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Saturday, June 26, 2021

Links - 26th June 2021 (George Floyd Unrest - Ma’Khia Bryant Stabbing, Kenosha/Kyle Rittenhouse)

Ma’Khia Bryant Stabbing

‘I’m Going To Stab The F*** Out Of You, B****’: Video Emerges of Ma’Khia Bryant Before Shooting - "Video has emerged in the shooting of Ma’Khia Bryant, 16, who was shot and killed while she was attempting to stab another girl, showing her screaming, “I’m going to stab the f*** out of you, b****,” as she lunged toward the girl before she was shot... Former President Barack Obama’s top advisor, Valerie Jarrett, also weighed in on the incident. “A Black teenage girl named Ma’Khia Bryant was killed because a police officer immediately decided to shoot her multiple times in order to break up a knife fight. Demand accountability. Fight for justice. #BlackLivesMatter,” she tweeted... Rutgers University associate professor of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Brittney Cooper joined in, too: “A Black girl is dead because the cops brought a gun to a damn knife fight. If you don’t know how to de-escalate teen girls who are fighting, you should not be a police officer. I said what I said. #MakhiaBryant.” But others defended the officer. An Ohio criminal justice professor said the shooting, while a tragedy, was a “legally justified” use of lethal force.  Bowling Green State University criminal justice professor Philip Stinson, who specializes in fatal use of force scenarios by law enforcement, told The Columbus Dispatch, “My first impression is that the officer was legally justified in using deadly force.”... Retired Columbus SWAT officer James Scanlon made a similar argument. “An officer is justified in using deadly force if his life or the life of someone else is at risk,” he said. “Few would argue that there weren’t at least two lives there that were at serious risk.”  The officer shot Bryant “to save the life of someone he doesn’t even know,” Scanlon continued. “It’s a shame that no one has recognized that that officer, in all likelihood, saved one or more lives.” A neighbor of Bryant’s foster home, Donavon Brinson, who heard the shots fired and reviewed the incident on his security camera, stated that had the officer not acted as he did, more people might have died"

NBC omits crucial context from its coverage of Columbus shooting - "the network declined to air the part of the call in which a frantic woman can be heard saying, “These grown girls over here trying to fight us, trying to stab us!”... NBC likewise aired only a small portion of the police body camera footage, leaving out the part in which Bryant is seen clearly lunging with a knife at an unarmed woman. The network aired only a photo of the knife as it lay on the ground — after the shooting.  The rest of the report is also couched carefully in “police say” language, ignoring all the audio and visual evidence suggesting the Columbus police officer did indeed successfully thwart a stabbing attack...   NBC’s omission of the relevant details of the Bryant shooting comes not long after Holt drew applause for claiming “fairness is overrated.”  "The idea that we should always give two sides equal weight and merit does not reflect the world we find ourselves in," he said during a journalism awards ceremony in March.  Holt, who got his current job after anchor Brian Williams was demoted for lying, added, “Decisions to not give unsupported arguments equal time are not a dereliction of journalistic responsibility or some kind of agenda, in fact, it’s just the opposite."  He continued, saying, "Providing an open platform for misinformation, for anyone to come say whatever they want, especially when issues of public health and safety are at stake, can be quite dangerous.” OK, but what’s the line on when a news network intentionally omits crucial context from a major story?"

WATCH: Girl almost stabbed by Ma'Khia Bryant expresses gratitude to police who saved her

Libs on Twitter offered advice on how police could've handled the Columbus knife-attack shooting in a non-lethal manner and it's hilarious. - "as long as they were already going to "re-imagine policing" they might as well re-imagine things like physics, human nature, and even the passage of time.  As the old saying goes, "When seconds count, non-lethal alternatives are only minutes away."... "Long sticks."  I don't know why we haven't thought of this before. As any 7-year-old boy who is not about to be stabbed to death can tell you, long sticks can be quite an effective deterrent... How about "de-escalation?" Why, he could have just shouted, "drop the weapon."  Sounds solid. Sure, the other girl probably would have had a knife plunged into her chest somewhere between "the" and "weapon" but that's where you resort to real "physical force." We're talking about that reliable between-classes middle-school move known as, "tripping."  Now that I'm thinking about it, why didn't he just tie her shoe laces together? Both funny and effective!... Rubber bullets! Brilliant, assuming the assailant was using a rubber knife.  Tear gas? Why not infect her with Covid, it would be about as effective.  How about "nightstick + tackle?"  Tell you what, show me how that's done first, just so I can get the hang of it.  A Taser is certainly an option, in fact were I to see a ten-inch steel blade speeding towards my heart I'd totally want my life to depend on the reliable Taser.  Hey, it works the majority of the time. And there's always dogs. Of course, we'd have ensure every police officer is equipped with a highly trained canine and is him or herself trained to use the dog.  This defunding thing is starting to sound really expensive.  How about tranquilizer darts! Tranquilizer darts are an excellent option for those situations in which you find yourself wanting to write a novel or a movie script. Otherwise, as anyone who has ever watched a nature show knows, tranquilizer darts can easily take a few minutes to take effect, which would have been about two minutes and 59.99 seconds longer than the young girl about to be stabbed had.  Hey, better sorry than safe!... And, possibly my favorite suggestion:      Toss a Nerf football toward her"

Frank J. Fleming on Twitter - "Being woke is so confusing. Words can be literal violence but someone getting stabbed will make you just shrug your shoulders."

CNN guest calls Ma'Khia Bryant's attempted stabbing a "schoolyard fight" - "Jake Tapper had former NAACP lead Cornell Brooks on the show to talk about yesterday’s Ma'Khia Bryant incident. Brooks makes the argument that people have a right to question the response made by Officer Nicholas Reardon to shoot Bryant."

George Floyd Lead Attorney Tweeted Columbus Girl Was Unarmed. NY Times Leaves That Out. - "Benjamin Crump, who had led the legal team that represented George Floyd’s family, leaped to a conclusion, tweeting that the Columbus police had “killed an unarmed 15yo black girl named Makhia Bryant.” In a report on the incident, The New York Times decided to sanitize Crump’s tweet, quoting him but leaving out the part of the tweet where Crump said Bryant was unarmed."

Black Lives Matter Activist: Teen Knife Fights Happening for 'Eons' - "Teenagers have been involved in fights with knives for a very long time, activist and Black Lives Matter supporter Bree Newsome tweeted Tuesday.  “Teenagers have been having fights including fights involving knives for eons. We do not need police to address these situations by showing up to the scene & using a weapon against one of the teenagers. Y’all need help. I mean that sincerely”... During Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s the ReidOut, host Joy Reid spoke about the fatal police shooting of Ma’Khia Bryant, saying she remembered fights at school where a student had a knife “and teachers were able to defuse that, and they didn’t have guns.”  In a subsequent post, Newsome said people “should be frightened that the ruling white elite have done such a thoroughly successful job of not only disconnecting us from the means of basic self-sufficiency but also convincing us we need armed white officers to manage our children & communities”...   “‘People have been murdering other people for hundreds of years. We don’t need the police to intervene or interfere in a long standing tradition we have had in our society.’ You are an extremist,” another commented."
No wonder it's been so dangerous to be black for so long, since the person most likely to kill you is another black person

BLM activist says police shouldn't use a weapon to stop someone from getting stabbed - "For Newsome, who defends riots and looting, a knife fight is just no big deal, and the officer's responsibility wasn't to the person being threatened with the knife, but to the person wielding it... Noted D-celebrity Kathy Griffin echoed Newsome's belief that a casual neighborhood knife fight was nothing to call police about, writing "that never happened in your school or neighborhood?"... Turns out lots of people don't think teens should just be allowed to stab one another willy-nilly... The conversation has gone from defund police, to abolish police, to let kids murder each other because that's more rational than trying to stop it."

WATCH: 'You Shoot Us, We Shoot You,' Columbus Protester Tells Cops - "A protester in Columbus, Ohio, called for revenge following the shooting of a 15-year-old girl on Tuesday"
The police should just let people kill each other

BREAKING: White House press sec blames racism for police shooting of teenager who was trying to stab a person - "White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki took questions from reporters today about the police shooting of Makiyah Bryant in Columbus, Ohio, on Tuesday, and read out a statement revealing the Biden administration's position on the shooting."

YOU'RE NEXT': LeBron James Posts Photo of Columbus Police Officer Present at Ma'Khia Bryant Shooting - "The officer has been identified as officer Nicholas Reardon"

'That Girl Getting Stabbed Wasn't In Danger,' Says Man Who Flops Any Time Another Player Gets Within Six Feet Of Him | The Babylon Bee

Cop Suspended Without Pay For Mocking NBA Star LeBron James In Viral Video - "James captioned the picture of Officer Reardon – “YOU’RE NEXT” – followed by an hourglass that implied a countdown, and the hashtag “#ACCOUNTABILITY.”  The since-deleted tweet sparked immediate outrage on social media, including from a number of professional athletes.  Deputy Marshal Silvester was one of many law enforcement officers who posted short video clips showing themselves pretending to reach out to the NBA star for advice on how to handle an array of urgent situations...   “So, you don’t care if a black person kills another black person, but you do care if a white cop kills a black person, even if he’s doing it to save the life of another black person?”"

Police Officer Who Mocked LeBron James Signs Book Deal - "Bellevue, Idaho, Marshal deputy Nate Silvester told the media told KTVB that he was returned to duty after his suspension."

Man Loses His Business After Insulting LeBron James On Facebook - "Stephen Bruno Jr. is a Louisiana man who, up until recently, operated a PJ’s Coffee franchise in New Orleans"

'I fueled the wrong conversation about Ma’Khia Bryant,' LeBron James admits - "An Ohio bar banned showing NBA games until James was expelled from the league, reported an increase in traffic and positive support."


Kenosha/Kyle Rittenhouse

Christiaan Triebert on Twitter - "A teenager faces charges in shootings that left 2 people dead in Kenosha, WI. The @nytimes Visual Investigations team reviewed hours of livestreams to track 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse’s movements during and leading up to the shootings... At 23:19, Rittenhouse is seen in this YouTube livestream. He's being chased into a parking lot. While he is being pursued, an unknown gunman fires the first shot into the air. Rittenhouse turns toward the sound of the gunfire as another pursuer lunges toward him. He then fires four times with his assault rifle, and appears to shoot the man in the head."
When even the NYT admits that it was self defence. But of course their readers didn't get the memo

Column: Here’s why Kyle Rittenhouse, the teen shooting suspect in Kenosha killings, is likely to get off - "Yes, it seems certain that Rittenhouse was in violation of Chapter 948.6 of Wisconsin law when he was guarding business properties with a weapon of war slung across his back. That law bans minors from carrying guns, and Kenosha County’s criminal complaint notes the maximum penalty for that offense is nine months in jail and a $10,000 fine.But even those who break that law don’t forfeit their right to “use force which is intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm (if they) reasonably believe that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to (themselves),” as Chapter 939.48, Wisconsin’s self-defense law, spells out.According to prosecutors, video from the scene and witness accounts, the legally relevant portion of the story picked up a little before midnight: For unknown reasons, Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, of Kenosha, who had earlier been yelling angrily at the armed men who had come to the protests, was at a run, chasing Rittenhouse along Sheridan Road and into the parking lot of a used-car dealer.When Rosenbaum, who was unarmed, finally cornered Rittenhouse, he grabbed for the teenager’s gun. Multiple shots rang out, and Rosenbaum fell, mortally wounded.Did Rittenhouse have a reasonable belief under the circumstances that if Rosenbaum got his gun he would suffer death or great bodily harm? Jurors in Wisconsin are instructed that “reasonable” means “what a person of ordinary intelligence and prudence would have believed ... under the circumstances that existed at the time.”Tensions were high late into the protests against the police shooting of Jacob Blake two days earlier. Gunshots from other weapons were heard immediately before and after the shots that killed Rosenbaum. Whether you think Rittenhouse is a hero for helping guard against a repeat of the vandalism the night before, or if you think he’s a reckless wannabe cop who had no business in Kenosha, you’ve got to concede that, at that moment, he was probably terrified.Rittenhouse hustled away. Soon a group of people began chasing him up Sheridan Road, shouting “Beat him up!” “Get him! Get that dude!” and “Get his ass!” according to the prosecution’s summary. One of the pursuers took a swing at Rittenhouse and knocked his ball cap off.Were those running after him simply trying to effect a citizen’s arrest in the belief that Rittenhouse had just committed a crime and might be a danger to others?“Whether or not the people chasing him thought they had the right to chase him is irrelevant,” said Richard Kling, a veteran Chicago defense attorney who teaches evidence and forensic science at Chicago-Kent College of Law.Rittenhouse stumbled and fell as he ran. One of his pursuers took a flying kick at his head and missed as Rittenhouse fired two errant shots from the ground. A second pursuer, Anthony Huber, 26, of Silver Lake, Wisconsin, swung a skateboard at Rittenhouse, hitting him on the shoulder, and grabbed and tried to hang onto Rittenhouse’s rifle. Rittenhouse shot Huber in the chest during that struggle, prosecutors said, killing him.A third victim, Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, of West Allis, Wisconsin, who survived, first held up his hands in a gesture of surrender at a distance of a few feet. In one of his hands, he held a gun. But when he “moved toward” Rittenhouse, prosecutors said, Rittenhouse fired, striking him in the arm."

BREAKING: Rittenhouse will not be charged for gun offenses in Illinois—gun did not cross state lines

I Live in Kenosha Where Jacob Blake was Shot. We’re at War. - "To my friends and family members who are watching my city be razed from afar, and yet still wish to look me in the face and say that the Black Lives Matter movement isn’t inherently violent or that BLM leadership is opposed to violent measures, I would kindly ask that you come stay with us over the next week"

Video evidence appears to show first Kenosha shooting victim charging shooter, using N-word while taunting militia members

Facebook - "WATCH: Leftist rioters and looters in Kenosha, Wisconsin cheer as police officers and business owners are violently mobbed."

Chris Wallace, We Were In Kenosha. White Supremacists Didn't Cause Violence - "If Chris Wallace’s goal during Tuesday night’s debate was to deflect from the months of left-wing violence from Black Lives Matter extremists and Antifa and instead blame it on President Donald Trump and his supporters, he did an excellent job... Ignoring for a moment that Trump’s criticism of Joe Biden was absolutely warranted and that Wallace asked Trump to condemn white supremacists but did not ask Biden to condemn Black Lives Matter arsonists and looters, the question itself was specious. The violence in Kenosha was spurred by left-wing extremist groups, not white supremacists. We know — because we were there. Kenosha was up in flames, reduced to the same lawlessness that swept Minneapolis, Portland, Atlanta, and now this small Midwest town. Monday night in Kenosha, a day after law enforcement shot Jacob Blake, men and women stood with baseball bats and guns in front of their businesses and homes, trying to defend themselves against the extremist violence of the Black Lives Matter left. Since there weren’t enough police to control the situation, officers focused on defending public buildings, such as the courthouse, while leaving citizens to fend for themselves.A woman, who said she had lived in Kenosha for more than 40 years, broke down in tears, saying her city felt like a “war zone” and she was “terrified.” According to locals and reporting, the violence was caused by out-of-state agitators. On Thursday, local and federal law enforcement officials stopped an out-of-state caravan of vehicles filled with fuel cans and illegal fireworks. “The vehicles contained various items, including helmets, gas masks, protective vests, illegal fireworks, and suspected controlled substances,” according to police, who arrested nine people for disorderly conduct.The vehicles were reportedly connected to the Seattle-based Riot Kitchen, a group of radical-left protesters. While several mainstream media accounts portrayed the group as friendly helpers, the stories couldn’t explain why they were loading up so many cans of gas and why the Riot Kitchen crew fled from police. Sam, an Indian immigrant who owns a family-run car dealership downtown, lost “every dime” he had, and the 20 people Sam employed have all lost their jobs “for nothing.” Sam said his family had been “in tears” for days after rioters burned his lot two nights in a row, destroying all the cars, and looting his office before burning that as well." “I’m a taxpayer,” said Sam, distraught that law enforcement did nothing to protect his business, which was left to the mercy of the mob. “This is not the America I came into. … What did we do to deserve all this?” he asked. “I’m a minority too. I’m a brown person. I have nothing to do with this.” Contrary to what Wallace implied, neither did white supremacists or militia groups. Black Lives Matter rioters were in fact proud to take credit. Sam told The Federalist that more than a week after the Blake shooting, Black Lives Matter rioters came back to his shop in broad daylight to make “music videos” in the wreckage of his business “like they were so proud of it,” taunting him with, “this is what you get.” Desperate pleas for mercy from the rioters confirmed who was instigating the violence. If business owners were trying to avoid losing everything to white supremacists, they wouldn’t have displayed placards signaling support for BLM and signs reading “minority-owned” in their storefronts — yet that’s exactly what they did... Whether Rittenhouse, an Illinois native, belonged in Kenosha in the first place is debatable, but nothing suggests the boy was motivated by white supremacy or was part of a larger militia group. In fact, the Anti-Defamation League found no evidence he was or is connected to any extremist movements.Yet Democrats and their friends in the corporate media, such as Wallace, have tried to paint Rittenhouse as a “white supremacist” in order to deflect all blame from the real agitators, left-wing groups such as BLM and Antifa. Rittenhouse’s guilt has not been confirmed in a court of law, yet Wallace defamed him with gross charges of racism on national television with 29 million people watching.Biden did the same on social media in a wholly inappropriate smear. On Monday, Biden tweeted a video featuring Rittenhouse, with the caption, “There’s no other way to put it: the President of the United States refused to disavow white supremacists on the debate stage last night.”... Trump pointed out that the majority of violence in places like Kenosha is coming from “the left-wing, not from the right-wing.” Democrats’ “right-wing extremists” narrative has become increasingly difficult to defend, with accounts from on-the-ground reporters shattering their talking points. A recent study found that 95 percent of riots in the United States this year have been tied to Black Lives Matter. Taking his cues from Wallace, Biden shouted at Trump to denounce Proud Boys, a right-wing group. The only instance of Proud Boys in Kenosha, however, wasn’t during the nights of violence, but during the day. Two demonstrators sporting Proud Boys paraphernalia engaged in a verbal confrontation with three dozen BLM demonstrators, who were present to protest Trump’s visit.Reporters said the two demonstrators did not appear to be armed and were being followed by the large group of BLM protesters. When the clash appeared volatile, law enforcement encircled the two Proud Boys demonstrators, who “appeared to be frightened,” walked them to nearby squad cars, and removed them from the area. It’s safe to say the duo didn’t “add to the violence,” to use Wallace’s words. Despite the endless accounts this summer of violence instigated by left-wing groups — which have left police officers dead, businesses and homes reduced to ashes, and communities in anarchic disarray — Democrats and the media keep pushing their “white supremacist” talking point.Many voters and residents of these torn cities aren’t buying it. “You’re telling me you’re going to burn down my neighborhood?” Valerie, a 25-year-old black woman and former Democrat from the inner city of Milwaukee, told the Federalist in Kenosha of Black Lives Matter. “No, I don’t want to be a Democrat anymore.”"
It was only wrong for Rittenhouse to come from another state - but not the violent rioters

Kenosha shooting victim seen in video confronting armed men - "One of the two protesters allegedly slain by teen vigilante Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha, Wisconsin, this week confronted armed men shortly before he was killed, shouting, “Shoot me, n—a,” according to reports and video footage.Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, can be seen in the online video approaching a group of men on a crowded street in Kenosha as he moves closer and closer"
If you ask for it...

Kenosha protests: Looter knocks out man trying to protect store - "Harrowing footage captured the moment a looter knocked out an elderly shop worker as he tried to defend his store amid the on-going Kenosha riots.And in another incident, a pizza store employee was filmed elsewhere in the city pleading with rioters to stop, asking ‘Are you trying to get Trump re-elected?’...  Elsewhere, a protester was seen pointing a gun at a reporter during an interview as a crowd marched through the streets.Elijah Schaffer said he was interviewing the unidentified man when he pulled out a pistol from his waistband and pointed it at his camera, showing him what he would do ‘if cops rolled up on us right now’.‘It’s been a while since I had a gun pointed at me, even if it was just to make a point’"

Ben Shapiro - "WATCH: Leftist rioters and looters in Kenosha, Wisconsin cheer as police*** officers and business owners are violently mobbed."

The Media Lynching of Kyle Rittenhouse - "You might think that people who get paid to write for prestige publications would be better journalists than mere bloggers, but then you encounter people like David Graham, who not only writes for the Atlantic, but actually teaches journalism at Duke University. In a remarkably counterfactual column Tuesday, Graham claimed that the riot in Kenosha, Wisconsin, “could cost Trump the election.”... Trump “not only didn’t condemn Rittenhouse’s actions, but defended him,” Graham huffed, before misquoting the president... One of the hazards of 21st-century liberalism is that its adherents inhabit an echo-chamber of agreement. Practically every university professor and the vast majority of journalists share the same fanatical antipathy toward Republicans, so that inside their hermetically sealed cultural bubble, “seldom is heard a discouraging word” about the liberal agenda. Anything that contradicts their beliefs, liberals dismiss as “right-wing talking points” attributed to the malign influence of Fox News or “conspiracy theorists.” This atmosphere conducive to liberal prejudice is what leads to such incidents of political tone-deafness as Hillary Clinton’s infamous characterization of Trump supporters as a “basket of deplorables.”Within the liberal echo chamber, David Graham may sincerely believe that the Kenosha riots will hurt Trump’s reelection chances, and none of his journalistic or academic comrades inside the bubble will tell him he’s crazy. No one employed at the Atlantic or Duke University would dare speak a word critical of the #BlackLivesMatter movement, nor say anything favorable about Trump. Open dissent from officially approved groupthink is impermissible at elite institutions, and so Graham is (or at least pretends to be) astonished by Trump’s unwillingness to condemn Kyle Rittenhouse. But the fact that Graham edited Trump’s words to omit reference to the Kenosha mob’s attacks on Rittenhouse (and to the video recordings of those attacks) suggests that Graham is aware of how facts contradict the liberal narrative, even as he seeks to suppress those facts... in a video interview by Richard McGinnis, recorded that night before the shooting, Rittenhouse explained his armed presence in Kenosha as a humanitarian mission... from other video evidence it is clear that the man who first attacked the teenager was not acting in a spirit of non-violent protest. In a scene captured on video by Townhall reporter Julio Rojas, Rittenhouse’s group is confronted by an angry mob, including a man with a shaven head wearing a burgundy T-shirt, who repeatedly uses a racial epithet as he shouts at the armed civilians, “Shoot me, n***a!”... After noting how freedom-of-information access made it easy to obtain records of Rosenbaum’s crimes, the obvious question was asked: “It’s not difficult to do. If amateurs will do it for free, ask yourself, why won’t your journalists do it for pay?”... It was Rosenbaum who instigated the deadly violence that erupted Aug. 25 shortly before midnight. He is seen on video chasing Rittenhouse down a street and across a parking lot. According to a police affidavit, witnesses saw Rosenbaum assault Rittenhouse, attempting to grab the teenager’s rifle before Rittenhouse fired multiple shots, five of which hit Rosenbaum, who died on the scene. After analyzing video of that fatal encounter, one popular YouTuber had this reaction: “That’s the ultimate ‘play a stupid game, win a stupid prize.’ You’re running, chasing somebody down. The person you’re chasing has a rifle. What did you expect?” This was an open-and-shut case of self-defense, and what happened next? According to witnesses, corroborated by video, Rittenhouse was apparently ready to remain on the scene of that shooting until people in the mob began shouting threats. Clearly fearing mob violence, Rittenhouse fled north on Sheridan Road. He ran less than two blocks before he was attacked again. First an unidentified man knocked his hat off, then Rittenhouse stumbled and fell, when he was attacked by a second unidentified man who fled after Rittenhouse apparently fired two shots. That’s when Rittenhouse was attacked by 26-year-old Anthony Huber, who hit him with a skateboard while attempting to grab Rittenhouse’s rifle. In this brief struggle, Rittenhouse fired once, a fatal shot that the medical examiner said pierced Huber’s heart and aorta.Some in the media have tried to portray Huber as a heroic figure. In fact, he was a convicted felon who in 2012 pleaded guilty to serious domestic violence charges of strangulation and false imprisonment; more recently, in 2018, Huber pleaded guilty to misdemeanor disorderly conduct in a domestic abuse case. Almost instantly after shooting Huber, Rittenhouse was confronted by 26-year-old Gaige Grosskreutz, who is seen on video with a pistol in his right hand. Rittenhouse fired his rifle again, inflicting a ghastly wound on Grosskreutz’s right bicep. Was Grosskreutz a noble hero? Well, online records indicate that he was arrested on burglary charges in 2013. The disposition of that case is unknown, but in 2016, Grosskreutz was found guilty of carrying a firearm while intoxicated, a Class A misdemeanor in Wisconsin. Grosskreutz is also reportedly associated with a radical group in Milwaukee called the People’s Revolution Movement.After shooting Grosskreutz, Rittenhouse then fired several shots into the air — evidently to discourage further attacks — and walked away. He surrendered to police the next day at his home in Illinois. Here’s an interesting point: The media have made much of the fact that Rittenhouse is an Illinois resident, but his hometown of Antioch, Illinois, is less than 20 miles from Kenosha — closer than West Allis, Wisconsin, a Milwaukee suburb 40 miles north of Kenosha, which is where Grosskreutz lives. If the issue in Kenosha is armed troublemakers coming from out of town, Grosskreutz is at least as guilty as the teenager who shot him. Furthermore, video evidence suggests, the pistol-wielding Grosskreutz cgould have been charged with aggravated assault against Rittenhouse. Nobody inside the liberal media echo chamber wants to acknowledge this, however, just as the media have shown a remarkable lack of curiosity about the self-described revolutionary organization to which Grosskreutz allegedly belonged... The question deserves to be asked, however: Why did officials allow this mob scene to happen?...
'“People in charge from the governor of Wisconsin on down refused to enforce the law. They stood back and they watched Kenosha burn. So are we really surprised that looting and arson accelerated to murder? How shocked are we that 17-year-olds with rifles decided they had to maintain order when no one else would?”'... while the riots in Kenosha were allegedly about “systemic racism,” all three of the “mostly peaceful protesters” shot by Rittenhouse were white."
Liberals claim Rittenhouse travelled to another city, so that show he is evil. Yet, many of the protesters and rioters aren't protesting in their own cities. Presumably travelling to support liberal causes like rioting shows your nobility

REEPoster-In-Chief - Posts | Facebook - "Media vs Reality:
"Kenosha shooting victims identified, remembered as 'sweet,' 'loving' guys by family and friends"
"Karly Ashmus: Anthony was a pos. Sorry not sorry. He drugged me in high school and forced himself on me. And only stopped because I started puking. And everyone is calling this bitch a fucking hero""

Suspected Kenosha gunman Kyle Rittenhouse spotted cleaning graffiti - "The suspected teen shooter who killed two Kenosha protesters and injured a third Tuesday night was photographed cleaning graffiti in the city just hours before the violence."
So much for liberals claiming that Rittenhouse went hunting for humans

Kyle Rittenhouse Was Working as a Lifeguard in Kenosha the Day of the Shooting, Went to Clean Vandalism at School After Work - "the weapon Rittenhouse was using to protect himself and others never crossed state lines... When Rittenhouse arrived at the mechanics shop, he and others stood guard to prevent further destruction. Later that night, long after the 8 p.m. curfew had passed, the police began to disperse a group of rioters. His lawyer, John M. Pierce, explains that while dispersing the mob, they maneuvered a mass of individuals down the street towards the auto shops. Rittenhouse and the others were threatened and taunted, but he did not react. “His intent was not to incite violence, but simply to deter property damage and use his training to provide first aid to injured community members”... After the situation seemed to be diffused, Rittenhouse became increasingly concerned about people who were injured at the gas station, so he went in that direction with his first aid kit. He helped those he could find who were injured, either by administering aid or directing them which way to go for help beyond what he could offer... Rittenhouse stopped to ensure care for his attacker, hardly sounds like someone who had went to the riot with intent to kill."

Kyle Rittenhouse Was Protecting Community During Kenosha Unrest, Lawyer Says - WSJ - "A lawyer representing Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old accused of shooting and killing two protesters, on Saturday characterized the teen as “a Minuteman protecting his community when the government would not” during unrest sparked by the police shooting of Jacob Blake... He and a friend decided to arm themselves and help protect a local business, the lawyers said, after hearing about a call for help... In a detailed account released Friday, the Kenosha Professional Police Association stood behind the officers, saying they gave Mr. Blake several chances to cooperate before resorting to deadly force... In a detailed account released Friday, the Kenosha Professional Police Association stood behind the officers, saying they gave Mr. Blake several chances to cooperate before resorting to deadly force"

Discover Blocks Credit Card Donations To Christian Site Collecting For Alleged Teen Shooter Kyle Rittenhouse

Trevor Sutcliffe on Twitter - "Per documents from the Superior Court of Arizona in Pima County, the crimes for which Kyle Rittenhouse's 1st attacker, Joseph Don Rosenbaum, was imprisoned and made to register as a sex offender involved the molestation and rape of five separate boys between the ages of 9 and 11."
So much for the left trying to turn him into a hero
Keywords: Joseph Rosenbaum

'Duke Nukem' Voice Actor Says 17-Year-Old Kyle Rittenhouse Deserves to Be Raped in Prison Daily - "John St. John, the voice actor famous for legendary video game Duke Nukem, who is also and an ordained minister, retreated from backlash on social media after his controversial comments about alleged Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse sparked a firestorm. “This little murderer needs to be sentenced and spend a life in prison getting a** banged daily. F*** you, you misguided little pr***,” St. John tweeted."

Orwell & Goode on Twitter - "This dude is wishing for a minor to be r*ped in prison..."

Facebook - "On the right, and among allies of Donald Trump, there is prideful boasting over Kyle Rittenhouse’s shooting of 3 people in #Kenosha. 2 are dead by the 17-year-old’s semi-automatic rifle. What occurred was sin, nothing else. He hunted black people. #BlackLivesMatter to God, Kyle."
Definitely Only Liberal Opinions Here, Don’t Worry Zuck: "You know who the real victims were when that white boy shot 3 white men?  Black people."
I see some leftists call this white supremacy. I challenged one Communist and he quoted the Wikipedia definition, which means basically anything a leftist doesn't like is white supremacy. Then again, politeness and working hard are white supremacy too, so

Kyle Rittenhouse GoFundMe campaigns removed - "GoFundMe said the campaigns were taken down for violating its terms of service but did not specify further. Its terms prohibit “activity that GoFundMe may deem in its sole discretion to be unacceptable.”... A campaign for Mr. Rittenhouse created on rival crowdfunding site Fundly raised more than $50,000 within several hours Wednesday, meanwhile, but subsequently disappeared as well."

Facebook - "Logic, Empathy, Honesty
This may well end up being my final post. I just want to implore people to look into the facts of the recent Kenosha shooting.
Being heavily distorted by mainstream media, implying a far right extremist shot some peaceful protesters, and showing a video that's been deliberately cut to hide the true events, the full video (which will be linked below) shows that a group of violent rioters, who had allegedly just finished throwing Molotovs at local businesses, chased down a 17 year old boy and started kicking him as he lay defenseless on the floor.
He then shot at his attackers in self defense, and as soon as they retreated, he walks calmly to the police to turn himself in.
That the mainstream media is working so hard to lie about this event is evidence that I have been wrong for the longest time about one of my fundamental guiding principles.
I set up this page because I believe rational discussion and open debate should always take place. That violence is never the answer, even in the face of violence.
What i've seen from this event is that a concerted effort exists by those who control the public discourse to lie, to sow discontent and violence against people they oppose politically.
This is too far embedded, and the powers too absolute, for discussion to be a reasonable response.
These people want us dead, and they control the entirety of public discourse in service to this goal. They are evil, personified, and self defense against this blatant and overwhelming force of oppression is absolutely justified.
I'm sure that I will be banned for this post, but I have no intention to remain a part of this ecosystem, but I would love if you can carry on this message in any form:
We are under attack, those who believe in free speech and free expression, and are in physical danger from a media and government empire that will continue to do everything it can to justify violence against us.
From this point on, any person killed as we defend ourselves from harm is a moral victory.
Goodbye, friends. I hope you all stay safe."

Mike Coudrey on Twitter - "But, but, but he was just a”peaceful protestor” holding a cell phone..."
"Gaige Paul Grosskreutz, the anarchist who was shot in the arm is a felon, and not allowed by law to be in possession of a firearm."

Yacks on Twitter - "c-c-call the police, t-his is literally terrorism"
"People with “eat the rich, kill all fascists, guillotines now, ACAB” in their bio when someone gets shot at a violent riot ""

Jack V Lloyd on Twitter - "The same people who say to not defend property that isn't yours also suggest that #libertarians are coldhearted and selfish. It is as if they would chastize you for stopping a robber pilfering an old lady because it wasn't your purse. #libertarian #taxationistheft #ancap #mises"

Will Chamberlain on Twitter - "The Democrat platform: You don’t need your guns, because you should call the police Defund the police, because they make criminals unsafe If you defend yourself from a criminal using lethal force, we will prosecute you"

‘It’s playing into Trump’s hands’: Dems fear swing-state damage from Kenosha unrest - "Ingram, a Democrat who runs a massage therapy business, said the war-zone images of his city on TV — armed people running through the streets, burned cars and broken windows — were bolstering President Donald Trump's get-tough message... some Democrats fear that the looting and rioting and clashes are feeding Trump’s argument that this is what life would be like under the so-called radical left. The worry is that especially among suburban swing voters, the more upheaval and violence they witness, the more their sympathy for peaceful Black Lives Matters protesters will wane. “There’s no doubt it’s playing into Trump’s hands,” said Paul Soglin, who served as mayor of Madison, on and off, for more than two decades... “The National Guard ought to be on the corners right now,” fumed resident Ron Dooley, who said he was on his way to check whether his favorite diner had been burned down. “Look at this.” he said pointing to blocks of boarded-up storefronts. “It looks like I’m in the slums of L.A.”... Billy Stevens, an African American man who was helping paint the murals, agreed that the violence and destruction on display in the city give Trump more to point to in his reelection campaign... Soglin, though, said he’s concerned some Democrats aren’t paying close enough attention to the business owners and residents in communities coming under attack who want protection. The situation is likely having the biggest effect on swing voters... John “Sly” Sylvester, a longtime Democrat and radio personality who has been active in the labor movement, said he feared Democrats have a "blind spot" to rioters and looters.“I think there are some people on the left who don’t understand the concept of how important public safety is to people”"

How Chaos in Kenosha Is Already Swaying Some Voters in Wisconsin - The New York Times - "In Kenosha County, where the president won by fewer than 250 votes in 2016, those who already supported Mr. Trump said in interviews that the events of the past few days have simply reinforced their conviction that he is the man for the job. But some voters who were less sure of their choice said the chaos in their city and the inability of elected leaders to stop it were currently nudging them toward the Republicans.And some Democrats, nervous about condemning the looting because they said they understood the rage behind it, worried that what was happening in their town might backfire and aid the president’s re-election prospects... Mr. Geraghty said he disliked how Mr. Trump talked but said the Democratic Party’s vision for governing seemed limited to attacking him and calling him a racist, a charge being leveled so constantly that it was having the effect of alienating, instead of persuading, people. And the idea that Democrats alone were morally pure on race annoyed him.“The Democratic agenda to me right now is America is systematically racist and evil and the only people who can fix it are Democrats,” he said. “That’s the vibe I get.” Mr. Geraghty said he understood peaceful protesting but felt frustrated with Democratic leaders who seem afraid of confronting crowds when things turn violent. He was angry at the statement by Gov. Tony Evers on Sunday, which in his view took sides against the police in a knee-jerk way that worsened the situation... Scott Haight, who was boarding up a line of businesses in a Kenosha strip mall on Tuesday, said he blamed Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes, a Democrat, for what he said was irresponsibly stirring up emotion. (On Monday, Mr. Barnes said the shooting “wasn’t an accident.”)“It’s like ‘What, are you trying to burn our city down?’” Mr. Haight said.Mr. Haight, 59, said he was a “lifelong Democrat” but had decided not to vote this year."
I saw people on Twitter condemn the New York Times for accurate reporting. Apparently they can only report news that advances the liberal agenda

Unprofessional Madman - Posts | Facebook - "This is where the "punch nazis" rhetoric has brought us.People attempting to commit acts of assault believing their moral righteousness will stop a bullet.This rhetoric is dangerous and needs to stop.
Even if you think someone's political leanings qualify them as a "nazi," it is still a profoundly bad idea to try and punch them.You won't be scoring some grand victory against the oppressor, you'll just be giving them the justification to respond with potentially lethal force.
(Also, it is possible new evidence will emerge that shows the shooter instigated the violent confrontation. But for now, it does appear that he was acting in self-defense).
And since a bunch of people will likely call me a "nazi" for suggesting it's foolish to assault your political enemies, know that I have a deep love for the Jewish people and I'm a proud supporter of #BlackLivesMatter.The world isn't as black and white as you wish it was.
TELL YA WHAT if a guy is running for public office while wearing a nazi armband and talking about eliminating the Jewish menace, absolutely you should get a bunch of your friends together and beat the shit out of him.The problem is defining Nazi as "anybody who voted for Trump"

Progressive journalist doxes and stalks private citizen who donated to Kyle Rittenhouse’s legal defense - "The Guardian reported on Friday on the data breach, revealing the names and workplaces of many of those affected by the breach, including Utah paramedic Craig Shepherd... The article includes a photo of reporter Jason Nguyen at Shepherd's front door. Though no house number is revealed, many identifying markers are included in the photo."

Utah Fire Department Launches Investigation After Journalist Doxxes Paramedic For Donating $10 To Kyle Rittenhouse - "Nguyen was roundly mocked on social media, but doubled down on his efforts to expose the Utah paramedic, who he later revealed donated only $10 to the Kenosha teen. According to Nguyen, the West Valley City Fire Department is now “conducting an investigation after a paramedic is caught donating $10 to the defense fund of Kyle Rittenhouse using his government email.”... Rittenhouse’s mother announced a lawsuit against Joe Biden, who baselessly claimed that Rittenhouse is a “white supremacist.” There is no evidence that Rittenhouse harbors racist views."

A Utah reporter ran a hit piece on a man who donated $10 to Kyle Rittenhouse’s defense fund and got rightfully body checked for his nonsense - "While celebrities and politicians like Kamala Harris are praised for bailing out Antifa/BLM rioters, anyone who legally donates to the legal fund of a conservative who arguably acted in self defense is treated as a Klan member who hates puppies and sunshine... If you want a look at the difference between equality and equity, this is it. Equality says you are to be treated respectfully and fairly – to "do justice and love mercy." "Equity" says you must be condemned if the powerful or the mob want blood."

Thread by @ggreenwald on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Some journalists go to war zones. Some confront security state agencies and repressive regimes. Some uncover the fraudulent schemes of Wall Street tycoons. And then some bullies abuse the profession to harass and expose private, powerless people.
I wonder what this journalist would say if someone showed up uninvited at his door to "get his side of the story," and put pictures of the front of his house and posted it on Twitter for all to see?
I know what they would say: we're being harassed! I'm endangered! They would beg social media companies to delete the picture and ban whoever did it. These journalists think they can do anything they want to private, powerless people and nobody can answer back."

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