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Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Links - 13th July 2021 (2)

Meme - negar: "First semester as a college freshman my professor refused to call out my name because it was a "racial slur" even after I spelled out and pronounced my name several times and explained the origin of it. He refused to accept my name for what it is, asked me if I had a nickname"
"Imagine trying so hard to avoid *sounding* racist by accident that you end up being legitimately super racist in a different direction instead"
Given that you can jeopardise your career by using Mandarin words that sound like "nigger", I don't blame him

Central Michigan Life - Journalism Department chair 'no longer employed by the university' - "After being put on paid administrative leave June 26, Journalism Department Chair Tim Boudreau is "no longer employed by" Central Michigan University... Boudreau was put on paid administrative leave following the release of a video on Instagram. The video showed him saying aloud a racial slur during a Media Law class lecture about a 1993 lawsuit.In the nine-second video, Boudreau can be heard saying, “… so he said… ‘I don’t want you to be like n-----s in the classroom, but I want you to play like n-----s on the court’” during a discussion about the 1993 lawsuit between CMU and fired men’s basketball coach Keith Dambrot. The words Boudreau was recorded saying during the lecture were the comments made by Dambrot to the team, not Boudreau's own words... “Since we are exposing racists, let me introduce you to @cmuniversity professor Tim Boudreau who freely uses the n-word in class whether it be providing examples or quoting an individual,” Mills, an advertising major, captioned the post. “I know I wasn’t the only student of color who felt humiliated and uncomfortable by his racially insensitive statements.”"
Education is bad. So much for liberals being pro-learning. We should have known that it wouldn't stop at Harvard law students being unable to learn rape law. Now even a one second mention of a pertinent fact gets you fired
Addendum: Plus, he had tenure. So much for that. Tenure is worthless in the face of liberal mobs

Authentically DiDi on Twitter - "I absolutely hate the smile that white people who don’t know you give you walking down the street to let you know that they’re a sanctuary “safe” white."
Reply: "And if they didn’t acknowledge you, you’d probably be mad about that too."
Of course, they still won't admit that they actually do hate white people

Why Does This Comic Book Hero Appear On So Many New Guinea War Shields? - "The Wahgi people of Papua New Guinea have long made enormous shields from tree trunks, and have continued to make these shields as a form of ritual artwork. In the late 20th century, many of these Papua New Guinea highlanders began incorporating "new ideas" into their traditional works, so that shields bore emblems of football teams, beer brands, and, yes, the Phantom. Western comic books became widely available in the region after World War II, and the Phantom became a particularly popular character. Art educator and dealer Michael Reid notes that two things in particular made the Phantom an ideal subject for a war shield: he is a hero who protects his home and he is known as "The Man Who Cannot Die." Just as many comic book readers adopt the emblems of their favorite heroes, so too have these artists taken the symbolic power of the Phantom and adapted it to their own traditions."

Now it’s Islamophobic to use the word ‘jihadis’ - "The police are considering dropping the terms ‘Islamist terrorism’ and ‘jihadis’ when describing attacks committed by, er, Islamist terrorists or jihadists... Apparently, these words are problematic because they can stir up ‘Islamophobia’. The National Association of Muslim Police asked for a change in terminology because, it says, those terms currently used ‘do not help community relations and public confidence’.  Some of the alternatives suggested are nothing short of hilarious. ‘Faith-claimed terrorism’ and ‘adherents of Osama bin Laden’s ideology’ are among them. But the most amusing is probably ‘terrorists abusing religious motivations’. Catchy.   But this is deadly serious. Increasingly, we are asked to pretend that Islamist terror is not Islamist terror. In turn, any discussion about whether Islamist extremism might have something to do with the religion of Islam itself is chilled.  Despite the fact that ‘Islamist extremism’ is a term used by counter-terror experts, the National Association of Muslim Police want the police to abandon any terms ‘which have a direct link to Islam’.   But what exactly motivates these attacks if not a radical, violent, medieval form of Islam? It may not be ‘good’ Islam, and Islamist terrorists may not be ‘good’ Muslims. But they are Muslims nonetheless.  Imagine the outcry if someone argued that we should not call the Crusaders Christians. Picture the chattering-class outrage if we were to say right-wing terrorists are not actually right-wing."

Messiah: Netflix series cancelled after allegations of anti-Islamic sentiment - "TV thriller Messiah has been cancelled by Netflix after just one season. The series starred Michelle Monaghan as a CIA agent investigating an enigmatic figure known as Al-Masih, who builds a legion of followers after claiming to be sent to Earth by a higher power. In Islamic eschatology, Al-Masih ad-Dajjal is an evil figure comparable to the Antichrist – whose name translates to “the false messiah, liar, the deceiver” in Arabic... After the first season debuted in January, there were complaints that the series contained subtextual anti-Islamic sentiment, with the Royal Film Commission of Jordan (where parts of the series were shot), even calling on Netflix to ban the series from its country. In a statement, Netflix said: “Messiah is a work of fiction. It is not based on any one character, figure or religion. All Netflix shows feature ratings and information to help members make their own decisions about what’s right for them and their families."

Islamists are 'calling critics Islamophobic', counter-extremism expert warns - "Sara Khan, who leads the Commission for Countering Extremism (CCE) said we are not being clear on what the boundaries of racism are, and that “extremists are exploiting both the anti racism agenda and free speech cause, weaponising them to further their own extremist propaganda.”... “I mean, I've lost count the number of times I have been labelled as an islamophobe as a Muslim.”The Commission’s expert panel includes life-long equality, human rights and anti-racist campaigners such as Peter Tatchell, and Nick Lowles from Hope not Hate.Last year Ms Khan and it’s panel were challenged by human rights organisation CAGE, who said that members of the CCE had “links to well-known Islamophobic organisations and individuals,” and were attempting to “alter or challenge fundamental principles and aspects of Islamic belief."... its research director has in the past defended its links to terrorists such as Mohammed Emwazi, known as ‘Jihadi John’, describing him as "extremely kind, gentle and soft-spoken, the most humble young person I knew".In 2017 its director Muhammad Rabbani was convicted of a terror offence after refusing to give police access to his phone and laptop at Heathrow Airport, later saying he would fight this in the Supreme Court following an unsuccessful appeal... "I've met many organisations who say, I've never given a platform to Tommy Robinson, or to certain far right extremist groups.“But then I've seen them happily give a platform and support to Islamist organisations, and sometimes often it's been organizations, anti racist organizations and organisations on the left.”"
The left and Islamists have a common enemy, after all

The answer to lactose intolerance might be in Mongolia - "Despite the dairy diversity she saw, an estimated 95 percent of Mongolians are, genetically speaking, lactose intolerant. Yet, in the frost-free summer months, she believes they may be getting up to half their calories from milk products... another team has already gathered evidence that the Mongolian bacterial makeup differs from those found in more-industrial areas of the world. Charting the ecosystem they are a part of might someday help explain why the population is able to eat so much dairy—and offer clues to help people everywhere who are lactose intolerant... As communities around the world abandon traditional lifestyles, so-called diseases of civilization, like dementia, diabetes, and food intolerances, are on the rise. Warinner is convinced that the Mongolian affinity for dairy is made possible by a mastery of bacteria 3,000 years or more in the making... Ancient DNA samples from all across Europe suggest that even in places where lactase persistence is common today, it didn’t appear until 3000 BCE—long after people domesticated cattle and sheep and started consuming dairy products. For 4,000 years prior to the mutation, Europeans were making cheese and eating dairy despite their lactose intolerance. Warinner guessed that microbes may have been doing the job of dairy digestion for them.

David Bach: Buying a new car is 'the single worst financial decision' - "A brand new car looks and smells good — but it’s never worth the price, says self-made millionaire and bestselling author David Bach.“Nothing you will do in your lifetime, realistically, will waste more money than buying a new car,” he tells CNBC Make It. “It’s the single worst financial decision millennials will ever make.”That’s because the moment you drive it off the lot, the vehicle starts to depreciate: Your car’s value typically decreases 20 to 30 percent by the end of the first year and, in five years, it can lose 60 percent or more of its initial value. To make matters worse, “most people borrow money to buy that car,” says Bach. “Why would you borrow money to buy an asset that immediately goes down in value by 30 percent?”The good news is, you can get a shiny, nice-smelling car without breaking the bank, Bach says: “Buy a car that’s coming off of a two- to three-year lease, because that car is almost brand new and you can buy it at that 30 percent discount.” A car coming off lease is typically in very good condition and doesn’t have many miles on it. Because it’s not pristine, though, you can buy it for a fraction of what it would cost to buy it new... Suze Orman, who keeps her cars for 12 years or more, says to buy used and choose a model that you can afford over one that looks impressive. “One of the best ways to build financial security is to spend the least amount possible on a car that meets your needs,” she wrote in a 2017 blog post. “Forget about the bells and whistles you want. Paying less helps you pay off the car faster.”"

AT&T’s current 5G is slower than 4G in nearly every city tested by PCMag

Cops Threaten To Arrest Mom Who Wouldn’t Show ID When She Picks Her Kids Up From School - "You may recall the saga of the South Carolina mom who granted her kids—ages 9, 10, and 11—permission to walk the mile home together, without her.School officials refused to let them to do this, on the grounds that a nearby intersection (with walk/don't walk signals) is too dangerous. This particular mom's kids happen to cross it at other times, unaccompanied, on their way to and from extracurriculars.Has the school never heard of crossing guards? No matter. The children were required to be picked up by an approved adult. If not, they would have to take the school bus.The mom, Jessie Thompson, didn't understand why it was up to the school to decide what her kids did after leaving school property. She offered to sign a liability waiver. This did not move the needle and the issue came to a head this past week... 'I pulled the kids and I'm homeschooling... for the next two weeks, the school held my kids in their classrooms, hostage, until I, their mother, showed my ID to a secretary who has a three-year history with me.'...
The absurdity here is not just that kids can't cross a street by themselves. It's also that the mom picking up her kids must show proof that she is the person everyone knows she is. As if the ID is more reliable than her own kids saying, "Hi mom!"And the cruelty is that those rules allow the secretary—and cops—to torment the mom while claiming this is just for safety's sake."
Yet we are told that only backward Christian fundamentalists home school and we need to ban it to stop ignorance

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