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Sunday, June 20, 2021

Links - 20th June 2021 (1) (George Floyd Unrest - Daunte Wright, Jacob Blake, Ahmaud Arbery, Terry Crews)

Daunte Wright

VIDEO: Cop Yelled 'Taser' Before Fatal Shooting Of Suspect Which Sparked Riots - "Wright’s family said he was “a good kid” who “had a whole life ahead of him,” ABC News reported.  “Daunte had a smile to make anyone’s heart melt. He was definitely a jokester, he loved to joke with people, especially his brothers and sisters,” the family said in a statement. “He did not deserve this.”  “We just want people to know Daunte was a good kid,” the statement read. “He loved being a father to Daunte Jr.”"

How a veteran officer could have mistaken a Glock for a Taser in the fatal shooting of Daunte Wright - "“A Glock is a very lightweight handgun,” said Sgt. Betsy Brantner Smith, spokeswoman for the National Police Association and a retired 29-year veteran of the Naperville Police Department in Illinois. “But a Taser is heavier than you think.”... Potter experienced something called “slip and capture.”  “It’s not like she looked at her gun and thought it was a Taser,” Smith said. “It’s a horrible, horrible motor glitch that could happen in high-stress situations. I liken it to when you get into a rental car and go to start it up, you automatically reach for what’s familiar to you before realizing that you’re not in your car. The same issue could have happened here with the Taser.”  Maria Haberfeld, who is also a John Jay professor and co-author of “Use of Force Training in Law Enforcement: A Reality Based Approach,” said, “People underestimate the level of stress police officers experience during traffic stops.”  “A lot of police officers get killed doing what should be routine traffic stops” and a veteran officer like Potter would be acutely aware of that, Haberfeld said. “The longer you are on the job, the more layers of stress you accumulate. And errors of judgment happen when you are under stress.”  Kenney added, “I can only assume muscle memory is what happened here.”  “There is no indication that the officer intended to use deadly force,” the professor said. “That said, it goes nowhere near excusing this mistake.”... “Officer Potter was a seasoned officer, a well-trained officer,” Smith said. “But we don’t train as much with the Taser as we do with firearms.”... Wesley Skogan, a professor emeritus of political science at Northwestern University who specializes in policing, said officers “have a lot of stuff on their duty belt.”  “In addition to their guns and the Tasers, they carry pepper spray, a baton, handcuffs, sometimes a sap [blackjack], gloves, you name it,” Skogan said. “But when they receive training, the emphasis is on guns. Firearms are your best friend.”... Fatal shootings where officers mix up handguns with Tasers are rare, “but this has happened at least 16 times in the last 10 years,“ Smith said... The best-known example is the New Years Day 2009 fatal shooting of Oscar Grant in Oakland, California, by a Bay Area Rapid Transit police officer that was also videotaped and inspired the movie “Fruitvale Station.”  In that case, Officer Johannes Mehserle’s defense team said he mistakenly grabbed his gun instead of his Taser when he shot the prone Grant in the back. A jury convicted Mehserle of involuntary manslaughter, and he was sentenced to two years in prison."
Oscar Grant was black, but this won't stop liberals from lying that nothing happens when police shoot blacks by mistake

BREAKING: BLM Martyr Daunte Wright Was Wanted For Aggravated Robbery, Allegedly Choked Woman At Gunpoint - "Wright was detained due to expired license plates, not because of “air freshener” as his mother and BLM activists have claimed.  Furthermore, Wright had an active arrest warrant issued on his name for charges of attempted aggravated robbery, after allegedly demanding $820 in rent money from a woman at gunpoint."

Daunte Wright was wanted for weapon possession charge, skipped court date before being shot by police

Ben Crump: It is 'unbelievable' that police would shoot, kill 'another unarmed Black man'
I like how if you're unarmed it's ok to attack the police

PHOTO: Armed Civilians Stand Guard Outside Brooklyn Center Store - "As riots rage on the streets of Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, armed civilians were photographed standing guard outside a business to keep looters away."
The left is going to accuse them of being vigilantes and going hunting, like Kyle Rittenhouse, since they support the looting (which is also why they want to defund the police)

Walmart, Foot Locker donate $300 MILLION to racial justice, get looted during racial justice riot
Virtue signalling is useless. The mob doesn't care

Man Blasts CNN On Live Air During Riot: ‘All The Extra S*** Y’all Do Makes This Worse’ - "A man unloaded on a CNN reporter on live air on Monday night during a riot in Minneapolis, saying that the stuff that the media is doing is making the situation worse.  “Now you can see y’all be twisting up the story,” the man said to the CNN reporter... Last year, Rapper Killer Mike slammed CNN for essentially the same reason, saying that the network fomented division and added the problem at hand as riots broke out across the country."

WATCH: CNN crew attacked by rioters in Brooklyn Center, forced to flee the area

Minneapolis Target Holds Semi-Annual 'Everything Is Free' Sale | The Babylon Bee

WATCH: Reporters Object to Minnesota Police Chief's Use of 'Riot' in Press Conference - "Reporters loudly objected to the use of the word “riot” by a Minnesota police chief after his officers were assaulted and injured by bricks, rocks, and frozen soda cans... His response came to a question from reporters about why he authorized the use of gas canisters following the issuance of a dispersal order. Reporters strongly objected to the use of the term, “riot.” In the video tweeted by the Washington Examiner Monday, one reporter exclaims, “There was no riot.” Another shouts “Don’t do that!” Multiple other reporters joined in with those objecting to the word “riot.”  “There was,” Chief Gannon countered. “the officers that were putting themselves in harm’s way were being pelted with frozen cans of pop, they were being pelted with concrete blocks.”"
No wonder liberals complain about gaslighting so much. It's projection

Jamil Jivani: CNN coverage of Minnesota riots only makes things worse - "CNN was vulnerable to unexpected truth telling because of its approach to covering protests and riots. The network flies reporters in, drawn to dramatic images of violence and property damage. Like other outlets, CNN will present the area as if it were a warzone, with cops and community members at odds with one another. As the unnamed Minnesota man said to Sidner, “Y’all doing all that extra s*** … to make people look crazier than what they are.”  Eventually, with television ratings at the top of mind, CNN’s exploitation will be complete. They’ll move on to another tragedy. Meanwhile, the damage done by polarizing news media narratives will continue. The division between cops and communities will be worse. And people will continue to die, just not people CNN cares to talk about. This cycle played out in Minnesota last year. CNN showed up with cameras to cover the protests and riots focused on the killing of George Floyd, playing up what the network called a “racial reckoning.” CNN also offered a platform for radical calls to defund police departments. When the network decided to fly its employees back home to Atlanta, they left behind a deeply divided Minneapolis. Crime went way up: a 21 per cent increase in violent crime and one of the highest homicide rates in the city’s history. National news media had little interest in covering those tragedies.  Is it really a surprise that Minnesotans might hold a grudge?...   When you’re around an actual problem solver, it’s obvious. Problem solvers want to de-escalate tensions and conflicts. Problem solvers also tell the truth."

Brooklyn Center city manager fired after calling for due process for police officer involved in shooting - "Brooklyn Center City Manager Curt Boganey was fired on Monday, after publicly disagreeing with Mayor Mike Elliott’s statement that the police officer who fatally shot Duante Wright should be terminated immediately. According to the Star Tribune, the City Council voted to fire the longtime city employee during an emergency meeting and also gave the mayor command of the city's police department. The outlet stated that Council Member Kris Lawrence-Anderson said she voted to fire Boganey for fear of reprisals from protestors... Boganey who as city manager, has the authority to determine if the officer would be fired, said he would not take immediate action and that the employee was entitled to due process. "All employees working for the city of Brooklyn Center are entitled to due process with respect to discipline. This employee will receive due process and that’s really all that I can say today.""
Due process is racist when it goes against the liberal agenda. And black people who want due process get fired

Black Lives Matter rioters demand white people form human shield as they attack police station

Seattle activists march and vandalize stores in solidarity with rioters and looters in Minnesota

Why Did Daunte Die? - "To the public, the encounter is mind-boggling. How could an officer mistakenly draw her firearm instead of her Taser? Shouldn't the difference be obvious? And yet, to a trained observer, it’s pretty clear that what Officer Potter experienced is a cognitive error known as a “slip-and-capture.” https://twitter.comSlip-and-captures occur when the brain intends to perform one action but accidentally performs another. This error has been a factor in several high-profile law enforcement shootings where officers said they intended to deploy a Taser but instead used a firearm... there are three major obstacles (I might say, ironies) in the public debate around police use-of-force. They might seem counter-intuitive, but they need to be better understood by the public and policy makers before we can move forward together and toward best outcomes. The first obstacle is the “Defund the Police” movement. Citizens should understand that budgets being cut virtually guarantees officers will get less training and be less-prepared to use force effectively and safely... When you cut police funding, you will get shittier-trained cops. There is no getting around it. The second is that more training in “hard” tactical skills, such as hand-to-hand combatives, firearms, and less-lethal weapons, results in LOWER levels of use-of-force. This is not paradoxical. For example, after instituting a mandatory Jiu-Jitsu based training program with significant agency budget support, the Marietta, Georgia Police Department realized a 23% reduction in Taser deployments, a 48% reduction in officer injuries, and a 53% reduction in injuries to suspects. It is a common catch-phrase among law enforcement trainers that “ineffective force is excessive force.” An officer who is calm, cool, collected, and confident in their skills will almost always employ less force... The final obstacle I will cite is that some states, including Minnesota, are banning “warrior mindset training.” The Minnesota bill and discussion around it made clear that the legislators pushing it misunderstood what this training consisted of, and what “warrior mindset” means to those of us who practice it. I imagine some people saw the words “warrior mindset” and called up images of slaughter on the battlefield, when in fact the training created by Colonel Dave Grossman primarily focuses on explaining to officers how their bodies will react involuntarily to high-stress encounters, and how to overcome it. “Warrior” in this context means one who trains and becomes expert in the various weapon systems officers are required to carry; prepares them to be calm under stress, and cultivates discipline and wisdom when it comes to use-of-force. There is a reason the seven virtues of the samurai Bushido warrior code included compassion, respect, and integrity alongside heroic courage. There is also a reason samurai were expected to be well-read and versed in artistic pursuits. Wielding the sword wisely is critical. We need more warriors in law enforcement, not fewer."


Jacob Blake

This is why Jacob Blake had a warrant out for his arrest - "The cops involved in the shooting of Jacob Blake — which touched off a fresh wave of angry, anti-police sentiment across the country — were attempting to arrest him for violating a restraining order stemming from an alleged sexual assault... Blake is accused in the criminal complaint, which was obtained by The Post, of breaking into the home of a woman he knew and sexually assaulting her. The victim, who is only identified by her initials in the paperwork, told police she was asleep in bed with one of her children when Blake came into the room around 6 a.m. and allegedly said, “I want my sh-t,” the record states.She told cops Blake then used his finger to sexually assault her, sniffed it and said, “Smells like you’ve been with other men,” the criminal complaint alleges."
Clearly a hero

Lawyer says Kenosha Officer Rusten Sheskey thought Jacob Blake was trying to kidnap child - "Police Officer Rusten Sheskey has told investigators that it wasn't just his life he was defending when he fired his weapon seven times at Jacob Blake last month in Kenosha, Wisconsin. He said he used deadly force during the chaotic encounter because he was afraid Blake, while attempting to flee the scene, was trying to kidnap a child in the backseat of the vehicle."He's got my kid. He's got my keys," Sheskey heard a woman say, according to attorney Brendan Matthews, who is representing the officer. If Sheskey had allowed Blake to drive away and something happened to the child "the question would have been 'why didn't you do something?'" Matthews said... Matthews directly disputed assertions by Blake's family and lawyers that he was unarmed and posed no threat to the officers.At the time Sheskey opened fire, the lawyer said, Blake held a knife in his hand and twisted his body toward the officer. That action is not visible in the video widely circulating on the internet, in which the view of Blake's body is partially obscured by the driver's side door of the SUV. Matthews said a second officer at the scene, whom he also represents, provided investigators with a similar account of Blake turning toward Sheskey with a knife in his hand immediately prior to the shooting. That officer said he too would have opened fire but did not have a clear angle... When the officers attempted to physically take control of him, Blake "actively resisted."An officer fired a Taser at him, but it did not stop him, the release states. When officers tried to take Blake into custody a second time, he forcefully fought with them and was able to momentarily place an officer in a headlock... Police then Tased Blake a second time and he again appeared unfazed, according to the police association statement.At that point, Matthews said, officers noticed that Blake was holding a knife. Guns drawn, they demanded that he drop the weapon.Blake, according to the police association statement, did not drop the weapon and began making his way around the front of the vehicle toward the driver's side door. Video of the incident shows Blake holding the knife in his left hand as he rounds the front of the car... The police version of events leading up to the shooting bore some similarity to an encounter allegedly involving Blake at the same address three months earlier.In that case, a woman who described Blake as her ex-boyfriend said he took her car and debit card without her permission and made $1,000 in fraudulent withdrawals, according to court records. She told police at the time that Blake did not have a car and that he would not tell her where he was living, the court records state.Blake was not charged with taking the car or money, but was charged with sexual assault and other offenses in connection with the incident. He was wanted in connection with those charges at the time of the shooting... For Sheskey, the fallout from the highly publicized shooting has been devastating, his lawyer said.He had to move out of his house and get rid of his phone because he's been hounded by reporters and depicted as a racist and brutal cop on the internet... Matthews said his client has never pulled the trigger in the line of duty before now, and has no history of abusing suspects in his 10 years as a police officer, the last seven with Kenosha PD.Rather, the lawyer described his client as a lifelong do-gooder, who as a young man served as a mentor on a cycling team for at-risk youth and worked as a lifeguard. He wanted to become a cop to continue helping people."
The left loves criminals if they are the right colour

Facebook - "Salty Dad: Jacob Blake WAS armed on the day he was shot. Additionally, he had active felony warrants out for third degree sexual assault. (Not the first sexual assault for him.) He also has a verified history of illegally carrying and menacing people with a firearm, as well as fighting the police. (He even fought a police K9.)The police were called to that location because he was not supposed to be there, not because he was “peacefully stopping an argument”.Responding officers were made aware of the active warrants, as well as his history of fighting the police... He was armed with an edged weapon when police arrived. There are repeated orders for him to “drop the knife” on the videos.He wasn’t armed with a simple kitchen knife, or a little Swiss Army knife. He was armed with an edged weapon called a Karambit.The Karambit is widely viewed as “the deadliest knife in the world”, or “the most dangerous knife in the world”. (Google one of those phrases.) The picture on the left is taken from one of the videos. He is holding his Karambit blade up... I consider it to be nothing less than the most devastating close quarters weapon available today. In close quarters, it is far more damaging than a handgun.It cannot be stripped out of the user’s hand, and can be easily hidden, even while deployed. The curved blade focuses an immense amount of cutting power on the point, allowing a skilled user to instantly sever tendons, muscles, open the stomach cavity (causing the opponents entrails to fall out), break bones, and open major arteries...leading to massive blood loss that cannot be stopped... Police arrived to find a wanted felon, armed with a weapon more effective than a handgun...not some random middle aged dad wanting to help sort out a family disagreement.You’re being lied to.As always, do your own research."

Jacob Blake’s Mom Blasts Rioters For Destroying Kenosha, Apologizes To Trump - "Julia Jackson, the mother of Jacob Blake, blasted rioters who have caused substantial violence and riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin, this week after her 29-year-old son was shot by police during an attempted arrest, saying that she is “disgusted” by their behavior... 'for President Trump, I’m sorry I missed your call because had I not missed your call, maybe the comments that you made would have been different. And I’m not mad at you at all. I have the utmost respect for you as the leader of our country'"

Rogan O’Handley 🇺🇸 on Twitter - "If cops have guns drawn on you and you continue to completely disobey their lawful requests, then you walk around and reach into a car to potentially grab a deadly weapon, it’s a recipe for disaster"
Police who don't want to be shot are racist

Jacob Blake Pleads Guilty, Avoids Sexual Assault Trial

Media claims, contrary to evidence, that Jacob Blake was unarmed - "Blake admitted that he had a knife during the course of the investigation... Update: Following the publication of this article, The Washington Post issued a correction acknowledging that Blake was indeed armed."

Twitter user (@lifeisasoph) says, 'Jacob Blake Raped My Niece' - "Stop talking about him like he did nothing wrong. He knew he was going to jail and went back to his car. He always has a gun on him. Illegally might I add.”

Police used Taser, grappled Jacob Blake before shooting: Witnesses

Update: New footage shows Jacob Blake fighting with officers before being shot - "In what seems to be becoming the norm, new footage has been released in relation to a police use-of-force incident, adding a modicum of clarity to an event that had kicked off rioting and violence only days prior."

Kenosha officer involved in Jacob Blake shooting CLEARED of wrongdoing by independent review - "No charges were filed against Officer Rusten Sheskey. In fact as of today he’s cleared to return to work.  “As of March 31st 2021, Officer Sheskey has returned from administrative leave. Although this incident has been reviewed at multiple levels, I know that some will not be pleased with the outcome; however, given the facts, the only lawful and appropriate decision was made”"


Ahmaud Arbery

Investigators Call Evidence in the Ahmaud Arbery Shooting ‘Extremely Upsetting’ - The New York Times - "On Feb. 11, another call was made to 911 by someone who said he had caught a man trespassing in a house. The caller, who said he had not seen the man before, had “just chased him” and was sitting outside the house, waiting for police to respond, in a red Ford 150 pickup, the same kind of truck that Travis McMichael reported a weapon stolen from weeks earlier."

Ref: Glynn County, The Shooting death of Ahmaud Arbery, Feb 23rd, 2020 - "It appears Travis McMichael,Greg McMichael, and Bryan William were following, in pursuit burglary suspect, with solid firsthand probable cause, in their neighborhood, and asking/ telling him to stop. It appears their intent was to stop and hold this criminal suspect until law enforcement arrived. Under Georgia Law this is perfectly legal, OCGA 17 -4 -60 A private person may arrest an offender if the offense is committed in his presence or within his immediate knowledge . If the offense is a felony and the offender is escaping or attempting to escape, a private person may arrest him upon reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion ...The video made by William Bryan clearly shows the shooting in real time. From said video it appears Ahmaud Arbery was running along the right side of the McMichael truck then abruptly turns 90 degrees to the left and attacks Travis McMichael who was standing at the front left corner of the truck . A brief skirmish ensues in which it appear Arbery strikes McMichael and appears to grab the shotgun and pull it from McMichael. The shot is through Arbery's right hand palm which is consistent with him grabbing and pulling the shotgun at the barrel tip , the 2nd and 3rd wounds are consistent with the struggle for the shotgun as depicted in the video , the angle of the 2nd shot with the rear of the buttstock being pushed away and down from the fight are also consistent with the upward angle of blood plume shown in the video and that McMichael was attempting to push the gun away from Arbery while Arbery was pulling it toward himself. The 3rd shot too appears to be in a struggle over the gun. The angle of the shots and the video show this was from the beginning or almost immediately became-- a fight over the shotgun. Given the fact Arbery initiated the fight, at the point Arbery grabbed the shotgun, under Georgia Law , McMichael was allowed to use deadly force to protect himself."

Ahmaud Arbery case: Security footage shows visits to construction site - "Security camera footage from a home under construction in the neighborhood where Ahmaud Arbery was shot to death in February shows a person who appears to be the same young man entering the property several times since last fall...
“It was kind of unsettling to have somebody coming on your property in the middle of the night”"

Meme - "He was just jogging... 30 minutes away from his home. It's basically right in his neighborhood"
"Nooooo!!!! Kyle Rittenhouse lived 30 minutes away!!!! He can't be there!!!"

Facebook - "Logic, Empathy, Honesty: Last week, we were told that Arbery was killed because the locals should not have attempted a citizens arrest and he was allowed to fight for his life. This week, the same people are telling us that we should abolish the police because only the citizens can be trusted to protect their communities. This is not about the law, or even about race. This is a concerted effort to destabilize communities, making both the police and the citizens afraid to enforce the law, so that cities can be burned down and replaced with socialist communes. You don't need to look far to realize that it's the far left repeatedly using whatever argument they can to justify rioting, destruction and murder. They want to burn down society and replace it with something new. They are too stupid to realize they can only bring suffering and chaos. They know only how to burn, not how to build."


Terry Crews

Terry Crews face Twitter backlash after 'Black Supremacy' tweet - "Defeating White supremacy without White people creates Black supremacy. Equality is the truth. Like it or not, we are all in this together."

Terry Crews Cites Nick Cannon’s Racist Anti-White Comments: I Told Ya So - "Actor Terry Crews essentially gave the world a big “I told ya so” on Wednesday after he was lambasted by the Left, including CNN host Don Lemon, for challenging their racial narrative and warning Black Lives Matter activists against slipping into “black supremacy” ideology. The former NFL player used his own words to caption a video of entertainer Nick Cannon spewing anti-white rhetoric, which Crews said was rooted in the kind of ideology he warned against... During a “Cannon’s Class” podcast that hit the internet this week, the 39-year-old former Nickelodeon star said whites are inferior to blacks, adding that white people are “savages,” the “only way that they can act is evil,” and they “have to rob, steal, rape, kill … in order to survive.”... “When I was young, I was never afraid of the KKK,” Crews responded. “It was people like you. The threats, the intimidation, discouraging free thought, and ‘the insult of acting white.’ My heart breaks because your behavior only reveals you don’t know how powerful you are.”... Crews has repeatedly criticized the far-left Black Lives Matter organization (which, as Crews noted, advocates for a host of left-wing causes, such as radical gender ideology and disruption of the nuclear family), mainly warning against anti-white ideology... he’s been shamed and called racist names like “Uncle Tom” for challenging the Left’s narrative on race as a black man.“I’ve been called all kinds of things, like an Uncle Tom,” he said. “Simply because I’m successful, simply because I worked my way out of Flint, Michigan.”"
All the people who claim that Cancel Culture doesn't exist and that it's just "Accountability" get very upset if you so much as criticise anti-white racism, especially by "minorities"

terry crews on Twitter - "Are all white people bad? No. Are all black people good? No. Knowing this reality- I stand on my decision to unite with good people, no matter the race, creed or ideology. Given the number of threats against this decision- I also decide to die on this hill."

Facebook - "Terry Crews is getting threats from the Wokiban for... stating exactly perfectly what Martin Luther King Jr. said, for which he was assassinated.What happened?We have lost our way.So grateful Terry Crews is taking a professional risk here. Can you believe it is professionally risky to say this?"

WATCH: Terry Crews, CNN’s Don Lemon Battle Over Black Lives Matter’s Agenda - "CNN host Don Lemon repeatedly cut off actor Terry Crews during an interview on Monday as Crews tried to talk about the difference between saying that black lives do matter and supporting the Black Lives Matter organization, a far-left neo-Marxist group... “And when you have the leaders of the Back Lives Movement, who are now talking about, if we don’t get our demand, we are going to burn it down,” Crews continued. “Other black people who are talking about working with other whites and other races, they’re being viewed as sell-outs or called ‘Uncle Toms.’ You start to understand that you are now being controlled. You’re not being treated as loved, you’re actually being controlled. Someone wants to control the narrative.""

Terry Crews vs. Don Lemon on Black Lives Matter: "Black People Need To Hold Other Black People Accountable" - ""There are a lot of great, great people there who are held hostage, who are held hostage by people who literally are running these neighborhoods with violence, and then claiming that black lives matter."...  "The Black Lives Matter movement was started because it was talking about police brutality," Lemon said. "If you want Black Lives Matter movement that talks about gun violence in communities, including black communities, then start that movement with that name. But that's not what Black Lives Matter is about. It's not an all-encompassing. So if you are talking about -- if someone started a movement that said cancer matters, and then someone comes and says, why aren't you talking about HIV? It's not the same thing. We're talking about cancer.""
Motte and bailey! When pressed we are told that only racists don't think black lives matter
So "Black Lives Matter" doesn't literally mean "Black Lives Matter". Newspeak is here indeed

Lucas Lynch - "You going so hard against nick cannon, but when you fall, NO BLACK PERSON will have your back. Watch"
"terry crews: When I was young, I was never afraid of the KKK...It was people like you. The threats, the intimidation,  discouraging free thought, and “the insult of acting white”.My heart breaks because your behavior only reveals you don’t know how powerful you are."
"I am more impressed by Terry Crews every day.Charges of 'acting white' in relation to free thought, intellectual curiosity, and more are among the worst obstacles to progress today.Poor white communities have their own equivalent. "So you think you're better than me?"Both are used to discourage intellectual curiosity and advancement and enforce a culture of conformity, whereas cultures that nurture these things thrive in today's America, even in spite of whatever racism exists in the society."

Kellee Nicole Terrell on Twitter - "If you are a child of God, you are my brother and sister. I have family of every race, creed and ideology.We must ensure #blacklivesmatterdoesn’t morph into #blacklivesbetter"
"You truly are worthless to us. White people can have you, especially since you love doing their work for them"
This caused #CancelTerryCrews to trend. This suggests that Black Lives Matter is not about racial equality
Addendum: If there is a backlash to calls for racial equality (i.e. against "black lives better"), that shows that those behind the backlash don't believe in racial equality. It's hilarious that someone bashed him for "poor reading comprehension and lack of critical thinking"

Perma Banned - Posts - "-Be Terry Crews
-Was staying strong to the Left's unironic racism and violent hypocrisy
-The Left just gets more unhinged because that's just what they do
-Ex co-star smear his character again bringing to attention Terry's unironically anti-racist and pro-equality comment, which in no certain terms states supremacy of anyone is wrong and people should be united.
- Ex co-star says his comment about a racist-free society....is somehow racist.
-Twitter mobbing reignites, mobs threaten Crews' family and children
-Terry bends the knee to the mob because he can't take the racist hate and the insanity
-Says he'll "apologise as many times as she wants"
Reminder that Twitter is a cesspool filled with psychos, that even 4chong and Tumblr combined won't be able to match."

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