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Thursday, June 24, 2021

Links - 24th June 2021 (1)

French Police Thought There was A Dead Body When Malaysian was Cooking Belacan in Paris

VICTORY: Stockton clears student investigated after using Zoom background of Trump, posting political Facebook status - "Stockton University administrators on Tuesday dropped the final charge pending against a student investigated for a political post on Facebook and a Zoom background of President Donald Trump."

Faisal Saeed Al Mutar - Posts | Facebook - ""is the U.S. any different from communist China," she typed with zero fear whatsoever of government censorship or reprisal"
At least she wasn't a tankie, claiming that the US is an awful dictatorship but China is a glorious People's Democratic Republic

Facebook - "Trivia of the Japanese backpack ′′ Randoseru ′′
- Has 6 year warranty to be used during 6 years of elementary school
- Protect against drowning. She floats and turns a float so the child doesn't drown.
- It's designed in a way so that if the child falls on their back doesn't hit their head on the ground.
You can say there's a great chance you'll fall back in a car accident.
Thanks to its thickness, the back of the head doesn't hit the ground.
- If an earthquake and shingles occurs and other objects fall off the top, putting a backpack on your head is the best way to protect it.
- Brilliant material has seen reflectors protect children from cars where it is difficult to see children at evening."

Indian Muslims and liberals are trapped in a toxic relationship - "India’s Muslims and liberals are withering in each other’s embrace. The liberal discourse in India has come in for sharp criticism not only from the Right-wing but also the non-partisan centrists for being unprincipled in its tacit indulgence of minorityism, which might have widened the chasm between the majority and minority communities where the former is always a bully and the latter always has its back to the wall. It has been often said that despite mouthing the platitude of mainstreaming the minority, liberals helped in institutionalising minorityism. It cocooned liberals in a paternalistic aura... The first instance of mollycoddling was to sanitise the history of Muslim rule. In the history books, the testimony of contemporary chroniclers such as Ziauddin Barani, Abdul Malik Isami and Ferishta, etc. was ignored in order to paint an idyllic picture of cultural confluence. In a travesty of secularisation, acts of temple destruction, Jizya tax imposition, and forced conversion would be presented as inspired by political exigency, not religious fanaticism... Although done with the good intention of not letting the bad blood of the past spill onto the present, a total whitewashing didn’t let the people develop the maturity to face up the past and recognise its wrongs. One is not answerable for what their real or adopted ancestors did, but they shape their own attitude towards the past. If one sees glories in the good of it, they would have to partake of its bad too.The second trope was the romanticisation of Islam as an egalitarian religion and Muslims as a casteless society. Conversion to Islam was credited to the equality in Muslim society. The fact, however, was that people carried their caste into the new religion and remained at the same level as earlier. The Muslim ruling class adopted the caste system and placed itself at the apex. In fact, their emphasis on foreign lineage as a mark of superiority infused a fresh racial element into it. Besides caste, gender issue was the main area of social reform in Hindu society. True, Muslims didn’t have a Sati system, but they had all other patriarchal discriminations. In fact, purdah among the Hindu upper class was an influence of Muslims.It became conventional wisdom that Muslims didn’t need to introspect, reform or liberalise. And so, when independent India’s most ambitious social reform programme was undertaken, and Hindu Code Bills were introduced, the Muslim Personal Law was left untouched on the plea that the push for reform had to come from within the community. It never came, and instead became the basis of identitarian politics as was seen during the Shah Bano and triple talaq cases. The sanitised history repeated itself first as a tragedy and next as a farce. The tragedy was the liberal argument in the Babri Masjid-Ram Janmabhoomi case that there was no proof that the mosque in Ayodhya was built on a demolished temple. Its implication for such mosques as were clearly built on demolished temples was not weighed in. And, the farce was in the revisionist historiography of Partition, which invisibilised the fact that, in the end, it was the Muslim League that demanded Pakistan, and had it. Such historiography helped in reviving the same old pernicious narrative. The dictum that minority communalism was a lesser evil was myopic inasmuch as it ignored its ability to inflame majoritarian. The paternalistic minorityism of liberals made them equivocate on burning issues. So, in one kind of bomb blast, terror had no religion; but in another, it did. The discourse of ‘hurt sentiment’ became normalised as demands to ban now a book and now a movie became the norm. The Right-wing learnt fast, and how. In spite of all this, no organic relationship could develop between liberals and Muslims. Both treated each other as tactical allies rather than ideological kin. In the Muslim repertoire of grievances against the present dispensation, there is hardly one that has not been levelled against liberals since the late 19th century (Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan’s speech at Meerut, 16 March 1888 ). The Islam-in-danger rhetoric, paranoia of subjugation by Hindus, neglect of Urdu, under-representation in services, bias in the behaviour of state machinery, particularly that of police during riots, and myriad other complaints of discriminations are century-old tropes. Muslims love Hindu liberals conditionally, and together they hate the microscopic Muslim liberals unconditionally. Muslims love liberals because the latter don’t question their narratives, and liberals value Muslims because they are their only support left. In an India where two kinds of Hindus are debating how to engage with Muslims, the liberals represent them without questioning why Muslims are unable to represent themselves, and whether the 200-year-long liberal hegemony of public discourse has any responsibility for it."

Thread by @a_centrism on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Want to improve diversity in NYC specialized schools? One way is to stop caring about students being absent or late, says a city council member.Why would that improve diversity? The graph tells the story.
Until today I didn't realize that racism causes school absences. Racism is even more powerful than I had imagined.What's the Hecht-Calandra Act that the councilman wants repealed?It's a law that requires NYC's most selective public schools to admit students based on a test progressives say "reinforces white supremacy" even though it produces student bodies that are overwhelmingly Asian."

Mary Poppins branded ‘racist’ by US academic over soot scene - "An American academic has criticised Mary Poppins for projecting racial stereotypes, saying Dame Julie Andrews’s character wears “blackface” during one scene. Writing for The New York Times, Professor Daniel Pollack-Pelzner – a gender studies professor at Linfield College, Oregon – sharply criticises the scene where Mary Poppins joins Dick Van Dyke’s chimneysweep Bert to dance on a rooftop... “Here’s one thing I’ve learned about the alt-right, after I wrote this article and received a zillion hate messages in response: they sure like Mary Poppins!”"
Getting backlash for grievance mongering is surely the fault of the "alt-right"

I,Hypocrite - Cosmo, then & now | Facebook
Maybe that's why Singapore unbanned it. But engaging promiscuity isn't as bad as promoting woke poison and glorifying obesity

Natives should have total power and control over their homeland and decide what to do with it. : AgainstWoke - "Natives should have total power and control over their homeland and decide what to do with it
Africa - "OMG YES!"
Europe - "Well, actually... *wall of text*"

Jenna🦋 on Twitter - "can you just let us have this?!?!!? why do you wanna take away what gives so many entertainment?"
"Question. Are you ok with the fact Wonder Woman raped a man who was essentially in a coma? Because that's what happened when she had sex with Chris Pine. The man who's body that was could not consent."
"answer. men cannot be raped by women bc of the difference in power dynamics. just like a black person cannot be racist to a white person."
Feminism is sexism

Michael Malice on Twitter - "It's not that they "fucking love science." It's that they fucking love things to be settled for them, so that they can avoid the responsibility that making moral choices entails."
"Most of them claim to be free-thinking atheists, but love to treat pop-culture scientists like infallible preists or prophets."
"The whole point of the scientific method is questioning what we think we know. Saying the science is settled is anti-scientific because it discourages further questions."

NPR - Posts | Facebook - "Casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, one of the most prolific donors in conservative politics, died Monday night at the age of 87."
So many vile people in the comments rejoicing at his death, despite his being Jewish and pro-choice and his newspaper's editorial board criticising Trump's election fraud claim. The hatred for conservatives is unchecked

Book Returned To Library In Ontario Is More Than 50 Years Overdue - "The Fergus Library in Ontario recently received a copy of Martin Chuzzlewit by Charles Dickens in their return box, which they estimate is more than 50 years overdue."

Heroes and victims: social perceptions and peacebuilding - "Status is important. Our research shows that in low-income countries, claims based on ‘victim’ or ‘hero’ status provide resources that lead to economies of entitlement. This matters in peacebuilding and justice, because in post-conflict situations victims and heroes struggle for exclusive entitlements based on their feeling of deserving something, as just and fair redress for past suffering or as reward for glorious deeds. We find that the exclusive character of such entitlement claims in the long run potentially leads to injustices which can undermine peacebuilding... Generally, people tend to understand their fate as zero-sum, so that the feeling of entitlement as reward or compensation can be transferred from the ‘original’ scene to completely different areas... Social psychologist Vamik Volkan, for example, has shown that nation-states tend to develop ‘selfish’ or expansive behaviour after victimising experiences, driven by the feeling to balance their unpleasant fate... The question “where have you been while we fought in the trenches” became the maxim for the feeling of entitlement of Swapo. This excluded other actors and finally led to a government unresponsive to criticism which lapsed into corruption. Government positions are consequently occupied by former leaders of the liberation struggle, and political opposition parties are either discredited as being “boers” (the white) or traitors (if they are former Swapo members). Namibia represents an example of heroes’ entitlement where the brave fighters for independence felt entitled to rule the country"
An obsession with colonialism is unhealthy

People from ethnic minorities less likely to accept Covid vaccine, says poll - "Numerous studies have shown Covid death rates in the UK for most ethnic minorities to be higher – significantly so in some cases – compared with white ethnic groups... People on lower incomes are also less likely to take the vaccine"... The poll found that men (80%) were more likely to get the jab than women (73%)
Presumably racism is also why poor people are less likely to take the vaccine, and sexism is why women are less likely to get it"

'Vast Majority' of Online Anti-Vaxxers Are Women
Damn sexism, making more women anti-vaxx!

Sociodemographic Predictors of Vaccination Exemptions on the Basis of Personal Belief in California - "Higher income, White population, and private school type significantly predicted greater increases in exemptions from 2007 to 2013"
Presumably racism is why white people are more anti-vaxx. Apparently Tuskegee can't explain everything

Anita Anand on the 1919 Amritsar massacre | History Extra Podcast - HistoryExtra - [On The Patient Assassin] "He goes to India, in 1885. And he’s sent to the north of India, to Punjab, which is where my family originally is from, and he loves India. Absolutely loves it, he loves, well sort of loves India, he loves India apart from the Indians. So, he loves the Raj very, very much, he loves the pith helmet situation, he loves the fun and games, he loves the Kiplings, he loves it when Indians know their place, but what he cannot stand is when these Indians cross the boundary of, I suppose you could call it caste, when they start asking for more than he thinks that they are entitled to... One thing that Sir Michael O'Dwyer said constantly was you lose India, you lose the whole game. And he was right. Cos India funded so much of the Empire and once you'd lost that cash cow, it was unsustainable. And the other thing was that the massacre in Jallianwalla Bagh was the end, beginning of the end for the Empire, because it radicalized so many young men. It turned even the peaceful leaders like Gandhi from somebody who said, look, give us a little more power to get out and get out now. People just decided they couldn't trust the British anymore. There's a man called Tagore. I don't know how familiar you are with him. Rabindranath Tagore, Nobel Prize winning writer who had a knighthood. Well he returned it. He said, I don't want anything, any metal that's touched your hands. I don't want anything to do with it and sent it back. So that from that moment on, we don't trust you anymore. So that was, I think, the start of the end.’"

Isabel Wilkerson On Caste In America | HistoryExtra Podcast - HistoryExtra - "When anyone were, you know, once the, once the caste system, the hierarchy of the New World, then we're talking about the colonies, the American, what would what would become the United States of America. Once that hierarchy was in place, any newcomer had to find out where did they fit in. And once they arrived, they discovered that they fit in, and they were assigned a place based upon what they look like, based upon their heredity, based upon the manifest, the physical manifestation of their heredity. And that meant that people coming from Europe found that they were actually viewed as the exact same group, once they got here. They were viewed as the same racial category. And so, so that people from Denmark and people from, from Romania, people from the Ukraine and people from, from Germany, and you know, people from Belgium, would have found themselves all in the, viewed as the same. They were all assigned to the same queue, whether they had things in common back home, and the mother countries or not... ‘This idea of policing and surveilling and controlling and containing those who were assigned to the bottom is a long, is a very long concept and thread that runs throughout American history. So much so that, in fact, a lot of those slave patrols and people might be deputized, ordinary people who were not themselves constables, but ordinary people were, who were in the dominant caste, were expected to police and surveil and control and maintain the caste line. So this was something that, this was an idea that ran through, was an accepted wisdom of how the hierarchy would be maintained. And this might have been without the word ever being used, I mean the word caste was not being used. But this was a maintaining of boundaries and, and restrictions as to who could do what and who could be where and who was expected to be where. And so that follows through to the current era where again, the words that may not be used, but we have seen videos, that surface, you know, every other week, that show ordinary people surveilling people who would be assigned, viewed as the subordinate caste in the United States, African Americans on a regular basis, you know, where there was, there have been so many cases that it's hard to even know where, which one to choose from. But there was one in which a young woman, for example, was studying in her dorm at Yale, and a woman of African descent was studying in her dorm at Yale, and I think she, she took a break, and rested her head on her book, and someone came, and, you know, and accused her of, of trespassing. Of not belonging there. That was something that was an ordinary person, policing the boundaries of who would be expected… this was just one out of many, many, many examples, many examples, and, of course, the most extreme examples end in, in brutality, and sometimes people losing their lives as a result of the policing of these boundaries’...
‘One thing that is often said about people who are marginalized, they will often say, well, they're playing a particular card. They’re playing the race card and I guess maybe there's a gender card, and I would say and wish to tell everyone that that is absolutely the last thing that anyone wants to do. People wake up every morning and hope that it will be a good daym that they will get the things done that they need to get done and enjoy doing it, they want all to go well, and they want to be be happy and successful. Everybody wants that when they wake up in the morning, they don't look for these things to be happening, and they do not want these things to be happening to them’
Amazing. Apparently the Irish, Italians and Polish were always considered White. What an amazing discovery. It will surely make her name as a revolutionary historian
Of course she repeats the myth of the Yale Dorm "Napping While Black" incident
Presumably being shot by the police has nothing to do with attacking the police - just boundaries being policed
I guess the many people who fake hate crimes are masochistic, since an instance of discrimination is absolutely the last thing that anyone wants

The rise and fall of the American “melting pot” by Julia Higgins - "Nativist partisans have a long history in America, but began to emerge as a major national political force in the 1850s, becoming major opponents to immigration as they stressed the importance of pure “American values.” Though Irish immigrants adapted easily to many facets of American life, for example, nativists denounced their Catholic religion as un-American, put up store-window signs reading “No Irish Need Apply” blocking them from prospective jobs, and tried to stem the flow of immigration from Ireland. Many immigrants — especially those with Italian and Irish roots — were plainly seen as inferior, and depicted as ape-like in media from the era."
Clear evidence all white people belonged to the same caste in the US

Viral Racist Videos Gone Wild - "The “napping while black” scandal at Yale
I have previously written about the real story behind this widely reported incident from May 2018, in which a white graduate student, Sarah Braasch, was said to have called the police on a black classmate for sleeping in a common lounge in their dorm. The black student, Lolade Siyonbola, live-streamed part of her encounter with Braasch and her conversation with the police on Facebook.In fact, Braasch’s call to campus police stemmed from her belief that the lounge next to her isolated dorm room was being used to harass her — as she had repeatedly complained to housing staff in the preceding weeks — and that Siyonbola was one of the harassers. This fiasco also had a long prehistory of conflicts related to Braasch’s fears for her personal safety, some due to valid concerns and some to mental health issues. (The previous year, she had made almost certainly unfounded allegations of stalking by a white maintenance worker she had seen near her room.)Braasch has made many over-the-top, evidence-free claims about being the victim of a deliberate setup abetted by the Yale administration. But the fact remains that her life was upended by a mobbing that smeared her as a rabid bigot based on an out-of-context video and that the media amplified the smear."

America isn’t a melting pot anymore - "The worst thought crime is the one you don’t realize you are committing.So it was with NBC News legend Tom Brokaw, who didn’t understand that assimilation is now a third rail of American politics.He caused a furor with comments on “Meet the Press” over the weekend, including his statement that “the Hispanics should work harder at assimilation.”The condemnations were swift. And they were a sign that being a beloved media figure, who has never before said anything that could be considered bigoted, is no defense when the furies descend.It was Presidential Medal of Freedom to white hood in one sound bite. A group called Latino Victory hit Brokaw for allegedly giving “credence to white supremacist ideology.”... The head of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists rejected the very idea of assimilation, which he decried as “denying one culture for the other.” It is astonishing that in that formulation “the other” is American culture. We are perhaps the only nation in world history that has sought to “otherize” its own culture.It has also been a trope to accuse Brokaw, as Democratic Rep. Joaquin Castro did, of xenophobia. But saying immigrants should assimilate is the opposite of xenophobia — it is an expression of a belief that they can be and should be fully part of the American mainstream.The old American ideal of the melting pot is that immigrants become wholly American (learning the language, embracing the folkways and traditions, becoming deeply patriotic), but also make a distinctive contribution to our national culture, which is organic and open to a variety of influences. It is wrong to view this dominant culture as hateful or exclusionary. As Michael Lind wrote in his brilliant 1995 book, “The Next American Nation,” “the common culture of the American nation is a unique blend of elements contributed by Algonquian Indians and Midwestern Quakers and black Americans and Mexican mestizos and New England patricians. The national culture is not a white culture; black Americans have shaped it far more than the most numerous white immigrant group, German-Americans.”... The real problem is that we have fashioned an immigration system that isn’t geared toward assimilation.In 1920, when we were absorbing another historic wave of immigrants, the newcomers were evenly distributed across nationalities. No single group predominated. In contrast, the wave of the last few decades has been heavily tilted toward Mexico in particular and Latin American countries in general.By 1924, we had also reduced the overall number of immigrants, facilitating the breakup of ethnic communities and a de-emphasis on ethnic identity.We have never tapped the brakes on the current wave. A National Academy of Sciences study noted that Spanish-speaking immigrants are acquiring English more slowly than other immigrant groups: “A major reason is the larger size and frequent replenishment of the Spanish-speaking population in the United States.”"
Identity politics and victim culture mean once you integrate, you lose political capital

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