything. When Antifa activists make threats against a business, they carry them out, smashing windows and starting fires. That is the reality that business owners have to live with. What makes Antifa truly dangerous is the mainstreaming of tenets of its ideology. You can see this in the reaction to the 2020 riots from the British and American media – they thought these riots were justified after George Floyd’s death, because it was an ‘emergency’. People everywhere should be terrified, because there’s not much opposition to it."

Andy Ngo exposes Antifa and Democrat hypocrisy in new bestselling book - "Both Republicans and Democrats are guilty of this willful blindness, but it has taken some effort for America's left-wing to ignore Antifa's violence. Take, for instance, the way in which the East-Coast media has reacted to the events of 2020: "Antifa as Trump imagines it only exists in the conservative mind," wrote one journalist at Vox. Or take this extraordinary act of mental gymnastics by Vanity Fair, which didn't just declare that Antifa was of no threat, but went one step further, saying that the "bogeyman" simply didn't exist. Biden's Democrats like to pretend that Antifa are simply lentil-eating, art graduates bestowed with the all-American task of punching Nazis. But now, with a Democratic president and total control of Congress, the DNC may finally have to greet the monster that grew under their supervision. If Joe Biden's eyesight still works, someone should probably give him Andy Ngo's Antifa Unmasked. After all, it seems unlikely that Antifa's violence will stop after something as bloodless as Biden's election victory. As Portland's Mayor Ted Wheeler, who presided over more than 100 days of Antifa-led riots, was forced to admit: his efforts "at de-escalation" were met with "ongoing violence and even scorn from radical Antifa." Note how Wheeler used the phrase "radical Antifa," as though only a few bad eggs are to blame for the barbarity. Even after having watched his city descend into chaos, even after having to move to another neighborhood to escape the braying mob, this Democrat politician cannot quite muster the courage to criticize the group in its entirety. Neither can so many other Democrat leaders of left-leaning cities. For this reason alone, Ngo's book will remain useful for some time. Antifa Unmasked is an extraordinary examination of the group's conception, tactics and organization. After reading this, it will be impossible to say that Antifa poses no threat to decent society. This is made clear through associated think tanks like "CrimethInc," who publish booklets with such illuminating titles as Why We Break Windows. Other think tanks linked to the group are even more extreme, distributing manuals that guide Antifa members on how to turn peaceful protests violent. I have seen some of the tactics that Ngo describes for myself. Last summer in Montreal, as Black Lives Matter protests were sweeping the continent, five black-cladded anarchists single-handedly transformed a sobering rally into a stone-throwing soirée. Their tactics are staggeringly effective, and Antifa Unmasked meticulously unravels them."
Liberals really hate Andy Ngo, probably because not just does he expose Antifa, he's also a gay Asian second generation immigrant, so they imagine he should be on their side and get outraged that he is not (just like how black conservatives are called Uncle Toms and House Niggers)

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