Day 1, Part 3 - 7th September - Chinatown

I thought it was a fashion faux pas to wear the same thing as another woman
I stopped for a snack:

Mystery Meat

I had one from the left and one from the right (B10). The one on the right was pork and on the left was pork or chicken wrapped with a huge amount of fat.

12B mystery drink. I thought it was chin chow (grass jelly) as it was very black but it was probably black coffee or liang teh (it was hard to tell, and it was very sweet)

Mango salad I knocked from 30B to 25B. The mango seemed too ripe - I could taste the mango
I wanted to visit the temple complex south of the palace but it was drizzling, I was tired and the light was fading (Bangkok is an hour behind Singapore despite the longitude being similar).

Stupa from boat (ferry down the river)

Pagoda from boat

"All you need is love". And lots of money, naturally.
Dinner was at a Teochew restaurant in Chinatown (Tang Jai Yuu), but I had to get there first. I hailed a taxi marked "taxi meter" but the guy refused to use the meter, claiming there was traffic. I was tempted to walk 1.7km but I didn't have data for my GPS and the map from the hotel was not detailed enough. A tout outside quoted me 300B but even 200B was exorbitant. In any event I had a headache so I just let myself be swindled; the taxi ride was less than 10 minutes in the end. Later it was pointed out to me that I should've had the hotel flag the taxi for me.

"Clean Food Good Taste"
With a Bodhisattva, too.

Coconuts and mystery green drink.

Cheap Shark's Fin!

"Fried Tasteful Variety Meats" = Fried Leftovers

"Fried Iceberg"

Four Kinds of Hors d'Oeuvres"
I'm not sure why baked rice is "fast food".

Hei Zou (prawn rolls)
This was different from the Hei Zou I was used to, in having more prawn in the mix (I ould feel the prawn)

Crab Meat Fried Rice
Both this and the hei zou came like 5 minutes after our order. They were not kidding about fast food.
This ties with Long Beach for Best Fried Rice I've ever had.
Tasting the food, I saw why this was on CNNGO's list of the Best Teochew Restaurants in Bangkok.

Suckling Pig

30B Sprite (422ml). Tea/Chrysanthemum was 50B and so potentially cheaper. The 422ml glass bottle was a weird dimension (not to mention shape).

The ear was overrated, at least in the Suckling style. It wasn't crispy like the rest of the skin.

Rest of the pig


More pomegranate juice, and refreshing Thai orange

Cheap Bird's Nest. At a hawker style. No frills!

Cheap Shark's Fin


More Shark's Fin

Medicated oil (?)

Shark's Fin Emporium, I think

Homeless person

Chinese Goodies

Guan Yin model


Wat. With plane beacon at top.

Chinatown Gate

Durian Stands

Coolest purchase of the trip - these are the same 2 posters, viewed from different angles