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Monday, June 21, 2021

Links - 21st June 2021 (2)

Daycare provider who hanged toddler sentenced in Minneapolis - "Nataliia Karia received 10 years probation on Monday for hanging a toddler in her daycare and running over two men with her minivan, before attempting suicide. She had faced 13 years in prison."

Halimah Yacob - Posts | Facebook - "around the world. The incidence of violence against women, which is already an issue in many countries, became worse. In some countries, non-profit organisations even had to provide shelter for women and their children during this period.The best way to educate a community on respect for women, is not during this period, but it is a lifetime process, starting at a very young age, when children, especially boys, see how their mothers are treated by their fathers"
So much for "stereotypes"

Facebook - "Modern-day Marxists should feel far more guilty than 'straight white males' for the crimes of their ancestors.The overwhelming majority of white people today resoundingly reject the ideas that lead their ancestors to commit atrocities, and those who do not are rightfully exiled to the outer edges of our society.Modern-day Marxists, on the other hand, hold on to the failed ideas of their deadly ancestors dearly, thinking that they've never been truly expressed, and the opposite of atrocities can occur if we just try these ideas out just one more time."

Hipster whines at tech mag for using his pic to imply hipsters look the same, discovers pic was of an entirely different hipster

Fans, critics comment on Simone Biles Vogue cover photos - "The gymnast, who hopes to retire after the tentatively planned 2021 Olympics, was captured for the magazine's cover and corresponding feature article by the storied American portrait photographer Annie Leibovitz. Following the issue's launch, some fans of the gymnast have expressed criticism of the way Biles' photos were captured and edited.Some people showed how, if given the opportunity, they might have edited the photo's lighting to accentuate Biles' skin tone."
Comment I saw: "Imagine they put too much lighting on her and she her skin looks whiter. The outrage would be that they are trying to whitewash her. Selective outrage once again"

The Dark Triad personality: Attractiveness to women - "It has been suggested that the Dark Triad (DT) personality constellation is an evolved facilitator of men’s short-term mating strategies. However, previous studies have relied on self-report data to consider the sexual success of DT men. To explore the attractiveness of the DT personality to the other sex, 128 women rated created (male) characters designed to capture high DT facets of personality or a control personality. Physicality was held constant. Women rated the high DT character as significantly more attractive. Moreover, this greater attractiveness was not explained by correlated perceptions of Big 5 traits. These findings are considered in light of mating strategies, the evolutionary ‘arms race’ and individual differences."
Explaining the "nice guys finish last" phenomenon
Addendum: Though women claim they like nice guys (in other research), this is a better test of the proposition that women like bad boys
Keywords: Women like dark triad, Women find the dark triad attractive

Rwanda Chronology - "Both Germany and Belgium turned the traditional Hutu-Tutsi relationship into a class system. The minority Tutsi (14%) are favored over the Hutus (85%) and given privileges and western-style education. The Belgians used the Tutsi minority to enforce their rule."
Looks like the Belgians believed in minority rights

Meme - "Got my new sex rig all set up, just looking for that special someone to enjoy it with me"
"Never seen a dream catcher with a nightmare in it before"

Remember that snake picture I've found the full thing : Cringetopia
The Snake Comic : copypasta - "The first panel shows a female snake holding a fleshlight. "Why use a thing like this when you have me?"I don't bite~" She opens her mouth.The next panel shows an off-screen anthropomorphic horse grabbing her by the mouth.The anthropomorphic horse is then seen using the snake as if she was a sex toy while she blushes.Later on, she is seen giving a blowjob to a normal horse. Someone (most likely the anthropomorphic horse from before) says from the side, "Looks like she even enjoys being a cocksleeve for a feral horse!"In the next panel, the snake has a large belly (due to the semen of the horse) and is surrounded by other horse penises. She says, "That was a nice, warm snack... who's next?""

Just Facts: As Many Americans Have Criminal Records as College Diplomas - "The number of Americans with a criminal history has risen sharply over the past three decades. Today, nearly one-third of the adult working age population has a criminal record. In fact, so many Americans have a criminal record that counting them all is nearly impossible... Regardless of race or gender, researchers estimate that by age 23 nearly one in three Americans will have been arrested... A 2012 survey by the Society for Human Resource Management, found that 86 percent of employers use criminal background checks on at least some candidates, with the majority (69 percent) checking all candidates. In a similar 2010 survey by the same group, 31 percent of respondents said an arrest without conviction would at least be “somewhat influential” in their hiring decision... more than half of employers (52 percent) said their primary reason for checking candidates’ backgrounds was to reduce legal liability rather than to ensure a safe work environment (49 percent) or to assess trustworthiness (17 percent)... According to Profs. Alfred Blumstein and Kiminori Nakamura, this is an unnecessary loss for both parties. These researchers set out to learn whether it is possible to determine empirically when it is no longer necessary for an employer to be concerned about a criminal offense in a prospective employee’s past. They looked at 88,000 first-time arrestees in New York State and followed them for the next 25 years to see whether they had committed any other crimes. Their results make intuitive sense: after a sufficient amount of time following a prior offense passes without new charges, ex-offenders are no more likely to be arrested than the average citizen. At that point, asking about criminal records serves little purpose. For those who commit their first crime at a young age or whose first crime is a serious offense, it takes about eight years without another offense to “redeem” themselves. For others, such as those who commit non-serious crimes, it can take as little as three years."    

Flash Player in Chrome is Dead in 2020: How to Play Flash Files - "With Flash shutting down in 2020, you won’t have many options for playing old Flash files once big browsers like Chrome and Firefox stop supporting it. One option, especially for gamers, is to download and use the BlueMaxima’s Flashpoint software.This project is a Flash player and web archive project rolled into one. You can download the software and use it to play over 38,000 old Flash games on your PC—no browser required, and entirely for free... If old Flash games aren’t your thing, you could use the Ruffle Flash emulator to run other types of Flash media content. This allows you to run old SWF Flash files in your PC browser, replacing Flash entirely."

Harmful Ideas, The Structure and Consequences of Anti‐Semitic Beliefs in Poland - "anti‐Semitic beliefs are related to authoritarian personality characteristics, victimhood‐based social identity, and relative deprivation."
This could explain SJW anti-Semitism, as well as why "minorities" are anti-Semitic

Singapore Won’t Ever Legalize Cannabis. Its Last Weed Activist Tells Us Why. - "“Singaporeans are brought up to believe that all drugs are bad and not to look further than that, even if science says otherwise and that there are plants out there that exist and can help people like cancer patients to manage and treat their pain.”Fred and six other Singaporeans set up what they said was their country’s first website promoting the medical use of marijuana in 2014. They had planned to lobby local politicians to relax the country’s strict drug laws until the authorities stepped in and pressured them to drop their campaign... His cause got an unexpected boost from the United Nations earlier this month, when it voted to remove cannabis from a global list of dangerous narcotic drugs. But instead of rethinking its strict ban on cannabis – possession of large amounts of the substance is punishable by death – Singapore’s government took offence with the UN... Fred’s group set out with a modest plan: to dispel myths about medical cannabis via a campaign website while raising money to find scientific research for their cause.But the authorities shut down their website a day after it launched and warned members of the group that their actions were “threatening to public morality”... “It’s going to be a severe whiplash [for the PAP] to admit that something [which] deserved the death penalty turned out to be not so bad and actually have medical value,” the user said."

Warhammer 40k Techno-Barbarianposting - Posts | Facebook - "Since it's my birthday I get to post a controversial take. *Ahem* The vast majority of Anime is fascist propaganda, and is imperial Japan apologia"

Students demand firing of black dean because she mixed up black students’ names - "“I bet we all look alike to you” is a common accusation leveled against white people who unintentionally mix up the names of black people.But what if the person mixing up names is herself black?Student activists at Scripps College, a women-only member of the Claremont Consortium, are demanding the firing of Dean of Students Charlotte Johnson because she has a “pattern” of confusing black students for each other.A petition to the Board of Trustees, dated June 14 but only brought to light Tuesday by The Claremont Independent, cited only two students whose names Johnson confused"

Untitled — ferrousferrule: programmerhumour: Funny how... - "what people fear about GMO- ‘theyre gonna make frankencarrots that crave human flesh and cause diarrhea ’ what GMO actually is- ‘we made rice crop that is both drought resistant and flood resistant which will prevent about 20% of major famine disasters, also it now makes vitamin A because vitamin A deficiency in poverty stricken areas is a major killer of kids as most vitamin A rich foods dont grow there’ what people SHOULD be upset about- ‘i made all crops sterile so all farmers have to buy the seed from me in perpetuity and i will sue anyone who tries to go back to crops that produce their own seed’"

Kenji Iguchi on Twitter: "The Japanese audience would waaaay more prefer that western game developers perform *proper JP localization* (with no mistranslations, overtranslations, incorrect glyphs, mood-spoiling ugly fonts, etcetcetc) than to quibble over whether Japan is portrayed “properly” in a game. Seriously, we don’t care about “proper” portrayals when we ourselves create games based on battles in Japanese history where samurais fire laser beams and you attack giant enemy crabs’ weak points for massive damage. On the other hand, PROPER JP LOCALIZATION matters!"
Of course, to SJWs fiction means you can be as inaccurate/unrealistic as you want - when it serves their agenda

scorched223 on Twitter - "I felt safer reporting in North Korea than I currently do reporting at The White House. This is just crazy."
"@benstracy Then live in North Korea you commie fuck"

Oh Hai - "There are only four Irish folk songs:
1. I had too much to drink and I regret nothing
2. I met a fair bonny lass and she was bonny and fair
3. We will fight the British for ever and ever and ever and ever and
4. I have left Ireland and I shall never be happy again"

Newly-wed man lied to court about not sleeping with wife to save money on divorce proceedings - "In a desperate bid to save costs on divorce proceedings, a man lied before a court that his newly-wed wife had refused to consummate their marriage, so that they could annul their marriage instead. Daryl Lim Chun Leng, 25, also wanted to avoid being labelled a divorcee... However, their lies were subsequently uncovered and they were discovered to have had sex with each other between January and July 2017. Investigations further revealed that Lim had continued to have sex with Ms Wang in August and October before the annulment was finalised in November 2017.Court documents did not state how the pair were found out."
This feminist got very upset when she claimed that marriage in Singapore did not need to involve sex, and I pointed out that non-consummation was a reason for annulment

Mace Cadet on Twitter - "When a man is making you uncomfortable but you can't really say anything cause you're scared he'll kill you for hurting his feelings."
I love how this is taken as proof that men are dangerous and women live in fear of them, rather than of women being hysterical and having poor risk evaluation skills

20 striking findings from 2020 | Pew Research Center - "A small share of highly active Twitter users – most of whom are Democrats – produce the vast majority of tweets from U.S. adults. The most active 10% of users were responsible for 92% of tweets sent between November 2019 and September 2020 by U.S. adults with public-facing accounts. Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents accounted for 69% of these highly active Twitter users, while Republicans and GOP leaners accounted for 26%.
Only around a quarter of U.S. Hispanics (23%) have heard of the term “Latinx,” and just 3% say they use it to describe themselves... Among Hispanics aware of the term, 65% say “Latinx” should not be used to describe the nation’s Hispanic or Latino population, while 33% say it should.
Amid calls to “defund the police,” only a quarter of Americans said in June that they favor a reduction in spending on policing in their area. The largest share of Americans (42%) preferred spending on policing in their area to stay about the same, while 31% said spending on police should be increased. Support for police spending cuts was higher – but still short of a majority – among adults under 30, Black adults and those who identify as Democratic or lean to the Democratic Party.
In a year in which big tech companies faced growing scrutiny, nine-in-ten Republicans – and around six-in-ten Democrats (59%) – said it’s likely that social media sites intentionally censor political viewpoints."
Why imagining Twitter is representative is silly
Looks like Hispanics need to be "educated" on how not to oppress themselves/each other!

creating a list of files that are on an external hard drive - Microsoft Community - "Open Windows File Explorer (folder icon on your Taskbar)
Navigate so you are in that drive
In the address bar in file Epxlorer, type cmd and hit Enter
That will open a Command Prompt window
Paste this command into the Command Prompt window and hit Enter dir /s /b > FileList.txt
Let that command complete - it may take time, depending on the number of files
When it does complete, close Command Prompt
That on that drive you will find a new text file - FileList.txt
That will list all that files on that drive for you !"

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