When you can't live without bananas

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Saturday, December 22, 2007

"One's real life is often the life that one does not lead." - Oscar Wilde


Seen on a Google ad on my site:

Information on what's important! | Don't lose it because you may not be able to use it.

"The quality of your existence hangs in the balance.
The cost of semen discharge.

What is that white stuff that comes out of your sexual part after you manage to excite yourself beyond the point of no return? Your body feels something resembling pleasure and you get a well-deserved relief from all your tensions and you can just let yourself relax. Sounds nice and harmless enough. Modern authorities say “No problem. Just do it whenever you like.”

Before you Wax your Willy we want to tell you something about your body and the role of semen. So give us 15 minutes, look around the site and then you can get back to your main business of opening up those website with the plastic boobied chicks and Thumping your Pud so that you can fall asleep in a well-deserved oblivion.

What is the value of semen? Learn more with a basic intro...

Of the Pythagorean theorem fame. If he was smart enough to figure out a triangle you can be sure he could figure out how to go for a few days without jerking his gerkin.

You remember hearing about the Hippocratic oath, right? So why this "Father of Medicine" didn't approve of greasing your monkey everyday to fall asleep is beyond the scope of modern medicine. We are after all, "advanced."...

Other Opinions by Respectable People
Mohandas K. Gandhi

'The horror with which ancient literature regarded the fruitless loss of the vital fluid was not a superstition born of ignorance. . . Surely it is criminal for a man to allow his most precious possession to run to waste.'

Talk with Margaret Sanger, 1935, Dr. Bernard. R.W., Nutritional Sex Control & Rejuvenation. Health Research: Pomeroy
Dr. Dr S Chidambaranathan, Homeopathic Doctor

Semen is a rich source of calcium, phosphorus, lecithin, cholesterol, nucleoproteins, iron, vitamin-E, sodium, magnesium, etc. So, excessive loss of semen will deprive our body of calcium, phosphorus, lecithin, etc. Researchers find many similarities between cerebrospinal fluid (which nourishes the brain and nervous system) and semen in constituents/composition."

No wonder Tiresias preferred to be a girl...
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