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Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Links - 21st July 2021 (1) (Trans Mania)

Meme - *trans woman vs cis woman*
"this is honestly the funniest picture i've ever seen on me intemet his vaguely threatening gesture and stance. the woman meekly clasping her hands together in fear, the diflerence in size between his massive skull and hers. his caveman-tier slouch making him look like a hunchback versus her standing up straight, the remnants at what appear to be sideburns on the side of his face versus the woman's clear cheeks, the intense expression on his face versus the bewildered expression on hers, the sheer diflsrenoe in size between their torsos - his is probably doubts the size of hers, his masculine profile with his chin jutting out and his longer lace versus her wider lace. l muld go on. but you get the idea
all of this contrasted with the constant assertion that these people are identical to women and there is no meaningful difference between them makes for the most exquisite term of irony when their differences are juxtaposed so vividly. the contrast is almost divine - on the left is man's hubris, his desire to capture the beauty of nature and make it his own, his cerebral and conscious understanding of what it means to be what he thinks he is, his intentional “becoming". while oh the right is nature. effortless being, no doctors appointments or hormones or surgery, just an “is" that needs nothing added to it in order to be complete. he tries so hard and yet. the harder he tries to “become", the further he takes himself away from the effortless “is" that is the thing he wants to be. it's comedy on a cosmic scale. a joke only god himself could come up with"

Transgender activists call for ALL children to be put on puberty blockers - "Transgender extremist activists are calling for all children to be put on puberty blockers because “If children can't consent to puberty blockers which pause any permanent changes even with the relevant professional evaluation, how can they consent to the permanent and irreversible changes that come with their own puberty with no professional evaluation whatsoever?""

Medical Expert: Doctors Are Actually Giving Trans Kids a Disease, and It's Child Abuse - "“I call it a development blocker — it’s actually causing a disease,” Dr. Michael Laidlaw, an independent private practice endocrinologist in Rocklin, Calif. who consults with Sutter Roseville Medical Center, told PJ Media. The disease in question is hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. It occurs when the brain fails to send the right signal to the gonads to make the hormones necessary for development.“We’re talking about what in nature is a rare condition. In the United States, if someone has this condition it’s going to be recognized and treated so the long-term results are unknown,” the doctor explained. “It’s an area that needs to be explored further.”... When people are given far more of the opposite sex hormone than their bodies can handle, they are at “increased risk for cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular death, deep vein thrombosis. They’ve looked at adults taking these hormones and have seen already these cardiovascular risks.” When these drugs are administered to children, “one would presume it’s the same or even worse, in the long run.”Laidlaw warned of similar effects from “so-called puberty-blocking medication like Lupron.” These drugs “may be used for prostate cancer or have a use in females for endometriosis. They stop the pituitary gland to stop from functioning correctly.”... “They’re going to end up with lower bone density, perhaps stunted brain development,” the doctor explained. “A lot of the brain impact is unknown. There seems to be some brain development that is sex hormone-dependent.”Even though the risks are not fully known, activists and medical professionals have pushed drugs on younger and younger children. “Under the Dutch protocol, as of Dutch law, these kids couldn’t take cross-sex hormones until they were 16. In the U.S., the age was lowered to 12. I filed a Freedom of Information Act request and found that in this NIH study they actually recommended kids as young as 8 years old getting on to these opposite-sex hormones.” Indeed, two doctors involved in the transitioning of children, Ilana Sherer and Johanna Olson-Kennedy, explained in a video that they give “puberty blockers” to children at age 8 or 9, when they are in third and fourth grades. Olson-Kennedy has received a $5.7 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for a 5-year study on mastectomies done on girls as young as 13. The documents unearthed due to Laidlaw’s FOIA request showed the minimum age for cross-sex hormones in the study had been lowered to 8 in 2017. “Michelle Cretella was the first one to label it correctly as child abuse,” the endocrinologist told PJ Media. “When a person cannot consent to being harmed in a medical study or a medical setting — when they cannot be aware of the harms — it is an ethical problem.” Indeed, Laidlaw compared these transgender “treatments” to the horrific experiments performed by Nazi scientists under Adolf Hitler. “They were doing experiments on people who could not consent.” “If you have children, they can’t consent because they may not have the intellectual capacity or emotional maturity to understand the consequences of what’s going to happen to them,” he argued. “Puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones — they’re going to be infertile. What 11-year-old is ready to have a kid? How would they know what that means? If you want to fully inform a child, you really cannot. Even if you tell the parents, how can the parent decide it? You can’t really do it.”"

This app lets you order hormone blockers so you can gender reassign without ever having to see an in-person doc or shrink - "Ordering invasive drugs that alter your body in permanent ways is easier now than ever thanks to a new service called Plume. Plume seeks to help you "live your authentic life" by getting rid of yucky red tape like psychologists and doctors that might warn you about the side effects of hormone blockers... Oh, and should you need a medical letter of support in order to remove unwanted organs from your body, all you have to do is pony up $150... Sure, an 18-year-old might not be old enough to buy a beer, but they can decide to start a life-long regiment of some of the most invasive drugs after a short video call!... lawmakers are too busy talking about requiring every gun owner in America to have a state-approved psychiatric evaluation."

Children should not be taken into government care when parents refuse 'gender-affirming' treatment - "Parents' rights to raise their children as they see fit are under attack from a new angle: when they don't allow their child to take puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, in many places, social services are now able to remove the child from their family. In Washington State, parents' rights are being railroaded using trans identity as justification. Since January, children aged 13 and over can obtain confidential treatment for mental health conditions, and gender dysphoria, using their parents' health insurance but they do not need to obtain their parents' consent to do so... In an even more sinister move, the state is proposing a bill to establish clinics on school campuses. Parents understandably fear that those who staff these clinics will persuade children to take puberty blockers and wrong-sex hormones to make their bodies resemble the opposite sex. The English high court ruled in December that children aged 16 and under cannot consent to experimental puberty blockers—the drug triptorelin, or Lupron, which is otherwise licensed to chemically castrate male sex offenders, and treat advanced prostate cancer—and mega-doses of wrong-sex hormones. The decision of the court in favour of the applicant Keira Bell has opened the way for clinical negligence claims by other children who have been harmed. Indeed, in the UK medical negligence lawyers have been accepting detransitioner clients since mid-2020... Providers of "trans healthcare" worldwide will have to consider the implications of the ruling, with a focus on whether they will be able to afford the substantial litigation risk of continuing to mutilate children's healthy bodies to cure conditions which are psychosocial in origin. The erosion of parental rights by gender identity ideology is not confined to the US. In Australia, a judge ruled that parents were being "abusive" for resisting collusion in their daughter's sterilization by 'trans-affirming' experimental medical procedures. Authorities removed the 15-year-old from her parents, for a year, after she spoke online about having intense negative feelings. The Children’s Court granted a protection order, which the parents will appeal. The parents deny that they behaved abusively. Both parents oppose trans medical procedures on the basis that they are invasive, irreversible and do not look at other psychological issues. They say they are grieving the loss of their child and object to being bullied by the authorities... In 2019, the parents of an autistic teenage boy were warned he would be taken into care after they objected to him being given puberty blockers and wrong-sex hormones. Fearful that the drugs would cause irreversible harm, and that his cross-sex ideation was a result of his autism, the parents prevented him from attending the gender clinic. The boy's school then reported the parents to social services for trying to protect their own son from making a grave mistake. The local authority placed the boy under a child protection plan after social workers concluded he was likely to suffer 'significant harm' in his parents’ care... It is clear that we are in perilous waters, here, as the state uses the pretext of gender identity to justify acts of unjustified aggression against parents who are doing their job: protecting children who are not mature enough to comprehend the consequences of their actions."
So much for it being a paranoid right wing conservative delusion that children would be taken from their families by the state thanks to trans mania

James Lindsay - Posts | Facebook - "Puberty is optional. Kids, try hormone blockers."
"A term of art in the relevant Critical Social Justice Theory literature is "nonconsensual puberty," referring to what nature puts you through if you're not allowed to have puberty blockers as a young teen."

Meme - "Cara @caraesten since coming out, my take on puberty is: offer kids puberty blockers by default until they're ready to choose which puberty hey wanna have, then give them HRT if they need it here's literally no other humane way, and if you're a parent, and you don't do this, fuck you"

Meme - "Light ray: What's it to you? It's just a label
Coloured light rays: Hormone Blockers, Drag Queen Story Time, Every other Commercial, Trans Kids, Military Sex Change Surgeries, Birthing people, Trans in women's sports"

Tulsi Gabbard Pushes Bill to Block Transgender Girls from Women's Sports - "Releasing a statement on the "Protect Women's Sports Act" bill Thursday, Rep. Gabbard said states were "misinterpreting" Title IX provisions against sex-based discrimination to create "undue hardship" for female athletes.
Given that Title IX was already being abused before trans mania (e.g. no men's teams for a sport if a school is unable to form a women's team for it), this isn't that good news

Trans women retain athletic edge after a year of hormone therapy, study finds - "The results, published last month in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, could mean the current one-year waiting period for Olympic athletes who are transitioning is inadequate... For the first two years after starting hormones, the trans women in their review were able to do 10 percent more pushups and 6 percent more situps than their cisgender female counterparts. After two years, Roberts told NBC News, “they were fairly equivalent to the cisgender women.”Their running times declined as well, but two years on, trans women were still 12 percent faster on the 1.5 mile-run than their cisgender peers.Unsurprisingly, testosterone affected the fitness scores of the transgender men they reviewed: Prior to starting hormones, they performed fewer pushups and had slower running times than the cisgender men in the control group. A year into treatment, though, those differences disappeared.With situps, the trans men were comparable to the cisgender men before treatment and actually exceeded them after a year on testosterone... The IOC last revised regulations for transgender competitors in 2016, removing a requirement for gender-confirmation surgery and lowering the minimum requirement for hormone-replacement therapy for trans women from two years to one."
When will this study be retracted?

Meme (originally from reddit) - "This is the scariest, most disgusting thing I've ever been through. I'm a student at a popular, liberal university, living in a house off campus with 5 housemates. I've lived here two semesters already and plan on staying until August when I get my own place. A few months ago we took on a new roommate, let's call her Jessica. Jessica is a transwoman which is fine with everyone there. We all get along and occasionally hang out. Jessica did seem a bit weird sometimes, but we figured she was nice enough and wasn't hurting anyone so it was all okay. Long story short, I recently let her borrow my hairdryer and she forgot to give it back to me after she left for class. I usually wouldn't do this, but I was in a hurry and my hair was wet so I decided to go into her room to get my dryer. What I saw was so disturbing. The smell in the room was terrible, like a public bathroom. There were bottles of urine everywhere. But worst of all... there was a ziplock bag with used tampons under her desk. On top of her desk was a plastic cup with one of the used tampons, and water. I ran out and threw up. I didn't know what to think. I woke up one of my other housemates and told her what was going on. She looked with me and was shocked. We took pictures to show our other roommates. Once everyone knew and Jessica came back we had a house meeting. The 5 of us told her we knew what she was doing and asked her why. She screamed that we shouldn't have went into her room and that we're being transphobic. We told her we want her out by the end of the month and that we will refund her entire rent from this month to make up for the short notice. She cried and told us that she can't afford estrogen and doesn't have insurance, so people online told her that drinking period blood was a way to "become a woman". I feel really bad for her, but I can't do this... none of us can. Are we wrong for telling her she has to go? My housemates and I [19-22/F] just discovered that our trans housemate [22/M] has been making “tea” out of our used tampons because he can’t afford hormonal pills. We don’t feel safe and want this person gone."

The Ever-Growing SJW Dictionary - "As a bisexual man of color, let my straight brothers and sisters have their pride"
"as a panromantic demisexual nonbinary/girlflux/demigirl, no"
The power of intersectionality!

Injustice at Every Turn: A Report of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey
Page 163: statistics from a trans advocacy group (which has also been cited by many other trans advocacy groups - so trans activists can't claim that this statistic is "transphobic") that 17% of all trans people have been incarcerated (cited in some other places as 16%, for some reason). This compares to 2.7% in the general population, i.e. trans people are 6x more likely to have been to jail. Notably, 9% of them reported the incarceration as motivated by bias. So even if you strip out "transphobia" as causing trans people to be jailed at a higher rate than the general population, you still get 8% of trans people having gone to jail - 3 times higher than the general population. This supports the claim that trans people are more criminal than the general population. When we look at women in particular, the disparity is even more stark. Whereas 0.5% of females in the general population have been incarcerated, 21% of male-to-female transgender people report the same, i.e. the trans rate is 42x the general rate (there is no breakdown of how many thought the jail time was due to bias, so we can't drill down to that level)

Black Trans Lives Matter: a slogan in search of a cause - "The BBC names the most recent black trans person to be killed in Britain as Noami Hersi. But what it doesn’t include is that this murder took place two years ago, in 2018. What is it about a horrific death that took place two years ago that is motivating Londoners to protest about it now?...Channel 4 News used the TMM data to work out that just nine trans people (of all races) were murdered in the UK between 2007 and 2017. This gave an average of one victim per year (an accurate predictor of what would happen in 2018 and 2019 as well). Combining this data with an estimate of the trans population, it worked out that a trans person would have a one-in-200,000 to one-in-500,000 chance of being killed in a year. That sounds frightening. But for the average adult in England and Wales, the odds of being murdered in any given year are significantly higher, at one in 100,000... The claim is clearly not born of a real, observed phenomenon. Instead, it comes from intersectionality... With Black Trans Lives Matter – particularly its UK iteration – what we have is a movement driven by the expectation and perception of victimhood, based on certain characteristics. And once the marches for plain old ‘Black Lives’ had exhausted themselves, a new, more oppressed (and therefore more valorised) identity group was on hand to be championed... Not coincidentally, the people doing the championing happen to be overwhelmingly white. Black trans people (and arguably even black people more broadly) are playing a largely symbolic role in this middle-class intersectional fantasy. Black Trans Lives matter is a slogan in search of a cause"
Trans privilege!

Girl forces U‑turn on advice to schools over trans bullying | News | The Times - "The Crown Prosecution Service has been forced to withdraw guidance to schools on transphobic bullying after a teenage girl threatened legal action.  The anonymous girl, who turns 15 in July, brought a challenge saying that under the guidance she could be arrested for a hate crime if she asked a boy who identified as a girl to leave a lavatory designated for female pupils... In the latest case, the girl claimed that the wide-ranging CPS guidance issued to schools at the beginning of the year meant that she could be prosecuted for a hate crime if she told friends that she would not date a trans girl.  Her lawyer also argued that the CPS guidance meant that she risked arrest if she campaigned in school for groups that challenged trans rights... Mr Conrathe added that the guidance “was deeply flawed, giving the clear impression that if girls objected to biological boys accessing their toilets they risked breaking the law” and that it implied that if students disagreed with transgender ideology they could be prosecuted for a “hate incident”.  He said that “rather than promoting the welfare of students, the guidance exposed many of them, especially girls, to a greater risk of harm. By failing to recognise their need for safe and private spaces it violated their need for privacy and dignity.” He added that it was “deeply concerning that the prosecuting arm of the state should be enforcing a partisan and controversial ideology in schools”."

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