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Sunday, June 20, 2021

Links - 20th June 2021 (2) (Biden & Harris)

WATCH: Kamala blasted by Guatemalan president, protestors over border crisis, 2020 election - "The signs say things like "Kamala, TRUMP WON", "Kamala, Mind Your Own Business", and "Kamala, Go Home."  Other signs appearing outside of the frame of the video said "Kamala Stop Funding Criminals #FueraDeGuatemala." Another one featured a photoshopped image of a pregnant Kamala captioned "Guatemala is pro-life #momalahelpme"... President Giammattei himself has openly criticized the Biden administration during an English-language interview on Sunday, saying that they are principally to blame for the current crisis at their own border... "We asked the United States government to send more of a clear message to prevent more people from leaving. The message changed to: 'We’re going to reunite families, we’re going to reunite children.' The very next day, the coyotes were here organizing groups of children to take them to the United States." A Harris speech from later on Monday after the meeting with Giammattei was uploaded on YouTube. Harris offered a lot of platitudes during the almost five minutes of the video's run, and didn't address either the protestors, or the issues brought up by Giammattei in his interview"

AP instructs staff not to say 'surge' when talking about surge of immigrants at the border - "Despite internal documents within US border protection agencies referring to the large number of migrants crossing the southern border as a "surge," the Associated Press has strongly recommended that it's journalists no longer use the wording to adopt "gentler language"... The AP, which is considered by many publications to be the gold standard of journalistic style with its AP Stylebook, changed its language as a response to pressure from left-wing activists demanding gentler, more neutral language when reporting on migrants at the southern border... AP's recommendations has trickled down to other outlets, including Politico, who has asked its staff to no longer refer to the situation at the souther border as a "crisis," among other wording changes.  Biden himself had referred to the situation as a "crisis" on April 17, with the White House backtracking two days later with an unnamed official telling CNN that "there is no change in position" and that "children coming to our border … is not a crisis.""

WATCH: Joe Biden's ambassador to the UN says 'white supremacy is weaved into' the founding principles of America - "Thomas-Greenfield formerly worked in the Foreign Service for over 30 years, and held an ambassadorship in Liberia from 2008 to 2012"

Opinion: In some capitals around the world, there is no joy in a Biden win - The Globe and Mail - "For some, Mr. Biden signifies a return to normative Barack Obama-era preaching about human rights, a renewed commitment to multilateralism and to global climate action at the expense of their hyper-nationalist agendas, and a restoration of Chinese appeasement policies in exchange for short-term U.S. trade gains. Leaders in Israel, Egypt, Saudi and the United Arab Emirates, for instance, have benefited greatly from Mr. Trump’s presidency. His transactional foreign-policy approach, favourable view toward unfettered arms sales, and disregard of their human rights abuses have all resonated positively."

Biden embraces the military-industrial complex over civilian control - "Joe Biden’s pick for defense secretary is a decorated soldier and a West Point grad who earned four stars and two advanced degrees amid decades of public service.  He’s also a revolving-door businessman just barely out of the military. As such, he embodies two problems with our governance: the revolving door between industry and government and the subtle erosion of civilian control of the military.  Put another way: Dwight Eisenhower made famous the term “military-industrial complex.” Retired Gen. Lloyd Austin is that complex, and ideally, our defense secretary would have some distance from both... Biden ran largely on restoring norms. Restoring norms means following generally applicable rules even when you think you deserve an exception. In his defense of the Austin pick, though, Biden precisely argues for an exemption from a norm that is written into federal law. That rule: To ensure civilian control of the military, brass ought not move quickly from uniform to being defense secretary."

Biden ups pics of his dogs destroying Trump doll - "National healing and unity"

Lavern Spicer on Twitter - "Biden just said that he’s going to start having black folks get vaccinated at beauty salons & barber shops because that is where our “hubs of information” are. This man finds a new way to insinuate that black folks are dumb every single damn day!"

Lauren Boebert on Twitter - "So Biden is about to waive sanctions to clear the way for the NordStream 2 Pipeline, which will make Russia very rich and bring them jobs, BUT he killed the Keystone Pipeline which would give Americans jobs. That’s something a Russian asset would do."

Biden Will Lie to You - The Atlantic - "presidential lies were destructive long before Trump appeared, so the press and the public should resist the temptation to assume that the Biden administration will always be on the level, or that its dishonesties can be forgiven because Biden’s predecessor wielded falsehood with such abandon. There will be moments when the public interest conflicts with the political interest of the White House, and during some of these moments, the president will lie... Prior to becoming president, Biden was known for bluster and exaggerations, including most memorably the falsehood that he was arrested while trying to visit an imprisoned Nelson Mandela. These are deceptions, not mere errors of fact, which all mortals make... Already, Biden has sought to mislead the public by setting expectations for vaccinations that experts have said are too modest—which will allow the president to declare his approach a great success if the goal is exceeded"

Washington Post head fact-checker busted for Trump/Biden fact check hypocrisy - "The news outlet whose slogan is "Democracy Dies in Darkness" ended its false claims project against former President Donald Trump on Inauguration Day without current plans to launch an additional Biden database "at this time."... "WaPo starts the narrative to explain why they won't tackle Biden lies with the same fervor they attacked Trump," remarked Seattle-based talk show host Jason Rantz. "For further context, WaPo just published an editorial that asked for FOX News to be taken off the air because it's essentially too critical of Biden and Democrats." The Washington Post op-ed, entitled "Fox News is a hazard to our democracy," takes issue with Fox News hosts Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson for blasting Biden as "cognitively struggling" and attempting to "sow doubt about the prevalence of white supremacy," respectively.
The same people who shout that only fascists attack the media are obsessed with taking down Fox News and the Daily Mail

Washington Post head 'fact checker' halts fact check tracker of Biden administration - "Kessler said outright that he wouldn't be fact-checking Biden as hard or as rigorously as he'd fact-checked Trump, who spread his own disinformation about Georgia voting laws, and who said Trump was president during a time when Biden had already entered the Oval Office... Kessler spent four years slamming President Trump and his administration, changing the definition of "fact checking" to include things like context and bias analysis.. many of Biden's errors had been attributed to flubs. ."
Facts only have instrumental value

Joe Biden and the twilight of the ‘fact-checkers’ - "In the broader liberal media, there seems to be very little desire to scrutinise the administration that replaced the hated Trump. Markos Moulitsas, founder of the liberal blog Daily Kos and co-founder of new-media giant Vox Media, set the tone during Biden’s victory speech: ‘So weird, not having to fact-check a presidential speech.’ With a safe pair of hands in power, who needs to check the facts? Other journalists at first seemed more interested in the VP’s sneakers, the first lady’s peloton bike and the president’s pets than the incoming administration’s policies – and this was just in the more high-brow sections of the media. Prior to the rise of Trump – and the ensuing liberal meltdown – most ordinary people assumed two things: politicians lied, and journalists checked their facts before printing their stories. Fact-checking was just a routine part of journalism. But in the age of Trump it was elevated to a specialism and given a near sacred status. Mainstream media outlets suddenly had sections devoted to fact-checking on their websites. Broadcasters started to interrupt live broadcasts of politicians (usually Trump) to fact-check and correct their comments. Fact-checking websites and blogs grew and multiplied.  The liberal hunt for Trumpist lies went to such lengths that it even engulfed satirical content. The Babylon Bee (essentially a conservative version of the Onion) was regularly fact-checked by Snopes, which markets itself as ‘the internet’s definitive fact-checking source’. The Bee, in turn, found plenty to satirise in the po-faced world of fact-checking, joking that false claims by liberals would be flagged by the likes of Snopes as ‘factually inaccurate, but morally right’ (a jab which proved prescient)... the ostentatious fact-checking used against Trump was less about sorting truth from lies than it was about serving an ideological purpose. It signalled a (never actually substantiated) separation of the pre-Trump era from the Trumpian, post-truth era. President Bush may have lied to take the nation to war, but this apparently never crossed the boundaries into ‘post-truth’ in the way Trump’s ramblings did (not least because so many in journalism were implicated in Bush’s lies). Fact-checking became a performance of opposition to Trump, of resistance to his wicked regime. What the craze for fact-checking was really responding to was less Trump himself than his voters. The fact-check embodied one of the most irritating and arrogant aspects of the liberal mindset, that says ‘my views are based on facts – yours on dangerous ignorance’. If only the voters had been in possession of the correct facts on that fateful day in 2016, they might have made the choice expected of them. Voters couldn’t possibly have chosen Trump over the sainted Hillary Clinton! They must have been ill-informed, duped by Trump’s lies or other canny operators. Liberals, disoriented by their loss, blamed fake news rather than their own candidates’ failings. (Tellingly, they also made made wild conspiratorial claims that Trump was a puppet for Vladimir Putin, which oddly never received the same level of forensic fact-checking.)   Now that the Biden presidency has restored ‘normalcy’ to politics, with the voters in 2020 having diligently ticked the correct box, there is no longer the same urgency to set the record straight, to bombard the public with ‘facts’. Fact-checking has served its purpose."

Facebook - "Joe Biden’s ‘Buy American’ isn’t bad, it’s necessary"
"Remember when “Buy American” was considered vitriolic, isolationist, unnecessary nationalist protectionism?
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Wonder what changed "

Joe Biden's 'Buy American' Executive Order Echoes Donald Trump's 2017 Order - "Biden’s order is weaker in one crucial respect: unlike Trump, Biden is not directing immigration authorities to  enforce “laws governing entry into the United States of workers from abroad” rigorously to protect American workers."

Vice President Kamala Harris on Twitter - "Enjoy the long weekend."
Alex Abreu on Twitter - "@VP Kamala Harris, What a bitch !!!
Not one word about vets.
Not one word about our fallen heroes.
Not one word about the troops.
Not one word about the USA.
Not one word about Memorial Day and what it means."
We're still told liberals don't hate their countries

Andrew C Laufer, Esq on Twitter - "@VP You too, Madame Vice President. It’s nice to have an elected official who doesn’t refer to those who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our Republic as suckers and losers."
This is some next level of spin

Facebook - "In contrast to Trump, Biden has been filling his cabinet with individuals who will work well with the entrenched bureaucracy. At the same time he’s been checking the boxes for minorities and women hires. Despite that he is getting flack from his left flank for his choices."

Joe Biden on Twitter - "This is our moment to root out systemic racism and build a nation true to our founding ideals. A nation where all men and women are not only created equal — but treated equally. Here's how we'll advance racial economic equity:"

Just Pack the Damn Courts - "The Left shouldn’t wring its hands about whether we should pack the courts or not. Just pack the courts."
Of course, if Trump had tried to pack the courts...

Poll: Less Than 58% of Democrats Would Back Joe Biden in 2024 Primary - "A Trafalgar Group poll released Thursday indicates President Joe Biden may have trouble in a 2024 presidential primary, should he choose to run for a second term."

White House Says Donald Trump Did Nothing Constructive for Middle East Peace - "The violence in the region under Biden’s leadership is at the highest level since at least 2014, before Trump was president.  Last week, Trump issued a statement attributing the surge of violence in the region as a sign of Biden’s “weakness” and failure to support Israel."

Joe Biden is even more of a 'master of disaster' than Jimmy Carter - "You can thank Biden’s focus on expanding government at the expense of everyone else. Democrats (alone) passed his $1.9 trillion COVID “relief” bill — which had little to do with either — in March, as things were finally picking up. Throwing money into the economy without much consideration of its necessity directly led to the inflation we’re seeing now, with the money supply up by 25 percent over last year.  That “relief” bill also extended the $300 weekly federal unemployment supplement to Sept. 6, meaning nearly half of people getting checks make more by staying home than going back to work. Employers coast to coast have cited it as a reason they’re having trouble hiring. Biden claims the jobs numbers show his two other big proposals ($5 trillion total for “infrastructure” and “families”) are desperately needed, but that “medicine” would mean more disasters, not least because they’re (partly) paid for via huge tax hikes on investments and business.  He’s also adding fear and gloom now, by refusing to rule out making his planned tax hikes retroactive.   Gas prices were already on the rise under Biden before the cyberattack on the Colonial Pipeline led to long lines at the pump. It now costs $1.05 more per gallon than it did a year ago. With Biden closing the Keystone XL Pipeline on his first day in office and generally vowing to wage war on all fossil fuels, it’s no wonder there’s uncertainty and higher prices.  Nowhere is the self-inflicted nature of Biden’s disasters more plain than on the border. He put a moratorium on deportations his first day in office and ended the “Remain in Mexico” program as well as all construction on any border barriers. Border apprehensions were at a 20-year high last month, but deportations were at a record monthly low.  And the feds have a record number of unaccompanied minors in custody — around 22,000 — because Biden ordered the public health rule keeping migrants out to be lifted for solo kids.   Meanwhile, Hamas and its allies have gone on the attack against Israel, leaving it no choice but to defend itself. As Jonathan Schanzer notes, the Biden team’s drive to restore the Iran nuclear deal plainly inspired Tehran’s terrorist clients to start firing, even as it makes Israel less willing to listen to Washington’s efforts to broker a cease-fire.  It’s stunning how much success Biden has managed to reverse in not even four months. With long lines at the pump, slowing growth and rising inflation, it’s looking like the Jimmy Carter era — except that it took Carter years to produce the disasters that this president has fostered in scant months."

Joe Biden to Reporters: 'I'm Not Supposed to' Answer Your Questions - "  Biden has repeatedly told reporters he would be “in trouble” for taking questions from reporters at White House events — even though he has only held one press conference since becoming president...   White House press secretary Jen Psaki admitted in an interview she advises President Biden not to take questions."

New York Times: Joe Biden Has Short Temper; Outbursts of Profanity - "  The report notes Biden holds lengthy deliberation meetings and demands obsessive details from his advisors. When advisors get too technical or obscure about an issue, Biden responds with “an outburst of frustration, often laced with profanity.” “On policy issues, Mr. Biden, 78, takes days or weeks to make up his mind as he examines and second-guesses himself and others,” the Times report continues.  The report also reveals Biden will hang up the phone on people who he feels are wasting his time.  The president leans heavily on his inner circle for governing — chief of staff Ron Klain, deputy chief of staff Bruce Reed, senior adviser Mike Donilon, and Counselor to the President Steve Ricchetti.  Biden stalls and deliberates intently on issues such as his tone toward Vladimir Putin, the report noted, appointing ambassadors, and his recent flip-flop on refugee caps."

Disabled farmer sues Biden admin over 'racist' COVID relief plan - "A disabled Wisconsin dairy farmer is suing the Biden administration over a COVID-19 loan forgiveness program – alleging it is racist because whites aren’t eligible.  Adam Faust, a white resident of Chilton who has two prosthetic legs, is among five Midwestern farmers who recently filed a lawsuit in Green Bay that accuses the federal government of violating their constitutional rights"

Biden appears to be only world leader to wear a mask at virtual climate summit

B on Twitter - "It’s wild but not surprising to see so many Black radicals become Kamala Harris apologists. Y’all went from defund the police to elect the police. From abolish ICE to elect ICE."

Tiana Lowe on Twitter - "Biden, just now: "The only reason people question the vaccine is because of Donald Trump."
Harris, last month: "If Donald Trump tells us to take it, I’m not taking it.""
He was right. Just not in the way he meant

James Lindsay - Posts | Facebook - Pete Buttigieg: "We will soon have a president who believes in and listens to science, and that will save lives." "He believes we have to defeat "systemic racism," and science is part of "systemic racism." I'm also not sure his Covid plan is based in science since it seems to believe that "systemic racism" is a public health threat so severe that Covid-spreading race protests/riots are ok.

Robert Reich Deletes FDR-Biden Comparison After Remembering FDR’s Internment Camps - "Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich deleted a Twitter message comparing President Joe Biden to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt after recalling the late president rounded up Japanese Americans and put them in internment camps.  “Biden could be as transformative a president as FDR,” Reich wrote in the missive late on Wednesday. “But FDR didn’t have to contend with a paranoid, xenophobic, racist opposition drenched in lies and extremist propaganda from right-wing media.”"

Jill Biden: Why I Was Initially Reluctant to Marry Joe Biden - "Jill Biden: Why Joe Had to Propose 5 Times Before I Said Yes—And What Finally Changed My Mind"
When a lady says no, she means...
Of course, those liberals who believe that asking a woman if she wants to have sex with you more than once is rape will have no problem with this (one called me a rapist for pointing out that women can change their minds if asked more than once)

This is crossposted

'They said, keep going': migrants escorted back to Mexico without any explanation - "In a chaotic situation at the southern border, US Customs and Border Protection agents are escorting migrants across the bridge that links downtown El Paso, Texas, with the adjacent city in Mexico, Ciudad Juárez, and expelling them from the US before they even know what’s happening... Méndez said he thought things would be different under the Biden administration.  He has a brother in Charlotte, North Carolina, who had been expecting to pick him and Héctor up, when Méndez called him with the bad news."
Nothing to see here now that Biden is in charge
Clear evidence that people respond to incentives, though liberals don't want to believe that

The Daily Beast on Twitter - "The “fight for the soul of the nation” wasn’t won with Joe Biden’s election—and unless the president-elect plans to wage that battle with the full power of every part of the federal government he’s set to lead, it may not be won at all"
So much for "unity". And though the article is nominally about "white supremacist", since liberals call everything they dislike "white supremacy", this is basically a call to mobilise the government to wipe out everything liberals disagree with

James Lindsay - Posts | Facebook - "Kristen Clarke @KristenClarkeJD: "We can't ignore the intersectionality between race and gender when it comes to #BlackWomensEqualPay. Time to achieve equity in the workplace"
Another Biden staff member
Interestingly her account is now private

Biden's Transition Team Is Stuffed With Amazon, Uber, Lyft, and Airbnb Personnel - "Biden's agency review teams highlight the revolving door between big tech and Washington even as the president-elect opposes Uber's Proposition 22... Staffing a transition team with lobbyists and tech insiders (even ones with a lot of government experience) certainly cuts against the message that Biden is leading an effort to bolster labor and bring Silicon Valley to heel."

Biden's niece lobbied for Coca Cola's importation of slave-labor goods from China

Harris's niece urges fight against 'Palestinian oppression' - despite gays in Gaza being imprisoned - "Kamala Harris' niece has raised eyebrows with an Instagram post urging people who care about LGBT rights and women's issues to defend Palestine - despite the country's rulers being among the most repressive in the world.  Meena Harris, a 36-year-old lawyer and businesswoman, on Wednesday night shared her opinions, re-posting a widely-shared image discussing the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine.  Harris has, in the four months since her mother's sister became vice president, managed several times to ruffle feathers in the White House - both with her new clothing brand, that Biden administration lawyers told her came too close to profiting from her aunt, and with an ill-advised tweet about a mass shooting... Hamas, the Islamist Palestinian rulers of Gaza, maintain a law criminalizing homosexuality - a crime which is punishable by 10 years in prison... Bella is wrong to describe Israel as a colony, because Jewish people had already been in the region for centuries... Bella is incorrect in describing ethnic cleansing and a military occupation, because the redrawing of boundaries was done under UN auspices... She is also incorrect in describing the region as being under apartheid, because Israelis and Palestinians are free to choose their own leaders and live under their own rules"

Fake news reporter infiltrated White House press briefings to ask Jen Psaki real questions because 'real' journalists are 'doing a pretty bad job'

Biden to sign 'Buy American' executive order today
It's only wrong when a Republican does it

Biden Announces Rollback Of All Jobs Created By Trump | The Babylon Bee - "Journalists at The New York Times praised the announcement as "a step in the right direction" toward forever erasing the Trump presidency. "All those millions of jobs have been tainted by white supremacy," said Executive Editor Dean Baquet. "All those people who are losing their jobs should thank President Biden since they no longer work in Trump-created jobs and are now on the right side of history."... Unfortunately, this measure is expected to eliminate most mainstream journalism jobs, since Trump created most of those too"

Bernie backs Biden's cabinet picks for warmongers and torture apologists - "On the same day Joe Biden spoke at his inauguration about “restoring the soul of our nation” and social media buzzed with memes about the mittens Bernie Sanders decided to wear while in attendance, drone warrior and torture apologist Avril Haines was also confirmed as Biden’s pick for Director of National Intelligence. The vote was overwhelmingly in her favor and even included the support of Bernie Sanders."

Joebama W. Trump - Posts | Facebook - "Antony Blinken was approved today in the Senate as Secretary of State.  According to In These Times, 11/23/20, Blinken "was a top aide to Biden when the then-Senator voted to authorize the U.S. invasion of Iraq, and Blinken helped Biden develop a proposal to partition Iraq into three separate regions based on ethnic and sectarian identity. As deputy national security adviser, Blinken supported the disastrous military intervention in Libya in 2011, and in 2018 he helped launch WestExec Advisors, a 'strategic advisory firm' that is secretive about its clients, along with other Obama administration alumni like Michèle Flournoy." Jonathan Guyer writes in The American Prospect, 11/23/20: "I learned that Blinken and Flournoy used their networks to build a large client base at the intersection of tech and defense. An Israeli surveillance startup turned to them. So did a major U.S. defense company. Google billionaire Eric Schmidt and Fortune 100 companies went to them, too.""

Joebama W. Trump - Posts | Facebook - "Both Obama & Biden selected former Raytheon employees to the Defense Department.  Both Obama & Biden also sought either exemptions or waivers for their appointments."

Facebook - "Two interesting reflections on the selection of Kamala Harris.
1) White people really will just give you things if you accuse them of being racist, even if what you're criticizing them for is a position that is no different from your own.
2) The irony is amazing that in our age of 'social justice', the Democratic Presidential nominee is the author of the 94 crime bill and Harris is a tough-on-crime prosecutor famous for locking up truant parents. Progressivism ascendant? Probably not."

1/1024th Liberty Memes - Posts | Facebook - "Just so we're clear. Biden has the first all female communications team and the first openly gay cabinet member. Even though Trump already had both of those things. Because the media and left never accepted Trump as a legitimate president. And if you don't accept Biden as legitimate you're undermining democracy. But the media and left were not for the last 4 years when they said the same thing about Trump. Now you're caught up on how this works. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk."

Opinion | Why America needs a hate speech law - The Washington Post
From Richard Stengel, Biden's transition team leader

Byron York on Twitter - "The Biden administration has imposed an information blackout on the border. They do not want the public to know what is happening there."
"Democracy dies in darkness"

The New York Times on Twitter - "President Biden was “doing 100% fine” after falling off balance while boarding Air Force One on Friday, according to a press secretary. The president exited the plane when he arrived in Atlanta without an issue."
Trump's Walk Down Ramp at West Point Raises Health Questions - The New York Times

Watch | Facebook - "Q: "Do you think Putin's a killer?
BIDEN: "I do."
Q: "So what price must he pay?"
BIDEN: "The price he's gonna pay will, you'll see shortly. I'm not gonna, there's, by the way, we outta be able, that old, that tried expression walk and chew gum at the same time."
—— I’m sorry, WHAT "

Biden White House Upset at 'NY Times' For Criticizing EOs - "In truth, it wasn’t very critical. The Times editorial board headlined their piece “Ease up on the Executive Actions, Joe,” which is hardly a call to arms. The editorial was mild in tone — more like a slow student being guided by a caring teacher than a prestigious media outlet taking down someone with nearly unlimited power."

Watch Biden refer to Kamala Harris as "President Harris" - "He either didn't even notice he said it or decided it wasn't worth correcting.Either way, hooo boy."

White House confirms Canada has asked for help procuring COVID-19 vaccine - "“We have received requests from both Mexico and Canada and are considering those requests carefully,” Psaki said... she repeated the long-standing White House position that President Joe Biden first wants to ensure that every American who wants to can get vaccinated, and that it happen as soon as possible."
America first and pissing off allies was only bad when Trump does it

Education Dept. curbs decision on race-based 'affinity groups' - "The US Department of Education suspended a decision that found racial “affinity groups” discriminated against students and staff... The goal of the programs — used by the New York City public school system and other school districts — is to separate students and staff by racial groups in order to help address discrimination and “white privilege.”...
The DOE findings said the Evanston- Skokie School District violated civil rights law by:
— Separating administrators in a professional development training program in August, 2019 into two groups based on race — white and non-white.
— Offering various “racially exclusive affinity groups” that separated students, parents and community members by race.
— Implementing a disciplinary policy that included “explicit direction” to staffers to consider a student’s race when meting out discipline.
— Carried out a “Colorism Privilege Walk” that separated seventh and eight grade students into different groups based on race. “If you are white take 2 steps forward. If you’re a person of color with dark skin, take 2 steps back. If you’re black, take 2 steps back,” the privilege walk exercise said."
Trump was against racial segregation. Biden is for it

Joe Biden on Twitter - "Donald Trump's "Remain in Mexico" policy is dangerous, inhumane, and goes against everything we stand for as a nation of immigrants. My administration will end it."
Christopher Cadelago on Twitter - "“Yes, I can say quite clearly: Don't come over," Biden tells migrants. “Don't leave your town or city or community,” he added."

Biden seems to forget defense secretary's name - "President Biden on Monday seemed to forget Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s name at a White House event — calling the Pentagon chief “the guy who runs that outfit over there.”... Earlier at the event, Biden mentioned the Defense Department leader by his name, “Secretary Austin,” while appearing to read from a teleprompter.Biden, 78, has previously struggled with the names of his cabinet secretary selections. In December, he mispronounced the name of his nominee for the Department of Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra, before correcting himself with a different mispronunciation."

Jill Biden’s Doctorate Is Garbage Because Her Dissertation Is Garbage - "You can tell someone is smarting from an inferiority complex when he insists on being addressed as “Dr.” on the basis of holding an academic doctorate rather than being a physician. Ph.D. holders who have genuine accomplishments don’t make you call them “Doctor,” which is why you never hear about “Dr. Paul Krugman” and “Dr. George Will.” None of the professors I knew at Yale, even the ones who were eminent in their fields, insisted on the title, and I think most of them would have scoffed if someone had addressed them as “Dr.” The only reason you ever hear the phrase “Dr. Henry Kissinger” is that Kissy grew up in title-mad, airs-and-graces Germany, where people are awed rather than dismissive even if you insist on a triple-serving title (“Herr Professor Doktor”). Insisting on being called “Doctor” when you don’t heal people is, among most holders of doctorates, seen as a gauche, silly, cringey ego trip. Consider “Dr.” Jill Biden, who doesn’t even hold a Ph.D. but rather a lesser Ed.D., something of a joke in the academic world... Mrs. Biden wanted the credential for its own sake. As for its quality, well. She got it from the University of Delaware, whose ties to her husband, its most illustrious alumnus if you don’t count Joe Flacco, run so deep that it has a school of public policy named after him... As Joe Biden has frankly noted, Mrs. Biden sought the Dr. honorific to rebuild her amour propre. Much of the press plays along, addressing Jill Biden as “Dr. Biden” even when actual medical doctors are referred to without the honorific if they are not currently practicing. Eminent pediatric neurosurgeon and HUD secretary Ben Carson is now “Mr. Carson” to the New York Times, but the same paper refers to Mrs. Biden as “Dr. Biden.” This practice appears to contradict the Times’ style guide, which explains that the “Dr.” title is used for non-physicians “only if it is germane to the holder’s primary current occupation (academic, for example, or laboratory research).” Mrs. Biden until recently taught English composition at NoVa, a small community college in Northern Virginia. To justify addressing her as “Dr.” would require a generous view of what constitutes an “academic,” and judging by the writing skills evinced by her students (“She very bad teacher and it is hard to pass class. I RECOMMEND NOT TAKE THIS PROFESSOR”), they emerged from her tutelage lacking mastery of even very basic grammar."

I read Jill Biden's doctoral dissertation and everyone can stop calling her "Doctor" now. - "this is a doctoral dissertation. She had months to prepare it. It's only 137 pages long, and as Smith above noted 48 of those are reprints of surveys she prepared and transcripts of group chats. I would knock another 7 off for title page, acknowledgements, etc.In other words, there were really only 82 pages she had to get right.Look, I'm the king of typos, but I'm churning out copy all day, not working months on a single piece, and I'm certainly not working on my doctorate unless it's a doctorate in Snarkology.I broke this up into four sections, General, spelling, grammar, and math... her conclusion does not follow her data.Just because people have scholarships or take out loans or avail themselves of available financing opportunities does not mean they are not "able to finance their education themselves." This would not escape the confines of a Freshman college class.The second problem is the data doesn't follow the data."

Jill Biden: Weak Dissertation - "Insipid writing, typos, faulty language, weak research . . . it’s all there... Mrs. Biden’s only original research consists of interviews with two — that’s right, two — ex-students and a few colleagues at Delaware Technical Community College, where she used to teach, plus the results of a vacuous questionnaire she wrote that was returned by about 150 people who worked or studied there. Oh, and she also called two nearby community colleges seeking interviews about their retention rates. One of them wouldn’t answer the question; the other wouldn’t assign anyone to speak to her at all. Telling us about this misadventure serves no academic purpose, though it does fill up four pages of her generously spaced paper. The transcripts of her group chats with campus figures and colleagues take up nearly 30 pages out of 129. The questionnaires eat up another 18 pages.The dissertation, Student Retention at the Community College: Meeting Students’ Needs, shimmers with the wan, term-papery feel of middle school, although in defense of today’s middle schoolers, they at least know how to use spell-checking software, unlike Mrs. Biden... in order to pad out her micron-thin proposals, none of which have anything to support them except her beliefs and anecdotal evidence (she suggests building a student center and beefing up the “Wellness Center” while increasing counseling and mentoring services), she shovels in piles of drivel. Opinions will differ on which of her efforts is of least value, but a strong contender presents itself at the moment when she reaches over for the course catalog on her desk and quotes at length from page two of its boilerplate introduction (“The College respects and cares for students as individuals and maintains a friendly an open institution which welcomes all students and supports their aspirations for a better life”). She follows up on this meaningless prattle by reiterating it in her own insipid words: “Responding to the current social and economic morés of the new millennium, Delaware Tech’s mission has adapted to meet the needs and goals of today’s students.” Biden’s landfill of a paper contains potted histories of things everybody already knows, awkwardly phrased banalities (“Community colleges offer a myriad of support,” “As a community college, Delaware Tech mirrors the national profile of a community college,” “the unique nature of the classroom allows for a complexity of problems as well”), and childlike repetition (“This reason is one of many reasons that support the need for a campus psychologist.”)"

Gad Saad - Posts | Facebook - "I downloaded @DrBiden's dissertation and took a quick look at it.  While I did not read every word of it, I read enough of it to arrive to the following conclusions:It is dreadfully weak in terms of a worthy contribution to human knowledge for several independent reasons.  It is nothing more than a case study of a particular institution using very basic surveys that otherwise do NOT demonstrate an underlying general phenomenon. It is VOID of any hypothesis testing & VOID of any statistical inferential testing.  In other words, it is nothing more than a tallying of descriptive stats that would cause me to FAIL students conducting a research project in my undergraduate classes. I can assure you that the rigor of my class projects be it the tackled phenomena &/or analytic sophistication is substantially higher than Dr. Biden's dissertation.  Again, this does not specifically address the nature of the The Wall Street Journal article but it certainly sheds light on the extraordinary differences in quality that arise in different disciplines, schools, & universities. All doctors are NOT created equal. Hope this helps."

FLASHBACK: Joe Biden mocked his wife's desire to be called Doctor - "Biden admitted that his wife's desire for the highest degree was in response to what she perceived as her second-class status on their mail... "She said, ‘I was so sick of the mail coming to Sen. and Mrs. Biden. I wanted to get mail addressed to Dr. and Sen. Biden.’ That’s the real reason she got her doctorate," he insisted... An op-ed in the Wall Street Journal sparked the recent public discourse over the title, which asked Jill Biden to "...think about dropping the honorific, which feels fraudulent, even comic," given that she's not a medical doctor.The piece's author, Joseph Epstein, faced career backlash for his controversial criticism. The former professor emeritus and lecturer for Northwestern University witnessed his name scrubbed from the school's website for his alleged "misogynistic views.""

Mother Jones praised Kavanaugh accuser but calls Biden accuser Tara Reade one of 'top ten lunatics of 2020'
So much for believing women

So here's Biden's pick for press secretary wearing a communist hammer and sickle hat in 2014 - "Jen Psaki, Biden's pick to be his future press secretary, smiling ear to ear while wearing the communist hammer and sickle on her head in 2014... So it was a gift from the evil Kremlin, that makes it better to wear happily and smile really big for photos? Really? Would she have smiled and donned a swastika in a similar situation?"

Biden's pick for Treasury Secretary says she wants to use the Treasury Dept. to address racial inequality, gender disparities, and the climate crisis. - "Janet Yellen is Joe Biden's pick for Treasury Secretary and she's got big plans. Watch the former Federal Reserve Chair talk about addressing "structural issues" like "racial equity," "gender disparity," and "the climate crisis." If you're thinking to yourself, "Hmm, that doesn't seem like the role of the Treasury Dept." you would be correct. And it's honestly pretty scary that such a radical agenda is being talked about so openly. The message is clear: Under a Biden administration, every part of the U.S. government will be employed in the cause of Wokeness."
So much for the Federal Reserve being independent and pursuing its dual mandate of price stability and low unemployment

Robert Gates Thinks Joe Biden Hasn't Stopped Being Wrong for 40 Years - The Atlantic - ""I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades"... Gates' assessment of Biden's boss is only slightly better, depicting an Obama administration with very murky lines of communication on military issues. Gates, as The New York Times notes in its review of Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War, served under every president since Nixon, save Bill Clinton."

Wilfred Reilly on Twitter - "You can like or dislike Joe Biden - but the mainstream media being THIS deeply in the tank for him should bug any American. "What do I mean?" Uncle Joe's gone 61 days without a press conference, and journalists are BUSY on twitter defending this. Whatever happened to that fully-accurate Hunter Biden story you got banned from social media just for sharing? #etc."

Just gonna leave this right here for ya. Make of it what you will. - "Ronny Jackson: I served as White House physician under THREE Presidents. I’ve seen what it takes physically AND mentally to do the job. I can tell you right now that the way Biden is hiding from the public is a MAJOR red flag. Something’s not right!"

Joe Biden to hold first press conference on March 25 after longest presidential absence in century - "Mr Biden, who was sworn in on January 20, has broken with precedent by waiting so long to hold a full question and answer session with journalists... US media outlets both on the left and right have aimed increasingly sharp attacks at the president over the delay, with The Washington Post noting last weekend that Mr Biden's predecessor Donald Trump had given five news conferences by the same point and Barack Obama had given two... Critics suggest that Mr Biden's team is concerned about the unpredictability of a press conference and that efforts are being made to restrict him to tightly controlled events, like a widely praised speech to the nation"

Kristen Clarke, top Biden civil rights nominee, says she erred in inviting antisemitic author to speak while at Harvard - "Kristen Clarke, President-elect Joe Biden’s nominee to head the civil rights division at the Justice Department, said it was a mistake to have invited the author of an antisemitic screed to speak at Harvard when she headed a black student group there. In 1994, Clarke as the leader of a Black Student Association invited Tony Martin, author of a book called “The Jewish Onslaught,” to speak and defended him afterward. Jews on campus at the time were appalled by the invitation... Clarke, the president of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, has worked closely in recent years with Jewish groups in combatting white supremacists."
Tony Martin was black, so who cares if he was anti-Semitic? "Punching down" is good

Kristen Clarke on Twitter - "NEW: We're calling on 30 major universities to TERMINATE consideration of SAT/ACT scores for student admissions. Time to commit to an equity-based admissions approach in 2020 that would lead to improved student diversity. Our coalition demands reform now. @LawyersComm"
Are there still people claiming Biden is anti-woke

Justice Thomas Slams Biden In PBS Documentary - "In a PBS documentary called, “Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words,” Thomas sat down for an interview and recalled the 1991 witch-hunt led against him by Biden during his confirmation hearings.“The idea was to get rid of me,” he said, referring to Biden’s efforts to block the U.S. Senate from confirming him to the U.S. Supreme Court.“And then after I was there, it was to undermine me,” he said. Thomas said he still believes the allegations made against him by Anita Hill and the subsequent attacks from Democrats were about his stance on abortion.He noted how the “modern-day liberal” was his biggest obstacle and stated that Biden’s motivation was clear... “People should just tell the truth: ‘This is the wrong black guy; he has to be destroyed.’ Just say it.”... In the film, Thomas also delivered an incredible quote about how Democrats tried to brainwash him for years about who is his “enemy”:I felt as though in my life I had been looking at the wrong people as the people who would be problematic toward me.We were told that “Oh, it’s gonna be the bigot in the pickup truck; it’s gonna be the Klansmen; it’s gonna be the rural sheriff.” But it turned out that through all of that, ultimately the biggest impediment was the modern-day liberal. They were the ones who would discount all those things because they have one issue or because they have the power to caricature you."

Facebook - "Biden-Harris is the Time Magazine Person of the Year! Yes! They are two halves of a person and will probably govern this way!In an election year, usually the President-elect graces the cover. This is the first time the VP appears.I wonder why."

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris named 'Person of the Year' despite not actually having done anything - "Joe Biden spent most of the year living in the imaginations of American Democrats who believed him to be whatever they wanted him to be, which was mostly "not Trump," while on the physical plane he barely left the basement of his Delaware home.Kamala Harris, who had been running for the Democratic presidential nomination before Biden snagged the nom, was polling in single digits when she dropped out of the race in December 2019."

Border crossings at record lows as Trump moves to declare national emergency to build wall - Feb 2019 Pelosi blames border crisis on Trump's 'broken system' - Mar 2021: "Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) said blame for the crisis at the border rests solely in President Biden’s lap and said the president’s policies are inviting migrants to make the dangerous trek to the US... “When people think they can get in, they begin sending their unaccompanied child across Mexico, where she may be kidnapped and trafficked,” Cassidy said, alleging that immigration officials told migrants in Spanish that the border was “open.”... The one-month total of children arriving at the border is nearly as high as the number of kids for all of last year. The stream of migrants coming to the border has overwhelmed federal immigration authorities so much that Biden authorized the Federal Emergency Management Agency to “help receive, shelter and transport the children” over the next 90 days... Biden has been criticized by Republicans for rolling back many of Trump’s immigration regulations including the “Remain in Mexico” policy that required Central American asylum seekers to stay in Mexico while US courts reviewed their claims."
Of course everything that goes wrong until the next Republican President will be Trump's fault

Boosters defend Joe Biden over coverage of his pricey watches - "A fluffy fashion story on President Joe Biden’s pricey taste in timepieces is drawing bitter pushback from lefty defenders on social media.“Headlines complaining about Biden’s Peloton and Rolex after 4 years of a dude with a literal gold toilet are beyond parody,” Laura Bassett, a writer for GQ, tweeted"

Biden's COVID-19 'goal' was already reached by Trump - "President Biden’s “wartime effort” goal to vaccinate 100 million people against COVID-19 in 100 days relies on a daily average that was repeatedly bested under former President Donald Trump."

Biden administration 'walks back' coronavirus distribution predictions - "The Biden administration, after having been in office for a week, has found itself clarifying and changing positions regarding the distribution of the coronavirus vaccine."

Biden's approval rating a shadow of what Trump's was when he took office - "According to Rasmussen, Biden has a +3 approval rating, with 48 percent of voters approving of his presidency so far while 45 percent disapprove. Presidents typically begin their tenure with a honeymoon phase where their approval ratings are relatively higher than at other points in their Presidency. These early numbers do not suggest that this will be the case for Biden.Biden's predecessor, Donald Trump, began his term in office with a 56 percent approval rating, although this rating did suffer as the Trump presidency went on, with the President never recovering to his earlier levels.Former President Barack Obama, who Biden served as Vice President for, had an even more comfortable beginning with two thirds of voters saying they approved of the way he was handling his job.Decisions which may have influenced this relatively low rating may include the Biden Administration's move to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline, which a majority of voters said was a "bad idea." The poll on Keystone, also reported by Rasmussen, suggested that voters generally believe cancelling the pipeline will lead to higher gas prices, which have dropped dramatically during Trump's presidency."

Joe Biden on Twitter - "We're eight months into this pandemic, and Donald Trump still doesn't have a plan to get this virus under control. I do." - October 15, 2020
Biden claims “there is nothing we can do” to halt mass death from coronavirus - "Biden declared yesterday that “there is nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months.” - 23 January 2021

Meme - "Trump 2017: We will make America great again!
Biden 2021: This is a great nation!"
"You Did It. The Crazy Son of a Bitch, You Did It"
Do liberals still believe America was never great?

Washington Post has no plans to fact check Biden the way they fact checked Trump - "Gushing over the incoming commander-in-chief's regurgitated cries for national unity, the Washington Post's national political correspondent James Hohmann bestowed the "HEALER IN CHIEF" moniker upon Biden, maintaining at the time that he sounds "much more presidential than the current president."Then he excused Biden's senior moments, asserting that Biden is "at his best" speaking when he utilizes short, punchy, and declarative sentences. Hohmann described Biden's gaffes as "flowery rhetorical flourishes" as if the 78-year-old orates ornates paragraphs instead of bumbles incomplete clauses. The Washington Post's romanticization also ignores Biden's own pattern of pushing false and misleading claims. For example, on several occasions, Biden recounted his alleged arrest in South Africa and how anti-apartheid leader Nelson Mandela thanked him for his support in the late 1970s."

Biden removes Trump order protecting U.S. power grid from China - "the director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Neera Tanden, will be in charge of replacing Trump's order after the 90 day period.Tanden is the president and CEO of left-wing think tank the Center for American Progress (CAP), which was closely entangled with the Obama administration, according to the Washington Post. Since 2009, CAP has reportedly sent delegations to China as part of a USEF program, the National Pulse reports.Biden's son Hunter also has alleged corrupt foreign business ties to China, which prompted an FBI investigation in 2018 into his foreign dealings and taxes."

ACLU on Twitter - "BREAKING: The Biden administration just announced that it will not issue visas to diversity visa recipients who were denied them because of Trump's Muslim ban. Instead of restoring this opportunity, President Biden dusted off Trump's 'CLOSED' sign and locked the door."
Joe Biden on Twitter - "Donald Trump's Muslim ban is a direct betrayal of America’s most fundamental freedom: religious freedom. And now he's adding more countries to his list of who's not welcome in America. It's not who we are — and we'll prove that when we beat Trump this November and end the ban"

Art TakingBack 🇺🇸 on Twitter - "Buyer’s remorse" "l'm a Democrat and i regret voting for Joe Biden. So do all of my friends"
"Well, then. I'll have you know that I deeply regret voting for Biden now."
"I already regret voting for Biden."
These people catch on fast
I saw multiple people relieved at Biden's inauguration. But people are only happy because Biden is not Trump. There's a distinct lack of enthusiasm for Biden qua Biden. Even Obama, in his original endorsement, was noticeably bemused. I predict that under Biden:
- wokeness will plumb new depths
- division will rise to new heights
- he will not be very visible, since he's palpably senile
- Harris will be calling the shots to an unprecedented degree and Biden will be shunted aside after a while
- China will be coddled again
In 2 years time when blaming Trump for everything that's gone wrong has worn thin for all but the most intense TDS patients, and after the all-but-certain Republican swing in the midterms (noticeably, there was no blue wave this round, which points to a distinct lack of enthusiasm for the Democrats), all the "relieved" people probably will have a distinctly bitter taste in their mouths

I backed Biden and the Democrats. But their pro-union bill could kill my career. - "now that Donald Trump is out of office, I'm facing a painful truth: The man I prayed would become president could sign a piece of legislation that would kill my career as a freelance writer. It's the strangest political cognitive dissonance I've ever experienced... The bill could end my ability to be my own boss, set my own hours and otherwise live the American worker's dream... the least I ever made as a full-time freelancer was still far more than I ever made on someone else's payroll... when California enacted a bill, known as AB5, that supposedly protected gig workers from exploitation, it used the ABC test. The stories of lost work in more than 150 professions were heartbreaking.And we heard multiple times how the law particularly hurt women, people of color and parents of children with disabilities, who often choose the flexibility of freelancing, especially if they've faced workplace discrimination. The Legislature later had to pass a bill to clean up the mess, and voters overturned part of it in a referendum. California should have been a wake-up call for Democrats, but the result did nothing to stop the House from rushing to pass national legislation to enshrine the ABC test into law. (Thankfully, it looks like the Senate is a little more willing to apply the brakes.)And that's one of the most disappointing aspects of how this has played out. Instead of listening, Democratic lawmakers are doing what I have long criticized Republicans for: resorting to talking points that play well to a base while overlooking the facts. House rules allowed this bill to be voted on Tuesday without full committee hearings — so no chance for testimony from freelancers like me. It would be wrong to say no one is listening, however, because the Republicans certainly are. They've offered amendments to eliminate the ABC test from the bill, which I am grateful for, even though I know we agree on little else. When I reached out to my own Democratic senator here in Ohio, Sherrod Brown, his office pointed me toward another bill he introduced that he claims would fix the ABC test issue for freelancers like me. To me, this means he knows that my livelihood is at risk but would rather take California's approach by cleaning it up after the fact — when lives have already been damaged.Beyond that, all my colleagues and I have been hearing from Democrats in response to our concerns are talking points about how they are fighting for American workers. Don't I count as an American worker? And if I don't, then what exactly have I been supporting all these years?... now I find myself looking at Democrats' slogans and questioning my assumption that their bills truly help the people who need it most. I recognize that I've bought into broad narratives about the power of the people, usually pushing the most progressive-minded, feel-good policies that have easily repeatable language about things like the "dignity of work." But when you're the one whose work is suddenly threatened, it's a bit more complicated."

"Leopards ate my face" subreddit bans posts about coronavirus scoffers who later die of it - "The Leopards Ate My Face subreddit is dedicated to mocking people who thought the Republican party would hurt their enemies only to be surprised to find that it hurts them, too."
I guess Democrats don't eat faces

Tom Cotton Blasts Biden DOJ Nominee For Claiming Every American Institution Is Racist - "President Joe Biden’s nominee for Associate Attorney General, Vanita Gupta, would not directly respond to a question from Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., about whether there is systemic racism within the current administration during her confirmation hearing... “You said in a question in response to institutional racism ‘there is not an institution in this country that isn’t suffering from institutional racism,'” Cotton said. “Ms. Gupta, is the Biden White House suffering from institutional racism?”... “So I will have the record reflect I asked you simply, does the Biden White House suffer from institutional racism and you didn’t want to respond,” Cotton said to Gupta. “…I don’t think you harbor racial bias towards any racial group or that you believe the Biden White House suffers from institutional racism, but when you throw around allegations that every single American suffers from racial bias, and every single institution suffers from institutional racism, you open yourself up to these kinds of questions.”“By condemning your fellow Americans, without individualized evidence of their beliefs, their words, or their deeds, I think these statements were beyond the pale,” Cotton continued. “I don’t think really anybody truly believes them, nor should they be believed because they’re so preposterous.”This is not the first time Gupta has suggested that America is a racist country. In a Senate Judiciary oversight hearing last summer, Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, asked Gupta as the president of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, if the U.S. is institutionally racist... Gupta is most well-known for her “defund the police” rhetoric, especially during the Antifa riots in response to the killing of George Floyd."
And people claimed Biden would fight wokeness

Boomieleaks on Twitter - "Trump officials don't get to eat dinner in peace – not while kids are in cages"
"Does this apply to Biden officials?"

Boomieleaks on Twitter - "2017 — “Kids in cages!”
2018 — “Kids in cages!”
2019 — “Kids in cages!”
2020 — “Kids in cages!”
2021 — “To be clear, while technically minors, what we’re talking about here are mostly 16- and 17-year olds, most of them males. These aren’t young children.”"

Hey, Biden voters: Please look directly at this - "Biden is RIPPING CHILDREN FROM THEIR PARENTS and LOCKING KIDS IN CAGES! Did I do that right?... Check it out ... prison bars and everything. Can you recall how passionately the media and pop culture and woke Christians railed against the Trump admin for this precise thing? Can you think of another single issue they used as a fatality move more frequently — one that they widely assumed had no possible moral or logical reply — than this?Remember how they were referred to as CONCENTRATION CAMPS?Isn't this one of the big reasons many of you voted for Biden? Because heartless, racist, xenophobic Trump ripped families apart and locked kids in cages?The hypocrisy is so thick that even GestWaPo had to toss a little dagger in there... When is AOC gonna show up in all white for a photo shoot?...
'Weber said the facilities received a bad rap under the Trump administration because many people associated them with the detention centers run by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. But the children always received good care and that never wavered between administrations'"

Ryan Knight ☭ on Twitter - Idina Menzel: "What a relief. My son just hugged me and said "mommy no more kids in cages!" Tears of joy and tears of sadness."
Washington Post: "First migrant facility for children opens under Biden"
"Biden puts kids in cages too. #BlueMAGA"

Biden Administration Will Use ‘Semi-Permanent, Soft-Sided’ Structures To House Migrant Children. Trump Was Blasted For ‘Tent Cities.’

AOC is not crying about kids in cages anymore because she says the border crisis is AKCHUALLY a crisis of “imperialism,” “climate,” and “trade” - "while children are dying and being sexually assaulted at the border, she wants us to know that the REAL problem is that were using "white supremacist" terms like "surge" to describe a sudden rise "to an excessive or abnormal value.""

Why doesn’t Biden understand that Harriet Tubman wouldn’t want to be on a $20 bill? - "While Flint, Michigan still doesn’t have clean water in 2021, while people of color in America are dying of Covid-19 at disproportionate rates, while Black women in the US have birth mortality rates akin to a developing country, America has much more important things to focus on than which historical figure belongs on what dollar bill.If Harriet Tubman could see the state of things for Black individuals in our nation, she’d be rolling in her grave... Giving us a $20 bill with Harriet Tubman on it is the equivalent of putting a Band-Aid on a gunshot wound, handing us a cookie, and saying get well soon.More importantly, Harriet Tubman would not want to be on the $20 bill. She would see it for what it is: a performative, pandering act of faux-activism to please adoring liberals while working toward little effective change. Wealth is the source of all American inequality, and it is not something Tubman would have wanted to be associated with... If the Biden administration really wanted to honor Harriet Tubman, the best way to do so would be through economic reparations in her name for people of color below the poverty line; through raising education funding in lower income areas of color; and through directing a focus to medical treatment inequality in Black patients versus white ones.Biden still has a lot of work to do to earn Black people’s trust. Lest we forget, it was his 1994 “Tough on Crime” initiative that helped build the school-to-prison pipeline for young Black boys. And he was against mandatory busing initiatives to desegregate schools — something even his running-mate Kamala Harris brought up during the Democratic presidential debates."

Putting Harriet Tubman on the $20 Bill Is Not a Sign of Progress. It's a Sign of Disrespect - "Putting Tubman on legal tender, when slaves in the U.S. were treated as fungible commodities is a supreme form of disrespect. The imagery of her face changing hands as people exchange cash for goods and services evokes for me discomfiting scenes of enslaved persons being handed over as payment for white debt or for anything white slaveholders wanted"

Mush on Twitter - "the inauguration said gay rights!!"
"Nothing says gay rights like a majority of people who thought gay people didn't deserve rights until it was deemed politically acceptable"

Gad Saad - Posts | Facebook - "Now that Trump is out, I hope that the thousands of intellectuals, who were so terrified over the past 4 years because life as we knew it was going to end, will find the courage to resume their lives. That you survived the daily existential threats speaks to your heroism."

Megawatt Herb Drench on Twitter - "Like turning water into wine, the Betsy Ross flag, a symbol of racist oppression just yesterday, is suddenly good again."

Meme - "Joe Biden: america is back,
Syrian children: oh god
Rainbow drone dropping bombs: BLM"

Biden orders airstrikes in Syria, retaliating against Iran-backed militias
Some muppet claimed that this wasn't bombing Syria, only a bombing on the territory of Syria, since it wasn't the Syrian government that was being attacked. I said then if Trump had bombed a hospital in Syria, this wouldn't be bombing Syria either

Biden and his press secretary come underfire for past tweets slamming Trump's Middle East airstrikes - "Biden previously referred to Donald Trump as 'erratic' and 'impulsive' for threatening to bomb Iran, while press secretary Jen Psaki questioned the legality of attacking Syria.  Four years ago, Psaki tweeted her dismay at Trump-sanctioned air strikes on the very same country which her boss approved a bombing raid on last night.   'What is the legal authority for strikes? Assad is a brutal dictator. But Syria is a sovereign country,' Psaki wrote in April, 2017... Biden's tweet came the day after it emerged that President Trump had mulled a massive bombing of Iran after Tehran downed a US drone over Strait of Hormuz.  'Trump's erratic, impulsive actions are the last thing we need as Commander-in-Chief. No president should order a military strike without fully understanding the consequences,' Biden wrote.  'We don't need another war in the Middle East, but Trump's actions toward Iran only make that more likely.'  But, in fact, Trump had called off those strikes - against all advice from the top brass - despite his famous words that he was 'cocked and loaded' to unleash hell on Iran.    'We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights (sic) when I asked, how many will die. 150 people, sir, was the answer from a General. 10 minutes before the strike I stopped it,' he said in tweets, 'not proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone.'   At the White House a senior administration official said that Trump had overruled all of his advisers and Pentagon chiefs when he called off the strikes.""

Oedipa Maas on Twitter/a> - "U.S. commits to Saudi defence after Houthi attacks on oil heartland"
"condolences to the ~ten consent-manufacturing “lefty” bluechecks who actually believed Biden was going to change anything about US policy in Yemen aside from the PR strategy"

The First on Twitter - "BIDEN: "I'm happy to take questions if that's what I'm supposed to do..."
*White House feed cut*"

sameera khan on Twitter - "As a Muslim, I’m beyond excited for my people to get blown to bits by the first female (& WoC) VPOTUS rather than that dumb, orange guy who tweets mean things 24x7. It’s about time people of color are in charge of slaughtering innocents abroad instead of white men. 🏻🏼🏽🏾🏿"
"Plus little girls across the U.S. will "see themselves fully reflected" in Kamala Harris, according to Ilhan Omar. So future war mongering women. Sounds so fun!"

Joe Biden’s war on women - "With a virtue-signalling flick of the pen, Democrat Biden had managed to do what no neocon Republican had ever managed before: he effectively took away women’s single-sex bathrooms, shelters and sports.   President Biden’s executive order is based on the Bostock vs Clayton County Supreme Court ruling from 2020. The case centred on a man, Aimee Stephens, who identified as a woman and therefore wanted to wear the women’s dress code at his place of work: a funeral home. This could have been an opportunity for the court to stop sex-specific dress codes. But instead it was ruled that Stephens had been fired for being transgender, and that this was equivalent to sex discrimination. Freedom to live and work free from discrimination is obviously fair and just. The Bostock vs Clayton County case explicitly stated that the ruling ought not to apply to single-sex bathrooms and locker rooms under the same statute, nor to Title IX (education, including sports) or any other federal statute. This raises questions about Biden’s selective reading and application of the case...  Joe Biden’s war on women Share Topics Feminism Politics USA  I love the can-do optimism of our American cousins. Last week it was hard not to get swept up by their enthusiasm in welcoming a senile hair-sniffer to the White House. But as a Brit, not only do I feel privileged to enjoy free healthcare and cynicism but also the right to name women as ‘adult human females.’ On 20 January, on his first day in office, one of President Biden’s first actions was to sign off an executive order entitled ‘Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation’, which effectively removed the rights of the four million women who work in the federal government, and more who rely on statutory services.  Within hours of the executive order being passed, the hashtag #bidenerasedwomen was trending across social media. With a virtue-signalling flick of the pen, Democrat Biden had managed to do what no neocon Republican had ever managed before: he effectively took away women’s single-sex bathrooms, shelters and sports.  President Biden’s executive order is based on the Bostock vs Clayton County Supreme Court ruling from 2020. The case centred on a man, Aimee Stephens, who identified as a woman and therefore wanted to wear the women’s dress code at his place of work: a funeral home. This could have been an opportunity for the court to stop sex-specific dress codes. But instead it was ruled that Stephens had been fired for being transgender, and that this was equivalent to sex discrimination.  Freedom to live and work free from discrimination is obviously fair and just. The Bostock vs Clayton County case explicitly stated that the ruling ought not to apply to single-sex bathrooms and locker rooms under the same statute, nor to Title IX (education, including sports) or any other federal statute. This raises questions about Biden’s selective reading and application of the case.  The executive order will impact on workplace law, educational law and organisations that receive federal funding. Federal agencies are now required to interpret ‘sex’ as also including ‘sexual orientation and gender identity’ in their own internal regulations and policies. This sounds dry, but the ramifications will be felt from prisons and domestic-violence shelters to school sports days. ‘Lockdown is an assault on our humanity’ Podcast ‘Lockdown is an assault on our humanity’ spiked  Natasha Chart, executive director of radical feminist organisation WoLF, explains:  ‘It’s very frustrating that Biden has decided that the privacy, safety, and fair competition rights of women and girls were this expendable. Though for all we know, he hasn’t heard an opposing view on this. But he’s the president now, which means that every American is his constituent.  ‘Federal employees will likely also be forced to use “preferred pronouns” (inaccurate pronouns) for men who identify as women. This should be seen as a major threat to freedom of speech and is part of a growing pattern of government bodies compelling speech from employees.’... It seems that, thanks to President Biden, few states will be able to afford women’s sport, let alone any other women-only services."

Biden’s trans order undoes decades of feminist progress - "The Biden presidency, we’re told, is a historic win for women. With Kamala Harris as his Madam Vice President and a record number of women in his Cabinet, the new commander in chief is advancing the female cause. “This is what breaking the glass ceiling looks like,” Sen. Amy Klobuchar enthused on Inauguration Day.As is often the case, the gratuitous symbolic victories distract from more significant, material losses. Hours after Harris became the first female vice president, Biden signed an executive order that discriminates against her entire sex.The directive, titled “Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation,” spells disaster for women’s shelters, sports and health care in the name of transgender equality... A few years ago in Connecticut, male high-school track-and-field athletes Terry Miller and Andraya Yearwood began competing — and consistently winning — as women. In 2020, three female track athletes filed suit against the conference policy permitting this. “My daughter would have qualified for the New England regionals in the 55-meter dash in Spring 2019,” one plaintiff’s mother wrote. “But instead, the top two spots went to biological boys who identify as girls.”"

Rand Paul Blasts Trans Biden Nominee For Backing Sex Changes In Kids - "Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul, during a Senate confirmation hearing, railed against President Joe Biden’s nominee for assistant Health and Human Services secretary, Dr. Rachel Levine, a transgender health official in Pennsylvania, over Levine’s support for gender reassignment surgery... Paul wrapped up his time outlining the double-standards wielded by Democrats who raised hysteria over the malaria medication hydroxychloroquine used for the novel Wuhan coronavirus but now actively promote scientifically dubious treatments for minors with gender dysphoria.“We wouldn’t let you have a cut sewn up in the ER, but you’re willing to let a minor take things that prevent their puberty and you think they get that back? You give a woman testosterone enough that she grows a beard. You think she’s going to go back looking like a woman when you stop the testosterone?” Paul said. “None of these drugs have been approved for this. They’re all being used off-label. I find it ironic that the left that went nuts over hydroxychloroquine being used possibly for COVID are not alarmed that these hormones are being used off-label. There’s no long-term studies. We don’t know what happens to them.”... Left-wing activists in the corporate board rooms of Silicon Valley wielding unprecedented influence in the modern American public square have suppressed dissent on widespread acceptance of transgender medicine targeting children. Last weekend, billionaire Jeff Bezos’ Amazon pulled conservative scholar Ryan T. Anderson’s 2018 book “When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment” from its online store after a three-year stint. Now when online shoppers search for the book on the mega-retailer website, the second book to come up is “Let Harry Become Sally.” Anderson’s book was also pulled from the Apple Books app but has since been restored."

Tim Dillon on Twitter - "Biden and Kamala will ask the kids pronouns before caging them."

Biden administration to re-open immigrant “overflow facilities” once dubbed “kids in cages” - "the Biden administration announced they were re-opening facilities that house the children of illegal immigrants, despite previous guarantees that those facilities would be closed and their occupants released... The facility, shuttered during the Trump administration after media criticism over "kids being put in cages," will now be re-opened to house up to 700 migrant children sometime in the next two weeks.The difficulty Biden is encountering is partially self-inflicted. Having issued a pledge not to expel any unaccompanied minors arriving at the border, the administration must now grapple with where to house them."

Bonchie on Twitter - "We went from "Omgz children in cages!" to "Well, Biden can't just leave them on the street can he?" in record time. Absolutely amazing."

James Lindsay, cultural phenomenon on Twitter - "In case you haven't already seen, yes, Biden will be canceling Trump's executive order about Critical Race Theory trainings and can therefore be said to be likely to support at least one of race or sex stereotyping or scapegoating, which is what it bans."

Peter Thiel's Palantir is skyrocketing as Trump's prospects grow dim
The military-industrial complex knows which candidate it favors

President Biden must revive the Gulf War spirit if he is to reunite a divided West
Time to invade another country!

Watch what you wish for, including a Biden victory - Nikkei Asia - "American foreign policy will not automatically return to a prelapsarian state of grace if Joe Biden becomes the 46th President of the United States. We should not idealize pre-Trump policies.Listening to Barack Obama speaking about "pivoting" to Asia was a pleasure. It was flattering when he made time to attend ASEAN meetings. The Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP, was a substantive achievement.But some aspects of Obama's foreign policy were terrible. Obama had little stomach for exercising power. There was even reason to wonder whether his administration, particularly in its second term, really understood international relations. It is not all about soft power.One of the silliest statements I have ever heard was then U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry criticizing Russia's actions in Ukraine in 2014 as unacceptable 19th-century behavior in the 21st century.There was indeed much to criticize. But criticizing Russia for disregarding your values and rules assumes that your competitors ought to share your commitment to them. Why should they? You need muscle and the will to use it to make them respect your values and rules.The first Obama administration brokered a deal between Beijing and Manila, an American ally, on Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea. When China reneged, the U.S. did nothing. In 2016, Xi Jinping promised Obama that China would not militarize the South China Sea. But when Beijing did so, using its coastguard rather than its navy as a fig-leaf, the U.S. again did nothing. Calling it "strategic patience," Obama did nothing for eight years as Pyongyang pushed forward with its nuclear program. North Korea is now a de facto nuclear state, Asia's fourth after China, India, and Pakistan.Complete nuclear disarmament is a chimera. Stability between nuclear states can be maintained only through deterrence. For the American nuclear umbrella to be credible, the U.S. must be willing to use conventional force. If you are reluctant to use conventional arms, how can you credibly threaten to use nuclear weapons?When Obama drew but failed to enforce a redline over Syria's use of chemical weapons, the credibility of American power everywhere was undermined... Trump understood power, albeit instinctively. And he wielded it crudely, and sometimes incoherently. But when he bombed Syria over the use of chemical weapons while at dinner with Xi Jinping, he did much to restore the credibility of American power.In 2017, North Korea tested a missile on a trajectory over Japan. Pyongyang boasted that this was "a meaningful prelude to containing Guam." Guam is U.S. territory. Responding, Trump threatened "fire and fury" against North Korea. All subsequent North Korean tests have been on trajectories that put its missiles nowhere near American territory. The U.S. under Trump has for the first time explicitly rejected China's claims in the South China Sea. He has empowered the Seventh Fleet to conduct freedom of navigation operations, or FONOPs, to challenge them. Beijing will not abandon its claims or change behavior. But neither can Beijing stop the U.S. and its allies from operating in the South China Sea without risking war. This is not ideal. Still, freedom of navigation can be exercised as a right, and not by China's leave and favor.By contrast, during Obama's second term, FONOPs provoked loud public debates between the Pentagon and the National Security Council, which undermined their effect. Hard power needs to be balanced by hard power; the balance stiffened by credible nuclear deterrence to keep other nuclear powers in check. The U.S. is an irreplaceable component of any Asian balance. No combination of Asian powers alone has sufficient strategic weight to balance China.The most dangerous issues in Asia require hard power: the Himalayas, the Taiwan Straits, and the East and South China seas. Asia's continued prosperity rests on a foundation of the stability provided by a balance of hard power.If Biden wins, he will carry all the baggage of the Obama administration with him to the White House. Obama's vice president cannot disavow all responsibility for what happened on Obama's watch. Friend and foe alike will scrutinize his every move for any sign of weakness."

LGBT group urges Biden to force Christian schools to capitulate - "One of the leading national LGBT activist organizations is urging presumptive President-elect Joe Biden and his administration to advance policies that would strip Christian colleges that uphold rules and stances that oppose homosexuality of their accreditation.The request was part of the Human Rights Campaign’s "Blueprint for Positive Change," a recent document which offers 85 policy and legislative recommendations for a potential Biden administration. The document comes as Biden pledged throughout his 2020 campaign to advance “LGBT equality” in the U.S. and around the world.One of the recommendations proposes the elimination of nondiscrimination exemptions for religious colleges if the institutions support biblical definitions of marriage or fail to offer "scientific curriculum requirements.""

Biden Pushes Transgender Activism for 8-Year-Old Kids

Biden's Trans Agenda Hits Military, Science, Women's Rights - "While many transgender activists have compared Trump’s “transgender military ban” to the military’s previous “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) policy banning members of the military from openly engaging in homosexual activity, one of the key figures in the repeal of DADT explained that the transgender policy is fundamentally different from DADT. “As one who helped bring the end to the ban on LGB military service and DADT, I am offended that a mental aberration is being compared to being a sexual human being,” Miriam Ben-Shalom, the first lesbian to be reinstated to the U.S. Army after getting kicked out for her sexuality, told PJ Media in 2019... Ben-Shalom noted that the military rejects potential recruits for many reasons and some of the medical reasons may apply to transgender identity.She noted that the pro-transgender group Human Rights Campaign admits that “29.9 percent of females identifying as trans have tried to commit suicide, 41.8 percent of non-binary youth have tried to commit suicide, and ‘over half’ of males identifying as trans have tried.”“That’s terrible. These people need help!” Ben-Shalom declared. “But they don’t belong in the military. Who is willing to take a chance and place a gun in the hands of a person who might want to commit suicide?” She further argued that while “a person’s sexuality is part and parcel of what makes up that person,” transgender identity is malleable. “By using talk therapy or just letting so-called transgender kids grow up, studies indicate that up to 94 percent of these kids will grow out of their ‘transgender identity.’ So we can see that transgenderism may not be firmly part and parcel of the makeup of a human being.”Lt. Gen. Tom Spoehr, director of the Center for National Defense at the Heritage Foundation, warned that Biden’s new policy “will contribute to a reduced level of military readiness in our armed forces, which are already hard-pressed to defend American interests around the globe.”“After considerable study, the previous administration found gender dysphoric people attempt suicide at about nine times the rate of the general population,” Spoehr noted. “Service members diagnosed with gender dysphoria are also nine times more likely to have mental health encounters with a professional. Military service is inherently stressful. The suicide rate in the military already exceeds the general population’s. It would be immoral to place individuals at higher risk from mental injury – such as those suffering from gender dysphoria – in a situation where they are likely to experience extraordinary stress” (emphasis original). In addition to this reversal of Trump’s military policy on transgenderism, Biden has issued an executive order banning “discrimination” on the basis of gender identity in many aspects of American society. This order requires schools to open girls’ restrooms, locker rooms, and sports leagues to biological boys. It requires health care plans to pay for experimental transgender “treatments” and requires doctors and hospitals to perform them.Such policies destroy the fundamental rights of women in various arenas. Such a policy leaves women vulnerable to male perverts posing as transgender who may prey on them in restrooms and locker rooms. This policy destroys fair competition in women’s sports, since males have biological advantages over females that cannot be erased by simply identifying as female. Duke Law School professor Doriane Lambelet Coleman warned that if women’s sports must admit biological men, “the very best women in the world would lose to literally thousands of boys and men, including thousands who would be considered second-tier.”... While the Biden administration touts “inclusivity,” a rush of transgender people into the military may seriously harm morale, as female troops fear abuses at the hands of ostensibly transgender men and as suicide rates may increase."

Remember that lockdown Biden wasn't going to do? Yeah, we're doing that now. - "Naomi Wolf, a bestselling author who is apparently so successful she has difficulty keeping up with current events, said if only she had known that Biden was in favor of lockdowns she would not have voted for him... In fact, believing that Biden favored lockdowns was "unfounded" and just an attempt to "stoke fears."

Andrew Clark on Twitter - "Thank God Joe Biden is wearing his mask incorrectly to protect the people inside these cars."

We Are Capitalists - Posts | Facebook - "In his inaugural speech, President Biden stated “We must end this uncivil war that pits red against blue, rural versus urban or conservative versus liberal."Excuse me as I roll my eyes. The problem with the left asking for "unity" is that they just got done spending 4 years calling most right-of-center people evil, bigoted, tyrannical, compromised, deplorable, uneducated, scumbags.  They attempted to silence us at every turn.  They misrepresented our views and - through their dominance in media and big tech – buried stories that would have been politically harmful to them.  In order to advance their narrative of victimhood, they claimed injustice where there was little or no injustice at all.  In situations where there wasn’t unethical treatment by officers, they stretched the truth to redefine it as police brutality. In situations where there WAS unethical treatment by officers, they again stretched the truth in order to redefine it as racially motivated. Always without evidence. They locked us down for longer than stated, closed businesses with little regard for the lives they were ruining, chastised people over small mask-related infractions while entirely dismissing the maskless BLM rioters.  They sent sick patients back to senior living facilities, where they promptly infected others, leading to hundreds of elderly people unnecessarily dying, all while insisting that seeing your family on Thanksgiving meant you wanted grandma to die. As our country burned in chaos for months under the BLM riots that they insisted were “mostly peaceful,” they routinely offered excuses for the violent behavior, all while blaming conservatives for it, despite it happening disproportionately in Democrat-controlled regions where local governments were refusing to quell the riots. They never once gave conservatives credit for the years of incredible unemployment numbers and economic performance, focusing only on the crash that occurred due to a global pandemic which negatively impacted literally every nation on Earth, all while refusing to cast blame for that pandemic on the communist dictatorship from which it originated.You want unity?  Now?  After how you’ve treated us for years?  Sorry, you don’t get to do that."

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